Aquata Cove

By Andrew Bailey

Published on Nov 10, 2017


Aquata Cove Chapter 101: Dearly Beloved

Sometime later, at 1:45AM, Merrick walks outside of the White Swan gay bar, sighing as he takes a breath of fresh air. Adam comes up behind him as he puts his arms around Merrick, grinding softly behind him.

"This time next month, you are I are gonna be married, can you believe it?" Adam asked as he laced his fingers together.

"The idea of marriage is still a little weird to me." Merrick says, "But at the same time, I am excited about it, don't get me wrong. Even if you are gaining a few." He says playfully as rubs Adam's small belly.


Merrick giggles before he kisses Adam's mouth again. He breathes slow and deep as he puts a hand onto Adam's neck and hip. Adam huffs silently as his hands firmly grab onto Merrick's hips.

It's been four months since they last had sex. They made an abstinence pledge to make the honeymoon a more of an impactful establishment; which made things a bit depressing during the Red Moon on Thanksgiving. Yuri had to do most of the cooking while Adam had to try and follow Merrick's recipes to the letter while Merrick spent most of the day wondering the reefs and collecting shells and coral for the wedding just to keep the hormones at bay. At least he was able to make it to the dinner.

"Mnnhhh..." Merrick moans as he parts the kiss, "We should uh... Get back to the party..."

"Yeah... Mhm, yeah..." Adam nods absentmindedly. The two of them slowly made their way back to the door, dragging their feet on the way. "... Hey, look!" He says as he looks up. Merrick looks up and lets out a soft gasp as he sees soft flakes drift down from the sky. Merrick beams as he holds out his hands, feeling slow-falling snowflakes touch on his arms as a very light and gradual flurry coats the area in fluffy crystals.

"So... You sure Atarah can't make it to the wedding? It would be great to have her there." Adam says as he rubs Merrick's shoulders as they watch the illuminated snow throughout the sky.

"I'm sure. While Winter is here, she falls into a deep sleep just to maintain the contradictory balance of nature to make it snow in Hawaii."

"Heh..." Adam rubs Merrick's arm as they stand and watch the beautiful snow flurry, "Remember, babe... Starting on Monday, we can't see each other until the ceremony."

"I know, fuzzy. I'll sleep over at Sasha's when it comes to that." Merrick snuggles his face onto Adam's chest. He digs his hands behind Adam and under his shirt and jacket.

"Ooh! Ho..." Adam jumps a little as those chilled hands feel up his warm skin, "You cold, babe?"

"Hmph..." Merrick scoffed a little, "In a way, I always am..."

"Awww..." Adam pouted as he hugs Merrick back.

"It's genetic, genius." Merrick smirked, "I'm related to the North, remember?"

"Hahah, right right." They stand there sharing this solitary moment as Merrick feels his fingers along Adam's back slowly up and down.

"You're always so warm..."

Adam's eyes peer open, waking to an empty bed. His chest feels a deep sensation as he rolls on his back, looking up at the ceiling. He lets out a breath that seems to escape on its own from his lips before he looks to the calendar on the wall, with the date box drawn in with hearts and stars. Today's the day. He can hear talking outside his room though, "Ah shit, are they here already??" He asks as he gets out of bed, and puts on some fresh satin boxer shorts. After getting dressed, Adam walks into the living room, and smiles broadly as he sees a handful of people discussing amongst themselves. "There he is!" Jamal says with a grin, "Yo man, it's the big day!" He says as he grabs Adam's shoulder playfully. "About fuckin time, Bryant." Captain growled. Adam needed to take a moment to blink and look thoroughly. Captain looks a LOT cleaner and is actually groomed! His black and grey hair has been combed back and slicked down with hair spray, and he's even got his own tuxedo on. "Whoa, Captain, you uh... Wow, you clean up nice." Adam remarks with a bemused chuckle. "Yeh. Lift up and scrub. Who'da thought it?" Captain retorted in his usual crusty sarcasm. "Right???" Jamal laughed. "Oliver, PLEASE. There are ladies here!" Donna says as she walks to Adam, before turning and running up to him excitedly, "Oh honeeyyyyy!" "Mom," Adam grins a she hugs him tightly, before backing up. "Are you ok, sweetie? How is your head? Anything relapsing since we last spoke?" "Hahaha, I'm ok, Mom, I'm fine." Donna and Luther have not come until now since they had to leave Hawaii, before Adam's memories came back. Donna has been calling by Skype at least once every couple of weeks or so since then. "He's fine, Donna, give him some air." Luther says as he pats at Adam's shoulder, "How are you feeling, son? Excited?" "Hohh, God, I could hardly sleep at all." Adam huffs. "Dude, ya gotta wake up, you getting married, man!" Jamal slaps his back hard. "Look alive!" "Cause you look a lot worse dead; just ask the doctors." Captain growled. "Oliver!" Donna swiped at Captain's arm. "Relax, honey!" Luther laughs. "Oh, Adam! Before I forget," Donna strides to the kitchen table, and brings over a suit bag, "This is your tux, go ahead and put it on. "Alright, where are you going to get dressed?" Adam asked. "The ladies will be using Yuri's room, and the men will either go to your room, Jamal's, or the bathroom." "Word to the wise," Kevin says as he folds and loops his own tie on his suit, "Based on Yuri's graphic description about Jamal's hobbies, you might want to sterilize his room first." "Hah!" Luther smirks as he takes his suit bag and heads for the bathroom, while Adam heads for his own room. "Yeah yeah right," Jamal snorted, "I actually had to use TWO paper towels when I cleaned it up." "You are a regular cleaner, Jamal. A real neat freak." Kevin smirked, "One might even say you are worthy of being `The Help'." "Aw hell naw." Jamal steps over to Kevin, before Captain yanked him backwards before he could get any further. "Don't dirty your suit, dammit. I ain't waiting for your ass to get sorted."

Hanamaru shudders as she remains in the heated tent next to the beach of Aquata Cove. It's partially sunny today, with a slight curtain of snow gliding down from the sky. "Tell me again why they have to have the wedding on an icy beach? Couldn't they just have a warm ceremony in Spring where everybody gets a lei? Or what about a church or somewhere indoors?"

"Because everyone's done that, Mom. And there's no nearby church that will condone a gay wedding. Also Aquata Cove has a lot of sentimental attachment to the both of them." Yuri says as she arranges the gold-glitter coral branches in glass bottles with glittering seashells. Nick and Sasha are also here, along with Belinda and Syrinx.

"I appreciate you making all of the outfits, Hana." Merrick says as he opens up the faux fur outfits on the table for when his guests arrive, "Some of the Kenovani have a very low tolerance for the cold."

"You're the one signing the checks, sweetie." Hanamaru replies with a smile. "Is your Father going to be here to walk you down the isle?"

"Gheh. Not likely." Merrick snorted, "To keep things simple, let's just say my Father barely got over the fact that I'm gay. End of story."

"Oh I see." Hanamaru nodded.

"He's going to have the leader of the pod walk him down." Yuri said, "What was his name again?"

"Triton Samudra." Merrick answered, "Still can't help but feel awkward about asking him to do this, but he agreed nonetheless."

"Se-S-S-Sei-SeinnNNsei?" Comes a very shaky voice. They look and gasp as they see a vibrating otter at the tent.

"Oh my gosh, Arnaav?!" Yuri gets one of the many towels supplied and runs over to the boy.

"I-I-It'sss so coollld." Arnaav whines miserably as he shakes constantly.

"Oh my God, come here hun," Yuri says as she wraps him in the towel and picks him up. The otter whines in freezing agony as he curls tightly in the warm towel.

"Are you ok, Arnaav?" Merrick asked as he trots up to him.

"M-Mnnhh..." Arnaav nods, still trembling like a furry earthquake, "Th-The Ke-envani is on their wa-a-ay... Th-They wanted to ask that no other humans be around."

"Agh..." Merrick winced, "I can't promise that, I'll just tell them the humans here don't know any better."

"Oy!" Sasha calls out.

"Guys, seriously." Merrick turns to them, "Just pretend you don't know they're merfolk. As far as anyone is concerned, they are all distant relatives of mine who live in remote areas in various parts of the world -- tribal-like people. I'll go and get them; my body is made for icy waters."

"No problem, man, we got this." Nick says as he pulls out a folding chair. They then hear the sound of a few trucks driving in the distance.

"Oh don't tell me that's the catering! It's 3 hours too early!" Merrick says as he trots off and peers around the corner.

"It's fine, Merrick," Syrinx says as she pats his shoulder, "Me and Nick will go straighten things out."

"Ok." While Merrick strips his clothing and walks to the frigid shore, Arnaav snuggles in the towel as Yuri brings him to one of the industrial heaters; now that he's warm and drying, his fuzzy muzzle curls into his usual adorable smile as Yuri sees to him, purring in bliss as he's tended to.

"Meanwhile, you little furball." Yuri says playfully as she dries the boy up, "I think we should get you dressed up. Did Merrick tell you want he wanted you to do for him?"

"A few moons ago," Arnaav answered, "But can you tell me again, Sensei?"

"Mom, I can do my hair fine." Adam says as Donna walks around him with a wet comb and a small dollop of gel. "This is your big day, Adam. I'm not going to let you just go through with it with a rat's nest like this was any other day." "Oh my God, Moooom! My hair is NOT that bad!" "Look down." Donna says as she tilts Adam's head to snip off a few stray hairs with the small scissors. Adam is half dressed in his tuxedo; his black pants are on, and his white polyester shirt is half buttoned from the top. "Alright, all..." She looks at the partially hidden scar on Adam's head, it's mostly covered with his hair, but she can still see the outline though the thick scalp, where he was bashed. Adam notes her hesitance as she looks at the spot. "All done..." "Thanks, Mom." Adam says as he rubs her arm before stepping out of the bathroom, and to the kitchen table, "Ok, so how do I put this on?" He asked as he picks up a gold tie. The front door opens, and in swoops Erin, "Hello boys." Adam turns and gives a broad and surprised smile, "Am I late for the party?" "Oh my God, Erin!" Adam says as he goes walks to her, and holds her arms, "Holy shit, look at you!" He says as he looks up and down the official black robes, "You got the promotion?!" "As of last week! Jacquelyn gave me the all-clear for your wedding, and here I am!" Erin says enthusiastically. "My God, this is fantastic, congratulations!" Adam says with excitement, "I'm just- wow, I can't believe it!" "I can say the same; I'm so happy for you both!" "Ok, so, down to business. This is a gay wedding, is there a talk prepared for this orrr what? You missed the rehearsal last week." "I did a little research and browsing, and I think came up with something appropriate with a few tweaks," Erin draws out a paper and gives it to him, "Here, give this a read-over, tell me if it's fine." "Ok." "Adam, honey!" Donna says as she shuffles over, "We need to hurry, I just got a text from Yuri, and they're almost done with setting everything up!" "Ok Mom, I'm going!" Adam says with aggravation as he gets up, "Hey Dad, do you know how to work a tie?" "Sure son, need help?" Luther asked as he turns and approaches him. "Yeah, could you put it on for me?" Adam says as Luther takes the gold tie from him while Adam connects the remaining buttons on his shirt. "Alright, only take a moment." Luther looped it around Adam's neck and under the collar of the shirt, and worked it until he pulled down the finished knot, "Ok, then we clip it..." Luther takes a silver tie clip with a small diamond on it and attached the tie to the middle of Adam's shirt.

