
Published on Dec 23, 2009


Arden by: dnrock(

44: Technology and Economy

1319, 7th month, 1st day:

This was quite an interesting day. The Millers and Bakers guilds along with the Grain Growers association, combined with the new Civil Ingegneres Guild to produce a new and very efficent machine for making pasta. We have made pasta or noodles for thousands of years. It has always been a laborious task. Fresh pasta is very good and it is made in the castle every day. Dried pasta is also laborious but critical to the military, especially the navy and long term storage. I like it very much, even more than leavened bread. I still think flat bread is the best but bread on a ship at sea is anything but simple. I think I like flatbeds most, since several grains can be mixed together.

Our new Argoanuts have been asking for pastas in different shapes and with different sauces, than normally found here. The sauces are not that difficult and not all that different but making lots of pasta in shapes we are not accustomed to, is more problematic. The Ingegneres have been able to make our mills more efficent in recent years. One result of this increase in efficiency, is a more uniform product from day to day, with a specific mill and between mills. If they are given the same grain by the growers, the resultant flour looks, works and tastes alike between mills. It is uniform in texture. The bakers like this very much, as careful measures produce the same result from one day to the next.

Our wheat, that is free of other grains, is considered prime for making pasta by the pasta makers. Our bakers developed a rapid drying method that uses the left over heat from their ovens, when baking is finished. This is more efficent than just hanging the pasta in the sun to dry. The engineers have made two machines that run by several power sources, mostly it is men turning a crank or walking in a large wheel, wind and water power, if it is handy or animals turning the wheel.

One machine mixes and kneads the ingredients into a smooth pasta texture. The other takes the finished mixture and presses it through something they call dies, to form pasta of specific shapes. That is then cut into shorter lengths and cooked or dried. The mixers have been used for some years now. Only places like the castle and large estates or the military, that feed many at once, need them. I see many communities now use the mixers to make up enough pasta for many families at once. Now that the flower is consistent within and between mills these community mixers work very well.

The real innovation has been the pasta press, as it is called. The mixed and ready dough is placed in a chamber and pushed through a tube that has the die at one end. Often the die has many holes and the pasta comes out in long strings or strips instead of rolling or stretching it and then cutting. These long strips are either partly dried, cut smaller and cooked or mostly dried, cut smaller, completely dried and placed in baskets or such, for storage or transport. The castle has enough dried pasta to feed itself for three months. That is one huge amount, I was shocked when I looked into the storage room with Kastor.

Since the dies can be changed, different styles are simple. The cooks like this, as some shapes and thickness are better suited for some dishes than others. Forks and spoons are almost a necessity with pasta but they are a necessity with soups, stews and many vegetables such as lentils and beans. I was amazed during our travels, forks were so rarely used by ordinary people and even among the nobles we visited. Spoons were fairly common and knives very common. Eating peas with a knife was daunting for me. We just carried our own forks with us. That makes life simpler. A good share of the new Argoanuts had never used a fork before but they quickly got the hang of it. I guess that was the same for the first Argoanuts too, I just never noticed. Our travel journals talk at great length about these thing and include sketches of different styles of forks and spoons we encountered. I know the Byzantines showed them forks probably 200 years ago but that does not mean those west of us accepted them. We encountered much resistance to this. People could not understand why we would use a fork instead of our fingers. Spoons and knives they grasped.

I for one, do not like getting food on my fingers which can not be helped if ones uses fingers. I realize I can lick my fingers clear or use a cloth, soap and water to clean them. I think it is the feeling of oils or sticky, I dislike. Many did not properly clean their hands before eating. I found that disgusting. I think the hardest thing for these new boys to understand is our obsession with being clean. Although they all seam to enjoy the baths from the start. Me thinks that has other reasons.

These new inventions mean we can produce the same amount of pasta, in a variety of shapes with one quarter the people, in one quarter of the time. One other side benefit was pointed out to me by the castle cooks. The new product is highly uniform in thickness shape and size, meaning all of one style cooks at the same rate.

Every improvement like this means much to the economy of a place Parga's size. Ultimately the lives of all are improved as a result.

