
Published on Apr 15, 2010


Arden by: dnrock(

61: A new Year Begins

1319, 12th month, 31st day:

Tomorrow is the first day of the calendar new year. We do not celebrate it as special, as in some other places. For us the soloists is the important day. For us it is the real beginning of the new year. To my thinking either the winter or summer soloists should mark the new year. As I see it the most ancient peoples needed to know these two dates a much or more so than we do. Many of the old city states used this method. It is the religious that seem to need use the moon cycles. Why the Romans used the moon I do not know but they did. Had Alexander lived I would think the world would have all used the solstices but he did not.

That seems to me to be one of his great failings. He did not provide properly for his succession and he did not inspire enough others to his visions. Perhaps he did not understand how powerful a motivation greed and lust for power are in others.

I for one would spend my time studying all manor of things. That is not to be. I can do what I can do and nothing more. That stated does not mean I can not dream, nor does it mean I will not do all that is within my power. Given my position and my duty I have the ability to learn much over the range of human knowledge, if not the depth. For that I must be thankful and content myself to know a little about much and a great deal about little. I doubt that I would be content focused on only one subject anyway. It is like farming, at each season with with each crop or activity life is ever changes and yet the same.

The trials have been set for the 10th day of the new year. We will dispense with the customs and tax evasions first. Move to the Assassins and Monk, then the military, ending with the treason.

All but one suspect master mind has been cleared. The only name that remains is Akakios the merchant, not my foster son. We believe we can assemble sufficient evidence, given enough time, for now all is circumstantial and anecdotal. This Akakios is the merchant that supplies a significant amount of iron and copper to Parga. He exports little but travels widely each year, often making religious pilgrimages.

Vitale and his colleagues will leave next week to begin following this trail. Our existing spies will also begin looking into him. Iason will write to Edward of England and request that Parga deal directly with him for Tin and Iron ores. Kastor to Spain for copper and lead oars and so on.

I will see that any deliveries he may make for ores, now in transit, are refused. Over time we will bring our weight to bare on him. In the immediate future we need get either the monk or Thanos to admit it was Akakios that wanted this monk to come to Parga.

For his part the Patriarch has agreed to hold the monk's religious trial here in the castle and allow our scholars to question him and assist himself and his priests. Apparently the Abbot of the monastery will also come to the city with some of his people. This includes Thanos' younger brother who was unwittingly used to pass messages to and from the monk. The Patriarch did not like this nor did he like the idea of me having at the monk for civil crimes, he understands the rules here. Clerics in Parga have no special status as in other places.

King Iason has agreed not to execute or imprison him, only to banish him and not before the ecclesiastical court has had its chance. He will be kept in the dungeon for his own safety and to prevent him chance to claim sanctuary.

My officials are preparing budgets and assembling production information. It appears that again this year all production is increased, except in basic food. It was a dry year and cooler then usual. We saw some increase in flax and hemp, everything remained about the same as last year. Still inventories of dry pasta increased from six to seven months. Animals remained about the same. The planting of olive and fruit trees increased by 10%. It will take between 5 and 10 years for the harvests to increase by 10%. Our fishers report normal catches of most species. Salt production was less by a small amount. Koal, timber, cement and lime were all greater by small amounts. Manufactured goods like glass and clocks also increased by almost 15%.

It will take the council much time to review all these budgets and everything else.

1320, 1st month, 10th day.

The trial started today. We dealt with the customs and tax violations first. That went quite quickly as the evidence was documentary and clear. The sons claimed they were only following Thanos' instructions and Thanos backed that up. Several employees spoke but could not confirm or deny who ordered what. On the smuggling charges all claimed ignorance.

The inquisitor produced the letters of credit showing that Thanos was much overpaid for his exported cargos and that he paid less for many of the imported cargos than indicated. Several of Thanos' ship captains spoke, all claiming they new nothing of this. When Iason pressed them they all finally admitted that export manifests were inaccurate and that export permits had been violated but they did not know this until they got to the destination port. They were just a little more than displeased that they had been cheated on the back haul value percentage and made sure we knew they had no knowledge of the smuggling.

