Aquata Cove

By Andrew Bailey

Published on May 14, 2017


Aquata Cove Chapter 91: Foul Play

Merrick sits on his bed as the whole ship rocks gently. His eyes stay fixed on the hidden plank of the floor, where he stores his quartz rod and a small bottle of oil, as well as a new cloth. His gut swims with dread-traced nothingness.

His body is encased in tightly tied clothing, crushed velvet vest with a silken shirt and pants, also coated in a regal robe of silver and blue.

He touches the jeweled shell brooch at the top of his shirt, the old talisman of protection his mother gave him when he was a child. Once again, he returns home, and all he can think about is going back to the volatile promise of the ocean's attitude. Why can't he stay a young boy forever? Even if that means having no more pleasure than secretly lusting after his fellow shipmates.

How has it come to this? Coming of age, and forced to take orders... His whole life having to be dictated and laid out before him without so much as a side-glance at anything else he may or may not what to do or see?

Why does he have to be-


"Hhh!" Merrick gasps as he stands at attention.

"Merrick?" Comes his father's voice, before the door opens. Captain Kai looks into Merrick's small but organized and efficient cabin to his son. Kai is dressed in his formal attire of fine dark-blue leather, a pearl-white orb with a white feather attached upon it. "We are leaving now."

"Yes, Father." Merrick nods before he follows Kai out of the cabin.

While the crew carry on their jobs of securing and holding the ship to its posts, as well as unloading and signing off the contracted paperwork, Kai and Merrick walk along the docks, and towards the sea-foam colored building with silver fish sculptures adorned all around it.

The two of them enter the building, where Kai looks merrily onto a beautiful woman with long, flowing platinum hair, a white dress that sparkles around every fold as she tends to the other business people talking to her.

"And your cargo will be shipped out within the next few days." She tells them. "My husband should be returning shortly."

"Sooner than you know." Kai interrupts. The woman turns, and smiles with joy as she sees her two most wonderful men stand before her.

"Kai, my love," Umia says as she sets down the board she was writing with, and comes to greet them. "How I have missed you."

"As have I, Umia." Kai says deeply, both of them keeping a formal front before their clients. Umia turns to her smiling son before she bends down.

"And my son. You are fairing bigger and stronger with each voyage you travel." She tells him.

"Father works everyone of us hard, Mother." Merrick responds as he is hugged by the other.

"Ah, Captain Kai. You are the man for our job then." Says the female client, "We have heard good things of your company."

"Every word is useless," Kai starts, "Until I prove otherwise."

"Yes, we have heard your steadfast philosophies from your past dealings." The woman says, "We have little doubt you will support your motto thus far."

"By the name of Xerxes, we will do far better than anyone you have worked with." Kai proudly promises.

"We will leave you to it then." The business people nodded to him, and left the establishment.

"Father! Big Bother!" Comes a very young voice from up the stairs behind the counter of the building. Wearing a light pink and blue dress, a small blonde girl comes trotting quickly down, and looking up to see her family, "You ARE back!" She runs to them, and jumps to Merrick's arms.

"Hah, as small as ever, Savra." Merrick says as he spins around.

"I hope you are keeping with your studies, my sweet." Kai says as he pubs Savra's head.

"I am! As I have watching the horizon for the ship, Father!"

"Kai, our time will have to wait. The Empress of Atlanton has requested to see you and Merrick as soon as you've made port." Umia tells him.

"Yes, I receive the message. That is why Merrick and I have dressed properly before we came." He turns his head to his teenage son, "Come, Merrick. We must go post-haste. The Empress is not known for patience."

"Yes..." Merrick says before they leave.

In the grand villa of the island, Kai and Merrick are escorted through the marble hall by two servants to a large garden. Waiting for them is regal woman wearing a red and silver gown, wearing a jeweled mask over her face. Next to her is a young, teenage girl with a gown of silver and pink color, her hair tied back with flowers.

"Captain Kai." The Empress says with a curt nod. "And this is your son, I take it."

"Empress Atlantia" Kai says as he and Merrick both do a formal bow -- Kai has disciplined his son well. "I apologize for any delay for our business."

"Pardoned." The Empress says to him, "Shall we talk our arrangement then?"

"Indeed." They walk to a beautiful table next to the pond, both children remaining obediently standing and silent as the adults sit down.

"To review," The Empress started, "On the day your son comes of age, he will wed my daughter, and thus connect your company, contacts, and further your fleet to the royal family. It will be one month when your son becomes of age, correct?"

"Yes." Kai nods, "As agreed, I have fashioned him as the gentleman and heir to my legacy, and yours."

"Time will tell for that, Captain Kai." She turns her gaze to the blonde young man.

Merrick, his stomach full of dread and reluctance stood from his father, and puts his fist to his chest, "As the son of Captain Kai of the SS Navyn Vessel, I hereby swear my loyalties and bindings to my family, and to the royal family." He faces the Empress's daughter, "And thus, I swear to serve you as your husband, Lady Fenrica, as you will serve as my wife."

