Aquata Cove

By Andrew Bailey

Published on Jul 6, 2017


Aquata Cove Chapter 96: Way Back When

The whole time Merrick is with Syrinx -- bandaging him up, cleaning him off, buying a new set of cloths for him and throwing away the ones covered in blood -- Merrick is almost completely silent. All he can manage is an occasional glare as they go.

Finally, after a half hour's worth of driving, they stop at a Starbucks. "Are you ok, Merrick?" She asks him, "Does it hurt at all? Your stab wound?" He doesn't answer, just leers at her with those blue eyes, "... Right..."

Moments later, she and Merrick are standing at the barista's counter, "Alright, I'm going to have aaaa... vente Cinnamon Dolce Latte and a blueberry muffin, and Merrick you..." She glances at him, but he remains silent. After an awkward pause, she tilts her head back to the barista, "Aaaaand he will have a grande Strawberry Smoothie and a slice of double fudge loaf."

"You got it." The barista says as she charges for the purchase, and rings her up. They receive their pastries upfront before they pick a table, and sit to wait for the coffee.

"So... Starbucks is ok, but Mana Mocha is still the best... I-I-I know you don't even drink coffee, so you wouldn't know..." She says. Merrick simply averts his eyes "... Merrick, would you please talk to me? This whole time, you haven't made so much as a sigh since we left."

"... Why did you come?" He finally asks her. "How did you even know I was there?"

"Belinda called me." She tells him, "She told me she helped you find someone, and you looked like you were going to do something horrible."

"Tcchh," Merrick grits his teeth, "That fucking Latolcus. I asked her to do me ONE favor, and she goes and tells on me."

"Don't get mad at her, Merrick." Syrinx scolds him, "She did the right thing. You could've killed him."

"Correction: I WAS going to kill him. Dead. Gone. Did to him what he almost did to Adam."

"M-Merrick!" She hushed, "You're talking about taking somebody's life! How can you be so... I don't know, casual about it?? Did you even think on it that much??"

"Heh heh..." Merrick chuckled darkly, "Syrinx, you really have no idea of the kind of things I would do."

"Yes, I'm beginning to see that now." Syrinx scoffed while nodding.

"... And here we go again."


"You're judging me."

"Wha -- I am not."

"Yes, you are. You're seeing a side of me that completely scares you, and you're starting to write me off, just like you did back on the cruise."

"Well, yeah! You're scaring me, Merrick." Syrinx nods, "You're talking about killing someone like it's some kind of errand for you."

"That's one way of putting it."

"Order up for Syrinx!" The barista calls. Syrinx gets up, and retrieves her coffee drink and the fruit smoothie, and placed them on the table.

"Merrick, I'm serious. You looked... Evil, when you held him like that, honestly."

"You realize that this wouldn't actually be the first time I killed a someone, right?"

Syrinx widens her eyes at him as her mouth opens slightly, "Merrick... Are you kidding me? Are you telling me you really..."

"It was when I was in the Agency." Merrick's sarcastic tone vanishes, "This man named Keith. He was something the humans would call a `Red-Neck'. He was the head of the security guards, and he was by far the worst of all of them. He was a brainless homophobe..."

"And you killed him for that?"

"Syrinx..." Merrick frowned as he leaned in, "Have you not been paying attention to what I said in the past?" He presses his finger on the table, "He was just one of the few people who tortured me. He mocked me to my face, and he laughed at me while I was beaten and burned."

"Ok, but-"

"And that's not even the worst part." Merrick goes on, his eyes rimming with angry moisture, "I don't care what they do to me, they could've tortured me all they wanted to, they could waste all of their time for all I care. But they got Adam involved. I refused to cooperate, so they punished HIM when they found that punishing ME was getting them nowhere. They put LIGHTNING in his body, Syrinx. And that fucking, stupid redneck laughed as he forced me watch Adam's body jerk and move out of his own control." Merrick takes a moment to control his breathing, finding it more difficult and intense. He puts his shaking hand to his smoothie, and took a drink from it, ignoring the straw, "You can bet your ass that I killed him."

"... Ok, I can understand that." Syrinx said, "This man sounded... Ok, he sounds beyond evil. I just... I still can't get my head around it though in general, Merrick." She still gives him a look of disbelief, "I just... I'm a little more disturbed how you're able to talk about it, or actually do it, and just look and sound casual about it."

"There is nothing casual about it. I've killed people, I did what I had to do."

"That was the wrong word. It's just... My God, Merrick, we're talking about ending someone's life! I can't imagine knowing you, and seeing you do something like that."

"Syrinx." Merrick glares at her as leans inward again, "They DISSECTED me. They interrogated me about our world... About US..." He hushed, "And it wasn't enough to mutilate me when I said `No', they had to turn my mate into a defective toy." He spoke more quickly and aggressively as his voice shook, "So stop telling me just how dark and unbelievable I am for doing what I could just to get me and him out of there. I may be a murderer as far as you're concerned, but don't you sit there and tell me-"

"Alright, alright, I get it, Merrick, I get it." Syrinx tells him, "Calm down, people are starting to give us looks."

"Heh. Like I care." He responds as he sips the smoothie again.

"What's happened to you, Merrick?" She asked, "It's like I'm talking to a different person. Your voice doesn't even sound the same."

"Yes, well. That's what happens when you get pissed off to the point where you hold someone's life literally in the palm of your hand."

"If you knew where he was, and what he did, why didn't you call the police? They could've arrested him, and he could be put in-"

"No. Not a chance." He shot down, "I wasn't going to give the humans a chance to take away what little justice I can get." He drinks the fruity concoction again. This is a really good drink, whatever it is. "Not after seeing what he did first-hand..." He lets out a shaky sigh, "Honestly, I wish you didn't show up, I still want to kill him."

"Mer-rick! Honestly! I don't like even hearing it." She grimaces, "This isn't you! You're my friend, not some blood-thirsty psychopath."

"I am both, Syrinx. You can accept that or not. I'm not looking for your approval." He shook his head as he drinks again.

"That aside, you're a citizen, Merrick. If anyone found out about this and reported you, you could've been charged for murder. The security cameras could've seen you, they could have you on record -- heck, even that guy can report you for attacking him altogether."

"Did I happen to mention that I still don't care?"

"Oh my God." She closes her eyes and rubs her forehead, "You're a very disturbing fish, you know that?"

"And you are a very neurotic narwhal."

"I'm just trying to look out for you. I've been around humans a lot longer than YOU have. And your anger issues are just making it worse."

"I'm a Triton, Syrinx. I fight to protect what I love, and he needed to be put down."

"You weren't protecting anyone! You just up and thrashed the guy like a rabid shark."

"He broke Adam, Syrinx. He was the reason Adam was put into a coma, he is why Adam doesn't remember me!" Merrick's voice shook again, before he wiped his eyes of the tears developing, "So you tell me, right now, if the same thing happened to you. Say 4 guys just cornered Kevin. They held him in a way so he couldn't even fight back, and they broke him in every meaning of the word, nearly killing him. Wouldn't YOU want to hunt down the one who erased all of Kevin's memories of every single moment you had with him?!"



"I wouldn't." A pause goes by as they stare at each other. Merrick just gives her disgusted look, "I wouldn't want to kill anyone."

"... Fine. Then what would you have done?" Merrick asks, "If Kevin spent 2 moons in a hospital because he was beaten almost to death, and he looked at you, and didn't have a clue of who you are."

