
By VAlowRider

Published on Apr 6, 2024


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Anyone expecting a torrid sex scene in the first paragraph will be disappointed. There IS sex, but it comes at (somewhat) natural points in the story.

Appaloosas -- Chapter 1

It had been a LONG day... I'd been out since dawn replacing fence along the southern border of the ranch. OF COURSE I had to waste half the day repairing the auger on the tractor... I had nothing to eat other than a cold sandwich around midday.

It was dark when I pulled into the yard and I was climbing out of the truck when I heard a loud "BANG!" from the direction of the barn. I walked over to see what was going on -- I didn't really expect to find anything more than the small door into the barn swinging in the wind. However, when I saw what really made the noise, my blood began to boil.

There were about a dozen yearlings gathered in the big corral and they were all crowded around the water trough -- which was empty. EMPTY! Dammit, why did I hire that kid if he couldn't do a simple job?

I own a ranch in Idaho and I raise Appaloosa horses. They're good stock, descended from some of the original Nez Perce horses that rode circles around Generals Owen and Mile's forces in 1877. Good tough little horses with the original Appaloosa characteristics -- white sclera around the eyes, freckled muzzle and genital areas, sparse mane and tail and parti-colored hooves. My horses can travel all day and still be eager to go when you make camp. They excel as trail horses, cow horses, competitive trail riding -- even polo and dressage.

I had a buyer coming tomorrow who wanted to pick up three or four reining prospects and I NEEDED this sale! I'd had a run of bad luck lately and the bills were piling up. Selling three or four of these colts would go a long way in reducing that pile. But I wouldn't be making any sales if the buyer looked at them and decided they hadn't been well taken care of -- and a group of colts acting like they were about to die of thirst were definitely NOT "well taken care of".

I threw the end of the hose into the trough and turned on the water. From the way the youngsters crowded in, I figured they'd been without water for most of the day. While the trough filled, I went into the barn and found a mess there too. Stalls that hadn't been cleaned, feed bins left open, brushes and tack strewn about... by the time I left the barn I was trembling with anger.

I leaned on the top rail of the corral and tried to cool down as I watched the horses drink. Eventually, the worst of their thirst was sated and they began to wander over to the hay rack on the other side of the corral. I waited another fifteen minutes or so for the water tank to fill and shut off the water before heading inside.

As I walked to the house, I wrestled with what to do next. My first instinct was to drag the kid out of bed and take him out to the corral and throw him into the water trough. That was the type of thing my old man would have done -- so it's exactly what I wouldn't do.

I hated my old man as a kid. He was abusive, brutal, mean as hell and I wanted to be NOTHING like him. He's the reason I never married. I had girlfriends, I even lived with a few women, but the idea of becoming a father and carrying on the cycle of abuse into a new generation scared me half to death. When I discovered that I was gay, some of the apprehension went away since I didn't figure I'd ever have a child naturally, but I still avoided any permanent attachments, partly for that reason. No, I wouldn't treat the kid any way my father treated me, but I HAD to do something- my livelihood depended on it.

I was too tired to make any decisions right then, so I simply went to my room, set my alarm for five am and fell into bed.

When the alarm went off, I stumbled into the bathroom attached to my bedroom to relieve my bladder and then got into the shower. The pelting water helped me wake up fully and I tried to work a solution for dealing with the kid while I washed my hair and scrubbed myself clean. When I got to my crotch, I soaped up good and bent at the waist to be sure I got myself as deeply clean as possible. The attention I gave my hole and my cock resulted in a fierce hard-on. I desperately wanted to jack off, but there was just too much to do.

By the time I toweled off, my erection had abated, but I was still standing at half mast as I pulled on a pair of underwear and padded into the kitchen to put the coffee pot on. When I passed the door to the kid's room, I knocked loudly and yelled, "Josh! Are you up boy? We got a lot to do today -- let's move!"

I proceeded to the kitchen and turned on the coffee maker. I also piled a couple of packs of bagels and muffins on the table. I am actually a pretty good cook, but there just wasn't time today to cook a large breakfast.