"That was very well done, young man." The Empress nods to him, before turning back to Kai, "If you have other business within the month, I assume you will tend to them before the time of the marriage?"

"I will take no other contracts than what I already have until then." Kai promised.

"Very well." She snaps her fingers to summon the servants. "Let us sign the contracts then."

From the docks of a far-off island of free men and loud foolery, Adam comes in a wisps of a cloud, walking as his shining, god-like apparel quickly folds and lengthens around him as a dull outfit -- only a hood to cover his head and shoulders, and a wrap to just cover his hips and waist, leaving must of his body exposed, much like the common whore that is seen in this place. Adam enters the Posiedian Tavern, and walks past the noisy patrons, directly to the bar with a lone stranger in a blue velvet cloak. He smirks as he takes a seat next to him. "Nereus. I knew I would find you here." Adam mutters, "And you are so easy to spot, as usual." "I needn't bother to keep myself secret." Says Nereus, God of the Waters of the world -- rivers, seas, ponds, everywhere life exists in water. "I am in no mood for your favors either, Adam." He says with a chuckle, "My priestess is waiting for me come tomorrow." "I am not here for your mast, Nereus." Adam sneered, "I seek a boy. A young man." "Don't you always?" Nereus laughs as he turns in his seat. Adam scoffed as he too turns. "Not just any young man. This one is on the brink of manhood. He sails the seas, I believe." "As does most of anyone on a coast, Adam." Nereus tells him, "Is there really a point you are trying to come to?" "I am looking for a boy." Adam repeats as he digs in his loincloth. Nereus looks, and blinks with estrangement as he sees a gleaming key. "A key to the heavens..." Nereus says, "Adam what are you doing with that?" The bartender puts to Adam a large mug of ale, and a subtle leer at Adam's rather scant apparel, before he leaves. Nereus and Adam both look at the surface of the drink envisioning what Adam saw on that day on the clouds. "I saw something special upon the seas." Adam answers, "A boy on the line to manhood. His soul shines and called to me..." The ale appears like that of the ocean itself, lining up the borders and lines it would appear as a map, showing the ship Adam has seen, "Eyes bluer than your seas. His hair shining like that of Sol's own rays from the sky. He shoulders much burden and duty." "... He is a young man, as many others." Nereus says, "What makes him so special? Your harem is never short of men that has sated you over and over, even your fellow Gods have at you when you come. So why are you so fixated on this boy?" "That's exactly what I aim to find out. You have nothing to lose or gain just from pointing in the direction that he has gone." Nereus drains his own mug for several seconds, before taking a huge huff, "... His ship is the SS Navyn -- a prestige delivery ship as well as a company that carries and transits royal cargo. The origin of that ship is the Isle of Atlanton. They regularly make port on an island in the sea wilds to restock and rest. If you are after this boy, those are the two places where you should start looking." "Thank you, Nereus." Adam nods. He gets up, and goes to the door. "You... *Hic* Bar whore." Says a dizzy man taking Adam's arm, "I have... Er I have a room in this inn... You care too *Hic*" "Hmmm..." Adam grins as he feels his loins stirring. This man is rather handsome... Very tempting. "I am already on a paid client at this time. I will come ravish you on another night. What is your name?" "*Hic* Togon." The burly man answers, trying to keep his balance." "I will remember." Adam grins as he lays the man down, caressing his thick chest through his tunic, making the mortal moan wantonly as a bulge pushes in his trousers. "Until then~" Adam turns, and leaves the tavern. "Waaaiiit. Come back... Beautiful whore... *Hic*, ohhgghh..."

Merrick and Lady Fenrica walk in the garden, along the small river and pond running along the flowery area. It's been about a week since Kai and the Empress have signed the final papers to instate the arranged marriage. Kai has been pressuring to court the young Lady Fenrica, appeal to her as the gentlemen he was groomed and worked to be.

"I understand your ladyship has a fascination of butterflies of Fairy Circle Island. If you wish, I can bring you flowers from the isle. Perhaps the butterflies may be drawn to your window."

"That will not be necessary, Sir Merrick." Fenrica says... With a bit of an acid taste in her voice.

"I see..." Merrick looks about, "This garden is wondrous. The Empress spares no expense in everything blessed in your home."

"I know what you are doing." She says.


"You are nothing different from anyone else I have met in my span of the guilded cage." Fenrica says, "And this marriage of ours is nothing more than your family's climb to nobility."

Merrick blinks at her as she displays this scathing attitude, "Have I offended?"

"You are no different than any other men and boys I have danced with during one of my Mother's balls. I am nothing but a glittering bargain in a long line of arranged shams."

"You are... Unhappy with the arrangement." Merrick says.

"And with my `prize'. I will admit you have a charm the ocean gives a male, but if I may be frank with you, you are not what I would ever chose." The maiden says as she strides away.

"Pardon me, but I have done little to deserve these words. If it pleases-"

"Ugh, MUST I tolerate fake platitudes from everything I say?!" She says as she turns to glare at him, "I bid you speak as you would."

