
Published on Dec 2, 2009


Arden by: dnrock(

41: Pirate Armada

1319, 5th month, 9th day:

The Prince Karyakos, King Iason, Prince Kastor and Prince Polydeukus are now at sea. The Prince Arden, Prince Iason and Prince Nikias will leave on the evening tide. Tertius will accompany Nikias, Justus and Joulous to the newly commissioned Prince Nikias. Iason and I will visit our vessels. Each prince, even Uncle Iason has visited before their named ships sailed. I know the crew of the Prince Arden was disappointed that I could not accompany them. Many, even the captain said so. After all we have sailed many months together and enjoyed some good adventures including rough weather. I feel as though I am a real member of the company not just an honorary name. My brothers and our guardians as well. For all of us and for all of them this is more than a feeling, it is a reality as many have told me so. For over six months we worked, sang, ate and whored together.

The figure head has been newly painted and looks bright and clean. One of the seamen told me, "if we can not have the real thing at least we can have a refurbished wooden model.

When I got to the quarter deck, which took some doing, as the marine complement was doubled and I needed greet each and every man; Captain Hermogenes had his assistant fetch something stored in a large chest. It looked like an ensign but I could not tell. "Prince Arden your crew mates have made a special ensign, they have requested that it fly from the top of our mainmast when we go into battle. We need your permission." Several officers unfolded the ensign for my inspection. It was mine, the largest flag I have ever seen. My ensign would fly if I were on board but not normally if I were not. I could see the pride and anticipation on the faces of every man as I looked out over the deck.

I suddenly felt many feelings of pride, accomplishment, anticipation and most of all love racing through my mind. Of course I am greatly honored. I latterly danced across the deck loudly declaring, I think it should fly throughout the mission and when you return we will hang it in the Knights Dining Hall. Those land solders need a little salt with their food. What say you? A cheer rose up like nothing I have ever heard before. The officers handed it down to the main deck and it passed from man or better men to men as it is to large for one man until it reached the main mast. Four sailors took it together and climbed to the very top, fastening it above the top most sail. (TN: we would call it the topsail) When it unfurled another mighty cheer went up which could be heard even in the castle.

I had to say something. When the noise quilted I stood on the rail, being held in place by Volos and Pyrros. I could feel their strong hands grasping my legs just below my buttocks. I truly love to feel their hands on my legs just below the buttocks and other places as well. I proclaimed, they may keep my body on the land but they can not keep my spirit from serving with my shipmates. Someone began singing the ships anthem and suddenly the entire company joined in from the captain to the lowest seaman apprentice. It is true the Prince Arden may not be the grandest Prince Class ship but it truly is the finest. I am not objective in this but I don't need be. We each think our named ship is the pride of Parga. I am sure we each believe it is. I am not embraced to proclaim it either.

All except the Prince Nikias have been tested and none found wanting. I am sure the Prince Nikias will be no less. Even though both the ship and the prince are new to the task and to each other.

As we walked back to the castle the young princes were more excited than I had ever seen them. Nikias was talking without stopping about his experience and how every man wanted to touch him and his brothers. Since the deck of the Prince Nikias was so full, the boys were passed over the heads of the company, from one end to the other and back again. I am sure Iason had his bit of theater too but he did not say much nor did I, not wanting to take away from the joy of the three terrors. Dios was the only one not fully satisfied. He wanted to accompany his mentor but also wanted to see his father before the coming battle. Volos made him come with us explaining he can sleep with Iason tonight but his father may not return.

If spirit is any judge, the victory was ours before we left the quay. Sadly it is not and many will die to prove that prediction. More of the enemy then us, but danger is ever present.

Knowledge of the coming battle was common. Most was rumor and speculation but the reality of the battle was not. We were not in our quarters long enough to change from our parade uniforms when Lyuben, Odo, the new and about 8 other Argoanuts requested an audience. Iason moved this impromptu meeting into the pages' common room and summoned Princess Eudoxia. We all thought we knew the purpose and when the Eparchos began speaking it was affirmed.

