Apple of Your Eye

By Mac Rountree

Published on Dec 21, 2022


Dear readers, I am in Colonial Williamsburg on the 21st. I am meeting my younger sister for a day of exploring and shopping. We will eat at the Blue Talon, have gingerbread cookies from the Raleigh Tavern, going by Bruton Parish, Wren Chapel and the Colonial District.

I will even drive by the apartment complex where Erick and Todd live.

December 21 is the Winter Solstice. December 22 is the start of Chanukkah. Erick and Todd will start the celebration of the Feast of Lights by lighting their Chanukkahiah on Sunday at sunset.

Remember to be generous to as we approach the end of the year.

Thanks for reading the story. I love hearing from you.


Saturday, December 21 Winter Solstice The Light of Joy

And now, O Lord GOD, you are God, and your words are true, and you have promised this good thing to your servant; now therefore may it please you to bless the house of your servant, so that it may continue forever before you; for you, O Lord GOD, have spoken, and with your blessing shall the house of your servant be blessed forever." 2nd Samuel 7:28-29

Erick and Todd were slow to awaken. Erick was wrapped around Todd in bed and enjoying Todd's chest as a pillow for his sore head. He had drunk too much the night before. Finally, Erick realized Todd was fidgeting which meant he needed to take his morning piss. Erick readied himself before tickling Todd's sides, grabbed Todd's dick, and then jumped out of bed and before running to the bathroom. Erick was laughing so hard it was difficult for him to accurately aim at the bowl. Todd was right behind him and was spraying before he was fully in the bathroom.

"You know, sometimes you are the biggest child in the world. You are a jerk-wad and you are going to clean the bathroom floor or you don't get breakfast."

Erick smiled and then leaned over and kissed Todd. Todd simply sighed at the onslaught of that tongue. He turned and pulled Erick into a tight hug.

"Let's take a shower first. I think you need some help to get clean."

They lathered each other and then smashed their bodies together. When the water turned cool, they quickly stepped out of the shower and toweled each other dry. They both dropped their towels as Erick would use those to clean the floor. After shaving and brushing their teeth, they realized they weren't very hungry so they put on their sweat pants, brought in firewood for the day and cuddled on the sofa. Todd put on a pot of left-over stew which they would eat later for lunch. Erick awoke when he felt something punching him in the butt. Then he felt his sweats being lowered. It was sweet gentle loving making on a Saturday morning. They then fell asleep with Erick wrapped in Todd's arms. It was a safe place for each of them and they felt blessed to have each other. They ate lunch and decided to take a trip later in the afternoon to Norfolk for dinner and to see a movie.

Across the river, Tim had awoken early to make breakfast. Jeremiah was still sleeping. Tim realized that his sleep pattern was very different than Jeremiah's. When he got up at 2 a.m. for a nighttime piss he saw Jeremiah in the living room on the computer. The boy was wide awake. Tim grumbled that it was the middle of the night and for Jeremiah to turn off the computer and go to bed. Now, he sat at the kitchen table and was eating alone. He realized he knew nothing about raising a teenage boy. Hopefully, Black would be more helpful.

Tim had acted on impulse when he filed the foster care paperwork for Jeremiah. He saw a young gay boy who was in danger and had nowhere to turn. He acknowledged he would probably be a horrible social worker because he didn't understand boundaries. He thought, however, that between he and Black they could manage.

Around 11 a.m., Jeremiah came wandering into the living room. He had on a pair of pajama bottoms that were tented in the front. Jeremiah blushed as he pushed his erection down. He looked at Tim and blushed.

"Hi dad."

"Good morning Jer."

Jeremiah gave him a strange look. "Is that what you are going to call me?"

"Well, I could call you Prophet, or Jerry, or Jeremiah, or whatever you want to be called. What did the kids in school call you?"

"Queer. They called me fag or queer." Jeremiah turned and ran to his bedroom and slammed the door.

Well, that didn't go well, thought Tim. What an understatement. He was just trying to be cool but then had the realization he would never be a cool guy to Jeremiah. He was a dad, an old dude, a relic who had taken pity on him. Cool guys would be older teenagers with a car, some money, a tanned lean body, a brilliant smile. Someone like Bobby.

