Apple of Your Eye

By Mac Rountree

Published on Dec 1, 2023


Erick and Todd meet at the College of William and Mary. They meet Yonatan and Matan (Jimbo) and Pate and Timmy. This is book two of the Yonatan and Matan series. There are thirty-six chapters: one for each day of Advent, Chanukah and Christmas.

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Keep me as an Apple of Your Eye

Sunday, December 1 The Light of Hope

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: "May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels." For the sake of my family and friends, I will say, "Peace be within you." For the sake of the house of the LORD our God, I will seek your prosperity.

Psalm 122

Todd and Erick moved out of their pew at Bruton Parish Church and were caught in the throng of folks who had come to church for the first Sunday of Advent. They felt fortunate that they were at The College of William and Mary and lived close to this colonial church. People greeted them and seemed genuinely pleased that students and faculty from W&M would come to church. Both men were gracious in returning greetings though they were somewhat anxious to get out and head down to the Raleigh Tavern. They had a lunch reservation and didn't want to be late. The colonial town was quickly filling with people who were coming to see all of the colonial Christmas decorations. All of the buildings were decorated, the Fife and Drum Corp were marching through the historic district and people had paid extra attention to their finery for the day. There was a feeling of festivity everywhere. After telling the Rector they had enjoyed the sermon they quickly walked to the Tavern. They were relieved when they saw Mikey was the host for lunch. He would have saved their table even if they were late.

"Gentlemen, welcome to Raleigh Tavern on this fine day."

"Thank you, kind sir, for your most gracious welcome. Dr. Emmanuelson and I have a reservation in your fine establishment."

Erick stood back and snickered as Todd and Mikey took up banter in a supposed colonial style.

Dr. Emmanuelson! Erick could hardly believe that he was now a Ph.D. and had a title with his name. He had struggled with his dissertation but had been awarded the degree the previous May at Yale University. He knew most people struggled with their dissertations so he didn't begrudge (too much) the professor who made his life a living hell for two years. He now had a faculty appointment at William & Mary with a rank of Assistant Professor. It was a last-minute occurrence. A long tenured professor had passed away on the same day that Erick's Curriculum Vitae arrived on the department chairman's desk. Erick saw it as fate.

Erick liked the fact that Todd always referred to him as Dr. Emmanuelson. He smiled thinking of a General's wife wearing her husband's military rank. Todd was also proud of the fact that his partner was on faculty. He let all of his friends know that they were partners. It was a badge of honor among certain groups for an undergraduate to be dating a member of the faculty. Actually, that had caused a bit of consternation among members of the Faculty Senate until they were assured that Todd was a math major in his senior year and would not be taking any courses from his partner.

Todd had even adopted Erick's style of dressing. Grey or black suit, white shirt, bowtie, and cap toe shoes were now his standard attire. Prior to that, Todd had been a hit or miss kind of dresser. He would do the sniff test on his clothes and that would help decide what he wore that day. Luckily, he and Erick were the same size and could share a wardrobe. There were fewer bowties to buy. Those things were expensive to be such little pieces of cloth. The local haberdashery, Beecroft and Bull, was their favorite place to shop.

Erick was from Newport, Rhode Island and Todd was from Richmond, Virginia. Both were snobbish towns in their own ways. Both men had each adopted the characteristics of their native towns with one major difference. Todd grew up at St. Paul's Episcopal Church and insisted the family sit in the pew where Robert E. Lee was seated when he was notified that the Yankee troops had broken through the lines at Petersburg. He went to St. Christopher's Episcopal School and lived in the West End. His parents were of the old Richmond power set. They were discreet about their wealth but were powerful in the city and state cliques that made decisions.