I headed back up the hallway to get dressed. When I reached the kid's door, I stopped and knocked again. "Get out here kid -- NOW!" The door flew inward and the kid came bolting out, heading to the bathroom at the end of the hall. He too, was wearing nothing but a pair of underwear and slammed right into me, knocking me against the wall.

"Damn Josh! Watch where you're going!" I grabbed him by the upper arms to keep us both from falling.

"I'm sorry David! I didn't mean to run into you -- but I REALLY need to get to the bathroom! I'm about to pee myself!" He turned and sprinted down the hall and into the bathroom. He didn't even take time to close the door, just flopped his cock out of his underwear and started to urinate into the commode.

I stood for a few seconds, enjoying the sight of the handsome young man holding his hard cock but had to make myself turn away when my own cock began to swell again. I turned around and went back to the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee. I took a seat at the table and waited until I heard the toilet flush and Josh turn on the water in the sink. When he finished washing his hands, I called him to come on into the kitchen.

When he entered the room I said "Grab some coffee and take a seat. We need to talk." He immediately began to look worried and hurriedly poured a cup of coffee and spooned sugar into it before taking a seat at the table across from me.

"What's up David? Did I do something"

"Well... yes and no. It's more about what you DIDN'T do. When I left yesterday, you were supposed to clean the barn and the tack room- AND I told you to be sure to fill the stock tank in the large corral. Those colts were stuck in that pen all day long with NO water. That is totally unacceptable. Those horses are how I make my living. They're how I PAY YOU. We have a buyer coming today to look at those horses and I can tell you -- he wouldn't want even ONE of them in the condition they were in when I got home last night."

"I'm sorry David- I tried, but I just can't seem to focus. I know what I'm supposed to do, and I get started, but then something always seems to come up and I get distracted... I just don't know how to stay on task." He seemed truly sorry and for a moment I was afraid he was going to cry.

I steeled myself, we had been here before -- he would say he was sorry for something and seem like he was about to cry. I would feel bad for him and say something like "that's okay, just do better next time" but there had been too many "next times", this needed to end NOW.

"Look" I said, "this isn't working out. You've been here nearly a month, I can't baby sit you all day everyday. I have a ranch to run -- I need to be out, working stock, checking fences. I need to know that I can trust you to do what you're supposed to do while I'm gone. If I can't, then I just can't use you."

"David, I don't know what to say. If I lose this job, I don't have anywhere else to go. I can't get another job, I don't know how to do anything except what you've shown me here on the ranch."

"You told me you finished high school. You could go home, maybe go to college or a trade school..."

"No, I can't. My dad told me that he didn't ever want to see me again. He even told me that if I came home, he'd `beat the hell' out of me. I just CAN'T go back there!" now there really were tears in his eyes and I could tell they were real- I'd been there too many times myself not to recognize true fear and sadness when I saw it in another."

"I didn't know that Josh, why didn't you tell me when I hired you?"

"I was too ashamed, I just couldn't tell you what happened- what I did."

"Look Josh, I don't know what you think you did that was so awful, but you're not responsible for your father's short-comings. That was something I learned the hard way. My own father was an awful, abusive man, more than once he DID `beat the hell' out of me. It took me a lot of years to work my way through that... So, tell me, exactly what did you do that caused him to throw you out?"

"Well, to be honest, I've never really been sure exactly what I did. The best I can remember it all started when I was about twelve or thirteen years old- after my mom left. I've always had a problem concentrating -- I'd forget to do my school work or my chores. Or my dad would send me to the store for something and I'd forget half of what I was supposed to get.

One day, I guess I REALLY messed up, because Dad got REALLY mad and grabbed me, pulled down my pants like I was a five year old and gave me a fierce spanking with his hand. When he finished he stood me up and shook his finger in my face and told me `From now on, EVERY TIME you mess up, THAT'S what you're going to get! I'm going to whip your ass as many times as it takes to get you straightened out!"

