Archbishop College

By Steam Train

Published on Mar 22, 2021


Leif Sorensen 3 - Sunday Swimming An Archbishops College Series Story by Steam Train ( )

Copyright 2021 by Steam Train, all rights reserved

          • This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read fu rther, and do not save this story. * * * * *

Leif Sorensen 3 - Sunday Swimming An Archbishops College Series Story

Rowena Drysdale the nearly twelve year old daughter of the Reverend Doctor Shore Drysdale, Deputy Headmaster (Preparatory School) of Archbishops College was bursting with excitement!

Today was the first Sunday in September and the first Sunday of Autumnus Trimester at Archbishops College. The `Feriae Aestivae' the long summer holidays had ended last Sunday, with all the boys returning to college having been home for all of July and August.

The reason she was so excited was her expectation of what would occur at that afternoons free time swimming that her parents took her too at the college pool.

Rowena liked swimming but even better, she regularly got to see naked boys swimming whilst she was there. This afternoon however she was hoping to see two particular boys naked, one that she had long fantasised over but never seen naked and the other a twelve year old who knew nothing of his impending nudity!

The boys of Archbishops College had exclusive use of the pool during week days . Some physical education classes included use of the pool during school time and then after classes finished there was an additional compulsory swimming roster.

Archbishops College swimming roster had Alpha and Beta boys swim after classes on Mondays. Gamma and Delta boys on Tuesdays. Epsilon and Zeta boys on Wednesdays. Eta and Theta boys on Thursdays and Lota and Kappa boys on Fridays.

The pool was used by the colleges swimming teams on Saturday but Sunday afternoons for a few hours it was open for free swimming time by any boys from Alpha to Eta years and the college staff and their families. The youngest three years of boys, Theta, Lota and Kappa could only visit the pool on Sundays if in a supervised house group.

From her earliest memories Rowena had lived on the campus of Archbishops College. Her father had been House Master of Mercia House in her earliest memories and then, soon after he completed his doctorate, he had been promoted to Assistant Headmaster Co-Curricular, a position which coordinated all things the college did that were not directly related to academic pursuits.

Then just over two years ago at the end of Ver Trimester and thus the end of the school year in late June, her father had been promoted to be one the two Deputy Headmasters on the retirement of his predecessor who had run the Preparatory School.

The Head Prefect of the Preparatory School had private rooms attached to the Deputy Headmasters residence and the Deputy Headmaster was the teacher directly responsible for the Head Prefects welfare, just like a House Master.

From the beginning of his time as Deputy Headmaster, the Reverend Doctor Drysdale had included the Head Prefect in the household activities of the Deputy Headmasters residence. Tea' was regularly taken with the Reverend Doctor and his wife along with other invited guests. Rowena was still nine years old, going on ten, when her father started as Deputy Headmaster but was considered old enough to attend Tea' from the beginning.

The Head Prefect also partook most of his meals at the Deputy Headmasters residence, so over the two proceeding years Rowena had gotten to know quite well the two boys who had been Head Prefects during her father's time as Deputy Headmaster, Rhys Maxwell-Jenkins and Leif Sorensen. With a new college year having just started Rowena was just beginning to get to know her third Head Prefect, Matthew Parker.

Because of the close ties between the Reverend Doctor Drysdale and the Head Prefect he had continued to mentor Maxwell-Jenkins all of last year after he had moved into Epsilon year and Head House in the Senior School. He would do the same thing this year with both Maxwell-Jenkins and Sorensen.

As part of this continued mentoring the Reverend Doctor Drysdale had always included the Head Prefect and last year the Ex-Head Prefect Maxwell-Jenkins in the family group for Sunday morning worship services and Sunday free time swimming with lunch partaken in between.

This arrangement had proved beneficial to Sorensen and would again undoubtedly this year for Parker, the new Head Prefect as it allowed close contact with and the opportunity to communicate easily, with the Ex-Head Prefects who had immediately preceded them and assisted the Head Prefect to learn quickly from their experience.

Parker had been a Prefect selected from Eta year under Sorensens Head Prefecture, just as Sorensen had been an Eta year prefect under Maxwell-Jenkins Head Prefecture.

Mrs Sylvia Drysdale never swam but always attended free swimming, sitting by the side of the pool observing and chatting with others who were present and not swimming.

The Reverend Doctor Shore Drysdale was a keen swimmer and had always encouraged Rowena to swim from as early as she could remember. She had grown up attending the college pool on Sunday afternoons where by college tradition, preparatory college boys who were not prefects were considered as being `little boys' and were thus required to be naked in the pool for swimming.

Rowena had noticed from an early age that at the weekend free swimming, not many older preparatory boys from Eta and Zeta attended unless they were Prefects. From about the age of nine she had come to realise that this was a result of the college tradition that `little boys' swam naked, the boys were made to swim during compulsory swimming during the week but on the weekends, swimming was voluntary so the older prep boys mostly did not attend as they did not want to be seen naked by the girls!

There were usually a lot of senior school boys and Preparatory School Prefects at weekend swimming as they were allowed to maintain their modesty by wearing black swimming briefs. If a Senior College Prefect from Alpha and Beta years attended weekend swimming they stood out as they were allowed the privilege of wearing longer black swimming trunks.

Today, the prospect of seeing last years Head Prefect Leif Sorensen totally and utterly naked, had Rowena especially bursting with excitement!

Rumour had spread quick and fast once Autumnus Trimester had started that last years Head Prefect of the Preparatory School had been declared a `little boy' during the pre trimester medical checkup at the college Health & Well-being Centre.