Erick however grew up as a twin son of Holocaust survivors. His parents had emigrated to the United States in the 1950s. They were in their twenties and had recently married. Being the only survivors from both families, they met, had fallen in love and decided they wanted to live in the United States. The couple wanted to get out of Europe and had ended up in Newport. Except for the elite in their "summer cottages" the town was filled with frugal New Englanders. The Emmanuelsons tried to have children and the doctor told them they would probably never conceive. This was seen as one more horror of the Holocaust that would forever haunt their lives. Both were surprised when after several years Rachel became pregnant. The surprise was doubled when she found out she was carrying twins. Then the worrying set in. Would the experiments at the hands of the Nazi's have affected the health of the babies? What would they do if the children were deformed? Luckily, the worrying was for naught. Two healthy boys were born to Abraham and Rachel Emmanuelson. Both boys were handsome, smart and excelled at school. Erick decided to go to Yale and Eron went to Harvard. Erick was the historian and Eron was the lawyer. They were both gay and preferred dating gentile boys. They had grown up hearing the stories of the Holocaust and the horrors of so many people and felt they needed a break from that tragic past. Their parents only went to synagogue during high holy days. Erick and Eron went to synagogue when requested by their parents but they were mostly non-observant.

Erick and Todd met at the LGBT Halloween dance. Erick was new on campus that fall and decided that the dance was a perfect opportunity to meet other gay men. The history department had colonial costumes that students would wear when serving as docents at the college so Erick borrowed one thinking it would help him fit in with the crowd. He felt a little odd in a costume as that wasn't something his parents encouraged him and his brother to do. Even for Halloween. He could count on one hand the number of times he had dressed in a costume. He felt anomalous walking in the door. He paid the entry fee and scanned the hall. Erick had always been shy and he wanted to find a corner to hide in for the evening. As he was heading over to purchase a beer, he noticed two Indian braves wearing loin clothes. They were standing with a fellow in a colonial costume.

Erick stopped and stared. The colonist happened to look over at that time and their eyes met. Erick couldn't move. He was mesmerized by this handsome young man. The braves realized their companion was looking elsewhere and turned to see what had captured his attention. The red headed Indian brave said something to the colonist and pushed him in Erick's direction. The fellow tripped over his feet and stumbled into Erick's arms. They looked in each other's eyes and then both jumped back embarrassed over what had just happened. The Indian braves were falling into each other's arms laughing. He heard the blond say that there were two Indians and two white men - it was time for an Indian attack.

Todd told Erick that he owed him a drink because he saved him from falling. Erick finally agreed and Todd walked over to the beverage station. He returned with two beers. Introductions were made to the two Indian braves: Degataga and Chea Sequah.

"Actually, we are Matan and Yonatan." The red headed brave spoke first.

Degataga then spoke and said, "If you want, you can call us Mason and Jimbo but we are ditching those names."

Matan and Yonatan leaned in, kissed each other, and looking at each other, both said, "I am thankful you are in my life. I love you so much." It was if this mantra was rehearsed, but it was genuine in feeling none the less.

During the ensuing conversation they disclosed to Erick they had just returned from Paris. Erick looked at the two and asked if they were Jewish.

"I mean you have Jewish names. That doesn't necessarily make you Jewish. I don't understand why you have Indian names, though."

Matan suggested Erick come to dinner on Saturday night. "I think this deserves a more detailed conversation. We will explain all." Erick readily agreed. "And bring the other white man colonist with you. We promise to be dressed in regular clothes and not these little scraps of fabric."

Everyone grinned and then took to the dance floor. Chea Sequah moved to the center of the floor and was the envy of many. His body twirled and circled around Degataga. The bells on their anklets sounded with their moves. People were mesmerized because they realized they were seeing more than just two men in costumes - they were observing men who were committed to each other and the loin clothes held some special significance.

When Erick left the dance hall he was holding onto Todd's hand. They were kissing before they were outside. The next week Erick moved into Todd's apartment. They felt it was destiny that brought them together.

The dinner with Matan and Yonatan was a revelation to both Erick and Todd. They knew they had met a couple who would be their friends for life. They were puzzled over the presence of a fellow named Black but they decided not to ask. They assumed that Matan and Yonatan were rich and had a man who took care of them and their home. Erick was entranced with the house especially when they told him of the secret passageway where run-away slaves would hide until they were secreted out into boats at night. Black refused for them to see the passage claiming it was unsafe. Matan blushed and immediately changed the subject. It was as if he had disclosed something that he should not have. After dinner, they put on jackets and had dessert on the deck while looking across the river at the lights. They promised to have many more dinners together.

