Aquata Cove

By Andrew Bailey

Published on Apr 6, 2017


Aquata Cove Chapter 88: Baby Steps

Adam sits there, in his wheel chair, staring at the floor, his hands resting between his knees. The twin rail poles are in front of him, waiting for him to make the first move, the walking pad waiting for him to take his steps.

"Take your time..." And grey-haired elderly woman said, looking at Adam through her glasses, with her own clipboard, overseeing this session. Adam looks at her for a moment, before looking back to the bars. He takes a deep breath, and reaches for them. His hands grasp the poles before him, using soley his arms strength to pull himself up from the wheel chair.

"Hnnh..." Adam grunts as his arms shake and tremble, supporting his whole weight, his toes barely skimming the walking pad as he moves.

"Don't rush through into it." The woman said, "Take it very easy, you are still beginning at this."

Adam gives a pitiful glance to her, breaking a light sweat as his straining arms grip the poles with each inch that he moves, his irks as his feet barely swipe at the pad, just a hair away from collapsing on himself.

Then, he pauses. He sighs as he droops his head down. Adam plants both feet onto the walking pad, and turns to the physical therapist, "Look, are you sure this is really necessary?" He asks her, "I've been able to walk just fine for at least a week and a half now."

"PUT YOUR HANDS BACK ON THOSE BARS THIS INSTANT!" The old crone yells, point her pen and Adam. He sighs again, closing his eyes and shaking his head.

Adam puts a few pieces of a puzzle together in a room with several patients, being tested again with his hand-eye-coordination. "He's doing surprisingly well at his stage." A doctor said, standing next to Luther and watching the patients through an observation window, "His motor skills are completely perfect, he's been getting good exercise, his diet is agreeing with him, and he's even made a record with the physical therapy routine... As well as the number of saline and I.V. drips consumed in this time frame." "My boy's a fighter." Luther says as he nods. "He's been beaten down before, and we're here to make him stronger." If all else, always go with the cliché small talk. "His recovery is nothing short of remarkable, in fact." The doctor said, "Theoretically, he shouldn't be able to have full range of his left arm or his right leg, but the broken knees seems to have been completely mended, and his fingers and arm fractures are coming along nicely." "Anything else I should know?" "He seems to have a problem with dehydration." He reported, "As I mentioned, he's set a new record for having taken in as much saline as he had, and he drinks at least 10 bottles of water in a day, yet urination is fairly at a regular basis. Has he had a history with water consumption?" "No, not to my knowledge." Luther shook his head. "He is not diabetic, correct?" "No, he's always been a healthy kid." "It just seems a little unusual then." The doctor said. "And... The bad news?" "His mental health needs work." He said, "He's reported having nightmares on a almost regular basis." "He is?" Luther said as he looks in the room, "His face looks ok, he looks like he's been getting sleep." "The rate seems to be once every two nights. He also has mood problems." "Mood problems? Like, as in mood swings or something?" "He exhibits behavioral depression that lasts almost half a day before it passes. He claims he doesn't know why he's been having these times of sadness, only that he has feelings of sorrow, loneliness, and longing, like he's being deprived of something, but no one's been able to make any significant hypotheses." "I see..." "He has also been having migraines. Dr Yuri has reported that Adam suffers severe headaches from time to time, usually after a close friend leaves after visiting him, most likely due to recovering from his head injury." "Alright..." "At any rate, your son has reached a physical point where he can released back home, with prescribed medications for any fractured bones left in his hands and arms, as well as any damage remaining in his ribcage." "My wife wants him to stay here." Luther said, "Especially after being notified about his mental health." "Then, I am suggest that you will have to make arrangements at the psychiatric ward next door to the hospital. His injuries no longer require him to stay in the hospital." "Hahhh..." Luther looked down, "We... Can't really afford that..." "He is allowed to stay for one more day. But by then, we need his room to go to another patient." The doctor says, looking at his charts. They watch as Adam gets up from the table, laughing with a couple of patients as he helps one of them with her wheelchair, "Your son is a good man. He's lucky to be in good hands." --Several Weeks Before-- "Adam? Are you ready?" A voice asks. Adam's head tilts up, his eyes half lidded and dulled. "Kay..." He mumbles. He is helped out of bed, still staring into nothingness as his foot pushes onto the cold floor, feeling a lot of discomfort into his knee, "A-Aahhhh-" "Hold on, hold on," Says someone as they seat him into a wheel chair, "We're going to be taking you to the porch. Get some sunlight." "Right..." Adam responds. His mind is blank, everything is an unidentified color or sound, nothing grips his attention. All he can know is he's moving. To where? No one knows... Merrick pushes the wheel chair out of the door, while Donna and Yuri look after him, "Yuri... Just what is in those doses you keep giving to Adam?" "It's a special compound that is supposed to recover certain types of brain damage." "But... He's not saying anything. It's like he's not even there. I'm worried, Yuri." "Donna, I-I assure you, it's fine..." "You don't sound so convinced yourself." Yuri hesitates as she tried to find an answer. "Yuri, give me a definite answer." "Donna, I've given him the best medicine we have. The side-effects are causing his brain to slow down in order to cope with the vaccination compounds." Donna leers at her, trying to pinpoint any tell Yuri might have, trying to shift through anything that might show her she is not being totally honest. "... Yuri. I am his Mother. If there's anything you're not telling me..." "And I'm his doctor, Donna." Yuri said, "Anything that happens to him is on me. Do you really think I'd give him anything less than my best?" "... Alright, Yuri, I'll take your word for it this time." Donna said, "His inactivity is having me worried though. You let me know if this vaccine of yours has anything that will hurt him." "You'll be the first to know..." Yuri answered. The wheels turn as Adam's feet touch the sunlight. He stares with a blank expression at the colorful flowers perched in pots on the ledge. "Is that ok, Adam?" Merrick asks, holding his shoulders. "Yeah..." Adam answers lowly. Merrick turns around, and looks into his eyes. Those brown eyes are so empty... So dulled... Just like when Kairi lost her heart in Kingdom Hearts. He seems asleep, but awake at the same time. "What are you dreaming about, Adam?" "..." "Wanna know what I dream about?" Merrick pulls up a chair, "I remember this one time... You and I were scaling the clouds. The sun was shining in our eyes, but we didn't care." He smiles as he glances at Adam from time to time, "We were stepping on glass platforms, higher and higher... And then I slipped." Adam says nothing, "I fell into the sky, I don't remember if I was screaming." "..." "And then, out of nowhere, you were falling too. But you had these huge, white bird wings. You caught me right before I fell into a mountain. And then I woke up, and my heart was racing." He smiled as he looks at Adam's stoic face, "And I don't care if you can hear me or not..." "... Huh..." Adam's focus remains undetermined. "It's ok." Merrick moved his hand over, and held his, "Even if you forget me, I will never forget about you. I will remember everything about you." Adam sits motionless, his face unable to shape so much as a flinch. Merrick smiles better as Adam's fingers twitched and oh so slightly tightened. "... Pro... Mise...?" He says, unable to string another thought. "I promise, easy as that." Merrick smiled. "I'll be waiting." "... Ok..." --Several Weeks Later--

