Archbishop College

By Steam Train

Published on Jul 10, 2023


Morgan Palatine 3 - Sitter An Archbishops College Series Story by Steam Train ( )

Copyright 2021 by Steam Train, all rights reserved.

This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

I acknowledge that this story is influenced and inspired by Five Boys Remember the Way It Was (cowritten with EBB) by By, Running Bare. I have deliberately based aspects of this story around scenes the authors created.

Morgan Palatine 3 - Sitter An Archbishops College Series Story

Around Bingen on the Water, Otto Vundorum had built up a small client base from friends of his parents, who would call on him from time to time, to sit their children. It was mainly boys aged eight to twelve years of age, as teenage girls seemed to be preferred for sitting younger boys and sitting girls of any age. Otto was fourteen years old, nearly fifteen in fact, but was not tall for his age, so boys older than twelve if they required sitting seemed to be given to teens older than him, to keep an age and height difference.

One of Otto's biggest thrills from his sitting activities, which he had been doing now for nearly two years, happened only this week with the introduction of what his friends had told him was called a return to `Traditional Values'.

Otto's family did not attend St Cuthbert's Church where last Sunday Vicar Polley had introduced to his congregation the concept of a return to Traditional Values'. Although he did not go to the church, Otto very quickly heard during the following days from his friends all about Traditional Values' and what were the main consequences.

Otto however did go to St Cuthbert's Church of the Unified Kingdom Academy along with his twelve year old sister Victoria, which was just behind the MacQuaid residence where this Saturday he was sitting Bartholomew MacQuaid and his friend Claudius Fernsby. Monty Polley the Vicars son was in his year at the Academy and despite his own and his siblings best endeavours to keep their pubic striping at the Vicarage secret, word had soon gotten out.

Otto had been flabbergasted that the three Polley children, Toby, Yasmin and Monty aged respectively, 14, 12 and 11 had ended up totally naked in front of others, that was the last thing he would ever have expected from the prim and proper family of the local vicar.

But then Otto heard all about the other children who were there to witness the Polley strippings and how they also had been stripped naked. These children had included the two children of the local nobility, thirteen year old Boris and eleven year old Hilda Bingen. As well another two of his classmates fourteen year old, Buckley Monash and fifteen year old Ellis Braun had been stripped along with their younger sisters, twelve year old Terri Monash and thirteen year old Kim Braun. Plus the near neighbour of the MacQuaid's, twelve year old Morgan and ten year old twin sons William and Benjamin Palatine had also being stripped naked in public!

Otto had occasionally sat the Palatine twins but never their older sister Morgan. He was very disappointed he had not seen all the naked bodies at the Vicarage, but maybe he would see them soon as the take up of `Traditional Values' seemed to him to be accelerating very quickly in the local community.

One of Otto's fantasies was to imagine making the boys who he was sitting naked among other clothed children, especially if those children were the same age or younger and the naked boy had a strong sense of modesty. Until the return of `Traditional Values' such a fantasy was just that, as doing something like that was very much a social taboo but now all of a sudden it was actually a possibility as some families had adopted the new rules and some had not or were yet to do so.

Even before `Traditional Values' one of Otto's favourite things whilst sitting for his parents' friends and neighbours children was to check on them while they were bathing, especially the older preteens, because they would usually balk at his insistence on coming into the bathroom while they were in the tub or shower

Today Otto was called to sit, Bartholomew MacQuaid who was a regular and his friend Claudius Fernsby was also over at the MacQuaid residence. The parents of both boys Mr. Dermot MacQuaid and Mrs. Lydia MacQuaid and Mr. Spartacus Fernsby and Mrs. Athena Fernsby along with their fourteen year old daughter Agatha Fernby were spending the day at the city of Lindum where they planned to have a meal at one of the city's hatted restaurants and then they had tickets to the theatre.

Otto had not sat Claudius before, but Otto had been pleased when he met him as he was every bit as cute a kid as Bartholomew and was delighted when Mrs. Athena Fernsby instructed him that like the MacQuaid's they were fully supportive of the return to `Traditional Values'.

Mrs. Fernsby then gave Otto permission for her son Claudius to be made to play naked with Bartholomew at the appropriate times and to bath Claudius if he got too dirty after playing!

Yeeeessssss!' Otto thought to himself, he was in seventh heaven about Traditional Values', but felt decorum compelled him to appear as if he was a bit reluctant to strip and wash Claudius. So to disguise his true excitement and arousal, he asked. "Are you sure your son is going to be okay with this, he doesn't know me like Bartholomew does."

"It's not up to him, we have decided that Claudius will be a full participant in the return to `Traditional Values'." said Mr. Fernsby, "Remember Otto, if you have any problems with my son, you have spanking rights and feel free to ring me on my mobile if you have any major issues, I've left my number on the kitchen bench."

Standing with Mr. and Mrs. Fernsby listening to the new rules being applied to her brother was their smirking fourteen years old daughter Agatha Fernsby.

"I don't know what you're smirking about Agatha," said Mrs. Fernsby to her daughter, "Your father and I are still considering wether `Traditional Values' should also apply to you. It may well turn out that soon you too will be naked as well. Just like today will be the first time in a couple of years that anyone has seen your brother naked, soon it may well be your first time in many, many years to be naked in front of me, your brother, your school friends, your cousins and lots of other people."