Erick took the train to Providence, Rhode Island for Thanksgiving. Eron met him at Union Station in Washington, D.C. and they rode the rest of the way together. Their parents met them in Providence and took them to their home in Newport. It was an unpretentious Cape Cod style house befitting a working-class family. Over Thanksgiving lunch, Erick told them about meeting Matan and Yonatan. He mentioned that they had been in Paris over fall break visiting the Jenner's.

His father looked deep into his eyes, "Are his parents Herbert and Judy Jenner?"

"I think those were the names he mentioned."

"And you met Matan Jenner?"

"Yes, that is one of the names he uses. He is also called Mason and Chea Sequah."

Eron was laughing, "What kind of name is Chea Sequah?"

"Native American. These guys are fascinating. They will be moving to Boston at some point to attend Harvard. I will have to introduce you."

"Ahhh, the Creator of the Universe is at work. You go to work in Williamsburg and meet the person who, it is said, will probably become a great Rebbe. The Chief Rabbi of Paris had them come to his office every day they were in Paris."

"How do you know this, papa?"

"I have my ways, I have my ways. Now let's watch some football." They threw a few logs on the fire to warm the house and then Erick and Eron curled up together on the sofa and grabbed a blanket to help keep them warm. They had always been very affectionate with each other and it was not unusual for them to kiss.

Five hundred miles south, Todd and his family had lunch at their home overlooking the James River. The large home had been in the family for several generations and his parents had updated all of the systems in the prior decade. It had the look of old money but was very modern in many ways. There was a large crowd of extended family who had come for lunch.

There were questions for Todd. His mother wanted to know the names of the girls he was dating. There were questions about his grades. There were questions about where he wanted to go to graduate school. His mother wanted to make sure he was attending church. After lunch, the women went to the kitchen to clean up and the men went to the den to watch football. Todd answered questions that were directed at him. His answers were always given in a joking manner and he laughed. His brother, Tayloe, knew something wasn't right and kept asking him if he was okay.

"Are you alright little brother?"

"Yes, I am fine. The professors are piling on the work because we are closing in on the end of the semester. In fact, I will probably go back early to study and to work on some papers."

His father spoke up and said he would do no such thing. "You are staying here until after lunch on Sunday. You will not disappoint your mother by going back early."

"Dad, I........."

"End of discussion, young man. You will do as I say. Now watch the game." Todd and Tayloe threw some logs on the fire, grabbed a blanket and curled up together on the sofa. This had been their pattern throughout their life. They often held hands and were not ashamed when people mentioned it.

Todd just slumped further back into the corner of the sofa. He had a special endeavor he wanted to work on so when Erick came back from Newport, he could talk with him and convince him to participate. Todd felt it was important for them as a couple to grow together and though they were different faiths he saw this could lead to meaningful discussions.

After dinner on Saturday night, Todd told his parents that he had to get back to Williamsburg. His mother expressed regret that his schedule was so awful that semester.

"You are going to miss the first Sunday in Advent at St. Paul's. You have always loved that service. I don't understand how you would give up something you like so much."

"Mother, I will miss being with you but I don't want to fail this semester. I want to go to grad school."

His father wouldn't look at him. His brother followed him to his bedroom and closed the door.

"Okay bro. Spill it. Something is up. You are acing all of your classes so this isn't about school. You've found a girl, right? Is my little brother in love?"

Todd flushed and his cheeks flushed bright red.

"I knew it, I knew it." Tayloe pumped his fist in the air. "I am so glad that you are getting some. I was afraid you would always be the bachelor uncle. What is her name?"

Todd looked Tayloe in the eyes. "His name is Erick." At that moment, Todd started shaking. Without missing a beat, Tayloe grabbed his brother and started kissing the top of his head. Tayloe had always been his protector and would always kiss the top of Todd's head to make him feel better.

When Todd stopped weeping and shaking, Tayloe pushed him back slightly without letting go and said, "I need for you to talk to me. When did you know you were gay? Obviously, the parents don't know. When do I get to meet this man?"

The two boys sat on the edge of the bed while Todd poured his heart out to his older brother and told him of his love for Erick. He told Tayloe everything he knew about his one month romance.

