Aquata Cove

By Andrew Bailey

Published on May 21, 2017


Aquata Cove Chapter 92: The Liar's Downfall

The young, handsome doctor walks through the lab and into the hall, holding the results of some promising tests from a rather pretty patient. He knocks on the door, and enters to see her, in her nice, flowery dress woolen jacket.

"Alright, I have your fertility test results here, Mrs Foster." He says to Jessica, "You are perfectly fit for children, you and your partner have nothing to worry about."

"Thank you so much, Doctor." She says as she stands up.

"You have any plans for this evening?" He asks casually as she gathers her purse.

"Just a bit of shopping, and then to my boyfriend for a romantic evening." She says happily, "He's been going through a lot lately, and I need to be there to cheer him up."

"Hahaha, your boyfriend is a lucky man, Mrs Foster." He says with a warm smile.

"Thank you again." She says as she walks out, and makes her way through the hospital. She needs to buy Adam some suitable undergarments -- wearing those briefs and worn out boxers is just not classy -- he's looked like a perfect slob, if it wasn't for his wonderful charm. While she's at it, she needs to buy him some proper, formal attire for when they go to church next week. After that episode the other night, he needs a blessing from Father Eustace.



Suddenly Jessica bumps into somebody, dropping her purse as the other person drops their satchel.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was spacing out." Says an Asian young woman as she squats down and picks up the purse, and offers it to Jessica.

"It's alright, no harm done."

"I've just had a LOT on my plate for the past week." The other woman says as she puts a few papers back into her academic pack, "Can you believe this is the first day off I've had in two weeks?"

"Two weeks??" Jessica repeats in shock. "My gosh, you're a hard worker."

"It's nothing." She smiles, "I was on my way out. Haheh, I know this is a little sudden but, how about you and I catch a trip?"

"I've got a few errands to run, actually."

"Please? None of my friends are available right now, and I need some company." The Japanese lady tells her sheepishly, "I'll treat you to a Pink Berry. Just a while at the mall, I insist."

"Well..." Jessica ponders with a smile, "I suppose I COULD do my shopping while we're there." She smiles at the woman, "Alright, it's a deal."

"Thank you, you are a life saver."

"You're very welcome." Jessica says as they start to walk together, "My name is Jessica, by the way."

"Doctor Yuri Umiyama." She replies.

"Oh, you're a doctor?? No wonder you're so busy." Jessica thinks for a moment as she examines her, "You look familiar..."

"We've met a couple of times." Yuri smiles, "I was the doctor who treated Adam when he was injured."

"Oh yes! Now I remember!" Jessica says as it dawns on her, "You saved his life, Yuri." She says as her eyes get a little teary, "God bless your soul."

"That's what they pay me for."

"Ahahahaha." Jessica chuckles as they leave the hospital. "We taking your car then?"

"I don't have any money for gas, I took the bus today."

"Ohhhh, MY car is in the shop..." Jessica frowns.

"It's ok, I know which bus route to get to the mall. I'll lead the way." She says as they start to walk down the sidewalk.

"Oh, great! Lets get going then. But I can't be out too long. My boyfriend is expecting me tonight."

"Ugh, some people have all the luck." Yuri says as they walk down the sidewalk, feeling the nice yellow and purple sky glow of dusk, "I am seeing someone, but I'm so unsure of it all, why can't it be as easy as Disney makes it out to be?"

"It could be, Yuri," Jessica says, "You just need to work for it, like I did."

"Then again though, with all the work and learning I have in my schedule, I'm not even sure I have enough room for romance." Yuri replies, "The guy's been really patient with me though, he's very nice. Hahaha, he even wrote me a Thank-You Note on our first day."

"Oh, bless his heart."

"Oh yes. What's YOUR boyfriend like?" Yuri asked.

"Oh, he's a very special man." Jessica answers, "He's sweet, he's handsome, he can sing and dance, he's a spectacular fisherman." She lists off, "He's had some very, very dark happenstance in his past, but I am there to see him through his struggles."

"Wow, you're really a good girlfriend. Hahah, I don't think I could be as strong as that... I'm more of a soloist for the most part."

"Now, you shouldn't give up so easily." Jessica says while the both of them stroll down the way, "Hey, since you're a doctor, have you by any chance treated a man named Harris Truttal? He's a member of our church, and he hasn't been attending."

"Oh, you haven't heard then?" Yuri asked, "Harris Truttal passed away two weeks ago."

"Hhh?! He did??" Jessica gasped, "What happened??"

"He kept getting violently sick. He was experiencing severe poisoning time after time, we were never able to find out just what kind of toxin was infecting his body. Eventually, his internal organs started to fail one by one. The autopsy even uncovered a parasitic enzyme that was feeding off his brain tissue, which was mimicking senile dementia a few days before he flat-lined. Aside from that, he couldn't get any transplants in time, and he ultimately died of heart failure."

"Oh my gosh, that's terrible..." Jessica says, "His wife must be devastated..." She notes, "No wonder we haven't seen them in church..." Jessica looks around. It's getting a little dark out here; the street lamps are already flickering on. "Are we coming close to the bus stop, Yuri? I'm getting a little nervous. It's a little too quiet out here, you know what I mean?"

"It's just around the corner, actually." Yuri said, "Hey Jessica, can I ask your opinion on something?" Yuri asked as their walking slowed down, "Girl to girl?"

"Sure, ask away, Yuri. How can I help you?" She said as they stopped.

"Ok, so, first off, just how long did you think you could get away with this?" She says with a slightly bemused look.

"Excuse me?" Jessica asks curiously, "What are you talking about?"

"You know, your boyfriend really is a sweetheart." Yuri says as she crosses her arms, smiling, "He's never forgotten a birthday, as far as I've known him. Always makes it a point to celebrate and make the most out of a holiday when it comes. He also has a rather mixed sense of humor though, he's not afraid to put a slightly disturbing image in your head. He's also got a bit of a sweet tooth, has great taste in video games and music, and his brown eyes always make you feel welcome no matter who you are or what you want."

"I beg your pardon..." Jessica says, a creeping terror starting to trickle down her spine.

"Oh, don't pretend, Jessica." Yuri leers at her, "You know, I always knew you were an invasive, obsessive, delusional fangirl, but I never would have imagined you would be a manipulative bible whore."

"How dare you!" Jessica exclaims, "Well, now I at least know just how two-faced his doctor really is."

"Ah, let's not make this about me, doll-face." Yuri replied, "But while we're at it, there are a couple of other things you don't know about me." She explains, "For instance, I've been Adam's roommate for over 10 years, I'm not just his doctor. I know him inside and out, almost as much as his own parents know him. And well, I figured, if he's going to be dating someone." She clicks her tongue as her eyes glance down and up, "I better see who the lucky girl is."

"You obviously don't know him well enough." Jessica claims, "Over the past while, he has proven his love and trust for me time and time again! These past few weeks have been the most revealing of his whole life."

"Ghaha, you are certifiable, do you know that?" Yuri laughs, "And how would you even know that, hm? All guests and visitors who visit Adam at the psychiatric ward must sign in and out each and every time they come to see him, while YOU, missy, have only signed for a few official visits, I checked. So how could Adam prove anything to you in just two visits out of two or so weeks?"