"Oh, no, mom, you can't seriously mean that! Girls need much more modesty than boys, especially when they are nearly sixteen," pleaded Agatha Fernsby.

"As I said, your father and I are still considering," responded Mrs. Fernsby. "But as you know very well, starting this week with the new Traditional Values' rules , modesty and privacy for children your age is a privilege, not a right, you are still fourteen, so your over a year under the sixteen year age limit. Parents have total control about who is involved in Traditional Values', so stop your smirking!"

It was Otto Vundorum who now had the smirk on his face after hearing the threat to his classmate Agatha Fernsby.

"Otto," emphasised Mrs. Fernsby, "Remember to make sure that you make Claudius stay naked when appropriate for as long as possible with Bartholomew until we get home this afternoon.".

"Oh, I will Mrs. Fernsby, Claudius did you hear your mother, you are to be naked like Bartholomew?"

"Yes, but I don't want too" pouted Claudius.

Bartholomew was a compassionate boy. He draped his arm over his friend's shoulder and calmly said, "It's okay Claudius. We're both boys, you'll soon get used to its ." Claudius shifted uneasily, his body language indicated he rejected his friends advice, for him it was obviously not okay,

Otto was filled with anticipation and excitement that he had permission to take both boys outside in the backyard to play where Claudius but probably not Bartholomew, would be totally embarrassed by being forced to be publicly naked and exposed.

After goodbyes and a snack Otto decided it was time to put a return to traditional values about nudity into practice.

"All right boys, you heard your parents, off with all your clothes please. You can just hand them to me and I'll fold them and put them aside."

Bartholomew quickly did as asked, he was actually excited to be naked and was soon displaying his prepubescent genitals. A thin little boy penis that was currently fully erect at around two and a half inches and a tight tiny little boy scrotum.

Claudius couldn't help glancing across at his newly naked friend, taking in all the details of Bartholomew's newly exposed naked body. He however stood with his lower lip still extended, arms crossed in an act of defiance.

"Claudius If you don't get undressed right now, I'll undress you and then I'll spank your bare bottom. Your choice you do it now, or I do it and then I spank you. Which is it?"

"He'll spank you. He really will. He's done it to me before and his spanks hurt."

"I'm going to count to three Claudius and if you haven't started undressing, I am going to do it for you and then after I've gotten you naked, I'm going to put you over my knees and spank your bare bottom. One ..... two ..... " Otto threatened.

Claudius let out a moaning cry and began undressing. He took off his his T-Shirt and threw it on the floor defiantly and dropped his shorts to around his ankles and then just resumed his defiant stance.

Otto instantly smacked Claudius's underpants covered bottom with one not vey hard swat. It was enough to get him started again. Claudius stepped out of his shorts and then lowered his underpants and took them off."

Claudius's prepubescent penis was erect and a bit more substantial than Bartholomew's in both its length and thickness and thought his scrotum was still tight, it was considerably more prominent than Bartholomew's. Claudius's erection was probably an inch longer than Bartholomew's at around three and a half inches.

Bartholomew like Claudius before him, visually inspected and compared his friend's exposed genitals the moment they were unveiled.

"Ok boys, time for some naked time in the backyard" Otto ordered.

His plan was that the two naked boys wouldn't be in the house hardly at all from this morning until their parents came home, making them play outside naked all day. When Otto told the boys they'd be going straight outside to play in the fresh air and sunshine of the backyard, Claudius balked.

"I can't go outside I'm naked." Claudius asserted.

"Yes, you can, it's totally acceptable to be naked in your backyard under `Traditional Values' rules! Bartholomew, you and I are all going out and will be playing with the football."

"But the neighbours might see me naked!" said Claudius.

"They probably will, but I think most of the neighbours are also adopting`Traditional Values' so people won't care if you're naked."

"I don't want to go outside!" Claudius asserted.

"You didn't want to get naked either, but under `Traditional Values' that decision isn't up to you anymore and neither is going out to the backyard." Otto responded and then added, "I'm sure the Tamerlane girls, your next door neighbours, would love to come over and play with you two naked boys in the backyard."

Mr. Phileas Tamerlane and Mrs. Anna Tamerlane lived next door along with their three daughters, Cora aged seven , Vera aged ten, Erica aged twelve and their son Percival aged fifteen, a fellow classmate of Otto's. Mrs. Tamerlane was designated by Lydia MacQuaid as Otto's emergency contact if something urgent happened that he couldn't handle. Mrs. Tamerlane and Otto had interacted a lot over the times Otto had sat Bartholomew. Otto didn't know if she or any of her family had ever seen Bartholomew naked before, but if they hadn't, this was going to be their lucky day.

"Okay guys, let's go out and get some sun and play with the football." an upbeat Otto ordered.

Otto picked up the football and Bartholomew was eager to go outside to play. Claudius also followed, but reluctantly, with an expression of anxiety on his face. Both boys were sporting erections in anticipation of their imminent public exposure.

Claudius really didn't want to go out into the backyard and risk being seen naked. He was terrified at what Otto was making him do and at that moment hated his fourteen year old sitter but he hated the prospect of a spanking even more!

For the next three quarters of an hour Bartholomew and Otto kicked the football around the yard as Bartholomew's penis flopped around the entire time amusing Otto, who of course was fully dressed. Claudius however sat over near the back porch refusing to join in.

