Archie and His Neighbor

By moc.loa@skcoscexe

Published on Jan 30, 2022


Title: Archie and his Neighbor, Mr. Matthews 2

Author: Christopher Trevor

At that point on what Mike Matthews, Executive Finance Executive would have called that fateful Saturday morning, it was now 11:00 AM, and three hours since the man's son's best friend, Archie, who the finance executive called Carrot Top, because of his flaming red hair, had showed up at his house...

...and did things to him that at the age of 4o, married to the same woman since he was 20 years old and with a son headed off to college, he never could have fathomed... (or perhaps he could have fathomed?)

...overpowered by his sensitive nipples, DAMN, once that carrot topped kid had had him by the nips he was like putty in his hands...squeezing and twisting his jutted up tits, his MAN TITS, as if they were bottle caps, causing the finance executive to feel things in his loins he'd never felt before (or did he???), his damned nipples on total display and just asking for it because he had just finished his morning workout, shirtless, in his private basement/gym, and when he demanded the kid let go of his damned nipples, well, instead of obeying orders, the carrot topped mother fucker went to work sucking his hard tits, his MAN TITS, FUCK...sucking his nipples, chewing on them like they were the best tasting things on God's green earth...AND, and holding him tight by his muscular ass globes as he feasted like a beast on those damned nipples...MAN TITS, DAMN...and when his son's buddy kissed and devoured him at the mouth...well, all of that was totally incredible...but then, when the dude tore his gym shorts off him and found him commando under them... and slid his cock into his anal canal...FUCK, and it seemed to the finance executive that his goddamned hole had literally sucked that college freshman's cock inside him... for Mike Matthews, in his pain and ecstasy, it was all just too over the top, BECAUSE, because he wanted Carrot Top's cock deep, deeper inside him with each thrust the kid made as he plowed him, MY GOD...and then to cum the way he did as that kid fucked him six ways from Sunday...

And even though he outweighed and outmuscled the carrot topped college freshman by beyond God knows how many pounds, not once, not fucking once, did he attempt to shoo the kid away...

...if anything, he seemed to want more and more AND MORE of what his son's best buddy was doing to him...

And then, MY GOD, to cum the way he did... Never before...NEVER before in his 40 years did he cum like that, not even with his wife, DAMN!!! And the feeling of his son's best friend's splooge flooding his hole, coating his ass walls, it was like total fucking bliss...

And to have Carrot Top reveal that he had been crushing on him since he was a kid???

Well, he supposed it was better, somewhat better than if his son's best buddy had a thing for his wife that would never have gone over well at all for the finance executive. HA, Mr. Matthews thought, better the kid fuck my ass than my wife's pussy, what a twisted thought!!!

Three hours now since the man's son's best friend had showed up at his house...

...three goddamned hours and instead of feeling spent and all used up the finance executive wanted more...


...and lo and fucking behold, the ol' carrot topped college freshman was giving him just that...MORE...

Because now, seeing as Mike Matthews' son's best friend had teasingly asked him how he felt about bondage games, the well-toned, built like a brick shit house finance executive found himself bound with his wrists above his head, with a jump-rope that he used for his workouts, that Archie had found on the floor of the man's basement gym, to the bed board of his and his wife's bed in their upstairs bedroom...stretched out on his ripped muscular back...for the moment...his sneakers having been taken off his gigantic smelly feet, wearing just his ankle length black sweat socks...

...and grunting in a mixture of misery and ecstasy as the carrot top used more of his jump ropes to secure his socked ankles to the sides of the bed board next...

...literally practically folding the muscleman in half on his and wife's bed...

"HUHHHHHH, JEEZ Carrot Top, when you asked me how I felt about bondage games I didn't for a goddamned second think that this was what you had in mind," Mike Matthews seethed, his head resting on his muscular pulled up above him arms...and him looking up and watching as Archie tied his sweat socked ankles securely to the sides of the bed board.

"As I told you Mr. Matthews, I plan to introduce you to things you've never imagined," Archie chuckled and kissed the finance executive's socked foot that he had just finished tying to the bed board. "Damn, your feet really stink..."