"Merrick... If something like that were to happen to Kevin... I would die." Her chest feels a heavy press of emotion in the bottom of her throat, "I would die, Merrick, to see that happen... And then, I would deal with it. I would be there for him, whether or not he knew me."

"Right. You say that now, but you wouldn't understand. You-"

"You're right, I wouldn't. I don't understand." Syrinx tells him, "I wouldn't want to go out and pick a fight with anyone, ever. I don't have that in me, Merrick. I'm no Triton. I'm not a hunter, I'm a scout. I don't look for trouble, I look for safety. It would break me to pieces if Kevin were to be in Adam's shoes, but I would stay by his side constantly until he was on his feet -- I'd even quit my job and push my body away from the ocean to the absolute limit if that's what it took." She gives a firm look to him, "Can you look me in the eyes, and tell me that you've always been there for Adam like that?"

Merrick glares back, his mouth opening a little, but his eyes shift a bit as he thinks, his mouth slowly closing. "See what I mean?" Syrinx continues, "Merrick, looking for trouble covered in blood is wasting your precious time when your partner needs you. Adam has been hurting for a long time, and I'll bet all you can think about is how insane this was making you."

"Fine, I'm selfish, and I can't help that." Merrick turns his glare aside, "And I can understand what you mean by what you are. Adam is the exact same way as you. He's a defender rather than a fighter."

"I just... I know you had your reasons, and you have that... Drive to fight. I just don't have that killer instinct that makes me fight back. It just... It scared me when I saw you like that... I mean, you were injured too, doesn't it hurt?"

"This is nothing." Merrick answers as he puts a hand over his stomach where he was stabbed, "HE was nothing... My Father taught me that mercy is for the weak."

"Wow, that's harsh."

"Not as you'd think. Not the way it sounds. It's a different perception of the principle." He drinks more of the smoothie, "When he says that, it means mercy is for those who can't go on their own, who depend on leaders like him, myself, my Sister, my Mother. Adam needs my mercy, now more then ever. That man though... He deserved no mercy at all... He deserved to suffer. He wasn't even weak, he was spineless demon, and he needs to end."

"I... I'm sorry that I can't completely agree, Merrick." Syrinx says as she shakes her head, "I just can't picture myself even wanting to do that."

"It's not like it's something I like doing. It's something that I feel I HAVE to do. One of my loved ones was attacked and tormented, and as it stands, it's up to the leaders of the pod to deliver justice. And that's exactly what I did."

"Ok, I understand..."

"Besides, the way he looked, he's probably going to bleed out anyway. Chances are, he'll probably die where I left him. If he's lucky, someone will find him and take him to the hospital, if they can put him back together. I guess I should count myself fortunate that he lives 2 and a half hours away from Kele-Kolika, and it's not like he knows my name or where I live, and my hood was up, so it's not like any cameras got a clear look at me... I still just wish I could've ended him right then and there."

"Merrick, please just stop talking like that." She pleads, "I can't stand even hearing it. One of my closest friends actually going out to murder someone..."

"I wasn't going to murder him. Murder is defined as one human killing another human. I don't exactly fit that description, now do I? This was more like a hunter seeking out his prey."

"It doesn't matter." She shook her head, "It's still the same. As far as human society is concerned, you're a citizen that can be held liable for arrest."

"Haahhh..." Merrick puts his arms on the table as he leans in. Now they're just going around in circles. "Do you want to know the most disturbing part?" He asked, "I saw him looking over Adam, all bloodied and bruised, not even able to stand. And then I did the exact same thing to him... And I felt that sadistic satisfaction when I was in his head... And I felt that precise sensation throughout the whole time I fought him."

"I... Think I understand..." She nodded.

"No..." Merrick shook his head, his eyes rimming with tears for a different reason as he looks away from her, "You really don't..."