First they wanted Iason to summon one or more of the other houses to bolster their numbers. Iason immediately dispatched a page to Janus summoning all Argoanuts including Prince Arden's Elite Marines to the Castile immediately. One of the junior female pages was sent to Drakon informing of the expected increase in numbers. Second the Eparchos presented a plan for transportation of the wounded as they come to shore. The students from all the schools and other volunteers would be ready to assist at the various shelters, kitchens and hospitals being set up.

"It will please you to know Prince Arden that all but two of the looters that appeared in your court have volunteered to be litter carriers," he mentioned. I must be totally honest, I was overwhelmed by this. I did expect a few of them but not almost all. He told me they will be identified by a red Alpha on strips of cloth tied around their heads. Poly had put the Eparchos to this and even the most hesitant came forward when they were told Prince Arden needs them.

Princess Eudoxia asked how the Eagles could contribute. It was decided they should assist at the hospitals. Lyuben brought up the potential for many new recruits, as each pirate ship will have between 4 and 6 boys, 16 or under. Many will parish but many will survive and if a large number of vessels surrender we could have a many as 100. Iason thought the army could erect a tent camp with kitchens on the sports fields behind the Castile. One of the new boys thought they and Odo should go among the captured to help find them. "They will be afraid as we were."

I thought the Elite Marines should support the new boys and us princes in this, by forming small teams. Iason told us the plan was to bring all captured to the small islands just outside our harbor entrance. These islands are used for salt gathering but are otherwise uninhabited. If some pirate ships surrender the crews may be kept on them. This is all being looked after by the Sicilians with some help and assistance from the Venetians. Kastor suggested we get use of the four fast fishing boats, that do not fish, for this purpose. The Elite Marines are quite capable of operating them. Polydeukus wondered if the Venetian and Sicily ships had boys on them and if we should offer any of them the opportunity to remain in Parga.

Iason suggested neither power would be overly pleased if we tried to recruit their ship's boys directly. The Eparchos thought the older boys would probably elect to stay where they were but younger ones, especially ones sent to sea by circumstance may well choose. "When I came here I was 15 and would have gone with my shipmates, if asked on that first day. I did not have that choice for several weeks and once I realized what these young princes and Parga were about... as you can see I'm still here.

"Perhaps if we invite them to a memorial service at the Bishops church, in memory of their fallen comrades and let them mix with the Argoanuts, sing at the Ganymede statue, some will choose. It will take several days to sort things out and both navies will anchor near the salt islands, as our harbor is much to small for all of them...." Iason let this thought drift off.

Eudoxia suggested, "ask Father to declare all pirate ship boys as guests of Parga, it is our tradition and custom. He can insist to our allies they must be brought ashore. Given this, Father can explain to the allies that it would be less than fair to force new lives on captives and not offer the same opportunities to the ship's boys of our allies, that may choose to take it.

"I suspect they will go along with this, thinking few will and those that do they would be ride of." One of the Argoanuts suggested.

Kastor thought my idea combined with the other suggestions would probably produce results. "Once these Venetian and Sicilian ship's boys interact with the Argoanuts, who speak their language more or less, many will choose to stay. It will be your job brothers to to inspire them. When we sing Odo's ode in Italian, before the statue with Arden leading, they will all decide to stay."

"Yes tis true but what then if every ship's boy on every Sicily and Venice ship chooses to stay, what then would we do? That could be as many as 500. Six hundred new boys is three times the current Argonaut complement," Poly queried.

I reminded everyone that those numbers must never be quoted beyond this room. We should refrain from making any kind of estimate, as we all know what happens to numbers like that. Five hundred would soon be a thousand. The estimate for the captured is probably a good number. We know from experience and should prepare for 150 that is prudent. I had an idea and called Dysme and Ikaros into our meeting. I quickly explained the estimation problem to them. They summoned the Triangles that remained in the castle. This brought Drakon the Steward into our meeting along with others.

