
By VAlowRider

Published on Apr 18, 2024


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Anyone expecting a torrid sex scene in the first paragraph will be disappointed. There IS sex, but it comes at (somewhat) natural points in the story.


Chapter 2

I stood in the shade, letting the breeze dry my sweat soaked shirt. From my position under the tree, I could see Josh in the corral working with one of the colts. What a difference a month had made! When he first arrived on the ranch, he was awkward, clumsy and hesitant. He was constantly forgetting the things he was supposed to be doing- it had reached a point about four weeks ago that I was ready to fire him and throw him off the property.

But that was before I learned of his background and the awful history he had with his father. His plight touched my heart and I told him that he had a home here for as long as he wanted it. It also provided the key to helping him get his work done- although, initially, I had been against it.

He had practically begged me to spank him- a nineteen year old young man! Asking to be spanked! Due to my own father's abuse, I was resistant, but Josh had been steadfast and I finally gave in- and I'm SO HAPPY that I did! Not only did the spankings help Josh focus and concentrate on his work, it also created a sexual desire in the boy that could only be quenched with long, deep love making sessions. When we first began spanking, it did nothing for me sexually. I had never associated pain with pleasure and/or sex, so if anything, it was a turn off. But after a few sessions of loving Josh, I was coming to love it as much as he did. I almost felt like one of Pavlov's dogs, every time I heard a palm slap flesh, I started to get hard.

I smiled as I watched him working with the colt. He had tied the young horse to a corral post and was giving it a good grooming. Curry comb, dandy brush, rub rags, hoof pics even a mane comb was run through the scraggly film of a mane that ran along the crest of the colt's neck. He spent plenty of time on each side of the colt, rubbing, brushing, shaking out the rags and brushes. Even more than grooming, it was designed to get the baby used to new sensations and sights.

And Josh did it like a champ! Smooth, slow and gentle but firm. He talked to the colt constantly, murmuring nonsense words and endearments the whole time he was brushing, touching and moving the horse around. The boy was a natural horseman.

He said he'd never been on a horse until he came here, but after less than two months, he sat a horse better than some people I know who've been riding for years. His hands had a feather light touch on the reins and he seemed to know what his horse was thinking before the horse did. Give the kid a couple more years of experience and he'd be an honest to God "horse whisperer".

Today was a rare day that I got to actually watch what he was doing. Usually, I was off on another section of the ranch, working stock or mending fence or doing any of the myriad other tasks needed to keep a ranch functioning.

But today... TODAY, I was finishing up my latest project. One of our biggest concerns was keeping the stock tank in the large corral filled. It was one of the issues that brought things to a head with Josh a month ago. He'd let a dozen colts stand in the corral most of the day and part of the night with no water. It could have cost me a very lucrative sale and would have caused me a world of trouble financially. Thank goodness, I found the horses when I came home that evening and got water to them right away.

To make sure that we never faced a similar situation, I had bought a "frost free" spigot, a float valve and over one hundred feet of water pipe. I had tapped into the waterline where it ran into the barn and ran a ditch across the barnyard to the stock tank. I had set up the spigot just outside the fence from the stock tank and attached the float valve to the side of the tank. I used a "Y" connector to connect the spigot to the float valve and still had the other side of the "Y" free to attach another water hose if the need arose.

I had connected everything the night before and turned the water on. Checking the line this morning had shown there were no leaks, so I began to fill in the ditch. It had been a job that took most of the day too. It can get downright frigid in this part of the state in the winter, which meant the water line HAD to be below the frost line to prevent frozen pipes. Which meant the ditch had to be at LEAST fifteen inches deep- add in rocky soil and tree roots and it was quite a job to get it done with just hand tools.

I'll be honest, JOSH did most of the actual work. I would spend time digging in the morning before I left for whatever else needed to be done that day, and, I would dig some more in the evenings when I got home... But Josh did the vast majority, and I'm not quite sure how he pulled it off. Not only did he get the ditch dug, but each day, he also cleaned the house, made dinner and did most of the barn chores. Yep, the best decision I ever made was giving him a chance that day at the bus station.

I picked up the shovel, rake and mattock I'd been using and carried them toward the barn. Josh was just turning the colt loose as I walked by and fell into step beside me.

"You're doing a good job with that one Son. I've been watching you, you're becoming more confident and more relaxed each day. I'm very proud of you."