A while later, Merrick stares out the window of the ferry he's taking back around the island back to his home. He sits alone, still holding Adam's jacket, folded neatly in his lap, and his harpoon safely disassembled in its carrier. "... What happened to me..." He mumbled as he sees the dusk sky. He remembers his attacks, thinking through them piece by piece... He can still remember the way his own voice sounded... So dark and savage... "Nnh... I'm doing it again..." He says as he closed his eyes, "I'm turning into a monster because I couldn't control myself..." `Ok, if you can remember what he looks like,' Belinda said, `You and I could-' `No. I'm doing this alone.' He sighs irritably as he remembers those words, "I should have let Belinda come with me in person..." Now that he's had the time to calm down... He can see why Syrinx seems so bewildered by him. Heck, he's even disturbed by how he was talking to her at Starbucks. His voice was dry and uncaring... It wasn't even his... "And Adam... My God, Adam..." He shakes his head a little, "If you were to see me like that." He flinches as he pictures him striking and ripping Damian all over. When he held him by the throat, Damian's image twitches a few times as Adam's face, when Merrick had gone mad at the Agency, and he nearly choked him to death. "My God, what did I do..." He puts his hand on his forehead, "I was really going to kill him... No pause about it, I was really going to end his life in that alley... And I wanted him to practically beg me for it..." He feels a purge of disbelief as he reflects on this, "Just what did I allow to happen? How... How can I face Adam now... He can't even know where I was..." Hours later, Merrick sighs as he walks onto the bus, the last one of the night, to drive all the way to the bus stop most closest to the house. Soon after, he finds himself walking the dirt trail next to the forest, before he turned the corner, and saw the lit windows illuminating the yard. Standing at the entrance of the driftwood wall, Merrick takes a deep breath, exhales and walks forth to the front door. "I'm back." He reported as he comes in. Yuri is just putting on her jacket as Adam is getting up to turn off the PS4. "Oh hey, Merrick. I was just leaving for the hospital, they just paged me." "Ok." He says as she walks right on out the door. "Hi, Merrick," Adam smiled as he comes to him, "It's been a while." "It's only been a day." "Oh ehaahah... I guess it felt like a while, after the work day I'VE had. I passed out as soon as I go home." "Oh, really." Merrick chuckled, as they get close. Adam comes to him, and puts his arms around Merrick for a friendly hug. Merrick hugs back, but finds Adam's arms slowly pull him in very firmly. Adam closes his eyes as his friendly smile fades and he rests his chin on Merrick's shoulder, sort of tucking his head closely. As he hugs him, one hand holds firmly onto Merrick's other shoulder, and the other holding onto Merrick's side. Adam puts a kiss onto Merrick's neck as his arms cling to Merrick firmly. "Engh... Adam, you're... You're hugging me a little tight..." "Oh, I-I am?" Adam let up on him, looking rather sheepish, "Sorry, heh, I..." He lets go of Merrick, "Heh heh, I guess I really missed you." "You are so adorable when you're flustered." Merrick said with a cute smile, only making Adam blush more. "Anyway, I just dropped by to give you this." Merrick offered the folded black leather jacket. "Oh... It's a... Jacket." Adam said awkwardly as he takes it, letting it unfold. It seems used. He takes a look at it, and see's there's brownish-gold bear paw prints from the cuffs of the arms pointing up to the shoulders, as well as a gold trim around bottom brim and between the zipper and the neck area, and another large paw print on the back, "Huh... Actually I like it." He said with a smile, noting that there's a small rainbow flag stitched on with the tag on the inside of it, "Where'd you get it?" "I..." Merrick started. That jacket was Merrick's anniversary gift to Adam last year at Gay Pride. He's always been a hairy guy, so he had commissioned a jacket that has a bear-like theme, and added in the LGBT tag on it as well. Beating, bashing and slashing Damian WITHOUT getting the jacket damaged or bloodied in the process, while he was still wearing it, was NOT easy, but Tritons are ever known for their perfectionism and precision in combat. He somehow was able to damage Damian's arms and torso severely without harming the jacket. "Hahah, hey, it fits." Adam smiles as he's already tried it on. Merrick flushes with emotion as he sees Adam's hands appear from the sleeves, with the paw prints pointing to the shoulders, zipping up where the gold leather sides meet as a single line, him turning around as he feels it on. "Yeah, I... I was at a thrift store, and..." Merrick lied, inwardly hurt by this one, "I thought it'd look good on you..." "Hah, yeah, I love it." Adam says as they look in the lit-up bathroom, examining himself in the mirror. Merrick can only look with a melancholy smile... The day he gave Adam that jacket for their anniversary, Adam just fell in love with it. He wore it all the time after that... And to think that Damian would just steal it right after everything he did to him... "I love it, thanks Merrick." Adam says as he smiles at him. Merrick smiles back, before he moves his head up, and kissed Adam on the lips. "It's getting dark..." Merrick tells him, "I better head out..." "W-Wait, now?" Adam asked, "But you just got here." "It's night, and you're tired. You should take it easy." Merrick strokes Adam's cheek, "I'll see you tomorrow..." He turns to go. Adam stammers as Merrick walks away, his hands shaking a little, before he strides behind him, "Wait, Merrick, please don't go." He pleads as he takes his hand. "What?" "Jamal's at work, and so is Yuri. I don't really want to be alone right now." Merrick turns around as he talks, "Can't you stay a little longer? How far do you live?" "Heh... Not that far at all." Merrick answers, considering Savarna's Sea Spot is literally half a mile away from this house. "So how about it? You want to hang out with me a little longer?" "Heheheh... I'd thought you never ask." Merrick said as he let Adam take him to the couch. Instead of turning off the PS4, he logs into Netflix and goes to Doctor Who. "Is this show ok? I'm kind of addicted to it since Mom introduced me to it. Apparently, it was one of my favorite shows." Adam says as he takes off his jacket and puts it aside. "It's fine, I like it too..." Merrick says as they sit on the couch. Adam lies back, while Merrick... He glances at him a little, before coming in next to him. Adam blushes as Merrick snuggles in with him, getting close to him in a very intimate way. Merrick cuddles next to him, putting his arm across Adam's stomach while his head rests on his chest. He can feel Adam's heart racing... Adam is hot in body, but he really is so damn cute when he's a little bashful from affectionate advances that he's not completely familiar with. Always was. The show started with the science fiction music as the TARDIS zooms and spins through the Time Vortex. Adam rubbed Merrick's arm as they watched. "I missed you this morning..." Adam muttered, "I was kind of hoping I'd walk into the kitchen to see you making breakfast again... Though Yuri came in when I got up, and she accidentally burnt the toast." "Hahahaha, rookie mistake." Merrick chuckled, "I haven't burned anything in a year." "Hehehe..." Adam puts his arm to hold Merrick closer to him, "Where were you?" "Just had someplace I had to be. And it was my day off, it couldn't wait..." "Right..." Adam notices that he's holding Merrick a little too firmly again, before he eased his arm a little. "I like being with you like this..." "Really?" Merrick asked with a cute grin as he looks at him. "Yeah. I... Can we sit for a moment?" They get up, and sit up and paused Peter Capaldi explaining the Bootstrap Paradox. "Ever since I first met you... I can't stop thinking about you." He began, "I don't know, when you were at the psychiatric ward, I just wanted you to come back and do art with me, or just talk or anything. And whenever I felt alone or distant, I just sit there and wonder what you would say if you were there with me." "But, at the same time, whenever I'm close to you," Adam continues, "It's like, I barely know how to talk... You make me feel nervous and happy at the same time. And when you kiss me, I just... Ehehheh, I just feel dumb for a few seconds, and I can hardly breathe when you do that." "I was confused about all of this until I asked my Dad about these feelings that I've been having. And he explained it to me, as oddly as he can, and... Apparently, I'm a homosexual." He said with a shrug, "I still don't know what I should be making of that, what opinion I should try to think of..." He takes a deep breath as he looks at Merrick, huffing and shaking his head, "All I know is that you rearrange everything inside me every time I see you." "Heh... And as you may have guessed, I'm gay too." Merrick said, "I... Didn't really know that I had that much of an effect on you though..." He admitted, "I'm sorry if I confused you more than I should have..." "N-No, it's ok." Adam nodded, "I... I still have these feelings, and I'm still confused..." He puts his hand onto Merrick's, "But you're the only person I can really feel... I can only trust you with everything that goes on with me... I feel lonely all the time, and the only time I can stop hurting is when I'm with you." "You have no idea." Merrick chuckled with a shake of his head, "I've been alone for... Too long, really..." Merrick pulls his hand away from Adam's, "Adam... Something happened to me today, and... I need to hold myself back, for your sake. I'm not sure if I can trust myself for you..." "M-Merrick." Adam pauses, and blinks as he sees a drop of sparkling tear roll down Merrick's eye, "I-I... Merrick wait," Adam says as he holds onto Merrick's hand again, "I know I can't be the man you fell in love with..." He sees Merrick closes his eyes, "... I have feelings for you, and I hardly even know what they're for or why I'm feeling this way. I need you, Merrick..." Merrick takes a deep breath, and turned to Adam, "So what do you want me to do?" "Stay." Adam answers, his chest still wracked with nerves, "Stay here with me, at least for a few days, maybe a week... You can sleep on the couch or something, I... I just want you here, Merrick... I need you around." "Alright, Adam." Merrick nods with a shaky breath, "If it means that much to you, and if that's what you want me to do." "Hhh," Adam smiles wide before he pulls Merrick in for a tight hug. Merrick closes his eyes again, and hugs him back. Tears of joy, sorrow, and guilt continue to well in his eyes, pushing any urge to cry down inside him as his lower lip quivers as his chin flinches. "Tha-Tha, Thank you, Merrick..." Adam whispers. The two of them remain on the couch as Doctor Who plays out on the TV. Even through the night, at 2:32AM, Adam and Merrick are still there, both of them fast asleep. ()()() "MERRICK!" Calls a loud voice. Merrick gasped as he looks through the blurry image of Kai, "Where are you, BOY?!" "My Father..." Merrick whispered fearfully, "H-He can't see me like this! M-My clothes-" "Are in your ship, young man." Adam smiles, "I put them there before this." "MERRICK! Answer