"Alright, lets get you fitted here..." Hanamaru says as she takes Mindal to get dressed. There is a small pyramid of boxes where each member of the Kenovani's items is stored. Each merfolk, currently in human form, stand and wait in the heated tents, their bodies shrouded in one of the many warm towels to dry them off, while Hanamaru, along with Harold, Sasha, Syrinx, and a few other friends pick a sized tunic, robe, trousers, or dress of soft fur coats and clothing to keep the merfolk warm for the ceremony.

"[These are fascinating treasures,]" Deilan says as he examines a satin sash with a murex shell attached, "[How do humans make such things?]" On a table is a very large array of decorative baubles and decorations of metallic, bejeweled with plastic gems, or glittering seashells, coral branches, fancy wearable sea animal designed items, shawls, sashes, and other various items.

"[Ooh, I like this one!]" Deilan's wife says as she picks up sea turtle buckle with hexagonal crystals for the back, while she is dressed in an elegant tweed suit.

"Any idea what they're saying, Kevin?" Syrinx asked as she does her make-up in the mirror, with her husband next to her, "I can understand him while we're underwater, but he only speaks Italian when he's on his legs."

"He's just admiring the accessories that Yuri's mom made for them to wear, same with his wife." Kevin answers, knowing how to speak Italian himself. He grins with enthusiasm as he grasps her shoulders, "This is nuts, isn't it? Those guys are finally making it official; it's still hard to really grasp."

"I know, right? You know me, Deilan, and Merrick are still the only Kenovani members mated to humans, and now all three of us are married."

"Very interesting." Adra Nerissa remakes as she puts a curve-styled circlet on her head.

"Merrick told me you and your family are the leaders of your people, is that correct?" Hanamaru asks, "So I had these small crowns made for you, your brother, and your parents."

"Oh I see." Nerissa says as she takes a small metal band with a small spiral shell, and turn to her very young brother, "Here, this one is yours, Brother." She says as she kneels down to little Adra Hecolt.

"This is so distressing." Razirah Ebba grumbles as she huddles in her fur coat, "I have never had such discomfort with waters of ice." She says as Nick helps wrap the decorative threads holding Ebba's link mediums of the pod around her.

"I'm going to go check up on Merrick." Yuri says before she walks across the tent, and into the smaller tent. Merrick's outfit is still in its case, untouched. Merrick is also not in here. "Merrick? ... Merrick??" She says out. No response.

"Oh no..." Yuri turns and runs out of the tent, and races out of the tent and out into the snow, "Merrick!!" She called out, almost immediately jumping to a terrifying conclusion, "MERRICK!" She runs around, her eyes scanning around for that blonde man, "MERRICK!!"

"What???" Yuri turns her head and sees Merrick walking from behind the rocks. "I'm right here."

"Oh my God, Merrick, where the hell have you been?!"

"I couldn't find my phone." He answered, giving her an estranged look while holding up his iPhone, "It was in the truck."

"Merrick, you're not even ready yet! What have you been doing?!"

"Yuri, Yuri, relax, what's wrong with you?"

"Agh, sorry." Yuri rubs her head, "I guess... I can't help but feel like something traumatic was going to happen."

"... Why?" He asked after a curious pause.

"I don't know, just a reflex or something." Yuri said as-a-matter-of-factly.

"Well calm down, you're more stressed out than me."

"Hhh, ok." Yuri huffs before she grabs Merrick by the arm.

"Ow! Hey!"

"You're running late, Merrick. Stop goofing off now."

"Ow, Yuri! You're hurting my arm!"

Most of the guests have arrived at Aquata Cove, at a forest clearing arranged with two sides of chairs. People are still wrapping the white arch with white and gold glimmering ribbon, while someone else tucks in and places wither a shiny flower or a glittering seashell in a specific pattern. "Holy freaking shit, it's fucking cold!" Chloe says as she shakes in her formal black jacket lined with grey fur. "Sssshh, Chloe, there are people here." Rajani says as she tries to quiet Chloe down. "There are people EVERYwhere, babe, I don't care. God, why did I agree to even be here?" "Hahaha, because Adam is your friend and colleague?" "No, Adam is my bitch, and I can't let him forget that. But of all times to have a fucking wedding for fuck's sake! I'm freezing my fucking tits off!" "Chloe, come on," Rajani giggles as they go. Chloe stalks right up to Adam, who is digging around in a duffle bag he brought. "Hey! Fatboy! Is there any reason why you're having everyone get frostbite just to see you suck some fagface??" Adam turned and gave her a scoff. "Well, Chloe, how should I put it? I wanted to show you what hell would look like frozen over so you won't be too disappointed when you get there." "I've BEEN to hell. Every time I have to walk on stage with you is like 5 minutes of torture." "Isn't that what you call your date nights?" Adam asked. "Shut up!" Chloe grits, "Christ's sake, I can't even feel my fucking fingers." "HHnnhheheh," Rajani snickers as she comes up behind Chloe, "Here, darling. Let me warm them." She places her hands over Chloe's to rub and stroke them." "That reminds me, I got that thing you forgot at home." Adam says as he gives Chloe a small Amazon box. "Put it in my pocket." Chloe says, "I have my hands tied here." "Chloe, could you get freaky on your own time?? No one needs to see your creepy abomination of a sex life while I'm trying to be happy for once. This is MY day." "Just put the fucking box in my pocket." Chloe says. "What you say before sex." Adam says as he reaches over and tucks it into the larger lower pockets of Chloe's fur jacket. "Now get out, there's only so much of your evil I can stand at one time." "You're lucky just to look at me, faggot." Chloe says as she and Rajani turns around, "I'll be right back, Raja, I want to get my gloves." Adam chuckled as he turns back to the duffle, "Thanks, you stupid bitch..." He mumbled, "I needed that." His insides feel a little lighter from that exchange. How the hell do these fights with her always make him feel so at ease? He smiles as he brings up the black leather box he was looking for. "Hey, man." Jamal says as he came up to Adam. He turns and smiles at Jamal in a tuxedo. "Wow. Tuxes are a lot sexier than I thought." Adam says, "I'm so having Merrick wear one on our honeymoon." "You found a something for that yet, by the way?" "Oh yeah. We're going to Maui and spending a week and a half at the Wild Rodeo Ranch. It's like a cowboy-themed resort that looks a lot like the Old West." "Oh sweet, I love that place." Jamal grinned, "They got steaks like thick as my arm, I totally went nuts at their buffet." "Awesome." Adam says as he opens the box. Jamal looks to see the sparkling wing-like diamond and platinum cufflinks. "Congratulations, buddy." Jamal says as he gives Adam a pat on the shoulder, "Been waiting a long time for you guys to get married." "Hahah... I'm still waiting for yours." Adam says. "Naw, that ain't me..." Jamal shook his head, "You just get yourself good." "Look, I uh... I know you don't like talking about stuff like this, but... Haven't you ever really thought of, well... Asking Nick to marry you?" "Naw." Jamal chuckled, "He tells me to put a ring on it, he's talking about his junk." "So you never want to make it official?" "Ah love Nick, Adam. That's enough. And besides..." Jamal trails off. "Cheryl...?" "Yeah, that..." Jamal nods, "I love my lil Nicky, but I ain't making those plans again." "What if... He asks you?" "Don't know. He talked about having one of those swinger couples, but it's like we already do that." "Heh... Of course..." Adam shrugged. "Then there's Sasha..." "What about her?" "Well..." Jamal flattened his lips a bit as he tilts his head. Adam widens his eyes as he realizes. "You and her?? Well," Adam scoffed, "Actually, not surprising, she said that once or twice, but are you saying..." "Yeah, we hooked up a few times. And you know... I really like hanging out with her, and she just drives me nuts." "What about Nick??" Adam asked, frankly a bit shocked. "He knows, I've talked to him about it." Jamal nodded and shrugged, "Nuthin different's goin on." "And he's just ok with that?? That you have a crush on Sasha??" "It ain't no crush, I just... I really like her, man. And Nick's coo wit it, I'm still his `El grande de Papi', heh heh." "But... I just don't get it." Adam shrugged, "It seems tricky, isn't it?" "What's not to git?" Jamal asked, "I love Nick, and I'm crazy about Sasha, and all three of us hit off great. Hahah, she even nags Nick about getting in a 3-way with me and her, but he ain't havin that shit. He just gives her a few numbers from guys he knows." "I just... Really, Jamal? Are you talking about a polygamous relationship?" "I... Maybe. I dunno." Jamal shakes his head, "I just, why's it got to be so complicated wit people? Why can't I love two people, especially when they do the same thing? Like that show you watch, Queer As Fuck?" "Queer As Folk. And I don't see how that really applies." "Whatever. Hell, maybe we'll get an apartment together in a few years if we still tight and when my probation is finally over." "You're serious about this..." Adam says, "I-I'm not judging or anything, just... It's kinda weird, you know?" "Hey, I've always fucked around and shit, how's it weird now alla sudden?" "You're talking about romance though, Jamal. Just... I mean, it's gotta be like having too many pets, right? Dividing your love like that and being so casual about it." "Why do I gotta be limited with how I feel? Ain't love a good thing? I mean, I read this thing where a guy was born wit two dicks, right? And he had a bae and a boo just like that. It's that simple." "Well yeah, but..." "Hey man." Jamal patted at his arm, "I don't need no preacher or some fancy paper to tell me how I feel bout people." "Heh... Gee, thanks..." Adam scoffed. "Hey, man, don't be like that. You gettin married." He smirked as he pats his arm again, "Look, whatever I do, or whatever you do, just... You know you still my lil bro, right?" He nudges his fist on Adam's shoulder. "Heh heh... Yeah. You're the best bro a guy could ever ask for." Adam says with a smile, "Your first brother is a real fucktard for letting you go." "Ah shit, Adam..." Jamal says as he turns his face aside and rubbing his fingers under his eyes, "Shit, shut up, man, don't start with that." "Yeah, I'm making it weird. I still love you, you horny bigamist." "What???" Jamal's voice shoots up, "I ain't no bigot, I'm black, dumbass!" He laughs as he wraps his arm around Adam's neck. "Ow! No, Jamal, I said `biga'! BIGA!" "Aw hell naw! No you didn't!" He sneers as he half wrestles Adam around. "Jamal, ow! Careful with my suit, ah!"

The members of the Kenovani mingle amongst themselves, fully clothed and adorned with the many offered cloths, hats, and accessories.

