Aquata Cove

By Andrew Bailey

Published on Mar 11, 2017


Aquata Cove Chapter 87: Putting Things Right

Merrick loving kisses Adam's lips, before he sits back up. The spoon clinks in the small bowl he holds, before he turns to set it next to the ceramic deep dish containing the rest of the soup. He gets up, and turns around, smiling as he sees the paper fish cards taped up on the wall. He puts his hand onto one of them, opening its flap, and seeing a written message.

[Get well soon, Adam! Karen]

"That's original." Merrick muttered, before reading another.

[We all miss you. Get back soon, please? Harold]

[Captain won't stop riding our asses! Come back ASAP. Francis]

[Hope to see you soon. Reggie]

[You can really take a beating, Bryant, but you're not getting paid to die on me. Captain]

"Heh..." Merrick reads them, fish by fish, before looking onto the small table, and seeing a whole lot of cards, small gifts, treats, candy bunches, and flowers, all for Adam. He picks up a card with a black and white cat in a paw cast, and opens it up.

{OMG, Quit being such a faker already! You don't know what pain is until you've stubbed your fucking toe while biting the shit out of your tongue in the middle of a menstruate cramp! Get your big fat ass over here, and maybe I might actually respect you! Get well soon, you wet-assed faggot! Chloe}

"Eh heh heh heh... Fuckin bitch..." Merrick mumbled, before setting it down, and picking up a sparkling card with white and yellow lilies on it.

{Adam, I am so sorry for what happened, and I am even more sorry for Chloe's card, haha. Believe it or not, she really does miss you at the Waltz, nobody can take on her attitude like you can. Stay strong. Raj}

"Hmph..." Merrick smiles as he puts the card down. He looks at the small seashell angel sculpture, and the little arcade box-foldup, taking one of the giftcards to Checkeroni Pizzeria. He pulls over his chair to sit, and he picks up a rather large card.

[You'll always have a place with us, Adam. You're one of my best men on the repertoire. Jerry Hurry back! You're our only Lady Gaga and Ke$ha guy! Tina Stay strong, you still owe me $5, lol. Emmet We miss you. Haley We're all still here for you buddy. Baron This place just isn't the same without you. Carla]

Among other short messages and signatures from everyone at the Dream Waltz. He puts it aside and takes a card with a hot man on it, a metal disk headband on his head, a stethoscope, very short green scrub shorts, and wearing nothing else. Opening it, Merrick reads the caption.

{I'm so sorry for what happened, Jamal and I feel real bad about what went down. Come back soon, ok? Nick}

Merrick smiles as he puts it down, and looks at a basket of fruit and candy with a small moon-shaped mylar balloon on it, "Get Well Soon", it says, with a note that says `From Daniel & Jacob'.

He sees a large plastic star-shaped box with small Butterfingers of assorted sizes into it -- Adam's favorite -- with a charming glittering tag reading {We all miss you at the Pelican, Adam. I especially miss your Oreo Bars. Beth}

Merrick smiles as he takes another card imprinted with a broken heart with a bandaid on it.

{This is my fault, man. And don't say its not, cause it is. I'm so sorry, please get better, and please forgive me. I still wanna be your best man, please. Jamal}

Merrick puts it down, and also takes notice of a shiny bucket with a big FH on it, full of neat tackle and small souvenirs, "Heh... That must've set Captain by at least $10... Eheheh, $20 if I'm being generous..."

"Oh, Merrick."

His head turns, and sees a woman there with short, curvy dark blonde hair in office attire. She looks at Merrick like a deer in headlights, holding a blue stuffed dolphin with a plush bandage around its fluke, tail, and left flipper, along with a small decorative box of cookies.

The two of them stand there, at opposite sides of the room, starring at each other, allowing several minutes to just pass by. "Erin..." Merrick said, smiling slightly as he casts his gaze to break the ice, "I take it you heard..." He turns back around and sits next to the table.

"That um... You two are getting married?" She asked, honestly rather nervous to be in the same room with Merrick. They haven't spoken at all since the day when she came to make Merrick an official U.S. Citizen after the nightmare of the Agency.

"Well..." Merrick looked to the side over at Adam, "I'm not so sure now... You know he doesn't remember me, right?"

"He doesn't??" Erin blinked in shock as she looked at him, now sleeping. "What are you talking about?"

"He... He has this mental condition, ammer... Amnea..."


"Yeah, that..." Merrick sighs as he nods, "He can't remember me; he can't remember anyone, or anything from his life... And Dr Yuri told me he has short-term memory loss now..."

"Oh my God..." Erin hushed as she comes in.
"You just missed him." Merrick said, "He fell asleep about 5 or 10 minutes ago... I was bringing him lunch, right before he dozed off... Before he fell asleep, he told me something." Erin looks sadly at him as she can make out a rim of moisture around his eyes, "Is that he wanted to keep this moment... He didn't want to forget anymore." Merrick huffs and wipes his eyes. "It's like he was terrified that I was going to leave him all over again..." 
"Merrick, I'm so sorry." Erin said as she comes over, and puts the dolphin plush doll and the small basket onto the table with the others. "I swear, if I had known-"

"Excuse me." Says a rather hostile doctor peering into the room, "Outside food is not allowed to be eaten in a patient's room."

"Um, I'm the patient's fiancé. And..." Merrick said as he gestured to the table of cards and gifts, "What about all this? Some of this is food too."

"Hospital rules, sir." The doctor points to Merrick's dish, "That'll have to go, if you please." 
Merrick frowned before he gets up and places his dish and the used bowl into the carrying case, and took up the strap, "Lets go to the cafeteria," He told Erin.