The crucial issue at the medical check up for any boy entering the Senior School was the difference between Tanner Pubic Hair Stage one, which meant the boy had no pubic hair at all and Tanner Pubic Hair Stage two, where the boy had a small amount of long, downy hair with slight pigmentation at the base of his penis and scrotum.

If you were in the Senior School and judged to be stage two, three, four or five, on the Tanner Pubic Hair scale then you were deemed to be a big boy' and could wear the full senior school uniform but if the boy was judged to still be at stage one, then they were officially deemed to still be a little boys' and made to wear a special modified senior school uniform.

This uniform comprised a shorter black lounge jacket and black longer leg shorts which came to within a few inches of the knee in the same design as the grey shorts worn by Zeta and Eta prep boys, along with black knee socks with two bands of gold on the turnover tops.

At swimming, senior college `big boys' were permitted to wear black swimming briefs for modesty purposes if they had started to grow pubic hair. These were the same swimming briefs worn by Preparatory School Prefects.

A boy who had been a prefect in the preparatory college, would upon entering the senior college, continue to wear the same black swimming briefs that they had worn as a Prefect, provided they had started to grow pubic hair.

If however the former prefect still had no pubic hair upon entering the senior school year of Epsilon, regardless of his prior rank and status as a prefect, the boy was required to be naked again during swimming like all the other senior college `little boys' who were yet to grow pubic hair.

As the boy no longer held the rank, status and privileges of a Prefect, they were again subject to the same rules as applied to all other big boys' and little boys'!

This unique situation meant that it was possible for boys who as Preparatory School Prefects had been swimming in briefs for the past one or two years and covering their modesty, to suddenly have the situation totally reversed with their previously non Prefect peers who were now wearing swimming briefs and the Ex-Prefect was not!

On the past Monday, Rowena had also started back at her school, St Dunstan's in nearby Broad Riddle. On Monday afternoon after returning from school and walking through the campus to her residence, Rowena had overheard a conversation amongst some boys who were walking near her about how "Sorensen was still a `little boy'!"

As the last school year had progressed and she had gotten to know Leif Sorensen very well, her fantasies had increasingly centred around the good looking Head Prefect. No opportunity ever presented itself but she had plans for making her fantasies happen this year with the new Head Prefect, Matthew Parker who was nearly as `yummy' looking as Leif.

Up until she heard the boys conversation, all she could do was dream about Leif Sorensen, but now it seemed that it might actually be possible that her dreams could come true!

So after arriving home from school she had deliberately listened in on some phone conversations her father held, hoping to find out more about Leif Sorensen's situation!

The Deputy Headmaster had an office and study attached to the residence. The study could be accessed directly from the residence, or through an adjoining front office that students and the public used and also from a private side door that led from the study into a short corridor that went past the door of the Head Prefects rooms and continued on to a side door that led to the outside.

Rowena had learnt from painful experience that listening in from the door that led directly from the residence was very risky.

Her mother had caught her before listening in from there and bare bottom spankings had almost always ensued. So far none of her spankings had ever been administered in front of a wider audience apart from best friend, Gail Closender and certainly never yet totally naked! Rowena knew however that was her parents ultimate punishment regime and would be the painful and humiliating consequence if her liaisons with Matthew Parker were discovered!

Rowena was extremely embarrassed that she was spanked and especially so that it was usually carried out `bare bottom'. It was a fact that she kept very secret and private. Only her closest friend on the college campus, Gail Closender, knew and that was only because Gail along with Rowena had been punished bare bottom together for misbehaving on a number of occasions!

The front office entrance was even worse to listen in from as during school hours it was staffed by the Deputy Headmasters Secretary and the outside entrance door was locked when the Secretary went home.

The private side corridor that went from the outside past the Head Prefects rooms to her fathers study was the best place to listen in from, but the corridor was also the access used by the Head Prefect to enter and leave his rooms and was used by any boys going to see the Head Prefect, it was thus a busy corridor at times and so was also very risky to use for listening in from!

Rowena's solution to the problem had been to obtain a key for the front door to the public entrance to the Deputy Headmasters Office.

During the recent `Feriae Aestivae' long summer holidays a new Secretary to the Deputy Headmaster had been appointed following the previous incumbent moving away, upon her husband starting a new job that required them to move to a residence that was too long a distance from the college.

With this staffing change over, Rowena had acquired a spare key to the front office door. The loss of the key was put down by her father and the new secretary Mrs Morris to misplacement and probable accidental disposal during the disruptions caused by the office clean up associated with the change of Secretary's.

The outcome to Rowena's great satisfaction was that the locks were never changed and Rowena was never suspected. Mrs Morris's hours were 8:30am to 4:00pm, so after that time Rowena had access the the office and could listen In through the connecting door to her fathers study.

It seemed to Rowena that her father rarely accessed the front office after the Secretary left, but just in case she had practiced an emergency escape option of hiding in a small broom cupboard in the back corner of the office that contained cleaning utensils, she doubted her father would ever open it up if he did come into the office!

She had also studied the CCTV cameras that monitored the doorways to their residence, office and the Head Prefects corridor. They faced out away from the walls of the building, near the doors and so it you kept close to the wall you could sneak into all three doorways without being detected. There were no cameras within the building.

Rowena had hurried to the office as quickly as she could after arriving home, changing and speaking with her mother. She knew Mrs Morris should already have left and Rowena's mother thought she was going out to visit one of the other girls who lived on campus.

Rowena's father was usually very busy during class hours and she was hoping beyond hope that Leifs situation had not reached the top of his `to do' pile before she got there.

