Arabs of Montreal

By mohd shofoni

Published on Nov 25, 2014


Disclaimer: This story is true and all names and locations have been changed. Comments:

It was my 2nd year of University in Montreal. It was March or so, still during winter. Being Syrian from South America, I decided to befriend Arab students during these years, and get to discover that side of my identity. I was a bit different from the common Arab student though, I was gay. But being in a liberal city like Montreal, to also not having any close family there, I found myself comfortable to freely admit to my Arab friends that yes, I am gay, and I'm not ashamed. This actually earned a lot of their respect and I didn't actually receive any homophobia from their ends. Especially from my closest straight guy friend, (let's call him) Bil.

Bil was oddly comfortable with it, to the point of him playfully and openly flirting and touching me inappropriately. I got mixed messages, but the fact is, his growing up in the Middle East where the concept of "gay culture" doesn't exist, straight Arab men don't have to worry about the inhibitions men in the west worry about. Nobody actually has to worry about being called gay there, men can hold hands, kiss each other on the cheek, playfully slap each other inappropriately and consider it completely hetero. The only things deemed gay is having effeminancy. So this explains why Bil amongst others were so comfy exhibiting those sort of gestures on me, it was all a joke. I found it amusing, yet very teasing. So Bil and I would talk to each other sexually once in a while as a joke, and he knew for sure, that I was attracted to him.

One thing about Bil, he's a bit of a narcissist, but with that was a some-what low-self-esteem. To me, he was handsome, not movie star wow, but he was quite easy on the eyes. At 5,9 he was trimmed, lean muscled, hard thighs, abs, toned chest and arms, with a sufficient amount of soft and sexy body hair all over except his back and arms. Eyes were a bit small, but endearing, and very kissable thick lips and a lovely olive complexion. An ideal Palestinian nino in my eyes. Although I can see his insecurities, his choices in girls to get sexed up with weren't to his match at all, which I found odd but I then realized, he chooses lesser attractive girls to make himself feel like the good-looking one, he wants to feel as though for sure he is the hottest thing this girl has gotten. Made sense to me, because I discussed this with him once and he admitted it in discretion.

Bil, myself and our friends were into the rave and afterhours scenes of Montreal. That lifestyle automatically included recreational drug use. Ecstasy and speed were our substances of choice, mostly. We took it to another level. But, during this particular winter of our second year, everyone was in their own worlds with midterms etc. I however, wanted to party, but indoors, at someone's or my apartment, preferrably. I wasn't in the mood to be in a crowd. Everyone was busy and or not up to it, except for Bil, he told me to come on over, he got two pills from his dealer, we'll pop and listen to music.

I was over, he was freshly going through his millionth break up with a girl we know. So he wouldn't shut the fuck up about it... you all know how straight people are. By the time we were high we were even deeper into the subject, but I was high on E, so I was in a much more tolerant place to talk. We then turned up some house music and danced in his living room. Of course, as he always does, he takes off his shirt, exposing his hairy lean muscle body. I don't bother to try and hide my stares because I enjoy it, and I know he enjoys it too, because he always has to wink when it comes off. Bil usually doesn't get horny from ecstasy, I do mostly, however, the horniness came mutual this time. I noticed this because he kept grabbing at his crotch every so often, then he asked me for a massage. I usually always give him and everyone else massages when we're on E, because the chemical heightens senses, especially to the skin.

I started kneading his shoulders, his back facing me, both of us sitting on his sofa, we then started discussing a friend of mine who he used to date and why it went bad, he went on to say well she was obviously too beautiful for me, I'm sure she just got with me because she was bored. To which I replied well no, she told me she was very attracted to you, but there was no feelings, I mean come on, stop thinking like that about yourself, you are attractive! The compliment aroused him, I know him too well, his lack of inhibitions pressed him to go on to ask me okay, can you tell me what do you find about me attractive? As I was about to even answer he interrupts me to say actually what part of my body do you find most attractive? I hesitated with a shy smile just to give a quick think, I know my favourite part of a man aside from his dick is usually the chest. I have a strong fetish for licking a man all over his chest and sucking his nipples. Something I fantasized about doing with Bil especially. So I told him it's your chest. The look he gave me was more curiosity than arousal, he asked what about it that I like, because he felt like his pecs weren't big enough. I told him it's like a vice versa, straight men love a woman's chest, I happen to love a man's chest and that I love to lick a man all over his chest and suck his nipples. To which he replied with a slightly surprised expression, so you have imagined doing that to me? I replied back yeah I have, look, I don't have any romantic feelings towards you (gosh ecstasy makes you talk!) but I am attracted to you only physically. Bil was silent for a couple seconds, then looked back at me and asked so if I let you do that to me, because I'm just a little curious, would you tell anybody? I said as long as you want discretion, you have it, I am your best friend.