"You ready, Adam?" Luther asks behind his wheelchair, nearing the hospital front doors.

"As ready as I'll ever be... Dad..." Adam said. A few days ago, this grey-haired mid-aged man came to Adam, claiming to be his father. Of course, nothing his ringing any bells.

"We're going to be meeting your mother at your house, Adam." Luther says as he pushes his son's chair over the threshold.

"I'll be right there with you, make sure everything goes well." Yuri says as she walks with them. Once outside, Adam gets up from the wheel chair, and is escorted into Luther's car. Adam takes deep breaths as the vehicle pulls out of the parking lot, he gazes at the very large hospital. For the past month, that medical building has been his whole world. All of the cards and gifts he has gathered as been put into one large gift bag next to him; as far as he's concerned, they're his only belongings.

Adam continues to watch outside the window of the car. As the trees and clouds dash by, he winces as he puts his fingers onto his forehead. A keen ringing silently races through his brain. "Ahhhh... Ghhh..."

"What?" Yuri asked in the passenger seat.


"Oh, I thought you said something, Adam."

"No, I'm fine, uh..." Adam blinks, but closes his eyes firmly as he feels the bandage around his head, "Uh, who... Who else are we meeting?"

"Just your Mom," Luther said, "And your two roommates."

"Oh, I s-see..." Adam holds his head as his brain starts to hurt. He silently moans as he rubs his temples.

"Ok, we're here." Yuri says after about 10 or 15 minutes of driving, with an excited smile on her face. Adam pants a little, wishing the ride would've lasted a little longer so he can try to sort his head. He can visually feel the pounding rocking in his head. The car door opens for him, and he clumsily steps out onto the gravel, his eyes casting down.

"Adam, are you alright?" Asks Luther.

"I-I-I'm fiiii..." Adam staggers and seizes onto the car, his other hand clutching his head.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Adam!" Yuri quickly holds him, "What's happening? What are you feeling."

"My head..." Adam's sense completely turn upside down as he loses all powers of balance and he holds his head with both hands, "Ahhh! FFFFFuhhh!"

"Adam!" Yuri gasps as she can't hold Adam as she swerves, holding his head.

"Oh my God, what's happened?!" Says an unfamiliar female voice as steps of gravel could be heard.

"I-I don't know, he just collapsed!"

"Aw shit! What the hell!" Says a deep voice as a large dark brown figure could be spotted in Adam's spinning vision. He clutches his head as it feels like it's sinking into the ground!

"We need to get him back to the hospital!"

"Oh my gosh, I knew this would happen!"

"Adam!!" Comes another new voice. Adam huffs as he starts to go dizzy as his headache reels even more, with only a twinkle of clarity amongst the chaos, "Adam!" The voice echoes as his world goes black.