I was working up a real fit of rage to think of this shy, nice kid being treated so brutally. "Well, Josh it was certainly wrong of him to treat you like that- but that was HIS wrong-headedness, not yours."

"But you don't understand David, it wasn't the whipping that was the problem..." His voice trailed off and he looked steadfastly at the floor.

"Josh, it's okay. You can talk to me- I promise, I'm not going to judge you. And you can forget what I said earlier, you're NEVER going to leave this place unless you want to. You have a home here for as long as you want. We'll work out the other somehow... but I need to know what the root of the problem is so I can help you."

He began to sniffle softly and said, "Do you really mean it? You won't send me away? Even though I'm bad and sick in the head?"

"Yes I mean it. Come here boy." I took him gently by his wrist and pulled him out of his chair and over onto my lap. I put my arms around him and he laid his head on my shoulder, snuffling softly. Not knowing what else to do, I rocked him gently back and forth and whispered soothing nothings into his ear, much like you'd comfort a small child.

When he seemed calmer, I told him "Okay son, tell me what happened that made you think that you're bad' and sick in the head'.

"Well" he said, "I'm awful ashamed, but I trust you... You see, when he spanked me so hard like that, when I stood up... I... I had an erection. I couldn't help it- when he was smacking me, it hurt! But it also felt good... When he looked down and saw that I was hard, he got REALLY angry all over again and spanked me again. He spanked me until his hand hurt and my backside was bruised. I had trouble sitting for the next three days. But my hard-on didn't go down, if anything, it got harder and bigger. He finally threw me in the floor and told me that anyone who got excited from being spanked was sick and evil. He told me I was a bad kid and that I was going to get out of his house as soon as I graduated high school. He said he'd throw me out sooner, but he didn't want trouble with child welfare.

But, for some reason, the spankings worked- being spanked, I could concentrate and remember things the way I was supposed to. So, the spankings continued, sometimes two or three times per week. Every time, I'd get an erection and he'd get mad all over again.

I went out with a couple of girls in high school, and when I'd get home he'd ask me what happened- Did I feel her up? Did I get into her panties? Did I fuck her? I didn't dare tell him that I didn't WANT to be with a girl. I'd figured out that I got more excited watching the guys showering after gym than I did looking at girls, even naked ones. The way he treated me for getting excited from a spanking -- there was NO WAY I was going to tell him that I like guys.

He continued right up to the day I graduated, that morning, he dragged me out of bed and spanked me because I'd forgotten to take the trash out the night before. He pulled down my underwear and smacked my ass until I thought I was on fire, but sure enough, I had one of the biggest erections ever and I was dripping pre-cum like a faucet. He pushed me on the floor and stood up, and I could see a huge bulge in his pants. I finally realized that HE was getting turned on just as much as I was.

Before he walked out of the room, he told me `Pack your shit. After the graduation, I'm taking you to the bus station and putting you on a bus for anywhere but here. Don't ever come back, if you do I'll use my fists and beat the hell out of you.' He put me on a bus bound for Moscow. I had just gotten off the bus when I saw you and asked for a job.

Now you know everything, you know what my dad was like. You know what he did to me. You know how sick I am... if you change your mind and want me to leave, I understand."

I pulled him back against my shoulder and held him tightly. "No. I won't change my mind- your home is here with me now. As far as I'm concerned, you're MY son now. You'll have a home with me for as long as you want."

He pulled back and said "Thank you David. I- I don't know what to say... Umm... David?"

"Yes?" I answered.

"If I'm your son... Can I call you Dad now?"

"Well, Son -- I guess that would be appropriate. So- yeah, call me Dad." The way he beamed at me made me feel like a new sun had just appeared on the horizon.

"Well" I said, "we can talk more later and work out all the ins and out. But for now, we need to get busy and get ready for that buyer."

"I have an idea..." he said hesitantly.

"Sure, son tell me what it is."

"Maybe you could spank me?"


"Please? Can we just try? It really does help..."

"I can't hit you! My own dad was an abusive asshole and I swore that I'd never become like him."