"I-I... He..." Jessica stammered.

"God, you're stupid." Yuri commented as she shakes her head.

"Lets me adult about this, Doctor Yuri." Jessica says indignantly, "Adam is a grown man, and he needs a real woman to guide him through his struggles. I must be that woman. Don't you understand?"

"He already has that, Jessica. Her name is Dr Donna. And to a lesser extent, me. She and I are both professionally certified and licensed to deal and care for him as a patient. But you." Yuri leers at her with disgust, "Popping him pills and dragging him to God knows where in the middle of the night when he should have been getting some rest?"

"How... What grounds do you have to accuse me of any of this??"

"Don't get cocky, Jessica - you don't want to challenge me, little girl." Yuri tells her, "As my grandmother would say, `Watashi wa takada, to anata wa hebidesu. Anata wa watashi o yokogiru baai wa katenaideshou.'"

"And what does that mean?" Jessica asks,

"Simply put, it means if you piss me off, I'll knock you into next week."

"You can't threaten me!" Jessica declares, "I'll have you reported for-"

"Oh no, see, that's the most interesting thing." Yuri says, "See, I am off the clock right now, so we're really talking, girl-to-girl. And for good measure, I walked us at least 3 blocks away from the hospital, so anything you MIGHT think I do that forms in your head can't be applied to me as an accusation." Her voice suddenly gets lethal, "So we're going to keep this between you and me."

"If you touch one hair on my head-"

"Hah, with the dirt I've got on you?" Yuri smirks, "Who would anyone believe?" She chuckles at her, "Just how much faith would you have if our records were to be compared? It's my word against yours."

"Why are you doing this?" Jessica asks in a fearful tone, "Don't you see this is Adam's only chance at redemption?"

"Ahah, alright, you'll have to walk me through this one." Yuri says as she shifts her weight to lean on one leg.

"Don't you see??" Jessica explains, "What happened to Adam was horrible, but predestined! He was nearly lost to us! But you saved him, and now he can walk on his own two legs. His amnesia is not a disease, it's a blessing!" Yuri shakes her head with a look of disbelief, "God has answered my prayers, and given him a second chance! A `reset', if you will. If you will allow me to guide him, I can set him on the righteous path, and have him be the man he is meant to be."

"Homosexuality is a sin!" Jessica continues, "And Adam is too precious to be condemned to hell for willfully choosing the wrong person spend his life with! With the amnesia, Adam has a clean slate! He can begin his life the RIGHT way! This is my chance to save him, and I can't let anyone else hurt him along the way! Don't you see that??"

"Alright, I used to think you were stupid. Now you're just flat-out scaring me." Yuri said.

"The evil should quake before the righteous."

"Paraphrase that from the good book, did you?"

"Yuri, I ask you, as a woman of medicine, does Adam not have the right to choose who gets to be? Who he may love?"

"You realize you just contradicted yourself right there, don't you?"

"You're not listening to me. Adam has a second chance! Your medicine and his therapist can only take him so far, but he needs ME to make him whole again!"

"How, by stuffing his throat full of cheap pain-killers and escorting him to unauthorized field trips while thumping the bible at him?" Yuri asked, "I'll have you know that if I were to tell any of this to his psychologist, she can have you sued for damaging the mental recovery and psychological progress of a patient. What you call `saving him', is actually drawing him a bigger picture of psychological fear that is actually HURTING him."

"And I'll have YOU know that I am Adam's true love!" Jessica defends, "I visited Adam EVERYDAY ever since he was bashed!" She points to Yuri, "I didn't see his exboyfriend coming to-" In the blink of an eye, Yuri's hand flies up, and pulls a vice-grip on her wrist, "Ahh!"

"You wouldn't by any chance be referring to Merrick, would you? The man you pushed down the floor just after he had a heart attack after finding out Adam was put into a COMA?" Yuri throws Jessica arm back hard, actually making her stagger. "Because they're not actually broken up. They're separated right now, but make no mistake." Yuri glares at her, "Merrick is the one wearing Adam's ring. Not you."

"Hah... Oh really..." Jessica leers, "While I dedicated my time looking after Adam, that... That blonde shirker abandoned him. I never once saw him with Adam since this all began. As soon as Adam was put on that bed, he just left him behind!"

"You are so typical." Yuri shook her head, "Merrick has fought for Adam in so many more ways than one, and has dealt with so much more than you will ever know. While you were trying to buy Adam's love with cheap bouquets and religious clichés, Merrick has gone mad with rage and sorrow at a society who would care less about letting a gay man die rather than stand up for what's right. But then he came back, after having reflected on life and what he needs to do, and he stood by Adam's side at every chance he had during Adam's recovery, and made amends for faults that's easily done by any and everyone."

"You, little girl, you are a fraud." Yuri says, plain and simple.

In a fit of tear-filled anger, Jessica's arm back, and aims her hand right for Yuri's cheek! Without even blinking, Yuri's hand claps again onto Jessica's wrist, and yanks it around to force Jessica to turn "AHH-Haahh!" Then, Yuri pins her wrist to her back, and jams her knuckles into her back. "GHHAA!" Jessica screams in pain.

"You know, stereotypes come from somewhere, right? Have you ever heard about the one where Asian people are all secret ninjas?" Yuri muttered venomously behind Jessica, one hand holding onto her shoulder, and the other one cranking Jessica's arm upward to twist more pain, "I come from very traditional families, from both my parents' sides. Me and my three brothers have been trained in several different martial arts; including Jujutsu and Kendo. I can take you out with just one hand, and you wouldn't even see it coming."

"Ahh!" Jessica yanks herself away, and turned to look at the icy cold look of the Japanese physician. "This isn't your business, Miss Yuri!" She protests, "What proof can you tell me that Adam is NOT meant to be with me?? That he CAN'T be a heterosexual man of God?! To be MY husband?!"

"Well, I won't say what specifically, but my friend Jamal did a little test just to see if Adam's gay or not. Though I usually call him on his idiocy as I always do, I can admit to giving him a little credit for it. For the last time, Jessica. Adam is not interested in women -- he likes MEN."

"Hmph, and you believe that ape?" Jessica taunts. Yuri's eyes widened slightly, "That tweaked, sleaze-ridden, ghetto street-"


"Ahh-HH!" Jessica suddenly finds her staggering to the side, her left cheek burning fiercely, before she quirks her gaze back to Yuri, whose body hasn't even moved besides the new position of her right arm. Yuri then slips her satchel off of her shoulder, and calmly takes a couple of steps to her, and quickly grips Jessica by her blouse in another lightning-fast move.

"Don't you even dare talk about Jamal like that." Yuri's wrath is underlined only in her calm fury, her voice portraying little emotion, but her eyes pierce Jessica's with refined, quiet rage, "You judgmental snake. That big pervert of mine saved Adam's life before I had I even put a single bandage on him."

"I approached you tonight because you made this personal a long time ago. But now you're just giving me a shovel for your own grave. I do not tolerate that sort of talk. Especially from brainless little girls like you."

"Let-me-go!" Jessica pries Yuri's hand off of her, and backs away, "That addict's your lover, isn't he?! No wonder he's with you! You give him the hospital's drugs don't you?! And that's why he keeps you around, for the fixes, right?!"