Yuri walks to Merrick's tent, and smiles as she sees him in front of a mirror, along with two of Hanamaru's colleagues, and a couple of Kenovani members who are more adapted for the cold. "Wow, Merrick, you look... Oh my God, you look amazing!"

"Heh, thanks." Merrick smiles as he looks at her reflection. He is dressed in a regal ensemble of robe-style armor. White silk sleeves that have gold scallop pauldrons on either shoulder and locked into place on a mantle of gold placed to the vest of the robe. He wears a small gold nautilus shell for a belt buckle, with the coat reach down to his ankles. And a crown of a gold spiral shells and white pearls around his blond head.

"Oh my gosh, this is the first time I'm actually seeing your robe!" Yuri admires, "It's fantastic!"

"Heh. I basically just browsed Final Fantasy clothing on Google, and told your Mother that I wanted `this, this, and this'."

"Hahah, well you made some awesome choices." The two helpers duck out of the tent to give Merrick and Yuri some time alone, "It's getting pretty crowded in the tent lobby though, and the caterers still need to expand it for the reception. Why aren't your people going to the seating area?"

"The Kenovani are still merfolk, Yuri. And they're scared of humans. They refuse to go to anywhere until they absolutely have to when the ceremony begins. More than half of them are nervous enough as it is just being here. Comparatively, Deilan's wedding was a lot smaller and simpler than this one."

"And why didn't the Kenovani show up for Syrinx's wedding again?"

"Some of them did, Yuri, remember? There were only a few of them because we were recently attacked by Sovereign Urchins, and those things don't make easy injuries." Merrick explains as he looks at the mirror, then wandered his gaze with downcast eyes.

"Merrick?" Yuri tilts her head to look at him, "What's the matter? Are you having doubts?"

"You could say that..." Merrick says with a nod, "It's just... I have a few months left, maybe another half-year at the very most before my body will start to get weak again. I'll have to go back to the Kenovani for several months when that happens."

"Are you sure? Why can't you just spend a day in the water on a regular basis?"

"That's not enough. My body needs more than that."

"Well, I don't see what the problem is. You know Adam's willing to wait for you."

"That's not what I'm concerned about..." Merrick sits down and looks at her, "Yuri, the last time I went into the ocean, Adam was bashed, and he lost everything inside his head. He almost died, Yuri. I was only gone for a week."

"I see..."

"Adam says he always worried about me when I'm at sea with the pod because the ocean is so dangerous. Now I'm terrified of what will happen to him if I leave again..."

"It'll be ok, Merrick." Yuri says as she takes a seat too, "It's already happened once so we can be extra careful."

"It's not that simple, Yuri. I can always be attacked and eaten by a rabid shark at any given moment, just as Adam can maybe get attacked by a violent homophobe at any time..."

"Well... Tell you what." Yuri says, "Me and Jamal can teach him to fight."

"Pghghehheh, what?" Merrick scoffed. Then, he feels something in his brain. His smile fades as his eyes go to the opening of the tent. He hears a soft singing phasing in the air of reality... Like music is being slowly blown away by the wind.

"Hey, I know a handful of martial arts for self-defense, you know that. And Jamal used to live in a `thug' lifestyle -- so he says -- so he knows how to brawl. So you don't need to..." Merrick furrows his brow curiously before he stands up. "Uhhhh, Merrick?"

"Do you hear that?" Merrick asked. He peers out into the lobby, where the merfolk were talking.

"Uuumm... Hear what?" She asked, not certain what to make of this.

"Someone's singing, but... It's weird; it's making me feel weird." He can't seem to find the words to define this.

"..." Yuri pauses and listens, "... I don't think I hear singing."

The breath-like melody rings a strong tone before fading into a wavering sound, "There it is again! I-It's like that singing from Doctor Who!"

"Merrick, I don't watch-"

"The, the, the, the, the 10th Doctor, when he was with Rose, there's this mystic singing, it's like that!" Merrick snaps his fingers as the singing pulls at his attention.

"Merrick, calm down, you're making me nervous." Yuri says as she stands up, "There is NO singing." She assures him, "Everybody is talking, that's all."

"Yuri, I KNOW what I'm hearing!" Merrick says as the song seems to want to yank him out of his tent. The song makes his very body tremble; it's almost scaring him how much the very sound is shaking his core. He steps out from his private area, and strides through the lobby.

"Merrick wait!" Yuri says as she rushes behind him. Merrick pants as he steps out to the cold snow-covered beach. He huffs as he turns, his whole world spinning as the mysterious symphony spirals like an indecisive compass in his brain. "Merrick, you're just having an anxiety attack!" Yuri says as she holds onto Merrick, "Look, just come back inside-"

"NO!" Merrick staggers as he throws her arm out, his eyes squinting as he tries to make some sort of sense with this feeling, until a direction finally settles his eyes from where the rhymic chanting streams inside his mind, "The sea..." He mumbles.

"Merrick, you're just having a nervous breakdown, that's all, it's perfectly natural" Yuri tries to say, "You're going to be fine, just..." Then, Merrick removes the shell crown on his head, "M-Merrick?"

"I have to go." Merrick states as he puts the crown on the rock, and starts to undo is outfit.

"M-Merrick! You're getting married in less than an hour!" Yuri exclaims as Merrick unbuckles the decorative armor, "Can't this wait?!"

"No, I need to know what this is!"

"There isn't anything!" Yuri says as Merrick strips naked, even yanking off his scale necklace, but keeping it gripped in his fist.

"I'll be back!" Merrick says before he immediately dashes into the shore.

"Merrick! WAIT!" But it's too late, Merrick already dives into the water, before she saw the glide of the base of his tail, and the white frilled fin slaps the surface. "Dammit, the snow." She cursed as she quickly picks up the discarded clothing.

Hanamaru watches with estranged eyes as Yuri came back, holding all of Merrick's clothing, "Yuri? What happened?"

"I don't know, Mom. But I think we may have a runaway bride." Yuri said with a frown.

Merrick flaps his tail as hard as he can. Now that he's in the water, he can hear the music clearer. The voice pulls at his soul as he swims out, reaching a rather far distance into the sea. "Who are you!?" He calls out as he looks around. "What am I hearing?!" He turns in circles in the water, his eyes trying to find the direction of the omnipresent music. Finally, his eyes lock on a faint twinkle in the distance. His webbed hands pull him through the water as his tail pushes up and down with his undulating body. The singing gets softer and quieter as he swims as fast as he can, seeing something sparkling as he goes. His eyes widen as he can make out who was waiting for him... "What... By the Sea Mother..." He says before he swims even faster, panting urgently as he races against the icy cold water.

Adam paces around his waiting area by the decorated, seeing people parking their cars near the road of the forest, rather than hiking through the snow. The coming guests go and sign into the guestbook; so far, Bertha has showed up, some of his closest people from the Fish House, Jerry and Carla has just signed in, other well-known performers from the Dream Waltz, and so on. He didn't invite a lot of people, just enough to match the Kenovani's number so both sides of the ceremony is even. He paces back and forth, and then looks up and feels himself smile.

"Adamu-kun." Fumiko says with a formal bow and a bright smile.

"Oh hey, Fumiko, you've made it!" He goes to her and then looks to an older woman next to her, "Hello, I don't believe we've been introduced."

"Hahah, Konichiwa, I am Taeko Kaguya." She introduced herself, her accent rather close to her speaking. "I am Fumiko aunt, I come to bring her."

"Oh, thank you very much for coming. Uh... Just curious, is there a Ryojin with you, orrr..."

"Oh no, Ryojin did not want come." She shook her head, "He and Yuri, no good, eheheheh." She laughed.

"Heh, I hope you don't, like... Hate Yuri,"

"Oh, nononono!" Kaguya assured, "I like Yuri-san! She is good girl, good. Is she here?"

"Ah no, she's actually in a big tent at the beach." Adam gestured before turning and pointing to the sand/snow trail around the down-hill corner of rocks, "Walk there, and turn left, and you'll see it, Fumiko can get ready in there."

"Tank yooouu." She said, "Oh, and present." Kaguya gives Adam a brightly shining wrapping paper as she holds Fumiko's hand and walks her down.

"Oh, thank you, arigatou gozaimasu!" He tells her before he goes and puts it with the other gifts.

As everyone talks and gets ready, a short figure in a white cloak looks about them all. The hood covers the face, and no one seems to notice her as she walks by. As she goes, snowflakes fly gently around her while she slowly approaches the altar.

"Ummmmm..." Arnaav thought, "No, I don't hear anything like that." "Are you sure?" Yuri asked, "It just made him go crazy in just a few minutes flat. Is it just a Piscien thing then?" "I don't think so, Sensei." Arnaav answers, "If it were, the others would've said something by now." "Any clue where Merrick could have gone?" She inquired. Arnaav merely shrugged with an estranged look of his brow. Meanwhile, Merrick walks out of the shore, with the scale necklace around his neck, his body drenched with seawater. He looks at the beautiful weapon in his hand, before planting it into the snow-covered sand, and then sprinting back to the large tent. He strides into the warmth, and grabs one of the towels. "Oh my God, THERE you are!" Yuri's angry voice says as Merrick presses the towel into his face, "You're killing me, you know that, Merrick?! Do you realize what time it is?! Where WERE you!?" "Where's your Mother??" Merrick asked her, ignoring her questions, "I need her." "I- Uh- She's over there, talking to your leaders," Yuri pointed out, "Merrick, what-" Before she can talk, Merrick walks as fast as he can to Hanamaru, wrapping the towel around his waist as he goes. "Yuri!" Kaguya says, instant catching her attention. "Oh, Kaguya! [I am so glad you came!]" Yuri says in Japanese. "[Hello, Fumiko, thank you for coming...]" Fumiko is out of focus right now, as a half-naked Merrick has just passed her, "Ahhh..." "Fumiko. Fumiko!" Yuri snapped her fingers. "Wha- Ah, nani?" "[We need to get you ready! I will take you to where you can change clothes.]" "Hai." Fumiko smiled as she followed Yuri. Arnaav idly pushes and feels at the small shiny pillow he was given, liking the feel of it in his hands. He's nice and warm now, and he's actually pretty excited to get started with this human ritual that's happening. Then, his ears catch a very familiar laughter. He gasps as he quirks his head up, and beams as sees his human walking a short distance from him, "Hhh! Fumiko!" He whispered with glee. "I hold complete responsibility of my pod," Triton Samudra tells her, "Being near a gathering like this is most unsettling to say the least." "We simply cannot ask them to risk themselves to the presence of humans more than they already have." Noita Vanora adds. "I understand, but I assure you, no one who is coming to day is aware that you are not humans." Hanamaru replies, "As we have explained, we have already thought of a backstory to-" "Hana, I need to talk with you!" Merrick says hastily as he takes her arm. "Ah! O-Ok," Hanamaru stammers as he pulls her away, "Merrick, why aren't you dressed? I thought you were getting ready." "Never mind that. Just how many materials do you have??" He asked quickly, "Is there enough to go around??" "U-Uh, Why- Yes, I brought enough to clothe twice as many people as you've brought just in case, why?" "Ok, I need you, come with me." He takes her hand, "And just so you know, I'm going to be doing most of the talking." "A-Alright." Hanamaru says as she walks with Merrick out into the snow.