"But David, you're not trying to abuse me -- you're trying to help me be a better worker and a better person. I want to help you- I really do, and I think this will help. Please? Just once? If it doesn't work, then we can forget it and try something else."

I sighed in exasperation, "Okay" I said. "We'll try it, but I don't like it and you WILL let me know if I start to go to far."

"Okay Dad. I promise."

He stood up and then lay down across my lap with his backside facing upwards. I hesitantly, pulled his underwear down below his buttocks and laid my hand on his soft ass. I rubbed gently and he said, "It's okay Daddy, go ahead, spank me."

I raised my hand and brought it down with a "Smack!". Josh moaned softly and said "Do it again Daddy! Do it again!"

So I did- Smack! Smack! Smack! His buttocks were turning a bright pink and I could actually feel his cock stirring in my lap. To my chagrin, I could feel my own cock beginning to swell from stimulation I was getting from Josh.

"Don't stop Daddy! It's just beginning to feel right- keep going!"

I heave a sigh and continued, "Smack! Smack! Smack! By now his ass was a bright cherry red and I could feel his hard dick grinding against my own hardening cock.

"Okay Daddy- I think that's enough for now. Let me up."

I pulled his underwear back into place and he twisted around to sit on my lap again, he put his arms around my neck and laid his cheek against mine. He wriggled his ass on top of my cock and I couldn't stop myself from groaning softly.

He pulled back and looked me in the eye, "Can I kiss you Daddy?" he asked.

"Sure Son" I breathed.

He leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips. I couldn't help but pull him more tightly against me and kiss him back urgently. I pushed my tongue against his lips and he opened his mouth to let me in. He sucked my tongue as I explored his mouth and when I withdrew my tongue, he pushed his into my mouth and returned the favor. By now, I was humping upwards trying to get my cock inside his ass, but our underwear was in the way.

I gathered him into my arms and stood up. I carried him down the hall to my bedroom. I placed him on the bed and stripped off his underwear. His dick popped upward before flopping backward to land on his stomach. A pool of pre-cum immediately began collecting on his abdomen. I stepped back and dropped my underwear to the floor. As I looked down on his beautiful body, my already hard cock swelled even more and strained upward. I lay down beside him and took him in my arms. We kissed gently and again, it became a deep make out session with both of us groping and touching the other all over.

I finally pulled back and asked, "How much experience do you have?"

"What do you mean?" he replied.

"I mean- What have you done sexually before? Have you ever been with a guy? Have you ever sucked a guy? Have you ever fucked or been fucked by a guy? How far have you ever gone before?"

"Oh. Well, I haven't done a lot. My dad kept me pretty close to home and I didn't get to go out much at all. I did get to spend the night with a friend a few times in high school. We would look at nudie magazines and talk about what we wanted to do. One night, he had a magazine that actually showed the guys as well as the girls. It was so great to see those hard dicks! We both got so turned on that we began to jack each other. Then he asked me if I'd ever had a blow job. I said no' and he asked if I'd like one. Sure!' I said, and he put his mouth on my cock.

It felt so good! I'd been jacking off since I was twelve or thirteen, but this beat ANYTHING I'd ever done before. It only took a minute or two before I shot my load. He swallowed it and then asked if I'd suck him in return. I'd been wanting to try sucking dick since I first noticed the guys in the showers at school, so I slid down between his legs and started working on his cock. He didn't last much longer than I did. In just three or four minutes, he was spurting his load into my mouth. It was great!"

"Great eh? How did you like the taste?"

"I have to admit, that it took a second to get used to it. Kind of starchy but a little bit bitter at the same time- but I liked it. I swallowed the whole load. That's all I've really ever done though. I've never fucked anyone and I've never been fucked... although I'd like to try it sometime."

"Okay then, we'll take it slow- I don't want to hurt you. Right now, we'll just do some sucking and some touching. We'll save the intercourse for the future- we can have a lot of fun even without that."