"Ok, first of all, me and Jamal? Nuh-uh, not my type; sex life aside, he's too big in height and bulk, and way too vulgar for me to put up with in a biblical sense. And secondly, are you really throwing those kinds of words at me?" Yuri continues to look down on Jessica, "You zealots are all the same. You can't even put up a decent argument, so you start lashing out carelessly. Even Jamal is smarter than that. You're emotional and panicking, and it's just pathetic."

"Why won't you just let me and Adam alone?!" Jessica demanded, "Just leave us be!"

"Aside from the fact that he already has a soul mate -- and yes, I'm talking about Merrick -- I personally think that Adam could do a lot better than a piece of trash like you. But hey," She gave a cold chuckle, "Who am I to judge, right?"

"Ghhh!" Jessica seethes as she tries another slap. Once again, not even moving, Yuri's right arm shoots up, and grips Jessica's hand. With a turn, Jessica's wrist crackles before her left hand lances a strike and lets that arm leave her grip, and then jabs Jessica's side. "AAAoooww!" Jessica wails before she staggers back, holding her wrist. It feels like it's sprained, but... It doesn't hurt to move it, but it's becoming very red.

"You know, I'm honestly not sure just what I'm surprised more by." Yuri continues, "Your ignorance or your bravery."

"What are you talking about now??" Jessica whines at her.

"You've got a lot of nerve, visiting Adam just once when he was in the hospital."

"What do you mean by that?" Jessica says with a lethal glare.

"You know EXACTLY what I mean. I know all about what happened between you and Adam before all of this happened. I know what you DID." She says, "How you got yourself BANNED from the Dream Waltz?"

"Who even told you?! Did that JAMAL tell you that! He's a liar! That doesn't even have ANYTHING to do with you!"

"Not at the time." Yuri replied coldly, putting her hands in her coat pockets, "You had your chance to walk away after that happened, find some other man to fawn over, I didn't have to know. Though, had I known about what you did at the time, I would have showed up on your doorstep and rearranged your internal organs, and I would have had Jamal hold you down while I dissected you." She starts to walk to Jessica very slowly, making her back away in turn.

"But you made me your worst nightmare the moment you snuck him out on your first date." Yuri says in a deadly tone. As Jessica looks in fear at Yuri, she could swear Yuri looks like a living Grudge, but with anger as a clear theme of mood, "Interfering with the mental recovery of a patient is one thing, that's between you, him, and his psychologist."

"S-Stay away!" Jessica tells her, "If you lay one hand on me, I'll scream!"

"I hope so." Yuri replied, "Last night, however? Last night, you molested my friend." A dark gleam flashes in Yuri's eyes, "You touched him, you lied to him, you mocked him, you DAMAGED him. And you better count your damn blessings that I found out before Merrick did -- because if he knew what you tried to do, he would've hunted you down a long time ago."

"Just leave me alone!!" Jessica flings her arms up to shove Yuri back. Yuri quickly blocks her arms and throws them up. She then ducks to the sidewalk, and does a full rotation, swinging her leg to trip Jessica! "Ah-Ahh!" Jessica topples over, but Yuri's move is only half finished.

"This one's for both of them..." She mutters. Yuri maneuvers herself in another tactical circle-swing, where one of her legs whirls up, her hands still on the pavement. Yuri's jaw and eyes tense as her leg drops down with high speed, and CRASHES into Jessica's stomach!

"GHH-HUHHHH!" Jessica coughs as her mid-section is crushed by Yuri's ankle. "UHHH! UHHH! GHHH!" Jessica huffs deeply as the wind is knocked right of her system. She can't breathe! Her lungs feel like solid rocks pushing into her body!

Yuri easily stands back up, and pushes Jessica onto her side with her other foot, before leaning on a nearby post. "I'll wait."

Jessica wheezes and coughs for several minutes. Yuri does not break her gaze as Jessica eventually gets on her hands and knees, moaning weakly as she pulls herself up, panting and looking at Yuri with pitiful eyes.

"I'll have you ruined..." Jessica shakily says, "I'll have you fired for assault!"

Yuri holds her arms out in a shrug gesture. "Self-Defense, sweetheart." She says, "Rule Number 1 in combat: Never throw the first punch. You tried to hit me, and I defended myself. It's not my fault if a hawk was hunting a snake and succeeded. Of course, it's not like we have any witnesses to justify whatever you or I say, but as the old saying goes." Yuri looks at Jessica with those dark eyes again, "It's my word against yours."

"You're evil..." Jessica seethes out, "You're a malicious monster... You're not a doctor, you're a hateful cold-hearted bitch...!"

"Again, just how did you think you would get away with this?" Yuri asked with a genuine tone of curiosity while crossing her arms, "Adam has spent half of his life living in this town. Everyone who knows him knows he's gay, has a long-term boyfriend, and is currently engaged to a man. That includes his parents, family members, coworkers, close friends, acquaintances, everyone at the docks knows him to be attracted to men. And then, all of a sudden, they're just supposed to believe that he'd turn straight as an arrow with a bake-sale girlfriend holding his arm as they walk by? You honestly believe it'd be THAT easy? Did you even think it through?"

"They would understand." Jessica says, her hair disheveled, her stomach bruised inside her anger dripping from her eyes, "They would understand that he is happy with me-"

"Oh come on now, you're smarter than that. Because I really don't want to believe anyone can be THAT stupid." Yuri said, "You got THIS far with him, didn't you? Here, here, let me write your escape plan for you. Here's your alibi," Yuri gestures her hand in a rolling motion, "You either, get Adam to write the letter himself, with careful wording edited by you, or else type it up, and send the note to his parents, explaining how he's going on this journey to REALLY find himself, with, or not even mentioning you, and then he'd VANISH off the face of the Earth. Meanwhile, you and he are off living on the other side of Hawaii, with your fake-straight husband in your white-picket fence household until he either leaves you about a decade later, or kills himself on the inside to convince himself that he needs to please you. How's that, did I get that right?"

"Stop it. Just stop it!" Jessica cries, "He and I are meant to be, and he knows it! He has NEVER stopped me before! He never hated me."

"Hahahaha... You really don't know Adam, little girl." Yuri sneers at her, "Now, if I were him, I would have gotten rid of you a long time ago. Heck, I probably would've had you banned on the first sign of trouble. I wouldn't put up with this kind of nonsense."

"But he didn't..." Jessica said, sniffling as her shaking arm holds onto the post next to her, "He didn't, he always welcomed me...!"

"Of course he did. Anyone else would've had you shut down a long time ago. But Adam isn't like that. You know how most people believe in second chances? Adam tends to lose count right after the eighth or ninth chance."

"That's because he knows... In his heart, he knows we are meant to be!"

"Nooo." Yuri wags her finger, "It's because Adam is far too polite for his own good. He can hardly ever bring himself to say `no' to people because he's just that nice. He can't stand disappointing other people, which is why he's allowed you to go as far as you did. His parents have mentioned he has always been like that since he was a little kid."

"You know, he was terrified to death when he told me about everything that you did to him?" Yuri tells her, "Because he knows his psychologist might have to know, and just getting into trouble and making someone unhappy with him scares him to death. Adam is a VERY good person, and you took advantage of him the first chance you got!"

"No I didn't... He needs my help!" Jessica sobs.

