Apple of Your Eye

By Mac Rountree

Published on Dec 24, 2022


Happy Monday!!! Remember nifty in your giving this year. Mac

Monday, December 23 Second Night of Chanukkah The Light of Peace

And YHWH appeared to him by the terebinth tree of Mamre, while he was sitting in the tent door in the heat of the day. So, he lifted his eyes and looked, and saw three men standing opposite him. And when he saw them, he ran from the tent door to meet them, and bowed himself to the ground, and said, "YHWH, if I have now found favor in Your eyes, please not pass Your servant by.

Genesis 18: 1-3

Nash awoke and was disoriented as to where he was. He looked around the bedroom and saw the suit he had worn the night before casually tossed over a chair. The room was warm and the bedclothes had been pushed to the foot of the bed. He smiled when he looked down his body and saw his familiar friend. He wondered if he would always awaken with an erection. He then heard voices and decided that there were other things more important than taking care of that need. There was a knock at the bedroom door.

"Nash, breakfast is in five minutes."

"Okay, I'll be right there."

Nash went into the attached bathroom to brush his teeth and comb his hair. He then opened his suitcase and got out his pajama bottoms. Of course, Erick and Todd had seen him in much less when they swam together but he was feeling modest in their home. This was not the gym and he didn't want to appear forward and presumptuous. When he opened the bedroom door and walked into the dining room he found the guys in just their briefs. He laughed and shucked his pajama bottoms.

"I don't want to be overdressed."

Todd caught his breath. There was no doubt that the man was beautiful. The light blond hair, the bluest of eyes, the chiseled cheek bones and jutting chin easily took your breath away. Then there was the body............Todd knew not to stare. Erick was indifferent because his mate was the perfect specimen for him and while he appreciated the beauty of men he was not dazzled the same as Todd.

Erick said the morning grace and they hoed into the food. Their normal, simple breakfast had been replaced with a variety of foods. There was no Cream of Wheat. Both Erick and Todd were eating donuts and told Nash he had to eat one also. The guys explained that during Chanukah they would eat sufganiyot. Nash loved them and ate several. Todd then told him about different fillings even suggesting that he and Erick had come up with the ultimate in fillings.

Nash blushed and looked down. He was a lot more na‹ve than Todd had assumed. Todd didn't think himself jaded but he was a senior whereas Nash was just finishing the first semester of his freshman year. Nash had a lot to learn. Erick quickly changed the subject and asked about the dinner and dance the night before.

"Well, let me say again how grateful I am that I could stay here. It was a loooonnng day. I went to church with my family and then drove to Norfolk to pick up Jan then back to Williamsburg Lodge for the dinner and dance, then back to Norfolk to take Jan home and then back to Williamsburg."

"Jan's grandmother was very kind. She was surprised to see a white boy show up at their apartment. Once she got over that, she had me sit and we had a nice conversation. She was charming but had some tough questions for me. She wanted to know about my family. Then she asked me about meeting Jan, asking her out to the dance, and why I was dating a black girl."

Erick and Todd looked at each other without saying anything.

"I explained that I saw Jan as a woman and hadn't thought about race. I told her about both of us being history majors and the discussion we had at lunch. When I told her that I thought of Jan as a sister she gave me a strange look. She was definitely assessing me as to whether I would be a suitable husband. Jan sat there without saying a word. I told Mrs. Chamblee that I wasn't thinking of marriage yet because I was committed to getting my doctorate in history. That made her smile and she said I sounded like Jan. Finally, she told us to have a good time. She actually hugged me when we left. I mean, she is this tiny little woman and yet she reached up, pulled me down, and put her arms around my neck when she hugged me. She then said I was good people."

Todd recognized that saying and smiled.

"We got to the dinner and I think everyone was surprised that I was there with Jan. I had not brought a date to any of the athletic social functions since I started school. The fact that Jan and I were a mixed-race couple seemed to upset a few folks and we stayed away from them. We ate dinner and then danced. Man, that girl can dance. She even knows the Carolina Shag. We tore up the floor."

Nash was grinning from ear to ear.