"Gheh. Alright... I can tell you for sure, that I am VERY different than the boys you are courted by. And secondly, you, as well, are not the person I would willingly choose to fulfill what is allowed in my life."

"As if you can do any better than I." Fenrica says as she crosses her arms and strides further.

"And I can also tell why you are giving such a sour disposition." Merrick claims, "Everyone must bow and tend to your every whim, and simple sweet words gets you no amusement, so you throw anger like a rope, wanting so desperately for a different reply."

"Hah. Finally, someone does. It only took almost two decades for someone other than my mother to talk at me."

"I am not happy with the arrangement either, Lady Fenrica. But I must do this, no matter how much I protest in my mind."

"Hah. In YOUR mind. In MY mind, I would rather court a rag-cloth wench than marry you."

"And believe it or not, I would rather bed an unwashed drunkard than hold your hand on the aisle."

A pause goes by as the two of them watch the fish in the pond. They stand there, for almost 5 minutes, before the silence of the flowing water is broken.

"Once... One night... I did sneak out of my chambers." Fenrica says, "I went to the first tavern I could see... I do not know why I am telling you this, but... Seeing as we are sealed and cursed to marry..."


"Out of everyone in that seedy inn, there was this young girl... Same age as me. While I am educated and pampered, she was working for coin... Her hair was violet... I don't know anything of why, or the way I saw her... But... She was kind, unlike anyone I have ever talked to in my life, she was... Real."

"Wait. Is your Ladyship saying..."

"I kissed HER, yes." She nodded, "She hardly knew what to say, but she welcomed it. I still went to go see her, when the night was dark. I enjoyed her company above anyone else's. Eventually, she was gone. I don't know where she went, and it's not like I can send for means to find her."

"I see." Merrick nods. "As a courtesy to you... I honestly would rather take a man on the drink to bed rather than a woman."

"Honest?" Fenrica asked surprisingly.

"Discipline is one of my Father's most important virtues. And when you are like me, being surrounded by men when the sun is burning to bake the hills, and clothing only serves a purpose to slow work... Yes, discipline is my only means of survival on a deep level." Merrick said with an embarrassed smirk.

"So in pressure, we are perfectly matched..." Fenrica says.

"If it makes any sort of difference, I would rather be pressured by our conflicts of interest than hated by my imposed bride."

"Right." Fenrica says with a sigh and a smile. "... You know, there is a secret passage under the villa that leads to the inn I mentioned."

"Hah... And a mistress wouldn't be that unheard of, right?"

"Pressure and secrecy... Now I know what some of the tavern men are joking about."

Adam floats in the water of the ocean, finally under the massive ship, looking upon the bottom as it sails the sea. His divine eyes sees through the wood, like a round revealing glass, to the young blond male running about the ship. "Pure perfection..." Adam mumbles as he looks at Merrick. The sun is hot again today, forcing the men to work without tunics. "Poor boy..." He notes, seeing Merrick resist so much around the many men around him, "Attracted to his shipmates, and not even able to express his own desires..." Adam smiles gently as he sees the young man hide his on-off again erection for every minute, "Soon, boy... I will give you all you deserve... Soon, my angel of the sea..." ()()() Merrick sighs as he scrubs along his perfect, smooth body under the shower, letting the hot water run along his back, rinsing off the pink-tinted, strawberry-mango scented foam down his body. Adam the God and Merrick the Sailor. "I've had THAT dream before." He grins as he takes the Garnier shampoo, and lathers it into his blonde hair, running his hands all over his scalp. "Fffff... God, Adam is so fucking hot." He mutters, recalling that Adam's hairy abs were exposed in those rags in the dream, as here his arms, legs, and the cloth JUST covering his manhood and his ass. Just the thought of it brings a keen tingle into his dick. "Why couldn't it get to the sexy part?" He complains as he rinses off his head. He leans his back on the tile wall, his hand lowering down, and stroking his half-soft cock. "Mmnnn." Merrick bites his lower lip as he tucks his hand under his balls, his penis quickly growing... Missing out on the lust of the Red Moon, and not having gotten off in so long... His desires are really driving him up the wall. "Mnnh." Merrick shakes his head, and picks up the bottle of conditioner. Suddenly, his legs feel weird. They feel a cold chill as well as a firm magnetism. "Ah, wha-" He looks down, and sees both legs having a frilly membrane on either side, as well as his peach-colored skin shining into blue and white. Merrick suddenly slips on the floor "Ahhh SHIT!!!" His tail grows and gleams around the confinement of the shower, grunting in discomfort as the scale on his necklace has just expired into a transparent disk.

"Mnnhhh..." Adam's heavy eye lids blink awake, his whole head feeling heavy, as well as his body, as if he just finished a work out a couple of hours ago -- not tired, but weakly fatigued. It's going on to the evening, he just went and took a quick nap after his cashier class... Or so he thought. He just slept through the afternoon, it seems.

"That was... One heck of a dream..." Adam says as he rolls onto his back, groaning as he looks at the ceiling. "I wanna know what happens next..."