"Ok, I'm just gonna wrap this up here, because you're just repeating yourself at this point." Yuri says as she goes to pick up her book-bag.

"He needs me! What happened last night is a clear indication that he still needs time to heal! He needs my help now more than ever!"

"The only thing he needs is, in my medical opinion, hours upon hours with his GAY. MALE. BOYFRIEND -- no, wait, scratch that, his gay male fiancé. Got it?" She says for the sake of digging at Jessica's hurt. Before she can say anything, Yuri pulls out a beige-colored paper folder, "I assume you know what this is?"


"See, the thing about Adam's lawyer, she's not just his legal advisor. She's also his friend, and she personally feels that she will always owe Adam and Merrick a favor, due to a long story. So it really wasn't hard to give her a call and have her resend this little item." Jessica gasps dryly as she looks at the folder.

"No... No, he won't! He can't, he doesn't remember it, he knows better now!"

"This is where it ends, Jessica." Yuri says as she takes a couple of other steps towards her, "I'm finishing what Adam started. All I need is for his parents to sign on his behalf, and you're done with him. Plain and simple."

"Nooo!" Jessica reaches for the folder, but Yuri just jabs her stomach! "GUUHH!" Yuri then grabs hold of her wrist.

"Hh-RRRH!" Using her full weight, Yuri whips her around, and throws Jessica around her, and then into the ground!

"Ahh! Owww!" Jessica wails in pain as she lays there. Before she can do anything, Yuri puts her shoe-clad foot on her shoulder, pressing down on her.

"Stay down." Yuri tells her lethally, "Be smart for once." She tucks the folder back into her satchel, clips it closed, and then finally walks away, tossing her long black hair as she goes, "There's a good girl."

"Huh... Hhh... Hhh... " Jessica pushes her arms to hold her up, looking at Yuri walking away, "If you think Adam is your friend...!" Jessica weakly calls after her, making Yuri stop in her tracks, "You'll let HIM choose who he wants!" She pants and seethes with emotion. Yuri looks on the sidewalk for a few seconds, deciding not to waste another second on this woman. She walks further back to the direction of the hospital, getting her cellphone out to call one of her friends for a ride.

Jessica lies there, whimpering in the dirt as her insides sink with humiliation and pain. She couldn't even fight her... She's helpless... If things go on like this, Adam will...

"Ahaghahghgh... Adaaam... Ada-ha-ham..." She cries.