"It's almost time..." Adam says, his insides churning like crazy, "Hoh my God, I think I might throw up."

"Dude, you need to chill; we're already out here in the cold." Nick pointed out.

"Oh hey, is that them?" Harold asked as he looked at the robed people coming to the seating area.

"Huh? Oh yeah, that's the Kenovani." Adam answered, his whole body still shaking. Him, Jamal, Nick, Harold, and Kevin have all put on their cufflinks, Arnaav is currently with them holding what looks like a metallic miniature giant clam in his hands that contains the rings, and the girls are waiting on the other side of the clearing behind the trees.

"Ok." Jamal crouches down to Arnaav's level, "You know what to do, lil man?"

"Yes!" Arnaav nods quickly.

"Ok..." Adam's insides continue to squirm as he looks over the scene. The left half of the rows of seats occupy his relatives and close friends -- his grandparents, his dearest coworkers from Kele Kolika Pier. The right side of the seating is being used for the whole of the Kenovani pod. Adam sends a quick text to Hanamaru, letting her know that they're ready.

A minute after, a select few mermaids walk up to a platform set up for them, all of them wearing light gold colored robes with crescent moon brooches, to signify that they are to be the choir. Vanora stands before them, ready to conduct them.

As well as a very discrete hooded figure, blending in next to the row of Coshiton mermaids. None of them seem to notice the addition.

Noita Vanora raises a unique baton made of pearl and starts to gently wave it to begin the song. Four of the mermaids release a harmony for the background for the song.

"~Look at this stuff ~Isn't it neat? ~Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?~" A single mermaid begins to sing, before two and three join in on the lyrics, "~Wouldn't you think I'm the one? ~The one who has everything?~"

Firstly, Erin makes her way to down the carpet, carrying a very large book, wearing her billowing black robe. She comes to the middle to the silver ornate podium, where she places the book.

The mermaids overlap their singing in a beautiful round of the lyrics. "~Look at this trove~"

"~Treasures untold~"

"~How many wonders can one cavern hold?~" Triton Samudra walks from the right side of the trees as he holds his trident in his free hand. He makes it to the archway, and takes his seat at the front row on the right. "~Looking around, people think ~He has everything~"

"Huh?" Adam looked at him as he goes. Wasn't Samudra supposed to walk Merrick down the aisle? "Guess he just decided to go it alone..."

Harold nodded to Nick before he walks forward. He walks himself down the aisle and stood in place on the on a step of the altar. "~I wanna be ~Where the people are~" Nick follows shortly after, and stood next to Harold, "~I wanna seeeee~" Kevin walks down the isle as the singing goes, and took his place next to Harold, "~Wanna see them danciinnng ~Walking around on their feet~"

Jamal squeezes Adam's shoulder gently. Adam's stomach continues to solidify as he nodded, and Jamal walks off. "~Up where they walk ~Up where they run ~Up where they stay all daaaaay in the suuuun~" Jamal soon stands right next to Harold at the front, as the Best Man, "~Wanderin' free ~Wish I could be~ Part of that wooorrrld~"

"Are you ready, son?" Whispers Luther. Adam takes a deep breath, and nods.

"Yes... I'm ready..." While the mermaids continue to sing wonderfully, Adam turns, and hugs both of his parents. "Thank you, Mom, Dad... Thank you so much for everything, I love you both..." Donna sniffs as she cries quietly as she pats Adam's back. It's finally happening; Their son is finally getting married.

"~What would I give ~If I could live ~Out of these waters?~" Luther and Donna took hold of each other's arms, and proceeded to walk the aisle. The two of them come to the front, and take their seats in the front left row. "~What would I pay ~To spend a daaaay warm on the saaaand? ~Wager on land ~They understand ~That they don't ~Reprimand their loved ones~ I am ready to staaaaannnd~"

Adam takes a deep breath again and moves his legs, one after the other. His heart feels fit to explode as he finds himself going forward, onto the beautiful archway -- the top of it has a beautiful pair of angel wings posed in a heart-shape with a regal murex shell standing dignified within it. The both sides of the archway is decorated with small seashells and sea stars and elaborately formed coral branches, along with the ribbon and flowers and garlands royal feathers, all placed, wrapped, and arranged symmetrically in on the stalks of the archway.

Vandora settles the singing for a small pause as Adam starts at the end of the aisle, "~What would I give ~To live where you are ~What would I pay ~To stay here beside you?~" Adam's chest practically vibrates while he walks down the way, until he finally steps up to one side of the altar, and turns to everyone, holding his hands down formally like the other men.

The harmony climbs in volume flows with the words, "~Where would we walk? ~Where would we run?~" Syrinx emerges from the trees around the corner, wearing a beautiful sky blue fur dress with a glittered shell brooch attached to the satin sash on her left shoulder. She holds a small flower bouquet decorated with white and yellow flowers, as she then takes her place up front at the altar.

"~If we could stay all day in the sun?~" The mermaids hymned as Belinda walks gradually next, wearing almost the exact same dress as Syrinx, but with a different type of shell brooch on her shoulder, also holding a small bouquet of flowers, "~Just you and me ~And I could be ~Part of your wooorrrld~" Nerissa makes her way down the isle with a light blue dress with sleeves on it, wearing a simple band around her head with a sparkling shell on her forehead, before she puts herself next to Syrinx and Belinda.

Yuri comes next, smiling as she too holds a bouquet of white roses wrapped in gold ribbons. Her lovely dress is light blue, her hair is tied up in a beautiful ponytail set with a jeweled crescent moon on the back. "~I don't know when ~I don't know how But I know something's starting right nooow~" Yuri takes her spot at the archway, turning to the people as the Matron of Honor

The mermaids slow the progress of the song as the last two attendees.

Arnaav then comes onto the carpet before him. He wears a silk black robe with gold trims around the front and cuffs in his sleeves, and a gold painted pair of very small ribbed clamshells right under his neck to resemble a nautical bowtie. "~Watch and you'll seeeee ~Some day I'll be ~Part of yooouuur woooorrrrllld~" The boy holds the small giant clam-shaped treasure box that contains the black pearl ring and the white gold diamond ring within. Arnaav walks over to Adam's side and stands right next to Jamal.

Fumiko comes to the aisle, holding a silver basket filled with white, pink, and yellow rose petals. Wearing a pretty sky blue kimono, her hair is groomed and styled with a pair of sparkling chopsticks placed in a round bun in her hair. She delicately takes a handful of petals, and throws them to her side. She takes another, and lets the handful of flowers fly from her hand. She scattered the petals evenly, distributing the petals as she walks over to Merrick's side, and stands right next to Yuri. "~Out of the seeaaa~"

"~One day I'll beeee~"

"~Part of yooouuurrrr woooorrrrrllllld~!" The mermaids finish with a long and soulful note.

Then, Vanora conducts the bridal entrance song, bringing a sudden rise of pitch from them, their volume and their voices almost literally sounding like angels! Adam's breath gets trapped in his chest as he peers over. The mermaids raise their marvelous voices in climbing tones of the beginning of the hymn. Everyone gets up out of their seats and turns towards the path Merrick is arriving.

The mermaids sing a very soft rhythm of `Here Comes The Bride' as fulfilling music. Everyone beamed as they see Merrick walk along the carpet, wearing the golden seashell armor/robe with the pearl and spiral shell crown with a dazzling white full-length coat while a long, brilliant white cape is draped from under his shoulders and trailing on the floor. Everyone stares in wonder at the great crystal trident he holds in his hands. It shimmers with the light, designed so elegantly with some small seashells tied together and around the top base of the three-pronged top.

With both of his hands holding the crystal trident, someone else is holding his left arm softly. Everyone becomes awestruck as the taller woman of long platinum blonde hair escorts Merrick slowly down the aisle. Wearing a light iridescent white/pink/blue cloak-styled dress and wearing a white glittering circlet around her head, the angelic woman looks to the archway as she guides him to his fiancé.

Adam watches with great disbelief as the two merfolk approach him. What are the odds of her being here, on the very day of their wedding? And that trident! It's the most beautiful aquatic artifact he's ever seen. Now that this is happening, that trident is a much more appropriate item for him than the large bouquet of flowers he was initially going to hold at this time. And it looks as though it's made out of pure diamond, just how did they manage that??

The mermaids' beautiful song drifts around the gentle snow around them as Umiato delivers her son to the altar. Merrick turns to her, his eyes brimming with emotion as she stands here, surrounded by humans, involved with a human ritual of which she has never heard of before.

Umiato smiles lovingly down on her son, her perfect hands going to hold the gilded scallop pauldrons on his shoulders. His aura is a wellspring of limitless light and profound euphoria; his very essence shines brighter than his vestments made of treasure.

Her hand lifts Merrick's crown up a little, before she leans forward, and kisses his forehead. Umiato crouches lower so her shrouded arms would wrap around Merrick to hold him close. With one arm holding his trident, Merrick hugs her back with his other arm, prolonging this tender moment with his mother for as long as he can...

"I love you so much, my Son..." Umiato whispers very quietly.

She stands back up from him, smiling as she strokes her palm on his cheek, before gently drifting away from him. Umiato slowly walks away from the altar, holding her hands before her and feeling a gathering gust of snowy winds blow around her. Everyone watches as this mysterious woman walks straight forward into the woods, more snow and wind blowing around her as she goes, until she completely disappears.

Merrick sniffs as he smiles, watching the beautiful veils of her dress billow into an intangible aurora in the calming breezes, wishing there was something he can say or do to have her stay... If anything... But this is good enough... She has done so much for him already...

Kevin and Syrinx then accordingly go and detach Merrick's cape. They bring it to behind the archway, and clip it above to repurpose the clean, waterproof garment as a pure curtain behind, before both of them resume their places on either side of the grooms.

The mermaids of the Kenovani then leave their posts, and retreat to their seats on the right side along with the other Coshitons, right after everyone sits back down. The person in the white hooded cloak watches now next to a nearby tree, seeing Merrick and Adam turn to face the human wearing a black sail around her body, the one with the short and wave-like yellow baleen on her head...

"Dearly beloved," Erin begins, "We are gathered here in the presence of God before these bright and brave souls; to bring these members of the land and sea together in holy matrimony. My name is Justice Erin Connolly, and I have the privilege of performing this ceremony today. On behalf of Adam and Merrick, welcome and thank you all for coming."

Merrick's right hand grips crystal trident as his chest becomes tense excitement, while Adam keeps his hands together over his belt.

"This gathering is to be commended for honoring all who stand before adversity." Erin continues with her ministration, "God does not make a love that is wrong. This is the union of two individuals in heart, body, mind, and soul." Donna covers her mouth with a soft cloth as she can hardly keep her emotions from overflowing, while Luther pats his wife's hand as he listens to Erin's sermon.