"Alright." She gets up with him, and follows him out of the door.

"Sorry about that." Merrick says as they sit down to a big, empty table, "I can't keep track of all the human rules." "It's a technicality, don't think about it." Erin said as she sits down, also putting her leather satchel on the table. "What's that?" Merrick said as he nodded to the case. "Papers concerning Adam's case." She answered. "I was hoping to go over a few things with Adam, but I don't think that will be possible." "Oh, I see..." He nods, "You'll want to talk to his parents then. I'll introduce you." "Merrick." Erin sighed, "Let me start out by saying that I knew nothing about what transpired-" "Before that, Erin..." Merrick said, looking down, "I need to ask you something." "Alright." Erin nods and puts her forearms onto the table and holds her hands, business like. "Go ahead." "I um... You're familiar with the human laws, right? Court and all of that." Merrick asked. "Yes, I've been studying and practice law a little before the Agency of Oceanic Research was disbanded. After when... Nigel and all that..." "Ok, well..." Merrick glances to the side awkwardly, "I understand some people are hired for money for cases like this. And... I'm still not all together sure how human money or currency and all that works, but..." Erin chuckles as he talks, "Erin, look, I can pay you, I just really need someone who can..." "It's ok, Merrick, I understand." She says with a smile, "I'm already taking the case." "Thank you." Merrick nods. "That's what I was about to say." Erin continued, "I've only recently been notified about Adam's incident. Which... Is probably why, as I've been informed, went very wrong."
"Adam was accused," Merrick said, "While he was in a coma, about trying to run over the people who ambushed him, and even something about racism." "Yeah, there's nothing that's making sense about how Adam's case even came up." Erin said, "Technically, there shouldn't even BE a case yet." "What?" Merrick said with a look of disbelief.
"In situations such as this, it is highly unethical to hold a trial when the victim, or else offended party, is unable to defend him or herself in a court of law. The attackers should have been held in custody until Adam was fit well enough to actually appear in court. For some reason, it was allowed, and I wasn't even notified of it." She said with a hint of anger. "Um... Pardon me for asking," Merrick said, "And please don't take this the wrong way. But, what does Adam's attack have anything to do with you? Not trying to be rude," He said quickly, holding his hands out and open, "I just don't know how else to phrase it."
"I'm Adam's lawyer." Erin answered.
"Uhhh... Ok, what?" Merrick said, genuinely confused. 10 years since he met Adam, and there's still so much he doesn't know about humans and what they do.
"Adam is one of my clients." Erin said, "If and when Adam needs to go to court, of if he needs legal advice, he calls me on my phone or office." "I... THINK I understand." "Adam officially hired me about little less than a year after you two were released from the Agency. Call me sentimental, he was my very first client -- we kept in touch, and he wanted to be the first one to hire me officially."
"He... Never told me about this." Merrick says as he shook his head. "He said you wouldn't understand... In more ways than one."
"Meaning?" "You're a merman, Merrick," Erin said, "He said law and order is hugely different with your kind and humans. And... He also told me he didn't know if you would ever forgive me for what I did to you during the Agency." "You made things better for me, for what it was worth." Merrick said, not looking at her in the eyes, "You eased my suffering, and you helped us escape in the end." "Yes. And I also acted as a double agent, violated your trust, and I sat back and did nothing when that man literally had you ripped apart." Merrick nodded and he looks at her, piercing his lips. "I'm hoping I can at least make up for the part that I've taken in the Agency."
"Ok..." Merrick nodded. "So... What can you tell me so far about Adam's case?" "Simply put, this case is very open-and-shut, it's not even going to take 5 minutes." "Wh... Really?" Merrick says, blinking at her and tilting his head. "I've been able to sort several things out. The trial will take place the day after tomorrow, and those men are facing some very serious jail time." "Is this true?" Merrick said, feeling a flicker of hope, "Wait, no... It doesn't matter..." He growled as he turned his head down, "That judge was the one who screwed things up... Men like him do not listen to the law or morality, they just rearrange reality as they see it." "I know it's hard, Merrick..." Erin said, "But there are some things that even the most bigoted judges are obligated to do or say, or else they're fired, just like that." She pats her file case, "And with the information and evidence I've collected, we can't lose."
"I almost want to hope... But I'm not sure if I can contain myself again if he does this to Adam again..."
"Merrick." Erin puts her hand on his and leans forward. "I need you to trust me on this." Merrick's vivid blue eyes look up at hers, "I know that last time, you called the judge out, and he almost had you arrested. I've had to pull some strings for the officials of the courthouse not to pursue further action from your behavior, provoked as it was. I will tell you, right now, this will probably be one of the easiest cases I've had to take on." Merrick takes a deep breath, and sighed, before nodding, "Ok..." "Alright." Erin nodded, and then pauses for a change of subject, "So... What's that you got there?" She asked, pointing at the padded carrier Merrick set aside. "Chicken soup." Merrick said, smiling slightly as he pulls it over, and unzips the top, "When I got home this morning, I made it to bring to Adam." He removes the unlocked glass lid, letting the golden well steam from it. Erin looks with intrigue as the aroma pulls her face to it. "Wow, it smells amazing."
"Do you want a bowl?" Merrick asked as he also took out the Hawaiian King rolls tucked within. "Sure, I'd love some." Erin says as Merrick takes the ladle and a clean round bowl that is part of the set, and pours the steaming broth, noodles, and chicken fillets into the bowl. "I'm starving too." Erin says as she also accepts a wiped clean spoon, and pulls the bowl to her, before Merrick then places a few small fillets of chicken into the rim of the bowl, as well as placing a roll onto a napkin next to it. Erin sips the soup, and takes a moment to taste. "... Oh my God, this is amazing." She says, slurping up another spoonful while Merrick pours himself a bowl. "You didn't make this."
"Heh heh, no I did. I watch the Food Network from time to time, and I picked up a few recipes and added my own tweaks here and there. "Mmmm, my God." Erin says after sampling one of the chicken slices, "Come on, this has noodles in it." "Made them by scratch." Merrick said with a smile. "Just wish these bowls weren't so small, I'm already half way done with it." She says as she rips a piece of sweet bread. "By all means, I made enough for 3 or 4 people." Merrick says as he stirs the ladle and adds some more into Erin's bowl. "Mmm," She takes a yew spoonfuls, "How is it even this fresh and hot?" "The pack," Merrick pats on the carrier, "Has a built in heater to keep it hot." 
"Mmnn, seriously," She gestures to the dish, "I'm just tempted to reach over, and chug it all down." "Ahahahahaha," Merrick laughs as he sees that little image in his head. It's the first time he's laughed in so long, it's felt like years... After 10 minutes, the soup dish is virtually empty, with probably barely enough for two bowls left with a few noodles left in the broth's remains, and the chicken and rolls are gone. "So Merrick, I gotta wonder." Erin said, "How is merfolk laws and human laws so different?"