The jury found all guilty of export violations. They simply did not believe the captains had not counted the loads properly until they were unloaded. They recommended monetary fines and a six month suspension of their sailing license. They fined Thanos 5 times the value of the goods exported in volition of the export permits and 10 times the real value of the good that were under reported. The sons should also be given a six month export permit suspension.

We ruled to accept these conditions and added one further. For the next two years one of the sons would personally inventory any export or import and deliver a signed copy of that inventory to the customs office. In addition, he should make a donation of the money Thanos cheated his captains and crews of to the seeman's guild. As to the smuggling, we ruled that Thanos, unless he wished to offer other testimony, will bare the full responsibility. He will pay five times the value and goods smuggled will be ceased by the state. He will serve six months in the dungeon. He said nothing.

We moved on to the solders. The lieutenant and corporal tried to shield their men. It was a nobel effort, but failed. Iason discharged the men from the army and sentenced them to 1 year in a military prison.

The lieutenant and corporal admitted to the charges of fraud and theft. The inquisitor then began to ask questions about treason. That is when things got interesting. At first they attempted to minimize their involvement to just providing uniforms and weapons to Thanos. They claimed not to know anything more.

The inquisitor asked us if he could call an assistant inquisitor. We agreed. He called Sir. Gavril forward. It was clear that Gavril was, in anything less than a good mood, and if looks could kill, relatives or not, these two and Thanos would be dead. He began asking them a series of very technical questions all of which he already knew the answers. They were left with no choice but admit all they had done, planned and failed to do. They insisted at Thanos' instructions.

Kastor stopped him and asked for the benefit of the court and others here, how he came to have such intimate knowledge of and the situation in the filed. Sir Gavril explained. I turned to the assassins and asked several some questions about how they got the uniforms and the training and so on. I then called our informant to come forward and speak on behalf of the others. The inquisitor instructed the remaining group to signal him should they wish to correct or supplement anything this witness had to say.

He then asked more detailed questions about the training and supplies, uniforms and so on. It was clear the lieutenant and corporal knew more then they were willing to admit and were involved not just complicit. He dismissed the witness and went at the two again, this time demanding they either tell the truth or otherwise refute these comments. They did, except they seemed to hesitate when the monk was mentioned.

Polydeukus interrupted and called the monk. He proudly admitted to being the one in charge of training this group of freedom fighter, gods solders he called them. He then implicated the two further as having provide training to these glorious fighters for the bidding of the all mighty. Poly thanked him and asked him to sit down but the fool would not. He began ranting and raving.

I slammed my hand on the table and shouted, sit down and keep your peace or you will be bound and gagged. He did not, so I pointed to Volos and Damao who did just that, gagged the fool and bound him to his seat. This panel will not tolerate disrespect from anyone. Your turn will soon be coming monk, know in advance that Parga is a secular state and you are accused of secular crimes. Your religious affiliation or views are of no concern or consequence to us. Realize also that on ecclesiastical matters we neither desire or claim any jurisdiction. The Patriarch will have you for that, when this proceeding is finished.

I called on our witness again. Do you have anything to add. He did and plenty. He made a clear connection between Thanos, his Lieutenant and Corporeal and the monk.

The lieutenant and corporal were found guilty of treason. I asked them if they wanted to say anything else that might help to lighten their sentence, reminding them that treason carries the death penalty unless some mitigation factors could be found. They said nothing. Iason out and said if they had any knowledge of who besides those already accused were involved this panel would take that into consideration. They declined to answer so we sentenced them to death. The time and place to be decided later; the manner by archer.

We took a recess for one hour as it was time for our midday meals. I asked everyone to reassemble here after that time. I had the monk untied. He started in again, this time telling me that none of these princes could judge him, as were were not legal, not having be crowned by the Patriarch. This time King Iason spoke. "Monk, it is best you take care here. Parga is a secular state and it has always been so. That jury is a part of the council that appointed these princes and myself to our offices. It would be best not to anger them. As for us we will not be goaded into making you a martyr by a few feeble insults."