The sound of the Tamerlane's back screen door slamming shut caught the attention of all three boys and then the side fence gate that allowed access between the MacQuaid and Tamerlane back yards opened. Cora, the seven year old, and Vera, the ten year old, appeared!

"Bartholomew, your naked, I can see your dick and balls, where's your clothes?" Vera asked.

Bartholomew greeted them without any hint of trying to cover up or embarrassment and replied, "I don't have to wear clothes all the time anymore! I'm allowed to be naked sometimes, like now."

On seeing the two Tamerlane girls appear, Claudius tucked his genitals between his legs in an attempt to hide them from the scrutiny of the girls.

"Claudius, come over here and play with us. We can get a game going, boys against the girls and I can referee!"

"I don't want to play!" Claudius replied with a sullen tone.

"Is that boy naked too?" Cora asked as she walked toward him.

"Yes he is. He doesn't have to wear clothes either because of the new rules about `Traditional Values'." Otto replied.

"Can I see your dick and balls." seven year old Cora asked, obviously not feeling any need for decorum or subtlety.

"No!" Claudius bluntly replied.

Otto was committed to exposing Claudius to the girls so he walked over to the boy, put his hands under Claudius's arms and pulled him up.

Claudius fought valiantly to keep his penis and scrotum covered from the girls' view but Otto eventually got his hands positioned under Claudius's arms in such a way that he was able to pry his hands from their position. Claudius's erection bounced out into view and he squirmed violently trying to free himself from Otto's grasp.

"Wow, his is longer than Bartholomew's" Cora exclaimed.

Claudius was crying and yelling, "No. Stop. Let me go. Let me go!" He was squirming so hard Otto was struggling to maintain his hold as he wasn't all that much bigger and taller than Claudius.

"Go ahead, Cora, have a good look at his boy parts while I hold him." Otto encouraged.

Cora moved in close and stared at what had till today been Claudius's most private parts!

"Can I feel it!" Vera the older ten year old sister asked of Otto.

"I don't know if that's allowed as part of `Traditional Values', maybe just look like your sister, I can't hold him much longer."

"Yes it is! As long as you ask first" as she reached out and grabbed Claudius's penis, "Wow, It's so smooth and hot!" Vera asserted with confidence despite the fact it was a lie!

"Get off." Claudius exclaimed as his penis was felt up by a girl for the first time.

Otto could not hold Claudius any longer so he let the boy go. Claudius glared in anger and then went to head back and sit on the back porch.

"Oh no, Claudius, you're staying right out here with us. You can pout all you want, but you're staying here." Otto ordered.

To Otto's surprise, Claudius complied without arguing and plopped himself down in the center of the backyard.

Cora moved on to Bartholomew, "Can I feel yours, like my sis did to that other boy?" Bartholomew being Bartholomew just thrust his genitals forward giving her complete access to his now erect penis. She quickly grabbed it and spent some time manipulating it in an exploratory manner.

"Otto was not at all sure if he should be allowing all this touching but he was enjoying watching and his desire to have feel himself was pulsing through his brain and his groin. Otto decided he needed to divert the girls attention so he asked, "Does your mother know you girls are over here?" The last thing he wanted was to get in trouble from Mrs. Tamerlane who he knew would tell Mrs. MacQuaid.

Vera was quick to answer, "Yeah, Mom told us to come over. She saw Bartholomew and the other boy come out of the MacQuaid house and she told us that they were naked because of this new `Traditional Values' stuff."

"Really she said that?" Otto was suddenly much more confident about the touching the girls had done, with that information.

"Yeah she said we should come over here and see what boys look like. I already knew they had dicks and balls, but I've never seen one up close or touched one until today." said Vera. Our neighbours on the other side, the Palatine's have stripped their twelve year old daughter Morgan and ten year old twin sons William and Benjamin, but I haven't been able to see them naked yet, but Mom says that this evening at the BBQ we will!

"Yeah I heard, amazing hey!" Otto responded.

"Yeah" Vera replied, "Thank god Mom and Dad haven't got into this `Traditional Values' stuff at all"

Otto decided that with all the touching, the time was right to take some pictures and a video of the clothed girls interacting with the naked boys on his phone.

Claudius ignored Otto's request to spread his legs so the girls could get a better view and he could get more explicit pictures.

"Do I have to pick you up again and expose you again to the girls? Otto asked.

Initially Claudius continued to ignore Otto's instructions, but when Otto started walking toward him, he quickly spread his legs exposing his penis and scrotum as Otto took some more pictures of him.

"Girls I'd like you to put some of this sunscreen on the boys so they don't burn."

Otto quickly put his phone in his pocket and the two girls and the three boys turned towards the voice which came from behind them. It was Mrs. Tamerlane and standing next to her was Erica her twelve year old, eldest daughter. Erica was staring intently at the two naked boys!

"Erica, help your sisters get the boys lotioned up with the sunscreens they don't get sunburned."

"Hello Otto, does Mrs. MacQuaid know you've got the kids out here naked?"

"Yeah, all the parents know. Actually they told me to do it as part of this new return to `Traditional Values'!

"Well then, it's okay with me as well. I saw the boys naked from my house and presumed that it was part of `Traditional Values'. This gives my girls an ideal opportunity to see what boys look like nude before this evenings BBQ at the Palatine's where from what Mrs. Palatine told me, there will be a lot more naked boys, for my girls to see. This opportunity with just two boys will help ease my girls into seeing what boys look like naked."