I think this kind of improvement in productivity must be measurable. I will ask the professors at the university, who study mathematics, to look into it. It takes an investment or resources to cause these things to happen. Which areas of life should receive the greatest attention, should be those with the greatest possible reward. If we had good ways to measure this we would have good ways to forecast and guide these investments. Unlike other states we do not have rich nobles to make these investments in innovation. Here the state makes them. Once proven, the techniques are shared with the guild or association members. Improvements or further innovations flow back to the state.

It seams to work. In other places nobles or the crown and sometimes others, seek a monopoly on this or that process or business. We found much of this on our travels. In Parga the guilds often have a monopolistic position but those monopolies are regulated by the state. When a monopoly exists, the incentive to invest resources to improve productivity is limited to that of increasing profits. This works only for items that are in high demand. If the market is not a monopoly and competition exists then either price or quality advantages are thought to stimulate investment. The best way to increase profits by selling more at a lower price is to control the cost of production or increase productivity.

In our economy the market is limited by our numbers, competition is limited by the guilds or by controls on prices or material availability. The amount of wool available in Parga is a function of the number of sheep, which is controlled by the available land to raise them. The number of weavers required is not a function of markets, it is limited by our population, which is not growing fast and only surpluses can be exported. It is a function of the size and efficiency of the looms. The number of weavers available are limited by our total numbers. More looms will do nothing; better looms will free some weavers for other tasks or other fibers. We now import some flax and more cotton, we do not grow cotton, and are able to export finished sails, because we have been able to improve the productivity of spinners and weavers, through improvements in wind and water power efficiency. This is also true for our rope makers.

I wish to eliminate taxes on exports, I think that will stimulate markets but will increase taxes from imports by half the amount of the eliminated export tax. If we use these taxes or a good portion of them to improve productivity the increase in imports will more than make up the difference and show a good return as well.

When we were in France I studied their tax raising methods. I did not like most of them. I was especially appalled by the sums demanded by the church from the people. Nor did I feel the citizens received value for them. Mostly it appeared they were being used to support over paid and under productive civil officials and to defend the local nobles against other nobles. The nobles and church build immense and grand edifices, for no other purpose then to impress. In Parga the citizens do need support a strong military but they get value for that investment. No citizen is denied hospitals, schools, clean water or any other number of services. The castle is largely supported by the estates. The treasury does pay much of our operating costs but Parga has been seen surpluses of budget in 9 of the last 10 years.

Edward reported to me the other day that his experimental garden seams to be showing some interesting results. He said he was very happy in Koalhurst but he greatly missed me and the other princes. I told him he must see the growing season through to harvest. He would be brought back for Iason's and Alexandros' weddings. All of us in our ever expanding family would be included in some special events.

While I was running this afternoon I saw the strangest thing, I stopped to observe. About 20 of the young Royal Guard trainees were practicing their hand to hand marshal arts. This group was made up of 10 boys and 10 girls. They were in boy girl pairs. I am not the most skilled at this due to my exceptional height. My very long legs and equally long, proportionally so arms, makes me awkward in comparison to the somewhat shorter ones. The girls tend to be shorter then the boys. I found the girls seamed to have greater skill and were quicker than the larger boys. The boys were to much reliant on strength.

During this training it is important not to do injury to your partner. In that respect the boys were holding back and they were being bested across the lot. This was excepted by one pair where the boy was shorter and slighter built than his female partner. He was doing it correctly and holding his own. None of this is the point, Me thinks I spend to much time listening to Thoren's stories and not enough have sex. I am taller than he and he much favors my dominating him with my erection, well planted in his exquisite and muscular butt.

What was so interesting was not the trainees but the four Argoanuts, all new, that were chiding the boys for being bested by the girls. These boys were not being bested badly and this is training not combat. I would have thought these Argoanuts would understand that. I think they did. I also think some of their old ways and attitudes still need be unlearned. I could see the male trainees were becoming angry and frustrated at the chides. They are forbidden from fighting or using their training except in true self defense. The girls were not happy with this either, as it was disrupting the concentration of the boys. This makes the experience less valuable. Royal Guard training is rigorous and self discipline is demanded by their instructors.