He placed his hand on my shoulder and leaned in to give me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thanks Dad! You don't know how much it means for me to hear you say that."

Inside the barn, he went into the tack room to put away his grooming equipment while I stack my tools in the corner reserved for hand tools.

"Hey Buddy", I yelled. "Do me a favor- saddle up Speck and Flo, let's take a ride."

"You sure, Dad?" he yelled back. "It's nearly supper time!"

"I've got it covered Son. Just saddle them up and tie that blue tarp behind Speck's saddle. I've got to run up to the house, but I'll be right back."

I could hear him pulling down the saddles as I left the barn. Inside the house, I went to the refrigerator and pulled out a large plastic bowl of leftover stew. I also grabbed a ziploc bag of biscuits and half a bowl of banana pudding, several plastic bottles of soda and some plastic plates, forks and knives. I put everything in a clean, cloth flour sack. (Yes, you can still get them if you know where to look.) When I was done, I threw the sack over my shoulder and headed back to the barn.

Josh had the horses saddled and ready to go by the time I got back to the stable. I tied the sack to my saddle horn and got mounted and watched as Josh climbed aboard Flo. Watching him mount, you'd have thought he'd been doing it all his life- foot in the stirrup, easy swing of his leg over the cantle to the other side, settling his other foot into the stirrup and then settling gently into the seat. I've seen people who've ridden for decades that climb on like they're trying to conquer Mt. Everest and then drop into the saddle like a sack of flour, but not my Josh, he took pride in doing it the way he'd been taught.

Once mounted, we left the barnyard and headed south and west toward a ridge that led down from the mountains and just barely crossed my property line. Josh was looking around eagerly as we rode. To my knowledge, he'd never been in this direction before and didn't know about the surprise I had in store. After about twenty minutes, we crested a hill and saw a small valley spread out before us. On the far end of the valley was the swimming hole.

The people who owned the property before me had been a family with six children- five boys and a girl. When the older kids reached ten or twelve years of age, the rancher and his wife decided they needed a place to relax without constantly going into town. So, they dammed up a small stream that ran down off the aforementioned ridge. Before they put in the dam, they used a tractor with a bucket attachment to scoop out as many of the rocks as possible, deepening and widening the channel. The final result was a pool that was about fifty feet in diameter with an average depth of about four feet. There were a couple of spots (in the old streambed) that were over my head, but for the most part, you could stand easily anywhere in the pool.

They had also built a fire pit, a couple of "adirondack" chairs and a picnic table.

When we arrived at the fire pit, I dismounted and removed the sack of food from my saddle. I put a pair of hobbles on Speck and removed his bridle, saddle and blanket. He was an old hand at wearing hobbles and immediately lurched away to bury his face in the fresh grass. When I looked up, Josh had the tack stripped from Flo as well and was just finishing adjustment of her hobbles. She too was an old hand at wearing them and quickly joined Speck in his lush snack.

I kept firewood on hand at the fire pit and quickly got a fire going. I dumped the stew into the steel pot that I brought from the house and set it on a flat rock near the edge of the flame. It would take a while to heat up, but I figured it would be ready when we were.

Josh, in the meantime had pulled the rest of the utensils and food out of the sack and set them on the picnic table. When he finished, he sat on the bench and said, "What are we going to do now?"

"What do you mean? `What are we going to do now?' We're going to SWIM!"

"But Dad, I can't swim! I've never had the chance to learn."

"Then I'll teach you- and in the meantime we will splash around and cool off. Now get those clothes off and get into the water."

With a laugh, he did as he was told, removing his clothing and laying it on the bench of the picnic table. I did the same and when we were both nude we headed down to the water. The day had been hot and sticky, but the water flowing from higher in the mountains was enough to take your breath away. After a few seconds of gasping for breath and trying to adjust to the temperature, I ducked under the surface and swam nearly to the far side of the pool before coming back to the top.

Josh was still near where he had entered the water. Even though he wasn't trying to swim, he had waded out until the water was about chest deep and had ducked his head under several times in order to cool off. I swam back to where he was and a water battle ensued as he decided that splashing an old man with cold water would be a fun thing to do. He forgot however, that turnabout is fair play and got just as much as he dished out. He was a good sport though and we had a great time splashing each other and laughing at each other's antics.