The new boys and even a few of the Argoanuts, as well as most of the pages, were sitting back and observing the Princes in action. I must say I was most proud of the three terrors who were quiet and observant. I guess they are learning much being pages. Drakon made some quick calculations. "If you can get Consus to second Eutukos to me for a few days, I can properly prepare. One of my oldest friends is a Master Steward with the army. They have a new unit being formed. Its' job is to prepare camps and food for field operations. I think they need test their readiness and if Prince Iason can get Prince Tertius to order it... We have more than enough food in storage that will not be a problem. The mayor and his people are also quite concerned at the number of sailors who will be seeking shore leave, with so many ally vessels anchored near by. The prostitutes guilds is meeting with the King as we speak to make sure demands for their services can also be controlled."

And you know his because? "It is my job, the least important thing a steward does is count thing, the most important is anticipate and prepare."

Then you knew we would be making this kind of request? "Of course, I will say in all honesty the numbers are much greater than I expected. Better to be prepared for 50 and have 25 than the reverse." If Drakon anticipated our efforts then I wondered if others as well.

It did not talk long for that question to be answered. Helladios, Alfred and about six other boys came running through our apartment from the balcony shouting for us. They came to a halt once inside the Page's common room as they were naked and the female pages we seated at the table with us. A whole group of naked butts disappeared back through the door accompanied by a rather loud round of laughter.

"Brother's daddy wants you on the balcony as quickly as possible."

"The King wants his princes now" was just audible in the background. We jumped to it as this use of title means action. Uncle Iason and Karyakos were on the balcony looking through a far see when we arrived. When we arrived Helladios was complaining to daddy that everyone was laughing at him and his friends. Daddy for his part raised his eyebrows and replied, "If you run around the castle naked and encounter your sisters or other women and are forced to make a quick retreat, what do you expect them to do? Humorous things beget laughter."

It was obvious they had been watching the ships departing the harbor. I could see the Prince Arden, the last in line. My ensign was proudly flapping in the breeze and it was so large I could make it out from this distance. It was also obvious I was about to become the object of humor. My family just seams to relish in my turning bright red. "I think the naked boys should cover their bodies or prepare themselves to be laughed at again. Kastor please invite all the pages and others from your meeting to join us," King Iason said.

I must say the Prince Arden was a very handsome site and it looked so majestic with my ensign flying from the highest mast head. "I think he is magic Kary, notice that Arden is in two places at once."

"Are you magic Arden?"

No unfortunately not but my shipmates feel it so. They both looked at me with questioning expressions. They made that ensign so my spirit would be with them, even if I am not allowed. They believe or choose to believe, I can be in two places at once. I could not prevent them?

Father chimed in, "I thought perhaps you made that flag so large to frighten the superstitious."

I had not thought of it, if that be the effect than the Prince Arden has doubled its power. Perhaps the other six should just return to port as they won't be needed. Now everyone was laughing.

"Did you know that Captain Hermogenes requested all nine of you to join in this," King Iason asked?

None of us knew that.

"In battle, hesitation can be costly. If your ensign causes any second thought you are correct, your power has just doubled. We know you are a kind and gentle brother. The enemy know only your fable, they believe you breath fire and create your own winds. Now tell us what plans have you for recruiting new Argoanuts," Karyakos asked?

We explained ourselves and Eudoxia made her request directly. This pleased her father to on end. It pleased her Uncle as well but for different reasons. Father was full of praise for us consulting our sister and willingly accepting her ideas. I also realized Father was delighted with Darkon's preparations and skill.

Uncle Iason told us he had already told the Sicilians that any boys 16 and under, among the captured were immediately to be given our to the Argoanuts. They grumbled a bit but when I told them they could have the pirates now in our camp and dungeons they agreed almost cheerfully. The Sicilians will not like the idea of offering asylum to their ship's boys but they will go along. For them you must get Father Georgio to speak to them. Once they have assurances that they can continue in the faith, they will admit to the fairness of the offer. Those people are so tied up by their own notions that they can not understand how any will accept. I tell you to expect a far greater number than you imagine from them.

The Venetian are a different story. They do not wish to loose any of their boys, better to us than others. They know the quality of opportunities being offered and have seen the success of the Argoanuts. I will remind them of the Doge's wife's comments about the Argoanuts. You can expect a large number of them as well. They will hope that we will train them and they will be able to hire them away in a few years. That is always a possibility, I sincerely doubt a reality but for a few of the older ones.