"It is a LOT more black and white than anything in the human world." Merrick answered. "Suffice it to say, it's like taking your Zero-Tolerance Policy to the extreme." "Is it THAT hard up?" Erin asked, "Do you have trials or hearings or something between pods?" "Not exactly. See, we merfolk, we have self-imposed rules within a pod -- where if you break one of those, you'd get a slap on the wrist or something else is arranged. But we have something called Sacred Laws." He explained, "These laws have been with us since the very beginning of my kind. And breaking just one of the Sacred Laws gets you exiled just like that." "Are you serious?" "There are three creeds of merfolk -- Pisciens, Amniens, and Holsiens. Within those, we have many similar Laws, and a few differential Laws. Human Association is one such common law -- if a merfolk were to be caught talking with a human, they get banished."
"There's not even a warning for you?" Erin asked, "They just kick you off?" "The only ones who get a second chance after breaking a Sacred Law is the royal hierarchy -- the Noitas, Tritons, Adras, and Razirahs. One chance though, that's it. I was guilty of Human Association and Forbidden Love, so I was exiled." "Wait, are you saying YOU were royalty?" "I was the Adra Triton of my pod; I was what you might call a `prince'. But... Even if I wasn't banished, even if I broke up with Adam for good, it wouldn't make a difference in MY case."
"What do you mean?" "I'm gay, Erin." Merrick shrugs and glances aside, "I was born a homosexual, and the only way to take my Father's place in leading the pod was if I were to find a mermaid to be my Noita. I was always meant to be gay, and that means in turn, I was never meant to lead my pod..."
"Merrick... I'm sorry..." Erin said. "I'll deal." He nodded. "Aren't there any merfolk who are... You know, willing to look the other way? Ignore the crimes of another, if they're good?" "Doesn't work like that." Merrick shook his head, "It's half and half, some merfolk are willing to try it, like my Mother, and some of them demand that rules are kept intact, like my Father. But even if I was allowed to stay with the pod, Adam and all, it wouldn't last forever. Eventually my banishment would be enforced." "By who? Do you have police forces?" "Not quite." Merrick said, "We have the Ningyo." "Ningyo?" Erin asked, "Who are they?" "Merfolk made of pure gold and lingering thoughts and spirit, and they have one thing, and one thing only on their collective mind. They're the Law Keepers of merfolk -- they are located in the Lost Kingdoms of my kind. A Sacred Law broken doesn't go unnoticed forever, and if it happens consistently, a Ningyo comes to put a stop to it." "What are they like? Are they like judges or something?" "You COULD say that. They're the ones who make sure a rogue like me doesn't get any ideas about coming back to my family." "Are they that strict?" "Very. When a rogue comes back to his or her own pod, a Ningyo immediately goes on the hunt. However long it takes to reach the offending merfolk depends on where they are in the sea. They don't have emotions or a conscience; heck, I'm willing to bet they don't even have hearts or souls; they're just sentinels who hunt down rule breakers." "So what happens when a Ningyo gets to them?" "Depends. A Ningyo would just keep moving until where the Coshiton was last located with his or her pod." "Coshiton?" "It's our word for `Rogue'." Merrick said. "You see this mark?" Merrick turns around, and pulls the back of his shirt and vest down just low enough to show the tribal heart symbol, "This is what makes me a Coshiton. My Mother herself had to put this mark on me, right after my Father destroyed my weapon as punishment, and when the Razirah took away my connection to the pod -- er, Razirah is the word we have for... I guess you could say a shepherd? He's what kept the pod united." Merrick turns back around. "That sounds awful..."
"Anyway, the Ningyo tracks down the place where the Coshiton was last with their pod, and if there's no one there, it'll simply return from which ever kingdom it's from." "And... If the rogue is still with his family?" Erin asked, a little hesitant to ask. "... It strikes. And it packs enough power to be fatal, if not heavily injure whoever gets hit." Merrick said coldly, "It'll aim for the Coshiton, but any casualty is possible if someone gets in the way or if it misses. And it will stay and strike again after one sun if the Coshiton doesn't leave. And God forbid you should defend against it, otherwise it will go on a rampage and liable to kill everyone there." "What makes these things so harsh and cruel?" Erin said with disbelief. "Who knows?" Merrick said bitterly, "They simply do what they have to, what they were created to do eons ago. My friend, Arnaav, he was banished at a very young age, simply for playing with a little girl. His parents prolonged his exile for as long as they could, before the Ningyo came and demand that they banish him. He visits them whenever he can, but he can't risk staying for more than a day. I actually had a run-in with one before I came home today." "Oh my God, you did?? What happened??" "I was just far enough away from my pod for it to hesitate punishing me. My Father helped make up its mind by showing it his trident to let it know he was the one who was instructing me to leave before things get worse. Good thing too, because I almost challenged it when it seemed to want to attack me, and then I'd REALLY be in trouble." "Is there no one to talk to try and reason with them? At least with humans, trials are a case-by-case basis. Merrick, you are clearly a good person, you don't deserve that kind of punishment."
"That's not for anyone to decide." Merrick shook his head, "I broke two laws, I was forced out, and now I'm here, and I can never really go back to my family without risking punishment. Simple as that." "You merfolk sure have it rough, don't you...?" Erin said. "Of course, I'm more than fine if one or a couple of members of my pod want to come and see ME if they want to, it's only dangerous when I'm with the whole pod as a group." "That's at least good, right?" Erin said. "I guess..." Merrick said, looking down at his hands, letting out a sigh, "Erin... I don't know what I'm going to do about this wedding..." "It's a tough call, I know it." Erin says as she nods, "Do you still love Adam?" "Of course I do, Erin. I will always love him. But I'm not so sure if he may love me anymore..." "Merrick, it's going to be ok." She says, "You two are great together, even if he has amnesia, he'll probably-" "I threw away the rings." Merrick interrupted. Erin blinks with a pause. "Wait wait, what?" Erin asked, "What's this all of a sudden?" "Erin... I try to be hopeful, and I was even happy a while ago." Merrick says, "But I keep thinking about the wedding, and I'm filled with fear and confusion... Adam can't remember me. Ever. He's just going to forget me the next day. And... I need to try and live with that, because he can't help it." He looks up at her. "He proposed to me on the docks... He gave me an elegant platinum swirling ring with diamonds in it... Soon after, I went back to my pod, and my Mother created a beautiful ring made out of black pearls... It was only when I came back home when I found out Adam was struck down..." "Ohhhhh..." Erin frowns sadly. "Erin... I was so hurt and angry, I wanted to just walk away from everything and die... Before I ran away from the man I love, I took both our rings, and I threw them into the ocean. I tried looking for them, but I can't find them, they're gone." "If Adam could remember me now, I can only guess how long it'll take for him to get over the fact that I chucked our promises into the sea." His eyes rim with that twinkling liquid, "But how am I supposed to forgive myself for how I've done and dealt with everything since he fell into a coma? How can I expect him to marry me knowing what I did to something he would only give to me? Why should there be a wedding at all..." Merrick sniffed as he wiped his eyes. Erin glances down, her hand soon hold his. "All I can say Merrick... Is that I'll still fight for you. I'm going to help you get through this." Merrick nods as she rubs and pats his shoulder.