After five minutes or so, he asked if I could show him how to swim. I'm not an expert by any means, I can swim well enough to consider myself competent, but I've never tried to teach anyone before. I started with (what I consider) the basics- the "dead man's" float, swimming on your back, dog paddle and finally actual "swimming".

I demonstrated the dead man's float and explained how, if he got into trouble, taking a deep breath and relaxing face-down in the water could help him remain buoyant and, as the need arose, he could simply raise his head to take a new breath and (hopefully) see where he was in relation to land. As always he was a quick study and mastered it quickly.

I then demonstrated how to float on my back. A position that provided buoyancy much like the dead man's float, but with the added bonus of being able to see as well as breathing regularly without having to lift his head every time. I also showed him how to do a type of "butterfly" stroke while on his back to help him get to safety if needed.

Building on the dead-man's float and the back float, we moved on to the dog paddle. Pretty much the most basic and first stroke that anyone learned. In true "Josh fashion" he mastered the ungainly method and was puttering around the pool like an old hand in a matter of minutes.

Now that I knew he wouldn't panic and drown if he suddenly felt a current, I showed him how to swim with actually using his arms and legs to paddle and pull himself through the water. He wasn't going to challenge Mark Spitz any time soon, but less than a half an hour after we started his lesson, he swam all the way across the pool and back.

He swam directly to where I was standing waist deep in the water and stood up right in front of me. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me close to kiss me deeply. "Thank you Daddy! This has been the best day of my life! Well- almost the best day. The BEST day was when you told me that you wanted me to stay here permanently."

I put my arms around him and said, "Believe me, Son. I'm just as happy about that as you are!"

He melted against my chest and turned his face up to kiss me on the lips. We stood waist deep in the water and made out, kissing and touching each other's body. He pressed his body against mine and I felt his penis begin to grow and swell against my thighs. My own cock started to grow as well and the heat that grew from my crotch soon eclipsed the chill of the mountain stream.

He ducked under the water, holding onto my ass for support. Opening his mouth, he sucked my dickhead into his mouth and worked it with his tongue and lips until he finally leapt upward, sucking air deeply into his lungs.

I laughed aloud at his antics and pulled him in for another kiss. He leaned in and said, "Will you fuck me tonight Daddy?"

I had been reticent when it came to taking his cherry. I wanted to fuck him with everything that was in me, but I was afraid that I might hurt him- the thought of causing him pain was a thought that I just couldn't entertain.

So, instead of fucking him, we instead had concentrated on oral sex (And believe me, he was becoming a FANTASTIC cock sucker!). I'd always been mostly a top, but I'd always been willing to bottom for the right guy and my boy Josh was certainly "the right guy". These days, I looked forward to being fucked as much as I'd ever looked forward to fucking a hot ass.

The feel of his dick head pressing against my ass ring was heaven and when his cock rubbed across my prostate it was all I could do not to shoot my load. That, coupled with his sweet kisses and the feel of his body pressed against mine was everything in life that I never knew I was missing.

But today was the day.

"Are you sure Son? You know how much fun we have sucking each other. And you know that I love to feel your cock in my ass. Maybe we could try in another few weeks... You know, keep working you out with the vibrator and dildos..."

I had to laugh at the disappointed look on his face, but I wasn't finished teasing yet. I worked up a frown and said, "What's that look for boy? Are you going to start trouble with your old man? Are you looking to get a spanking tonight?"

At the word "spanking" he started to smile and his eyes began to sparkle. "I'm sorry Daddy. I didn't mean to cause trouble- but if you think I deserve a spanking... Well, I don't guess I should argue."

"That's right!" I growled. "Arguing with me would be a dire mistake boy. Don't write checks your ass can't cash."

"Yes Daddy!" he said.

I took him by the hand and led him to the bank. I told him to go to the tarp and followed behind him. His tight white ass made my mouth water as he walked ahead of me.

When I reached the tarp, I sat down and pulled him down across my lap.

"Haven't I told you not to pout? You know that I can't stand a pouty boy. You've had all the warnings you're going to get today. Now you're going to get the spanking you deserve."

"Yes Daddy! I'm sorry Daddy! I know I shouldn't pout and I deserve to be spanked. So go ahead Daddy- spank me good!"

I held his hands behind his back and raised my hand over his soft backside. SMACK! SMACK, SMACK! By the third smack, I felt his cock begin to swell and lengthen. SMACK! SMACK! By now, his ass was a bright red and my cock was battling with his as he squirmed on my lap. Twice more- SMACK! SMACK!