Bil laid back against the sofa and told me okay, I'll let you do this for a bit, because I've never had å girl do that to me, and I've been curious. I smiled, knelt between his legs and my head approached his chest, before my mouth reached his eyes closed, I made a quick yet wet kiss on the side of his nceck and gave wet kisses slowly coming down his chest, down his abs, to his navel. I then licked him slowly and wetly from his navel to the top of his chest. Feeling his soft hairs, tasting his sweat and breathing in his manly scent. My lips and tongue travelled to his left nipple, his breathing got softer and sweeter while my tongue traced his aereloa and sucked in his nipple. My tongue then travelling across his ripped hairy chest to his right nipple, sucking it in. I noticed while sucking on his hard nip that he was grabbing at his dick, which I can see was hardening. I felt brave and put my hand over his hand, to see if he will remove his thus permitting me to touch it clothed. I was granted access, his hand moved away, and I leaned into his chest, servicing his muscles and nipples all while rubbing his dick through his jeans. Bil let out a rather silent "that's nice" a few times with some soft moans.

I started to feel brave again, I wanted to put my mouth there, put it on his maker. I started slowly licking and kissing him downward from his chest, slowly down his abs, my lips reached his belt then his zipper, I was awaiting a reaction to the fact the my face was at his crotch, to which I hear him loudly say okay, but please, please, this stays between us, it must not leave here tonight!! Of course I was obliged, I willingly agreed, there was NO WAY I'd pass this up! I opened up his belt, button and zipper and nibbled on his dick through the soft fabric of his boxers, and he was moaning. I couldn't wait any longer, so I helped him pull off his jeans and boxers to the feast of his 6in but thick dick, and juicy balls. I leaned in, and licked him in that area between the balls and the thigh up to his pubes, then I did the same on the other side, he gasped and moaned so hard at this teasing. I then licked him from the bottom of his ball all the way up to his shaft all the way to the head. I repeated slowly licking his dick at the sides causing him to moan in ecstasy, LITERALLY. I proceeded to start licking around the head of his dick with the tip of my tongue to which I got a lot of gasps and "whoa" I took it all into my mouth and started sucking slowly up and down, lubricating his dick with my saliva, I looked up and his head was back with his face in ecstasy.

I kept sucking and sucking, taking breaks to lick and suck his balls, and lick his pernuem which sent him flying. I was sucking more and more and he told me to please apply pressure, he loves a tight jaw on his dick. All the while he kept complimenting my prowess, telling me that this is better than every girl that has sucked him off... I knew that was obvious, haha. Bil then asked me if I like cum in my mouth, I said of course, and he said good because let's not have a cleanup afterwards, swallow it good, he said with a laugh. I kept sucking and sucking, applying pressure as best as I could, I noticed his muscles tensing and his neck digging into the backrest of the sofa while arching his back and his hand at the back of my head, he started moaning loud "oh fuck I'm close" I kept going faster, I wanted to bring him there, I wanted him to feel the pleasure I can give him. I did my favourite move, I kept my lips half way down his dick and started swirling my tongue around the top half while inside my mouth. I then started hearing him groan almost like a groan of pain, and I felt it in my mouth, the first spurt, then the second, he cums in buckets I realize, and I was about to choke, and I took my mouth off and jerked him while he kept ropes coming out all onto his chest and abs, I went back down and sucked the last spurt and kept sucking his post-orgasmic sensitive dick which had him thrashing and groaning intensesly, he then started laughing saying that was the best!! I took his dick out my mouth smiled and proceeded to lick off the cum off his abs and his chest all while he was chuckling saying "wow you really know how to appreciate a man!" I licked up the last bit of cum on his chest and winked at him and said "anytime you need it."

Next: Chapter 2

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