"I don't know what will upset mom and dad the most; the fact that you are gay or that your boyfriend is Jewish." Todd nodded his head in agreement. "Let's get you packed so you can get back to your Erick. I am coming for dinner on Wednesday night so tell him to be prepared." Again, Todd could only nod his head in agreement.

There was a knock on the bedroom door. His father opened the door and spoke to Tayloe.

Pointing at Todd, he said, "You, I am not talking to right now. I told you to stay until after lunch tomorrow and you went against my wishes. I know the two of you are thick as thieves. Remember that the Christmas holiday is coming and you will be here and follow all of our customs. Do I make myself clear?"

Todd nodded his head. He didn't know what would happen with Erick and decided to not rock the boat too much.

He packed his suitcase and went down the stairs. He kissed his mother on the cheek, turned and shook his father's hand and then kissed Tayloe on the cheek. "I will see you on Wednesday night. We will grab a sandwich somewhere."

Out the door he went. After tomorrow, he didn't know if he would have a boyfriend or not. What he had planned would be the real test.

Todd drove down Monument Avenue for a view of the trees as they were in full blaze of oranges and yellows. The avenue was always beautiful but Todd thought it was especially spectacular this time of the year. It made Todd think of the grand avenues in European cities. He wished that he was living in Europe except now he had a boyfriend and there was only one place he wanted to be: with Erick. He opened the door and saw Erick asleep on the sofa. His boyfriend roused from his slumber and gave him a broad smile. It was all Todd needed to feel weak in the knees. Erick jumped across the back of the sofa and threw himself into Todd's arms and started kissing. Todd gasped not knowing that Erick was returning early. They continued holding each other and kissing while they maneuvered to the bedroom. Clothes were pulled from each other as they tried to get as close as possible.

It looked like a bomb had exploded in the bedroom. There was a path of clothes from the door to the bed. Their underwear was tangled in the bedsheets. They lay on their backs. Erick's normally manageable mane of black hair was a mass of curls dripping with sweat and his chest hair was glistening. Todd could see Erick's heart beating against his chest wall. He gave a big sigh and said they should have a cup of tea. They each grabbed the nearest pair of briefs and pulled them up their hairy legs. Todd liked the fact that they were both hairy beasts.

When they entered the living room, they saw the suitcase and bags of food that had been dropped by the front door. Todd chuckled and said there was cake in one of the bags.

"Mother gave me fruit cake. We can have it with the tea." Erick pulled a face.

"I brought back some apple walnut cake and a box of cookies. Mother was afraid that I was a starving young professor so she sent me back with enough sugar to get the freshman class through the exam period."

Both guys naturally moved toward each other and held on before kissing.

"I missed you so much." They both said it at the same time and then started laughing. Their love was reflected in their eyes.

The tea kettle whistled and they grabbed the tin with the fruit cake and headed to the kitchen.

"Now, you must know that this is a Martha Washington Fruit Cake. My mother swears a connection with the family and insists that the recipe was passed down to her. We never challenge her because we all like the cake."

"It has cherries in it!"

"Of course, you know about George Washington and the cherry tree."

"That story was made up. Parson Weems was a PR guy extraordinaire. I am the historian and I know these things."

"Here, eat another cherry." Todd popped the cherry into Erick's mouth and then followed with a kiss.

"You should know that being a descendent of George Washington, I have been drilled in the family history. Careful what you say about my ancestor."

"Then you should know that George had no children. Martha had two children but dear ole George was shooting blanks."

They were both giggling while feeding each other bites of fruit cake. Washing the dishes was part of their routine before heading back to the bedroom.

"Next, you will be telling me that George and Martha slept in our bed."

Todd gave Erick a mischievous look and said, "In fact, it isn't of the Washington line. It is a Carter family bed. You know Carter's Grove......" Todd let the sentence hang in the air. Erick rolled his eyes.

"We need to make sense of these bedclothes. Someone made a mess in here." The guys then made quick work of the tangled sheets and bedspread. They were adamant that everything had a place to live so their home was always ready for guests if someone stopped by.