"Okay boy- you've gotten me excited, now suck my dick!" I said.

"Yes Daddy!" He quickly moved off my lap and turned to take my cock into his mouth.

I was in heaven- such a beautiful young man, so eager to please and make his daddy happy... but tonight wasn't about me. Although he didn't know it yet, tonight was all about him.

After enjoying the feel of his mouth on my dick for a few minutes, I placed my hands on the sides of his face and lifted his head from my crotch. I pulled him to me and kissed him deeply, savoring the taste of my precum on his lips.

"Turn around Son, I want to taste you." He turned and presented his bright pink ass for my enjoyment. I placed both hands on his ass cheeks and rubbed gently. I leaned in and kissed each cheek, his ass was as soft and pliable as a woman's tit. I gently bit and licked his ass, making him moan with pleasure.

I pulled him closer to my face and licked his ass from the bottom of his balls to the top of his crack. I moved back down and pulled his hard dick backward enough to get the head in my mouth. I lapped at the dripping precum and moved back up to lick his balls, sucking them into my mouth one at a time. After giving his testicles a brisk tongue wash, I worked my way across his taint and back to his rose bud.

When I tickled his hole with my tongue, he shivered and groaned, "Yesssssss! Lick me Daddy- lick my hole!" (As if I needed encouragement!)

I continued to lick and wash his ass with my tongue. Using my tongue to push my spit into his hole, I lubed him until the spit was running back out, so I used my fingers to push it in deeper. When I hit his prostate, he jumped like he'd been touched with a branding iron.

He didn't see me pull the bottle of lube from under the edge of the tarp. I flipped the cap and squeezed a line of lube along the top of my cock, then I squeezed more onto his hole. The whole time, I continued to finger fuck him with my other hand.

Once I was well lubed, I touched the tip of my cock against his ass ring. Thinking it was the tip of my finger, Josh pushed back on it and slid it right inside. I didn't have to push in, he didn't stop pushing until I was in balls deep.

"Oh Daddy! Your fingers feel SO GOOD! I wish it was your cock... I want you to fuck me Daddy."

"Son", I said. "Look back here."

He turned his head to look over his shoulder and when he saw me holding my hands up, his eyes went wide and his mouth fell open in a large "O".

"Oh Daddy! I've waited so long for you to fuck me. It feels so good- even better than I dreamed. Fuck me Daddy! Fuck me hard! I want to feel your cum shooting in my ass- fuck me Daddy- Fuck me!"

Initially, I held back, sliding slowly in and out- bottoming out with each inward stroke. Then pulling completely out, only to immediately slip back inside his hole. I could hardly believe how tight he was and how wonderful his hot, slick hole felt. Wet, hot, greasy- my dick sliding in and out of his ass was the most amazing sensation I'd ever felt.

I reached around and took his penis in my hand, squeezing and rubbing. There was so much precum that it was almost like having a handful of lube. In response, he squeezed his ass cheeks together, adding an extra layer of tightness and friction to our fucking.

He was getting close to cumming and began slamming his ass backward into my cock. Forcing his ass back against my bush and my balls. It was getting harder and harder to hold off my own orgasm as a result.

Suddenly, he stiffened and began shooting his load into my hand. He sprayed a puddle of cum in the center of the tarp and collapsed flat on his stomach- pulling me down with him. It only took me a couple more strokes before I began to shoot my seed into his ass.

"Yes! Daddy, breed me! Dump your seed in my ass! Make me your boy Daddy, breed me like the cum slut I'm meant to be! Give me your cum Daddy! Give it all to me..."

I poured my load as deep into his ass as I could get, forcing it deep inside his tight ass. Once my orgasm finished, I lay flat on his back and then rolled us both onto our sides so I could spoon with him. He lay back against my chest and turned his head to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around his chest and shoulders and held him tightly against my body.

"Thank you Daddy." He said softly. "I've wanted you to do this since the first day we met. I think I fell in love with you as soon as I saw you. That morning, when I thought you were going to fire me was the worst day of my life. To go from that- to this, is just amazing.

I love you Daddy."

"And I love you Josh."

We lay together and watched as the sun began to fall behind the distant peaks. Our ride home would be in the dark, but it was the most joyful ride of my life.

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