After the mid day meal we dealt with the assassins. The inquisitor read out the names of the 15 and they all stood. "Each of you are charged with impersonating solders for illegal purposes. Murder of two knights and one Sheriff, attempted murder, braking into the dungeon and apprehended insurrection." He looked around as we had rehearsed and turned to me. "Prince Arden one is missing, I have 16 names on this list but only fifteen were called. May I call the last name or should we start this process over?" Call the name Inquisitor as he faces the same charges except braking into the dungeon. Every time we say that the gallery chuckles, it is not legal to brake into any part of the palace, no one can quite imagine why anyone would want to brake into the dungeon. "Phokas, are you in the court room?"

"No, I am dead, remember." The inquisitor looked at me. Iason could not keep a straight face but did manage not to laugh. All this was seen by everyone. "All is well Phokas, I declared you dead so I now declare you alive. Please come forward." I pointed to a seat at the table in front of us, next to the inquisitor. He strode out from the back of the crowd dressed in the colors of Sir Kapos' who he now served or would when we were finished.

The Inquisitor asked each one to plead, Each including Phokas said guilty as charged except Phokas added not of braking in or trying to brake out either.

The Inquisitor then said, "while all have pleaded guilty and obviously accept responsibility for their crimes and misdeeds, I think the court needs to hear why and a bit of how they did what they were charged with." I answered, yes by all means Inquisitor, our justice system is based not on punishment and retribution but on atonement and restoration. Motivation, intent and circumstances are important factors.

"Phokas please tell us how you came to be declared dead."

Phokas told his story starting with how Thanos recruited him through my instructions to the physician and reasoning for it. "What does a dead man do for so many weeks?" He explained all that had happened to him. "Then is it fair to say that when you arrived in Prince Arden's court with the Sheriff you honestly believed him evil, vile and deserving of death?" Phokas hung his head. "Yes, I believed that. After months of the monks' divine herbs and constant teaching I did as did the others." For someone who believed that strongly as to be prepared to kill on command, you seem to have had a miraculous change of heart and quickly too."

"That is correct sir, I did. May I explain how this came about at least in part?"

"Of course, we all know Prince Arden and are not surprised at the change, just its speed."

"I sat through a number of matters. Most were not so much braking the laws but legal disputes between parties. Prince Arden gave each and every one his full and complete attention, he insisted the parties find a solution between, that would satisfy both and the law. I was confused and though at first perhaps there was more than one Prince Arden. The case just before mine was a young man accused of theft. The inquisitor offered solid evidence. Instead of sending the fellow to prison the Prince told him, punishment only teaches you to avoid it, not the thinking that caused it'. Instead he sent him to work on a navel ship as a cook's assistant, with enough pay to keep his wife. Then he did the most astonishing thing, he told the young man to: tell the ships crew and captain you are with them due the the same overwhelming desire to assist the cook, as he himself had, when the need presented'. I had never heard of a criminal thanking the judge for his sentence before, but that young man did. It was not a thank you of politeness but heart felt.

I knew right there and then I had been lied to by the monk and Thanos. I knew this was no ordinary man, with no offense meant to others, no ordinary prince either. The princes of Parga were taught the same rules of civility as we all are. Some of us fell off that path completely. Most people pay them some head and give much lip service. Those four live them...."

The Inquisitor had several others add things and our spy again represented them, giving graphic details of all that they had done and been told to do.

We found them guilty and sentenced them to five years military service. Half of their pay would be taken to support the families of the two knights and the sheriff that had been killed. Then I asked the Patriarch to see to it that what ever religious services possible were performed on behalf of the four dead, as their greatest sin was listening to a false profit, who corrupted the holy word he had sworn to keep. I asked the scribes to make sure those four names were on the list with the others and that the record was to show their atonement was completed when those still alive are completed, their honor restored as the living.