Adam moans as he rubs his head, still feeling very dizzy from that ordeal. Apparently, he just collapsed as soon as he got to his own house... This one place where he's supposedly lives in... Why did his head start exploding like that? It doesn't make any sense... "Adam?" He looks up, and sees a nurse looking to him, along with Dr Yuri, "Your room is ready for you." "Alright..." Adam nods, before he gets up, and walks with them. Moments later, Adam walks into the small room, looking at his bed, and the quaint nightstands and simple furniture, holding his laptop carrier with him, calmly walking in. "I'm gonna miss you, Dr Yuri." He said as he turns, seeing his Japanese friend right behind him. "I'd say I'm gonna miss you too, but I'll still visit." Yuri said, "You're a big part of my life, you won't stop seeing me." "Really? Who were we before all of this?" He asked curiously. "Roommates." Yuri said with a smile. "Whoa, wait," Adam smiled as he set his carrier aside, "You and I live together?" "Keep in mind, I can't tell you too much, under orders of your traumatic profile and your state of mental fragility." "I understand." Adam says as he sits down on the bed. "How long have we lived together?" "About... A decade, I think." Adam's eyebrows rise from that. "10 years? Wow... I guess that's why I could only remember you when I woke up." "Well, you had another roommate that's been with you for 8 years -- you and him are very good buddies, and you still didn't remember him when your head as bad." "Oh..." "Hah hah, probably because I saw you everyday, and he came to see you when he had the time." "Heh, ok." Adam nods. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot." Yuri gets up, and stands over Adam, "Time to take this thing off." "O-Oh, I didn't notice." Adam closes his eyes as she unclips the safety pin, and begins to unravel the bandage. She curls it up, until his head of short dark brown hair was visible, with a vague scar reaching out around his head. She looks sadly as she softly put her hand onto it. Adam flinches as her fingertips trace around the jagged line across his scalp. "You were hit dangerously close to your temple..." She says, "Only half an inch away... They could've killed you..." "Yeah... Sometimes, I think... About how or when I even got here..." Adam says, "I still can't remember anything about my life... But I just keep wondering... What kind of bad person was I, to get somebody so angry with me to mess me up like this..." "Adam, no." Yuri says, "You are NOT a bad person at all. You're one of the best people I could ever know." "Then why did this happen?" He says, "And why can't you tell me more about my life?" "Because... Hhhh" She sighs, "Your psychologist has you on a very cautious routine..." Yuri casts her eyes down, "It's like she wants you to go just a little slower than baby steps. She says you were overwhelmed when you were exposed to too much to handle so soon." "I still don't like the idea of me being kept in the dark about my own life." "None of us do, Adam. Heck, Jamal wanted to test to see all kinds of things about you to see if you'd react to them, but some of those were very inappropriate." "... Wait, is Jamal a tall, buff black guy? I think I remember him." "The one who was playing basketball with you and the patients." Yuri says with a smile and nod, "With his prized ball autographed by Michael Jordan himself." "... Ok, now who's Michael Jordan? Is he someone else I know?" "No, never mind, it's not important." Yuri chuckles, "He's a famous basketball player. But it's actually very reassuring that you're able to remember a few days ago, that's a very good step." "Even if I can't quite remember the names of people that easy?" "Hahaha, more people have that in common more than you think." Yuri smiled. Her pager starts beeping, prompting her to check it, "Oh I gotta go, Adam. You'll be fine, ok?" She goes in, and hugs him tightly, before backing away, "Remember, baby steps." She said with her fingers crossed, before leaving. "Yeah..." Adam nods before sighing, and taking his laptop out. He opens it up, and clicks on the blue `W' icon, and brought up a new Word Document, before he starts to type. --- Dear Diary, Sorry it's been a while, I haven't been really up to writing in you a lot. This whole thing's just been a big blur. Ever since I had this one memory, some guy was there, the sun was blaring in my eyes, I can't remember what he looks like. I just remember tasting something very good, like a hot, meaty drink or something. I can't remember much of anything else on that day. Only when I think about it, I just want more, but I can't remember who it was that made it so nice. But after that, it's been one big stretch, I was so out of it for the past few weeks. Dr Yuri said it might've been a side effect from some medicine she gave me, It's been an eventful day. I was supposed to go home today, but it didn't exactly work out. I was nervous to start with, but as soon as I got there, my head just started hurting like hell. I didn't even get a good look of my own house before everything went nuts. I went with Dr Yuri, and someone who says he was my dad. I was supposed to meet my mom today too, but you know how that went. Well, at least my fingers are almost all better. Only a couple of them are still hurting. Now I'm told that I'm mentally delicate or something. No one's allowed to tell me anything. The only thing I know is, guess what, Dr Yuri was actually my roommate! She just told me, and now it kinda makes sense. Now I kinda feel a little safer. --- "Adam?" Comes a soft voice. Adam turns to see one of the caretakers knocking softly at the door, "It's almost time for your therapy session with your psychologist." "Ok." Adam nodded, closing his laptop, and going to set up the two chairs that is in here, taking a seat in one of them, and then looking to see a mid-aged woman promptly walk in through the door, wearing a charming orange shawl around her formal jacket. Adam notes something familiar about her hair cut into a sort of curved curtain style. She smiles as she holds her clipboard. "Hello, Adam. I'm Doctor Donna." Just then, a strange, echoing music rang out from her person, giving a dramatic screech-like melody of suspense and action, "Oh, I'm sorry, that's my text tone." She says as she takes out her phone, and turns off the Doctor Who theme song. "Hi, Dr Donna." Adam says as she comes to him, and sits on the chair opposite him. "So, just a warning in advanced, this is going to be a very short session, just to have an introduction, alight?" "Ok..." "So, how are you feeling, Adam?" "Well..." Adam pondered, "Kinda scared, but not terrified. A little clueless about how my life is going, actually." "I understand. You're being kept in an unfamiliar environment, and you're bewildered and curious." "Yeah, especially since you're making it so I'm not allowed to know about it." He said bitterly. "Adam, I understand you want to know everything, but you need to take it slow for the time being." "Why? I'm only just finding out Dr Yuri is actually my roommate, and I'm just fine." "Adam..." Donna said firmly, "Please try to understand. I was there when you collapsed." "You were?" "Yes... I was in the neighborhood, and..." She says, pushing down on a couple of feelings, "And you were not fine, when you came home. I've determined that you're not mentally ready to pick up your life where it left off..." "But... I want to know." Adam says, "I have a right to know. All I got to go by are a bunch of cards from people I don't even know. When AM I going to be ready, Dr Donna?" "Over your stay here, you will be introduced to clues and answers to some of the information I've deemed fit for you to know..." Adam sighs as he looks down at the floor. "I'm not a baby or a maniac or anything..." Adam mumbled, "I can handle it." "Adam..." Donna says, "I know you're feeling trapped and deceived; I would too. But for us who say you screaming on the ground, holding your head like you were losing your mind? That was terrifying." "Why can't I be the one to decide when and what I'm allowed to find out? Shouldn't I at least get that?" "Some matters have more weight than others. Adam, I don't want to see you suffer like that again, you know how horrified I was?" She asked, "I thought I was going to lose you all over again." "... Heh..." Adam gives her a sly look, "I take it you're someone close to me, then." Donna scoffed, and shook her head. "Alright, very clever Adam." She says, jotting down a note on her clipboard. "Alright, so who are you to me?" Adam asked, "Come on, you can tell me." "I want to tell you, Adam." Donna said, "I really want to..." Donna once again suppresses her urge to get emotional, "You're very special to me... But as part of the program, I can't tell you who I am. All I can tell you is that I am your therapist, and I am here for you when I am not with another patient." "Hahhhh... Alright..." "Also, I am supposed to inform you that you may not leave the psychiatric ward WITHOUT written consent or a chaperone to monitor your condition." "Alright." Adam nodded, "I just... I know a friend of mine... I think his name is Jamal? Or maybe it was one of the cards... I keep getting the message that I'm not actually alone. But... I still feel like I'm on my own here." "Adam..." Donna reaches her hand, and then holds his, "I know it's rough right now. But the one thing that you never are, is alone." "Ok..." Adam nods, looking back at her, "Are you sure you won't tell me who you are in my past life?" "If I told you, it'd be a breach of program, and you wouldn't learn anything." She smiled. Her own beeper goes off, and she checks it, "I'm afraid I have to cut this session short, Adam. I'll have to see if I can see you again this evening or tomorrow." "Alright... Thank you, Dr Donna." He said as a formality. Before Donna left, she stops, and turns back to him. "And Adam... I can't tell you who I am, or who anyone or what anything is," She adds before turning, "But if you can figure it out on your own, that's a very good sign." "Ok." Adam nods, sighing. Donna leaves, closing the door softly so it doesn't completely seal. She steps to the side, and leans her back next to the door, and puts the back of her head on the wall. "Heh... Decent deduction, he's already taking after me again..." She puts her hand on her forehead, "Want my boy back..." She whimpers quietly, before her beeper goes off again, "Alright, I know, I know." She says as she walks off to her next appointment.