Rowena spent close to forty minutes secretly listening in through the closed door from the office into his study and was just about to give up and sneak out when her father rang out and started on conversations about Leif, first he spoke with the Deputy Headmaster (Senior School) Archdeacon, The Venerable Doctor C. C. Sumner, Leif Sorensen's new House Master, then he spoke with Doctor Denzil McBride, the college doctor who had done Leif Sorensen's pre trimester medical checkup at the College Health & Well-being Centre and finally he spoke with Leif Sorensen's mother and father , Birgitta and Eirik Sorensen.

Rowena could only make out her fathers comments but from what she has been able to hear, there was no doubt that Leif Sorensen's pre trimester medical checkup had confirmed that he was still at Tanner Pubic Stage One! He was therefore as far as the college was concerned still a `little boy' and subject to all the traditional rules associated with that status!

Her father, though a stickler for Archbishops Colleges very traditional rules and ethos, was concerned about Leifs mental well being in this fairly unique but not unheard of situation. It appeared everyone else he spoke to was as well. From what Rowena could tell everyone he spoke to encouraged her father to make a special effort in his mentoring help for Leif and help in easing Leifs way through the first weeks of Autumnus Trimester.

This had been just what Rowena had been hoping to hear after she had confirmed that Leif was still a `little boy'!

One of the main avenues of focus that her father had used in mentoring last years Ex-Head Prefect Rhys Maxwell-Jenkins, apart from `Tea' had been the Sunday afternoon free swimming. Her father had tried to involve him in as many extra curricular activities as possible.

It had been obvious to Rowena that Maxwell-Jenkins had started puberty and had pubic hairs, when he entered the Senior School, as he had continued to wear his special black Head Prefects swimming briefs with their unique white waist band from the beginning of Autumnus Trimester last year.

Rowena could not make out all the topics of her fathers conversation, especially repeated references to `desensitisation'! Rowena had no idea what that was! The answer to that question came later that night when she eavesdropped a conversation between her parents about Leif.

Rowena's mother had been as surprised as Rowena had been about Leifs lack of development when her father had informed his wife of the situation. The irony of Leifs new situation caused her mother to even let out a little giggle.

"Poor boy, having to wear the Senior School`little boy' uniform will mean everyone will know he had not started puberty or at the very least has yet to grow any pubic hair!"

"Yes they will" Rowena's father replied, "But that has always been the tradition and there are no exceptions even for Ex- Head Prefects, nor should there be!"

"No quite right!" her mother replied.

"Still, I acknowledge that it is a humiliating and embarrassing position for the boy to find himself in. I intended to have a private talk with Sorensen tomorrow and support him all I can."

"I never doubted that you would not offer extra support dear" Mrs Drysdale replied.

"Worse will come on Wednesday after classes as the compulsory swimming will occur for Epsilon boys. Sorensen being a `little boy' will have to swim naked!"

"Oh dear .... poor Leif"

I spoke today with Sorensen's parents and Doctor McBride from our Medical and Well-being Centre and on Dr McBrides suggestion Sorensen has been on a crash desensitisation course at home with his sister and some other boys and girls since last Wednesday. His parents want us to ensure that the desensitisation continued as quickly as possible, so they are keen that Sorensen attends Sunday afternoon swimming with our family along with Maxwell-Jenkins and the new Head Boy Parker." the Reverend Doctor Drysdale stated.

"Desensitisation... doesn't that involve making Leif go around his house naked at all times, so that he quickly starts getting used to being naked again in front of other people?"

"Yes it does!"

"Poor Leif, he has been a prefect for the last two years and will not be at all comfortable about wearing his new uniform which will tell everyone that he is still basically prepubescent and he certainly won't be used to being naked in front of his peers at swimming."

"Correct and exactly why we must continue to help in Sorensen's desensitisation. Rowena will see Sorensen naked on this Sunday but she is used to seeing boys naked at Sunday swimming and hopefully there will be other girls present which will help in Sorensen's desensitisation process."

"I have an idea dear, if you approve. Before Sunday , I could contact some of the wives of other Masters who have younger teenage girls and pre teen girls and encourage them to bring their families along too!" Rowena's mother suggested.

"Yes, excellent idea, I approve. Perhaps you should also speak with Rowena before Sunday about Sorensen's lack of development so she is fully on board with the College's desensitisation program. She may even be able to help encourage some of her friends who live on campus to come along to help with Sorensen's ongoing desensitisation?"

"Of course dear, that seems a very sensible idea and as you said, apart from it being Leif who Rowena is seeing naked for the first time, she is very comfortable around other naked boys!"

"Yes I think Rowena is already very mature in her attitude to naked boys thanks to the college traditions. She is growing up fast dear, soon she will be twelve and before we know it a teenage ..... hahah!"

"Yes, I expect we will see Rowena grow up physically very quickly over the next year or so, girls usually mature at a younger age than boys, which is why it is important for girls to have more modesty than boys of the same age, still, Rowena is not that old or mature that the occasional traditional punishment session on her bare bottom does not do her attitude the world of good, just like it does for boys."

"Oh yes, the occasional bare bottom spanking works just as well on girls as it does on boys. It's the humiliation as much as the pain that creates the desired results! Luckily Rowena has never been too naughty or disrespectful so I have never had to resort to the ultimate punishment of Rowena appearing in public and being seen seen totally naked by adults or boys and girls whilst being punished." said the Reverend Doctor Drysdale

"I was only discussing with Mrs Morris last week the college discipline traditions for boys and also how we apply similar discipline methods to Rowena when there is need.

"Oh why was Mrs Morris interested in our methods? the Reverend Doctor Drysdale asked.

"Due to the recent attitude and behaviour of all four of her children, it seems all four have been causing her some concern of late. She was surprised when I informed her that we spanked Rowena when required, she had not considered that as an option for her three girls, but had for her twelve year old son Phillip. The particular week of our discussions it was Phillip who had been giving her attitude. She just wishes that her son was here at the college this year and subject to the college little boy' traditions. She feels it would put him back in his place, instead of his recent I'm too old and too big attitude'.