Just as Tim was feeling his worst the telephone rang. When he picked it up, he realized it was an international call. After making sure that Black was okay, they had a good conversation and Tim was able to tell him about the mistake that morning and that Jeremiah had a date that night. Tim was upfront and said he wasn't very good at being a parent and felt like he had made a mistake. Black talked him down and gave him a few pointers on parenting unruly teenagers. Tim fixed lunch and then knocked on Jeremiah's door. There was no answer. He knocked again and heard a feeble reply. Tim opened the door and saw Jeremiah curled in a fetal position on the bed. He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. He reached out and touched Jeremiah's shoulder.

"Can we talk about it?"

Jeremiah turned over and Tim saw the tears.

"I made lunch and I would like for us to eat together. Wash your face, come into the kitchen, and we'll talk."

Jeremiah continued to lie in the bed.

With a bit of directiveness in his voice, Tim said, "Now. Get up now."

Jeremiah was startled by this new tone of voice and jumped out of bed. When he appeared at the table, he looked at the food and turned his nose up.

"Eat. Now."

Jeremiah took the first bite of the sandwich and then started smiling. He finished everything that Tim had prepared and then stretched out in his chair. His butt was on the edge of the seat and his legs were straight out. His back was straight and his head was thrown back so he was looking at the ceiling. He was a tall drink of water when he did that.

"First off, I apologize. I should not have called you by that name. I will call you Jeremiah from now on unless you give me another name you want me to use." Jeremiah now was sitting up in the chair, feet flat on the floor.

"Second, I hate that you are called names in school. There are a couple of ways of dealing with it. You can skulk away and be ashamed or you can own it."

"What do you mean own it?"

"Are you gay?"

Jeremiah rolled his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me. Comprende?"

A chastised Jeremiah said he understood.

"Take those derogatory names and turn them into proud labels to wear. When they call you a fag, don't hunker down and be ashamed. A faggot was a piece of wood that was used when they burned gays at the stake. Use that as a teachable moment and tell them the meaning of the word and that you are as strong as an oak tree. An oak tree they cannot take down or burn. A fag is a British cigarette but you are on your own in figuring out what to say about that. Only make it decent and nothing about putting something long and round in your mouth."

Jeremiah snickered and then gave Tim a lot of inquisitiveness.

"Tell me more."

"Let's get a dictionary, the thesaurus and turn on the computer. We can spend some time looking up word origins and meanings. Straight guys hate nothing worse than a witty comeback. They are generally too stupid to think of them."

Tim and Jeremiah spent most of the afternoon doing their research, laughing, writing down witty rejoinders, and bonding as father and son. Bonding was the most important thing.

"I need to take a shower and get ready. Bobby is picking me up at 6:30." "Jeremiah, I don't want to put a damper on things but let's talk before Bobby gets here."

Jeremiah stopped and looked at Tim. He had no idea where the conversation was going and he was scared.

"Let's sit at the kitchen table. When I was growing up the important conversations were held at the kitchen table."

Jeremiah shuffled into the kitchen. His feet were much better to the point that he could do the teenage shuffle when he had to do something he didn't like. "You and Bobby have talked every night this week. Tell me where you are going and what you are going to do."

"Well, we are going to get something to eat. Then we're going to the movies."

"What restaurant? Which movie?"

"Mmmm, we haven't decided. I want him to decide since he is older."

"Anything else?"

"Well, Bobby said we might be able to get into a gay bar."

Tim's blood ran cold. He was afraid that was perhaps on the agenda.

"You know you are too young to get into a bar - gay or otherwise."

Jeremiah looked down at the tabletop and nodded his head.

"And you if you are picked up by the police, you will be taken out of my custody and taken to juvenile detention."

Jeremiah's head popped up. "No way."

"Yes, way."

"Bobby said it would be really easy and that he had a fake ID I could use."

"Hmmm, you may not like what I am going to say, but I want to talk with Bobby when he get's here. I need to be clear with him about limits."

Jeremiah nodded his head.