I approached the instructor, an older guardsman I knew quite well. I was curious why he was not putting a stop to this and asked. "It is good for them, there are many distractions in any kind of battle, one needs to learn what to pay attention to and what not. The chattering of chickens is not." One young man who I also know and know to be hot headed, was clearly near the point to loosing his temper. I pointed to him. "I won't let it go that far. This kind of thing happens with the new ones, when they see the girls doing what they would so much like to themselves."

The four boys in their bravado had now moved relatively close to one of the training pairs, the one with my hot headed acquaintance. He and the woman were clinched tight and trying to gain advantage over the other. I hoped he had a good scrotum cover under his short kilt. Suddenly they leaped as one toward the boys and in an instant had each subdued two. My friend and I strode over to them, trying not to laugh.

"Prince Arden it is so good to see you. Perhaps you can suggest how we should deal with these young clucking hens," my acquaintance said.

I suggested they impart the same punishment to them as was given to him, when boy bravado over ruled good manors. My friend smiled and nodded to his students. "With one minor change I think, you boys will report to this place immediately after breakfast and for the next two days and train with our female guards women. For the remainder of today I suggest you go with Prince Arden, as he wants to teach you how to run long distance races." Volos offered to stand on the side of the track and give coaching instructions. I reminded them that speed was less important in long races, than completing the distance for young runners. These four were still full of bravado, not yet having been properly humbled by the experience of having been bested by two trainees.

I ran with them, offering to set the pace. They, as expected, were over confident and ran ahead of me for the first several circuits; by the fourth circuit I was forced to slow my pace a little coming behind them and gently slapping the buttocks to encourage greater effort. At the sixth lap I passed them and on coming up behind them gave each a much harder slap as I passed. My pace was as always easy and measured. By the ninth lap each had collapsed and could run no more. Volos helped each to the side as I continued. I stopped at the fifteenth and walked over to them.

To be even considered as a Royal Guard, a boy or girl must be able to complete 15 laps on this track. That and other tests gets them the privilege to continue. Those trainees that you were chiding had to earn the privilege to be taught greater skills.

Volos told them, "The Royal Guards of Parga are given great respect by all, be they male or female. This is not because of fear. That respect results from the knowledge that to graduate the training means you have meet the highest standard of physical ability, military skills, mental discipline and moral courage."

Now go to your Dathapatish and tell him what you were doing, what happened to you and what the marshal arts instructor is requiring you to do. Come walk with me some and I'll tell you how those two were able to subdue you four, without doing damage. "And a few of Prince Arden's misadventures," Volos added, "He has not been my easiest student for some of the skills."

I was more than pleased to see that Thoren came to our bath. I had been thinking about his tall lean body all day. Thoren has the most delightful buttocks in the castle. That is an exaggeration but his are among the best and I do dearly love pressing my penis between his cheeks and into his love cavity. He seams to sense just what I am to do and his responses to my touch are always magical. This is not to give his member short status, it is as prodigious as my own and he can fuck me, I can not myself. We lay together for some time exploring each other, looking or feeling for something new. Newness for lovers as experienced as we is impossible but the act of seeking is still most pleasurable. Having received each others seed in our rectums we began giving oral pleasure to Kastor and Polydeukus. They wanted us and soon Thoren and I had our mouths locked on each others cocks while Kastor's pressed into my anus and Poly fucked Thoren.

As we pleasured each other I noticed Iason and the pages giving several young palace boy lessons. The giggles and other noises of pleasure from them told me of their success. I do not describe these things as well as Odo does in his love poems, just reading or listening sends shivers up my spine and prepares me for lust and love. Only sleeping next to my beloved Iason excels all other emotions for me.

1319, 7th month, 2nd day:

Umar's teacher stopped me in the hallway this morning, he feels that Umar has some special talent in art. He told me the lad is doing well considering how little time he has been here. His writing skills (graphein) are better then most. He thinks I should take him to the artists for evaluation. The boy is only 8, I can not see what the artists will learn. I will ask the drawing master for his thoughts.

When I asked Umar a few weeks ago what instrument he desired to play he did not know. I gave him the pipes that I had as a child. Umar was thrilled that I would do that. I know he was about to ask, if perhaps I did not want to keep them for my real son. Euthalia gave him a look and he stammered to change the subject.