"Therefore, it is not meant by any to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly." Erin states, "But reverently, and solemnly. Into this holy estate, these two people who are present now, have come to be joined."

"Marriage is a sacred union between a mate and their partner and shall remain unbroken. It is the basis of a stable and loving relationship and is an intertwining of two people who join together to strive throughout life." Vanora watches in awe of men's auras, seeing the bliss of the immense light, it's almost blinding to look at them, while Samudra watches with a proud smile. "These sanctioned lovers are here to support one another and provide love and care in times of joy and times of sorrow."

"We are all here today to witness the joining in the wedded bliss of Adam James Bryant and Merrick Triton Piscien." Erin gestures her hand to the both of them as she names them, "This joyous day celebrates the commitment and love with which Adam and Merrick start their lives together. Through the powers that be, you are joined together in the most holiest of bonds."

"And now, Adam and Merrick would like to exchange their words of endearment to one another." Erin announces. Merrick takes a breath, and turns to Yuri. He gives her his trident, before he turns back to Adam. Meanwhile, Arnaav clicks wavy clam lockbox to open it and reveals a shiny cushion with the two rings placed upon the middle. The boy holds it up as Jamal reaches down to take the two rings, "Take your hands with the other." Erin tells them. Adam raises his hands, and gently takes Merrick's into his, "And recite your vows."

"Merrick..." Adam begins, "You are the one. You are the one I would always have belonged. All the years we've shared, and all the years we're going to share, you are the one. I think I would've always known who you are, like we've known each other for a long time before we were even born. Even when I was in a coma, and I awoke with amnesia." Adam's eyes rim, "Even on that day when I woke up and remembered nothing, I knew. I knew it was you all along, nobody had to tell me." Merrick sniffled as he smiles, "My soul knew it was you the whole time. And the entire recovery, I couldn't stop thinking of you, my body healed as fast as it could just for the chance to have you back with me. And as I always have, I waited for you to come back. And like you always have in the past, you returned to me, and you gave back to me what was taken away from me. Merrick, you hold everything that I am. You are my heart, my love, and my greatest treasure. And I will never forget you, no matter what happens in this life. I won't lose what we have. Ever again."

"Adam..." Merrick starts, "Never in my youngest years would I even think a day like this would come. You know where I come from, where I have been, what I have lived with, and the kind of world I came from... And you've broadened my horizons to a boundless sky with unimaginable heights. You ARE my world, Adam. You, here, you are the one place I will always be. You are the sole reason I have to live. I have been so lost, so many times." Merrick shook his head once, "I have fallen into rage and despair, and I lost everything in the darkness. But at every turn, your light shines across the depths and saves the day. No matter how far I run, my world is right there waiting for me. No matter how much I stray, your loyalty never wavers for one moment. No matter how shattered my heart breaks at one time, I will always find the fragments collected and washed up on your shore. No matter how much hurt I have to feel, your path is there to erase my suffering and make me whole again. When I have nothing, you become everything."

After they finished, Erin continues, "May we have the rings, please?" Adam turns around as Jamal lets the small items fall into his palm. Adam turns back, and gives Merrick one of the rings. "And now, you will give one another your vows; these are the fundamental promises of which you pledge yourself to one another, manifest as the wedding rings you will now give to one another."

"Merrick, I give you this ring," Adam shows the platinum and white cold ring with swirl-like lines welded with small diamonds and one larger diamond on the center, "That you may wear it, as a symbol of the miracle that you have always been to me since the day I met you." Adam takes Merrick's left hand, and puts the ring to his fingertip, "I pledge you my soul, my light, my faith, my courage, and my embrace." Adam slides the ring down to the knuckle, "I will never let the darkness take you away from me again. Because I'll always be there to bring you back."

"Adam, I give you this ring," Merrick shows the black pearl ring with curved white lines all around the band with one complete white pearl on the middle, "That you may wear it, as a symbol of the journey that began so long ago when my eyes met yours under a single night." Merrick takes Adam's left hand, and puts the ring to his fingertip, "I pledge you my heart, my life, my passion, my hope, and my devotion." Merrick slides the ring down to the knuckle, "I promise, nothing will ever keep me from protecting our bond. I will endure and fight with all that I have to safeguard my world."

Erin nods after they turn to face her, "Now may those who wear these rings live in love all their days. May the love, which has brought you together, continue to grow and enrich your lives." Erin continues, "May you continue to meet with courage any problems, which may arise to challenge you. May your relationship always be one of love and trust. May the happiness you share today remain with you always. And may the promises and the deeds we have borne witness today become a living truth in your lives."

"If any person can show just cause why these two people may not be joined together," Erin says as she gazes over the two sides of guests, "Let them speak now or forever hold their peace." There comes a silent pause that lasts for 5 seconds, "Very well then." She gives a smile and a nod.

"Do you, Adam Bryant, take Merrick, to be your truly beloved husband?" She started with Adam, "Do you promise to love and cherish him, for better or for worse, through times of ease and hardship? To work by his side and dream in his arms, and to endure keep him in your heart, for so long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Adam says with a smile brimming with euphoria.

"Do you, Merrick Piscien, take Adam, to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Erin turns to Merrick, "To share your life openly, stand with him in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow? Fill his heart and nurture his soul, to stand by his side and protect him to the very core of your being, to cherish and love forever more?"

"I do." Merrick nods as his insides overflow with emotion.

"Then by the power vested in me by the State Court of Law, I hereby pronounce you Man and Husband." She concluded with a nod, "You may now kiss the Groom."

Merrick and Adam turn to each other again, and lean in. Their lips meet and kissed one another, just as the sound of sacred bells ring between them from a nearby speaker. They lap several times before they slow, and Adam holds the back of Merrick's head as Merrick nuzzles his lips against him.

Light applause breaks from the guests as they hold hands and turn to the others. Adam and Merrick turn to face the crowd and raise their hands, causing the clapping to grow stronger. Around several points of the gathering, a few of the mermen from the Kenovani open a few cages and emit a low-frequency sound. Suddenly a fluttering gale of luna moths and morpho butterflies fly from multiple sources and flutter everywhere out of their temperate containers, scattering and flying all around the guests.

Adam and Merrick laugh and beam as the beautiful fairy-like insects fly up from around everyone, profoundly surprising everyone before flying up and into the sky, the flashes of blue and wings of light gliding up and escaping the cold air; the mystical singing of the mermaids incidentally made the atmosphere tolerable for the butterflies and moths during the entrance procedure.

Meanwhile, a short distance off from the chairs and merriment, Umiato stands there, watching everyone from afar, her hands upon two shoulders to channel her magic to fend off the harsh chill. Kaiken shivers as his stern eyes take in the humans and the Coshitons cheering for his son and the human he is mated to, while Brishen chuckles as he too shakes from the sheer cold around them; even with Umiato's power coating the both of them with isolating energy, their partially naked bodies still can barely take the gentle ice all around them, sitting on the rocks as their legs lie motionless below them, while Kaiken still holds something akin to a watery basket to hold a precious object within.

The hooded person who was spying on the ceremony walks to the three of them to stand next to her mother and father.

"So..." Kaiken mutters as a puff of fog rolls from his mouth, "That is the ritual humans do for their love..."

