Apple of Your Eye

By Mac Rountree

Published on Dec 3, 2023


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Tuesday December 3 The Light of Hope

And God said, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.

Genesis 9

Erick was adamant. "No, we are not hanging a rainbow flag on the front of the house. Besides, the Home Owner's Association will not allow it." Erick then smiled. Todd was too easy to rile up.

"I just thought it would answer all of the questions the neighbors have about our living together."

"They see us and know that we are lovers. You are just pushing my buttons again, aren't you?"

"They are so plentiful and so easy to push."

Erick started laughing. Todd joined in.

They had been at the LGBT meeting that night where there had been a heated discussion about the rainbow flag. Some of the students wanted the flag to be prominently displayed on campus the following spring when tours were being given to applicants for admission. They thought it was important to make the political statement. Others thought a more subdued approach would work better for those students who were still in the closet.

Yonatan and Matan had taken opposite view points and very quickly had the members debating the issue. The two sat back and enjoyed watching the witch's brew they had stirred bubble and boil over. It had been a boring meeting up to that point. Erick and Todd decided to follow the lead of their friends and took opposite sides in debating the obviously touchy topic. Todd had argued that he was out, proud, and queer. Erick gave him a skeptical look when he said that.

"Todd, tell the group exactly how you are queer."

Todd couldn't believe they were going to fight this publicly. He then told the group about how he was out to all of them and to his friends. He said the rainbow flag should be proudly flown across the campus during recruitment time. He also felt that the student representatives should speak out to each potential student and espouse the fact that in the State of Virginia the college was a bastion of free speech and queer pride. There was much applause when he finished his diatribe. Erick sat back with a smile on his face at his partner's enthusiasm.

When Todd attempted to goad Erick to stand and give his more conservative viewpoint, Erick was clear that Todd had convinced him that being out and proud was a service to all. Matan jumped into the conversation and talked about being a young queer boy who was ready to rush the barricades of intolerance. He said that Yonatan would fund the purchase of the rainbow flags to place across the campus. Yonatan was not amused by that comment but was ever ready to support his partner. What started as a prod to further the discussion had turned into a referendum on the political stance of each member. Matan and Todd convinced the membership to approach the college administration with their ideas. It was acknowledged that whatever the compromise it would be better than the current position which was a token nod to their group.

Todd was fired up and continued the conversation when they got into the BMW. Erick made a point of looking at the bumper and asking Todd where his rainbow sticker was.

"Put your money where your mouth is." Todd shut his mouth and then said they should fly a flag at their apartment.

Erick had Todd in such a state that he was rejecting his earlier comments. Erick was enjoying every minute of the debate. It was obvious that Todd had never taken a debating course in college. They touched the mezuzah as they unlocked their front door and walked into the apartment. Erick thought it was fairly amazing that Todd had so readily agreed to nail the mezuzah to the door post. Perhaps putting rainbow stickers on their bumpers was the compromise instead of flying a flag front their porch post.

As soon as the door closed, Todd turned and wrapped his arms around Erick. "I love you so much."

That was followed by a kiss. Both boys were avid kissers. Erick slid his hands down Todd's back and grabbed his butt.

"Stop, we have to do our Advent meditation. That does not include groping." They laughed and separated. They removed their coats and put their book satchels away before heading to the dining room.

Todd was practically doubled over laughing. He had opened his Advent meditation guide and saw the reading for the day.

"You must agree that God has a sense of humor."

Todd lit the candle while Erick read the scripture passage.

It took all of Erick's inner strength not to burst out laughing. A smile did cross his face.

"Okay, let's focus on the covenant part and not on the rainbow. God made several covenants with his people."

"Yeah, but there was only one time he used the rainbow as a sign of the covenant. That was after the flood. I think it is appropriate that the rainbow flag is used as a sign for gay rights."

"How do you correlate the flood of the earth and gay rights?"

"You miss the point, the rainbow is a visible sign of the covenant between God and his people. Perhaps there is a correlation in that gay people were persecuted before and now we are free. We are no longer being wiped from the earth. Change is coming. How perfectly appropriate that we use the rainbow flag because it has spiritual significance and is inclusive of the diversity in our world."

"A lot of people don't understand that connection between God's covenant and gay rights. They are so anti-religious."

"There are many people who have been hurt by the church. They conflate and confuse that with God's love of his people. I understand that. The church has said it is God's voice for people when it is actually the interpretation of some religious leaders. I have less regard for the institutional church but it is a connection to the spirit of God for me. However, I love Bruton Parish."

"Okay, Judy. Don't start singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" or I will have to smack you. You know, many other cultures honored the rainbow."

"I am sure there were, Herr Docktor Professor. Let me have it." Todd sat back with an expectant grin look on his face.

"The Albanian people believed the rainbow to be the belt of the goddess of beauty. Later when the church became the primary religion, she became a saint by the name of Prende, whose name means heaven. Swallows were harnessed to her carriage and pulled her through the gates of heaven. The rainbow was her belt. In Greek mythology the rainbow was associated with the goddess Iris who was the daughter of Thaumas and Elektra, the sisters of the Harpies and a messenger of the gods of Olympus. Iris used the rainbow as a belt and also the pathway between heaven and earth. That is how messengers from the Gods could come and go from heaven to earth.

In Australia, a serpent was used as a symbol of the rainbow. This same metaphor was used in parts of Africa and Brazil. And of course, we know about Ireland and lots of little Leprechauns dancing around the pot of god.

In 1939 MGM used that song in "The Wizard of Oz" which became the anthem of the gay community. You've gotta love Judy. And let's not forget that crazy frog, Kermit, and the rainbow connection.

The Jewish people got to it first however. They were taking that seven-day Caribbean cruise which turned into 40 days floating around the Tigris and Euphrates with a boat load of animals. Can you imagine the smell? Then they saw the rainbow and God made a covenant with them. No more flooding the earth. Of course, a Godly covenant had two parts; both sides had to commit to something. As usual, God held up his end of the bargain. Humans had a much harder time. There were many covenants in holy scripture but we usually just associate a covenant between God and man with the rainbow."

Todd sat and did not immediately respond.

"Could it be said, Herr Docktor Professor, that the rainbow flag is a covenant amongst gay people to support each other, to honor and cherish each other, and to love each other as children of God?"

Erick thought for a minute.

"Usually, a covenant is explicit and the terms are spelled out ahead of time before there is agreement, but I think you have a valid point. It is a symbol of what we value as a community. And rainbows are not always visible everywhere. If they were, they might lose their meaning. They are brought out when we need to remind the world and ourselves that we are God's people and loved and honored by God. People may forget that God loves everyone, regardless of sexuality, but God never forgets. People confuse religion with God and that is where we get the division and strife. They lose the holy in the midst of that division. We need to remember that God loves us because we are of God."

Erick reached for Todd's hand which was freely given. They stood and held each other recognizing the holy in the other.

Suggested Music: "A Change is Gonna Come" Brian and Thomas Owens

Next: Chapter 4

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