Arabian Adventures

By Rampage

Published on Sep 21, 2016


Whilst I was having a leisurely breakfast the following morning, Daud came over to my table accompanied by another fine young man I had not seen around before. He was slightly older than Daud, who introduced him as Khalid and said, "He's my half-brother and we do everything together. He said he wanted to meet you Dick. I hope you don't mind my taking the liberty?" I looked into the young man's liquid brown eyes and smiled. "I'm delighted to meet you, Khalid. Daud has probably told you how well we are getting on. He is going to give me directions to his friend's 'harem'." Khalid gave a quiet chuckle and said, in perfect English with no trace of an accent, "You wanna go there? Has he told you what to expect?" I shook my head and said, "Not yet." Both of them laughed and Daud clapped his hand on my shoulder, then they left. I had had no inkling that Daud had a relative who also worked at the hotel and wondered if this might be some kind of set-up. I was unexpectedly having another day off and had hoped that Daud would be able to show me his friend's mysterious 'harem' which was not a 'harem,' apparently. I gathered from the clues Daud had given me that it must be some kind of very private, men only hamam. Hamams are a kind of communal bath house found all over the Near and Middle East and were evidently very private establishments decidedly for men only. Promising, or what? I wondered.

After another quick shower I left the hotel, following the instructions I had been given by Daud. I soon found the building and his description of it was quite accurate. Its size was impressive and it was situated in a quieter and much more affluent part of town. The building comprised a large central area one story in height and two smaller wings, which I presumed housed changing rooms and other areas. There was a kind of roofed portico supported by four columns and a shallow flight of stone steps either side of the platform beneath the portico and the main entrance. The huge wooden doors were open so I quickly went in and found myself facing a long passage flanked by a number of closed doors. Off to the right was a kind of concierge's desk and behind it sat an old man who rattled a small copper dish with a few coins in it at me as I went in. Daud had warned me that I would have to give the door-keeper a few small coins and in return he would give me a white towel, which I must keep with me at all times. I could not see anything resembling a locker in which to put my clothes but I was not unduly concerned as I had only worn a flimsy cotton shirt, thin shorts and a pair of deck shoes but no socks. Neither had I bothered with underwear, thankfully. The old man leered at me and blatantly stared at my dick and licked his lips as if he would like to get a taste.

At the end of the main corridor was another open door, much smaller than those at the entrance, and for the first time I could hear the faint splash of running water and felt the humidity cause me to break out in a thin film of perspiration. I nervously went through the door into a room which was obviously one of the bathing rooms and stripped off, carrying my clothes in one hand, the other trying - unsuccessfully - to cover my exposure. It was a fair sized room illuminated by lattice windows glazed with some kind of opaque material instead of glass. To my amazement and delight I saw two handsome, naked young Arabs stretched out on massive wide stone ledges beneath the lattice windows. They were both sensuously playing with themselves and smiled at me as I stood there. Obviously, I could not hide my condition any longer as my cock had taken it upon itself to seductively slowly rise and harden. I looked around for somewhere to put my clothes and finally laid them on the floor under the overhang of the window ledge. I made no attempt to hide my glory and the two young men tantalizingly stroked their magnificent cocks. I gave them a profile view of my right hand slowly and sensuously stroking my solid length and I could see the lust rising in their eyes. I bent over making out I was tidying the pile of my clothes and made sure I gave the lads a full on view of my arse and that my balls were hanging down between my parted legs so they could see them as well. I took the white towel I had been given on entering, folded it down and wrapped it around my waist in such a manner that left all my equipment in full view. I strolled nonchalantly over to the ledge on which the first guy was still stretched out playing with himself and stood shamelessly in front of him with my rampant leaking dick beginning to drip pre-cum. He smiled as I knelt down, moved both my hands to the inside of his thighs and gently reached down and tickled his tightly packed balls. He made a slight move to bring his cock closer, put a hand on my collarbone and indicated he would enjoy a blow job. I bent forward, took him into my drooling mouth and willingly obliged. It had not gone unnoticed by me that his young companion was watching us and tugging harder on his alluringly erect cock so I made sure he got a full eyeful of my arse as I feasted on Arabian dick.

