Archive;The Cruise#1

By L

Published on Mar 16, 2000



The Cruise

I was 16 the summer my parents decided to finally take a cruise, and I was looking forward to a much needed vacation. I was 5'10" and had sandy blonde hair, and green eyes. I was muscular, and had been lifting weights for a year then. It was on the cruise that I met my first lover.

I was walking along the pool in the hot sun one day, checking out some of the hot guys laying in Speedo's, when someone knocked me and I lost my balance. I fell backwards into the pool and tried to catch my breath. Some of the guys started laughing, but I felt someone swim up behind me and put a powerful arm around my body. I immediately relaxed and let this arm guide me to the pool ladder. I lifted myself out, trying to dry off a little. Then I heard his voice from behind me.

"Do you need a towel? I've got one right over there if you need it," he said pointing to a nearby chair.

"Oh, sure. Thanks," I managed to say and I stepped back as he started to lift himself out of the pool. I was amazed at what I saw. He was about 6'1", had short bleached hair, and green eyes. He had a tattoo on his left shoulder that looked like wings and an earring in his right ear. He was muscular, and was wearing a black Speedo, which accentuated his gear.

He walked across the deck to a chair not far away, and the whole way there I couldn't take my eyes off his beautiful body. He had an almost boyish look to him, and I guessed he must have been 19. He picked up a towel and threw it to me, and I tried my best to dry off.

"Thanks," I said again, smiling.

"No problem," he said, putting his towel over his shoulders, "So what's your name?"

"Andrew," I said, "What's yours?"

"Troy, Troy Bastian," he said, reaching his hand out to me. I reached out and shook his hand, which sent shivers through my body. I felt something stirring in my dripping shorts, and immediately I knew what was going on. I realized that my wet clingy shorts would not hide a hard on, and quickly wrapped my towel around my waist.

"Wanna go get something to eat?" he asked, putting on some shoes.

"Sure, I'm starving," I said a little too quickly. He looked up and smiled at me.

We sat down at the poolside bar and ordered lunch. I couldn't take my eyes off of him, and I had too keep the towel wrapped around my waist to hide my raging hard on.

"So, are you here with your family?" he asked, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Yeah," I replied, "Are you?"

"No, just some college friends," he said, smiling again. His smile melted me, and we kept talking the whole afternoon until the sun began to set.

"I've gotta go, my parents are expecting me," I said, starting to get up, "I'll see ya tomorrow!"

"Well, what about coming to dinner with me and my friends?" he asked. I couldn't believe what was happening. He broke out another one of his beautiful smiles, and I couldn't refuse.

"Sure, I just have to go change, and ask my parents!" I said.

"Good, I'll see ya around six here?" he asked.

"Sure, sounds great," I said giving him a final smile and hurrying off. I was so excited I ran all the way back to our cabin. I showered, shaved, and got ready. My parents told me it was okay to go, as long as I stayed out of trouble. I rushed up the flights of stairs, and headed for the pool. I reached the pool and there he was, standing with a group of other guys. I walked up and he turned around and smiled. I almost collapsed right there.

"Hey!" he said, putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into the group, "This is the guy I rescued from the pool today. His name is Andrew," he said introducing me. I said hi to all the other guys, there were about 5, and we started to walk to the restaurant. We walked side by side the whole way, just fooling around. He would tackle me and we'd have mini-scuffles which would end in us both cracking up and rolling on the deck. We reached the restaurant, much to my disappointment, and sat down at a table. He and his other friends fooled around a little, and we all laughed and told jokes. We finished eating, and we got up and walked outside. The sun had already gone down, but the sky was still a deep purple, and it was beautiful. We walked to the back of the ship, and just stood on the back railing talking.

One by one his friends started to leave, and eventually we were alone. We sat in silence for a long time, just looking out over the water. Finally he broke the silence.

"You're pretty cool, you know that Andy?" he said with another one of his earthshaking smiles. I blushed and turned away to hide it. "No, really, you are," he said. I turned back towards him and looked deep into his eyes. He looked back into mine, and sparks began to fly. He leaned over and was about to kiss me, but at the last moment he gave me a peck on the forehead. He drew back shyly, and stared at the deck.

"I'm sorry," he said, "I shouldn't have done that."

"No, really, that was nice," I said, "Don't be sorry."

"I think you've probably already figured out that I like you, but you probably don't know that I'm gay, and I understand if you want to leave," he said sadly.