"Yes Mrs. Tamerlane, Vera told me that you said that they should come over here and see what little boys look like nude." Otto confirmed.

"Oh Otto, `Traditional Values' is not just about little boys being seen naked, it applies to anyone under sixteen years of age. Are you invited to the BBQ Otto, you're under sixteen, if you are coming then you could get naked too?"

Erica momentarily stopped helping her sisters with the sunscreen and giggled at her mothers comment.

"Oh no, I don't think so Mrs. Tamerlane, my mother never mentioned anything about a BBQ tonight and we don't attend the church, so I am not involved in this naked time stuff" a blushing Otto nervously replied.

"Otto, `Traditional Values' applies to anyone under sixteen in the whole of the Unified Kingdom, you don't have to attend the Church of the Unified Kingdom to be involved." Mrs. Tamerlane informed as she smiled warmly at Otto

To change the conversation topic away from him participating, which Otto had not even realised was a possibility he used the fact that, Claudius was giving the girls a hard time, "Excuse me Mrs. Tamerlane." said Otto. "Claudius, let the girls put that sunscreen on you. I don't want to have to spank you again."

"You spanked him?"

"Yeah, a little bit, their mothers told me too if there was a problem. Bartholomew's been good, but Claudius has been a bit difficult." Otto reported.

"Well if you were given spanking right, then that's ok with me too. As a boy yourself Otto, you would know only too well that boys often do need harsher treatment and punishment than girls do! My son Percival is aged fifteen, but I find I still have to punish him a lot more than my girls. `Traditional Values' has also brought back spankings, so punishing Percival will be a lot easier from now on!" Mrs. Tamerlane stated.

Otto was shocked at hearing that Percival at his age, might be spanked. Mrs. Tamerlane moved on from the spanking conversation and asked if both sets of parents had given him permission to take pictures of their boys naked?

Showing his ignorance of Traditional Values' Otto replied, "That's all part of Traditional Values' isn't it?" but he was becoming very nervous at this line of questioning.

"No Otto, it's not! So you don't take anymore photos, give me your phone, I will talk this over with the parents when they get home. You can have your phone back then!" Mrs. Tamerlane instructed Otto.

A blushing Otto complied and offered up his mobile phone to her. She immediately asked for the passcode went to the photo album and checked out the content.

"Well, well, Otto. There are lots of photos and a video from today of the two boys playing naked. Why would you want pictures of the boys naked?" Mrs. Tamerlane asked.

"Umm ... because I thought they were cute. It's the first time I had seen boys playing naked outside!" Otto explained.

"They are cute, I'll grant you that, but teenage boys should not go around taking pictures and videos of naked nine year old boys just because they are cute. What's with that Otto?" I will have to discuss this with the boys parents and see what they think should be done? Maybe call your parents, the police or both?"

Erica had totally stopped helping her sisters with the sunscreen and had been listening in intently to her mothers conversation with Otto. From the look on Otto's face it was obvious that he was scared, but for now Mrs. Tamerlane left things at that.

Within a short time the two boys and the two youngest Tamerlane girls were running around kicking the football. Bartholomew never lost his comfort level with being naked and Claudius seemed to be slowly improving his.

Mrs. Tamerlane went back home after a while with Otto's phone in her possession but Erica stayed around much longer watching the two naked boys run around with enjoyment just as Otto was doing despite his worry about the photos he had taken!

Otto bought the boys inside for lunch but they all returned to the backyard for the afternoon. The three Tamerlane girls return as well for the afternoon and Mrs. Tamerlane popped over to check on things mid afternoon.

Eventually the MacQuaids and the Fernsbys returned from the city of Lindum and Mr. Fernsby and Agatha Fernsby had been dropped off at the Fernsby residence on the way home.

Mr. and Mrs. MacQuaid and Mrs. Fernsby all laughed when they saw the two naked boys playing in the backyard.

Mrs. Athena Fernsby came out to Otto and complimented him, "I can't believe that you got Claudius to join in and run around naked. He's so shy about his body. You have made my job of introducing him to `Traditional Values' so much easier, thank you for that!" It was then that she realised that there were girls in the backyard with the naked boys. "Oh look, there are two girls out there with the boys."

Lydia MacQuaid who had also come outside, looked and said, "Oh that's Vera and Cora Tamerlane from next door."

"Yeah they've been playing together all day." Otto added.

"All day with the boys naked and the girls are not naked. That's interesting!" said Mrs. Fernsby.

"Yes very interesting, I wonder if the girls know that Phileas and Anna Tamerlane plan to introduced `Traditional Values' into their family at the BBQ tonight, I suspect not! Mrs. MacQuaid informed Mrs. Fernsby.

Otto raised his eyebrows at hearing what was in store for the girls later that day, but said nothing about that prospect instead he had decided it was better for him to come clean about the photos and video, before the parents found out from Mrs. Tamerlane.

Therefore Otto informed Mrs. MacQuaid, "Mrs. Tamerlane came over and helped me supervise a couple of times, but I need to tell you, Mrs. MacQuaid that I took some photos and a video of the boys playing naked. I thought it was ok to take them under `Traditional Values' but Mrs. Tamerlane said it's not and that I should have asked for permission first. She has confiscated my mobile phone!"

