Are You Kidding Me

By Mike Torres

Published on Sep 22, 2023


All rights reserved. Please do not reproduce without written permission of the author.

Comments about this story are welcome and appreciated. Please contact me at This story contains descriptions of sexual contact between Males. The content is homoerotic and for the entertainment of adults of legal age. This is a work of fiction and all characters are fictional.

Chapter 2: Tenderized

I woke up to a hand shaking me. Remembering where I was I sat straight up in bed and screamed. He started laughing. "Hey man, you missed breakfast. I brought you back something." I grabbed the bagel from his hand and said thanks.

"First days the worst man, the best is yet to come." Again laughing. Not sure what to make of that I offered my hand. "I'm Jake" I tried to say, but it came out more of a whisper.

"Ro-may-oh." He said, staring deep into my eyes. The way he pronounced it, it took me a couple seconds to realize that his name was actually `Romeo'. A slight grin slid across my face as I realized he must have been teased a lot for that.

"Whats so funny?" he said menacingly. The grin totally disappeared. Oh shit.

"uhm, nothing. I was just, uh, thinking, uh... nothing"

"You think my name is funny?" He was staring into me so cold. I could see a cruelty in his eyes. My hand started to shake, it was only then that I realized we were still holding hands. Damn his hands were big; like fucking baseball gloves. I felt like a little kid, my hand entirely surrounded by his strong grip. His grip got tighter and tighter. A whimper escaped my lips. "Well don't worry about it. Only my friends call me that. You get to call me `Sir'." His grip tightened even more, I was afraid my hand would break any second now. Tears welled up in my eyes, my face a full grimace of pain. He kept squeezing. I fell to my knees. Fuck, now it felt like my hand and my wrist were about to break.

"I'M SORRY" I yelled, not breathing.

"Yeah you are a sorry faggot. Say it again."


"Again, until you get it right" he said, I c

sure in his voice.


"Good, I knew you were a quick one, gonna make so many things easier on you. Now say it like you mean it."


"Again. Louder, so everyone can hear you"



"I'M SORRY, SIR!" He released me and I fell back, hitting my head on the edge of the toilet. I lay there, crumpled under the toilet and sink, sobbing.

He went and sat on his bunk and started thumbing through a magazine. I wanted to give into despair and depression and just lay there crying, but I felt ridiculous. No one cares here if I'm feeling bad. In fact it might make things worse, a show of weakness.

I pulled myself together and started to climb up on my bunk. I decided then that I would just lay in my bunk and sleep for the next five years. I would only get up for food and hygene... I wanted to sleep forever.

"Hey, where you going? Don't go sulking up there. There's a whole new world for you here." He patted the bed right next to him. "come over here."

I couldn't have walked any slower than I did in that moment. In fact I will remember that walk for the rest of my life. Could I refuse? Would it be worse on me? Why did he want me to sit next to him, and by next to him, I mean within an inch of his body... he wasn't patting the mattress to his side, but practically on his lap.

I stood in front of him. My eyes looking at my feet. He kept patting the bed. I finally sat down, as far from him as I could.

He kept patting the mattress right next to him.

I started to shake again.

"Damn, you one stressed out pussy. Get the fuck over here." He patted the bed hard and firm.

I half sighed, half cried, half whispered "yes, sir." I slowly scooted over.

He let out a huge laugh, grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into him. "Yep, you are a smart one. You go to school?"

I nodded my head ever so slightly.

With his thumb (Huge thumb) he gently wiped the tear from my cheek. Then the other, the move was so tender. I was really confused. Then he brushed his thumb across my lips. Li

te kiss.

Then he shook me, laughed again... and said " damn you're all tense, lighten up. Its not gonna be so bad. You're smart you'll make through real good. Might even get to keep all your teeth." Until he said that, I actually thought about relaxing.

He just laughed again.

He got up and told me to take off my shirt and lay across his bed on my stomach.

I didn't hesitate, but if I hadn't just relieved my bladder a couple minutes ago, I know I would have pissed myself right then and there. My mind froze, I knew what was happening, even though my mind was refusing to register it. He was stripping down.

He climbed on my back, sitting on my ass with legs sprawled over the sides. I could feel his boxers on my lower back, and through that I could tell his balls, his HUGE balls, which were soo heavy, were resting on the cleft of my ass. Off to the side a slight poke from something soft but also firm, fuck that must be his cock. My hole attention was focused there, on those pressure points. `Those are his balls, that's the tip of his cock... oh god.'

He grabbed my shoulders and started to really dig his thumbs in. I yelped. More out of fear and surprise than pain. This made him laugh again, only this time I could feel his laugh rumble through my body and I could feel his balls and the tip of his cock jiggle against my back.

"You need to pay attention now, I'm gonna show you how to give a massage. I'm a personal trainer and masseuse. I'm gonna teach you how to give a world class massage. You're gonna get to practice on me every day when I get back from the weights. So pay attention right now to what I'm telling you and how it feels. You understand?"