That blonde man in the dream... He looks very familiar -- and why did the dream keep switching scenarios like that? From himself, to the blonde male, and what's this about? This dream was a lot more vivid than the other ones he's been having.

Adam sits up, as he feels his own chest pounding... As if something incredible was about to happen, but it didn't. And now he has no way of knowing just what's supposed to do now...

He groans as he pulls his laptop, and squints his eyes as the screen flashes too bright in his sight. He opens up a Word Document, and starts a new entry.

--- Dear Diary, Things are getting a little weird for a while. I keep having these weird dreams every night, and... Some of them I can remember vividly, others just have patches of what I can remember. And there's this other thing. Remember that blonde guy, Merrick? He got a little weird with me when he talked to me in his underwear? For someone, I keep thinking about him, like at least once everyday, I wonder what he's doing or where he is. Jessica says he's dangerous for me, but hasn't explained why, like he was a bad person in my life, but when I first met him, he seemed fine to me. Maybe I should ask about him around the ward, give him another chance, you know? And speaking of Jessica... I'm not sure about her. She's been visiting me every night, and taking me to several places where we spend time together. She's always kissing me, even when I asked her to stop a few times, she just smiles like I'm joking. She's very pushy about what I eat and what I want to do. The only time I get to eat what I want is when Dad sneaks in Burger King or something when he visits me. I'm starting to not look forward to her visits anymore, but what should I say? Would she even listen to me? And it all seems so secretive, when we go out at night. Why can't she just get a signed permit from Dr Donna like Jamal and Dad? Why does it seem like she doesn't want anyone else to see us together? What ---


Adam looks, and lets out a quiet groan as he sees Jessica's silhouette at his porch window door. "Kay..." He closes his laptop, and goes up to answer her.

"Hi sweetheart~" She says as she leans in, and kisses Adam's lips.

"Ah- hey, Jess..." Adam takes a moment to wipe his mouth when Jessica turns her head, not liking the lip-gloss she's wearing.

"So, ready to go~?" She asks, already taking Adam's hand, but he softly pulls it back.

"A-Actually, Jessica, is it ok if I stay in tonight? I'm really tired right now..."

"It's ok, honey, you'll be fine." She says, smiling deeply and looking dreamily into his eyes, "I have something... Very special planned for tonight."

"Um... Can we at least stay here?"

"Adam, visitors aren't allowed at these hours." Jessica explains, "As... Special as they are..." She says as he tenderly takes his hand.

"Ah... Jessica, I..." Adam sighs as he lets her lead him out onto the porch, closing the door behind them. Why can't he bring himself to say `no'?