"Oh I see! Yes boys at her sons age often do have a lot of attitude, but from my observations, pre teen and early teenage girls can often show even more attitude!" the Reverend Doctor Drysdale mused.

"I hope you don't mind dear, but I made the offer to Mrs Morris that if the need arises, we would assist her in disciplining her three daughters and her son if she or her husband felt they were not able to do it themselves." Rowena's mother informed her husband.

"No, happy for us to assist if it helps" the Reverend Doctor Drysdale stated

"Mrs Morris plans to try and enrol Phillip in the college next year, after she completes the twelve month qualifying period for eligibility to the staff partial scholarship program. She can't afford to pay the full fees this year!" Mrs Drysdale informed her husband.

"Nothing to stop her bringing her son and his sisters along to Sunday afternoon swimming. He's twelve years old you say, .... well as you know dear, all Prep age boys who attend weekend swimming, even if they do not attend the college, must swim naked." the Reverend Doctor Drysdale stated to his wife with a wry wink!

"Oh yes ... I like your idea and I am sure Mrs Morris will too, thought I am certain, even though I have only met Phillip once, that he will not! I can just imagine Phillips reaction when he finds out he will have to swim naked. I must tell Mrs Morris not to let on about any of the naked swimming rules to her son before they arrive ..... heheh!"

"Don't forget to remind her about the pubic hair rule! He is twelve years old so if Phillip has any pubic hairs, they will have to be shaved off before he can swim. Best if you get Mrs Morris to organise a Preparatory Prefects shaving kit from Matron to carry with her just in case Phillip needs to be shaved!" the Reverend Doctor Drysdale stated.

Rowena was very excited and very aroused after listening in on her parents conversation. She snuck back to her bedroom, closed the door and lay on her bed thinking over all the things she had just heard.

She gently rubbed between her legs thinking over how, even though she had only been ten and later eleven years old when Leif Sorensen had lived in the adjoining Head Prefects rooms, Rowena had developed a real crush on the boy. Long had she imagined what he might look like naked and what being naked with him might be like.

Of course nothing like that had ever eventuated!

Leif was just over two years older than Rowena, he was the mature Head Boy she was an eleven year old girl who Leif spoke to politely but showed no other interest in!

Rowena had already determined in her mind that this year, things would be very different with the new Head Prefect, Matthew Parker, who she fully intended to seduce and make him become the first naked boy she actually touched and made love too, not just observed.

Matthew was a different looking boy compared to Leif, with his Scandinavian origins, but Matthew was equally as attractive and she suspected that he, like Leif and just about all the other Preparatory School boys, was still a total virgin!

The other piece of information she thought about as she stroked a bit quicker between her legs was Mrs Morris's son. She had been briefly introduced to him and his three sisters when Mrs Morris commenced her duties. Being able to watch his humiliation and embarrassment first hand as he was made to swim naked was a sexually exciting prospect! Maybe he would have pubes and she might even get to watch him shaved as well!

Rowena desperately needed to climax, she was very aroused and naked she knew from experience was better than clothed, so she arose from her bed, picked up her nightie and dressing gown and walked out of her room and up the hallway to the residences bathroom. She locked the door and whisked her top off over her head and her shorts and panty down her legs and off.

She was totally naked, she wore no training bra or halter as she had just the bumpy beginnings of breasts on her chest. There was not much to see either between her thighs, just her slightly bulging, still bald vulva. Her body at eleven going on twelve years of age still stubbornly retained its childish look!

Rowena studied her body for some time in the mirror whilst she ran her bath. She knew she would need to have more signs of a maturing body to attract Matthew Parker's attention. She hoped puberty would kick fully into gear real soon and she hoped the bumpy protrusions that had recently grown behind her little girl nipples were the first indication of that happening!

Rowena was still very excited and aroused, so she moved her right hand to the hairless slit that ran down her vulva and inserted a finger and began to rub up and down. It felt so much more intense with no clothing to interfere. She increased the pace of her rubbing and her whole body was soon moving uncontrollably up and down and back and forth in rhythm with her finger as her body reacted to the feelings and sensations it was now experiencing!

It did not take long before Rowena, her cheeks flushed crimson already from her exertion, increased the speed of her movements even more and soon her body stiffened and the bathroom filled with a pungent odour as she desperately tried to contain the noise level of her moan of ecstasy!

Leif Sorensen had already decided that he was no longer going to the Sunday afternoon swimming sessions with the Deputy Headmaster, as they were not compulsory and he would, being a `little boy', have to swim naked again at them, after having attended with the Deputy Headmaster all last year wearing swimming briefs.

He knew from experience that there was not just boys at the Sunday afternoon sessions but College staff and their families which included their daughters! There was no way he was going to be seen naked by girls, like he had been at the end of last week at home during his desensitisation.

Leif also knew that one girl who would definitely be there was Rowena Drysdale! He knew her better than any other girl at the college and she always attended with her father the Reverend Doctor Drysdale the Deputy Headmaster.

The Reverend Doctor Drysdale had arranged an appointment on the Tuesday afternoon to speak with Sorensen and when the Ex-Head Prefect arrived he was ushered straight past a number of waiting boys by Mrs Morris into the Deputy Headmasters study.

Leif still wore the distinctive Head Prefects white stripe single breasted waistcoat, which in itself made him stand out, but he was now also wearing a shorter black lounge jacket than the one Senior School big boys' wore and after two years of wearing long trousers he was now back to wearing black longer leg shorts which came to within a few inches of his knee and black knee socks with two bands of gold on the turnover tops. There could've no doubt he was a Senior School little boy'!