Merrick walks in through the Employees Only door, and went into the break room, where Nick is waiting for him in his manager uniform. He taps a pencil on the table, before gesturing to the other chair. "Have a seat, Merrick." Merrick nods, and then goes to sit down.

"So." Nick adjusts, and faces him, "As I said on the phone, I get that you're under a lot of stress right now."

"Hhhhh... Yeah..." Merrick doesn't like it when Nick has to be a manager instead of his friend...

"Look, you been a no-show a lot lately. However upset any of us are, we still need to at least give notice when we gonna go some place."

"If it's any consolation, I wasn't planning on coming back." Merrick said, "It wasn't like suicide, but I think I was wanting to die when I left."

"Merrick, whoa." Nick gives him an estranged look, "You serious man? You know we're all here for you, why would you go out to kill yourself?"

"We're both gay, Nick. We both face the same dangers and challenges. But I have a very bad way of dealing with my emotions, and I'm still working on them. But that doesn't excuse the way I've ditched work, or else half-ass my conduct."

Nick sighs before leaning it, "On a professional level, any other boss woulda fired you by now. As it is, I can't let you keep doin this to your place here. If you gonna miss any more days of work like this, I'mma have no choice but to let you go."

"I understand." Merrick nods, "I need this job. I need it to keep some kind of structure for myself at this time. I need something to keep me straight and narrow... In a matter of speaking."
"Aight." Nick nods, "So I want you to come in for work first thing in the morning after tomorrow."
"After tomorrow? Why?"

"Tomorrow's the second trial." Nick answered, "I be and fight with ya at that asshole who tried to throw Adam in jail."

Merrick chuckled, "Thanks, Nick..."

---The Next Day---

Merrick takes a deep breath as he looks at the building, feeling an intense purge of dark emotions as he can just imagine Judge Harris lurking inside like a malicious creature from a dark cavern.

Jamal puts his heavy hand on Merrick's shoulder, before they both walk into the building, along with their friends. He sees Donna and Luther waiting for him at the doors as he approaches. He goes to them, looking at them with sorrowful eyes. 
"Donna... Luther, I... I'm sorry I ran off, I... I'm so sorry."

"Come here." Donna says as she hugs Merrick. He sniffed as he hugs her tight.

"It's ok, son." Luther said as he pats Merrick's back. "We understand. Just tell us next time." Merrick nods before he lets go, and he enters the courthouse with them.