"Look at me," I demanded, and he turned and looked me in the eyes, "I'm...I'm gay too. And it's okay, even if I wasn't I wouldn't leave. You're one of the nicest people I've ever met, and I want you to kiss me."

"Really?" he said turning back towards me. I nodded. He leaned foreword again, but this time he kissed me deeply on the lips. We put our arms around each other and he finally pulled back. I held him tighter and laid my head against his chest. We stood like that for a for what seemed forever, and finally he released his grip on me.

"I have to go back now, it's getting late," he said looking at his watch. I took my arms from around him, and he gave me another deep kiss on the lips. "See ya tomorrow, I'll be at the pool around noon or in the Exercise Room before then," he said, and he turned and walked slowly away. I stood remembering his kiss, until I realized that it was really late. I hurried back to my cabin thinking about Troy the whole way.

The next day I woke up at nine, and quickly ate breakfast and got dressed. I put on some work out clothes and rushed down to the Exercise Room. I wandered around until I saw him wave from across the room, while smiling broadly. I walked over, and sat down next to him, and watched him lift weights while we talked. Neither of us said a thing about the night before. Finally he sat up and dried his forehead with his towel. He was wearing a white tank top, and a pair of athletic shorts.

"Well, that's all for me today. Wanna come back with me to my cabin? I have to get changed into my bathing suit, and I probably have an extra you can borrow," he said smiling at me.

"Sure!" I said, getting up and following him out of the room. We walked down several corridors, and he finally stopped at a door, and got out a keycard. He opened the door and walked in.

"Home sweet home," he said throwing off his shirt. The cabin was a mess. There were clothes all over the place and several trays with leftover food. "I hope you don't mind the mess, this is how college guys live," he said laughing. I barely noticed the mess; my eyes were focused on his bare torso. It was perfectly shaped and tanned. He started to rummage through a bag, and pulled out a blue Speedo.

"Is blue okay?" he asked.

"Perfect," I said. He handed it to me and I stood there trying to decide whether to strip down right in front of him, or find another place to change. Before I could make up my mind, he pulled down his shorts, and then his briefs, revealing a rock hard eight-inch cock. He didn't even look at me, and slipped into his Speedo before I could say anything.

"Come on stupid, it doesn't take a scientist to put a Speedo on. What, do you want me to put it on for you?" he said jokingly. I managed to laugh a little, and pulled off my shirt and shorts. I slid out of my briefs, and my seven-inch cock was rock hard. I didn't look to see if he was watching me, but I took my time putting the Speedo on. I looked up and he handed me a towel.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Yep," I managed to squeak. He led the way out of the cabin, and my eyes were fixed on his ass the whole walk to the pool. We got to the pool, and amazingly it wasn't crowded at all.

"Wow, almost the whole pool to ourselves," he said laughing. There was one old woman swimming laps at the far end of the pool, but we put our towels down and jumped in. We fooled around a little, and then we climbed onto a raft, and both laid down in the sun. We laid facing each other, and we stared into each other's eyes. The old lady got out and left and we were alone. I leaned foreword and kissed him and he smiled.

"For a while there I thought last night was just a crazy dream," he said, but before he could continue I kissed him again. I then started to massage his chest with my hands while he looked deeply into my eyes.

"You know what my biggest fantasy is?" he asked," Laying on a beach during a thunderstorm, at night, having sex."

"Mmmm," I whispered, "Sounds erotic." I decided it was time to make a leap forward, and I slid my hands slowly down from his chest, over his tight stomach, and over his Speedo. His hard dick pressed against my hand and he closed his eyes. I started to rub my hands up and down on his cock, and as I did, he started to moan. I lifted the edge of his Speedo and slipped my hands underneath. He took in a deep breath as my hands encircled his thick cock and started to pump it. He moaned and started to kiss me again.

"Get ready," he whispered into my ear, and I felt his cock swell. I quickly cupped my hand around his cock, and collected most of his cum. He groaned and relaxed, closing his eyes again.