"Talk to me about sex."

Jeremiah's mouth flew open.


"You are not to have sex. Do I make myself clear? How old is Bobby?"

"He is 18."

"Okay, if the two of you have sex, it is rape because you are underage. It is a statutory aspect of the law and he will be charged with rape and you will be sent to juvenile detention."

"Life isn't fair."

"We can both agree on that for purposes of this discussion but the law it still is."

"So what are you going to say to Bobby? Please don't embarrass me. Please."

"I will do my best not to embarrass you but I will be clear with him about my expectations of his behavior."

"It was more fun living on the street."

"No it wasn't and you know it. You just want some of that good looking boy and can't stand it when I say not yet. Notice, I didn't say no, I just said not yet."

"Can I go now?"

"Yes, on one condition. Bring me all of the condoms you have in your wallet, bedside table or in your room."

Jeremiah's mouth flew open.

"I don't.......I.....okay, I will bring them to you. Are you going to use them? They cost a lot of money."

Jeremiah went to his bedroom and brought back a variety of condoms. Tim wasn't quite sure what to say so that Jeremiah wouldn't be offended.

"Well, you have a variety. Different colors, different sizes. It seems that you are prepared for any contingency."

Jeremiah blushed. He head was faced down at the floor though his eyes were looking up at Tim.

"I wasn't sure so I decided to buy different ones. I was embarrassed at the drug store when the guy behind the counter just smirked at me. It wasn't like I could try them on in the store. Also, I don't know what size Bobby is."

Jeremiah felt like he could drop through the floor.

"Well, the important thing is that you are prepared. But, promise me that you are not going to use them yet."

"Why not?"

"Well, you are underage for a couple of more weeks. Also, I don't know how much you know about sex. You should be educated."

"I can't talk to you about sex!"

"Why not?"

"Because you are like my dad. Plus, you are like really old. I have heard that when you get old you can't even get it up."

Tim sat back in the chair and chuckled. Jeremiah's bravado was easily countered.

"Jeremiah, you are young and have so much to learn. Your education starts now."

At first, Jeremiah sat in horror as Tim talked through sex education 101 with him. When they reached gay sex education 101 Jeremiah found he had lots of questions. Tim did not shy away from answering the questions. He needed Jeremiah to know that he was open to discussing anything. The more open he was, the more Jeremiah asked.

"Finally, I need to tell you that your body is a temple. Treat it as such. Whoever worships your body should be worthy to enter the holy gates."

Jeremiah burst out laughing and then quickly blushed.

Tim just sat and looked at him.

"Okay, pops tell me more. How do I know if he is worthy to enter my holy gate? You know, I might want to enter his holy gate also." Jeremiah smirked.

They spent the rest of the time talking about self-esteem, being able to say no, honoring yourself while being in a relationship and how to determine whether a man was worthy of your love.

"Well, I didn't know we were going to talk about all of this today. I would have stayed in bed." Jeremiah smiled as he walked over to Tim and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks, dad. I may have some more questions after my date tonight. Is that okay?"

"Of course, please come to me to talk about anything. Black and I are here for you." Jeremiah realized he was going to be late and ran to shower. The condoms were left on the kitchen table.

Jeremiah was dressed and ready to go when he heard a horn blow.

"Bobby is outside so I am leaving. I will be home by 11. I promise."

"Hold up, young man. Go out and tell Bobby and to come inside."

Jeremiah was aghast.

"Do it. Have I said anything wrong to you this afternoon?"

Jeremiah went to the door and waved for Bobby to come inside. He hoped that Bobby would come to the door and not drive off. Bobby came in and Jeremiah kissed him on the mouth.

Tim welcomed Bobby to the house and asked what they were planning to do that evening. Bobby started giving a facile answer and Tim stopped him and asked for specifics. That is when Bobby looked down and saw the array of condoms on the coffee table. Tim had moved them to the living room while Jeremiah was showering. Bobby stumbled in his answer. Jeremiah blushed. Tim spoke up and said he was conducting a sex education course and was just reviewing the variety of condoms available.