Jessica strides down the ward's halls, glancing every now and then, in hopes that that lesbian or that black thug isn't around to stop her. Every time, every time she goes to try and help Adam in this long time of need, they both find a way to ruin her attempts to save Adam from himself.

Don't they realize that being gay is wrong?? If they want to burn themselves in their depravity, that's THEIR right. But Adam... Adam is special, he belongs to HER. Who else could ever be his Eve? What happened to him has given him a clean slate, to allow himself to make the right choice, and earn his place next to her in heaven.

Her heart leaps as she sees Adam standing there from afar, all by himself! She breathes with joy as she starts to jog.

"Hey! Heyeyeyey, what you think you doin here??"

"Ah!" Jessica's arm is yanked back, nearly tripping her as a thick, brown hand seizes her arm, "Let go, you're hurting me!"

"Not yet." Jamal said as he looks at her darkly, "I thought I made it clear that you ain't welcome round here."

"This is NONE of your concern!" Jessica yanks her arm back, "What, do you LIVE here?! Heh, probably with all your drugs and poison peddling-"

"You shut the fuck up." Jamal points his finger threateningly, "You in dangerous waters, lil girl. And I ain't no life guard if you get too deep."

"Just stop! Why won't you leave us alone already!"

"Cause you a creep, woman." Jamal answers, "Now git the hell out before I carry you out."

"You lay one finger on me, and I will have you arrested." Jessica threatened lowly, "Why won't you let Adam make his choice? The RIGHT choice??"

"Cause it ain't you." He said, "Ya know, you really put a whole new spin on the whole stalkin thing. Mah man is very fragile right now, and the last thing he needs, is some stupid white trash tellin him he goin to hell cause he fucks guys, aight?"

"How dare you!" Jessica clenches her teeth, "I am here to SAVE him! Why won't you give me a chance??"

"Ya had yo chance, and you screwed yoself."

"You don't understand," Jessica exclaims, nearing tears, "I NEED to do this for him! I love him!"