For both groups much will depend if they are here, on these galleys, by choice and if they have strong family ties at home. We talked a while longer and Uncle Iason dismissed everyone except us four. They brought us into their apartments.

Uncle Iason began, "Depending on how the battle goes of course, we may well have many more boys than we can easily handle. You will need to formulate a clear plan on how to do this. I am told the Sicilians have boys as young as 10. This is what I want you to do. Depending on numbers start by doubling the size of each Argonaut house from 40 to 80. If we still have more boys then create new houses of 80 by taking 5 older boys from each existing house to seed the new house. Try and keep boys under 12 in the Castile as before but if numbers are to great we will send some as foster children to the knights that want them.

Divide your Elite Marines evenly among each house to act as senior advisors. Make sure each group of 5 has one Greek speaker and make him the leader, hold elections in about a year. We will appoint as many senior or retired officers and knights as needed for advisors. Establish one of the new houses at the northern hunting lodge and if needed at the eastern hunting lodge. These lodge based houses should specialize in something not related to agriculture as the land in those places is not suitable. Make sure and distribute the pirate ship boys evenly across all the houses placing no more than one in each group of 5. When you have accurate numbers to work from, contact the various guilds and have them arrange for the large quantities of goods you will require."

I asked if Panther could be brought back to the Castile to help us. Father refused, telling me he and ultimately us are better served by him focusing on his present path. "Arden, if the numbers are anything like projected you must use extraordinary means to keep control. The personal attraction of the princes will not be enough. You will not have time or energy enough to manage as you would like. Send your most trusted associates to do what you can not. That includes your personal bodyguards. Iason, draw as much from the army and navy as you can but ask their commanders first. Recall all former Argoanuts now in the military or receiving military training. Kastor, assign as many Argonaut university students and State Service Core graduates to the education of these new boys as you can find. Polydeukus, from their second week to the 20th week, take Odo, Ikaros and Dysme as your helpers and institute the most intensive and wide spread program of sex with these boys as possible. Sex must be used as a tool of integration. Call on the Squires and personal assistants of every knight in the kingdom. Make as much game as possible of it. Keep them naked and aroused, swim and bath often. Restrict the number of beds to no more than 5 for each 10 boys. Make wrestling the most practiced sport. Make use of the potents from Apollo's temple. Do not use wine. Suspend the access of Argoanuts to any and all females.

When dividing these new recruits between the houses use the same principals as was originally done. That appears to have been sound, judging from results. Once we have established military discipline, sexual promiscuity and sufficient education, develop a testing program so we can best identify talents and direct growth as needed. With about 80 and advisors, teachers, trainers each house will be approximately 125 in size. New dormitories will need be built at each place except the castle. Once numbers are known, commission the ingegneres to begin. The boys themselves should be employed as much as possible in this process. These will be their homes for many years, make sure they can take pride in accomplishment.

One more thing. If a boy has a close friend try and put them in the same house but not in the same 10 and never in the same 5.

1319, 5th month, 15th day:

This has been a very long and hard day. It is now quite late, however I must get everything recorded while events are still clear in my mind and the minds of my brother princes. I am writing this as if recorded at the time. I did manage to keep a few notes by using a stick of charcoal to write on velum. I keep these things in a leather pouch attached to my sword's belt.

Over the past five days everyone has worked harder then I ever imagined possible. Helladios has somehow mobilized every ten and eleven year old in the Castile to help us prepare. The battle is expected about midday. The calvary rode to the shore positions last night and this morning. The foot solders and archers were on station for the last two days. Everything is in readiness for a great victory.

Tertius has also prepared, as best he could, for the battle to take any number of turns. Should the pirates reach the shore they will be captured or annihilated, their choice. We are also prepared to assist our people on the water should any of our ships be lost or badly damaged. Our fishers are prepared in each village along the short coast for this. The residents are prepared to evacuate inland on short notice.

The Venetians are in place as is our navy. Our ships are hiding in a bay to the north, about two hours sail. They can not be seen by ships traveling north or north east until directly west. This bay is in Epicurean territory just north of Parga. We now have signaling and observation stations on the highest peaks to the north and south. These stations are only operated in times of danger. This is one of those times. The Venetian have been summoned and should arrive a little before mid day. The Sicilians are on the way but we have seen no sign of them as yet. It is only an hour after sunrise now.