If the boys waiting to see the Deputy Headmaster were jealous that Sorensen had jumped the queue and had been walked right past them straight into the Deputy Headmasters study, that jealousy was compensated by the knowledge that last years all powerful Head Prefect was now revealed to be not so mature as he walked past in his Senior School `little boy' uniform.

The Reverend Doctor Drysdale was always quite formal in his dealings with any of the boys but Leif immediately sensed that the Deputy Headmaster was trying to make an effort to be as sympathetic as he could be towards his `little boy' situation.

They had a long and to Leifs surprise, a very frank conversation about Leifs `little boy' status, the issues he would face and things he could do to help overcome some of those situations.

During that conversation it became obvious to Leif that despite Sunday afternoon swimming not being compulsory, he would be expected to attend with the Deputy Headmaster, his family and both Rhys Maxwell-Jenkins and the new Head Prefect, Matthew Parker. All would have their nakedness covered except himself!

They discussed in detail tomorrow's compulsory Wednesday swimming for the 13-14 years old Epsilon boys and 12-13 years old Zeta boys. One saving grace Leif learnt from the Reverend Doctor Drysdale about Wednesdays swim session, was that at the start of Autumnus Trimester amongst the new Epsilon year, there were another eight boys who were yet to grow their pubes and so were still required to swim naked as `little boys'!

One of the eight boys had also been a Prefect under Leifs Head Prefecture, he was thirteen year old Roger Armstrong. The others were thirteen year old Miles Barry, thirteen year old Theodore Dobson, thirteen year old Patrick Lamond, fourteen year old Troy Menzies, thirteen year old Joseph Reeves, thirteen year old Matthew Short and fourteen year old Charles Stuart.

Leif was well aware that on Wednesday at swimming there would also be about forty five naked Zeta boys who by tradition were still considered `little boys' and so we're required to swim naked. Also present would be fifty three Zeta year prefects who would not be naked as they were permitted, as prefects, to wear the black swimming briefs also worn by Leifs remaining senior college Epsilon year boys.

When Leif walked out of the Deputy Headmasters office and through the office past the waiting boys, he was happy that the Reverend Doctor Drysdale was so supportive of him but upset and very nervous about having to appear naked for swimming on Sunday afternoon, especially so in front of Rowena Drysdale and other girls!

On Sunday before swimming he attended the chapel service with the Drysdale's and the was invited to lunch with them along with Matthew Parker and Rhys Maxwell-Jenkins. Discussion at the dining table was very formal but Leif felt as though Rowena was undressing him in her mind, the way she repeatedly looked at him.

What he didn't sense was that Matthew Parker was also suffering from similar feelings!

Lunch over and sufficient time allowed for the meal to digest, the moment of truth arrived for Leif Sorensen. It was time to go swimming! Rowena Drysdale despite her best efforts could not totally wipe the smirk of excitement and anticipation from her face. Leif, Matthew and Rhys all noticed.

The three boys in their full uniforms walked to the pool a short distance behind the Drysdale's. They made an impressive sight walking together, with the three Head Prefects white stripe single breasted waistcoats really standing out!

In a quite whisper, Maxwell-Jenkins stated to Leif, "I think it sucks that you still have to swim naked Sorensen, because of the college tradition of still being a `little boy. Ex-Prefects should be exempt!"

"Yeah thanks Maxwell-Jenkins but it's not going to happen anytime soon, as you well know, the Board of Governors has been firm on that issue for a very long time. It's going to be so humiliating and embarrassing at swimming today with girls present, but I know you both will have my back!"

"I definitely will have your back!" Parker replied, "but I sure hope I have my pubes by this time next year, I would die of embarrassment if was made to go naked and have to have others mind my back!

His comment bought a smile to the faces of both Maxwell-Jenkins and Sorensen and a blush to Parker's cheeks as he realised the secret he had just given away!

"You've got time on your side Parker, Sorensen hasn't! I really can't fully comprehend how enormously humiliating and embarrassing this must be for you Sorensen. I was well into puberty by twelve so being a little boy' was never an issue for me. One of my fellow Prefects from Zeta year, Paul Drummond, had the same issue as you and is actually still a little boy'! I know a bit about what he has had to go through but still I can't really comprehend what you are suffering Sorensen!"

"Thanks Maxwell-Jenkins, Leif replied.

"I think Rowena Drysdale is looking forward to your impending nakedness, did you notice the smirk on her face?" Parker asked.

"I sure did" Maxwell-Jenkins replied, "Even back in my time as Head Prefect, I often felt as though she was undressing me in her mind despite the fact she was like ten years old back then!"

"Wow, you got that feeling too Maxwell-Jenkins, I have been feeling similar emotions all this week since taking up the Head Prefecture."

"Interesting ... I had the same thoughts last year as well. Nothing ever happened of course but I guess from now on she won't have to imagine anymore, if that's what she is doing, soon she will see me naked with her own eyes and won't have to imagine anything!" Leif stated with remorse.

"A word of warning Parker, watch yourself with Rowena Drysdale, she is not a ten year old anymore, she will soon be twelve and girls at that age are usually maturing fast and start getting interested in boys!" Maxwell-Jenkins warned.

Little did Maxwell-Jenkins know just how interested in boys, Rowena Drysdale already was, for it had been only yesterday afternoon that Rowena had seduced Matthew Parker in his own Head Prefects rooms!

As was quite common, they were early and the pool had yet to open! The Reverend Doctor Drysdale liked to be early rather than on time or heaven forbid, late !!

Leif and Rhys were used to this occurring too and explained to Matthew the Deputy Headmasters habit. The boys also noticed that a lot more family groups with a lot more girls seemed to be present early, as well!