As Archie got to work binding the man's other foot up to the bed board the finance executive said, in a snarky tone of voice, "Well damn kid, I had worked out and sweated in those socks for more than two hours before you surprised me by showing up here really think those socks of mine are gonna smell like they just came out of the clothes dryer?"

"Good point, Mr. Matthews," Archie said, also sounding snarky and like with the finance executive's first sweat socked foot, when he was done tying it to the bed board he gave it a kiss.

"So that's why you tied me up like this kid, all folded in half so you could kiss my smelly sweat socks?" Mr. Matthews asked most sarcastically.

Grinning down at his prize, Archie said, "Not quite Mr. Matthews..."

...and moved down to the bound up finance executives on display ass...

...and hole...

...the man's gaping hole, which was practically looking up at the bedroom ceiling...

"JEEZ kid, look at this shit now, you got me tied up here and spread out like a Thanksgiving turkey, and not to mention that I'm at full mast in my cock all over again, can't get over that," Mr. Matthews panted, curling his toes back and forth under his stinky sweat socks as he spoke. "Look at me, just fucking look at me, forty years old, just shot a whopper of a load not that long ago and I'm all hard in the cock again...and shot my load because your cock was up my ass at that...goddamned carrot top you it seems like I'm getting all chubbed up in the cock from you tyin' me the fuck up like this...JEEZ..."

As Archie settled himself at Mr. Matthews' upturned ass cheeks he gave them a quick swat and said, "I will say this Mr. Matthews, for a man who makes his living in a suit and tie behind a desk on Wall Street you certainly have a way with words, you should have maybe been a writer instead of a finance executive...what do you think?"

The finance executive licked his lips and said, "I think at the moment kid, what I think really doesn't matter all that much to, now that you got me all bound up for your bondage games as you called them, what's next here? Gonna cock up my ass again?"

"HEH, not just yet Mr. Matthews, I think I'll make you wait a bit for that," Archie said, sounding sinister as hell at that point. "Making you wait is called edging..."

"So I'm just to lie here all bound up in my goddamned smelly sweat socks and chitter chatter with you and..." the finance executive sputtered...

...but then, his words were cut short when Archie grabbed his ass cheeks hard, spread them as wide as possible and spit into his hole...numerous times...

"HUUHHHHH, WH-what the fuck, Carrot Top?" Mr. Matthews fumed, his massive chest heaving up and down. "Using my damned anal canal as a goddamned spittoon???"

After spitting a few more times into the man's sweaty musty and still cum sopped hole, Archie leaned down, stuck out his tongue...

...and began flicking the tip of it around and around in the finance executive's anal canal, as the man had so aptly called it just seconds ago...

"AWWWWWWWHHHH FUUUCCCKK, FUCKING FUCKS!!!!" Mike Matthews suddenly thundered. "Oh my God Carrot Top, oh my fucking God, you-you're fucking tonguing and rimming my hole, oh my fucks, NEVER, never before in my forty years...AWWWWWWWHHH GAWWWDDDD!!!"

To tantalize and tease his prize all the more, Archie dribbled liberally into Mr. Matthews' hole, gripped his ass cheeks tighter yet...

...and began sucking his ass walls, gulping back his saliva and his cum, what there was of it, from earlier...

"HUUUUHHHHH, Y-you're making me crazy here, Carrot Top!" the finance executive croaked throatily.

In response Archie swirled his tongue round and round and round against Mike Matthews' rosebud.

"EERRRRRRRHHH, GAWWD..." was the finance executive's response. "MY, my goddamned cock is pounding like a jackhammer you crazy kid!!!"

Pausing for a moment in his ass-work, Archie looked up into the man's face of shock and gleefully said, "Yeah and all because I'm treating your manhole like it was a pussy hole..."

"HA, HA, HA for me Carrot Top, that's one hundred percent man ass beef you're eating back there, or down there, whatever the fucking fucks you prefer," Mr. Matthews ranted. "Fuck, look at me here, fucking tied up in my sweat socks and my asshole bein' eaten by my son's best friend..."

"Yeah, it doesn't get much better than this eh Mr. Matthews?" Archie chided the man and slid his tongue tip into the man's now saturated ass lips.