As they filed in, Merrick sees Erin waiting at the front line, before Luther and Donna come to her, shaking hands with quaint greetings. As Merrick walks along the benches, filing with Sasha and Jamal, he notices a lot more people coming into the court room, filing in and taking their seats.

"Who are all these people?" Merrick asked.

"Local support groups." Sasha answered, "PFLAG, Anti-Bullying, local authorities, Adam's mum and Beth pulled together, and we got in contact with everyone to come here for support."

"Like I should've done..." Merrick said sadly. He comes to his place right behind Erin and the parents, and leans in, "So what's the story?"

"Well, I've done my share of digging around." Erin said, "The only reason the trial is taking place is because Adam's parents here agreed to appear in court on Adam's behalf. The bailiff is going to be Daniel, you remember him, right?"

"He's the one who filed the report, but for some reason, another policeman's file was submitted, from the attackers' point of view, which is completely different from one another. I'm going to have THAT report dismissed based on the policeman's inexperience, and submit Daniel's report. On top of that, Judge Harris isn't exactly in the clear himself."
"Right..." Merrick said as Yuri comes to sit next to him. Yuri glances, and sees Merrick's knuckles tightening, along with the very quiet rattling in Merrick's throat.

"Merrick, please, try to sit still, please..." Yuri said. Then, Merrick's eyes locked onto the left side of the court, where the two attackers are escorted in. His teeth grits as his breathing becomes erratic.

"Hang tight, Merrick..." Jamal whispered, leering at them too while he squeezed his shoulder. He can hear whimpers of sheer rage coming from Merrick as he trembles on the spot with anger.

"I am not planning on staying quiet if that man tries to screw Adam again." Merrick's voice cracks as the intense wrath burns his throat. "I'll kill them right here..."
"I got yo back, dude, but ya need to keep cool..." Jamal mumbled, "Take it from a guy who knows, doin that is never worth it."

"Then it might be a good thing Harris isn't here today." Erin said.

"Wait, what?"

"Judge Harris is still very ill, and has not been able to come into work for several weeks. We've had to find a different judge fill in for him."
"Ok... Who did they get?" Merrick asked as everyone has arrived. Honestly, he had already prepared himself for that lying fraud to come up... What if this new judge is actually worse???
"All rise!" Daniel called out, prompting everybody to stand up, "The honorable Judge Jacquelyn presiding." In comes an African American woman with bright silver and purple streaks in her short, feathered black hair, with glittering silver fingernails on her fingernails as she steps up, looking rather serious.

"Oh snap." Yuri says with her eyebrows raised.

"Say whaaaaaat?" Jamal said lowly as his voice elevated slightly.

"Aight, yall sit down right now." Jacquelyn called out.

"Merrick, I think we're set." Yuri whispered as the judge walks onto the podium.

"What do you mean?"
"That woman there? She was Jamal's parole counselor. When Jamal moved to Hawaii, she was the one who made the agreement between me, Adam, and his grandparents to be his roommates and his dependents."

"She was the only one in the whole fuckin thing that actually listened to me..." Jamal said, "She axed me who I wanted to live wit, and she... She didn't tell me what to... Ya know..." Merrick can hear a hint of emotion coming from that deep voice, before he turns to look at the judge, hope pounding inside his chest.

"Alright, call to order," The judge said, "Adam Bryant vs Howard Larson and Ed Hezba, am I correct?"

"Yes, your Honor." Erin nodded.

"Now. What have we got here today?"

"Your Honor," Erin says as she stands up, "I'd like to present the following file, claiming a witnessed hate crime on one Adam Bryant." She holds up the binder containing the information.
"Yeah, I got the original file right here." Jacquelyn said as she held up. "I gave it a once-over, and I don't think things are matchin up." She leans her head in to give a shrewd look, "Maybe you can shed a lil light to what I'm missing?"
"If I may, your Honor," Erin says as she walks around, "I have recorded testimony that that report you have there is inaccurate to what happened on the night in question. The police officer who filed it is vastly inexperienced, and has a dismal record of sociopathic tendencies before his recruitment."

"Alright, lets see your file now." The judge says as she holds out her hand, while putting her reading glasses on with the other hand. Erin gives her the file. Her ruby red lips mumbles silently as her eyes scan the document contained within, noting that Jamal's name is listed in the file, while a description of a black male under the influence of drugs was written in the other one. "Says here a Jamal Tucker was seen at the scene of the crime, under the influence?"

"I ain't-"

"Jamal!" Yuri hushed harshly.

"Jamal." Jacquelyn gives him a very stern glance.

"Yes ma'am..." Jamal nodded, before the judge returned her attention to the files.

"Mmmmmhm." Jacquelyn focuses. Jamal was always very defensive, not the best sign of trying to prove innocence.

"Your Honor, I remind the court that if and when Jamal has been using any illegal substance, it would be reported by either Adam Bryant and/or Yuri Umiyama. Whom, as of to date, have not reported any such incident."
"Yeah, I know bout that. I seen enough of this file." Jacquelyn says as she closes the first file, frankly disgusted with what it says. She takes the other one containing the truth, which is a lot thicker than the former "Is the second witness here today?"

"One Karen Yorrum, bartender of the bar and grill known as Land Of Oz, has been questioned and recorded for her testimony, you will find her input in the file, as well as video surveillance of her testimony. She has requested not to appear in court due to emotional anxiety."
"I see..." The judge adjusts her fine glasses as she turns several pages.

"Wow... She's done her homework..." Luther muttered.
"I have also taken the liberty of obtaining certain other records of the two offenders in question, both of them guilty of multiple counts of felony, defacement of public AND private property, drug possession, and even pardoned jail time."