me!!" Kai yells out from outside of the waterfall. "I-I-I, I have to go, I" "Shhhhh." Adam hushed, "Why don't we go somewhere more... Accommodating?" He takes Merrick's hand and walked towards the waterfall. "W-Wait! No! Please!" Merrick yanks and begs, but Adam has a firm grip on his wrist as they pass through the wall of water. In a blink of the eyes and from the wash of water, suddenly the water is a waft of manly incense. Suddenly, Merrick's body is wet with cold fresh water, but as he looks down, he sees he is clothed... Oddly. He wears a purple satin top that covers his chest and part of his abs, as well as a breezy bottom piece made out of the same satin, the flap just cover his groin, as well as his behind. Swerving his hips, Merrick blushes harshly that he realizes he's not wearing a loincloth. "Welcome to the Iron Cloud." Adam says to him, wearing a similar outfit, but is sporting the colors of gold and blue. Merrick gaps at him, noting that muscular physique, his arms, torso, and legs layered in body hair. "Wha... What happened, where," Merrick turns around, looking in all directions, "Were we not at the waterfall??" "No, my boy." Adam shakes his head, "We are on the Island of Aphrodita." "A-Aphrodita???" Merrick gaps as he looks at him, "This island is supposed to be a pirate's refuge! It's steeped in crime and smut, what are we doing here?!" "Hahaha... Did your Father tell you that?" Adam laughed, "Aphrodita is no center of malice or filth. It is simply an island that is run by free-minded people who seek sexual release. It was once a site for slave-trading and smuggling, but it was reformed long ago. Now it is merely a brothel capital." "A brothel capital?" "Oh nobles and proper ladies and gentlemen judge this place and the people who come here, thinking it is only a pile of people indulging in selfish gluttony and lust and greed. This island is a respectable voyage, as it is also a paradise of romance and welcoming. It is also known as a renown location for pastry goods and shipments. Look around you, and tell me if this place gives you such a low-grade impression that you have heard of." Merrick looks at the bar, where some finely dressed gentlemen drink, while one of them strokes the hip of a scantily dressed, slender man with short dark hair. Another glance shows him an older man nuzzling affectionately on a nearly naked, very muscular black man wearing a loin cloth that shows that dark, thick ass. Looking in another direction, Merrick sees someone take two identical twins with him into a curtained room. "I'm... Not sure... Where are we exactly?" "This is the Iron Cloud brothel. This place caters specifically to men who seek to bed with men. There are more like it around in this island, but we should just keep to just the one right now." "I-I-I still don't..." Merrick continues to blush as he and Adam walk to a fully dressed man. He looked to Adam's open hand, a green velvet ball forming in his palm, before a shiny small rope tie rolled up from it, making a clinking sound inside. `What, how did he do that?? Is this man a sorcerer?' He thinks. "I'm here with a friend tonight, Dreod." Adam says as he pays him with the pouch. Dreod opens the bag, and sees it full of gold pieces, "You'll find more than sufficient payment for tonight." The man chuckles at the bashful boy before him as he pulls the small ropes apart to close the pouch. "Very well. He is of age though, right? He looks rather young." "He is, as of last week." "Alright, Adam." He nodded, "Enjoy then." "I will." Adam says as he takes Merrick away from him, walking beside him. "Adam... Named after the God of Manhood?" Merrick asked. "Heh... You could say that." He answered as they walk into a curtained hallway, and turned a corner. "Isn't that sacrilege?" "I haven't had any complaints yet." Adam grinned as the go, both of them hearing moans of pleasure here and there. "I am a bit of a regular to the male-inns of the island. They walk into a dimply-lit area, and Merrick gasps as he sees a copper-skinned man still wearing his tunic, but is nude from the waist-down, with pot-bellied man licking his inner most thigh. A second partially clothed male is sitting on the lap of a fair-complexion man with particularly large pecs and thick pink nipples, with the clothed patron worshipping one of those plug-like nipples. Merrick can see the naked sir's semi-hard member just before the customer's rump. Another glance shows Merrick a pair of guys making out passionately, both of their shirts off and sporting large tents in their trousers. "The Iron Cloud has a few open rooms. This is for patrons who want to be a little more adventurous with the body. All of their private rooms are occupied tonight." "H-How do y-y-you know?" Merrick stammered to the secret God, his chest thumping hard. "Heh. I just do~" Adam can just feel the full capacity of lust and desire in the private cabins. "Oh my...~" Merrick gasps as he sees a handsome male suddenly next to him, this one naked with only a gold amulet around his neck. His hand dips into Merrick's cloth, and rubs one of his buttocks smoothly. This whore is very muscular with a thin layer of hair on his scalp, shaved closely, as is the lower half of his face, and yet most of his torso is smoothed from ointment and hair-removal treatment on his chest and abs, "My name is Sarus. What is yours, sir~?" "Ah-aahhhh..." Merrick moans awkwardly as he is touched in such a through manner, unable to answer the question; this man, wearing not a thread, just came up, and started holding his ass! "Mnnhh~" Adam leans in and nibbles on Merrick's neck as he tucks his own hand under the flap on Merrick's bottom, and cupped the other cheek. "Ohhh, aahhhooo, a-ahh" Merrick whines and moans where he stands, the front of his part-skirt taking no time at all to fold up from below and inside. "You are cute personified." Sarus said with a grin as he takes Merrick away from the entrance. Adam smiles as he follows, seeing Merrick leaving behind any trace of paranoid reasoning. Before he knew it, his butt was pushed onto a velvet pillow as Adam and Sarus are on either side of him. He jumps and moans as Sarus gently grabs his exposed ballsac, "Wow, you are completely soft down there." He says as he glides his hand around the base of Merrick's throbbing tool, under his nuts, and on his groin, "I can NEVER get my lap this perfect. Are you sure he is not a boy?" "His complexion truly is that of silk." Adam answers with a smile. Merrick is still hardly able to say anything, both terrified of these sudden rushes and changes, but also stagnant on saying something in risk of ruining all of these solid gold opportunities that are just presenting himself to him, one by one. He blushes as Sarus clips off the jewel button on the side of the waist-cloth, and puts the flap aside, to leave Merrick naked from the waist-down. "Oooh, mnnh," A random patron huffs, having crawled to Merrick, still wearing his long-sleeved blouse, and tucking his face under Merrick's business. "OOOO-Oooh!" Merrick jumps as he feels a tongue wipe on the underside of his sac. He kicks at the cushioned floor, before lies back. "Ohh! Mnnff." Merrick pants and moans as both of his cheeks were kissed and lapped by Adam and Sarus. "Ohhh, aahhhlll..." Merrick moans and whines for a minute, his cock drooling before he turns to Sarus. Panting, Merrick puts his mouth onto his abs. "Mmmhh, yeah..." Sarus grins as Merrick nibbles onto him. The customer at Merrick's legs takes off his damp tunic, showing a round and jiggly belly under a pair of thick, square shaped and round pecs. He strokes Merrick's hips as tenderly kisses into his inner area. Adam recognizes this man -- Togon, that lustful drunkard from the inn at Port Posidian. "Heheheh..." Adam chuckles as he scoots himself down, his hand rubbing Merrick's butt as he crawls forth. Merrick looks away from Sarus's muscles, over his shoulders, before gasping out as Adam's lower jaw rolls into his perfect white buns. "A-Ahhh!" Merrick grasps at Sarus hips as Adam licks deeply into his crack, before Sarus's hand gently guides him back to his tummy, "Ooohhllmmmnn..." Merrick moans as his dick twitches and grows harder from Adam's rimming. "H-Hoohhh!" Merrick moans as Togon's mouth started to make-out and glide around Merrick's supple orbs. "Ohhh gah..." Merrick is put on his back, his heart pounding as Adam settles on his lap. Merrick pants and moans as his cock curls into Adam's crack. Adam rubs some sort of oil onto Merrick's rod, before hovering his ass above him. Merrick shakes as he can feel Adam's hot anus press around the top of his member, before the wet entrance started to part before his mast. "O-Ohh, aahhh~" Merrick drops his head back as his penis feels his dick become enveloped around a very moist tight space, "AhhHH~!" He moans out. His toes curl as Adam groans as he sits on Merrick's lap. He rocks his hips, stirring Merrick's virgin cock inside his anus. "You feel so good, boy." Adam huffs as he rolls his pelvis up and down about on Merrick's meat. "B-By the Go-ods~! Ohhh~!" Merrick moans as he makes clumsy attempts to thrust upward, hardly able to get very far, or make much effort from the immense pleasure. Adam leans down, and kisses Merrick's lips as they go, holding the back of his head as he lets Merrick try to groove his body to push into Adam's ass. Adam leans back up, his legs squatting, his own huge cock standing erect as he pushes himself up and down. "OhhhHHhhh~!" Merrick whines and squirms as every inch of his rod is pulled and pushed all around, the very tight confines of Adam's rear squeezing and sucking his dick as the godly man uses Merrick's pole as a toy. "You are close already~?" Adam bites his lower lip as he grins, seeing the sweating, moaning young man under him, "You are so callow~" "I... I can't..." Merrick grips onto Adam's hips so firmly, freezing his lower body as it feels mere inches from that huge explosion, "NnnnhHH!" Merrick clenches his eyes shut, trying not to let it burst. "Fffff." Merrick's member stings with ecstasy before he lets his head back, "Fffffuck" Adam groans blissfully as he feels Merrick's cock flood inside him. His hairy chest feels a deep well of satisfaction that he has never felt before. His hands plant on either side of Merrick on the cushioned floor as he pants above him, the white milk oozing from his hole as Merrick quickly softens from inside. He moves his fuzzy butt to let Merrick's penis flop out, both of them panting as fatigue quickly catches with the young man. Another random man lays next to Merrick as he starts to sleep, rubbing and caressing him as he rests, while Adam lays next to him, kissing him tenderly. Some time later, Merrick groans as he stirs amongst the naked men in this harem, next to the magnificent man that brought him here. He smiles as he rolls next to him, rubbing his strong arm before Adam opens his eyes and turns to look at him. "Enjoying the night, my love?" Adam asked with a smile. "I am." Merrick says lowly, "What is the time." "Heheh... Ffffffeennnnhhh..." Adam stretches some before he gets up on his legs. Merrick deeply blushes as he sees that god-like ass on Adam's backside, before he picks up the lavish loincloth from the floor, and then the drafty mantle upon his chest. He turns and grins at the young man, "Walk with me." Merrick sits up, and notes he is already dressed in the skimpy lingerie