Our boys are furious with us, as we refused to let them out of the castle until we return from the headlands observation posts. Every page will be needed and many messages will need be delivered outside the castle. The pirate armada was sighted by our southern mountain top observation post, just after first light. They are still to far away for a count. The younger knights are at the coast with their units and the council is only us, the pages and old men. The Sicilian representative and the Venetian Ambassador are in the council chamber with us. Zokitos and Archimedes are already at the north headland.

Messages are being relayed and as decoded are given to the pages or the markers are moved on the great table map. All scribes are here and many solders in the new signal core. We expect to be leaving for the headland just before mid day. At the 8th hour the message came that the Sicilians have been sighted. The pirate armada is advancing as predicted but seams to be further off shore then we thought they would be. At the 9th hour the pirates were reported to be coming closer to shore but were still several hours away.

Our fleet signaled the wind has increased and now blows harder than normal for the morning. They will not raise their sails until 1 and 1/2 hours before midday. Since the wind is from the Northeast the pirates have now dropped their sails and must be pulling hard on their oars as they need come northeast against. I would like them close to shore for a better view but what I want is not always what we will get.

This freshening wind is good for the Venetians as it assists them but will also make the Sicilians work harder. We departed the council chamber at the 10th hour as planned, stopped for some food, put on our armor and by the 11th hour were at our positions. Uncle Iason, Tertius, Kastor and myself went to the north headland. The others to the south.

The Sicilians must be pulling hard as they are gaining on the pirates who must now be aware of them. Our sails are highly visible now so we know they can be seen. The Venetians are visible to us on our vantage point, still quite a distance north. I noticed that the wind has been steadily increasing and the waves show some white. By half past the 11th hour I could see our ships clearly, the Prince Arden was in front alone with the others in pairs behind. It seamed the wind was steadily increasing and the speed of our ships accordingly. I know it is the Prince Arden as my ensign is prominent.

At a quarter before noon the ingegneres told me the Prince Arden was moving above the battle speed of a rowed galley and the pirates were increasing their tempo. We counted 31 galleys. The Venetian are also making good progress they are perhaps 2 hours away the Sicilians two and one half.

At noon the pirates formed into three lines, of ten galleys each. Each line was about 20 galley lengths behind. They were turning north east to face our line astern advance head on. They do not seam to be picking up the tempo but the wind is growing stronger with every moment. I am forced to ware a riding cloak as are the others.

This increased wind has caused the waves to white top and that is making it more difficult for the galleys to keep position in relation to each other. The swells are high and they have much motion. The two fleets are now about 20 minutes apart. It looks as though the pirates are increasing their tempo. I see this by using a far see and counting the strokes but they are not making greater speed, the wind and close spaced waves hinder them. The wind seams to be blowing even harder now.

Suddenly our formation broke apart. Each line of ships is moving outward from behind the Prince Arden. The Prince Arden has reduced sail but is still aimed squarely at the center of the first line of galleys.

The Prince Kastor and the Nikias are moving to the outside of the galley formation. I believe they plan to go around to take on the second rank or perhaps the third rank. The two fleets are now close and our rockets should be launched at any moment. The Prince Arden is aiming between the 5th and 6th galleys, the King Iason between the third and fourth, the Prince Iason between the 1st and second. The Prince Karyakos between the 7th and 8th and Prince Polydeukus between the 9th and 10th.

The Prince Arden has restored its sail and all are now line abreast still aiming between the galleys. The galleys must prevent their oars from being clipped by opening space between or ram, they can not ram head on unless one gives way. That is how it looks from our vantage points. The King Iason fired four rockets two at each of its targets the other followed seconds after. The two outside ships, they are going around but shot several rockets each as they did so. Most of the rockets were hits and a second round followed in less than two minutes again, hits for all but one. Now the bow Kannons began to shoot and more rockets are fired. Every galley in the first rank is now on fire and as our ships come along side all Kannons are discharging. At such close quarters most discharges find a target. Voiles of arrows are being launched by our marines and return seams low or none.