"Oh, Yuri, hey..." Jamal says as the door of the small, compact room is knocked on. Yuri walks into the patient room with her clipboard, closing the heavy door behind her, "Well this is unusual, Jamal. You're not due for another physical, and..." She takes a moment, "... You are experiencing lingering effects of pills." She reads from her chart, "Aaaand what the heck does that mean?" "Uh, see..." Jamal says, avoiding eye-contact, "I uh... Was tired earlier, and I had the day off, an... Nick was busy, so I hit up a few girls, uh..." Jamal says, shifting in his seat. "Ooook?" Yuri says as she shifts her weight into one leg and listens. "And uh... I was real sleepy cause I couldn't sleep, but I, gyah..." "You want to get to the point there, Jamal?" She asks, growing a little impatient. "Well... Ya know how you take vitamins fo energy an stuff? Well, while back, few weeks ago, Chloe gamme some uh... Tablets, and uh..." "Soooo, what, are you getting some weird side-effects? What vitamins did you take?" "Uh... Aight, see... I kinda have a... I have hard-on fo bout 7 hours now." "... I'm sorry, What?" Yuri blinks. "I got a... Erection, and it's been all day." Jamal pushes himself to say. "Pppmwwait, wait wait wait," Yuri fights the urge to grin and laugh, "So, when you say vitamins, you meeaaan..." "Haaaggghhhh..." Jamal takes a deep huff, before he stands up. Yuri looks down, and sees the large, rod-shaped bulged on Jamal's thigh. "PFHHH!" Yuri covers her mouth as she clenches her eyes shut, "Pgghhhh... Hghghghgh," She coughs to clear her throat to see a stone-cold gaze from Jamal, "Ok, I understand now. You took Viagra for recreational reasons." She says, firm and professional. "Yeah..." Jamal says as he shifts as he sits back down. "Iiii see..." Yuri nods, before she buckles again as she laughs harshly again, "GHHHhahahahahaha" Yuri covers her mouth again in a vain attempt to hide her reaction. "Yeah. Yeah, aight." Jamal says darkly. "Ok, ok. I'm done. I'm sorry, I'm good, I'm sorry. I know how hard it must've been for you to come to me about this..." She nods. A few seconds pass by, before Yuri's weakness breaks once again, almost doubling over as she laughs out loud, "Oh my God, I can't believe I just said that! Tttcchhaahahahah!" "FFFffffffuuck." Jamal says as he bows forward, putting his hands onto the back of his head. "..." After laughing for another minute, Yuri tries to contain herself. Once again, she snickers and almost cries from laughing. "Aight, aight, can you stop laughin yo ass off fo a minute??" Jamal asked. Yuri clears her throat, taking deep breaths, finally pushing in some restraint, "Why's it... You know..." "It's called Priapism, Jamal." Yuri says, keeping a firm front, "It's a blood-clot to the penis, which is why you are currently still erect." "Ok, aight, can you help me??? I got work in a couple hours at the Dream Waltz, what can ya give me??" "Ahem, ahah... Ok, there is ONE sure way to take care of it." Yuri says, really trying not to laugh some more. Minutes later, Jamal looks at Yuri's back as she sets up something, "OOook, Big-J, this should do the trick." She says as she turns around, holding a 30ml syringe with a 14 gauge needle attached. "Now this will only hurt like hell." "WHOA MUTHAFU- No, HELL no!" Jamal says as he jumbles out of his seat, scrambling on his feet and backs up to the wall, "The hell is that?!" "What, you've never seen a shot before?" Yuri says, grinning. "That ain't no damn shot, that's a fuckin sword, Yuri! The hell you think you stickin THAT?!" "Well, I can explain it, but I think you're smart enough to do the math, or you could recall going harpoon-fishing on Assassin's Creed, right?" "Oh, uh-uh, uh-uh! You ain't stabbin mah dick with no damn spear, gurl!" "Oh, relax, Jamal, it's just a little prick -- Oop, THERE I go again." Yuri said deliberately. "Are you fuckin serious?!" Jamal exclaims with his voice a little high-pitched. "As a heart attack." Yuri replies, "See, the blood is being blocked from leaving the muscles of your genitals. The quickest way to cure it is to remove some of the blood to loosen things up. Simple~! Now, if you'll just do what you always do and take off your pants, we can have your member drained in a sec-" "NO! Fuck, Yuri, stay off, girl!" Jamal protests as he nearly sprints to the side, "Ain't there some pill you can give me??" "Isn't that what got you here in the first place?" She retorts with a smirk. "I'm serious, Yuri, this ain't funny!" "Of course it isn't, Jamal, it's hilarious." She sneers, "So, just sit back, and-" "NO! NO, no!" Jamal whips to the other side of the room after Yuri takes a couple of steps towards him. "Quit trying to git psycho on mah ass, gurl!" "Oh, I thought I made it clear, this isn't going in your ass, Jamal." "Aight, please, just, stop!" Jamal says, "Is there NO way to get it down without poking holes on mah cock??" "You can try putting an ice-pack on your crotch to ease the swelling," Yuri offers while still trying to stifle her sadistic urges to torment Jamal, "Or else, I'll have to ask around the urologists for their take on the matter. Otherwise, you'd have to wait it out until the erection subsides on its own if you refuse treatment. Your choice there, buddy." "Hagghh... Aight, ice me..." "Honestly, Jamal, it only hurts for the first 30 minutes or so, after that, it's smooth sailing for about-" "Gurl would you just git me the damn freeze-pack already??!" Jamal begs out loud. "Please, please, PLEASE see if they got any pills I can git!" "Right." Yuri says as she puts the syringe down, still trying not to jeer at him, for all the 9 years worth of stupid innuendos. "That's the answer to your penis-related problems, beg me for something to swallow until your dick gets soft." She says on her way out. "Sweet Jesus..." Jamal whines as he clutches his head as he turns around.

Jessica drives the car up the hill in a rather secluded clearing. Adam's head has been feeling a painful sting inside his head ever since they left the ward... Like something is angry inside his brain. His stomach churns with fear and dread as the car rumbles to a stop. Something doesn't feel right.

"Lets go, love." Jessica says lowly.

"O-Ok..." Adam's heart is pounding in his chest as he gets out, feeling extremely shaky as he goes. Something's completely wrong, he can feel it. He turns to see Jessica take out a blanket and... A pillow? "I-Is this another picnic, Jessie?"

"Not exactly..." Jessica says softly, wafting the blanket out and laying it on the grass. She takes a seat, and pats for Adam to sit down. Once Adam is next to her, she puts her hand on his cheek, and kisses him again... This time, it's longer... Her lips mesh and push onto his mouth more thoroughly than she's ever have.

"A-hah-hh, Jessica," Adam gently moves her back, "What are we doing?"

"Adam..." Jessica says as she takes Adam's hand, holding it gently, "We are taking our relationship to the next step."

"What?" He asked, "What... What relationship? I-I-I don't understand-"

"All those times, all of those things we shared." Jessica tells him, "Through the years."


"We've been together for ages, Adam..." Jessica lies, "Before you gave me your... Everything... You were taken away from me."

"Jeh... Jessica, I... I need time to process this, I-"

"Shhh..." Jessica hushes him, caressing him and kissing him, "I will take care of you... I will heal you, my love... You have to trust me..."