of which he came in, as clean of the sweat and cum as when he entered. "O-Ok..." Merrick scrambles up, and follows him out. Holding hands, they walk out of the Iron Cloud brothel into the night-filled string of establishments. Merrick half-expected there to be drunkards and whores sleazing around every corner, much like a pirate port he once seen. But this place is tranquil and civilized. Almost as classy as Atlanton, if it weren't for the exotic escorts walking around here and there, scantily dressed in fine clothing that showed off their bodies in tantalizing styles. "So how do you like Aphrodita, Merrick?" "I love it." Merrick said with a grin, "This night is much like what I have always wanted to do." "So I saw. When you reached manhood." Adam said as they walk, appearing nothing more than a pair of lovers like anyone else here, "You have longed for so much through your teenage years. Craved such lust and desire, yet forced to chaste yourself for secret's sake alone." "How... How ARE we here?" Merrick asked, "We were in a waterfall, and my father-" Merrick stopped, his eyes locking onto a pair of people. His eyes widened as he sees... Captain Kai. Dressed in dark blue silken robes, courting a fair maiden in a white angelic dress, walking along the road of this calm place, "F-Father?!" "Captain Kai of the SS Navyn Ship." Adam said with a grin. "Wh-What... What is HE doing here?!" Merrick covers himself, and hides behind Adam. Adam chuckles as he guides Merrick around him. "Calm down, Merrick. This is your father as of 23 years ago." He tells him. Merrick notes that Kai looks a LOT younger and less thick in muscle than he looks, and his skin is lighter, and his hair is short and vivid in its dark color. "But still. He TOLD me this was a desolate place! An island of sin and lechery! And he once walked HERE?!" "As any parent would tell their children to demonize the debauchery of temptations that comes with adulthood." Adam says as they watch the young couple go, "If I am correct, this is when your father first proposed to your mother for her hand in marriage. What better time to proclaim love than a moonlit shore upon the island of love and desire itself?" "Still, it feels... It feels hypocritical." Merrick frowned, "All this time, and he... Tch." "If it makes you feel any better, your father only came to this Isle 3 times in his entire life. This island was never really his point of interest; he had no desire for whoring or revelry. He only wanted the romance this island offers, and despised all else." Merrick lets go of Adam, and walks away from him, looking horrified, "Who are you?" Merrick's voice shook, "Who are you, who can enter nations at a time with a single step. Who are you who can look and present points in time..." "Heh..." Adam grinned, "Time and space are only simple doors... In the traverse of a God." "You're... A God??" Merrick's eyes widened as he looks at him, "Your... Your name is Adam-" "And you, are Merrick." Adam finished as he walks to him, and takes his hand. "You, a young, beautiful, shining mortal. I have bedded many men in my time -- still do -- and none, no man, has ever made me feel... As confused and wonderful, as I have when I first laid my eyes on you upon the ocean." "Hahhh..." Merrick feels a deep purge of nerves in his chest as Adam strokes his cheek. "If angels of the deep seas do exist, I doubt even they would be as wondrous as your very eyes." Adam rubs his palm onto Merrick's cheek. "Do you wish this to be your life?" Adam turns, and shows Merrick Aphrodita during the daytime. A festival is raging out in celebration of a holiday. Decorative foods and drinks and toys are partaken as well as a time of peace and joy, a parade of decorum and cavalry, "Would you not want to live here?" Adam asked. "What?" "With me by my side. I can make you a home here, where you can be you. An island of passion and expression, where anyone can be who they are without fear of chaos or judgment. You, my angel of the sea. I will always protect and give for you." After a pause, Merrick turns his face sadly away, "... You refuse." "It's... I really want that. It is a fantastic thing to offer me. It is a beautiful life..." The surroundings turned once more into the dark of the night sky and the moonlight, "But... It is not my life..." Merrick walks a few steps from him, "I cannot just abandon my work, my life, my legacy... My family. They need me... I can't.... I can't." "Are you sure? You would allow your life to become a fanciful puppet show than a rogue's adventure?" "I must... I have too many people counting on me..." Adam sighs for a moment, before looking back to the back of Merrick's head. The boy looks onto the rippling of the water, before he hears a delicate clinking. "Huh?" He turns his head about, seeing a shining chain being put around his neck. "I thought you might choose your life over mine." Adam told him as he latched the chain together. Before Merrick can look at the pendant at the front end, it is grasped by Adam's hand, and pushed into his own, "You must live your life, and figure how to reshape this world in your own way. I understand." Merrick lets out a small moan as he feels Adam nuzzle him from behind. "But I will have you, when you want to have me..." He whispers. Merrick looks down, and beams his eyes on a sparkling key attached to the divine chain around his neck, glittering brightly in his hand, "This key to the heavens opens any you see door into my high-plane." Adam looms around Merrick's front, now glowing with heavenly light, floating up, "I will wait for you... You will find me, and I will take you to places you may only ever conceive in your dreams... My angel of the sea..." Adam becomes so bright, Merrick is unable to see. Merrick grunts as he shields his eyes, peering out, until he feels himself bobbing steadily up and down. The intense light settles down into the morning sun. He blinks as he finds a huge man shoving past him, "Irk! Ahh, what??" He looks at himself, dressed in his sailor uniform, up on deck. Captain Kai, his current age, shouts commands at the crew as they work tirelessly. `I will wait for you... My angel of the sea... Always...' ()()() "Aight. So you ready for your SECOND first day?" Jamal asked as he and Adam pulled into the parking area for employees of the Dream Waltz. "I guess." Adam says as they get out, and enter through the backdoor. Adam follows Jamal as they go until they go to a lit-up counter with many bottles of different brands and kinds of alcohol. He sees a part of the place is lounge-like with classy couches and cushions, with the next part having tables and chairs, and the back of the place has a large stage. A lot of people are here, talking, drinking, and eating. "So what kind of place IS this?" "It's a nightclub. It's for people who like to have fun at night." "So... What do YOU do?" "I'mma bartender." Jamal says as he takes a towel, and slings it on his shoulder. "I serve drinks, take orders for food and stuff. Sometimes I perform on the stage, occasionally." "And..." Adam says as he sits on one of the barstools, "What is it that I do?" "You go up there." Jamal grinned as he pointed to the stage. Adam turned around, looked at Jamal's hand again, and then at the stage. "Wha... Wait, what?" "You're a performer, Adam." Jamal laughs, "You sing `n' dance up there." "Uh, no. No nonononono, no no no way." Adam wheeled around on the stool, "I can't do that, no way." "C'mon, man," Jamal laughs as he turns Adam back around, "You were a great up there." "But I can't sing, I don't even know if I can!" "Yeah, ya can." Jamal nodded, "Trust me, you were one of the best here." "Did I do ANYTHING else?" "Well, ya only worked here for about 3 days a week, if ya weren't a main performer, you'd be a back-up dancer or part of a chorus. Otherwise you'd help move stuff around backstage, run errands, or clean up bathrooms, stuff like that." "Well can I stick to THAT, please??" Adam says, "I have no idea about how to do this kind of stuff." "But you will, hopefully." Says a new voice, before Adam turned around, suddenly realizing there's a handful of people right behind him. "Wh- Oh my God." Adam beamed as he sees them holding up a large cake with flowers of every color of the rainbow, with cursive writing on the icing reading {We Missed You} "It's good to have you back, Adam." Said a woman with a rather strong voice. "Oh my gosh," Adam covered his mouth as he bows his head. "We missed having you here, are you doing ok?" "You still owe me money," "Where've you been at?" "Guys, guys..." Adam said, honestly a little overwhelmed by this, "I have to tell you... I have no idea who any of you are." Everyone all laughed, as does he, "But... Thank you all, for this. I'll try and do my best here." "Not a problem, buddyyyy." "Good man, good man." "Come on, set it down." Then, the lights dimed down, and the stage started to lit up. "What? Who's performing right now?" "Dammit, I told Chloe to put a hold on it." "She said she wanted to do it `right', whatever that means.' "What're you all talking about?" A melancholy guitar strums numerically as the curtain rises. Adam watches in wonder as there stands a woman with her back to the audience, with several other girls up there with her. She's wearing a purple and black goth cowboy outfit, with the long-coat adorned with fine long feathers, before she turned to the audience. "~Anything you wish for I will fiiiind~" She sings, "~Anything you want, whatever's on your miiind~" She looks with sultry eyes to the lights in front of her, "~I will seek out any treasure ~To satisfy your pleasure, baaaa~byyyy~" Chloe turns her head as the other girls danced around her, "~Don't ask for any guarantees ~Standing on the edge, is what attracted me~eee~" She waves and gestures her arms "~The damage that we do, belongs to me and you, baaa~byyy~" "~So don't love me~" She proclaimed, "~Don't liiiieee~" Her hips rock gracefully as she steps forth, "~Don't let me see that look in your eyyyyyes~" She points outward in an accusing manner, "~You promised from the start ~We'd both keep love apart from desiiiiirrrrre~" "~I don't wanna talk about tomorrow~" She shakes her head as she holds her hands around her head, "~What we have today ~Is all I'm ready for~" She slowly grooves herself as she gives more sultry, ~It's a complicated game ~But it's the reason that we came ~Together~" "~Cause if I took the stars out of the sky~" She reaches up and arches and waves her arms, "~A galaxy to give you ~To somehow testify ~Would change us ~Rearrange us ~Forever?~" The music picks up again in a rising rhythm, "~So don't love m ~Don't li~iiee ~Don't let me see that look in your eyyyyes~" Chloe puts a hand on her chest while the other makes a fist by her side, "~I promised from the start ~I'd keep my love apart from desiiiirrre~" "~This is not about love~!" Chloe marches about the stage, showing passionate anger, "~This is NOT about looove ~This is all about ~Aaaaaall about ~My desIIIIIIRRRre~" She twirls and sweeps her outfit around her, "~This is not about love, this is not about love "~This is all about, all about my desire ~My desire ~Oh yeah my desire! ~Oh my desiiiiiirrre~" The song comes to a tambourine end, and the audience applauds with her back facing them, her arms held wide and up slowly going down, as does the curtain. Adam scoffs with astonishment as he claps with everyone. "Wow... Wow."