When Erick had moved in, he brought his clothes and a few personal items. They had held a ceremony when the mezuzah was placed on the front door post. Todd had even gotten into the practice of touching it whenever he left and entered the front door. It made him think of Erick and that this was where Erick lived. He would have nailed one to his heart if possible because he knew that was where Erick actually resided: in his heart. Also, Erick had a yarmulke which lived on the dresser top. Erick had no family mementos to spread around; there was only a copy of his parent's wedding picture and a picture of Eron, his parents and himself at high school graduation. His parents always said they were creating new memories in this new world.

The apartment was not in the usual housing complexes set aside for students. His mother had connections and found a lovely older apartment in a small village like setting that had been built for genteel people who no longer wished to maintain their large homes. Todd was given strict instructions from his parents about the importance of behaving while he lived there. After all, the family name was at stake. She had decorated the unit with family furniture. It was the envy of many of the residents such was the quality of the furnishings. It had an old-world charm. Family portraits lined one of the hall ways. Probably no other college student lived in such a well-furnished accommodation.

After a quick shower and cleaning their teeth they crawled into bed. Erick threw an arm across Todd's chest and tweaked his nipple. Todd had a concerned look on his face. Erick raised himself on an elbow and looked at his lover. Lover. Yes, that was the appropriate word. That was better than luster. They were in lust and in love. They each knew they had found that special someone.

"Okay, tell me handsome. Something has been bothering you all night. Talk to me."

Todd swallowed hard and his Adam's apple rose and fell.

"I don't know where to start."

"At the beginning, of course." Todd gave Erick a swat after he said that. There was a lengthy silence. Erick's smile started fading as he looked at Todd. All of a sudden it hit him. Todd was going to break up with him. Todd had tired of him and was going to kick him out. They had just had one last love making session. Todd's silence continued.

Erick burst into tears and he was convulsed in pain. His cry sounded like a child screaming and wailing. He was lying in a fetal position.

"Oh my God, Erick. What's wrong? Please, baby, tell me what's wrong? I can't stand to see you in such pain. Please, talk to me. Please."

"I can't live without you. I will do whatever you want. Please don't kick me out. Please don't stop loving me. I can't live without you."

Todd was astounded. Where did that reaction come from? The last thing in the world he would do would be to kick Erick out of his life. Todd reached out and pulled Erick into an embrace. He rocked him and cuddled him while making soothing sounds. He kissed the top of Erick's head the same way that Tayloe had kissed him earlier in the evening.

"Shush, darling. No more of that kind of talk. No more crying...for either of us. We have both been too weepy today." He continued to rock the broken man. Finally, he heard a quivering exhale of breath and knew that the worst was over. Slowly, Erick relaxed and fully extended his body in the bed while never losing touch with Todd. They looked at each other and then gently kissed. They pulled the covers to their waists.

"Tell me what you were thinking to have that reaction."

Erick explained about being afraid of rejection and being sent away. His parents, though loving, always withheld emotion fearing that the family would be ripped apart. That was their experience. They didn't want Erick and Eron to become too dependent. Jewish families were used to being ripped apart and sent separate directions. One could never trust that even in the United States that emigrants wouldn't be separated and sent to camps. There were always suitcases packed in case they needed to steal away in the middle of the night. They were Jews and Jews knew they were never safe.

Todd lay overwhelmed with everything that Erick had just told him. He couldn't imagine living life in such fear. Then he reflected of what had happened that day. "I came out to Tayloe tonight. He knows that I am gay. He knows about you and he is coming for dinner on Wednesday night."

"I take it he was accepting if he is coming to dinner. I look forward to meeting him." "Well, he was accepting but I know his lawyer brain is already coming up with a list of questions to ask you. It will be like you are on the witness stand. I know my brother. I love him but he is a good attorney and can be very strategic."

"Ahh, I have told you that my brother Eron is a prosecutor. Eron has to be in Richmond on Wednesday and said that he wanted to drive to meet the man who has captured my heart. He is coming on Wednesday night, also. Our brothers should have a great time. We can get it all out of the way in one visit."

The tension was broken. They both laughed at the happy coincidence. Of course, it also gave them pause to have dinner with their brothers who were also lawyers.

"One of us can be the judge and the other the bailiff in case things get out of hand." Erick smiled trying to decide which role he preferred.