I nodded my head.

Then he started digging into my shoulders pointing out all the knots, which was pretty much everywhere. At many points I was screaming. His knuckles were relentless. To my horror, I realized that no guards came running to my screams. In fact, in the beginning there were only hoots and cat calls coming from some of the other convicts in the cells ne

to me in here. I started to feel sick. My stomach growled, my bowels loosened and I farted the loudest juiciest fart. My cheeks got hot and flushed bright red with embarrassment.

He laughed again. And again I felt the weight of his balls and cock jiggle on my lower back, actually, his balls had worked their way slightly pressing into the upper crack of my ass. I felt so ashamed.

"Don't worry about that man, it's the sign I'm doing my job right. Your muscles are releasing toxins, and that's your bodys way of responding to the flood of toxins in your system. Actually, you'll probably feel like shit for a couple days as your body goes through detox. This is your first massage, huh?" I nodded my head... then screamed again as his fucking knuckle tore up another muscle. He finally made his way down my lower back, jumped off me and told me to strip off my pants. I tried to get up, but pain tore through my arms and shoulders and I fell back down. He laughed, grabbed me by the elbow and pulled me up. Even though he didn't work on my legs yet, they were shaky and I could barely stand. He spun me around and grabbed a hold of my rib cage.

"Come on, no more fun and games, get em off, boxers too."

To do this, I had to slightly bend over while trying to push my pants down. Shame flared through me as my bare butt pressed into his crocth. By this point I knew exactly what his balls and the tip of his cock feel like... I had them memorized. This time I could feel the whole snake of his cock pushing into me. It felt totally soft and flexible... and big.

Thank god his boxers were still on.

He threw me onto the bed, straddled my legs and started destroying the muscle that was once my left ass cheek. I was yelling so loudly now that my voice got hoarse. Uncontrollable sobs and yells became my life for the next twenty minutes. I could hear the other inmates yelling. "Yeah, fuck that bitch good." "Loosen up that pussy for me, Romeo." "Damn the new pussy goin wild on Romeos donkey dick." It sure did sound like I was getting fucked, I c

a heavy fucking. Of course, my screams followed that. He's playing with me, the bastard.

My eyes were fixed on a series of markings on the wall; four vertical slashes with a diagonal one running through them, another three verticals next to that. The marks were dark brown, I wondered if they were made with shit. Eight, does that mean eight months or eight years? Fuck, what am I doing here?

I think I passed out for a while, I woke up, farting more. Actually my intestines were gurgling like I might get diarrhea. Romeo had made his way to my calves. From the feel of my thighs I could tell he had struck there already. I don't remember that, damn I really must have passed out.

"Hey man," I said timidly, "I think I need to use the toilet."

He helped me onto the toilet. By that I mean he practically carried my limp lifeless body over like a rag doll and slumped me onto the toilet. I was in so much pain.

I don't think massages are supposed to be like this.

My ass exploded and released the loudest most disgusting mass of gas and runny shit. I looked over at him, wanting to die. I could see a look of disgust on his face as he stared coldly at me. When I was done he told me to wash up at the sink. Not sure what he was talking about I hesitated.

"Take some soap and water and clean that stinky ass of yours, shitface. You need to learn some good hygene, you dirty faggot."

I could barely stand at the sink, but I did manage to soap on my ass and rinse it off.

"Now get back over here and lay on your back."

The whole routine started over again, from my pecs down my stomach. I cried the whole time. Embarrassed too, that my cock was on display. All the pain really did a number on my cock, it was the smallest I've ever seen it. It practically looked like a little kids dick. He scoffed at me and started calling me `Kiddo.' I knew what he was talking about. Part of my mind wanted to tell him that it gets to be over eight inches long (I've measured it) and almost six inches around. But that felt like a weird thing to sa

He worked his way down my legs, slammed his fist into my right peck and said "there ya go Kid, its all over. Hope you took good notes, that's the way it should be done. Of course you won't have to work out so many knots with me, but it will still be a good workout for you." He flexed his arms, to show me the muscles I was expected to massage, then smiled at me. So much arrogance and vanity in that smile. I zoned out.

I was in a trance, I my glazed eyes staring at the cot above me. I noticed him get up, get dressed and leave. It must be lunch time. I had just enough strength to put my boxers on and crawl into my bed. If I could get passed the mental horror of what happened, how I had just been instantly emasculated, turned into a kid, then physically mauled to point of excruciating exhaustion... yeah, if I could get over all that I could start to feel a lightness in my body, like I was floating. I might even say there was some euphoria, however every time I would relax and start to feel good, the sound of my diarrhea, or the master servant dynamic would come back into my mind and bring me back into the reality of my hell. Finally I really did feel physically good (when my stomach wasn't gurgling) and I drifted off into the deepest sleep of my life.

all creative/constructive feedback appreciated.

Next: Chapter 3

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