Over on the beach, a vast tent has been set up and arranged against the rocks. The area has been cleared and warmed so the winter frost does not interfere with the enjoyment. Inside the tent, several electric heaters are set up within along with many tables and chairs, decorated with white sheets and gold satin sashes and glittered seashells, coral branches, and flowers. Each table has been littered with silver and brass confetti of crescent moons and spikey suns. On one side of the tent, people have placed and arranged the mountain of wedding gifts -- ones that are boxed and wrapped are from Adam's guests, while Merrick's guests gave unique and hand-made items, right next to the containers holding all of the Kenovani's belongings. Right next to the table of gifts, sits a rather tall wedding cake -- white in color, the designs resemble golden suns and silver moons, adorned with small sugar birds or sea animals of varying species, with a diminutive plastic Adam and Merrick under an archway on the top. On the other side of the tent, a handful of KFC cooks operate and work on several piping hot plates and metal cookware, producing fried, grilled, and extra crispy chicken along with jojos, mashed potatoes, gravy, and biscuits; much to Donna's annoyance -- for a formal affair such as a wedding, she still thinks Adam and Merrick should have ordered for a more elegant catering, but she did make a personal promise while Adam was comatose. At the back of the tent, there is a long, long table where the VIP are seated. Adam and Merrick will sit at the middle, with the crystal trident mounted in front of the table with the large bouquet Merrick was originally going to carry down the isle, attached right on the center of the trident's shaft. On the left side, sits Donna and Luther, with Jamal and Nick right next to them, Harold and Belinda, and Fumiko sits at the end with her aunt nearby. While on the right side sits Samudra and Vanora, besides Yuri and Arnaav, next to Syrinx and Kevin, and Adras Nerissa and Hecolt nearby. "Oy, oy! Head's up people!" Sasha's voice echoes through the mic; she has volunteered to be the DJ of the reception, "For the first time anywhere, here comes out favorite gay couple, Adam and Merrick!" She grins as she switches on a song as the curtain doors open as the newlyweds come in. "~Cause you'll BEEEEE in my heart~" Phil Collins sings from the speakers as Adam and Merrick enter, Adam wearing his lightly snow-covered tuxedo, and Merrick in his royal armor robes. They smile as they walk, arm-in-arm, "~No matter what they say~" They smile as they wave to all of their loved ones as they all applaud, several people tossing handfuls of rice to them as they go. "~From this day on ~Now and forEEEVver more~" The song carries the short intro as they take their seats at the center of the long table. "Right, right, excellent party so far, you two, I am loving every bit of it!" Sasha says with a playful grin, "One day when I have my 7th or 8th marriage, I might just ask for the same thing." A few people chuckle, "Not that I'd divorce. I'm just greedy, hah!" A few more people laugh, for those who know just how active Sasha's sex life is. "Ok! Let's get down to business!" Sasha goes on, "At this time, can Jamal Tucker come up here, it's time for your Best Man speech!" Sasha then plays another song for Jamal's approach. "~I'm too sexy for my shirt ~Too sexy for my shirt ~So sexy, it hurts ~And, I'm too sexy for Milan ~Too sexy for Milan ~New York, and Japan~" The music stops as soon as Jamal gets up on the stage and he takes up the mic, "Aight, what up, people!" He starts, "Thanks for the into, Sash. Or as you might say it: See ya later tonight." He gives a playful wink and finger-gun gesture to her, gaining a few scandalous whoops from a few people, "For those who don't know, my name's Jamal, and I'm Adam's roommate and brotha-from-anotha-motha. Those who don't know? Your loss." He said with a light chuckle from people. "Aight, so I been told that when I get up here, I am to avoid, as Mrs Bryant described to me, `vulgar and graphic imagery', for my Best Man speech." He says with a slow nod, "But I don't knowing what the ass-fuckin hell that's supposed to mean, so gotta deal in cluster fuck all'around." There came a rather sheepish laugh from people there. "Hey, I'mma be me!" Jamal smirked as Donna gives a smirk and shameful shake of her head, "I'mma be me. Ya know, Merrick may be marrying Adam, but yall know Adam's been mah bitch since day one. Well." He shrugs, "Besides Chloe, she has him all kinds of messed up." The people snicker as he goes on, "Aight aight, serious though, Adam. You know I don't like getting personal an' all that, but you really are my brother. You took me in and you fixed me up all those years ago. And Yuri..." Jamal says as he looks at her, "... Screw it, you kick mah ass every chance you get!" The crowd laughs a little from that, "I ain't kiddin! She comin at me with all sorts of ninja shit back then! I ask for ONE date, and you fuckin threw me across the house!" "Hahaha, naw naw, I digress." Jamal says, "Both a'yall been like family to me. And I'm real honored to be here for one of your special day. Which leads me to Merrick!" He says with a gesture, "Mah homeboy!" He chuckles, "I gotta say, that was spectacular seeing you go down that aisle. Who was that walkin ya down, was that yo Mom, wadn't?" He asked, earning a smile and nod from Merrick, "Ah my God, that was yo Mom, awesome! Love that she can be here!" He nodded enthusiastically, "Least she's not gonna yank my ear off when I'm done with this damn speech." He earns a few chuckles from that. "But Merrick, outta everyone here, I think you best understand what I had to go through in my life. When you and I talk, I can just tell you get me, ya know? You feel me, man. Adam may be my brother, but you and me relate so much, and I consider myself lucky to know you. You taught me that we're never alone when we walk through hell... And you're living proof that anyone can come back alive and still end up with a bit of heaven waiting for you." "Congratulations, the both a'yall." Jamal says with a smile before he pats his chest with his fist and points it towards them, "I love you guys. Thank you for letting me be apart of yo lives." He gets a warm round of applause as he sets the mic down, and gets off stage. Sasha gets right back up to adjust a few options on the computer and music system. "Right, awesome Jamal." Sasha waves off before continuing on, "Now I would like you all to turn your attention for the Matron of Honor. Come on up, Yuri!" "~Koi wo shite ~Owari wo tsuge ~Chikau koto wa: ~Kore ga saigo no heartbreak ~Sakura sae kaze ~No naka de yurete ~Yagate hana wo sakasu yo~" Yuri smiles as she walks up and takes the place on up after the short verse of Utada Hikaru, "Thank you so much, Sasha." Yuri nods to her, "Hello, I am Yuri, I am also Adam's roommate, I've known him for years, ever since we both moved here. And Jamal..." She leers at him, making a few people snicker, shaking her head a little "You know, as a doctor, one would think I am always in perfect health. But Jamal..." Jamal grins to keep himself from laughing, "God, you make me sick." A few people laugh at her remark. "You love it!" Jamal calls out casually, "You know you love it!" "Hah, yeah, sure, I love it." Yuri rolls her eyes, "I love you like one of your dates loves seeing their tests come back negative." A lot of people break out with laughter, Jamal howls as he leans back, clapping his hands one at a time. "But lets not talk about Jamal's long list of mates. Let's get to why we're here." She smiles at the happy couple over yonder, "Oh my God, I still can't believe you two are married! But I have to say, I REALLY wish you picked like, I don't know, April, July, or some other month that doesn't result in me getting frostbite. People often accuse me of being cold in nature, and nothing makes that feel truer than your wedding. Write THAT in your vows; our loved ones forever preserved on ice." She said snidely. "You guys," Yuri continued, "It is beyond amazing that two people such as yourselves can be in love for as long as you have, gone through as much as you did, and fight as hard as you've gone. As your doctor, your roommate, and your friend, I can't tell you how overjoyed I am to finally be here at your wedding. Despite me not being able to feel anything important -- you know, like my hands and my feet, thank you -- everything I see here is just completely wonderful." "It's been a hard year." Yuri says, "I had a first-hand fear that I would lose one of the best friends I have ever had. Both of you are so strong and brave, I know I couldn't do some of the things you two face everyday. As you begin your lives together officially, I will always be there for the both of you, because you are in the best years of your lives and you should..." She said with a hint of tears in her eyes, "You should be alive to see it. You deserve everything you have done today, and more. Thank you so much for letting me be apart of your family, and I wish you both the best." She puts the mic back up, and Sasha replaces her. "Alright, brilliant. If anyone would like to give a few words to the husband and groom, one of those blokes over there will be going around with a camera, so let him know when and what you would like to say. For now, it is time for Adam and Merrick come up front and center." She says with a grin as Adam and Merrick get up, and walk around the table onto the floor. Sasha adjusts a few knobs, and then clicked to turn on the song Adam and Merrick have picked. A piano plays a simple, singular tune before the background music comes to make a more welcoming mood. The soft pound of the drums makes a strong and steady rise in the melody as Adam and Merrick face each other. Adam puts one fist behind his back, while holding his arm out in front of him, while at the same time Merrick holds his hands together in a prayer-like pose, and the both of them bow to each other. "~If you can't see through the darkness ~Use my light ~I'll be fine, ~This is all familiar~" Adam's arm moves up, and meets with Merrick's arm as they hold an X-pose as they walked in a circle around. "~Because I've been there ~One foot in front of the other ~Everything will be O.K. please believe me ~Stay strong and you will see~" Merrick turns and backs into Adam, with Adam tenderly holding Merrick's wrists as they waltz softly around, "~These tears will disappear ~Like all the ones who've done you wrong~" Merrick nudges Adam as they walk around to the music, "~Give it a moment and take a breath ~This too shall all be gone~" The music slows as the singer in the speakers comes to an endearing lyric, just as Merrick turns to face Adam, one hand holding the other as they dance, "~We will make it, we're stronger~" Merrick's eyes sparkle with tears as he remembers that night under the red moon, the first time a sorrowful and terrified little merman first laid eyes on young oblivious teenager, "~For all the pain they put us through~" Adam twirls Merrick around as they dance, "~Words won't hurt us no longer~" Merrick lets go and spins once, "~Our dreams will be what get us through~" They hold each other. "~And when it feels like your whole world is ending~" Merrick dips Adam as the song goes on. All of those days at the cove, meeting, talking, asking questions, finding about one another, that cave was their own world, all for them "~Remember me and know that I'm the one saying~" "~It gets better, believe me~" Adam smiles as he remembers all those farewells he had to say when Merrick had to go back to his pod for another six months. All that waiting just seems like a dream now. "~It gets better ~You'll see~" The song continues as Adam waltzes with Merrick "~Soon one day you will find love ~And look back at when you were young ~And only see the good days~" Adam smiles as he recalls when he took Merrick to the docks for the first time... He was so cautious, excited, and impressed about every little thing. "~When there's no one in your way~" "~Butterflies, you'll fall in love~" Merrick blushes and smiles as Adam twirls him, "~Get on one knee with a ring ~And then you two will be married~" They wish they can relive that moment on the pier, when Adam proposed to Merrick "~And maybe then start a family~" "~These tears will disappear ~Like all the ones who've done you wrong~" Adam's eyes feel weaker as he can't help but recall the Agency; when they captured and tortured them both, "~Give it a moment and take a breath ~This too shall all be gone ~We will make it ~We're stronger~" Their loved ones got them out alive. Evil was stifled and love pulled them through, "~For all the pain they put us through ~Words won't hurt us no longer ~Our dreams will be what get us through ~And when it feels like your whole world is ending ~Remember me and know that I'm the one saying~" The nightmares may never stop, but the dreams will get them through the dark memories. "~It gets better, believe me ~It gets better, you'll see~" The song reaches a strong point as Adam and Merrick turn, twirl, step, sway, in circles as everyone watches, "~Look up to the sky ~When all else fails ~There's gotta be something out there~" Adam and Merrick asserts more momentum into their movements, "~You saw the beauty around ~Like a simple flower ~I promise you this, love exists~" They slow down almost immediately, looking into each others eyes, "~It will get better, believe me ~It will get better, You will see~" The drums and music kicks back up again. "~We will make it, we're stronger ~For all the pain they put us through~" Merrick can't ever shake the devastation he felt when Adam was put into that coma. He lost everything that mattered to him all at once. "~Words won't hurt us no longer ~Our dreams will be what get us through ~And when it feels like your whole world is ending ~Remember me and know that I'm the one saying ~It gets better, believe me ~It gets better, you'll see~" Merrick looks up into those loving brown eyes. He came back... His Adam came back from the dead... He came home. With his hand on his waist, Adam leads Merrick around in a circulating waltz as the song goes into a slowing conclusion. "~It will get better~ ~It will get better~ ~It will get better~ ~It will get better~ ~It will get better~ ~It will get better~ ~It will get better~" They ended the dance in the middle, holding one another, and moving in for a kiss as everyone claps for them.

The curtains of the large tent opens, as Adam and Merrick and some of the guests from the Kenovani enter the chilled outside. Merrick holds the mystical trident in his hands, smiling as he looks at it.

"So... Where did you get that?" Adam asked him, tapping on the weapon.

"My Mother and Father made it. The same way my Mother and I made your wedding ring." Merrick smiles cutely.

"Oh, wow, really? How?"

"It's called `Reformation'." He explains, "It's when a Noita and a Triton come together to create something in a completely different way, kind of like alchemy from FullMetal Alchemist."

"Hahaha, what?"

"Well it's not as flashy." Merrick chuckled, "It requires the power of a Noita and the imagination of a Triton to synchronize and reform an object into something completely new."

"You're sure it was your Dad? I thought he wasn't cool with you and me."

"It can ONLY be done with a Noita and a Triton; so either my Mother forced my Father into doing it, or... My Father wanted to do this for me. After all, when I reached them before the ceremony, they were both there waiting for me, and he was holding it."

"Oh gosh..." Adam says as he rubs Merrick tenderly. Even he can tell what this means for him.

"He forgave me, Adam..." Merrick smiled as he looks at the crystalline staff, "My Father... Gave me back my trident..."

Adam gives a soft kiss on Merrick's cheek and rubbed his against the other. Curious, Adam reaches down to deftly touch the shaft, "Ah, it's freezing!"

"Hahah, yeah." Merrick nodded, "It was created from the heart of a glacier. Merfolk of icy waters are able to extract and exploit ice like this."

"Does that mean it's going to melt??"

"No. That's the beauty of it." Merrick says as the trident glimmers from the post-lights around the sand and snow, "It's a kind of ice that will never melt. It's a boreal crystal that will always stay cold. And there's more..."


"Take hold of it." Merrick tells him. Adam reaches, and holds the ice rod in his hand. Merrick plants the trident between them, with ornate 3-pointed end pointing to the sky, "You know how King Triton of Atlantica can create lightning with his trident?"

The entire trident glimmers with a cyan light once, and Adam's attention is immediately drawn to the sky. His jaw drops as the clouds form a circle, clearing very quickly and revealing the beautiful sky. "Whoa..."