"I know, I recognize one'a them." Jacquelyn said with a low glare. "Aight, I ain't wasting time here."
Merrick's insides turn upside down as she adjusts in her seat.
"I am throwing out the charges against Adam Bryant on the grounds of false accusation and irrelevancy." She then takes a moment to look at the two men, "Just how stupid you tryin to be??" After insulting the convicts, she looks back forward.

"On charges of 2nd Degree Hate Crime, Attempted Murder, and Felony Assault and Battery, I hereby sentence Mr Howard Larson and Mr Owen Hezba to 50 years jail time. Further advisement and penalty will be decided upon further investigation of the evidence, with the sentence carried as motioned." 

She bashes her gavel on the table, "Case dismissed."

"NO! Fuck this! Fuck you!" One of the men yelled out.
"This is bullshit!"

Jacquelyn rolls her eyes as she gestured for Daniel to call more guards. The police come in, needing two guards at a time to keep them from making any further moves than forcing or jerking about.

Merrick sits in stunned silence, his mouth ajar as Jamal's heavy hand claps his shoulder and shoves him as he whoops out. Other people in the benches talk excitedly all around him. All of it tunes out as Merrick stares with disbelief.

They... Were punished...' He thought, That's... All it took...'

"Every time." Jacquelyn mumbles angrily, standing on a quaint patio, feeling the warm breeze, "Every time I try and quit." She holds a cigarette, clicking her lighter aflame to ignite it. She takes a deep breath from the cig, and blows out a puff of smoke. "Judge Jacquelyn?" Comes a voice. She looks, and sees a handsome young man with bright blonde hair come to her. "Oh hi, I seen you in court." She says leaning on the ledge of the patio, "What can I do for you, baby?" "I just..." Merrick stands there, feeling a little awkward, "I just wanted to thank you, for what happened a while ago... When this Judge Harris took on this case, he... I don't know how or why he would turn it upside down like that."
"Mmmmm, I heard." She nods, "Harris always was an asshole, lil bit racist." She takes a huff from her cigarette, "Heard some kid wanted to rip his head off last time he was here." "Yeah, it was a very bad few days for me..."
"Hm?" Jacquelyn raises her brows for a moment, before pointing to him with her cig hand, "Oh, you the guy who called'im out?" "Yeah... I was so freaking pissed, I just lost control. I think if it went any longer, I would've been arrested."
"Ahahahaha, woulda looove to see that, see his ugleh bald face as rearranged as his personality." She grins, "What was it you said, called him a fraud?" "Heh... I said, `How dare you pretend to know what justice is, you are nothing but a fraud'." "Hahahaha, niiiiice." She pats Merrick's shoulder, "Was my pleasure, sunshine." "Yeah..." Merrick huffs as he walks to the metal rail, and leaned his arms on it. "That's one load off my mind, anyhow..."
"How's that?" "Well... The victim, uh, Adam Bryant... He's actually my fiancé." Jacquelyn raises her brows from that, "And when Judge Harris actually started reading that Adam as being accused... And it looked like he was actually going to pardon those men for what they did..." Merrick wipes his eyes, before looking at the judge, "I can't tell you how much it feels to know there is some justice once in a while." Jacquelyn takes a step beside him, her cigarette still streaming with a thin line of white wisp. "When I was just about 4 years old, my granddaddy was roughed up too. Lost a foot and had to walk round with cane for the rest of his life. Two men cornered him and beat him to a pulp. Didn't even have a trial, they just left'im there to die, and he barely got back home covered in blood." "Your Grandfather was attacked? Why?" "Why? Cause he was black." 
"... What's that got to do with anything?" "You serious?" Jacquelyn gives him a very strange look, "Ain't you ever pay attention to history class?" "I... Don't know a lot about history, I'm not from... You might say I'm from far away." "Well, `CASE you didn't know." Jacquelyn says with a sarcastic tone, "Bein black was reason enough to kill a person." "W-What??" "Same reason they go after LGBT people... Like yo hubby, baby." She says, "'Course, if that'd come up, they'd probably have to find a different judge than me, cuz it'd bring up personal feelings in an impartial environment. "But... Why? I don't understand." Merrick said innocently.
"Neither do I, honeychild." She sighed, "White people." "Heh... Straight white people." Merrick said with a snide smirk. "Preach, gurl." Jacquelyn says as she casually holds her hand to the side, letting Merrick clap it. She laughs as several funny thoughts come to her head.
"Hey, Jacquelyn." Comes another voice. Merrick turns and sees Jamal standing there. "Hey, boy." She said. "You better be keepin out of trouble now."
"Jacquelyn, I didn't do anything!" "Jamal, calm down. You STILL too defensive." She comments, "Remember what I said? You ain't got nuthin to hide, you ain't got nuthin to worry about." "Aight..." He nodded, "Didn't know you smoke." "My line a work? You bet I'm takin it up." "Aight..." Jamal huffs, glancing down, and looking back up, "Thanks, Jacquelyn. Fo ev'rything, and fo today." The judge nods, meshing her cigarette on top of a trashcan's ashtray. "Yo welcome." She said as she walks. Jamal frowns still as she walked past him. He waits a few seconds before turning around.
"Why didn't you tell me you weren't my counselor no more? I had to hear it from some suit." Jacquelyn stops and turns, holding her hands out. "Slipped mah mind. Want an apology?" "... Naw. Just go on..." Jamal answered. Jacquelyn nods before she walks away. Merrick watches Jamal as he inhales deeply, and exhales, walking to one of the nearby chairs. "... NHH!" Jamal sends it crashing to the railing with just one kick! Merrick gasps from the brief moment of violence, before Jamal leans his arms on the railing. "Fucking, stupid..."
"J...Jamal?" "Just when I thought I actually liked her... She still a fuckin... Gah... Thought we could talk or whateva..."
"Wait... You, `LIKE' her? As in-"
"No. No." Jamal said firmly, "It ain't like dat."
"Then... What's the problem? You seemed to feel better when you saw her walk into the courtroom."
"Fuck..." Jamal shook his head, ducking his face into his arms. After taking a moment, he sighs as he looks outward, "She my aunt, ok?" "Aunt... Is that like... A relative, right?" "Yeah... She my Mama's sister." Jamal huffs as he looks downward. "Oh! Then... Why are you so angry?" "Cause... She didn't want me." "Huh?" "... I moved to Hawaii, she took me in as my counselor. I didn't find out till years later, and again, I heard it from someone else, not her... I was always askin, `Why not lemme live wit chu? You my auntie, I wanna live wit you'. She never gamme a straight answer, still won't. It's like she dudn't like me just fo livin." "Jamal, that can't be true..." Merrick said softly, putting a hand onto Jamal's arm, but is cast away promptly. "Don't. Just don't." He said darkly, glaring at the distance, shaking his head again, "... I don't care no more. I don't wanna care, and I don't wanna know why she dudn't like me. She done her part. End of story." He said coldly before pushing up from the rail. 
"Jamal." "I'm headin to work. See ya later, ok?" He told him without turning, yanking his tie down from his neck. "And yall better apologize to Yuri! She made you a nice dinner when you decided to bail us."
"Jamal..." Merrick mumbled, a little hurt. This is so unlike him...