"I am impressed that you confessed that Otto, Mrs. Tamerlane has actually already messaged me about that, so the Fernsby's and Mr. MacQuaid already know what you did." Mrs. MacQuaid informed Otto.

Otto lowered his head and looked very flushed.

"As much as I appreciate you getting Claudius involved in naked time, I think we had better have a little talk with you about those photos Otto. Come inside and we can sit down at the kitchen table." Mrs. Fernsby advised.

Mr. MacQuaid had disappeared to the lounge room, that left Lydia MacQuaid and Athena Fernsby to deal with the photo issue!

The three sat down around the kitchen table, Otto was still very flushed in the face and Mrs. MacQuaid led the discussion. "Otto, teenage boys should not go around taking pictures and videos of naked nine year old boys without permission and we did not give permission did we?"

"No, but I thought that it would be ok as part of `Traditional Values'." Otto replied.

"Well it isn't as I believe Mrs. Tamerlane has already informed you! You didn't touch the boys other than too spank them did you?"

"No, but the girls did!" informed Otto.

"Did Mrs. Tamerlane approve of that or was that your decision.?"

"It just sort of happened, I thought it was part of `Traditional Values'" Otto stated.

"Well Otto it is obvious that you need to learn a lot more about `Traditional Values' and what it encompasses and what it does not. We were concerned that you're into little boys, but I'll give you the benefit of doubt and put your actions down to ignorance. Do you agree Athena?"

Athena Fernsby nodded her head in approval and then said, "Well, I think I have a solution to get Otto over his ignorance. What if the boys get to strip Otto and the Tamerlane girls get to play with his naked body? I mean turnaround is fair play and will teach Otto a lesson he won't quickly forget!"

"What! No way!" Otto snapped back.

"Athena, what a great solution" said Mrs. MacQuaid ignoring Otto's outburst. "I'll call Otto's parents right now and explain what he has done, how his ignorance of Traditional Values' has got him into this trouble and ask them if I can keep him here tonight so he can attend the BBQ and experience naked time under Traditional Values' first hand as he is aged under sixteen."

Lydia MacQuaid waisted no time in calling Mrs. Tamerlane who only took a few minutes to come over with Otto's phone and the three women studied the photos and video that Otto had taken of Bartholomew and Claudius naked.

Mrs. Tamerlane then returned to her house and Mrs. MacQuaid rang Otto's parents, Martha and Thaddeus Vundorum and explained everything. The Vundorum's were very upset and disappointed at their sons actions and behaviour and were very glad the solution did not involve the police or other authorities. The Vundorum's had heard about Traditional Values' and informed Mrs. MacQuaid that they were considering it for their daughter Victoria and for Otto, so they readily gave their permission for Otto to be a full participant in Traditional Values' then and there!

Following the phone call, Mrs. MacQuaid explained to Otto that to save him some dignity and respect in front of Bartholomew and Claudius, she would deliberately set up Otto's introduction to naked time as if he had requested to be naked due to his desire to join the boys playing naked and not as a punishment for taking the photos and video without permission.

Despite frantic pleas from Otto against the plan, both women wasted little time in getting started. They summoned their two naked boys into the house, leaving the Tamerlane girls to their own devices in the backyard for a short while.

"Hey boys, we have a surprise for you." Mrs. MacQuaid informed the two boys. "Otto wants to stay and play naked with you guys for the rest of the day, now that his sitting duties for today are finished. He's envious of you guys running around and looking so care free whilst naked! So what do you think boys? Can Otto join you and run around naked too?"

Bartholomew piped up, "But he's too old to be naked isn't he?"

"No he isn't. He's only fourteen years old and so, still a boy, just like you. Boys can be naked under `Traditional Values' until they are sixteen." Mrs. MacQuaid informed the two boys.

"Boys, Otto has made sure that you were naked whilst sitting you today, on our authority, but now that he has finished that duty and is no longer in charge, he's back to being just another boy, so why don't you help Otto get used to being naked for the first time, by taking his clothes off for him. By you doing that, instead of Otto undressing himself, it will help make him feel like he's just another little boy, like you guys and not the big boy in charge anymore?" Then with a smirk Mrs. Fernsby added, "Otto, stand up please and let the boys take all your clothes off for you."

Otto had already come to the realisation that despite all his previous pleadings, his nakedness was now unavoidable, so reluctantly he slowly got up from the kitchen table without comment and Bartholomew immediately moved in and removed Otto's shoes and socks then his shirt and then went for Otto's belt buckle and unbuckled it. Claudius was still in shock that his bossy sitter who had made him get naked, was now getting naked himself! He just stood there staring. Bartholomew then unbuttoned Otto's shorts and, without unzipping them, yanked them down to the floor.

Bartholomew then reached down to complete the removal of the shorts as Otto lifted up one foot at a time without being prompted, as the nine year old, who Otto had been in charge of until a short while ago, took them completely off.

Mrs. Fernsby and Mrs. MacQuaid were fixated to the scene developing before them and it was self evident that they were awaiting a first view of Otto's private parts.

Mrs. Fernsby instructed her son, "Claudius why don't you take off Otto's boxers for him, don't make Bartholomew do all the work?"

Claudius was hesitant, this was a complete turn around in power and status for him, but he did have a strong desire to check out what his fourteen year old sitter had hiding under his boxers .

So slowly, Claudius, the very boy that Otto had forced to strip naked just a short time before approached Otto, grabbed his boxers by the sides and yanked them down to Otto's ankles.