Our last trial of the day would be the monk. I wanted to save Thanos for tomorrow. For the monk I would be the inquisitor. Not that I do not trust the others. I wanted the pleasure of matching wits with him. Should he even attempt to quote his scripture, I will take his words and press them back into this throat so he chocks on them. I am allowed to be vindictive as is anyone else. Anger is almost always with reason, often those reasons are weak. This time my reasons are strong. The fool would try and take my life and that of my brothers. I will see to it I am the victor and I will take his spiritual life from him.

You are accused of conspiring, planning and inciting an insurrection. Treason, the murder of three government official and four of your followers. The attempted murder of Phokas, the attempted assignation of myself and my brothers, conspiring and planning the assignation of the King and Consort. That is not all, but all we need concern ourselves with.

You are accused of conspiring with merchant Thanos, the already convicted solders and these three knights who we have yet to deal with.

I remind you, in Parga the clergy has no protection as in other places. We are not concerned with your opinions or thoughts on any political or religious matters. We are only concerned with your actions as related to the civil code of this state. King Iason has promised the Patriarch that you will be available to his ecclesiastical court when this civil trial is finished.

I laid out all the evidence, demonstrated the time lines, had witnesses, the physical evidence to link him and Thanos to all these matters. Showed his decoded messages sent and received. I left no doubt, he had nothing to say. I asked him a few questions but he refused to answer them. "Was this whole affair thought up and exactitude by you and Thanos alone?"


You and Thanos have know each other for how long? He did not answer. I looked at my notes. I showed a certified copy of the Patriarch's letter to the Abbot asking him to accept the monk. He agreed it was accurate and true.

I noted the date on the letter. It was 14 months prior. You have know Thanos for no less than 14 months then. Still no answer. The Patriarch came and stated that Thanos had recommended and sponsored the monk. His notes said Thanos had told him the monk was an old friend and had written asking for this appointment. Thanos had told him he had met the monk years ago in Athens and had seen him on many subsequent trips.

I Asked Thanos to confirm this. Yes, that is what he told the Patriarch. I asked Thanos to provide the dates, as best he could, when those meeting took place in Athens. He gave several months and years. Your are sure of this Thanos? Yes, Inquisitor I am sure of it. I dug into the stack of papers ceased from his home and office.

This is a very strange thing. I have a number of documents signed, sealed and dated that show you were in Parga at all of those times. I presented the evidence. Can you explain this apparent difference? Perhaps your memory is fatly, I can believe that. Perhaps you are confused, would you like to amend those dates? He did not. I submit you can not because you have not traveled out of Parga in the last 5 years, not once.

I happen to know, that you monk, were not even in Athens once in the 6 years before you came to Parga. The Abbot has kindly provided a list of the monasteries and dates of your residence since you were admitted to the order. Would you like to tell us or shall I read it. "Read it," he said. Read it I did. It showed he had been in several monasteries in his holy land. For the eleven preceding years.

It is obvious you did not know Thanos before arriving in Parga and that both of you have lied to us and others. I submit you are both playing a game with us and protecting one or more others. We think you should tell us about this person or persons. He refused to say more. I called the three accused knights.

At first they were less cooperative than the monk. I presented my documentary evidence showing they were an active part in the conspiracy. Thanos' journal was a treasure trove of goodies. The codes he used were so simple that no questions were asked about our translations of them. I then showed the evidence of communications between Thanos, the monk and themselves as well as the convicted solders.

They claimed to know nothing about the assassination plot. This was becoming tiresome. Are you so foolish to think I would have you here without evidence. I demonstrated that was false and they did know. I asked them who else was involved but they said no one else. I asked them how much they had been paid for their part. They refused to answer. I pulled out Thanos' accounts. He had kept meticulous track of every coin that was spent or earned. He was keeping meticulous track of all the dealings related to this treasonous business.

From the intercepted and found communications, we knew everyone's code names. It was obvious from the dates that money was coming from some outside source and this money started to flow over three years ago. These knights were involved for almost that long. It was clear they were being paid on a monthly basis. In reviewing the evidence I noticed that they were each being given different monthly amounts. I figured I could use this to my advantage. I suspected none of these man knew how much the others were getting. Thanos, I asked, do you dispute the accuracy of these accounts? He did. I asked him if they were in his own hand or not? Not, he claimed.