"Ghh..." Adam stays still, his head throbbing with each second that passes. Jessica's hands take the hem of his shirt, and pulls it up. Adam's face grows heavy and hot as she takes it off of him. She notes of his belly -- he still has several pounds to lose, but for right now...

"And now... Me..." Jessica blushes as she crosses her arms down, and takes her blouse up, and removes it. Adam trembles as he sees her bra holding her breasts.

"Wha... What now..." For some reason, Adam has a very strong suspicion that he doesn't want to know.

"Come here..." Jessica whispers as she leans in and kisses him again, with the same mouth-inspection as she did a minute ago. Adam hesitates as he tries to kiss her the same way.

His heart is racing..' Jessica thinks, holding and caressing his hairy build, His huffs and breaths are so vocal and deep... He is like an animal...' She things as her hormones build inside her.

What's going on... Why is she doing this??' Adam fearfully thinks, hardly able to breathe as his anxiety rakes inside his throat and lungs, I don't think we should be here... What are we doing???'

"Alright..." Jessica says as they part. Adam pants with stress as they move... Which Jessica is easily mistaking for lust... "You need to take your pants off..." She says as sensually as she can.

"What??" Adam's insides gave a deep drop from the sentence, "Jeh-Jessica..."

"It's ok, Adam..." Jessica eased, "I'm here for you... Here..." Her hands go down, and clicks open his buckle. Adam frowns with reluctance as Jessica pulls down his zipper, and pushes his pants down from his waist. Adam whimpers as his legs feel the fresh air as his jeans leave his feet. "Heh... Really?" Jessica says as she looks at Adam's tighty-whities.


"We need to go shopping for new clothes later." She giggles, "But for now..." Jessica then undoes her skirt, opening it around from her waist, revealing her revealing panties.

"Jessica..." Adam says, humiliated by his lack of clothing, "A-Are you sure we should be doing this? What ARE we doing??"

"This is what God intended, Adam." Jessica mutters to him, "It's alright... It's ok to be nervous... I am here for you."

"Jessica..." `I don't want to do this... Please, can we stop?' "My head hurts... It's hurting a lot..."

"I gave you some pills when we left," Jessica assured, "You will be fine... I promise... This is what every man wants... And what every good man deserves..."

They lay on their sides. Adam shakes and pants as she rubs his arm. Her breath washes along his flesh, which creeps onto Adam like a hot fog of intangible poison. He hesitantly strokes her hip in turn, very unsure of what to do, other than ask to just go home.

Adam tries to steady himself as Jessica's hand glides down. Her hand moves along the fabric of his underpants, to his warm package. Adam gasps inwardly as he lets her... As he trusts her... He trusts this woman... This sweet lady who has shown him funner times from the ward... He allows her his body as she rubs his loins firmly.

So why does he just want to push her away?

Jessica lies on her back, her hands guiding Adam up and forward. Adam crawls on his hands and knees above her, shaking almost to the point of vibration as his insides are screaming for this stop, but he can't bring himself to hurt her or to deny her, not when she's done so much for him...

Jessica moves his hips down, and pushes his loins onto hers. Adam whines as her legs wrap around him, before she brings his lips back to her. He is still soft? That's ok... I will always be here...' She looks above to her reformed lover, I will help you heal, my love..."


"Gh-hah" Adam scoffs in pain as his brain's throbbing, his kissing becoming sloppy as his arms where threatening to give. The air around his skin seems to spazz like a fog of pressure as his nerves go into a wavering numbness all around.

"Take me, Adam..." Jessica breathes as she holds him so close, their fronts rub against each other, "Take me, my love..."

"Hah... Hah...Huuuhh..." Adam breathes harshly as his chest starts to hurt. "Jessica... Jessica- Ahhh" He chokes, his toes curling as his fists clench the blanket.

"Yes... Ennllhh~"

"Jessica, something's wrong." Adam groans, his breathing becoming louder, harder to take, like a broken piece of glass is actually manifesting in his esophagus. "KHH!" Adam's eyes clench shut before his head gives a rip of pain across his skull, "A-Ahhh!"

"Adam, it's fine, sweetie, keep-" Adam's right arm collapses and he rolls to his side.

"HHH! HHH! HHH!" Adam wheezes as his sight explodes in light and colors.

"Adam?! Adam, what's wrong??" Jessica says as she bolts up.

"GHHHH! A-AHH!" Adam writhes in pain as his chest stabs itself as his head rings with loud sounds. "FuuUUUck! FFFFFFFuck! AaaAACCKKH!"

"Please, hold on, Adam! Stay with me! It's ok, I'm here!" Jessica panics, trying to gather what to do.