Belinda leans her back on the wall, giving her nails a fresh layer of color as she loiters next to the bathroom doors, biting her lip as she ponders to fashion them sharp or round while she paints the tiny brush. Maybe both? Then again, Theodore might get scratched.

She looks up, and sees the blonde Piscien come close, "Oh hi, Merrick."
"Belinda. You waiting for something?"
"Harold just entered in there to change the baby."
"Ah I see..." Merrick pauses idly, "You uh... You think it was fair in that court? Being put in jail for 50 years... I honestly have no distinction with severity of crime and punishment here."
"And that is just the guaranteed punishment, so I'm told."
"Come again?"

"The judge sentenced 50 years of prison as decided. If they go deeper into the evidence, they might just be punished further."
"Honestly, I'd be content if I could just strike them down myself." Merrick said darkly. "Four against one? They didn't even give Adam a chance... But I could take them down all at once."
"I would have bled them dry a long time ago, if I knew where to find them." Belinda hissed lowly.
"I'm flattered you want to get involved, but you know how abominable drinking blood is, Belinda." He said with disgust.

"Once you have reached MY point, what more do I have to lose?"

"Ulgh." Merrick groaned. Directly drinking blood is beyond vile and sinful in the eyes of merfolk. "Look, I'm just happy that other judge didn't turn up."
"Yes. Unfortunate for him." Belinda said nonchalantly.

"If he came in today, he probably would've disregarded every single thing Erin said and ruin everything just like last time."
"Completely. It is a very good thing he did not feel up to the task."
"Yeah..." Merrick glances at her, talking slowly. "He was sick for several weeks, doctors say he can barely walk without throwing up..."

"I can only imagine such a sight." Belinda said, not taking her eyes off her nails. Merrick crosses his arms, glancing at her up and down.

"... Alright, you know something, what do you know?"

Belinda puts her hand into her purse, and digs through it for a few seconds, before taking out a rough-looking spiral shell, and tosses it to Merrick. He catches it, turning it around. It's a really old-looking shell, the spikes all around the spiral filed down to nubs. He blinks curiously, furrowing his brow as he looks into the hole. He hesitantly brings it to his face, up to his nose. He sniffs it several times, before lowering it, still examining the shell.

"... Stone Anemone?" He asked.

"Crushed and pulped." Belinda answers, finally stopping with her nails, and looking to him, "Syrinx told me of their location, and even brought some to me."
"Belinda, do you realize how poisonous this is?!" Merrick hushed, "Did you even use gloves when touching it??"

"I can touch a lot of things. Not a single mark." She said casually.

Merrick stares at her with wide-eyes. "You didn't..."

"The juice and meat of a Stone Anemone is deadly to you and I, but to humans, it seems it turns their health into misery. After the first trial, I followed that man into his home, and I put the Stone Anemone trace in every piece of food in his home." She shrugged.

"Belinda, you," Merrick looked around, and then came close to her, "You could have killed him. If you're an American citizen, you would've been found guilty, and-"

"I could already see it is not fatal to humans. I felt that man needed SOME sort of punishment, seeing as how he does not understand it himself."
"I am many things, Merrick," She told him, "A wife. A blood thief. A mother. A killer, even. A survivor, by any means. But Adam is my friend. One does not simply toy with my friend's justice, and then lives to sleep peacefully."

"Does..." Merrick sighed, "Does Harold know about this?"
"Of course not. He need not concern about it." Just then, the door to the men's room opens, and in walks Harold, holding baby Theodore in one arm, with his other hand on the toddler's back.

"Here we are, all clean." He reported.

"Alright... I'll see you later." Merrick said.

"Yes... Oh, wait, Merrick, I forgot!" Belinda says as she stops him.

"Hm?" He turns to see her rummage through her sequin bag.

"Before you go, I was wondering." She then withdraws her hand from the purse, "Did you drop this when you went into the sea?"