"HUHHHHHHH, this is torture, Carrot Top, fucking exquisite torture, but torture none-the-fucking-less...GAWWWDDDD..." the finance executive cried out then.

Then, Archie began a series of continuous dribbling, spitting, flicking his tongue, sucking the man's ass walls and teasing Mr. Matthews' rosebud with his tongue, lips and mouth...

The finance executive's muscular body broke out in wild goosebumps and tears of joy and madness at the same time filled his big dark eyes... Archie worked his asshole mouth-wise, AND, as if he would never stop...

"GOD, my cock is so hard it's painful, Carrot Top, and I can feel it oozing pre cum," Mr. Matthews stated breathlessly... "No wonder you wanted me tied the fuck up this way, no way for me to get to my stalk...edging me is right like you said..."

Archie giggled fiendishly and then Mr. Matthews felt the college freshman handling his tight and cum-filled testicles, pulling them toward himself...pulling them toward his mouth...

"HOOOO GOD, what now kid, what the fuck now???" the finance executive demanded. "As if I had any say in the matter that is...JEEZ..."

Mike Matthews received his reply from Archie a few seconds later... the kid held his testicles tight between his thumb and index finger...

...and began slathering his tongue now over and over those tight cum filled balls...

"HHHHHUUUUNNNN, you know Carrot Top, I gotta tell you here, you really know how to treat a guy!" the finance executive said breathlessly...and joyfully. "GAWWWD, you're goin' places my wife never did..."

As he held the man's testicles tighter, Archie stopped licking them for a moment, said, "No shit Sherlock," and then, to Mr. Mike Matthews' shock of shocks, the college freshman slurped one of his tender testicles into his mouth...

...and sucked the fuck out of it...

"ARRRRHHHHH!!!! Fucking fucks Carrot Top, sucking my balls now???" the finance executive rasped crazily. "Not sure if I'm loving or hating that you lunatic kid...FUCCKK..."

Mike Matthews arched his head a bit forward to watch as Archie sucked his testicles alternately in and out of his mouth, chills coursing through his muscular goose-bumped body...

"MY GOD Carrot Top, if anyone had told me when I woke up today that after my work out this would be the way I would be spending my morning, I never would have believed it, being feasted on by my kid's best friend...of all things...DAMN..." the finance executive blubbered at that point.

Pausing again in his mouth action, holding Mr. Matthews' saliva-soaked sort of swollen balls in his hand, Archie giggled and said, "Your morning Mr. Matthews? Your morning? I have a newsflash for you, I'm going to be spending more than just the morning here with you today..."

And with that, Archie resumed sucking the finance executive's testicles in and out of his, what Mr. Mike Matthews had come to call his greedy hungry mouth...

As the sounds of his testicles being slurped and sucked on filled the bedroom, the finance executive muttered, "Looks like no office work after all for me today...fucking Carrot Cop!!!"

"MMMMMMMM..." Archie crooned then as he gently chewed next on his best friend's dad's testicles...

"HUHHHHHH, hey kid, easy with my balls huh?" Mr. Matthews asked with a sexy as all hell sneer on his face. "I might want to make my son Warren a big brother at some point, HA!!!! Kidding kid, fucking kidding..."

After a good while Mr. Mike Matthews' testicles had been sucked up to the size of two kiwis in his sweaty saliva soaked sac. The man was panting breathlessly, his huge muscular torso heaving up and down on the bed in his bound up folded up position...

"Fucking Carrot Top, because of everything you've subjected me to here every part of my body feels alive and tingling..." the finance executive muttered...

...and lay still, as Archie began quickly undoing the ropes holding him to the bed board, the red headed college freshman's cock as tall as the Empire State Building as well at that point...

And a few short moments later, like earlier, Archie hoisted the man's rectum into position, aimed his erect cock at it, and slid his cock home, slowly, inch by inch, the way he had quickly come to learn that the finance executive loved it...

"AWWWWWWHHH yes oh for the love of God and all the angels Carrot Top, cock up my ass, that's it kid, cock up my ass!!!" Mr. Mike Matthews demanded crazily, running his fingers lovingly through Archie's red hair, stroking the back of the kid's neck. "Yeah Carrot Top, cock up my ass..."