It was now becoming clear that we were coming under close scrutiny from more guys, all of whom were visibly horny, stroking and pulling on their dicks as they watched me give head to the first guy. It was about this stage that I caught a glimpse of another European young guy resting on another ledge. He had raised his legs and spread them apart as far as he could. He was deliberately pulling his arse cheeks apart to reveal his glistening arsehole to anyone who might be interested - I doubt anyone in that chamber was uninterested! One of the Arabs stood up, came over to the youngster and started to stroke an arse cheek. He soon followed this by spreading his fingers to gently massage the boy's anal ring. Moving in even closer, the Arab used both hands to widen the angle of access to the young ring-piece. Inevitably, everyone was now caught up in the lusty atmosphere and were changing to full on masturbation rhythms as the Arab's bulky cock was closing in on the white lad's arsehole. It did not take long before the probing, visibly pulsating Arab cock made contact with the white boy's anus. The Arab used the clear fluid leaking from his cock slit to lube up the arse on offer then entered the boy. Beginning with slow but full thrusts, he soon increased the tempo and went as deep as he could, fucking the white lad as hard as he could. When another large Arab dick appeared, he pulled out and indicated to the newcomer to take over. I thought, "Fuck! This is developing into an orgy!"

A hoarse groan broke the spell and when I looked round I saw that another couple had started on each other, one of them taking a full throatful of cock while putting three fingers up his friend's arse. Two more men were sat on a ledge manhandling each other. I was rapidly becoming lost in another world as I let my mouth massage my guy's wonderful rampant cock. All the activities around me were rapidly becoming more and more frantic and it was obvious that all of us wanted desperately to fire heavy loads - but not just yet! Oh, no! We wanted it to last as long as possible, at least until the next millennium! At that moment, I spotted Daud having his arse well and truly fucked by a large dark skinned cock. "So," I thought, "he is up for it!" I knew instantly that an orgy back at the hotel before my departure was well on! The guy fucking Daud suddenly turned round and my heart gave an excited leap as I almost collapsed on the spot. Daud was being fucked by his own half-brother, Khalid. Bring it on, guys. Tonight.

Now it was my turn to be done. I lost count of the number of pairs of hands which were all over my arse, fingers entering my hole, hands tugging and stroking my balls, my nipples being pinched, squeezed and nibbled. It happened without warning. The most massive dick in that hamam aggressively entered my arse, without ceremony or consideration. It was simply rammed up me as far as it would go, stopped just long enough for me to get used to it, then I was steam hammered. As this was going on, another hand was yanking and crushing my balls. Yelling and roaring I was not immediately aware that the steam hammering had almost come to a stop. As I became aware of the change in tempo and rhythm, I could feel something going on between my legs. Then it all began again. This time, however, it was slow and it hit me like a thunder bolt. I was being simultaneously well and truly fucked by two large cocks rammed up my arse! Every other guy in the place was standing round the three of us, watching and pulling on their cocks. More cocks found their way into willing mouths and throats, some battering their rough way into tight arseholes, accompanied by grunts, groans and slurping noises.

When the two invading cocks eventually pulled out of my ravaged hole, another guy came over, wanking furiously and pushed into me without any preliminaries. This one must have been the Arabian equivalent of a teenage call-boy as he knew what to do and, more unusually, where and how to do it. I was being fucked harder than I had ever been before in my life but after a short burst of ferocious activity, the guy pulled out with a few loud groans, jerking himself off as if he was about to shoot his load, then pushed back into me. I felt his heated rigid cock pounding my internal passage. He gave an even louder yell, his body tensed and then he let it go. I felt every single scalding drop of his semen as he fired salvo after salvo up my arse, until he finally stopped and pulled out of me to make room for someone else. I could feel some of his semen leaking out of my ravaged arse and a tongue lapping it up! The "someone else" did not waste any time and as I stood up, another large, hot and throbbing cock slid effortlessly into my sperm-lubed hole as I grabbed hold of my own cock and began jerking it off hard and fast as if I had never been to boarding school or in the military! I hadn't given it more than three or four strokes before my hand was pulled off it and wrapped around another Arab dick. The owner of the dick took hold of my manly pride and took charge of wanking duties. But that was not the end of things as another young horny guy reached over and began playing with my erect nipples. This was almost too much and I could not stop sweating, groaning and grunting. With no warning, one of the Arabs gave a short shout of "Aaargh!" and fired off his cannon, his sperm flying everywhere. That was the signal for all the rampant cocks to let go. One of the handsomest guys had been lying face up on the floor so he took several full loads of sperm in his face. In no time at all, he had the appearance of wearing a white, Phantom of the Opera type of mask! Of course I added my quota to the mess and as the other guys quickly disappeared, I cleaned up a bit, scrambled into my clothes and went off to see if I could find Daud again. Little did I know just how close he was!

I saw him leave the hamam rather hurriedly so I ran after him. I caught another glimpse of him running across the small square in front of the building and go down a narrow street running off to the left. I managed to follow him, calling out as I ran, "Daud! Hey, Daud! It's me and I want to speak to you!" Eventually, I ran into the area where I had lost him when he had disappeared into the souk. Then I saw him emerge from a large building which looked as if it was an apartment block. "Hey, man! Wait for me! I've got a proposition for you." At first, he did not seem to be too happy being seen with me but as we walked on further down the street and away from the souk he relaxed a bit. We turned off the main street and passed through a blue door and down some steps into an area which had the appearance of being some kind of outdoor café. He led the way to a low wall, where he sat down in the shade of a large tree. I joined him and, to my surprise, looked out over a lovely peaceful view of a stretch of the distant coastline.