Jessica paces around in the hall of the free clinic, wringing her hands with worry as she keeps remembering Adam thrashing like that... Just when she was about to heal him... If this gets bad... The others at the ward and hospital will find out, and... If she doesn't get him back to the ward... The door opens as the doctor steps out. Jessica goes right to him, "How is he doctor?! Is he going to be ok?!" "It was a mild panic attack and a severe migraine. We've given him some medications to keep him stable, but with some rest, he should be fine." "Good... Good..." She says with a few breaths of relief. "Does... He have a history of breathing problems?" The doctor asks, "This incident was pretty hard on him, from what he's described." "What did he say?" "He said... He felt like the wind was sucked right out of him." "N-No, he hasn't had these problems before." She hastily said. "Ok..." He says, "For now though, he needs to be taken home, and I suggest he takes it easy for a while." "Alright..." Jessica nods. The drive home was long and quiet. Adam's breathing is audible, and deep. He avoids looking at her at all. What happened back there? What was Jessica trying to do to him?? There was nothing right that happened back there... She made him strip his clothes, and she held him... She touched him... Why does that disgust him so much? Adam holds back his urge to cry as they park at the usual secret spot. His limbs still shake terribly as he pulls himself up to the route to his porch. Once in, he walks to his bed, his back facing the window. Jessica gently holds his shoulders, and rub his arms softly. "It's alright, Adam... We can work through this..." She mutters. Adam cringes internally as he thinks of that. He can only nod once and turn his head down and away. "I love you." She says before she leans in, and kisses his cheek. As usual, Jessica goes to the window door, and slides it closed after leaving, and moving her leg over the rail. Adam lets out a shuddering sigh as he lays himself down, not even bothering to take any clothing off for bed... "... What happened... What did she do to me..." He whimpers silently, "... She told me to trust her... Why did she do this..."

Jessica sparks the car into life, keeping the headlights off as usual, before she turns, and rumbles off.

In the hospital, right next door to the psychiatric ward, several lights are on all over the building. One individual stands in front of one of the windows on the third floor, looking upon the back-area of the ward.

Crossing her arms, Yuri leers down on those two red lights disappearing into the dark night. Her insides burn with suspicion and anger as she was just barely able to make out the person who went into that vehicle.

She makes a sharp turn, and strides off.

Jamal looks with embarrassment here and there, walking awkwardly in a large jacket, hiding his still hard erection.

"Jamal. A word." Yuri says as she takes his arm, and nearly trips him with pulling him away.

"Ah! Hey-hey-hey, easy girl!" Jamal stumbles as he follows her into an empty on-call room. Yuri locks the door and turns around to him, "Yuri, you man? I didn-"

"I need to ask you something Jamal, and I want to know right now." She said firmly with her arms crossed.

"Uh... Aight."

"I know about Jessica, she's a fangirl that's been stalking Adam for ages, but I want to know what's really going on."

"Say what? What're you talking bout?"

"Jamal, we've talked about her before, and you've been really vague, but you made it clear that you REALLY hate her. I want to know why."

Jamal's expression changed, "This is bout what happened at the Waltz."

"Tell me what happened. Right now."

"Aight... I just want you to know, I only never said this cuz I don't know the whole story, and I was resp-"

"I don't care." Yuri cut him off. "Just tell me what you know. I want to know why you hate her so much, why you look like you're about to crush her every time she goes to see Adam."

"Aight... You know that uh... Viagra I got, and... Ya know." He gestured.

"What does that have to do with anything? You already told me before that you got the Viagra from Chloe."

---The Next Day---

Adam sits on his bed with his arms around his legs, only wearing some pajama bottoms, as he has been inside his room for the better part of the day. His eyes are cast down, listening to the movie on his TV going, humming the DVD from the PS4. Every once in a while, he glances at it, still harboring mixed feelings in the pit of his stomach.

What happened last night... Jessica... She... She touched him. She, really, she touched his... Lower area. Adam trembles as he remembers Merrick almost doing the same thing to him... Come to think of it, it did freak him out, but something about what Merrick was doing feels a lot safer than what Jessica did last night. And at least Merrick had the decency to give him his space, he backed off... He left him alone... And Merrick didn't actually touch him...

And now that he hasn't seen him in so long, now all Adam can feel is the yearning to have him right beside him right now... If anything, just to ease the solitude... No one else, just him...

="I AM NOT A FISH!!!"=

"Hhh!" Adam jumps and gasps as Tom Hanks suddenly yelled from the movie he's watching. Adam blushes as he sees the actor naked in a tank of water his hands covering his privates... Something about seeing that male figure...

="How many times am I gonna have to tell you people that?!"=

"Mnnhh..." Adam moans quietly as he huddles closer in his spot. This part of the movie is really starting to make him uncomfortable, just when the machine is carrying the blonde and orange mermaid into the tank.

-Knock Knock Knock-

Adam startles again, before he let his legs down. He sees the gentle face of his physician through the small door window, as she comes in, "Hi, Adam." Yuri says sweetly as Adam scrambles to put a shirt on.

"Oh, hey..." Adam greets.

"You ok, buddy? Your Dad told me you haven't been out your room all day."

"Yeah... I just want to take it easy today..."

"That's understandable..." Yuri says as she looks to the TV, and then giving Adam a friendly smile, "What are you watching?"

"Splash... It's an old movie, right..."