"... Adam? Adam!!" "Ah -- Whaat??" Adam snapped as Jessica nags him some more at their table in the restaurant. "Don't snap at me." She tells him, "I'm trying to have a conversation with you." "Right..." Adam nods, as he stirs his spoon around in his soup. Jessica almost didn't let him order it; too much sodium, she says. She's been ordering for him ever since they started going out. "You know, you've been having a rather bad attitude with me lately, Adam." Jessica scolds him, "And honestly, I don't like it." "Could've seen that coming..." Adam mumbles. "What was that?" "Nothing." He answers, refusing to look at her. He thought this soup would taste amazing when he saw it on the menu, but so far, the broth's only redeeming quality is the warmth it gives off, besides the dry crackers that came with it. "Jessica." Adam says as he sets his spoon down, and sits down, "Why do we keep having to go out in secret? Why do we always have to go out at night?" "I told you." Jessica answers, "Your psychologist doesn't like you going out at all. I don't want to have to go to her each and every time I want to take you out somewhere special." "But I DO go out." Adam says, "It really doesn't take that much time for my Dad or Jamal to get a permission slip from Dr Donna before we go somewhere." "They don't know what they're doing." Jessica dismisses, "And... Those people... They don't trust me..." "Don't trust you?" Adam blinked strangely, "Why?" "They never did care for me..." Jessica sighed, "I was never able to appeal to them as your girlfriend. Always said I'd take you away from them." "That... Doesn't really sound right. Maybe I better ask Dr Yuri about it, she seems to know me better." "No, Adam, you can't go to her." Jessica tells him with anger, "She is a vicious, violent person." "Wha-" Adam scoffs at her, "Where's this coming from all of a sudden?" "The other night, she..." Jessica gulped in fear, "She attacked me..." "Whaaat?" Adam says with a quirk of the brow. This is just a little far-fetched." "We had a discussion, and..." Jessica rubs her thumbs, "She threw me to the ground over nothing." "Yeah. Great." Adam says with a sarcastic nod, "Just one more person for me to watch out for, who's out to get me. Got it." "Adam!" Jessica looks at him, shocked, "What's come over you?" "Agh... Look, nothing." He shook his head, "This soup is terrible. I think I want to call it a night." "What?? Adam, we only just got here, I made reservations and everything!" Jessica tells him. "I have a headache. I just don't want to be here." As he gets up, Jessica gets up and takes his wrist." "Adam." She said firmly, "I don't know what your problem is, but I went through a lot to have our meal tonight, so I would appreciate it if you would just sit back down, and stay with me." "HHhhhh..." Adam turns around, and leans down on the table. He is VERY tired of her trying to control everything, "I'm not staying." Adam tells her in a low tone, "Come or not, your choice." With that, he gets up, and leaves. "Ack -- oh, Adam." Jessica wipes her mouth, and throws her napkin on the table. She barely had enough time to pay for the soup and salad before she followed after Adam, "Adam, what's the matter with you??" She asks as she catches up with him, holding his hand. "Just... Gah, never mind." Adam says. The only reason he agreed to go out tonight was so he could ask her a few questions. That, and she seemed a little on the desperate side tonight when she came to visit him like always, "I think the soup just pissed me off. It tasted terrible." "I TOLD you not to order it." Jessica said, "The salad I was having was very refreshing and healthy." "I just... I don't know, I seem to have a really good memory about soup." "Hmm... Alright..." Jessica nodded, "I guess you always did like Top Ramen in the past." "I... Don't think that has to do with anything." Adam says, "I still don't remember my past life... I just have this vague memory, and I know it included a tasty liquid..." "A memory? You mean, what do you remember?" "Well... I think it was when I was still in the hospital..." Adam says, "I remember I couldn't really see much because the sun was in my eyes... I was so tired..." "What else happened?" Jessica asked, very careful to listen to the details. "I just remember mostly the blaring sunlight... And someone moving a spoon to my mouth, and feeding me this really good broth." He smiled, "I don't remember a lot... I think someone was talking to me, but I can't really remember exactly what they were saying." "Yeah..." Jessica smiles as she chuckles, "You were really sleepy that day." "What?" Adam says as he furrows a brow to look at her. "That was me, honey." Jessica tells him, "I visited you in the hospital everyday." "Yeah, you've always told me that..." Adam nodded. "It was very traumatic for you AND me." She says, "I brought you your favorite meal every week, at least once or three times a week." She smiled as she pats Adam's belly, "It's why you've put on a few~" Adam stopped walking, allowing her hand to slip from his. She turns around, and looks at him, "Honey? We should keep walking, you need the exerci-" When she tries to reach for him, but he moved back, giving her a suspicious look. "No you didn't." Adam tells her. My memory was a little better after that day, I was in that hospital for at least 3 or 4 weeks. I didn't see you at all until I was transferred to the psychiatric ward..." He blinks at her as she looks back, "Jessica, why are you lying to me?" "A-Adam, I am not lying to you." She says, her face flushing with an unnerving heat, "I came to you every chance I got, and-" "Wait." Adam points to her, his eyes narrowing, "Now you just said `every chance'. You told me `everyday'." "O-Of course, I have a job, and other engagements," Jessica said, "But I WAS there, Adam. I was there by your side, I promise." "No... No, not on that day." Adam says as he shakes his head, "No, that wasn't you..." He says, trying very hard to summon that memory back, "... I remember it was a guy..." "No. Adam, Adam I swear, I was there with you on that day-" "Jessica, stop lying." Adam tells her. "I remember it was a lower voice... Whoever it was, it wasn't a woman." "Y-Your head was severely injured, Adam," Jessica hastily said, "You could've mistaken me for someone else. Think about it, please." Adam takes a moment to stare at her, looking at her, like some kind of desperate person... Everything about this just disgusts him. "Alright, alright then. Clear it up for me then." Adam says, "If that was you on that day, what were we talking about?" "What? What are you-" "I just told you, I remembered that person was telling me something, but I can't remember what they were saying, or what I said to them. Tell me what we were talking about." "I... I was telling you how much I love you, and you... Told me you felt the same, and then we were discussing what you wanted to do when you were released from the hospital, and..." Adam leers at her, feeling a very deep plunge of anger sink inside his head, "... No. You're lying to me." "No, Adam, I'm not," Jessica says, her eyes getting watery, "I promise you, I'm telling you the truth." She says as she reaches for his hand. Adam quickly slaps it away, and took a step back. Jessica gasps as she looks at him, betrayed, "A-Adam..." "You're a liar, Jessica." Adam glares at her, "I don't know who it was that fed me on that day, but it sure as hell wasn't you! And what do you care about just the ONE day anyhow?? Why is it so important that I think it was you?" "Because we love each other, and I'm afraid... I'm afraid that you might've forgotten me." "I forgot everyone else in my life, but they've all came at me during the daytime, Jessica. Why is it that YOU'RE the only one who has to come see me at night time??" "Because no one else would let me! They don't trust me, they thought I was going to hurt you!" "And why IS that, Jessica??" Adam asks, "Every time I meet someone, you tell me that they're out to get me! Who else, Jessie?? Who else CAN'T I trust?? The waiter at the restaurant? That dog over there across the street? How about my own Dad, is HE out to get me too?? How what about my Mom? Haven't met HER yet, you want to give me a warning before she has a go at me??" "Adam, you're getting excited, you need to calm down..." Jessica says pleadingly, coming to him, "Please, if you-" "Oh no, no no no, you need to keep off!" Adam shoves her back. She staggers, a tear running down her face, "Not until you tell me who you are! Who ARE you, Jessica?!" "Adam, I am your girlfriend!" Jessica says with tears in her eyes, "Please, look in your heart, and believe me!" "... No. No, that doesn't make any sense." Adam says as he shakes his head, "Ever since we met, you're the only one who's actually said anything about a relationship." "Tha-That is because you have forgotten all about it! But I am here to-" "No, no, I don't think a relationship is supposed to work like this." Adam shook his head, "This whole time, you've decide what I get to eat, where we were going, when we get to leave, ignoring me every time my head started hurting like crazy. Jessica, you're more controlling than my psychologist, but at least SHE has given me a good reason for it!" "That's what girlfriends are supposed to do!!" She claims Adam scoffs and turns away from her, looking up with his hands on his hips, "Adam, please listen to me... I admit it, I haven't been entirely honest with you, but that was only to protect you..." Adam scoffs quietly as his stomach churns with anger, "All I've done, I've done it for you... I only want what's best for you." He hands tenderly come and rub onto his shoulders. Adam pulls back, and hits her arms away from her, "No, don't touch me!" Adam says, "I don't want you anywhere near me." "No, Adam, please..." Jessica sobs, "Don't... Don't do this..." "Jessica..." Adam shakes his head at her, "You're no one. You're not in my past." "Hhh! That's... That's not true..." "Every time I talk to my Dad, or Jamal, Yuri, or even my psychologist, all I want to do is talk to them more, so maybe I can discover something from my past life. Every time I talk to YOU though??" He gives her a look of disgust, "All I can think about is when you can stop talking." "A-Adam, how can you say that??" Jessica puts her hand to her chest, "Your soul mate???" "Ack." Adam whirls around again, turning his back on her and pacing. This is really pissing him off a lot more than it should... He feels bad for her tears and making her cry, but something about this whole thing just... It's making him want to hurt her so much... "Adam, I came to you and visited you everyday since you nearly died!" She sobs, "I brought you cards, telling you of my love, I brought you bouquets of flowers every week, I held your hand while you were in your coma, I SPOKE with you even though you couldn't hear me! Those words are still there, I know it! Please, Adam, please-" "ENOUGH! Alright?!" Adam yelled at her, "I'm sick of it! I'm sick of YOU!" "Hhh?!" Jessica covers her mouth as he glares at her. "And you know what?! I don't remember any of it! I don't remember your CARDS! I don't remember your WORDS! I don't remember your FLOWERS! You're just a FAKE, and I am sick and tired of looking at you! I've been hating you every time you snuck me out of the ward every night! You made me lie to everyone! I lied right to their faces about everything that's been going on, and it's killing me inside!" "A-Adam... Please, stop..." She sobs, "Just... Just let me-" "NO!" Adam shouted as he backed up, "Everything you've told me is a LIE!!!" "That's not truuue, Adam!" Jessica calls back, blinded by tears, "I love yoouu!" "...No." Adam shook his head, "No, you know what, even if you DO love me, I can't stand you anymore. I don't know just who the hell you are, but I don't care. I don't want to care. And I want you to get the hell out of my life." "Adam, please, no!" Jessica says as she comes desperately to him. "Jessica -- Ah -- Get back!" Adam grunts as she gets too close. "Please don't do this! I'll let you eat whatever you want, I'll take you were you want to go, I'll let you HAVE me!" She cries almost hysterically on him, "Just please don't do this, I'm begging you!" "Je-Jessica!" Adam squirms as she tries to take and hug him, trying to hold onto his arms, "Jessica -- Fuck, Jessica! STOP IT!!" Then, something happens. Adam's whole body feels a blink of an implosion as Jessica grovels at him. For a split second, her hands are at two places at once -- both on his hips, and on his wrists. A surge of terror, anger, and hate pierces inside his veins as his surroundings. His left shoulder feels a sudden metal sting! One second, he's outside in public, and for a lightning's moment of time, he was in an enclosed space. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!!" He demands suddenly as he pushes her with all his strength. "AWwwooh!" Jessica falls to the ground, landing harshly in front of him. She looks at him, her insides churning in burning sorrow. Adam stands there, shocked as he looks at his hands. `Fuck, what just happened??' Adam thinks as he takes a step back away from her, staring in horror... Both at her, and what he just did. He pants as his sight still radiates with weird glimpses of static, slowly clearing away as he looks at the distraught woman before him. "Ahh..." Adam takes a few more steps back. He turns his head around, and notices that a few people are giving him looks. He turns his head back down, and looked fearfully at Jessica, before he turns around, and sprints away. "ADAM! Wait! Come back!! I'm sorry!! DON'T LEAVE!!!" "Hhh! Hhh! Hhh!" Adam pants as he runs for the next 10 minutes, away from Jessica, away from everybody, his chest pounding as he runs as fast as he can. He can still feel the impact in his arms and in his brain, throwing Jessica to the pavement, her almost banging her head onto the curb. He sprints as terror files fiercely inside his body, scraping a weird temperature on and off his own face. "Hhh! Hhh! Hhh! Hhh! Hhh! Hhh! Hhh! Hhh! Hhh!" What just happened??? He... He hit her... He just sent her so hard, she fell... He was angry, and she was clamoring all over him. She wouldn't stop, his mind just blanked. He was filled with so much hatred, and now he's just scared. How can he do that?! How could he just hurt someone like that?? Why couldn't he just stay calm and try to keep talking to her?? Why did he have to start yelling??? Adam's feet clomped to a stop, bending over, and then letting himself flop his side onto the ground, panting harshly as he sits, clutching on a metal fence right next to him. "HhhHhh... HhhHhh... HhhHhh... Hhh" He trembles horribly as he keeps thinking about want he just did... Not even thinking about just how much she's been lying to him. Sweat coats his face as his legs burn with exhaustion. He whimpers and pants as he looks up at the night sky. What time is it even? Jessica drove HIM here... "Gahhh... Hahh... Hhh... Fuck..." He doesn't even know where he is. It's so dark... He's alone... No one even knows he's even out of the ward... "Oh God..." He moans thickly, his legs extremely exhausted, charred from the very long run he just had, "What have I done??" His eyes rim with moisture. Just like a child lost and all alone, "What do I do...?" His fingers tighten around the metal bars as he huddles closer, "Someone help me... Someone..."