"This trident isn't made for combat," Merrick added. Adam looks, and gasps as he sees the snow wafting away from them. The freezing powder whirls and blows back, revealing the sand around them and clearing the path and the shore in a more convenient way, "It was made for you and me."

"Hah! Wow...!" Adam says awestruck. He looks up, and becomes breathless as he observes the moon. The ice particles in the air have formed a radiant lunar halo in the sky, framing the bright and full moon above like a giant divine ring.

The posts around the decorated area light brighter as some of the guests come out for either a breath of fresh air, or to dance to the song of the speakers outside.

Adam smiles as he hears the rising and steady rhythm of the theme of Free Willy by Michael Jackson, "Oh my God, that song. I haven't heard that in years." He grins as the nostalgia draws him in, "Come on," He takes Merrick's hand, "Lets go eat, I'm starving."

"Heh heh heh," Merrick smiles as he comes along.

"Hannhhg, hanhgn, armnomnom," Arnaav tucks into the crunchy chicken and jojos, stripping the meat away with his teeth as he finally eats the fried delicacy. As he chews, he looks across the lobby, and sees Fumiko. Arnaav blushes and gulps down his food as he casts his eyes down. She only knows him as an otter... Would she still love him if she knew it was him the whole time? Would she be mad if she thinks he's been lying to her? His little chest throbs with indecision as he looks up at her with longing, almost feeling like whining or going off to hide his sadness.

"Hey, Arnaav." Yuri says, sitting right next to him.

"Hm?" Arnaav looks, and his eyes immediately go to the colorful and sparkling butterfly accessory Fumiko lost so long ago. He beamed up at Yuri before she takes a moist wet nap, and cleaned up his face around his mouth. She would then place the small treasure into his little hands, and rub his shoulder.

"Go ahead." She encouraged, "Go to her. Wait," She adjusts his hair a little, before nodding in approval, "There."

"O-Ok..." Arnaav says, completely nervous. His insides pounding like crazy, he scoots off the chair, holding the hairpiece with both hands as he walks over to her. Shaking from head to foot, Arnaav takes a deep breath, "Se-Sumimasen. F-Fumiko-chan?"

"Hm?" The young Japanese girl turns to see the boy in the black and gold robe and seashell bowtie, looking rather scared, "Hai?"

"U-Uh... [Y-You lost this, a long time ago...]" He says in Japanese timidly as he holds it up. Fumiko stares at it and gasps silently as she looks at it.

"[Where did you get that??]" She asks in amazement, "[I have been looking for it for months!]"

Only able to understand some of what she's saying, Arnaav hands over the little trinket, "[Y-You left it behind. I have been waiting to give it to you.]" Arnaav is almost at the point of hyperventilating as Fumiko looks at it. Would she think he stole it? Is she going to accuse him of stalking her or something creepy? Should he even say anything about how he feels?

"[Thank you so much for returning it!]" Fumiko says, "[It belonged to my Mother, I thought I lost it forever.]" Arnaav's heart lifts as she seems to take on a more happy tone. Fumiko reaches up to her hair, and takes out the ornament holding it in place, and replaces it with the beautiful butterfly.

So what now? What does he say to her now?? Arnaav is completely lost.

"[Would you like to dance with me?]" Fumiko asked.

"Uh... Y-You want me to... I'm sorry, I'm still not that good in speaking your language..." Arnaav says mournfully.

"Ehehheheh, Dance, you want to dance wis me?"

"D-Dance??" Arnaav asked, still shaking, "But, I-I-I, I don't know how..."

"Is ok, is ok, I teach you. Over here, come." Fumiko takes the young blushing merman by the hands and takes him to the dance floor.

"Yeeeaah, THAT'S what I'm talkin bout, lil man." Jamal grinned and nods as he sees the happy schoolgirl showing his nervous little homie how to waltz.

"Heh heh, I really should have showed him how to dance before hand." Yuri says with a pity chuckle.

"Naw naw, he got this." Jamal says as Arnaav clumsily tries to figure this new way to walk.

"Hey, Papi." Nick says as he grasps Jamal's thick shoulder, "Wanna dance?"

"Heh heh, sure." Jamal says as he stands up. Just then, Yuri's phone jingles up, prompting her to check it.

"Oh, Dennis is here. I'm going to go get him." She says as she gets up before she points a threatening finger at the two men, "NO pole dancing, you two! This is a wedding, remember."

"Hahahah, come on, girl!" Jamal laughs as he gives a provocative gesture with his hips, earning a disgusted eye roll before Yuri goes to get her coat.

"At least the food is decent," Chloe says as she serves herself some more grilled chicken, "Even though most of it just solid grease..." Once she gets a full plate she goes back to the table where Rajani and a few others were waiting for her, "Hey Raja, can I talk to you in private for a minute?" She asked as she puts her food down.

"Mnn, sure, honey." Rajani says as se wipes her hands, and then gets up and follows Chloe outside. They find a quiet corner before Chloe turns to her.

"So, Rajani... I uh... Christ, I don't even know how to go about this..."

"Just tell me, I'm listening." Rajani tells her.

"Right... Well, look, Raja... I know sometimes you want me to be as... I don't know, romantic or soft like Adam. And honest to God, I try, but... Agh, I don't know."

"Heh heh heh, never mind that, darling." Rajani says, "You are enough for me."

"Yeah, and for the life of me, I still can't get why..." Chloe continues, "Especially when I have my episodes... I still can't really believe that you can actually accept me when I'm a fucking demon."

"I accept you because I love you, Chloe." Rajani replies, "And besides... You're hot when you're mad."

"I'm serious, babe... I hate when you let me hurt you... But, for whatever reason, you just won't leave."

"How can I just walk away from someone who still needs me?" Rajani asked, "Who else can take you on?"

"Even when I..." Chloe huffs out a white puff of fog for a moment, "Even when I punch and slap you? How can you even... My God, I still can't find the right words."

"Chloe." Rajani says firmly, "I know you feel guilty when you hurt me, and all I can feel is sorrow for you when you go through the hard times. And when you hit me..." Rajani blushes and chuckles with a shrug, "It's embarrassing, but I suppose you could call it a plus."

"Heh... Yeah... So..." She continues as she digs in her pocket, "Look, Rajani... I don't know if I ever want a wedding like this, or if I should even bother, but..." Chloe takes out a black velvet box. Rajani's eyes widen before her hands cover her mouth, "Now, before you get TOO excited, no, I'm not asking anything." She opens them, and reveals what looks like a multi-banded ring of two rose-gold side-profile lotus flowers, one pointing one side, and the other facing the other side.

"But if you ever want us to have the real thing... And if I ever get my shit together enough to give you what you actually deserve for putting up with me for as much as you do" Chloe says as she takes the promise rings, and clinked them apart so they both now resemble a lotus plant with a coiled spring of a stem.

"Oh my gosh, Chloe...!" Rajani says with happiness as she holds out her hand, and let Chloe slide the ring down.

"For some reason, if you want to stick with me longer than this, then at least I want to show you that..." Chloe's eyes get watery as she tightens her lips with a nod, "You're the one for me, Raja." She holds back her tears, "You're the only one for me. And..." She sniffs as she wipes her eyes, "Please don't ever leave... I don't want you to leave, ever."

"I love you so much, Chloe," Rajani says as her voice thickens before she puts her arms around her. Chloe holds her back as they stand together in the cold.