"Yep." Yuri says as she picks up the movie jacket, "Made in 1984. What else you got?" She asks as she picks up the other DVD cases stacked on top of the PS4, "The Little Mermaid... Aquamarine... The Thirteenth Year... Pirates of the Caribbean 4..." She lists off. "I'm detecting a theme here."

"Yeah... Luth- Dad, took me to Block-Buster the other day, and let me pick out a few movies... I don't know why, but I feel like I'm really interested in mermaids..."

"That's actually really neat, Adam." Yuri encouraged as she puts down the DVD jackets, "Did you have your session with your psychologist yet? I hate to think I'd be interrupting."

"N-No, no I haven't..." Adam shook his head, "I just don't feel like it today, I went ahead and told her..."

"I see." Yuri nods as walks to him, "Brought you some teriyaki from Magic Dragon." She says as she brings up a bag with a couple of food containers. "I got you Yaki Soba."

"Ok, cool." Adam nods, almost flinching as Yuri sits down on the bed with him.

"You alright, Adam?"

"Yeah, no, I am, thanks." Adam says, "I'm just not really hungry right now."

"Alright, I understand." Yuri sets the food aside. She watches the film with Adam, when the scientists are discussing the studies of the mermaid in the tank. Madison looks at them weakly, her tail looking unhealthy, with layers of tissue flaking from her body.

="Doctor Ross," Says Eugene Levy, wearing a lab coat, his right arm propped up in an angled cast and wearing a neck brace from the physical comedy from the movie, "Are we considering..." He turns to the tank for a moment, before looking at the other scientist again, "How the `Subject' is responding to the examining procedures-"

="I'm considering EVERYTHING." Dr Ross cuts off as he walks up the stairs.=

Adam looks intently at the film... His stomach starting to sink... Just from watching this scene...

="Ah yes, well," Levy calls out from the floor, "I'm sure you are, Dr Ross, how STUPID of me of course!" He walks along, and looks up from the net-like platform, "But let me ask you this, are you considering the possibility, that you might be a sadistic PIG?!"=

"Aheheh..." Yuri chuckled, "I don't I've ever seen this movie."

=Dr Ross stops at the door, before turning around, and bending forward to look down on levy, "While we are baring are souls, Mr Kornbluth, I must honestly tell you I have NEVER considered you a man of science." Levy stares back up at him, "You're NOT a member of MY team. Run along now, Walter. And see if you can't find a Unicorn." And with that, he turns-tail, and leaves.=

"Wow, harsh." Yuri comments.


=The door slams, leaving Levy alone in the room. He walks around to the tank, to the captive mermaid. She looms in the bottom corner, alone, illuminated by the bright light behind her, probably in pain, or at least feeling ill.=

Adam watches closely at the screen, his eyes feeling a familiar kind of ache... His forehead throbs as something in the back of his skull seems to be pulling something from behind...

=Erin squats down, removing her glasses, and looking at the sea creature apologetically through the tank. The blue and peal merman, with short blond hair looks at her with an expression of hurt and betrayal. Erin slowly covers her mouth, before the merman turns his face away from her, gradually lowers himself, and covering his face with his hands. His long tail unfurls so he can curl up at the bottom of the tank.=

"Adam? Adam!"

"Wha-What??" Adam blinks, and sees Yuri tugging on his arm.

"... You're crying."

"What..." Adam puts his fingers under his eyes, and wipes up the fluid, looking with estrangement at the tears on his fingertips.

"Adam, are you ok?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine..." Adam says, his chest plunging deep, along with his stomach, glancing at the movie, and seeing the scene take place in a dental office now. He takes a few quiet deep breaths, still trying push out the events of last night out of his head, "I'm ok..."

"Adam..." Yuri says softly, "Is everything ok? You've been too quiet since I got here."

"I'm ok." Adam says as he shakes his head, "I'm ok." His face distorts as he buries his face in his knees.

"Oh no, nooo," Yuri gets up, and comes to him, putting her hands on his shoulders. Adam's arms holds his legs tighter as his sobbing gets muffled. "Adam, Adam what's wrong??"

"I don't... I don't know what anymore..." He muffles, gasping erratically as his hands grip his legs.

"Adam, Adam- Adam, look at me." Yuri says as she gently has him look at her. "Adam, it's ok, I'm right here. You can tell me anything..." She says carefully, "Something is hurting you, and it happened yesterday, and I can tell."

"Bfwha, Nn..." Adam shook his head, his eyes clenching shut.

"I know it's hard. I know whatever you're holding onto is too much to keep." She says, "As your doctor, I need you to tell me what is hurting you."

Adam sniffs as lets his legs go. Yuri comes close, and tucks her arms under Adam's worn shirt. He chokes as he lets her come, and hugs her in turn. Yuri is feeling his whole body shake terribly as she rubs his back, his voice breaking out as he tries not to cry so hard.

"I trusted her... I trusted her..." He whines out, "I let her... And she... Ghghghghhh..."

"It's ok, Adam, it's ok... You can tell me." Yuri hushes, "Whatever it is, I'll help you..."

Next: Chapter 92

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