Apple of Your Eye

By Mac Rountree

Published on Dec 5, 2023


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Wednesday, December 4 The Light of Hope

For false Christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand.

The Gospel of Matthew 24

"I don't wanna get up." Todd snuggled further under the covers.

"Well, you are going to get up whether you want to or not. Get that gorgeous hairy butt out of bed and fix your lover some breakfast."

It wasn't even dawn and the household was awake.

"Let's pretend it is Saturday and we don't have to do anything." Todd was grinning at Erick.

"Todd, it is only an exam you have today. This is not an existential crisis, merely a knowledge test of those dreadful things you mathematicians call formulas." There was no reaction from Todd.

"You are right, let's stay in bed."

Both were laughing as Erick pulled the covers back and gazed longingly at his lover. He never tired of seeing Todd in the nude. Both boys had athletic frames, they were both hairy, and they were blessed with their essential equipment. Todd loved to compare the two of them. Erick had black hair and dark piercing eyes. His hair was curly and usually out of control. He was slightly longer in the torso and shorter in the legs than Todd but it was so minimus that they could wear each other's clothes. Todd had sandy blond hair which would fall into his blue eyes. He hoped it would last his lifetime and not fall out. His smile revealed his perfect white teeth. Many a woman and man had melted when Todd smiled at them. He thought himself fortunate that he was a hairy blond beast. He, more than Erick, was aware of his good looks and it easily settled on his shoulders as a mantle of who he was as a scion of an old Virginia family. Erick was always surprised when people thought he was handsome. He had been brought up to not think about something so egocentric as his being handsome. He and his brother instead had focused on their intellect.

"I could worship you, you know. I could put you on a pedestal and bow down to your good looks."

"Hey prof, I am more than merely good looks, I taste good also." Todd tackled Erick and they ended up worshiping each other's bodies. The room smelled of potent sex when they finally walked to the kitchen to turn on the coffee pot. They were thankful that breakfast was a quick meal because they had spent too much time making love. Todd did not believe that such a notion of merely good looks had merit. Life was meant for love. Everything else was secondary.

They got in the shower while the coffee was brewing. Erick loved shampooing Todd's hair and now considered it part of their daily ritual. Todd enjoyed lathering Erick's hairy chest and playing with the suds while tweaking his nipples. This usually resulted in erections and kisses but today they were running late and both had important things to do at school.

"You know, it isn't fair. We have exams starting soon and the professor is giving us a major test today. Did you have to take a course in sadism to become a professor?

"Hmmm, yes and I passed it with flying colors, or switches or paddles or something like that. Todd, my love, you will be ok. Drink your coffee."

"OK, today is Wednesday, our brothers are coming to visit us tonight and on this day in 1783 George Washington said farewell to his officers after the Revolutionary War. They were in New York City. My great great whatever grandfather was able to get home by Christmas to see his wife and children. I am sure that was a great celebration."

"Well, bully for them as Teddy Roosevelt would say. Also, on this day in 1864, Romania decreed that Jews could not be lawyers. That is not something we Jews celebrate."

Todd felt that for each and every thing to celebrate, Erick had some part of Jewish history that would take the air out of the room. Erick noted the chill in the air and pulled Todd to him.

"I am sorry. I do that all of the time, don't I. Make me stop. Please, make me stop. It is part of what I am trying to escape. My parents knew every bad thing that happened to the Jewish people. They would recite them to us year after year after year. Instead of celebrating, my parents made sure we were grounded in the struggles of our people."

"Erick, we are in this together. We will learn to temper the other with our highs and lows. And now, speaking of lows, I am heading to a math exam that I am not ready for because someone prevented me from studying last night." An evil grin crossed his face as he kissed his Herr Docktor Professor goodbye for the day.

It was another typical day in the world of the second oldest college in the United States.

Eron was not familiar with downtown Richmond but managed to leave his meeting a little earlier than planned to get to the Interstate. He had been meeting in the U.S. Court House and appreciated the beauty of the old building. At lunchtime he and some other attorneys from the Washington office had crossed the street and had taken a tour of the Virginia State Capitol. He loved being in historic cities. He grew up in Newport, went to school in Boston, worked in Washington, DC, was in a meeting in Richmond and was heading to Williamsburg. The opportunities for history lessons were vast.

He briefly looked at a map before starting the day but couldn't figure out how to get out of downtown. A secretary in the meeting drew him a map of how to move from the parking garage he was in to the Downtown Expressway then to Interstate 95 and finally to Interstate 64. He had to leave during rush hour and all of these interchanges were within one mile of each other. As he was moving from the Expressway to the Interstate, he realized he was in the wrong lane. As he started to move over he cut someone off. Damn. He chuckled thinking of his Toyota Corolla cutting off a Mercedes sedan. He hoped the person wasn't prone to road rage. He then easily slid onto Interstate 64 and the vehicle was still behind him. The other car picked up speed and moved into the passing lane. Eron looked over and mouthed that he was sorry. The man looked at him and Eron practically melted because the man was so handsome. The man smiled and mouthed that it was okay. His movie star smile put butterflies in Eron's stomach. Eron paid attention to the roadway as the other fellow pushed along passing other vehicles. He seemed to be in a hurry.