Otto let out a loud gasp as his teenage body was totally exposed! Quickly moving both his hands to cover over his genitals with the classic embarrassed naked male position, snapping his left hand over his right between his legs, but before he did so every one got a quick glimpse of what he looked like between his legs!

Otto was not far into puberty, his chest and his armpits were void of any hair but his pubic region had two small growths of course dark pubic hair that had only recently begun to grow on either side of his penis and was yet to link up and form the beginnings of his pubic bush. His penile growth had started and showed signs of lengthening and thickening and his scrotum had dropped but his testicles were still of boyish size. His voice had not dropped much either for that matter and like his testicles was still more boyish than manly.

Otto was not able to cover up for very long as two smacks from Mrs. Fernsby landed across his bare bottom and he let out a shriek, he had never been spanked before.

"Another part of your education about `Traditional Values' Otto, spanking is another tradition that is returning" Mrs. Fernsby informed Otto.

Both Bartholomew and Claudius had huge smirks on their faces as they enjoyed the experience of their designated spanker becoming the spankee!

"No covering up", Mrs. MacQuaid ordered.

Otto's slight hesitation resulted in him getting another hard smack and him shrieking again! He then quickly pulled his hands away from his groin and stood with his arms by his sides, not wanting any more smacks!

Bartholomew immediately dropped down onto his knees in front of Otto and closely looked at his newly exposed genitals. "Hey, Mom, he's got some hair growing down there, why's that?"

"Boys usually start to get what is called pubic hair, when they are twelve or thirteen, later hair grows in their arm pits, on their chest, legs and arms. Otto is fourteen but his pubic hair is only just starting to grow on his body, so he's what is called a `late bloomer'. Bartholomew and Claudius, your pubic hair, will probably start growing in a few years, maybe even sooner, but what little pubic hair Otto has is going to be gone in a few minutes." explained Mrs. MacQuaid.

"What?" Otto blurted out.

"Another part of your education Otto, under `Traditional Values', you should be shaved bald so you look like the little boys as you are aged under sixteen." explained Mrs. MacQuaid.

"Now that I know what you look like naked, I can see that you should look pretty much like the younger boys once you are bald, as your package is not very big and you have hardly any pubic hair. What do you think boys? Shouldn't he look like you only a little bit bigger?" said Mrs. Fernsby.

"Yeah," Bartholomew concurred. "We want Otto to look like us." Claudius nodded his head in agreement.

Mrs. MacQuaid headed to her bathroom and returned with a towel, razor and a can of shaving cream and filled a bowl with warm water from the kitchen. "Otto you need to lay down right here on this towel." She patted the spot. Otto slowly lowered his naked body onto the towel. Once lying on his back, Otto again covered his genital area with his hands, only to be smacked again, this time on his thigh from Mrs. Fernsby. Otto quickly removed his hands releasing his now full on boner of around four inches .

Mrs. MacQuaid smiled at Otto's futile attempt to stop his shaving and informed Otto, "Your little tuffs of boy hair are coming off Otto, get used to the idea, as normally under `Traditional Values' you will be kept bald till you turn sixteen."

Mrs. MacQuaid bent Otto's legs at the knees so they were pointed outward, pushed his feet together at the soles and then shoved them up toward his bottom but then Otto became aware that Mrs. Fernsby she was recording his shaving on her mobile phone. Again Otto covered up his genitals and again he was slapped hard on his thigh.

"Otto, don't even think of trying to cover up. If you can take pictures and videos of our boys when naked on your mobile, then we can certainly take pictures and videos of you too." said Mrs. MacQuaid

"Yeah!" Claudius concurred.

Mrs. MacQuaid then grabbed Ottos penis by the tip, causing him to gasp and then began moving it around as she applied the shaving cream to the sides where he had the small growths of his first pubic hair and also over the top on his pubis even though there was nothing but light blonde fuzz growing there. It took her no time to remove the two tiny growths of pubic hair and do a quick swipe across Otto's pubis, stopping occasionally to rinse the razor in the bowl of warm water.

Mrs. Fernsby added to Otto's humiliation and embarrassment by commenting, "Oh, that's so much better. Don't you think Otto looks better without the hair boys?"

Neither Bartholomew or Claudius spoke, they were totally mesmerised watching the shaving process and the fact that Otto now didn't look all that much difference to them, especially Claudius who had the bigger set of genitals between the two nine year olds.

"Well that didn't take very long" said Mrs. MacQuaid as she admired her handy work.

"Has he got any hair in his arm pits?" Mrs. Fernsby asked.

"Well, let's have a look. "No nothing there yet Athena?" Mrs. MacQuaid replied.

After enduring his shaving which was completely videoed and photographed by Mrs. Fernsby, Otto was told to get up and then the `Traditional Values' rules for his conduct during naked time with the other two boys was outlined by Mrs. MacQuaid right there in front of Claudius and Bartholomew.

Otto nodded acceptance, unable to speak due to his embarrassment at the circumstances he found himself in.

"Otto, If you don't comply with all the `Traditional Values' rules you will be spanked again and I'm sure you don't want that to happen. Are we clear?" Mrs. MacQuaid stated.

Otto managed to mumble, "Yes Mam."

Bartholomew let out a giggle, amused that his sitter was being made to be so humble.