Rowena was almost tipsy with anticipation and excitement by the time she had arrived at the college swimming pool and went straight off to a small group of girls she knew, aged between ten to fifteen year old who were standing nearby talking whilst glancing repeatedly over at the Drysdale's and the three boys. Some of the older girls had come by themselves whilst others had come with their families.

Leif could see the big grins and suppressed giggles on the girls faces as they repeatedly glanced over at him and that made him feel even more embarrassed if that were possible!

There was no sign of Mrs Morris and her children by the time the pool opened.

All the waiting boys went to the boys change room upon entering the swimming pool building. Being an all boys college, the boys change room was very large. The same could not be said of the girls change room. In fact there was no girls change room as such, there being no need for one during school time. The girls had to change in the Female Staff change room along with any female adults. The adult men were able to use the Male Staff change rooms.

In the boys change room Rhys, Leif and Matthew were the focus of attention as they removed their school uniforms. Most of the other boys in there were glancing occasionally over at the boys as they changed. Change room decorum was such that no boy would openly stare at a boy in those moments where he was exposed after undressing and before putting on his swimming wear.

For Leif Sorensen there was no option to put on swimming briefs so once he was undressed he stood, facing the wall between Matthew Parker and Rhys Maxwell-Jenkins as they completed stripping naked before putting on their swimming briefs.

It may not have been decorum that Leif would not openly stare at a boy in those moments where he was exposed after undressing and before putting on his swimming wear but Leif felt compelled to have a peek at Rhys and Matthew during the brief moment they were naked.

Just as Matthew had hinted, he was yet to really start his journey through puberty. His penis was reasonably long but still thin, his testicles may have just begun to drop but Leif could see that they did not hang down very far and he had no pubic hair.

Rhys Maxwell-Jenkins already had the body of a young man with a face that showed signs that he shaved, a thick neck which stood on broad shoulders above a firm chest and powerful hairy legs. He had an impressive thick uncircumcised penis which Leif estimated was between four and five inches flaccid. He had a thick bush of pubic hair and a prominent happy trail that ran up to his naval. There were thick growths of hair in his arm pits and even some wispy growths of hair on his chest and around his buttocks.

The girls being very excited and expectant about seeing Leif Sorensen naked, changed very quickly into their one piece swim suits, bikini style swimmers were banned, being considered an unnecessary distraction for the boys.

Rowena and her close friend Gail Closender were some of the first girls to emerged from the smaller female staff changing room before most of the boys and certainly before any of the naked boys!

They were soon followed by other girls dressed in one-piece swimsuits and some of their mums and other female staff.

Gail Closender was eleven years old and lived on campus like Rowena. Her father was the House Master of Angevin House, a Preparatory School House and his wife was the House Keeper. It was more common for most staff and their families to live off campus but certain senior staff, House Masters, House Keepers and selected tradesmen and groundskeepers lived on campus.

Dressed in her one piece swim suit, it was obvious that eleven year old Gail was not as far into puberty as the recently turned twelve year old Rowena, who's small, freshly formed breasts were noticeable through her one piece swimming suit. Gail in her one piece swimming suit, clearly showed on the other hand, that her breast growth was as yet non existent.

Amongst the first of the naked boys to emerge from the change room was a group of eight to eleven year old boys from Kappa, Lota and Theta Years under the supervision of two prefects and their house master.

They trooped out of the changing room with every boy except the Prefects naked and fully on show with nothing hidden from view. Some of the younger girls who were already in the pool giggled as they looked at the array of naked boys!

There were only a few ten and eleven year old boys in the group, the rest were all younger. Some of these older boys stood out as they had slightly larger genitals but none yet appeared to have really started puberty. Some of the boys seemed embarrassed by their naked display especially in front of the girls and to a slightly lesser extent the mothers and other female adults!

As the pool filled with boys and girls of all ages, the obvious became very clear, the naked boys stood out very clearly amongst a sea of black swimming briefs and the odd black swimming trunk. The only colour was added by the one piece swimmers of the females and the swimming trunks of the adult males.

When the profusely blushing Leif Sorensen finally emerged from the boys change room, escorted by Matthew Parker and Rhys Maxwell-Jenkins, Rowena and her friend Gail stared with wide eyes as Leif Sorensen's bald flaccid penis and testicles came into view.

As the oldest naked boy present, Leif was feeling particularly exposed as he was clearly of an older age but also clearly still a `little boy'!

It was not only the girls that were giggling at his humiliation. It was obvious that many of the boys who had come today were there to see Leif Sorensen naked and and take the opportunity to soak up Sorensen's humiliating reversal of fortune, from the power of last years esteemed position at Archbishops College to his current naked `little boy' state. The look on many of their faces said that this role reversal and comeuppance felt ever so good to them!

Rowena in particular soaked up her first ever view of Leifs previously most private parts, whilst Leif continued to blush profusely, knowing what Rowena and the other girls and adults were now able to see.

Leif could hear many of the girls in the pool area giggling as they stared at his boyhood, seeing for the first time, what he, last years Head Prefect, looked like bare naked!

Despite knowing for the past week that Leif Sorensen was still a `little boy', actually seeing with her own eyes what until now had been kept from her, almost brought Rowena to a hands free orgasm!

Rowena could now see that it was totally true that despite being into his fourteenth year, Leif Sorensen was still very much a little boy! She stared at his hairless boyish penis and tight ball sack, sniggering with uncontrollable excitement and joy. She now knew exactly what Leif Sorensen looked like naked and how immature his genitals actually were instead of just imagining!

Still blushing ever so profusely, Leif was again feeling totally embarrassed, humiliated, inferior and immature and once again came very close to crying despite his age and being an Ex-Head Prefect of Archbishops College Preparatory School!