"Hhh?!" Merrick gasps as his eyes beam at Belinda's hand, holding a small, maroon velvet pouch.
"I was hunting for urchins, and this had your aura attached on it." Merrick trembles from his entire body as a jolt of emotions spike inside him, his fingers twitching as he reaches for it, "I kept trying to find you on land, but you were not- Ah!" She eeps as Merrick's hands become like lightning, swiping the pouch in just a blink.
"Whoa, Merrick." Harold looked at him strangely. Merrick pants as he fumbles the pouch, voicing his breaths as he feels them inside. "You ok, buddy?"

"What is it, Merrick??" Belinda asked.

Merrick pushes his fingers through the pouch's pinched opening, pulls it open, and looked inside. His insides scintillate as he sees a black sheen, a shiny glint, and even a tiny sparkle. 
"They're still here." Merrick manages to say, "Both, they're still here..." He pulls the shiny gold ropes apart to close the pouch, and closing his fingers around it tightly. He wipes his eyes again, before looking at Belinda. "Thank you, Belinda, thank you."

"Ah-" Belinda steps back as he comes close suddenly and hug her. She stands there awkwardly, seeing a very unfamiliar, and honestly rather uncomfortable emotion towards her.

"Oooook?" Harold said. Ever since he's known Merrick, he's always just tolerated Belinda at best.

Merrick walks along the hall, spotting Yuri entering the room of a sleeping Adam. He nears the entrance, and knocks on the frame, seeing her getting some small items ready. "Oh, Merrick." She says as he walks in, "Didn't know you were coming." "Yeah... Seems I'm forming a habit of that." He walks in, and notices a syringe and a bottle of fluid on the tray, "So Yuri... I need to apologize."
"For what?" She asked curiously. "Jamal told me you were making my favorite meal for dinner, on the day I left..." He rubs his arm and glances to the side, "The only person I told I was leaving was your father, and no one else... I left everyone in the dark, and I just vanished."
"It's ok, Merrick-" "No. No it's not." He shook his head, "I was fed up with how things were going, and instead of trying to help or make the best of it, I turned into a child, and I ran away from home. I have no excuse..." Yuri smiled as she scoffed silently. She takes a few steps around the bed, and crossed her arms, "You realize Adam did the exact same thing years ago, right?" "What?" Merrick looks up at her. "When he was 16, or I think 17, he said he was getting bullied at school, so he tried to run away to Seattle. His parents found him and brought him back home. That's when he decided to move to Hawaii to live with his grandparents, finish high school, and," She shrugs, "Soon after, met you." Merrick takes this in, feeling slightly relieved. "Difference is... Adam was only dealing with bullies, loneliness, and backward teachers. Merrick you were wrestling with your own sanity. You're always so harsh on yourself, saying that you should be better than what you do, when you've already dealt with more than any of us ever will." Yuri glances, and sees the glimmer of Merrick's ring on his finger. "Point is," She comes to him, and grasps his shoulder, "Cut yourself some slack. You're not human, but you deserve to take what you need to get better." "Ok..." Merrick nods. She lets go, and gets the syringe ready. Merrick's eyes watch as she extracts the medicine into the tool, seeing a very strange sheen refract the light in a crystalline way. He furrows his brow as he walks closer. Yuri wipes at a spot on Adam's arm, and injects the solution, "What's that you're putting in him?" "Oh, um... It's a new medicine. It's called Thalassactin." She answered, "But don't tell anybody."
"How come? It's just medicine, right?" 
"Yes, but..." She glances around, and went to Merrick, "It hasn't been legally approved yet, but it's supposed to help in mental progression."
"Yuri," Merrick smirks as he puts his hands on his hips, "Breaking rules? That's not like you, that sounds like something Jamal, Sasha, or Chloe would do."
"Well, had to try something." She said as she disposes of the used equipment, and peeling off her rubber gloves, "I'm heading out in a little while, did you want a ride?" "Maybe, I want to visit Adam for awhile."
"Alright, that's fine." Yuri nodded, "Just text me when you're ready."
"Ok... Oh, and Yuri?" "Yes?" She turns to look at him from the door. "Text Jamal see if he wants to go to Red Lobster tonight; I'll buy." "Heh heh heh, ok." She smiles before walking out. Merrick sighs softly before walking around his bed, taking a seat, before softly taking his hand. "Good news, Adam..." Merrick said quietly, "Two of the men who hurt you have been put away... For at least 5 decades. Two down, two to go..." He closes his eyes... Picturing himself in that parking lot... Adam there, going to that car, singing to himself when someone grabs him. Adam is forced onto the pavement, before he's yanked up. Just then, a fist flies over his shoulder, and bashes the masked intruder in the face. Merrick runs, and stands in front of Adam, his hands primed and ready. His hand grabs the neck of someone, and throws them down, swings his arm and pushes someone away, letting out an almost feral roar at the attackers. "But I wasn't there." Merrick's voice cracked, "Was I? I ran away, and I left you behind." He sniffed and wipes his eyes. He sees Adam is fast asleep... The doctors say that's all he pretty much does... But one of them have said he's gained a little bit of color back. "Adam... I promise... I won't let anyone touch you again..." He huffs deeply, "Someday... I'm going to find those other two men who took you away... And this time, I'm not going to give anyone a chance to judge them... I'll do to them what they did to you 10-fold..." Merrick watches their hands. A smile forms on his face as Adam's fingers move, gently holding and squeezing his hand. "I'm going to be here, Adam... I'm never leaving you behind again..."

Next: Chapter 88

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