I was glad he did not choose the bagpipes. I remember Dios struggling with them and our ears hurting until he managed to master his scales. The bag pipes are common on our ships, many sailors seem to play them. We also noticed how popular they were in Northern Europe.

Miltiades came to see us in the afternoon. He expressed some concern for Kleitos. Miltiades believes that living so close to the stables is effecting his health. He asked us to transfer him to our apartments for some period of time, to test his hypothesis. Poly asked Ikaros and Dysme to organize a small apartment for the two of them near to us. I suggested they go to Apollo's Temple and stay with Flavia and Perum for ten or twelve days, while it is being prepared. Surely the stables will continue to operate and animals continue to be trained during his brief absence.

On talking it over further, Kastor thought they should also spend some time at higher elevations, perhaps at the eastern hunting lodge as well. It was decided Kleitos will go but he will protest.

Today I told the Council that I intended to established a secure depository at the army base just east of the city. They were not in favor of the idea at that location. They thought the castle would be a better place. One knight suggested we move the dungeon or the better part of it to the army base and use that space for the secure depository. We now keep the state treasury mostly here anyway. It will be more expensive to do this but it does make some sense. The council voted for it and commissioned the architects to begin the design of a new, highly secure prison at the army base.

1319, 7th month, 5th day:

Our sanctuary men, that were in the Norse countries, returned and have now reported. It is a sad tail of wow they report too. The Danish and Swedish are in continual turmoil. Norway seems a bit more stable. We could see much of this coming during our visit. The old Danish king is dead and he left no male children. Several are making the claim for his throne. The Swedish have like problems and they are tied to the Danish. Reports from their colonies in Greenland, a place that lay to the west, have been disheartening for the last 18 or so years. Many of the settlers are returning after 500 years of occupation. It would appear the weather is turning against them. Many crops fail now and either fishing is insufficient or they are not interested in it.

They reported that following the famine period, summer weather has improved, however the winters seem to be harsher than before. Often it now snows in places with no memory of winter snows. The Danish and Swede's are concerned that if the winters become more sever, many harbors will freeze and cut off shipping for part of the season. We can not imagine this, as the only snow we see is in the highest mountains where no one lives anyway.

Our winters, such as they are, started seeing increased snow and long periods of our only pass being closed, over the past 5 years. We do not know if these are linked in any way. When our people report from the Holly Roman Empire and German lands, perhaps a clearer picture can be learned. We do know that increased snow has been noted in the Alps of France and other states. We believe that is related to the increases in our mountains.

Should winters continue to worsen, the people of Scotland, northern England, Northern France to the Norse lands, will suffer as they are not well prepared. If it is gradual they will learn to adjust but if sudden, like the very wet period a few years ago, many will die.

Our French connection reported when they returned some months ago. Much of what they speculated about is also being suggested in other places. Burgundy has been slowly expanding north along the coast toward the Dutch and Friesians. They see no good for them coming from this but also fear the Germans. The Germans seam more interested in moving north and east. These places are ruled by many rich families. It is made of of many duchies. Right now they squabble among themselves but centers of power are developing and gobbling them up or consolidating through alliances.

We see no good coming from what looks like a protracted war between France and England or the Byzantine's northern neighbors squabbling with them and further weakening them. We see this as potentially disastrous for the region, the Ottomans are positioning themselves to make advantage of it. Much of this will take a number of years to come about if ever. What does happen will not be quite as we foresee it. We will just need hold and see, Parga is much to small and out of the way to be influential. Parga may be affected, our vigilance is required.

Hesiodos and Damao and I have begun a system of tracking each large or powerful state and groups of smaller states. Each state or group has a specialist assigned. They are given pen names so no one will know who they are but us. For each we have a list of concerns, trends, plans and objectives. We also keep track of their relationships to others. If a prince needs or thinks he needs consolidate his power, we want to know. We want to know if he has his eyes on others. For example, we know that Despot Nikholas is looking with longing eyes at the lands south of the Corinth Gulf. We also know, his brother will be appointed by Naples as vassal in Kephalonia very soon. We figure Niki will try and drag Kephalonia into his adventures in these southern areas. This must be watched closely, I do not see this happening much before 5 or 6 years time.

Next: Chapter 14

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