Maxwell-Jenkins taped him on the shoulder and asked, "You coping? Remember we have your back Sorensen!"

It seemed at that moment to Leif that never a kinder act or word had ever been said to him and he silently resolved to carry on as normal as possible and try and ignore the looks and the comments he heard from some of the boys and girls and even a small number of adults who remarked to each other about his lack of development.

The Reverend Doctor Drysdale had gone to the male staff change rooms to change into his swimming trunks and on his return must have heard some of the comments as well, because unexpectedly Leif heard his voice boom out across the pools public address system.

"Boys and girls I remind you that the college expects you to behave with decorum in the pool at all times, By tradition here at Archbishops College, `little boys' have swum naked, even if that boy is older and an Ex-Prefect. So please remember you may of course look and the odd giggle is tolerable but you will not under any circumstances, tease, bully or touch, I hope that is clearly understood?

Leif was blushing so profusely at being highlighted as the centre of attention whilst the Deputy Headmaster, with all good intentions, gave his speech. Leif noticed the approving nods of most of the adults but more so the staring eyes of many of the girls and some of the boys whose renewed attention was back on his hairless penis and ball sack!

Leif was desperate to get in the water and use it to cover some of his nakedness but before he could do so, Mrs Morris arrived with her four children. Leif was left stranded standing totally naked with the Drysdale's!

Mrs Morris quickly introduced her daughters Diana, Christie and Josie and her son Phillip to everyone who was with the Drysdale's.

The children all politely said hello to the Reverend Doctor Drysdale, his wife and all the others present. The Drysdale's had briefly met the three children once before, at the time their mother started her new position at Archbishops College.

Diana was thirteen and ten months old, Phillip and his twin sister Christie were twelve and a half and Josie was eleven and one month old. Each of them were clearly distracted by Leifs naked body.

"Mom, why is that boy naked" a blushing Philip asked before he looked around and noticed for the first time that most of the boys at the pool were wearing swimming briefs but that a smaller number were not. Phillip himself was even more covered than the few Senior Prefects present, who were wearing black swimming trunks. He was wearing bright tropical themed board shorts that came down below his knees and a white t-shirt and flip flops.

"The boys in the Preparatory School here at Archbishops College all swim naked, unless they are Prefects." Phillips mother replied, "However in the Senior School all boys who have started puberty wear swimming briefs. Now the boy you are looking at standing here naked is Leif Sorensen and he is a Senior College boy but as you can clearly see Phillip, he has not yet reached puberty so he is required to swim naked as he is still considered a `little boy'. Phillip say hello to Leif!"

"Phillip shyly said hello not knowing where to cast his eyes and trying not to stare too much at Leifs naked boy parts!

"I'm glad I didn't go to this school when I was a little boy. Even when I was younger I would have been so embarrassed to have to swim naked!" Phillip asserted.

The Reverend Doctor Drysdale smiled at Phillips comment, "Phillip, how old are you?"

Nearly thirteen sir!" Phillip replied.

"He's twelve Reverend Doctor Drysdale, Phillip doesn't turn thirteen for another six months!" Mrs Morris corrected.

"Well in that case Phillip, you are definitely still a little boy' as far as the college is concerned, so today when you swim Phillip, there will be no need for you to have to worry about wearing swimming trunks, little boys' regardless of wether they attend this college or not are always naked in the pool!"

"What! ... Mom, no way, I'm not swimming nude, I'm too old for that, little boys are not twelve year olds, they are more like five years old and under". Phillip exclaimed.

Phillips sisters, Diana, Christie and Josie were as shocked initially as their brother had been at hearing the Reverend Doctor Drysdale's comment but soon they were smiling and trying to hold back their giggles when the realisation quickly set in that Phillip was most likely going to be made to swim totally bare nude!

On hearing Phillips `No way' comment, Mrs Morris moved over and stood in front of her son and looked him in the eye with an expression that indicated that she was not about to allow such dissent, "I know you were not aware of this rule Phillip, but you will be expected to conform to it and swim naked. The college has a long tradition of not allowing boys to wear swimming trunks before they enter the Senior School and only then if they have entered puberty and have pubic hairs. "

"Mom, no! ....... you can't force me to swim naked! Anyway, what's the point to this silly college tradition Is it run by pedophiles? Phillip responded.

"If I may Mrs Morris" the Reverend Doctor Drysdale interjected, "Phillip this tradition has been in existence for centuries and has been shown to help boys behave better and also to learn that there is nothing shameful or wrong with being naked, it reduces excessive modesty. It has nothing to do with pedophilia, do you understand Phillip?"

"Ummm yes .... but ... "

"There are no buts Phillip, you heard the Deputy Headmaster, the college has for centuries ruled that any boy in the Preparatory School who is not a Prefect is regarded as a `little boy' and since the 1960's has based the assessment of Senior School boys on the Tanner Pubic Hair Scale. No doubt you were surprised to see a fourteen year old senior boy like Leif naked, but as you can clearly see, he is still to reach puberty and thus the rule still applies even though he is a senior boy and much older than you Phillip! As you are still twelve years old, you will swim naked!" Mrs Morris informed her son.

Phillip felt many pairs of eyes on him, his sisters eyes in particular. Some of the girls further away from where he was standing were pointing at him and discussing what was unfolding!

"Phillip, I know you are not going to like this initially, but you will quickly get used to swimming naked, just like Leif and the other naked boys here at the pool have done, so I want no more objections or non-cooperation from you. Please take off your board shorts right now and become naked like all the other `little boys'!"

"B ... B... But ... can't I go get undressed in the change room instead of here in front of girls and everyone else?"