A couple of hours later, Adam walks while holding several hangers containing pressed and cleaned costumes, to deliver to both of the 2 private dressing rooms in between. As he goes, he spots someone up ahead -- it's that girl that performed when everyone gave Adam the cake. She doesn't look at him as she strides in his direction next to him.

"What's up, fatass." She said as she passed.

"Wha- Hey!" He turned around, giving her a frown, "What did you say?"

"What? Didn't hear me?" Chloe asked. "I said: "What is UPPP, fat-ASS."

"Excuse me? Did I do something wrong?"

"Yeah!" Chloe said with a huffed, as if something was obvious, "It started when you were born, and is going on as we speak; literally."

"What..." Adam gives her an angered look, "Why are you being rude? I didn't say anything to you."

"I'm getting you ahead of time, for when you DO say something."

"Yeah, well." Adam says as he gets ready to turn around, "I'm sorry, but if this is how you talk, I don't really want anything to do with you." He said as he goes.

"Hey, what? Get back here!" She says. She puts her hands cupped around her mouth, "Get back over here and loooove meeee!" She smirked. Adam turns again, giving her a weird look.

"What are you even talking about?? Oh my God." Adam says with exasperation, "Don't tell me you're another creep who has a crush on me too."

"HAH! Aha, hah hah. Yeah. The only crush I'd have for you is with a giant hammer, sweetheart. Otherwise I'd just come at you with a huge hammer."

"I... I don't understand." Adam shook his head, "Just who ARE you??"

"Chloe Lukela. Local ass-kicker, resident bitch, bitter songbird this side of the Pacific." She answers, "But I'm told you forgot all about me in the hospital -- I bought a CARD for you, jerk. People are lucky if I even want to spit on them."

Wha- I- Ok, yes, I have amnesia, and..." Adam scoffs as he shakes his head, "Look, you're wasting my time, and you're being the jerk here. I've got work to do."