"Okay, there is one more thing I need to talk about. I don't know how you will react but it is very important to me."

Erick nodded his head and waited for Todd to continue.

"Tomorrow is the beginning of Advent. Advent is a Christian season leading up to Christmas which is the second coming of God through Jesus. You light candles each day in Advent and there are certain readings. I don't expect you to be at Christmas Eve or Day Services and we don't have to put up a Christmas tree but Advent has always been one of my favorite times in the church year. It is the beginning of the church year and it is about the anticipation that comes with something new. It is about preparation. It is about contemplation and prayer. Erick, this is important to me and I would like for you to join me each night. We can talk about the scripture assigned for the day. We can learn more about each other and I think it will tighten the bond that we have." Todd had rushed through his prepared statement. He believed that he had presented his case succinctly and factually. He was looking in the middle distance afraid to focus on Erick. He felt a hand touch his cheek and then turn his head. He was looking in Erick's eyes.

"Alright, lover we will do this. I need to say that if it gets too uncomfortable for me that I will drop out. I will only stop if it is too Christian. I am a Jew. If I stop it will not be about you even though it will affect you. Is there anything else you need for me to know? I don't like to be surprised."

"Would you be okay going to church with me in Advent? I would like you by my side."

"I will go tomorrow but I can't promise anything after that. I have seen the preachers on television and cannot participate in something like that." Todd smiled thinking that Bruton Parish was nothing like television evangelism.

On Sunday morning, they were both introspective. Todd always turned inward on the first Sunday of Advent. He was serious in his practice of preparing for the birth of Christ. Erick spent time wondering if he had made a mistake dating a Christian who was actually faithful in his religious practice. For the past month, he had enjoyed the quiet time in their home when Todd went to church. He used it for contemplation and prayer. They would meet for brunch afterwards. Erick would always dress down and wear his kippah so not as to be confused with all of the people who had just left church.

The men were tender with each other as they showered and dressed on Sunday morning. Todd looked at Erick and saw fear and apprehension in his eyes. He kissed his man and told him that if it got to be too uncomfortable, they would leave. That made Erick feel better. They drove into the historic district and parked behind the church. Todd grabbed Erick's hand and would not let go. Except for their coloring, they looked like brothers. They were wearing black suits, white shirts, purple ties and their black cap-toe shoes. Todd had explained the reason for the color purple and decried those churches that now used Sarum blue instead of the traditional penitential purple.

The greeters did not bat an eye as they were handed bulletins. They were still hand in hand. Todd found the pew he wanted and knelt in the aisle. Erick didn't know what to do and nodded his head. He wasn't sure when he was supposed to bow and it didn't feel right to him. The organist had chosen a prelude for the day that felt particularly funereal. Someone in the back of the church announced for them to kneel. Todd knelt and Erick followed suit. The opening sentence of The Great Litany made Erick feel welcome. "O God the Father, Creator of heaven and earth." The language reminded him of what he had heard in synagogue. The next sentence about Jesus jolted him and reinforced that he was in a church not a synagogue. The litany went on and on and on. Erick listened intensely. Many of the petitions spoke to his heart. The Jesus specific petitions did not resonate as well. Erick reflected that he could rewrite the petitions to better fit them as a couple.

There were readings, hymns, a sermon and more prayers. The reverence he felt in synagogue was the same reverence he felt in this church. He could do this for the four Sundays in Advent. He knew it was important to do this for the two of them. Todd reached out and touched his hand. Erick looked to Todd and nodded his head - he was okay. After the service they went to the Raleigh Tavern where Mikey had a table waiting for them. Many heads turned in the restaurant because they were such a handsome pair and they were obviously in love. The meal was delicious and they sampled each other's dishes. They each had a glass of Williamsburg wine with their meal. Todd wanted it to be a special day for them.