"There is no need for you to use the change room to undress as you have nothing to change into Phillip. When you are finished however you may use the change room to dry, use the wash room and dress back into the clothing you are currently wearing."

"B ... B ... But ... "

"Phillip, do you want to be spanked right here in public at the pool in front of everyone? "

"No mom" Phillip meekly replied!

"Then be a good `little boy' and do as I asked please" Mrs Morris requested.

Phillip looked very pale, almost as if he was about to faint. He swallowed hard, looked around and noticed the look of anticipation on the faces of some of the boys present and on a lot of the girls present, especially so with his three sisters!

Not wanting to be spanked, but also not wanting to undress, Phillip slowly and very reluctantly removed his t-shirt, slipped off his flip flops and then untied the draw string of his board shorts and pulled them down.

Phillip was not yet naked, he was wearing dark navy swim briefs under his board shorts. Even more reluctantly he then untied the draw string of his swimming briefs and pulled them slowly down to reveal that he was still bereft of any signs of pubic hair but that he had a slim but developing penis and a scrotum that had detached, but was yet to fully descend. He was not very far into puberty, but he had started the journey!

Phillips sisters, Diana, Christie and Josie looked on amazed. None of the three girls had seen their brother naked for years. Christie had recently been particularly interested in what her twin might look like bare nude and had even discussed with Diana and Josie in private what Phillip might look like naked!

Now, none of the three sisters had to guess what Phillip looked like bare naked. Philip was still very much a boy not a young man!

Josie looked at the two naked boys standing close to her and said to Diana, "Look, Phillip still has no pubic hair just like Leif"

"Yes Josie, us girls mature much earlier than boys and he is definitely still a `little boy'" Diana responded with a smirk.

No one noticed Christie blush at her older sisters comment!

Phillip was totally humiliated and embarrassed standing there naked for everyone to see. To add to his discomfort his penis began to erect and was soon sticking out at a respectable four and a half to five inches. He started to put his hands in front to cover up but the Reverend Doctor Drysdale commanded, "No boy, there is no covering up allowed at all here at Archbishops College!."

So Phillip was forced to stand there ashamed and humiliated, his erect penis bouncing with his heart beat in front of all the girls, boys and adults. His face was bright red with the embarrassment of his naked situation.

Leif too found that he was reacting to Phillips stripping and that his penis had also started to erect!

It was a great relief to both boys that they were soon dismissed and allowed swim, the water at least offering some small modicum of extra cover for their ranging erections!

As Leif turned to head for the pool he heard Rowena Drysdale's best friend Gail Closender say to Rowena, "I think Leif looks cute", Rowena smiled and replied, "Come, let's go swim and lets try to stay close to Leif and Phillip In the water". The girls giggled as they moved off, to follow Leif and Phillip into the pool.

By the time the Drysdale's had decided to leave the pool, most of the adults and children had all moved on already, however some remained including the Closender's.

As Leif was climbing out of the pool, Gail with a nudge from Rowena said "Leif, I just wanted you to know that I think you look really cute," turning to her friend Rowena she added with a giggle, "despite still being a little boy."

Rowena giggled too and looking Leif straight in the eyes said, "I love your bald little cock too Leif!" Both girls then giggled anew and headed off into the female changing room, leaving the three boys stunned by Rowena's comment!

After dressing, Leif, Matthew and Rhys joined the Drysdale's to walk back to the Deputy Headmasters residence. They said their goodbyes to Mrs Morris and her children outside the pool building.

Mrs Morris was obviously very pleased with the day's outcome. Leif listened as she concluded her parting conversation with the Reverend Doctor Drysdale, "Yes, making boys have naked time does seem to have a beneficial effect. All the adults that I spoke to today at the pool all agreed and as one mother said to me, there isn't exactly a lot to hide with most little boys' is there'."

"No, that's very true!" the Reverend Doctor Drysdale replied with a smile.

"I'm actually toying with the idea of making Phillip go naked at home sometimes from now on, he will object but I am sure Diana and Josie will not!

"Yes ... I am sure they won't Mrs Morris" Reverend Doctor Drysdale.

"Remember our offer to help with your daughters, as your husband is away working so much, you saw how successful traditional methods were today with Philip!"

"Yes I will Mrs Drysdale, I am still considering that offer, but I will certainly admit that a traditional approach worked for Philip."

As the parties separated, Diana and Josie could both be heard asking their mother what was meant by `offering to help them', but Mrs Morris changed the subject!

On their walk back to the residence, Rowena dropped back to walk with the three boys. "Leif, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make fun of your bald cock earlier, I really do like your hairless smooth look!." Rowena stated as she smiled demurely.

All three of the boys had open mouths at Rowena's very open admission about her feelings for Leifs lack of development and the like of his nakedness!

Leif in particular didn't know what to say.and blabbered out a wimpy "Err .... thanks Miss Rowena, I'm glad you liked ..... " and then stopped talking and just blushed!

"Too cute Leif, us girls do like seeing boys naked and maybe soon I will see Rhys and Matthew naked too" Rowena replied with a wink and giggle!

All three boys were momentarily speechless and all three quickly turned crimson with embarrassment!

Rowena grinned at seeing their reaction, "I love my Sunday afternoon swimming, don't you boys! " then winked again and wandered off back to join her parents!

"Parker, forget my earlier warning about Miss Drysdale" Rhys Maxwell-Jenkins warned, "I think Sorensen and myself as well as you Parker need to watch ourselves with Rowena Drysdale, forget what I said about her soon starting to get interested in boys, she already is!"

Matthew Parker in particular blushed at this comment and his penis erected as erotic memories of yesterday afternoon with Rowena flashed through his mind.

The End

Next: Chapter 11: Leif Sorensen 4

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