"I ain't playin around no more, lady." Jamal growled, "Adam ain't even allowed to know bout his own life, his therapist says he's gotta take things VERY slow. If he's pushed too much bout his own life, he's gonna crack."

"Which is exactly why I should be WITH him, helping him through this!" She wavers her hand around, "I don't see his exboyfriend around getting him back on his-"

Jamal's hand snatches her wrist, gripping it harshly and making her gasp in pain. "You done. Got it? You way outta line now." Jamal said with anger in his voice, "Now I kept mah mouth shut about what you did at the Waltz cause I respect women, and I understand how shit like that happens." He breathes roughly through his nose.

"You wouldn't strike me." She said defiantly, trying to wring her arm away from him, "Not in a place like this."

"Don't fuckin tempt me." Jamal frowns darkly, "But if I see you here again, if I see you anywhere near him. If you even LOOK at him, I'mma make sure yo never seen in this town again."

"Let go of me, or I'll start yelling `rape'." Jessica says viciously. Jamal threw her arm down, and nears his face to hers.

"As if I'd ever try a dirty hoe like you. I don't fuck trash." He shoves her shoulder back, before turning around and leaving.

"... I will save you, Adam." Jessica mumbles as her eyes rim with tears.

"Hey, wassup, buddy?" Jamal says as he catches up to Adam in the sport area of the huge ward, where the patients gets some excise in a few of the games. "Oh, hey..." Adam says as he walks slowly forward. He feels dizzy and slow, his arm bandaged from another dose of Yuri's vaccine. "You doin ok, Adam? Yo kinda out of it." "Yeah..." Adam groans as he rubs his forehead, "Is this what depression feels like? I don't know how to describe this feeling." "Naw, you just tired." Jamal says as they both walk to the fence of the ward. It's afternoon, and Adam has been walking aimlessly around the establishment, his head slowly spinning around bland and ambiguous subjects. Nothing is grabbing his interest, his curiosity having left him at some point. "Aaaahhhh, check it oouuut." Jamal says with a grin. "Huh?" Adam looks up, and sees they are near a beach, at least where they are on the fence. "Got some smoking hot babes over there, man! Check it!" Adam looks to the side, and sees Jamal looking into some binoculars. "Oooook?" "Aw shit, they gettin each other oiled up, it's fuckin on!" "On? Are you sure you should be looking at them like this? They might prefer to have privacy." "They wouldda stayed home, man." Jamal removes the strap of the binoculars from over his thin wool head, and holds them out to Adam, "Here, give it a look see." "..." Adam shrugs as he accepts the binoculars, and puts them to his eyes. "Aight, now," Jamal then turns Adam's direction to the sexy women. The girls are in very scant bikinis, barely even decent. A blonde rubs some kind of shiny lotion onto the back and shoulders of a long-haired brunette while another one runs about with a volley ball. "See wut I mean??? They's crazy hot!" "I... Guess?" Adam answers neutrally, "Is there something you wanted to say to me?" "Just hangin." Jamal said as he looks at another direction, "Oh hey, who's that there?" "Where?" Adam lowered the binoculars to look at his companion. "There." Jamal points to a different part of the beach. Adam looks, and does a double take at where he looked. He blinks as his mouth opened a little. A tall, tan man goes to one of the shower ports on the threshold of the sand, wearing a rather snug speedo and a drenched tank top. Adam slowly puts the binoculars back up to his eyes, and looks at the hunk from afar. His attention is gripped tightly to the random male stranger pushing the metal tab of the pole to get the water going. "Wuhhh..." Adam stares intently at the man running his hands back and forth under the cascading rush of water, spritzing tiny drops up and from his head. He gulps slightly as Adam watches the water run and dribble over his semi-transparent top, and down his speedo-defined ass. Adam doesn't even notices the breach of sweat on himself as he looks at the man's muscular rump, right before the man peels off his wet tank top, and started to wring it. Adam grips the railing as he sees those biceps bulge, or even his glistening pecs tense and bounce oh so tenderly. He feels something strange pull in his pants as he watches, but he doesn't care, the nearly nude beach goer reaches downward, making Adam edge closer. Adam's chest almost explodes as he sees his hand dip into his speedo, his package expanding and shrinking as he adjusts his tightly packed equipment. "Bingo..." Jamal mumbled. Adam can only wish and hope that that man down there would just peel down his swimsuit to show him what he's got bundled up in there, reveal some extraordinary treasure contained within the spandex confines- "Hi, Adam!" "Aaahhh!" Adam jumps as Dr Yuri is suddenly next to him. "O-Oh, hi, Yu- Dr Yuri." "Adam, what's wrong? Your face looks very flustered." "I uh, I, I, it's just very hot out here, I can't think straight." "Yeah you can't." Jamal sneered, "We better git you back inside." "O-Ok..." Just as they leave, Jamal feels something a kin to a vice clench his elbow, stopping him from going. Not even having turned, Yuri keeps a strong grip on him, and pulls him back. "Jamal." She says, "I wouldn't happen to be walking in on something extremely inappropriate, would I?" "No, gurl, I'm just hangin out wit him! Let go'a me!" He yanks her off, rubbing the part where she nearly sprained him, "Gawd, what the hell??" Jamal huffed with clenched teeth, before running off to catch up with Adam. -vvvvrrrr- Something vibrates in Jamal's pocket, prompting to open it up, and seeing a text message. Leonard Cell [Can I stop now?? Im getting looks, and I wanna stop touching myself now] Jamal chuckles as he types a reply. [Yeah, yu done. Mission accomplished, thx] (...) Lenard Cell [And our deal?? Your going to fix me up with one of those girls over there, right? I want the one with the blue and green in her hair] Jamal Cell [You got it. Ill talk you up and tell her yull rock her world, she been dead tired from exams] Leonard Cell [Awesome. Thanks. Good luck with your gay friend.] Jamal grins as he puts his phone away, glancing, and checking that Yuri isn't nearby as they went.