I called several of his employees and his brother Sir Gavril. They all agreed this was in deed his own hand. Thanos, would you explain what these accounts are reported to show. "They are my personal papers and not business of this court." Well they may be your privet papers but they are the concern of this court.

I called one of my officials to demonstrate how we translated the primitive code. Kastor and Iason asked a number of questions of him. There was no doubt. I ask the first Knight again how much money he had been paid. He refused to answer so I told him, 20 gold pieces for 35 months. Would you please tell the court what you did to earn that money, I asked? "I worked as a consultant giving my advice to Thanos on trade matters."

I pulled out his service record as a knight and read it out. Where in either your education or experience have you gained any knowledge of trade? He did not answer. Perhaps that should be rephrased to say you consulted with Thanos on how to over through this government and allow a foreign power onto our shore. It did not take to long before all three were trying to out do themselves in talking. When they realized Thanos has used them and paid each differently, they went after him with a vengeance. .

Who else is involved here? That none knew but two did admit that Thanos reported to someone else in Parga and that someone else was the source of much finance. One claiming that the Company was sending money to this mystery person.

The jury did not even need deliberate and recommended the death penalty. I want back to the bench but let Iason do the talking. "We are greatly disappointed in you three. You have been found guilty and the death penalty is recommended. We are loth to order it. We are also incredulous that you would conspire with Thanos and the others for some 35 months and sell Mother Parga for such a poultry sum. We are incredulous that you would do this and demonstrate loyalty to this mystery leader, who leads not, except to wish us princes dead.

How your honor could be so cheaply bought we do not understand; since it was so and you refuse to give up the real buyer, we sentence you to die at the hands of the Princes of Parga, your bodies left to rot in the sun for seven days. Your bones will be used in making lime. Your names will be expunged from all records. You will not receive a proper burial, in the hope your soles wander forever. Your families are forbidden to morn you, except in the privacy of their own minds. We will set the time and place of your execution at a later date."

"King Iason, Sire please," one of them said. I could see our guardians taking their positions. "Unless you can show some contrition I see no need to consider your appeal."

"It is Akakios, he is behind this!"

Our six were right behind Akakios as he turned to flee. To everyone's surprise Kleitos stepped up and began hitting Akakios as he had Miltiades' father. Down he went. Kleitos said nothing and all moved back, giving room. He began to get up again and Kleitos knocked him down again. After about the 4th time he did not get up. Kleitos just stood over him glaring. "Do I have your attention merchant?" He did not reply so Kleitos reached down and slapped his face. "Do I have your attention, merchant?"


"You will pick yourself up, take yourself to the dungeon, make yourself naked, beg the guards to lock you up until Prince Arden sends for you. Repeat those instructions."

"I am to pick myself up, take myself to the dungeon, make myself naked, beg the guards to lock myself up and hold until sent for."

I signaled Helladios to come close, Your are his son's friend, is that not so?

"Yes we know each other well."

Then go now to the boy and his mother. Tell them what has happened here and offer to have them escorted to the court in the morning. I want them here, you should seat them in the gallery and stay with your friend he will need you. Helo ran off with is new guardian and Damao following behind. I took my court back under control.

The King said he would modify the death sentence conditions to those of a normal execution by normal means. The knights were satisfied with that. I adjourned the trail until the morning, asking everyone to return to see for themselves that justice is being done. I released Phokas to his new leader.

After the Inquisitor came to me, "Prince how did you know who they would name?" I was not all that sure they would name anyone. He is the one we were most suspicious of but we had no proof. Apparently he is much more cleaver than Thanos. We do have circumstantial evidence that he was behind many of the intrigues of the last 10 years. You will see in the morning the case against him on this issue only. I will make sure he knows we know of his previous involvement.

I need to run but it was now late in the day. I settled for a bath and evening of sex.

Next: Chapter 31

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