Claudius then asked his mother if he could get dressed now, but she told him that both he and Bartholomew had to stay naked so that the two of them could take Otto outside to play with them and the Tamerlane girls."

Bartholomew as usual was the most eager. "Great, come on Otto." He grabbed Otto's hand and attempted to pull him toward the back door.

"Please Mrs. MacQuaid, let me stay indoors. The neighbours will see me naked if I go outside." Otto pleaded.

"Are you getting shy Otto?" Claudius asked, "You're the one who wanted to get naked and join us!"

"Yes Claudius, spot on", said Mrs. Fernsby, "Otto, I'm sure you'll soon get over your shyness, if it was good enough for you to show off our sons to the neighbours, then it's good enough for our boys to show you off as well. I believe the girls even got to touch our boys, so now they can also have the chance to touch you too. That's only fair, don't you think boys?"

Bartholomew and Claudius both enthusiastically replied, "Yeah!"

"Right Otto, time for you to get out there with the boys and we'll bring out the sunscreen so Cora, Vera or Erica can put it on you and Otto, make sure you let the girls put the sunscreen all over your body, which means they will have to touch your bald little boy parts." said Mrs. MacQuaid.

The excited Bartholomew pulled the reluctant Otto to the back door and Claudius tagged along behind.

On the back portico, Otto forced Bartholomew to stop. He heard Mrs. Tamerlane and the girls from next door react with distant screams of delight! They had obviously seen him hauled out of the back door of the MacQuaid residence.

The thought of public exposure was overwhelming him, as long as Otto could remember, he'd been shy about his own body despite really enjoying forcing others to expose their naked bodies and now he was on the threshold of total pubic exposure, humiliation and embarrassment.

"Claudius don't just stand there, give me a hand, you pull him out there" Bartholomew requested as he got behind Otto and started pushing. By the time the boys got Otto moving again, Cora, Vera and Erica had come back into the MacQuaid backyard by the open side fence gate and was beaming. All the girls eagerly stared at Otto's naked body and especially at his exposed genitals and Vera loudly whispered, "Wow." Her eyes big with amazement, her sister Erica followed up with, "Do we get to touch it?"

With an air of enthusiasm and excitement, Bartholomew replied, "Yep. Mom says you can put sunscreen on him all over including his dick and balls!

Having been seen naked by the three girls, Otto stopped resisting and stepped out into the backyard. Otto desperately wanted to cover up but knew the rules and didn't want a public spanking in front of the girls!

"Your not very developed for fourteen, you are fourteen right? You look like a slightly bigger version of Claudius. Where's your pubic hair Otto,?"

Otto was still so shell shocked at his naked situation that couldn't immediately speak.

"I asked you a question Otto. Are you really fourteen and if so where's the pubic hair?".

"Um ... ah .... yes I'm fourteen and Mrs. MacQuaid shaved it all off."

"He makes it sound like he had a lot of hair, he didn't really, he hardly had any hair down there, just a couple of little tuffs on the sides of his dick and no bush at all" Bartholomew added.

Erica giggled at Bartholomew's revelation as the familiar voice of Mrs. Tamerlane said, "My, my, Erica you aren't wrong, he's not very developed for his age is he, what a surprise!" As she stepped in front of Otto and eyed him up and down.

Mrs. MacQuaid and Mrs Fernsby came out of the back door at that moment with the sunscreen. Seeing Mrs. Tamerlane and her three daughters she informed them, "I've brought out the sunscreen so Cora, Vera or Erica can put it on Otto. Girls, make sure you put the sunscreen all over his body, don't be shy or modest as you will have to touch Otto's bald little boy parts." said Mrs. MacQuaid.

"Wait a moment girls! I want to get this on video." said Mrs Fernsby as she readied her mobile phone.

Mrs. MacQuaid took that opportunity to instruct the three Tamerlane girls, "Girls, when little boys start to grow up, they get hair around their genitals. I shaved off what little Otto had just before he came out here so he would look more like Bartholomew and Claudius and conform fully to the `Traditional Values' rules. You should know before you put sunscreen on Otto's genitals to stop them getting sunburned, that when boys start to grow up, their boy parts start to make stuff," she reached out and cradled Otto's hanging scrotum.

"Further up in Otto's body and inside of these, which boys call their balls, is made semen and sperm. When you put sunscreen on his penis and rub in the sunscreen you may make the semen and sperm come out of Otto through the pee hole in his penis. I don't know if Otto is mature enough yet to ejaculate semen and sperm! Can you Otto?"

"Err .... Ummm yes" an enormously embarrassed Otto replied.

That reply brought an "Oooooh!" of curiosity from Erica.

"Well one way of reducing the chance of Otto ejaculating all over your hand when you rub in the sunscreen is to drain away a lot of his semen and sperm, which boys call `cum' by making Otto rub his penis until it shoots out its cum!" instructed Mrs. MacQuaid.

Otto stood there in disbelief at what Mrs. MacQuaid had suggested he do. He had not long been able to shoot cum, before that he had been a dry cummer but he had been masturbating in private for over a year. To do it in front of others was an immensely daunting prospect!

Otto was brought out of his deep thoughts of humiliation and embarrassment when Mrs. MacQuaid slapped his bottom and said. "Get going Otto, you know what to do, don't act all innocent and don't stop until you cum."