"Ahghghghghgh" Jessica cries freely in her car as she dials a number on her phone. She holds it with shaking hands as her heart breaks apart. She sniffs and wipes her eyes with a napkin, huffing with rushing emotion, before putting the phone to her ear.

"H-Hello, Father Eustice?? I-It's Jessica... Nnnno, no I'm not. Some-Something horrible has happened..." She sobs, "I need your help, pleaaaase... I don't know what else to do..."

Adam walks along the dimly-lit sidewalk, having absolutely no clue about where's he's going. He still has a hold on the same metal fence he collapsed on, having only ventured about 10, maybe 20 feet from where he stopped. "Agghh..." He moans as he feels his the left side of his skull, the only other physical malady he is currently struggling with apart from his stiffening legs, "My head..." He's had another throbbing headache, ever since he stopped running. He looks up at the night sky, before glancing again at his surroundings. Not a single thing looks familiar... Maybe he should've demanded that Jessica take him back to his ward immediately... But would it have been that simple? Things were really getting crazy... Things are so fucked now... "Anyone..." He mumbles rhetorically, his feet hardly moving from the ground. "I need... Someone help me..." Adam looks at the street, seeing a blaring light from behind. He turns around to see the car coming over to him, slowing down to a rumbling halt right beside him. The window slides down, until he can clearly see the driver. "Hey." Jamal says, "You lost?" "Y-Y..." Adam nodded, trying to fight the urge to break into tears. His insides feel so much right now. Here, when he's hurting so much, all alone, in the dark night underneath a streetlamp... Here comes someone who... "Jamal, I... I don't-" "It's fine. Just get in." Jamal says as he leaned forward, and unlocked the door. "Come on. I'll take ya home." Adam sniffs before he climbs into the vehicle, and they drove off. Adam keeps his eyes closed as his head presses on the window next to him. His legs still feel sore and solid. Jamal doesn't say a word as they go. Now that he's in the car, it's easier to calm down... As well as how grateful he is that Jamal is here right now... Someone he knows he can trust... Someone safe... Someone who saved him... "How'd you know where to find me?" Adam finally asks to break the silence. "Sasha said she saw you yelling at some lady." Jamal answered, "She's a friend of mine. She gave me a call since she don't drive." "Ok..." Adam nods, taking deep breaths, reopening his eyes, seeing the front window turn around to an unknown street, seeing traffic lights pass and yellow bulbs from the passing posts. "You hungry?" Jamal asked, "Jack-In-The-Box is comin up in a sec." "No... Thank you..." Adam answered. "You sure?" "Yes..." Adam mutters. He doesn't say anything for several minutes, until he finally makes himself admit it. "You were right..." "I know." Jamal says gently. "You were right about her... I didn't want to believe it... I don't know why I didn't listen to you..." "Maybe cause she was payin fo everything. Dudn't matter though. I got you." Jamal says as he makes a turn. "You told me she was going to..." He takes a shaking huff, "You warned me she was trouble... Jamal, I'm sorry..." "It's fine, dude. Just take it easy fo now." Eventually, the car pulls into the same secret area Jessica has always taken Adam away from. "Wait, this... How'd you know where to... I mean, this, uh, wait-" "Yuri saw her car down here the other night. I took a look around, and I can tell where you were able to git out." Jamal turns off the car, leaving the keys out, and turning to look at Adam. "So how long has this been goin on?" "Since... Since I last spoke to Merrick... When he, you know... When you dared him to take off his clothes." "I see." He nods, "So bout 3 weeks then? 2 and a half?" "Yes..." Adam nods slowly again closing his eyes again. "So what happened?" Jamal asked, "Why were you alone?" "... She lied." Adam answers, "About everything." His eyelids are starting to feel weak, "She lied to me about everything... I told her I didn't want to see her anymore, and she was all over me... I think I blacked out for a second, and then I hit her, in front of everyone..." "She had it coming." Jamal tells him, "Wit all the shit she's done." "I... I should have just told my psychologist about what she did the other night, and just put an end to it, but... But I wanted to ask and confront her... And things went downhill, and I couldn't think, I couldn't..." He clenches his eyes as he rubs his eyebrows, his throat taking a thick gasp and crack of emotion. "Hey, hey, man, it's cool, you ok now." Jamal says as he takes Adam's shoulder, "You good." "I should have just told Dr Donna everything..." Adam's voice quivers, "I should've just told Jessica to fuck off after she touched me, and... Fuck, I don't know what to do..." "Say what?" Jamal blinks in surprised, "Back up a bit. What'd you just say?" "She..." Adam breathing becomes harder as his stomach turns hard, "She made me take my clothes off, and..." Jamal's jaw lowers, "She touched me on my... Lower area..." Adam feels so embarrassed to even talk about it, to even try to articulate it. "Sh-She, fuck." Adam lets out a shuttering huff of emotion as he gripped his knee. "She grabbed me down there, and..." "Are you serious?!" Jamal said, "She really did that? She DID that?? Are you fuckin serious?!" "M-Mhm..." Adam nodded, "I try not to think about it, because every time I do, I just get so upset and scared..." He huffs erratically. "Dude, why didn't you just push her away?!" Jamal asked, almost mad, "Didn't you wanna just tell her `no'?? If she was fuckin you, you CAN just kick her ass off!" "I did... I told her I didn't want to do what we were doing..." Adam feels a drop roll down his cheek, "But she kept telling me to trust her... She wouldn't stop... She wouldn't let me stop..." "... God motherfuckin dammit..." Jamal growls as he shakes his head. After a moment, his lower jaw tenses as his hands SLAMS into his wheel! Adam jumps from the hard jab, and then Jamal stuck his leg down. "FUCK!... You fuckin serious??" Jamal looks at him, "No, don't, I git it, don't say it again, I know." He tells Adam before he can say anything. "That's it though. I'm gonna KILL that bitch. I don't care, I'm just gonna kill her, go to jail, and just git it over wit." "N-No, Jamal, please don't!" Adam breaks from the window to look at him, "Don't, don't do it, Jamal, please." "Ffffuck." Jamal huffs, "Lets just git you back to bed, aight?" "O-Ok..." Adam gets out of the car, still shaking terribly. Jamal followed behind him, climbing the route as easy as Adam did, before both of them were in the empty, dark room. "You gonna be aight now?" Jamal asked. Adam sniffs as he shakes his head, "... Ya realize I ain't actually gonna kill her, right? She's a fuckin cunt, but I ain't wastin my life in a cell fo a piece of trash." "Ok..." Adam said in a hushed tone. After a pause, Jamal sighed and rubs Adam's arm "... How bout I stay fo a while. I can get Netflix up, and I can watch a few shows wit you till you calm down. That alright?" " "Ok..." Adam says, still fighting off to cry. "Aight..."