"Oh, stop now." Chloe jogs up to him, and pushes the plastic-cased coats as they walk, "The glory-hole can wait. YOU need to be schooled about respecting the revolting phenomena that IS Chloe Lukela."

"You're kind of annoying me now." Adam says as they go.

"You better watch it, the owner of the club is my cousin." She says with her arm over his shoulders as they move, "I can have you fired just like that." She said with a snap of her fingers.

"Ooook, again, I've got work to do, and I honestly don't want to talk to you." He said as he shrugged her arm off.

"Hey! Wait, stop walking for a second, semen-demon." She says as she gets in front of him, "That's it? You're not even going to talk back? You weren't nearly this much of a passive pussy when you first met me."

"Well, that was then, this is now." Adam replies, "There's a lot of things I don't remember, and I can't help that." He gives her a disdained look, "So sorry I can't worship like the celebrity you think you are, but I need to get these costumes to the dressing rooms."

"Hold up, hold up..." Chloe holds her hands up to stop him. She looks around, left and right, and then takes the covered clothing. "Ok, one sec." She takes the costumes from Adam's arms.


"Forget the rags, they're cheap anyway. Wait..." She sifts through them, looking at their numbers, and picking up three of them, and tossing the others on a nearby chair, "Ok, hold out your arm."


"Just do it." She says impatiently. Adam rolls his eyes, and does so, before she grabs his wrist, and pulls him with her as she walks.

"A-Ahh, hey! What about the other ones??"

"They're not going to the room we are." She says.

"C-Chloe, what are you doing??" Chloe drags Adam to one of the dressing rooms he was going to, and closed the door behind her, and locked it. Adam glances around, and sees Chloe putting the plastic-protected clothing up on the wrack. "Can I leave now? I don't want to get yelled at for not doing my job."

"No, not yet." Chloe says before turning around, crossing her arms, "I felt like telling you something, and I don't want anyone to hear me."

"What... God, you ARE crushing on me, aren't you?" Adam groaned.

"No, you're disgusting." She dismissed, making Adam quirk his eyebrows up, "I just need to fill you in so you're not such spineless idiot every time I look at you."

"Can you stop with the insults? I haven't done ANYthing."

"I know, that's the point. It's pissing me off."

"I... What?"

"Adam." Chloe presser her fingertips together as she takes a seat, "You and I are what high school kids call, `Frienemies'."

"What in the world does THAT mean?"

"Supposedly, it's the combination of Friend' and Enemy'. While I hate you way to a point where we can't ever be friends, you're just able tolerable to not be enemies. Frienemies."

"I still don't get it." Adam said, "Can I go now?"

"Hahhh... Alright, look. I'm gonna tell you something, which I didn't want to have to say in front of others, hence why I dragged your fatass in here."

"Could you please just get to the point?"

"Ok. I first started working here because I was a total cunt and a living hell at my old school. I was suspended at least 15 times before I was kicked out. And I basically bitch-slapped any therapist or counselor my parents locked in a room with me. Finally, they just threw me in here and made me Jerry's problem since he likes an emotional wreck like me."

"Ok, makes sense."

"Still," Chloe shrugged, "I wasn't about to change just because nobody wanted to put up with me. I like being a badass, even if everyone hates or fears me. I love it."

"Is this going anywhere?"

"It's about to if you shut the fuck up, hairy fairy." She answered. "Before I go any further, I am letting you know now that if you tell ANYONE what I'm saying now, I will surgically rearrange your teeth with a pair of pliers and a buzzsaw."

"Ok ok, I won't tell anyone."

"Alright. The truth is, you made things fun for me here. You kind of made me actually want to be here." Chloe admitted. Adam's face softened a little as she said this, "I've always been an fiery psychopath, it's what I love about me. And it's not like Jerry was able to make me less crazy than I am, I just chew him up and spat him back out. And then you started working here." She smirked, "You were a new singer, and I overheard a couple of people warn you about me, and telling them you could `handle' me."

Adam raised his brows at that, "Handle you? Judging from your attitude, I wouldn't handle you with a pair of metal tongs and a HAZMAT suit."

"Right??" Chloe snickered, "So we got into it, in front of everybody. You argued with me, but like... You weren't yelling like everyone else who try to throw down with me. And you weren't trying to... I don't know, most people who rant at me try to put me down or take cheap shots to really get personal. But you at least made it fun."


"Yeah. Everyone else I talk to either argues at me, yells, cries, run, get pissed off, or squeal over to Jerry. But you're like, the only one who can take a hit and actually fight back that doesn't waste my time."

"Hahahah, doesn't really sound like me, from what I've been told since I got out of the hospital."

"Yeah, Jamal did say you're usually a gigantic pussy."

"Wait. Jamal said that??" He asked, a little shocked that Jamal would use that kind of word to describe him.

"I paraphrase." Chloe waved her hand in dismissal, earning a slumped scoff from Adam. "And, when I found out you were put into the hospital because a bunch of guys beat you up... Honestly, I was a little depressed." She said with an as-a-matter-of-fact shrug.

"You don't seem like the depressed-type."

"Very true, human emotion is hard for me to process, much like Carla's cooking."


"Jerry's train-tranny girlfriend. She hates it when I talk to her, obviously. But when you were in that coma... I don't know, it just felt like... `Game Over'. Fun times are over. Lost another friend, but not on MY terms."

"Wow... Are you serious?"

"Ok, if you make me say it again, I'm doing it with your blood on paper." She snapped back, "I don't really see it, but Jerry tells me that even though it stresses him out when you and I go at it, he said my behavior has gotten less destructive and disrespectful since you started working here. Less people have skipped days when I worked. Frankly, I think it's because everyone's getting used to me."

"I don't know, it's only been like 10 minutes, and I already feel the need to call 911."

"Oh, they're not going to help you. By the time they get here, I would have split your body parts all around the islands."

"Gheheh... I'm still not sure if I like you, or if I just want you to go away, honestly."

"It's best if you don't figure that one out."