Jamal smiles as he waits next to a door, before Adam walks out of the room of job simulators, where patients can get familiarized with a work-like environment -- today, he had a crash-course of how to use a cash register.

"So, what you up to do, Adam?" He asked, "Wanna go shoot hoops again?"

"I don't really feel like it... Not that there's much to do anyway, I have Physical Therapy in about an hour."

"Aint' you done wit that yet??"

"I don't think I need it, but the doctors won't listen to me. Even Dr Yuri insists I play it safe." As they talked, Jamal leads them both in a different direction.

"Yeah, she's like that, a lot. She kind've a nag. Oop," Jamal whips his head around, and looks at him, "Don't tell'er I said dat."

"Aheheh, why, is she mad easily?"

"You COULD say that." Jamal nodded.

"She said she was my room- huh?" Adam's head turns and double takes again, something immediately catching his eye. His insides start to feel uneasy again as he looks towards someone unfamiliar.

"Yeah, she chop my head off if I say the wrong thing." Jamal said, "But she's aight, if ya," Jamal stops, realizing Adam isn't following him any more. "Adam?" He looks, and sees Adam have that weird look on his face -- when he was looking at that guy at the beach.

His eyes are just focused on someone inside another classroom, making creative 3-D sculptures using various basic materials. A blonde man in a white long-sleeve shirt under a blue T-shirt and white jeans. The sunlight just beams on this young man as he talks to the patients, laughing with them, and sharing his method and time with them.

"Wow..." Adam stands in awe as this unknown stranger just radiates with the sun's glow, as if his hair and flesh was made to specifically reflect any kind of light.

"Adam, what'chu starrin at?" Jamal grins as he nudges him.

"Oh- I, uh, I don't know..." He said, "M-My meds must be making me dizzy."

"Naw, that ain't it." He says as he stands next to him, "I see that blondie in there, all bright and stuff. Folks round here call'im `Sunshine'. Partly cause... Well, lookit." He gestures as Merrick shows the classroom of art how to balance sea shells with the structure he's working on, "And partly cause he looks like a character from a gay show called Queer As Folk -- that's only known to a few people round here."

"Sunshine... Huh..." Adam ponders with a small, smile.

"Gheh. That's not his name, ya know." Jamal tells him, "His name's Merrick."

"Merrick..." Adam furrows his brow. Something about that name feels very weird... He can't place it, but just knowing it seems to shift something in his head.

"Yep. Merrick Piscien. He works part time at the Lovers store, but he volunteers in the art classes in his spare time."

"O-Oh, really." Adam smiles at that.

"Heh... So... Why don't ya go talk to him?" Jamal said on the sly.

"Wha- Oh, wait, what?" Adam doubles back, "N-No, I can't."

"Shoot, why not? I know the guy, he's an awesome dude, he'll like you."

"B-But, h-he's in the middle of a class right now! A-A-And I still need to go to the Hobby center to pick up a program and... Stuff..."

"Naw, you chicken."

"I am not, I just... I-I-I don't know, my psycologist says I shouldn't take on things that might be stressful and-"

"Like wut? Makin friends? Bein nice? Gettin to know the locals? C'mon, man, he ain't gonna bite."

"I-I- just... What should I say? What should I do? I'm on a strict program, if I do something too much without my psychologist's permission, I'll get in trouble."

"Psssh, you ain't got to worry bout it." Jamal says as he puts his big arm around Adam's shoulders, and walks him off, "I'm a people person -- I know ev'rybody. I'll git Merrick to be yo friend. Simple."

"You can?" Adam asked as they went.

"Solid. Just count on me." Jamal says with a nice smile.