"~I knew I loved you before I met you ~"I think I dreamed you into life ~I knew I loved you before I met you ~I have been waiting all my life~" A handful of people waltz in a slow-dance as a calm song plays both in and out of the reception tent -- I Knew I Loved You by Savage Garden. With a full moon in the sky, the mermaids of the Kenovani sing idly, either with the current or coming songs, or just vocalizing beautifully and spreading the warmth in the air with the power of their voices. Adam and Merrick grind softly as they turn softly on the spot, Adam's front pushing on Merrick's behind as he holds him, "Still wish your parents could be here... Especially your Mom, and even your Dad." "Yeah, me too." "You sure we can't have a few of the members of your pod come?" "The majority can't handle this much cold, the pod itself is at least a few miles from here." "Oh, I see. Hey, so, if they could make it, how did you know to get the trident?" "My Mother called to me... It seems they have yet to find the Razirah..." "Huh?" "A Razirah is selected and enchanted by the power of the Noita -- until one is chosen, the Noita has the initial bonds with everyone in the pod. For the time being, they've only got a Capricorn keeping them together, so it takes some of the strain off my Mother." "So what does that have to do with the trident?" "Until a Razirah is chosen, the Noita has the power to directly call to her family... Before the ceremony, I heard singing, but no one else was able to hear it. So I went into the water, and I found my Mother and Father, waiting for me..." "Heh... I love your Mom, but I wanted to make a better impression with your Dad -- I saw him on land once, and I was kind of a jerk." "Wait, you talked with my Father?!" "It was when you met MY parents for the first time." "Oh yeah, I remember you telling me this. He might have been curious as to how I was doing." "I talked, but he just glared at me before going back to the water." "Sounds like him." Merrick smirked, "Even if my Father didn't hate humans so much, he can't walk; he doesn't know how." Merrick explained, "And it's too much to ask anyone of the sea to be near humans for too long... That said," Merrick smiled as he turns to look at party, "It seems the Kenovani is settling down and getting along with the human guests." "Mm..." Adam says as they cuddle while standing and listening to the soft music. He idly looks forward, and stared off in the distance. "I hope they stay in these waters for a while..." Merrick says, "I'd like to try and see some of them again..." "I think you can." Adam says. "Huh?" "Look there." He nudged Merrick face forward, and turned his attention towards the direction. "Hhh..." Merrick gasps quietly as he sees Umiato in the same cloaked dress far from the party, holding what looks like a small bundle in her arms, and his younger sister standing next to her, and a man with several pieces strapped around his body, "A-Adam..." Merrick turns around as Adam takes a step from him. "What are you waiting for?" Adam says with a loving smile, "Go to them." Merrick fights off a tear as he holds Adam's cheeks and gives him a kiss on the mouth before turning and walking away. He strides towards the people from afar before breaks into a run. Half a minute later, Savarna runs forward, and then Merrick quickly picks her up for a spin and a hug. Adam smiles and chuckles as Merrick puts her back down, and walked to his Mother and the other individual with them. "Where's Merrick going?" Luther asked as he and Donna come next to Adam. "He's visiting his Mom and Sister." He answered, "They stuck around for him." "Oh, so those are the in-laws?" Donna asked. "Oh interesting! I'd like to know what they're like." Luther pats Donna's arm, "Lets go and say h-" "No! Nononono, don't do that." Adam hastily said. "Why not?? I just want to meet them at least once. What are in-laws for?" "Honey, I don't think that's really possible." Donna says. "Exactly, merfolk can't talk to humans, or they get banished." "But uh..." Luther gestured to the guests behind them, "Aren't these people merfolk too?" "They're already rogues, they just stick together, kind of like a band-of-misfits." "Ah, I see..." Luther nods. "Bummer, I really wanted to get to know his Mother." Donna adds, "She sounds wonderful from what Merrick says. And his Father must have some intriguing things to say about psychology, I would have liked to discuss things with him." "Yeah..." "ADAAAM!!!" Merrick calls. "Huh?" Adam turns around to see Merrick waving. "COME ON OVER! IT'S OK!" "Ah- Oh, what?" "Go on, honey," Donna says, "We understand." "Hah, I... Ok then." Adam says with an awkward chuckle and jogs away to the secluded spot. He sees Umiato smiling at him as they come, and Savarna stepping closer to her mother. Looking to the right, Adam sees a young man with emerald green eyes, wearing what appears to be a slew of handmade weapons tied to him, and a dark blue merman with very sharp eyes and fins on his head. "Hi... My name is Adam, and... I am Merrick's mate." He looks to the hostile looking merman in the water. Adam can't tell if he's leering at him, or that's just his normal face. "I um... Kaiken, right? You are Merrick's father." He doesn't get an answer, "I just want to say... The first time we met, I was disrespectful. I apologize." "Hmgh..." Kaiken says nothing else. "I was angry; I felt that you didn't care what Merrick had to go through when he was exiled, or what I heard of how you responded to what happened when he was banished." "Hhhgghh..." Kaiken sighs quietly as he looks down. He doesn't seem to be irritable or hostile... He really misjudged this human. "It wasn't my place to talk to you as I did." Kaiken still doesn't talk, "I um... I guess what I'm saying is..." "Brishen..." Kaiken turns to the man on the rock, "I must return to the pod. I need to see to their protection." "Understood." He nodded. Adam starts as he sees the large merman dive to the side, watching the strong and navy colored tail rush along the surface, and the razor sharp fin slaps the surface. "Ah..." Adam nods. "Adam, it's... Nothing personal." Merrick tells him, "It's just that," "It's ok, I understand, babe." Adam nods, before turning to the other man, who is sitting on the rock next to the rock, "So, you're Brishen." Adam continues, moving on from the awkward moment. Brishen opens his mouth, but stops himself, "I get it, it's fine. You can't talk to me. It's great to meet you though. Merrick's told me a lot about you." Brishen raises his brows a bit, "He said you were not good at hunting at all. He had to rescue you too many times for him to count." He scowls and leers at Merrick. "Well if I'm wrong, please do feel free the correct me." Merrick sneered with his arms crossed. "And the Abyssal Turtles?" Brishen asked with a brow raised, "How exactly did you respond when those squids attacked them?" "One against one thousand. I wouldn't get cocky." Merrick teased. "Hahaha, but after Merrick left, he tells me you became extremely skilled." Adam says, "And you even became a Theros. That's a teacher, right? And that's a lot of weapons you have there. I hunt for fish too, but not nearly as well as anyone from your pod, I'm sure. For the most part, humans hunt fish with long sticks of wood with a strong but thin string and a hook, those small sharp things you have on your wrist." Adam pointed to the fishhooks made into a bracelet. Brishen looked to his wrist with intrigue, now having discovered what these things are made for, "What we do is put bait on those hooks, and we through the hook and string into the water, and wait for the fish to bite the hooks, and then we pull them. Heh heh, I know it's not so much as hunting as it is waiting, but we manage." "Th-" Brishen stops himself again, but he looks like he really wants to chat. "Mother," Merrick says, "Are you sure we can't just talk since we're on the land? Surely the Ningyo won't catch on." "It's ok, Merrick." Adam pats his shoulder, "I'd rather not risk it just for my sake." Umiato smiles at that. Adam then turns his attention to the cloaked girl standing next to Umiato. "And you must be Savarna. His sister, right?" Adam says as he squats down, "Hahah, I haven't seen you since that time you tried to kill me." "Daughter?" Umiato turns and looks down, giving a curious and stern look, "What is he saying?" "It's nothing, it was a long time ago over a misunderstanding, ma'am." Adam tells her. "Hmhmhm," Umiato chuckles as she looks at Merrick, "He is too forgiving." Savarna's face softens a bit. "Heh, Adam can never hold a grudge." Merrick says, "He's far too soft-hearted and polite. If he were one of us, he'd never be a hunter." "Anywaaayyy..." Adam says with gritted teeth. "Whaaaat? I didn't say it was a BAD thing." Merrick snickered. "Moving on." Adam says to Savarna, "Merrick talks a lot about you too. He misses you so much. He said you were wonderful the first time you sang to the full moon. Heh, despite our rocky introduction, I really would have loved to get to know my new sister-in-law." "What... Does that mean?" Savarna asked Merrick. "When humans do this ritual of love, their families are considered as one." Merrick answered, "It's a sentiment that implies because he has pledged himself to me as a mate, you are also indirectly his sister." "I know it's weird," Adam says, "Don't worry about it." He stands back up, and beckons to Umiato, "And my Mother-in-law. Umiato, right?" She smiles and nods, "I really wasn't expecting to see you walk Merrick down the aisle; it's a time-honored tradition with humans that a partner to a mate to be walked down the aisle by their own parent, and I," Adam puts his hands together and points to her, "Can't tell you how much it means to me to see you give Merrick at the altar. I can't describe how happy I am to see you here today for Merrick." "I'm still surprised Father came here at all..." Merrick says. "I apologize on your Father's behalf." Umiato tells Merrick, "It was his own volition to give you that trident, and he did have an initial curiosity about a human's mating ceremony. But his species cannot tolerate the frost." "We understand." "Umiato, I really, really wish you can be apart of our lives." Adam says, "But if you can't associate with me, would it be ok if you guys came to see Merrick, whenever you can? Please? I know he can't come to you, or he'll be punished. So please do all you can to see him." "Hmhm... Of course." Umiato answered looking at Adam. Brishen gives a paranoid glance here and about. Merrick tugged on Adam's arm and pulled him a little. "Here, Adam, there is someone else I want you to meet." Merrick brings Adam closer to Umiato, to where she his holding a bundle of fabric and kelp. Adam gasps silently as he peers down and realizes the bundle is actually a sort of basin/nest. "Oh my gosh..." Adam hushed as he sees a very small merfolk, pure white and shimmering in the moonlight. Black eye-shaped spots line along the side of his tail as well as his little arms. Water constantly rolls and circulates his body. He appears to be sleeping inside the water. "Adam, this is my baby brother." Merrick says, "His name is Cotei." "Wow..." Adam reaches his hand, but paused, "I-I, it is safe for him? I-I don't want to cause anything..." "Hmhmhmhmh," Umiato laughs softly, "I dare say he is far too young to be branded a Coshiton. It is alright, but he must remain in the water." "O-Ok..." Adam gingerly puts his fingers into the cold water, and strokes along the luminous scaled arm of the baby, "Wow..." Adam hushes, completely astounded, "He's so tiny..." "He hatched just a few suns ago." Merrick muttered, "He will become the Triton of the pod when it's his time." "But... Merrick, are you ok with that?" Adam asked, "You don't feel... You know, replaced?" "Why would I?" Merrick asked with a smile, "My place has always been with you. The pod will be well-protected in his hands." "I will ensure that he knows and respects his predecessor," Umiato says with an endearing smile, "Though he will never replace the light in my heart that you have always had, my Son." She says as she holds Merrick's cheek. "Mother..." "He will come to know that you are a merman unlike any other. Son, yours is a love I have never seen before, and not a single sun goes by where I do not wish you were able to stay with us longer. I still long to hear much of your new life, and I pray you will teach Cotei what your Father, Sister, and I cannot. He is your family, as you are mine." "I... I will, Mother." Merrick nodded as he fights off a few tears, "I will be here." "And to you... Adam." Umiato turns her attention to him, "I entrust my Son to you, who are so reverent and strong to safeguard someone of my world." She puts her hand on his shoulder and then to his cheek as her eyes meet his, "I see so much light in you. Such compassion, bravery, gentleness... Please never let your light go out. Always shine upon my Son in his times of shadow and sorrow. When he becomes lost, have him see the path that leads to you, his peace of mind. Just as the storm of Kaiken's rage is only quelled by my love, my Son can only be stayed by the radiance of your heart." "I will, m-ma'am. I will." Adam nods with a thick voice as his eyes blur with tears, feeling his lower lip quiver, smiling with his chest tightening with emotion, "I'll keep him safe, I promise." "Alright." She takes a step back, and turned to look at the shore, "I must also now return to the pod." Her eyes go back to the two men before her, "Protect each other. Keep your light burning strong, and endure the hardships as well as the goodness." Umiato concluded endearing eyes, "You are both precious to me. I wish you both long and fulfilling lives, and I will see you again. Come, Daughter." "Yes..." Savarna nodded, but turned to Adam, "Um..." "Hm?" Adam looks down to see her walk to him. His brows rise a bit as her arms come up, "O-Oh! You wanna hug? ... You're serious?" She nods, looking a little intimidated and embarrassed, "Aww, ok." Adam smiles after he wipes his eyes before he knelt down. He puts his arms around the cold cloak around Savarna and hugs her tight. "Stay strong... Come back soon, ok?" Adam whispered. The girl nods before she parted from him. "Keep going, Brishen. I'd like to hear about the huge exploits you encounter, through Merrick, of course." "Hm." Brishen nods to him with a smile. "Thank you so much for coming." Merrick tells them, "And give Father my loving regards." "Yes." Umiato nods before she turns, and releases the clothing from her body that Hanamaru gave her, now only wearing a simple white dress that she created herself. Umiato wades into the water, holding the baby with her and dissolving the dress into sea foam as she goes, as does Savarna and her cloak. Brishen slips into the water and his green body transforms immediately as he swims away. "Will they be ok?" Adam asked, "I didn't... Get them in trouble, did I?" "It should be fine." Merrick nodded, "If it really came to that, Mother, Sister, and Brishen would be given a second chance; with Brishen's status as Theros, he's elevated to the hierarchy. Though exercising discretion is also a very flexible measure -- this only happened once, so the Ningyo should have absolutely no clue." "Alright..." A few hours later, Adam and Merrick are back on the sand of the shore at the house. Everyone has gone home, and the party and the building supplies have been put away, while the tents and remaining equipment will be recalled the next day. The both of them look to the full moon, listening to the romantic background music coming from Adam's laptop. "I love you so much, Adam..." Merrick says as he turns and look into those warm brown eyes, "My unstoppable man... You came back for me, so many times." "Heh, of course I came back. I'll always come back." Adam rubs his hand onto Merrick's cheek as he looks into those deep sapphires, "My angel of the sea... I love you with everything I have... Now and forever." The two hold each other until their lips meet. Adam holds his arms around Merrick's back while he nuzzles his cheek, while Merrick tucks his arms around Adam and puts his face onto Adam's chest. "You are my whole world..." "You are my salvation..." The two of them hold hands as they snuggle for a moment longer, before Adam's phone rings out a scheduled alarm, "Alright... Lets go and get ready. The ferry should be here in half an hour." "Yes sir." Merrick smiled as they walk to the warm house. ~The End~

Next: Chapter 102: Epilogue 1

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