It was only an hour to Williamsburg and Eron was relieved because he would have time to find the Williamsburg Inn. Erick said they preferred to eat in the historic district but given how busy it was during the holidays they were only able to get reservations at the Inn. It didn't really matter to Eron because he had two goals for the night: to see his brother and to make sure this new lover was worthy of his brother's love. The food didn't matter. Eron noticed how upscale the restaurant was and knew that as a new professor, his brother was not earning the big bucks to afford such a swanky place. He decided that he would pay for the meal and put it on his credit card. He would pay it off over a couple of months. As a prosecutor he wasn't flush with cash like those fancy lawyers in private law firms.

Eron sat in the lobby waiting. The well-heeled crowd were enjoying themselves. He stood when he saw Erick walk into the lobby. He was accompanied by two men. One was the fellow in the other car and all of the color drained from Eron's face. The man was holding hands with another startlingly handsome man. They were laughing at something that had just been said. Erick was in high spirits as he crossed the lobby and grabbed his brother. They hugged and kissed like they always did. The other two men stood by and smiled indulgently. Todd was introduced who then immediately kissed Eron. He laughed and commented that he liked getting two for one. The other man was introduced as Tayloe. The man immediately extended his hand for shaking. It was obvious he was not going to give a kiss. Tayloe looked at Eron and they visually acknowledged that they knew the other from the drive down.

Their table was available and they were seated in the middle of the dining room next to the Christmas tree. Eron inwardly gasped when he saw the prices. He thought it might take three months to pay off the dinner bill. It was worth it to him because it was obvious his brother was in love. Totally smitten. Todd was also. He looked up and noticed that Tayloe was looking back and forth between the two.

Tayloe ordered a bottle of wine and had it uncorked, tasted and then poured. Tayloe then offered a toast to Erick and Todd. Tayloe stood when making the toast and the others did the same. They were all in great spirits.

Eron decided that the meal was worth the price. Tayloe and Todd were nonchalant about considering a variety of foods to order. Eron and Erick were more restrained. Tayloe noticed and then asked if he could order for everyone. Eron meekly nodded his head thinking it might take four months to pay off the card. Eron also noticed that whenever he looked up that Tayloe was looking at him and smiling.

"I can't get over that my little brother has a lover and that his lover is a twin. Are you gay also? I hope that I am not being impertinent."

"Yes, you are counselor but it is okay tonight. Yes, we are both gay."

"Well, I'll be damned. I never thought about it."

The two lawyers then started their bantering. They were enjoying themselves. Todd and Erick looked at each other and excused themselves to go to the men's room. When they returned, they discovered that Tayloe had slid his chair around and was sitting next to Eron. The waiter came and asked about desserts and Tayloe ordered for everyone including a pot of coffee for the table. Todd noticed that when Tayloe wanted to make a point with Eron he would reach over and touch his arm. Eron started doing the same in return.

The hour was getting late and Eron said that he needed to drive back to Richmond. Todd then said that he and Erick did an Advent blessing each night and asked the guys if they wanted to stop by.

"It doesn't take long. It would be meaningful to us if you participated." Eron said he would follow them to the apartment before heading back. Tayloe agreed that he would stop by also.

Eron signaled the waiter for the check but discovered that Tayloe had already taken care of it. He whispered to Tayloe that he had planned to pay. Tayloe said he could pay the next time. That made Eron smile knowing there would be a next time. When they arrived at the apartment, Eron immediately noticed the mezuzah on the door post and touched it before entering the apartment. Tayloe was right behind him and did the same. Tayloe recognized the long metallic object as a mezuzah and decided that it was important if Todd had let Erick put it up.

They gathered in the dining room. Todd lit a purple candle and started off with a prayer. He asked they all hold hands. Tayloe reached out for Eron's hand and turned to smile as their fingers touched. A spark of electricity passed between them. They had a short but lively discussion of the scripture and the notion of false prophets. Tayloe and Eron seemed to think alike talking about the false prophets they encountered in the law profession. They looked at each other and seemed to be in sync. Todd sat back wondering about the grilling that Tayloe said he was going to do. That had not happened; in fact, his brother seemed to be on his best behavior. Erick then stood to say the final prayers. Eron practically turned over his chair as he stood and joined in. The two men's voices resonated as they bowed their heads and said the words. Tayloe noticed that they swayed while saying the verses. He was mesmerized.

They were putting on their top coats when Tayloe asked Eron where he was staying. Eron told him.

"I love the Linden Row Inn. That's near the Jefferson. Why don't we meet there for a drink before we turn in for the night?"

Eron agreed and said that he would park at the Linden Row and walk over. When he arrived at the Inn he noticed that Tayloe parked behind him on the street. Tayloe reached out and grabbed Eron's hand to walk to the Jefferson. He had always held his younger brother's hand and it felt natural to hold Eron's hand. The Jefferson was fully decorated for the holidays and both men were appreciative at how beautiful the old hotel was. They talked about their law careers. Eron was a Harvard Man and Tayloe was a Lawn Scholar at UVA. They enjoyed their brandies and then Eron said he needed to go to bed. Tayloe smiled and said he needed to find a bed also. They walked back holding hands to where they had parked their cars. Tayloe kissed Eron on the lips and said he had a wonderful evening. He then got in his car and drove away.

Eron stood there trying to figure out how he had misread Tayloe's actions. The man had been very touchy feely all night. Eron had inwardly chuckled to himself about dating Tayloe and how incredible it would be that two sets of brothers were dating each other. Tayloe gave Eron every indication that he was gay and wanted to be with him. Then he drove off. Eron could only wonder if Tayloe was a false prophet.

Suggested Music: "Someone Like You" Van Morrison

Next: Chapter 5

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