Apple of Your Eye

By Mac Rountree

Published on Dec 16, 2022


Happy Monday morning. Erick is exhausted from the weekend of activities. Todd takes on the familiar role as caregiver.

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Monday, December 16 The Light of Joy

Like as a hart desireth the waterbrooks, So longeth my soul after thee, O God. My soul is athirst for God, Yea, even for the living God. When shall I come to appear before the presence of God? My tears have been my meat day and night, While they daily say unto me, "where is now thy God?" Psalm 42: 1-3

Todd was the first one up. He and Erick were exhausted from the weekend festivities. The coffee was brewing and Todd was preparing batter for waffles. He loved banana chocolate chip waffles with maple syrup. Of course, he had to be careful so that he didn't go into a diabetic coma from the sugar overload. Todd felt a kiss on his neck. He had been so intent on making the batter he hadn't noticed the feet padding across the kitchen floor.

Todd turned and was in Erick's arms. Erick laid his head on Todd's shoulder and just held on. Finally, Todd felt something growing down below. He chuckled.

"I need you in our bed. I need you, Todd. Now."

"I am making waffles." Erick put his hand across Todd's mouth to hush him.

"Me or waffles? Which is more important in your life?"

That was an easy answer for Todd. He grabbed Erick's hand and led him to the bedroom. The bedclothes were a wreck but actually looked fairly neat compared to how they would look later in the morning. Erick was truly in need. Todd was lying on his back, with a sweat covered chest when he finally heard a sigh of contentment from Erick. He then felt Erick turn over and plant his body half on top of him. Erick's arm reached out and pulled him in close.

"Hold me. I need for you to hold me. I am in need."

Todd had never heard that plaintive tone in Erick's voice before. Todd turned on his side toward Erick and pulled him in close. He didn't use his mouth to speak, but rather let his body do the talking; he comforted his partner. Finally, he felt Erick's heart beat slow and his breath become shallow. Erick was asleep. They lay that way for an hour when Todd woke again. Todd was moving his body when Erick was startled awake.

"No. I need you. Stay with me. Please don't leave me. Todd, don't leave me." Todd was stunned.

Erick closed his eyes and fell asleep again. Todd pulled Erick in close, wrapped him in his arms and felt him returning to a deep sleep. At times he would whimper and his body would subtlety shake. If Todd had not been so attuned, he would not have noticed it. Erick would then move in closer and pulled Todd's arms tighter across his chest. Their breathing synced and they lived in the land of nod.

Todd woke and knew that it was afternoon. He urgently needed to pee but didn't want to waken Erick. He was quietly moving when Erick's eyes opened. He blinked a couple of times and then a smile spread across his face. He pulled Todd's arms across his chest, released them and then jumped from the bed. He ran to the bathroom and by the time he reached the toilet his underwear was opened and he was letting loose a torrent. Todd walked up beside him and added to the flood waters.

Erick looked at Todd, leaned in and kissed him on the lips.

"Good morning, lover."

"Good afternoon, Herr Docktor Professor."

"Is it really afternoon?"

"Yes, it is 2:30 pm."

"Why did you let me sleep so late?"

Todd just laughed at Erick's question.

Erick looked confused. "What is so funny?"

"You pulled me back to bed this morning and we both fell asleep. I guess we were really tired."

"Well, this beast is hungry. Let's shower and go out for lunch."

Todd was confused at Erick's behavior. It was like he didn't remember what had happened that morning. They got in the shower and they washed each other's bodies as they talked about snippets of what had happened over the weekend. "When did the guys say they were leaving for Brussels?" Erick's mind was still foggy and he didn't want to search his memory bank for the answer.

"Yonatan told me they will leave tomorrow. Matan's father wanted to go to the law firm today and Dr. Jenner was going by the hospital."

"Can we go to one of the waffle houses out on Route 60? I am in the mood for waffles. I don't know why, they aren't something I eat on a regular basis."

"They won't keep you regular, that is why."

Erick gave him a loopy grin and said that was true.

They went to the bedroom and Erick seemed surprised at the state of the bedcovers.

"Maybe we should throw these in the washer while we are gone. It looks like two wildebeests had a tussle in here."

They each grabbed corners of the fitted sheet and pulled it loose. Todd told Erick to put everything in the washer while he cleaned up a couple of things in the kitchen. They were dressed in chinos and sweaters and leather bomber jackets when they left the apartment. Todd said he was driving. They got in the car and Todd drove directly to the most popular of the waffle houses. He knew they would have missed the lunch crowd. In fact, the waitress was surprised when Erick said they would probably drink an entire pot of coffee. First, Erick said he wanted a large glass of water. He quickly dispensed with that and asked for a second glass.

"I didn't realize how dehydrated I was. I am really out of it."

"Honey, are you okay? You have been out of it most of the day."

"Really? We just got up a few minutes ago. I slept for a long time last night."

Todd ordered banana chocolate chip waffles. Erick ordered pancakes, eggs over easy, and fresh fruit. He then asked for another glass of water. He would reach over and take a bite of Todd's waffle. Todd could only smile when he did that. When Erick took the last bite, he let out a small burp, smiled and said the beast was ready to take on the world. But first, he needed to pee. Erick grinned as he leaned over to kiss Todd before he headed to the men's room.

They left the restaurant and Todd drove to Market Square for Christmas looking. He still had some things to purchase but he had no idea where to get what he needed. The area was packed on a Monday afternoon which surprised both fellows. Todd said he needed to go to Beecroft and Bull to pick up a couple of presents. Erick said he had an errand to run - alone. They agreed to meet shortly as it was fast approaching dusk.

They stood at the foot of the Duke of Gloucester Street in the colonial area. Erick grabbed Todd's hand and said it would be nice to walk around and look at the decorations. They had done that several times already but neither tired of the sight. Erick seemed so dependent on Todd for steadiness and direction. He was certainly better than that morning but he was still slightly off kilter.

"How are you feeling? How is your leg?" Todd put his hand on Erick's forehead like he was checking for a fever.

Erick eyes brightened. "I am feeling better, thanks. The leg is no problem since you drug me every day. I don't know what happened. I guess I needed water. I felt so dry and empty. My brain and body seemed other-worldly. In fact, I am thirsty for water again. I guess that I didn't pay attention to my water intake over the weekend. Plus, we drank a lot of liquor."

They walked in silence for a few minutes before Erick stopped and looked at Todd. "I felt like my soul was empty and only you could fill it. There were so many people and so many things going on. I have never thought of myself as either an extrovert or an introvert but I wanted to scream at people to go away and to just leave us alone. I need for you to fill my soul with your being. You are the only one who can make me whole again. Does that make sense?"

Todd could only nod his head. He held Erick's hand even harder. He and Erick spent so much time alone and this weekend was the first time that he realized how much of an introvert Erick actually was. Todd had felt exhilarated the entire time. Another layer of the onion of knowing each other had been peeled back.

The fellows went back to the apartment. Todd lit the Advent candles, they read the scripture assigned for the day, had a brief exchange of views and then Erick said he needed filling again. He gave Todd a rude smile and an eyebrow wag.

Suggested Music: "Like as a Hart" Herbert Howells, Composer

Next: Chapter 17

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