They were finishing a final cup of coffee when they looked up and saw Yonatan and Matan coming in. They were accompanied by two handsome men; one tall and broad shouldered and the other shorter, slender and somewhat bookish looking. Erick and Todd stood to greet them. There were solid hand-shakes, hugs and air kisses all around. Mikey approached and said a six top had come available and asked Todd and Erick if they were leaving or wanted to join the other four. Pate and Timmy had driven up from the Outer Banks to do some Christmas shopping. While sorting through some merchandise at Beecroft and Bull, Matan caught Timmy's eye and smiled at him. The smile was so open and welcoming that he and Pate went over and introduced themselves. When Yonatan put his arm across Matan's shoulder and pulled him in close they all knew that they were two couples. They agreed their stomach rumbles needed attention and Yonatan suggested they go to Raleigh Tavern. It was happenstance they saw Erick and Todd.

The table was in the center of the room and they drew the attention of some of the diners in the tavern. Six handsome young men sitting together, enjoying the others' company was a sight to behold. The afternoon slipped by. Finally, Mikey came up and said the table was reserved for another party and needed to be prepped. The sun was setting in the western sky and they had spent the entire afternoon becoming acquainted. After exchanging addresses and telephone numbers, it was agreed they would get together the next Sunday for the annual Illumination of the Historic District. Pate and Timmy said they would drive up for the afternoon and evening. Both Todd and Yonatan offered them accommodations if they wanted to spend the night. The good-byes were filled with genuine affection and joy. Todd and Erick headed home. Todd had bought an Advent wreath at the local florist. Of course, it looked like something for one of the historic homes. Three purple candles and one pink candle plus a white candle in the middle of the wreath held special significance which Todd explained. Todd put it in the center of the dining room table. They sat beside each other. Todd had turned off the overhead lights before he lit a purple candle and then offered a prayer. He gave Erick a piece of paper with Psalm 122 printed on it.

"Read the Psalm for us."

Erick could barely see the writing on the paper because of the low light level but fortunately he knew the Psalm by heart. He put the paper down, closed his eyes and started reciting the Psalm. He then waited for Todd to speak. This was new to him and it obviously meant a lot to Todd and he didn't want to mess up.

"You are my Jerusalem. You are where my heart resides. Peace is within me when we are together. Because we are one, there is fullness and prosperity in my life. You make me feel safe. I am reminded of the love between David and Jonathan and hope that our love matches theirs."

Todd finished and waited for Erick. He looked at him to let him know to speak. "When I moved in with you and you let me put the mezuzah on the door post I knew this was a safe place. When we are here, we are safe from others who may not like a Christian and Jew being together. We are safe from those who hate gays. During this sacred time this is our Jerusalem. This is the center of our universe. Together we go forward to talk to your family about us being a couple. We go in peace and ask their blessing."

Todd's eyes were big and bright.

They spent time talking about their statements, wishes and desires.

"Do you really want to talk with my parents? We have only been together for a month. Perhaps we should give this more time."

Erick reached out and took Todd's hands in his. "I know what I know. I love you. Time is a gift from God to help us order our lives. God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. He made Adam and Eve a couple in that first week. I knew when you fell into my arms at the dance that God had sent you to me. Matan helped but his act of pushing you was a holy act. God has put us together and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. We will talk to others, then, in God's time. We have the rest of our lives together to make those decisions. For the sake of our family and friends, I say to you, Peace be within us."

Todd was overcome with emotions. Erick stood, lifted his arms and recited a prayer. May his great Name grow exalted and sanctified in the world that He created as He willed. May He give reign to His kingship, and cause His salvation to sprout, and bring near His Messiah in your lifetimes and in your days, and in the lifetimes of the entire household of Israel, speedily and soon. And let us say, "Amen."

May his great Name be blessed forever and ever. Blessed, praised, glorified, exalted, extolled, mighty, upraised, and lauded by the Name of the Holy One Blessed be He beyond any blessing and song, praise and consolation that are uttered in the world. And let us say, "Amen."

May there be abundant peace from heaven and good life upon us and upon all Israel. And let us say, "Amen."

He who makes peace in His heights, may He make peace upon us, and upon all Israel. And let us say, "Amen."

Erick lowered his arms while his head was still bowed. Todd rose from his seat and encircled his lover in his arms. They blew out the candle, Todd kissed Erick again, took his hand and led him to bed. They were at peace.

Suggested Music:

"O Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem" Composer: Herbert Howells

Next: Chapter 2

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