Merrick paces around the porch, checking his cell phone as he leans his bottom onto the railing. Jamal said he had something to talk to him about Adam, but he hasn't shown up yet. "Come on, Jamal..." He mumbles, "You know I don't like having my time wasted." He gives an aggravated huff as the warm, tropical breezes blow around him. He bows his head down as his hands come up. He puts his fingertips onto the beautiful swirled-welded ring on his finger, with the small diamonds on every end. He smiles smally as he makes the tiny stones glitter in the dusk light. "U-Um, hi?" Comes a very familiar voice. Merrick whips his head, his eyes blinking up and his mouth slightly ajar. Adam stands there, looking rather awkward and nervous, and holding something cute and fluffy in his hands. "Hey." Merrick got off from the rail, and faced him. What should he even say? `How you doing?', `Who are you?', `What can I do for you?'. How are you supposed to pretend you don't know someone? "My name's Adam." He said as his fingers shift and rub onto the object he's holding, "I-I'm a patient here at the ward..." He chuckles oddly as he points and gestures to his head, "I got my head hurt, and stuff." "I see." He smiles, "My name's Merrick. I'm not a patient, but I volunteer. Just small stuff, like cleaning or doing art classes..." Merrick turns. Adam blinks as he sees Merrick's fingers start to fiddle with a tiny, beautiful ring on his left ring finger. "I-I brought you something, I heard you'd might like it." "Hm?" Merrick looks at him as Adam holds up a stuffed animal, "Oh-hoh," He chuckles as he sees a cute gold and tan plush seahorse with gleaming powder blue orb eyes. "I won this at the claw-machine out in the lobby of the ward. I-It took me 4 tries to get it." Adam trembles as the handsome blonde walks to him. His chest tightens as Merrick's fingers touches his, before sliding away, now holding the doll. "I-I heard you might be feeling down, and I wanted to give it to you." "It's adorable, I love it." Merrick said. Adam feels himself smile too as Merrick looks at it, "Thank you," Adam gasps as Merrick suddenly comes close, and kisses his cheek! Adam stands there, stunned, still feeling the lip-imprint on him. "You ok?" "O-Oh yeah, I am." Adam answers, still disoriented by what happened just now. He stumbled before he adjusted to walk with Merrick. "So, if we can't leave the ward," Merrick began, "What're we gonna do to hang out?" "W-Well, uh... What time's your next art class?" "Hm..." Merrick checks his phone, "About 5 min, if you want to get in there real quick." "Yeah, sure! I-I mean, if you want..." "Sounds great. I love working in art, don't know why I never tried before." He says before they turn. As they went, Adam steals glances at his new friend. His blue eyes are so... Blue. They almost flash out in color in everything, it's mesmerizing. He knows he doesn't have much to reference with, but it's like he has deep vivid sapphires... And his hair looks like a short fall of light gold, more real than bleach, but shinier than natural. And his fair skin, it looks so smooth... Down to his lips... The soft, pink lips that not 5 minutes ago, actually put a kiss onto Adam's face... He can STILL feel it...

The patients come in carefully one by one, right after Adam and Merrick had secured their own set of paint cups and brushes. As they waited, Adam looks subtly over to the blonde next to him.

Merrick is fidgeting with the ring on his finger again. Adam furrowed his brow, curious about the ring. He saw Merrick adjusting it before he came up to talk to him.

"Alright, today we're just going to be working on simple paintings." Says the art instructor, "A scenery of your choice." He smiled as he clapped his hands together, and then held them out, "Impress me~!"

Adam circles his brush in a white, yellow-bordered cycle, not really sure what to really paint. Colors of light and sun just keep surfacing in his head. Again, he can't seem to stop trying to look at Merrick, who is sitting right next to him.

Merrick moves his wide brush of white-cyan and navy blue along the paper, getting darker as it goes. He swipes around here and there to blend the lighter colors with the dark in the upper region of the canvas, before working in black meshed with brown on the lower regions.

Adam takes a very light blue with the white as he curves and blends the color in round grooves. Just then, he feels a wet lick on his ear. "Ah- wha," He feels it, and finds his fingers blotted with pink paint. He looks, and sees Merrick still painting... With his index and middle fingers hidden slightly, with a glimpse of pink.

Adam's smile frowns as looking at the pink color makes him feel... Uneasy... Something pulls inside his skull before he turns his focus onto the yellow, white, and blue cups of paint in front of him.

Merrick looks, and blinks as he sees Adam looking uncomfortable. Maybe playing with a dab of paint wasn't the best idea... Merrick dips into the green and white pain, and started to illustrate something on his paper.

Adam's chest pounds as the front of his head pushes inward. He closes his eyes, and shakes his head, before glancing at Merrick again, looking at how focused his face is. This guy is really... Something. He's so nice, and easy on the eyes. Something about looking at this man just makes Adam feel weird... Like, he's happy for no reason. He just feels like smiling.

Merrick's side-brushing makes some scale-designs on a beautiful fish in his undersea picture, when he feels something cold slide on his cheek. He whips about, and feels it, before discovering a smudge of purple on three of his fingers. His sharp eyes catch movement from Adam's hand, before his brush was ditched for a different one. Merrick grins as he moves his foot to hit Adam's softly. Adam smiles as nudges back, and paints.

The art instructor goes around the patients' works, looking at the different ideas from each of them. His eyebrows rise as he passes Adam's portrait, of what appears to be a bright sun amongst heavenly clouds. The line-rays from the sun can use a little more transparency.

He looks, and as usual, feels himself in small awe of Merrick's piece -- a quite realistic looking under-water scene with a smooth green fish in a curve-turn amongst reef rocks, under a shimmering surface from the moon. He also sees a few spots of color on both men.

"Very excellent work, gentlemen," He said, "Though I'd advise you keep the paint on the paper in the future." He said before walking off.

Adam shifted awkwardly, having been called on about this little tit-for-tat with Merrick, while Merrick just scoffs and rolls his eyes.