As we sat there, I explained my idea of having a 'party' on my last evening in my room at the hotel. We'd have the two guys, Abdullah and Nazim, in the room next to mine. Sohan my Army driver and Daud together with Khalid and, of course, myself. As we sat under the tree, he could not help looking at my slowly swelling crotch. He gave me a sexy grin and said he had seen what I had been up to in the hamam with some of his 'friends'. I was well aware that I had been quietly stroking the bulge in my shorts and that Daud had been gently fondling my thigh. Neither of us were aware we were being observed by a waiter serving coffee to people sitting further away. I was not aware, however, that somehow Daud's arm was around my shoulders and his free hand was playing with his own balls. Leaning closer into me, he spoke very quietly when he suggested we go down to the beach where he knew many quiet inlets where two men could indulge in nude sunbathing and swimming and...

We found a well hidden inlet and stripped off and ran laughing into the sea, like a couple of school kids just let out of lessons. During our swim, I felt him squeeze and fondle my buttocks and finally he gave me a soft, lingering kiss which caused me to get an instant erection. I instantly responded and felt our two wide awake cocks rubbing against each other, anxious for some cock to cock fun. We rolled and splashed in the soft warm water, taking or giving the occasional kiss until Daud suggested we go and lie on some rocks to let the sun dry us off. We both stretched out on the smoothest rocks we could find and I made no secret of the fact that I was admiring and lusting after his beautiful cock. I could not resist leaning over and taking it into my mouth. Slowly and lovingly I treated him to a prolonged session of sucking and licking his shaft and his cock head. He lay back, his lips barely parted and gave himself over to the pleasures of the flesh. Eventually, we ended up sitting on the rocks displaying our stiffies until we decided to go back to where we had left our clothes. We rubbed the loose sand from our bodies with our tops.We finally pulled over our heads and made our way back to the large building which I had taken to be an apartment block. I was to quickly discover this was where Daud and Khalid lived. We went through the open door into a shady courtyard. Daud called out something in Arabic, which he later translated for me as "telling the gate-keeper he and a friend were going to do some schoolwork in Daud's room." School work?

Now, for the first time, I was in a private apartment and it must be expensive to run. I wanted to ask Daud about it but he had already stripped and was reclining on his back with everything on full uninterrupted display. We played with each other, not really wanting to climax at this stage, simply enjoying each other's bodies. Somehow, we found ourselves in a classic '69' position and took each other's cock deep down our throats. This was almost too much and I swung over on to my stomach, raising myself in the air and pulling my arse cheeks apart to reveal my gently pulsating anus. Without hesitation, Daud came up behind me, lubed his heavy rigid cock with spittle and entered me gently, pushing all the way until I felt his pubic hair tickling the underside of my buttocks and his heavy balls swing against my thighs. He proceeded to fuck me deep and hard. We were both breathing hard and the impetus of Daud's incursions grew stronger and went deeper. I was being carried away on a wave of sexual debauchery and Daud could have performed any lewd act on me without my protesting. Looking up at Daud's face as he plunged ever deeper into me, I could see he was also being carried away by the freedom of his licentious debased acts. Our breathing was becoming harsher and louder when suddenly the door opened and Khalid stood there entirely naked, with the most impressive erection I had yet seen in Al Dhobaia.

Without a word being said, he walked straight over to where Daud and I were waiting for him to speak. He simply began masturbating, waiting for us to continue. I could not resist any longer and gave in to the most depraved behaviour, pulling hard and fast on my dick and urging it to dump its load as soon as it could and as fast as it could. Daud said something to Khalid in Arabic but I knew my climax could not be far off and my hand was just a blur as I felt my sperm rushing up my rod. My arse was still fully available and Khalid drove his solid weapon straight into me, joining up with Daud and making me gasp and groan noisily and to make the strangest noises as my climax got closer and closer. Suddenly, it happened just as I turned over on to my back. Thick white sperm shot forth all over my belly and into my pubic hair. Daud was still buried in me and as I came I felt his scalding spunk striking the interior of my rectal passage.

When the three of us had recovered ourselves and each taken a shower, we went down to the beach again to enjoy the fragrantly scented cool evening breeze. We made plans to get our night at the hotel together and it was decided I would work on Sohan, Abdullah and Nazim while Daud and Khalid would offer ideas and do any donkey work. It looked as if my visit to Al Dhobaia was going to end with a bang-bang-bang!

TO BE CONTINUED . . . - Part 5 (Conclusion)

Next: Chapter 5

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