Are You Kidding Me

By Mike Torres

Published on Sep 25, 2023


I woke up to a hand making its way under my boxers and into the crack of my ass. I yelped and jumped to a big callosed finger pushing into my dry anus. Damn that hurt, and it was just a finger.

Rolling over, I twisted the hand out of my ass and got a good look at my rapist. An old rugged convict, the word `hardened' doesn't even come close to describing this guy. Short cropped black hair, goatee, two gold rimmed front teeth. I think he was Mexican, but his hair and dark skin told me he was probably a mix.

He pulled his finger from my ass and held it under his nose; took in a deep sniff, all the while staring lewdly into my eyes.

This just can't get any worse.

He looked at his finger as if savoring some delightful morsel.

"No blood, huh? Sounded like you got your pussy stretched wide open. Don't worry, soon enough."

Then he stuck his finger in his mouth and sucked on it, like he was sucking a cock. It was his middle finger^Å he was flipping me off, staring into my face and flicking his tongue around the tip of the finger, then licking it tenderly.

"We got a lot a lessons for you Kid" and he left the cell.

Romeo came back and handed me a sandwich. I wasn't hungry. Actually I was starving, but I was also sick to my stomach and couldn't even think of food.

"You don't have to eat it kid, just relax. You got a long day ahead of you. I'm gonna go work out, then you are gonna show me what you learned this morning. I gotta warn you though, if you don't have strength enough to handle my muscles with respect, I'm gonna have'ta paddle that plump little ass or yours till its bright red."

I picked the sandwich up, sulking, bit a small portion off and slowly chomped it, not really chewing, just reflexively biting my teeth up and down. Feeling the pain in my right hand from his earlier death grip, I knew he was serious about paddling my ass and I started eating for real. He grinned and ruffled my hair and said "Good Boy" before he left to go work out. Somewhere in my mind I was hoping a shower would be thrown in there as well.

No such luck. He came back a practically peeled his sweaty stinky clothes off his body. It was like the entire gym locker room smell all super condensed on one creamy brown skinned body. His back was to me and I looked up and down his body, he really could be an underwear model. I was mesmerized, not out of lust, but because I had never really seen a mans body up close. It was both scary and shocking, how different his body was from mine.

He knelt over the sink, cupping his hands under the water. Drinking and splashing water over his face and hair. He shook his head.

"Alright Kiddo, get down here, lets get to work."

He sprawled out on his bunk, arms hanging over the edge of the bed.

He was nude, I stood there staring at his back, at the curve of his lower back as it rose into the biggest rounded ass I have ever seen. I felt my cock start to fill out a bit. Damn, its been many days, maybe a week since I jerked off, I've got a hair trigger right now^Å this isn't good. I looked up at his face, he was watching me stare at his ass the whole time.

"finished?" he said with wry smile. "Climb on up, baby."

Stradling his body was like mounting a horse. My thighs could feel every hard muscle underneath. I tried elevating my body so I wasn't sitting on his ass or lower back like he had done to me, but his butt was so big, contact couldn't be helped. Eventually my legs gave out and I put the full weight of my body resting on his upper ass. My mind sent all my awareness to my balls, the tender area under my balls, the crack of my ass, my inner thighs, all restin now on mounds of firm flesh. Hot flesh. The flesh of his ass.

Occasionally he would flex his ass muscles, it would make my whole body rise up and down. He started doing this really hard, laughing at my struggles to stay on him.

I think I did a good job of his shoulders and back. His coaching was directing me lower and lower. I tried to keep kneading his lower back till he finally had to tell me to get on with it.

I started kneading his ass cheek, amazed at how huge it was. A couple times I spread the cheeks apart and caught a glimpse at his anus. I was transfixed by all the hair around it. It wasn't like the wirey mound of a bush, it was more like clumps of curls, matted down on the creamy skin with all the sweat. The wave like patterns were almost beautiful. Then there was the tiny little pink bunch of skin. I couldn't believe I was staring at the asshole of a man like this.

Then the smell hit me. Crotch, ass and something else, almost like the one time I had jock itch. I quickly closed his cheeks, retching silently. Deep down I knew it was a mental retch, something about the smell was as alluring as it was repulsive, as sweet as it was acrid. I can't describe it.

I tried as hard as I could to keep his cheeks together for the rest of the massage.

"Okay, lift up." He said as he started to roll over.

I was greeted by his huge cock. Oh Christ, by the way it was flopping around it must not even be fully hard.

He pulled me up so that my hands were ready to get to work on his pecs. My crotch was right over his semi hard cock. I strained every muscle in my legs and arms to keep from allowing my dangling balls to contact it. Thank god I was wearing boxers^Å. But I could still feel his cock rub underneath my ballsack. Actually I was the one doing the rocking, trying hard to give him the best massage. It was my steady back and forth actions, the gentle grazing of my balls along his cock, that were responsible for the growing mass underneath me. I couldn't get my body up any higher. My legs were shaking from all the strain, and now that his cock was definitely at full erection there was no avoiding it.

"Relax man, your all stressed out and its coming through in your massage. Come on, relax your legs."

I could feel his hard cock run all the way under my crotch, from my ass crack, underneath my ballsack, it even spread my balls apart, one lying on each side of his cock, so much pressure pusing up into me.

"Just sit there for a moment and relax"

He started gently rocking back and forth, thrusting his cock underneath my ball sack. I could feel it sliding up the bottom side of mine. It dawned on me that all the extra skin had the effect of not having a lot of friction, while still allowing for a lot of movement of flesh.

Tears started flowing from my eyes. He wiped them away, again, with so much tenderness.

"ah, come on Kiddo. Its not so bad."

The rocking continued. Sometimes faster, sometimes slow and gentle, some hard punches upwards that made my head smack against the upper bunk, garnering more laughter.

After a while I relaxed into it and my body found a rhythm that matched his own. I was riding him.

As I realized it, I thought I would get revolted and scared again, but instead I started feeling my own cock swell. It was starting to get pinched in my tight boxers and I had to adjust it off to the side.

"So you're not as much of a baby as I thought. That actually seems like it has some girth to it. Good for you. Keep your wits about you in here and you might even get to use it."

Some sort of warm hormonal lust started rushing over me. The rhythms of his cock massaging my ballsack, ass crack and now the hardened base of my shaft, were sending me into animalistic thinking. I grabbed my cock, just holding onto it, pinching it, enjoying the steel hard feel of it.

He slapped my face so hard my head hit the bar on the underside of the upper bunk. My position on his pelvis faltered and I ended up falling into a heap on the floor. I think I broke my wrist in the fall. I lay there stunned, in shock, about to cry from the pain. My face burned, my head hurt. My wrist was broken, I'm sure of it.

He stood over me: "Don't you ever fucken touch that cock unless you get permission first. Do you understand me?"

Still shocked I couldn't respond. "From now on you're no longer are in charge of your own pleasure, you no longer own that cock^Å or any other part of your body for that matter. If I let you cum it will be only as a reward for good service. Keep that in mind when I give you orders. M'intiendes?"

My voice broke as I said "yes Sir"

Fully sobbing now, I managed to let him know I had broken my wrist.

He grabbed it, pulled it, stretched it. I screamed.

"It's not broken you fucken pussy. But it will probably be sore for a couple weeks. You fucken be careful with property, you understand me?"

I nodded my head, feeling so twisted that I had just agreed to this domineering, donkey dicked, latino, underwear model to take good care of his property, my body.

Are you kidding me? This can't be MY life?

All creative/constructive feedback appreciated.

Next: Chapter 4

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