"That felt really good," he said. I took my handful of his cum and pressed it up against his chest. I spread it over his beautiful chest, and then leaned forward and licked it all off. It was warm and sweet, and he sighed as I lapped it off of him. He opened his eyes and turned to face me. He caressed my chest with his powerful hands just as I had done, and slowly started to move down to my bulging Speedo. He smiled as his fingers slipped beneath the elastic and danced over my cock. He slowly started to pump it, and I laid back and closed my eyes. I let out a groan, and he started to pick up speed. He leaned over and kissed me again on the lips, and moments later I felt his tongue exploring my nipples. I couldn't take the pleasure anymore, and blew my load all over my stomach and chest. He lapped up my hot cum, and then kissed me again. I could taste myself in his mouth, and we held each other. We stayed like that floating on the raft for the rest of the afternoon until some other people showed up. We got out and dried off.

"I promised my friends I'd meet them at 3 to go scuba diving, but I'll be back before 5, and we might be able to go over to the island later tonight," he suggested.

"Sounds good to me!" I said, and he smiled back at me. I couldn't resist, and I ran up to him and kissed him again.

"See ya later Andy," he said and turned around to go.

"See ya Troy," I said. And he looked back and gave me one more smile. I walked back to my cabin, peeled off the Speedo, and jumped in the shower. I was so happy, I couldn't wait until 5, and I wandered around the ship aimlessly. I even went to the ship's club and tried to have a good time with some friends I had met, but I kept looking at my watch.

Finally, after what seemed years, it was 5 o'clock. I rushed down to the scuba platform and sure enough, he was just getting out of the water. His tight wetsuit looked great and I followed him into the changing room. Once we were in private, we kissed, and I started to undress him. I was just getting started when another person came into the room, and I had to stop. He changed quickly and quietly, and we left as soon as we could.

"So, how do you feel about going over on the 5:30 shuttle to the island?" he asked.

"Sure, my parents won't miss me," I said. We both laughed and we walked back to his room. He picked up his wallet and a few other things, and then we made our way down to the shuttle. The trip took only 5 minutes, and then we got off, and headed towards the beach.

"Oh no!" he suddenly said stopping, "We forgot bathing suits!"

"Oh well, we can just go naked! But we'll have to find a private beach," I said.

"Oooohh, getting sexy aren't we?" he joked. We both laughed and set off in search of a private beach. We walked for about an hour, and we finally came upon a small cove which was completely surrounded by rock.

"It's perfect!" Troy said stripping off his shirt. We both got undressed, and ran into the water. It was warm, and the sun was just setting. We floated in each other's arms until we were waterlogged. We climbed out of the water and laid down in the sand. In the distance there was a low boom, and we both jumped. We turned around and a large dark cloud was moving towards us. The lightning lit up the sky, and we sat and watched. Then we started to kiss, and I rolled on top of him.

"Lucky you, it looks like your fantasy might just come true," I said to him, and he rolled on top of me. We kissed and he moved his head down towards my cock. I laid back, and felt his warm lips close around my cock. I moaned, and he licked up and down my throbbing dick. Then he started to bob his head up and down, and it felt so good. He rubbed my legs with his hands, and soon I felt too much pleasure welling up inside me. I released my whole load into his mouth, and he gulped it down. He licked me clean, and laid beside me again. I rolled over and kissed him.

"That was great," I said.

"Yeah, it was. I have a request though," he said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Can I fuck you?" he said almost sheepishly.

"I thought you'd never ask," I said, and his eyes lit up. The thunder roared overhead, but it didn't rain yet. We kissed again and then I got on all fours in the sand.

"You sure about this?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'd love it. Go ahead slowly," I said. I felt the heat of his body near my ass, and I then I felt his cock press against my asshole. He gently pushed in, and I gasped with pleasure and pain. He slowly inched more and more of himself into me, until finally, he bottomed out, and I felt him against my ass. He took a deep breath and so did I. The pain subsided, and it felt so good.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Yeah," I groaned. I could feel his smile on my back and he slowly started to withdraw his cock from my ass. It was almost out completely when he switched directions, and came back in. I started to moan, and the lightning crashed around us. He relaxed a little and I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. He started to fuck me faster, and he started chewing on my ear. I moaned in pleasure as he picked up speed. He whispered things in my ear, and finally he started to slow down. I felt his body stiffen, and then felt a warmness spread into my ass. He groaned, and collapsed onto my back. I collapsed too, and we lay there on top of each other until the storm passed. We slept naked on the beach in each other's arms until dawn, and then we got up and dressed and went back to the boat.

After that, we enjoyed a week of making love and sleeping together. After the cruise we went our separate ways, but still stayed in contact.

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