As Archie began fucking the man for the second time that morning the finance executive also repeated his earlier action. He reached down, grabbed his throbbing erection...

...and as his son's best friend speared him like crazy, he began stroking his manhood...

"Oh yeah Carrot Top, what a pair we are huh? Who would've thought it???" Mike Matthews gurgled. "GOD, I feel like I'm gonna cum as potently as I did earlier, kid! That's the sleazy effect you've had on me here today...AWWWWW FUCK, cock up my ass, feels electric!!!"

As Archie thrust in and out of the finance executive's hole for the second time that morning he felt himself preparing to again fill the man's opening with what he knew as well would be a whopper of a second load...

Soon, both men were roaring in a man's passion... they each shot their loads for the second time that morning...

...Archie, filling his best friend's dad's anal canal with his college freshman spunk...

...and Mike Matthews spurting his executive mess all over his colossally built upper torso...

AND, as Archie seemed to cum and cum like a madman inside his best friend's dad's hole he smacked the man's ass cheeks hard, gripped and squeezed the bejesus out of them...

...which seemed to drive him on all the more...

...which caused Mike Matthews great joy it seemed, as he stroked his cock harder and HARDER, determined it seemed to cum till it was good to the last drop...

Finally though, when Archie couldn't cum anymore, he, with his teeth clenched and him sopped in sweat, slowly slid his spent manhood from Mike Matthews' hole...

"AWWWWWWWW GOD," Archie whined. "Like you would say Mr. Matthews, what a day this turned out to be..."

As Archie flopped down on the bed next to the well-muscled finance executive Mr. Matthews let go of his spent cock, gathered the red headed college freshman into his huge arms, kissed his cheek and said, "Your cock feeling drained there, Carrot Top?"

Loving the feel of the older man's arms around him, Archie smiled and said, "Yeah, sort of Mr. Matthews, but I'm sure that later on, after some rest and some food, I'll be ready and raring to go I said I plan to spend more than just the morning with you here today...unless you really need for me to leave so you can get to your Wall Street work..."

Using his brute strength, Mike Matthews grabbed Archie by his upper arms, hoisted him up a bit, and then held the college freshman tight, so that his head was positioned directly over his massive chest...or, to be more precise, so Archie's head was positioned directly over his cum soaked chest...and pecs...and nipples...and stomach region...

With a smile on his face from ear to ear, the red haired kid didn't need to be told what to do...

He pressed his palms against the bed, leaned his head down and slowly began licking his cum from Mr. Matthews' chest, kissing the man's colossal pecs at the same time.

The sounds of Archie sucking his cum off the finance executive's chest filled the room.

"NICE Carrot Top, that feels real nice," Mike Matthews croaked, again running his fingers of both hands through Archie's hair. "Carrot Top..."

Then, when the college freshman began sucking his cum off the finance executive's jutted up nipples, Mr. Matthews reacted with a loud sounding, "AWWWWWW SHIIITTT Carrot Top, my nipples, my MAN TITS are still all sensitive feeling there...MAN TITS they are!!"

As the man gripped the bedsheets with his chest area arched up off the bed now, Archie grinned up at him and said, "Don't you know Mr. Matthews that after a man shoots a load every part of him is super sensitive to the touch...and suck...just like your nips are at this moment...

Before the finance executive could reply, Archie leaned his head back down and slurped the man's other cum coated nipples into his mouth...

...and sucked hard...

"HUHHHHHH you weren't just blowing air there, kid, fucking Carrot Top, my nipples, my MAN TITS feel like they're alive on my goddamned chest, yeah, that's it you lunatic kid, suck my sensitive nipples, eat my cum off them, hearty and good for you..." Mike Matthews demanded, as he again ran his fingers through Archie's flaming red hair.

A few short minutes later, when all of the man's cum had been sucked off his jutted up nipples, Mike Matthews was once again roaring and grunting in disbelief... Archie had hoisted his legs upward and slid his newly erect cock inside him yet again...

"HUHHHHHH, FUCKING FUCKS Carrot Top, you're a goddamned twenty-four hour erection!!! GAWWWD, cock up my ass you lunatic kid, fucking cock up my ass!!!" the finance executive blubbered joyfully...

/To Be Continued.../

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