The next morning, some point past noon, Donna stands there in the room, her arms crossed and looking down on Adam, who is leaning forward on his knees, his body feeling heavy with a dense weight foaming inside him.

"Adam..." Donna says, looking very unhappy with him, "Why did you sneak out? That's what I would like to know first and foremost. You know the psychiatric ward prohibits patients from leaving without written and certified consent."

"I... I don't know..." Adam says, his face heavy with hot shame.

"You realize the rules are there for a reason, right??" She asked him sternly, bordering on angry, "You're not ready for any kind of outside influence without anyone responsible by your side! What if you collapsed again?! What if you suffered an aneurysm?? What if you have seen or heard something that triggered a horrible reaction in your brian?? I wouldn't have been there, or the doctors, or anyone!"

"I-I was with someone..." Adam says in weak defense, "I didn't go alone..."

"And that's the worst part, Adam!" Donna exclaims, "Why are you refusing to tell me who it was who snuck you out?! Was it Jamal?? Was it your friend, Sasha or Chloe?? Did your father come and take you out? Stop me if I guess it!"

"No, no!" Adam shook his head, "I-I, please, Dr, I don't want to talk about it, I-I just... I don't know..."

"WHY don't you want to talk about it?" Donna asked in both worry and agitation, "What happened, Adam?? If something happened that has harmed you in anyway, I HAVE to know about it!"

"I-I'm sorry, Dr Donna..." Adam says, "I... I guess I snuck out all those times because I was tired of being kept in here." He complains, somehow feeling inferior to this woman in some strange way, "I just stay in here all the time, and when I'm not in here, I'm in a job training class or something, or physical therapy, and I... I don't get a lot of friends in here..."

"Adam, that's no excuse! If it were anyone else, I would put you in even STRICTER conditions after finding out about all this!"

"I... I'm sorry, Dr Donna..." He apologizes again, his hand grasping his bed.

"As I mentioned... It's scary to me that you won't tell me whom it was who took you out at night. You're barely telling me what you were out doing! There's a level of trust I need to maintain with any and everyone who comes into contact with you!"

"I just... I don't know anyone at all, and I just, I don't know if I should say, I don't want them to get hurt or in trouble because of me..."

"Adam..." Donna sighs in frustration, "Was it Merrick? Or even Yuri? Tell me, please."

"No, it wasn't them..." Adam said.

"As your psychologist, I need you to tell me who it is that snuck you out after hours." Donna tells him, "You're acting like a child right now, Adam. I need you to cooperate as a patient, please."

Before Adam can answer, there came a knock on the door, before it was opened gently by an employee of the ward, "Dr Donna? There are some people here to see Adam."

"Some people? How many?"

"About... 5 people?"

"5 People?!" Donna gives her an estranged look, "Who-"

"Excuse me, this is an emergency." Comes a female voice, right before Jessica shoves past the person, "This way, Father Eustace."

"Jessica?!" Adam's insides take an angry dive as he gets up, "What are you doing here?!"

"I am here for you, Adam." Jessica says endearingly. Before anything, a tall, mid-aged man with glasses and every dark and grey hair walk in, wearing a black robe and suit with a purple sash over his shoulders that reached down to his hips, with a golden cross stitched on either side, also wearing a black collar with a white square in the middle.

"What-" Donna gaps as 3 more men walk into the small room, carrying various items with him, "What is the meaning of this?! Who are you?!"

"Hello, I assume you are Mr Bryant's therapist?" The older man says, "I am Father Eustace. I am here on very important business in regards to your patient."

"What are you talking about?! What's going on??" Adam asks, honestly getting a little scared now.

"We're here to purify you, Adam..." Jessica tells him softly, taking Adam's hands, "For once and for all."

"Get- Get away from me!" Adam threw her arms back, "What's this all about?!"

"Jessica has informed me of your demons, Adam." The pastor tells him, "We are here to cleanse you of your burdens. We mean you no harm."

"Stop, stop, wait one moment." Donna says, "I think there is a misunderstanding going on here. Why are you people here?"

"Jessica, a member of my church," Eustace explains, "As informed me that Adam Bryant has been possessed by malevolent presenses."

"Whaaaat?" Donna gives a look of disbelief.

"Last night, Jessica called me, and informed me that he attacked her. He struck her down, and has told me this has happened for several years."

"What?! No!" Adam calls out, "I-I-I mean... Yes, I DID push her, and she fell, b-b-but I didn't mean to hurt her."

"Of course, you didn't Adam." Jessica says as she comes to him again, "And I forgive you. If you will, we can finally rid you of these influences, forever."

"Ssstop! Stop, stop, please." Adam pleads as he backs away from her, "Jessica, just leave me alone, please!"

"If we may, we should begin the exorcism as soon as possible, before he has another attack." Eustace tells Donna.

"Wait! Just one moment!" She tells them, "Adam has exhibited no such behavior ever before. I don't know what this woman has told you, but I assure you, Adam is of his own mind, delicate as it is."

"As far as you know!" Jessica shoots at Donna, "You let this happen." She strides to her, pointing her finger at her, "You let him become this! You could have stopped him when he was a child, but you let him turn into a monster!"

"H-Hey, don't talk to her like that!" Adam raised his voice at her, feeling oddly offended about anyone talking to Donna that way, "U-Uh, I... Dr, what is she talking about?

"I'm sure I have no idea of what you're talking about, but this is agitating my patient!" Donna says, "I need all of you to leave! Now."

"Um, Dr Donna, is it?" Eustace says, "This matter is urgent, but... If you must insist, then I do not wish to overstep on any boundries-"

"NO! We need to do this!" Jessica snapped, "Here and now, she has no authority over him!"

"I beg your pardon??" Donna glares at her, "Just from what place to you think you have to make that claim?"

"You failed him, Dr!" Jessica ranted, "You let his life turn into this!"

The whole time Jessica is ranting, Father Eustace takes several looks at Adam. Nothing about him is fitting anything Jessica has said about him... Nor does he feel any sort of malice or dark presence in any of this area "Jessica, I believe we should try and attempt this at a better-"

"No, Father! Please! We need to do this HERE and NOW!" She says, almost bordering on hysteria.