Adam pushes the pin down onto his painting in his room, smiling as he looks at the bright and sunny art. "That's a good picture, Adam." Merrick says. He holds up a rolled up paper over to him, "You uh... Wanna have mine in here too?" "Wait, YOUR picture?" Adam asks as he takes it, "But it's so good, why don't you frame it at YOUR house? "I'm good... I kinda want you to have it though. You gave me this." Merrick says as he holds up the sea horse plush. "I don't have much, but I wanna give you something in exchange." "Heh, ok, thanks." Adam says before he hesitated, getting a weird impulse to do... SOMEthing. He ended up giving Merrick a pat on the arm, gesturing awkwardly before he turns to pin up the painting. Merrick chuckles as he walks up to behind him. Adam froze as he feels Merrick's hands on one shoulder, and on his raised arm, before... He stopped. Adam focused, and put the pin into the paper and wall. "It's getting late..." Merrick said lowly. "I need to get home." "Oh, ok..." Adam turns around, his face feeling slightly hot, "You uh... You, um, ah, You gonna be here tomorrow?" "Sure." Merrick smiled, turning to him. Adam can't describe why, but something about Merrick's smile makes his head feel lighter... "I'll see you soon." Merrick says before he leans into Adam's face. Adam's heart races as he comes in close again, and kissed his other cheek, before turning and leaving. Adam huffs and blinks, awestruck even as that blonde man walks out his door. "Whoa..." Adam puts a hand on his face, and then turned to his head. He gets his laptop out, and opened up a new entry. -- Dear Diary, I just had something weird happen. Some guy just up and kissed me! I don't remember him at all, but he just kisses my cheek everytime he feels like it. I don't know if I should be scared or excited, but I feel so weird with him. It's like, I want to keep seeing him, but just from today, my insides feel so crazy. Did I know him before in my old life, before I was put into the hospital? If so, I may be able to ask him about my old life, and get some answers. My psychologist says I need to take it easy, so I can't tell her, but -- "Adam?" Comes a voice and a soft knock. Adam turns to see a young woman with a brunette ponytail, stepping into his room. "Oh, hi." Adam closes his laptop and stands up, "You here to visit me?" "Yes I have, Adam." Jessica says nicely, "I wanted to see how my sweetheart was doing." "Your... Sweetheart?" Adam asked. "Yes, silly." She said as she smiles endearingly at him, "I know you don't remember me, but that doesn't mean I can't take care of you~" Adam can't help but feel a little uneasy, talking to her. "...I think I remember seeing you here or there. Did you come to see me at the hospital too?" "Yes, yes I have!" Jessica beams, "I brought you flowers every week you were trapped in there. "You DO remember me!" "I-I-, just from the hospital. I don't remember a lot of people..." Adam winces as he feels his head, "Ack..." "What's wrong, honey?" "I've got a headache." "Oh, here!" Jessica digs in her purse, and takes out a rattling bottle of pills, "I have Ibuprofen right here." "Oh, thanks." Adam says as he accepts 3 small red pills, and swallowed them with a drink of water. "Anything." She comes, and sits on his bed. "Um, sorry, miss..." "Jessica~" "Miss Jessica, um... It's actually getting late, so I'm not sure how long you can stay." "Oh, it's alright, you've always made time for me, Adam." "I did?" Adam sits on the opposite of the bed, "Were you... Someone important in my life?" "Well, I can't say too much," She answered, "But you are someone very dear to me before I lost you..." "I... I'm sorry..." Adam says as a sense of guilt rolled into his stomach. "It's alright, Adam, it's not your fault. I'm here now, and I can help you." "O-Oh, good." Adam smiled, "The sooner I can get out of here, the better." "But, Adam, look..." She suddenly becomes serious, glancing at the door, and getting up to close it real quick, before she came back, "Before I came in, a blonde man walked out of your room. Do you know him?" "Only met him today." Adam says, "He's really nice and artistic, he made that painting over there." He pointed. "Listen, Adam, I need you to hear me." She said. "O-Ok...?" Adam looks back to her. "You cannot see him again." She told him. Adam blinked in confusion at that. "What? Why not? If he wants to visit me, it's not like I can stop him-" "Adam, listen to me," Jessica urged, "There is nothing good about that man. He is the reason why you were put in the hospital for 2 months, and he's the reason why you're here now." Adam's mouth opens slightly as he is informed, "What..." He hushed. "He's dangerous, Adam, he's a monster. He's the one who ruined your life, and nearly had you killed. He took you down a path of sin, and you nearly lost your own life because of him." Adam's insides sink with new fear as she tells him this, "Wh-What did he do to me??" "Adam..." Jessica says, bowing her head wounded, "I can't tell you that. Your psychologist forbids anyone from telling you of your past..." "Jessica, if Merrick has done something to me, I need to know." Adam says, "H-He got close to me several times today, what do I need to know??" "I want to tell you, Adam." Jessica whines, "I desperately want to tell you... But I can't... If I tell you of all the horrible things he's done, it might put your head in worse shape than it is." "Ghhh..." Adam puts his hand into his hair, rubbing his scalp as his brain throbs. "Adam..." Jessica takes Adam's hand into hers, looking into his eyes, "I am the only one you can trust." "Wha... What about my psychologist?" "There's only so much a doctor can do for you." Jessica says softly, "I am the only one who can give you what you need." "Jessica..." Adam said as his anxiety climbs, "I'm scared now... Merrick was so nice, how can he hurt me?" "Just believe me, Adam." Jessica says, "This Merrick is the one who nearly got you killed... He's the one who took you away from me." "What..." Adam says, his eyes widening with fear.

Next: Chapter 89

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