Apple of Your Eye

By Mac Rountree

Published on Dec 28, 2022


Oh happy day. Eron is on the slow road to recovery. Remember that nifty needs your contribution.


Friday, December 27 6th Night of Chanukkah 3rd Day of Christmas

"The Lord is my light and my help, whom shall I fear?" Psalm 27:1

On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me three French hens. from "The Twelve Days of Christmas, the three French hens represent faith, hope and love.

When the phone rang in the morning, Erick was startled and crawled across Todd to get to it.

"Yes, right. In thirty minutes. We can do that." Erick put the phone back in the receiver. "Wake up, Todd."

When Erick turned he saw that Todd was lying back, with his hands behind his head and a grin on his face.

"I didn't know you were awake."

"All of a sudden I had this beast crawling all over me. Of course, I woke up. I like the beast who was crawling on me." Todd pulled Erick down on top of him and they hugged and kissed.

"Thirty minutes until we have to be in the restaurant downstairs. My parents are meeting us for breakfast." The guys were only ten minutes late.

Todd and Erick were famished and ate a hearty breakfast. Erick's parents ate much less. The worry was written all over their faces.

"So, this is the plan. The three of you will take a taxi to the hospital. I am taking a taxi to the airport where I have a car reserved. We will have it as long as we are here. I will come directly to the hospital after I get the car and figure out how to drive in Boston traffic."

It was mid-morning when Todd arrived back at the hospital. Eron was doing remarkably better though he had some deficits. His speech was slightly slurred, he had double vision and the fingers on his right hand did not want to function properly.

When they met with Dr. Hirsh, Erick quizzed him on the deficits.

"If those are the only deficits, Eron should consider himself lucky. It was touch and go for a while. I wasn't sure he was going to make it."

They all looked at Dr. Hirsh with a questioning gaze.

"Eron had a brain bleed. If he had not gotten to the hospital and then flown to Boston he would probably have died at home in his bed."

Erick's parents grabbed each other's hands. Todd was sitting in amazement. "Do you know how he did this?"

Mr. Emmanuelson pondered for a minute and then said, "The only thing he did was go play soccer with some guys. When he came home, he said they were a rough group and things got rather physical."

Dr. Hirsh just looked at them. He didn't need to say it. He did say, however, "I think Eron will have a complete recovery. He will need outpatient rehabilitation but I want to keep him for the next four to five days until we are absolutely sure there will be no further bleeding."

They sat and thought about what Dr. Hirsh had said before Erick's stomach started growling. Erick's mother laughed and said he was the same as always. There was more laughter as they headed to the hospital cafeteria. When they were finishing dessert, Todd looked up and saw Tayloe walking into the cafeteria and looking around. He looked awful. He ran over to Todd, hugged him and lifted him off his feet. Then he started crying.

"How is he? Mom called me last night. I threw some clothes in a suitcase and started driving. There were no airplane seats. I stopped at a rest area on the Massachusetts Turnpike sometime during the night. When I woke this morning, I continued driving until I got here. Can I see him?"

"Tayloe, this is Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuelson." Tayloe pulled himself together and remembered his manners. Todd suggested that he needed a shower and a nap before seeing Eron. "You don't look your best, brother, and you don't want to scare him. I don't remember seeing you this disheveled in a long time."

It was decided that Todd would take Tayloe to the hotel for a shower and nap. They would come back to the hospital at dinner time and then Todd and Tayloe could visit with Eron until bedtime. When they arrived at the room, Tayloe stripped and went into the shower. Todd put on a pair of pajama bottoms and laid on the bed. Tayloe came out in a pair of briefs and crawled on the bed.

"I need to get a room."

"Nope, you can sleep here with us. It is a king size bed and it will hold all three of us."

Tayloe was too tired to argue. Todd pulled him into a body hug and Tayloe fell asleep. Todd lay awake again wondering how he had become the caregiver in the family. Finally, he fell into a much needed nap. As he was waking, he reached around and felt a hard member. At first, he thought it was Erick then remembered that he was sleeping with his brother. His hard on was pushed into Tayloe's butt. He was thankful they were both wearing clothes.

"Mmm, yeah, Eron keep doing that. It feels so good."

Todd was wide awake at that point. What did Tayloe just say? Did he think he was in bed with Eron?

Todd slid out of bed and went to the bathroom where he took a shower. When he went back into the bedroom, Tayloe was lying on the bed with a confused look on his face.

"Did you just feel my dick?"

Todd flushed bright red. "Yeah, I was half asleep and thought you were Erick."

Tayloe blushed. "It felt good. How big is that dick you were trying to jam in my butt?"

"I was not trying to jam it into your butt."

"It felt like it was ready to take charge of some ass, if you ask me."

"Well, I wasn't asking you."

They then looked at each other and started laughing.

"Take another shower and clean that skanky body so we can go to the hospital."

Tayloe laughed, stretched his arms above and head and gave a big yawn. Then he did as his little brother instructed.

They arrived at the hospital and found Erick and his parents. They decided to go to a restaurant for dinner. They were already tired of hospital food. Tayloe was back to normal trying to direct what food should be ordered. Erick and Todd laughed at his behavior. Todd drove his brother to the hospital and warned him about Eron's deficits and all of the equipment that he had hooked up to his body.

They walked in the room and a nurse was finishing feeding Eron his supper. His hands were not coordinated enough to cut the chicken and a young blond headed nurse had volunteered to help him.

Eron's personality changed when Tayloe walked in. Eron was exuberant and said, "I get two of you. Doublemint Twins." Then he thought about Tayloe's presence and asked why he was there.

"I heard that you had a little boo-boo and I wanted kiss it and make it better."

Eron just looked at Tayloe. He then slowly reached out his hand. Tayloe stepped forward, took it, and kissed it. The light in Eron's eyes turned on. Todd instinctively understood that Eron was on the road to recovery and it was time for him to read some magazines in the waiting room.

Tayloe found Todd sleeping when the nurse finally kicked him out of Eron's room. Todd looked really uncomfortable curled up in the chair.

"Come on, sweet brother. Let's go back to the hotel so you can be with your partner."

Tayloe drove them back to the hotel. When they entered the room, Erick was asleep and the bathroom light provided a sliver of light across the floor. Erick had left just enough light for the guys to be able to see. Todd crawled onto one side of the bed and pulled Erick to him. Tayloe crawled in the other side. Todd was hugging Erick, and Tayloe was hugging him.

Suggested Music: "Au fond du temple saint" Composer: Georges Bizet

Next: Chapter 28

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