"This was where you usually get ready." Chloe said as she and Adam came to one of the dressing rooms, "There's only 3 private dressing rooms like this, so we usually have to take turns on who gets to use them, but ever since you were bashed, no one has even touched the door." "That's... Weird, why?" Adam asked as she stood by the frame, leaning on the wall. "Hell if I know. Some of them just got discouraged when you were put in the hospital. Probably it was sentimental to them. Maybe they thought it was haunted with your gay spunk all over." "Pghgh, it doesn't stop with you, does it?" Adam scoffed. "Never does, fuck-monkey." Chloe shook her head. "So YOU never touched it either?" Adam raised his brow. "Didn't you hear me? YOU used it. Everything in there was probably marked by your dick, I'm not touching anything in there with a 40ft pole." "Wait... Did I..." Adam blushes harshly as he looks at the door, "Did I ever... Do, you know... Naked things in there??" "If you ever did, I don't ever want to know." Chloe holds her hand up in a stop-gesture, "That's just the natural assumption I'm making." "Heh..." Adam looks at the knob, seeing a key inserted there already. "No one even touched the key after you were attacked..." Chloe says, "I really don't get what the huge fuss about it..." "Well... Here goes..." Adam hesitates before he turns, "Look, Chloe. Whatever way we were back in my old life... I just want to say thanks for sticking with me right now. I keep thinking I'm going to get another horrendous migraine just from walking in, so..." "Oh, I'm not here to help." She scoffed, "I'm just here so you don't start whacking off in here. If your head splits open and you start screaming your head off, I'm just going to go get a drink." "Aheheh..." Adam laughed weakly from that, "You know, now you're making me a little nervous." "Would you just turn the damn key?" She snarled, "God, you weren't this much of a puss when you were alive." "Wait, what?" "Whatever, just open the door and make everyone stop with this taboo or something." "Ok, ok." Adam said as takes the key and turned it. It clicked inside, and he pushed in. Stepping into the small changing room, he can see everything with a slight grey tinge, covered with a thin layer of dust. "God, it's worse than I thought." Chloe winced as she stayed close, "I can't even breathe in here." "Good. Maybe that'll shut your gash." "Ahahaha, finally, I get something out of you... Which I will never say again, I just had a very disgusting thought." "Riiight." Adam rolls his eyes as he looks around. There's a vanity table located at the back wall with a mirror and light bulbs. He turned them on, and saw they are still working. It isn't long until the two of them smell burning dust from the bulbs. He looks around, seeing the various costumes hung up on the wracks on the right and left sides of the room. "Uh-ghgh, seriously, Alf. This place needs to air out." Chloe gagged on the stale air, "I'm going to get a fan in here, ulgh." She turns and leaves. "Heh... Can't decide if I even like her or not..." Adam mumbled as he sits on the chair, sighing as he looked down, and noticed a few tidbits on the floor. Bending down, Adam inspected them and picked them up. "What are these? Pills?" He asked as he looked at the blue diamond-shaped tablets. He absentmindedly rubs at his left shoulder to take care of an itch, before it felt like a very weird sting. He furrowed his brow as he palms it, the odd stinging sensation remaining faintly. "Aghh..." Adam puts a hand to his head as he feels his brain throb, "Sssshhhhit. Don't do this now..." He tosses the pills aside into the trash bin, before he sees something else. He looks, and picks up a ripped up folder and some official-looking documents. He can't understand what this could mean, skimming through the words, his sight glimpsing Jessica's printed name on the paper's lines. "Ahh, ghhhh" Adam hisses as a keen ringing begins to pierce into his skull, "Fuck, fuck, fuck, aahhh." He puts both his hands onto his forehead. "Here, plug this in," Chloe says as she walks through the threshold, and then sees Adam grunting in pain, "Oh shit, you alright?" "No... My head hurts, I think a migraine is coming." "Well don't panic, just calm down." She tells him as she puts the fan down, and adjusted him a little, "Don't move, I'll get an ice pack and the aspirin." She rushes out of the changing room. Adam sits there, panting as he tries to pass through this headache. Adam takes a double-look at the trashcan, and sees a few ripped papers in there. He pends down, and picks up them up. White paper with more printed lines and words. At the top parts of the ripped document, are the words: RESTR//AINING OR//DER His head throbs more, "Agh, fffuck," Adam throws the shreds back into the bin, and tries to settle down. After a few pulse-pounding moments, the worst of the headache starts to fade. He puts a hand on the desk, thinking to occupy the next few minutes before Chloe comes back. He opens a few drawers to try and distract himself, closing some of them with make-up bottles and kits in them, along with a couple of undergarments here and there, before he opens one, and doubles back on it, seeing something very catching. He sees a couple of slides of pictures, the kind you get from a photo booth. His mouth becomes ajar when he reaches in, and picks them up. They are of him and Merrick. The roll of pictures shows them in multiple poses. The top one shows Merrick in mid-speech, looking confused while Adam tries to talk to him. The second one shows Merrick to have a whined face while Adam is laughing, having force-tickled Merrick. The third one is of Merrick's right arm around Adam's neck while he had his hands on Merrick's forearms. `And I can tell you that you and him...' Donna's voice echoed as he looks at shifts through these photographs, `The two of you really close...' Adam opens his mouth further as his eyes widened when he sees the picture of Merrick kissing his cheek. The next one shows of Adam clutching at Merrick's head while his licks his cheek like an animal. Adam breathes harder as he looks at the pictures of him and Merrick holding their shirts up, and exposing their torsos, Adam's hairy chest and treasure trail, and Merrick's chest and smooth abs. `He blames himself for what happened...' Echoed the memory again. His fingers shook and slipped the pictures out of his hand, falling to the floor. He gasped and felt a very hot wave on his face when he sees the image of a couple of penises on one of them. He quickly snatched them up, and flipped through them more. He sees an image of his and Merrick's mouths wide open and glued to each other. He sees his own self clutching onto Merrick's sides while he drags his tongue on his smooth abs. Adam's cheeks get very red as he stammered, covering his mouth when he sees himself pushing his face into that fair-skinned lap, seeing Merrick's nude ass at a side-angle, with his jeans tucked just below those round cheeks. "Oh my God, what..." Adam's heart pounds as he sees Merrick pulling at Adam's underwear with his teeth. He looks at another photo of Adam's fuzz-butt as the two of them are naked from the waist down, with Merrick's knees on the booth's seat, and Adam having look like he's right behind him. "Ffffuck." Adam fumbles the pictures and puts them down, rubbing into his scalp, before he feels slightly dizzy, and he looks up as his vision blurs. He can see a distorted image of himself walking to the door and opening it, and glimpsing Merrick smirking at the door's frame. `Hoh my God' He can hear himself say faintly before the apparition quickly hugs the blonde phantom. The two hold each other as they wisp and echo, `I missed you...' They whispered. "Wha..." Adam leans down, staring at the floor, swallowing his dry throat as he tries to process this. "Ok, back. You still alive?" Chloe says, making Adam jump. "HAH! Ah, what?" "Jesus! Adam," Chloe said, just as startled at his reaction, "You scared me, dick-fucker!" "Shit, sorry, Chloe, fuck..." He shook his head, still quivering. "Here." She pushed the cold pouch onto Adam's head, and then pushed a couple of white pills into his hand and a bottled water, "Get these in your mouth before your head explodes." "Heheheh, that's what HE said..." Adam chuckled nervously. "I- G- Ssssshit, Adam! It's in MY head, freaggin, ack!" She says angrily. Adam pops the pills into his mouth, and chugs down the water. Taking a moment, and looking at those facedown pictures he has. There's more that he hasn't looked at yet...

Merrick lightly splashes about beside the shore, which is tainted by a red shade. He holds a part of his harpoon with the seawater as he scrubs it as clean as he can with an abrasive pad. Dried human blood seems to be stubborn to remove. He grunts as he wipes firmly along the shaft.

He lays the second wood pole next to the first one, previously cleaned. He picks up the blotched metal head blade of his weapon, and proceeded to push thoroughly into the blood grooves of the fragment.


Vibrates his phone along with a jingle. "Huh?" He picks it up to see he's got a text message on the screen.

Adam Bryant [Come to my house. Now.]

"Huh... Sounds a little blunt..." Merrick says as he dries his hands real quick and texts back.

Merrick Piscien [Why? What's up?]

Adam Bryant [Just get over here.]

"That's... Kinda on a weird tone, he almost sounds like he's mad..." Merrick sighs as he shakes the water off of his harpoon's blade, before he tucks the 3 pieces into its duffle case, zip it up, and slinging it over his shoulder as he slips his sandals on.

Merrick Piscien [Ok. I'll be there soon.]

Next: Chapter 97

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