With extreme reluctance, Otto encircled his penis with his right hand and slowly moved it up and down. Despite doing it in pubic, he was soon rock hard with a four inch erection.

The entire audience was not just looking on but staring as Otto pumped away on his erect shaft, except for Mrs Fernsby who was moving around with her mobile phone recording Otto's performance. Despite his reluctance and shame It didn't take long for Otto to reach the point of no return, his back arched, his toes curled and his hips uncontrollably thrust forward. Otto was appalled at what was about to happen and everyone was going to see. They all heard him too as he gave out a series of strangulated grunts as one spurt and then some dribbles of clear juvenile cum came out from his penis in front of the assembled adults, boys and girls, all recorded on Mrs Fernsby's mobile phone.

Bartholomew exclaimed, "Wow, did you see that?"

"Yeah I sure did!" Erica replied, "Thats a first for me, I learnt all about boys and what their bodies do in sex education at school but I've never seen it happen before!"

Vera wrinkled her nose as if she could smell Otto's cum and her face displayed a confused look of awe and disgust at the same time! Cora just giggled, at her age what she had just witnessed, did not mean very much.

As far as Otto was personally concerned the remainder of the afternoon proved to be relatively uneventfull compared to the last hour, except for the incident involving Percival Tamerlane.

Mr. Phileas Tamerlane and his son Percival Tamerlane came home in the late afternoon but Mr. Tamerlane didn't bother to go out to see what was happening in the MacQuaid backyard, despite his wife informing him that his three daughters were playing there with three naked boys. He just went to a side window and had a cursory look across to the MacQuaid backyard.

Fifteen year old Percival Tamerlane however was much more interested. He first went over to the side window with his father to see what was going on in the MacQuaid backyard and when he couldn't see very much, made his way out the back door and off through the side fence gate into the MacQuaid's backyard.

Mrs. Tamerlane watched her son go, but decided there was no need for her to go over as well, as Mrs. MacQuaid's was there to supervise. Instead she started to boil the water to make a pot of tea for her husband and her to share.

She was still allowing the tea to brew in the tea pot when she was surprised to hear her daughter Erica laughing her head off and tormenting her brother Percival who was telling her to `shut up' as they came back through their backyard and into the Tamerlane'a kitchen.

Mrs. Tamerlane was about to admonish her son for his language but stopped dead in her tracks when she saw that Percival was bare naked!

"What .... " Mrs. Tamerlane exclaimed.

"Isn't it great!" Erica exclaimed, " Mrs MacQuaid and Mrs Fernsby made Percival get naked as part of `Traditional Values' because he is a boy under sixteen just like Otto."

"Really, I didn't know that was going to happen, I wonder what brought that on without asking me first?" Mrs. Tamerlane pondered.

"Percival was teasing Otto and being crude about Otto's small bald dick and balls so Mrs MacQuaid told Percival that he should get naked too." Erica informed her mother.

"They stripped me mom, that's so wrong and that other lady who is there even videoed my stripping on her phone! You should report them to the police!" Percival fumed. "I tried to stop them mom, but Mrs. MacQuaid and that other woman got my sisters and the three boys who are there to hold me as they stripped me totally naked! Now my sisters have seen what I look like nude, as well as all the others who were over in the MacQuaid's backyard!"

"Percival, I will not be reporting anything to the police, as under a return to `Traditional Value' rules, it is now totally acceptable for girls and boys under the age of sixteen years to be naked in front of each other at appropriate times. It sounds to me that your attitude and behaviour were the catalyst for your stripping." Mrs. Tamerlane informed her fifteen year old son.

"But mom .... "

"There are no buts with `Traditional Values' Percival. There is also no covering up allowed either, so remove your hands please!" insisted Mrs. Tamerlane.

Percival had not been seen naked by his mother in years and was very reluctant to expose himself now! It took him some time to move his hands from the classic embarrassed naked male position, with his right hand over his left between his legs covering his genitals.

Percival still had mostly peach fuzz in his arm pits with just the odd longer dark hair. He had a thin trace of golden down which extended from just beneath his deep set navel down to his tan line which erotically showed off the stark contrast between his bronze abdominal muscles and the pale white skin of his extreme lower belly. The golden down continued down below the tan line and led to a thick silky triangular thatch of dark pubic hair which was growing above the base of his flaccid circumcised penis. It wasn't the only hair down there as his penis and ball-sac were also noticeably hairy, but his tanned legs were still smooth and almost hairless except for some emerging dark fuzz on his lower shins. His penis was initially just over four inches soft but as soon as it was exposed in front of his mother, it quickly grew again to nearly seven inches hard.

"Well Percival, it's been quite some time since I last saw you naked and your body has certainly changed a lot over that time! I didn't know what to expect really, but your developing very well and looking quite mature. I think your naked body will turn quite a few heads and surprise a lot of people at the Palatine's BBQ tonight

"What .... No way!" Percival exclaimed in shock.

Erica giggled at her brothers reaction and shocked look, amazed herself that her brother was going to be made to stay naked at the BBQ!

"You heard me Percival, that's exactly what going to happen. Welcome to `Traditional Values'!" said Mrs. Anna Tamerlane as she smiled, imagining the reaction later at the BBQ when she also made her three daughters strip naked. It had been planned to strip all four of her children at the BBQ but Percival's time had come a bit earlier than initially expected!

The End.

Next: Chapter 29: Morgan Palatine 4

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