The Prince Kastor and Prince Nikias have moved around and are firing at the 1st and 10th galleys in the second rank. Our five line abreast are now shooting at the second rank. All of the first rank are on fire and most sinking. The second rank will soon be just as devastated. The second rank of galleys seams to be somewhat confused and are braking their formation. The third rank is no longer in formation at all and they are attempting to turn and run or position to ram head on. The Prince Kastor and Prince Nikias are shooting at several galleys each. Mostly they fire rockets which have a longer range than the large Kannons.

The second rank is now decimated and the Kastor and Nikias are firing at several ships that were in the third rank. All of our ships are now firing rockets but they will quickly be past the pirates as the Nikias and Kastor are now. Of the 31 galleys, 11 are now sunk or about to sink, 15 badly damaged or on fire and 5 are running but the they will not get very far as both the Sicilians and Venetian are almost upon them.

Pantaleon was more than correct when he said we have changed navel warfare and it is changed forever. We watched for some time as the ally galleys began pulling survivors from the water and others battled or accepted surrender. Four more pirates sank, most of their crews are in the water or in small boats. The fires on the others are now put out but they are all taking water and most seam to be surrendering.

In this battle no Greek Fire or incendiary Kannon shell were used. Nor our catapults and large crossbows. The 5 that ran are surrounded by the Sicilians and I am sure will capitulate. Twenty-seven to 5 is not very favorable odds. From what we could see the large close spaced swells made aiming Kannons difficult but when close in they were still very effective. The rockets seamed to find targets easier as the galleys rose and fell with the swells. The Prince Class ships were much less effected by the swells. I could see that if our ships were bobbing as the galleys, aiming would be a much greater problem.

The winds have now calmed some to a normal afternoon breeze and our ships are tacking back to harbor in a line astern formation with the Prince Arden leading the others. It is now the fifteenth hour. Tertius has ordered the fishing fleet and our four fast boats out to assist in recovering those pirates that were forced to abandon their ships. Many of the ally galleys have launched small boats to assist in this. Over half of the Venetian fleet will continue southward, I assume on other business, in a few days.

I was most surprised, as the Prince Arden came closer the wind eased and changed direction, blowing from the north west. It was as if the Prince Arden commanded its' own wind. The Prince Arden signaled 27 had been wounded or injured. We all departed for the harbor to meet our ships. Zephyros seamed to understand the mood of victory as he was more spirited than normal. Uncle call to me saying, "give him his head Arden and fetch the junior princes to the quay."

On arrival at the castile my boy was in my arms before I could even get my footing. Pyrros and Volos helped us to our feet. This caused much laughter but no matter it was a great victory and we would celebrate. I allowed Nikias, Joulous and Justus to trade their pages hat and tunic for princes' tunics and military uniform. We walked to the quay being stopped by everyone we met.

The Elite Marines were already unloading ship's boys and others pulled from the water. Many were injured some badly burned. This time we did not need ride all night for a treatment. Odo and the other Arabic speakers were dealing with them and the litter carriers and Argoanuts made quick work of taking them for treatment. Several of the medical students were on the quay, to direct the carries which place to take the wounded and inured. All the Argoanuts were lined up and ready. Pairs step forward to assist each needing medical assistance. Singles to help with those who did not. Iason was already in command when we arrived. He was in his glory, on stage with a new audience.

On me being identified, a number of the ship's boys showed great fear. This was incomprehensible to the three terrors. We all greeted each Argonaut by name and with this gesture the frightened seamed to understand no danger lay here. I must say Justus was the quickest of the three, spotting what could be no more that a 10 year old huddled and shaking in the farthest reach of the craft. He poked Joulous and they bound into the boat and each taking a hand of the lad lead him to us.

I became aware that we were being closely watched by all around us. Including Iason who gestured at me. He was pointing to the small platform he stood on. I got the message after several of these actions. Iason insists, I write more than several. His message was to play act. I made a big show of asking who the twins' new friend was. I dropped to one knee as they approached. Justus pointed to himself and said Justus, Joulous the same as Nikias and I. The boy looked a moment and pointed to himself Umar he said. One of the Argoanuts came up to him but he was not about to go anyplace with this funny looking older boy. I think he was still trying to sort out the twins. They looked the same but had different names. These three were boys but they were dressed like solders he was just a bit confused. I need continue my work as did the other senior princes and we left Volos to watch over the quartet.