"Bobby, I am Jeremiah's guardian. If he gets into any trouble he will be removed from my house and sent to Juvenile Detention. I do not want that. My partner, Black, and I care too much for Jeremiah for that to happen. Might I make a suggestion?"

Bobby nodded his head.

Tim then mentioned several restaurants that would fit their budget. He suggested a couple of movies. He then said if they wanted to come back to the house after the movies, he would make ice cream sundaes. Bobby said that sounded like a great idea.

"Great, I look forward to seeing you right after the movies. No parking on dark lanes, no going to gay bars, no getting into any kind of trouble. Agreed?"

Both boys nodded their heads and then Bobby grabbed Jeremiah's hand and out the door they went.

Tim went into the kitchen to fix himself some dinner. He knew that he wouldn't enjoy the evening while waiting for Jeremiah to get home.

The phone rang at 8:30. It was Jeremiah and he was crying. He could barely talk he was crying so hard. Tim then heard another voice on the telephone. It was Todd Reynolds. Todd told Tim that they were at the Emergency Department and that Jeremiah was fine. Bobby had been assaulted at the movie theater. Todd and Erick happened to also be at the theater in Norfolk and accompanied the boys to the Emergency Department.

While waiting in line for pop-corn and Cokes, a young man walked up to Bobby and started cursing at him. Bobby moved in front of Jeremiah when the fellow became more belligerent. Without warning, the fellow's arm shot straight forward and connected with Bobby's right orbit. Bobby went down. Jeremiah was standing in shock when Todd and Erick appeared. Todd grabbed the assailant while Erick dropped to his knees to assist Bobby. The manager called the police.

Todd and Erick recognized Jeremiah from the commitment ceremony. Todd continued to hold the fellow while a doctor who was at the theater took over care of Bobby. Erick then held Jeremiah who was somewhat hysterical. Erick reminded Jeremiah who he and Todd were which relaxed him somewhat. The police arrived and arrested Toby Vann who had assaulted Bobby. The physician who was attending Bobby said he needed to go to the hospital and an ambulance was called. Todd and Erick gave Jeremiah a ride to the hospital and stayed with him while waiting for Tim to appear. Todd was unclear about what legal ramifications might ensue so he called Tayloe and left a voice mail.

Todd decided it was a good thing they were staying with Jeremiah because the police had many questions and they knew that Jeremiah was still a minor. Tim arrived and Jeremiah ran across the waiting room directly into his arms. The earlier shock gave way to a tsunami of tears. Tim wrapped Jeremiah in his arms and did not release him until the tremors and tears stopped. With a final shudder, Jeremiah said, "Thanks, dad. You are the best." Jeremiah then took Tim's hand and would not let it loose.

The police discovered that the assailant had a history of assaults. The last victim being one Matan Jenner. The police said he was being booked for assault and wouldn't be a threat to either of them. Finally, the Emergency Room doctor came out and asked for Jeremiah. Bobby was being admitted for observation and had asked if Jeremiah could stay with him. Bobby told the doctor he had no family in the area and was afraid to be alone in the hospital. The doctor looked Jeremiah up and down and asked how old he was.

"I am sixteen."

"Are you sure?"

Tim spoke up and said that Jeremiah was sixteen and wouldn't tell a lie.

The doctor blushed and said he just had to make sure that Jeremiah was of age.

Tim put his arm over Jeremiah's shoulder and said he was a good son and would be a great comfort to Bobby. Jeremiah dropped his head on Tim's shoulder and hugged him.

Tim, Jeremiah, Todd and Erick went up to Bobby's room. They all told him good night. Tim said he would be back in the morning with fresh clothes for Jeremiah. He kissed Jeremiah and told him he loved him.

As they were leaving, Tim said he thought he should call the case worker to give her an update.

"I suggest you wait until Tayloe calls you. I left him a voice mail and he is good about checking that. Don't invite trouble when there may be no reason."

Suggested Music: "You Raise Me Up" Performer: Josh Groban

Colonial Williamsburg is starting to explore the queer culture of the historic community.

Excavating a Queer History of Colonial Williamsburg


Next: Chapter 22

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