"Jessica, just go..." Adam tells her, "I don't want you here anymore." She turns to him, and starts walking.

"I understand Adam, and it's not your fault. We can fix you in just a-"

"N-No, back off!" Adam shoves her back when she was a foot away from him, "Just go! I don't want to see you again!"

"Wha- Adam... !" Jessica says, hurt.

"You heard him, miss." Donna says, "And if you don't vacate right now, with whatever this is, I'll send for security!"

"If I may," Eustace comes to her calmly, "Miss Jessica here has come to me last night, claiming that Adam Bryant here has come under some sort of spiritual possession. I assure you, if such an event as this has occurred, I would appreciate it if you at least allow us to place a blessing upon the-"

"There hasn't any sort of possession!" Donna exclaims, "All of you are honestly making things worse for Adam! All of this," She gestures with her arms, "Is the sort of thing that stressed him out in the past, and it is terrifying him now!"

"Stop it!" Jessica storms up to her again, "What right do you have to do this to him?? Why are you doing this?! Why won't you let him heal, and why do you keep him locked up in here like an animal?!"

"I am his psychologist, and I am his mother!" Dr Donna answers aggressively, "I have every right to determine what he needs!"

"Hhh?!" Adam gasps quietly as he looks at the woman.

"Adam is under my jurisdiction, in my custody, and in my care. He is MY responsibility! And everything you are doing, in MY professional opinion, is traumatizing him, and actually hindering his mental recovery and setting back his progress! I have had enough of whatever you are trying to do, so I need ALL of you to leave!"

"We will not!" Jessica yells back, "This is not about-"

"JESSICA! That's enough!" Father Eustace raises his voice, shocking Jessica, getting a cow-like stare, before he turns to Donna, "Dr Donna, I must apologize. It seems this was a grave misunderstanding. I apologize for all of the unwanted pressures and stress we have put you and your son through today. Will you allow us to still pray for him and his recovery?"

"You can pray for whomever you want, Father." Donna nods angrily, "OUTSIDE of this room, and preferably out of the psychiatric ward."

"I understand." The pastor nodded, "Once again, I apologize for this unfortunate event, and I wish you and your patient luck." He turns to the other priests in the room, "We must leave. Come."

"I- Just- No! Wait! Father Eustace!" Jessica sprints to the door, "St-Stay here! Father Eustace!" She chases after them into the hall, letting the door close on its own.

"Father Eustace, please!" She jogs over to the men, "Please reconsider, he needs your help!"

"Jessica." Eustace looks down on her, "You cannot give help to those who do not want it. The two of them have made it clear to me that we were not needed today."

"N-No! You don't understand!" Jessica persists, "She is blind, and content to let Adam live his life in sin! She doesn't know better, and neither does he!"

"Jessica, when you called me last night, you led me to believe that that young man was possessed by the devil himself." He glares down on her, "You have wasted our time and spiritual resources on... On what?" He adjusts his stance, "I knew you had an infatuation for that man, but even I have to admit that this has shown me a rather distasteful obsession.

"I recognize him from what Bertha had described to me at church, why a handful of our members went to a protest at the docks months ago, and... Jessica, I know just what and who he is, and there is no excuse for what you have brought us to do today." He said before he started walking again.

"But you said so yourself once!" She quickly stepped with him, "`Man shall not lie with another man; it is an abomination'!" Eustace stops, closing his eyes, trying to conjure some patients, "I need your help so he can stop living in constant sin!"

"Hhhhh, Miss Foster..." Eustace starts, "Yes, homosexuality, in it of the actions that are done, are indeed sins. But do you know what else is considered as a sin?" He asked, "Murder is such a sin. As is theft. Gluttony. Defacing reverent property. Eating a shellfish of any kind. Uttering the Lord's name in vain. There are countless sins that we all commit at one time or another, if not everyday. Some believe that all sins are equal in the eyes of the Lord."

"Please, you understand the urgency! All I'm trying to do is change him for the better!"

"While I do not endorse or believe in same-sex marriage and romance, I also do not stand against it. It is not my fight, and I prefer to stay out of a subject matter that I do not completely understand. That man is as irrelevant to me, as I am to him. I will say, however, for your sake, that there are worse things in this world to be than homosexual. "

"But Father Eu-"

"Jessica, you have misled me, made us look like fools today, and you have wasted enough of our time."

"HEY! The hell you doin here?!" Jamal suddenly shouted from the end of the hall, as he sees Jessica with a few priests with her.

"Oh not you again." Jessica frowns as he strides over to them, almost going into a jog, "Go away, this has nothing to do with you!"

"Uh, `Scuse me, Reverend?" Jamal says, glaring, "I mean no disrespect or nuthin, but are you here to do, what I THINK you gonna do here?"

"No. We were just leaving." Eustace says, "It was a false alarm, I assure you."

"Aight. You gonna kick her out too then, right?" Jamal asked, crossing his thick arms.

"I'm sorry?" Eustace blinked strangely.

"Yo Christian girl here ain't so Christian."

"This has nothing to do with you, Jamal!" Jessica glares heated daggers at him, "Just leave!"

"Hold a moment." Eustace holds his hand to her, and then tucking his arm back under his bible, "What are you speaking of, sir?"

"That girl there?" Jamal glanced at her, "She raped a patient here."

"What??" Eustace blinked in shock.

"No! He's lying! Stop lying, you creep! Please just go!" Jessica yells, her insides turning to temperamental fire.

"Naw. She snuck mah friend Adam out a couple a nights ago, and had sex wit him, even after he said he didn't want to. Over and over again."

"Jessica, is this true??" Eustace asked, stunned. It's too convenient that they're talking about the same `Adam', as this man is saying. "Was all of this just a ploy for you to get involved with this Adam character?"

"N-No! He's LYING!! Nothing happened!"

"He told me himself." Jamal replied darkly with a shrug, "He been afraid to tell anyone else. She forced him to get nekkid, saying she didn't want him to go to hell like a faggot."

"I did NOT say that!!" Jessica shouts, her eyes rimming with tears, "Father Eustace, please don't listen to him!"

"Jessica." Eustace says as he looks her in the eye. "Tell me right now. Is this man telling the truth?"

"No, I swear, nothing happened! He collapsed before..."

"Before?" His eyebrows rose. "And you're saying he collapsed." She stopped, stammering about what to say and how to recover from that slight slip-up. "I see."

"N-No, I just, he only needed to-"

"I've heard enough." Eustace says, "We need to leave, now." He gestured for his priests, before stopping, "And Miss Foster... In light of recent... Unfortunate events... I must ask that you do not attend my sermon this Sunday."

"What... What?" Jessica hushed.

"I think you need to seek asylum for better guidance. At least until you've come to terms with what you have done. Yours is an unfavorable influence in my opinion."

"Fa-Father, no... Please..." She begged weakly. Before he leaves, he turns one more time to look at her.

"And I must also inform you of one more thing. Sexual relations before the ceremony of marriage, is ALSO a sin against the Lord. I gather that you have forgotten that one. Goodbye."

With that, Father Eustace turned around, and left with his priests.

Next: Chapter 93

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