I was engaged for about 30 minutes and when I looked back I saw Helladios and about 6 of his friends around the quartet. Alexandros was talking to Volos. Since the Prince Arden and the others were preparing to dock I called to Volos that we need to work. Alexandros took all the younger boys, Umar and now two more to the plaza. The small boats were underway with one Arabic speaker and several Elite Marines on each. Odo came to us for instructions.

When the Prince Arden and Prince Kastor docked we went to work. Iason and I went abroad the Prince Arden and Kastor and Poly the Prince Kastor. When I stepped on the deck a mighty cheer went up and the crew rushed forward to embrace us. A few seconds later a like cheer went up from the Prince Kastor. I am not positive but I think they were attempting to make more noise than the Prince Arden. Kastor claims they did so. The wounded and injured were on deck but refused to go until my ensign was lowered. When that was done four sailors brought it to me. Before I could even react however, the injured called and each kissed the flag before being carried or helped to the quay.

Iason commented to me, "Me thinks you have mastered this theatrical art better than I." We both laughed and embraced. That set the mood and the remaining company hugged, kissed and patted each other on the back and buttocks. I sent the ensign to the Castile with the four who brought it down and the Prince Arden and Prince Kastor moved off allowing two more to dock. When Nikias and his brothers boarded the Prince Nikias they were hoisted high into the air and rode on the shoulders of three very powerful marines. They strode around while the boys reached down to touch the out stretched hands being held up to them. Nikias, nike, Nikias, nike they chanted. (TN: Nikias (nike) means victory with a masculine ending or Nike the goddess of victory) The three princes were much impressed by this, even more so than the sending off. I think had they the chance they would have been climbing in the rigging and playing some games with the crew as every man seamed to admire the young princes. Uncle Iason was on hand so some restraint was being shown. Nikias and the twins have won the hearts of this crew. It will be some years before they will win the loyalty and devotion of the Prince Arden's crew to me. I am not sure if any prince, even the king will be able to do that to the same extent. I am still mystified by it but must accept its reality, as I accept my exceptional beauty or my skills in running. My brothers claim I profess false modesty.

Of the 27 most of the wounds were not overly serious. A few had been suffered from pirate arrows. Most were sustained by falling, being pushed or tossed into something, having been hit by loose rigging and so on. Most were self inflicted on the Prince Arden and on the others as well. We know this is not the normal situation in battles and fighting in general. Should our enemy ever get proficient with the long bow, Kannons or rockets we would sustain much greater losses. It is only a matter of time before they do. One day all fighting ships will be sail power, catapults and large cross bows will be gone. If human kind is anything it is innovative and creative when it comes to killing its own and destroying what others have so diligently built. Naked we are all the same, perhaps this is why clothing is so ubiquitous?

I know of no other animal that systematically kills its own kind. I know of no other animal that systematically kills anything. I do not know all animals in the world, as I do not even know all peoples or places. It is possible their are such. I am an educated man, I would think, if such existed I would have some knowledge about it. We men would like to think we control everything and that which we do not directly control have influence over because our gods control it. We men are fools. I truly am like Socrates, I know this much and nothing more. All else is speculation. Some times my speculation will be correct and sometimes not.

We are fools because we often can not tell the difference between correct and not. We can not tell the difference between chance and fact. We are strange beasts as we think. That thinking often causes us to delude ourselves. If we try something 10 times and fail but on the 11th happen to say something and are successful, then we forget the 10 and believe the saying associated with the 11th is magic. Like those Socrates was critical of, we believe we know what we do not. We are strange beasts because the belief in a wrong notion is often more powerful that the limited real knowledge we actually have.

Kastor is making light of me, he rubs his erection against my cheek and chides, "what is better Arden the memory or the actual taste of my seed." We have decided to experiment and find out. I hope this is an experiment that will need many trials and will take much time.

Next: Chapter 11

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