"Finally, I told her it had been a long day for me and I needed to take her home. We chatted all the way back to Norfolk. I have never had such an easy conversation with a woman. She really is terrific. We agreed to go out again. She knows I am gay and she is determined to pursue her life goals and doesn't want to get caught up with some man who will try to put his life needs ahead of hers. I am sort of the perfect guy for her. We get along and have a good time but there is no pretext of something romantic happening. I am concerned though because she is anxious about having enough money to finish her degree. She is so smart but she and her grandmother live on the edge. Somehow it doesn't seem fair."

Nash seemed at ease and said it was like he was making a new family. He reached out and grabbed Erick and Todd's hands.

"I'm sorry that I woke you when I got here so late last night. I hadn't planned to be out so late."

"Not to worry. We should have given you a key to the apartment. You are welcome to use this as a refuge when you are in town and need a place to stay."

They started gathering the dishes and taking them to the kitchen. Erick was cleaning everything since Todd had cooked. Todd observed Nash.

"Did you bring your swimsuit? I thought we should go swimming this morning."

Nash looked crestfallen.

"No, I didn't think to bring it."

"That's alright. We will swim in our skivvies or perhaps we won't wear anything at all." Todd was grinning as he said that.

The three guys got into the Honda and headed to the campus. Nash had a key to the gym and they threaded their way through the building to the changing room. There was no one else around. They could hear echoes of their conversation.

"Okay, on the count of three everyone strip down. We are doing this the natural way."

All three were comfortable with their bodies and quickly discarded their clothes. They jumped into the shower barely washing away the cooties before they ran across the deck and into the pool. They vigorously swam laps and then pulled themselves onto the lip of the pool.

"Let's play water volleyball." Nash went into a storage room and pulled out a ball.

They couldn't figure out how to play volleyball with three people so they played a game of tag. They would throw the ball trying to hit each other. It hurt when the wet ball smacked against skin. Nash had the most hits, Erick the least. Todd was so joyous at the camaraderie that he stopped keeping score. When they were too exhausted to continue, they fell back onto the deck and let their bodies unwind from the intense workout.

Todd rolled onto Erick and lay there. His chest was no longer heaving and he was content just lying across his lover. Nash turned on his side and watched the two of them holding each other. There was nothing sexual about their actions but Nash sprouted an erection. He decided it was okay and to not be ashamed. He then noticed that Erick and Todd were in the same state of arousal.

Todd leaned into Erick and kissed him on the lips. He then hopped up and pulled Erick to his feet. Nash followed suit. Three erections led the men to the shower. Nash compared sizes and was proud that he was the leader, by a good amount. Nash was hoping that either Todd or Erick would invite him into their sphere but they simply washed each other and turned off the water.

"Lunch. My body is saying it is lunch time." Erick grinned and told Nash that Todd had a built-in clock for meal times. They headed to the diner and ate soup and salads. Todd was very specific about the low-cal dressing for the salads and told the waitress they wanted no bread or crackers.

"No need to undo the good work we put in this morning."

After lunch they went back to the apartment. It was obvious to Erick and Todd that Nash did not want to leave. They said it was nap time and they went to their respective bedrooms to sleep. When they awoke the afternoon shadows were long. Erick was putting candles in the Chanukkiah. This experience was new to Nash. After the candles were lit, he enjoyed the theological exploration over the scripture and over the word acceptance. Erick explained they were following a Chanukah guide which suggested exploring the meaning of a different word for each of the eight days. There was a rich discussion about the idea of acceptance: acceptance of self, of others, of God. Todd then fixed them a small dinner and lit the Advent candles. Again, they spent time in reflection and discussion. For Nash, this extended time exploring religious texts from different traditions was new and yet exciting. After the candles were extinguished, Nash said he needed to leave.

Erick and Todd said it was getting late and it was okay for Nash to spend the night. He told them it had been the most wonderful day of his life but he must return home. His parents were expecting him.

"You have shown me an honorable way of living. I want to find a man and share what the two of you have. I don't think that is asking too much. Hopefully, you will allow me to continue to be a part of your lives. It is as if I have two new brothers who are filled with love and acceptance. That is so rare in this world."

Suggested music:

"Sure On This Shining Night" Performers: Minnesota Choral Arts

Next: Chapter 24

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