Listening to the boy describe his first and only sexual encounter had me dripping pre-cum like a faucet. I wrapped my arms around him again and pulled him on top of my body. We kissed again, savoring the taste of each other's mouth and tongue. Both our cocks were wet and dripping, lubing our stomachs. We ground our dicks against each other, groaning with the pleasure that we were giving each other.

While we were making out, I decided that I'd have him suck me off first. I know that some guys are totally finished after they have an orgasm, they can lose all interest and leave their partners frustrated and unsatisfied. I didn't think Josh would be one of those guys, but for our first time, I wanted to be sure we BOTH had fun.

I pushed him gently down toward my pole and told him "Show me how you sucked your friend. Can you make me cum?"

He nodded eagerly and began to work his way down my body, kissing my chest, pausing to suck and tease my nipples. Licking his way through the hair on my stomach and lapping at the pre-cum on my abdomen and in my bush.

When he took my cock in his mouth, it felt like heaven! The boy may not have had a lot of experience, but he was a natural! He made up in eagerness anything he may have lacked in technique. He licked at my cockhead like he was trying to get to the center of a lollipop. Using his hand to squeeze and slowly jack as he licked and sucked. I can usually last quite a while, but a long dry spell coupled with the sexual beauty of this boy pushed me over the edge much more quickly than usual.

"I'm coming!" I grunted, expecting him to pull off and finish me with his hand. Instead, though, he pushed his face down further onto my dick and took my load in the back of his throat. I felt him swallow a couple of times and then he gagged and began coughing. He pulled off then and continued to cough and try to clear his airway.

"I got..." cough, cough "some, in the wrong pipe..." cough, cough.

I reached down and pulled him upward to lay on top of me again. He had s smear of cum on his chin and I licked it off. He had stopped coughing by now and we kissed deeply. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and I savored the taste of my own cum.

He was still rock hard and I could feel his dick rubbing and pushing against my own cock and balls.

"Your turn." I said and rolled him off me and onto his back. I moved over him and began to make love to him. I kissed his face, his lips. I kissed his ears and nibbled at his earlobes. I kissed and licked his nearly hairless chest and teased his nipples with my lips and teeth. I worked my way over his stomach to his dick.

He wasn't terribly large, about five and a half inches with a decent girth- overall a very nice mouthful. I held his shaft in my hand while I licked and sucked just the head, much as he had done. Then I moved down and washed his balls with my tongue. He was moaning and squirming like he was about to go out of his mind. I lifted his legs over my shoulders and bent down to kiss and lick his taint. After a few minutes on his taint, I moved down and flicked my tongue across his little hole. From his reaction, I could tell he'd never been touched there before, but he certainly seemed to like it. He reached up and pulled his knees as far over his chest as he could, opening his ass to me completely.

I pushed his cheeks apart and buried my fact into his crack. Using my tongue to scrub alongside his hole and kissing his cheeks. When I pushed my tongue into his tight ring, he bucked and jumped like a wild colt. I backed off and moved back up to his cock. I took him in my mouth again and pushed my face all the way down until my lips were grinding in his pubic hair. I pulled his scrotum gently as I backed off and encased just the head with my lips. I used my tongue to tease around the rim of his dickhead and he suddenly spurted into my mouth.

It was delicious- sweet and salty and just a tiny bit bitter. I swallowed it all and didn't let any escape to run down his dick into his pubic hair. When I was sure he'd expelled every drop, I kissed my way back up his body to kiss his lips again. We lay in each other's arms for several minutes.

"Thank you Daddy. This is something I've always wanted to do. Especially with you- the first time I saw you at the bus stop, I wanted to kiss your face. I hope I didn't ruin things by doing this..."

"No Josh, Son- you didn't ruin anything. But I'll be honest, I'm going to have to do some serious thinking about what happens from here on out. I'm gay, I've known I was gay since I was twelve or thirteen... I've had relationships with men before- but they were always close to my age. I never got involved with anyone old enough to be my father- and I CERTAINLY never got involved with anyone young enough to be my son.

I'm not sure how I feel about things right now, but I will say this -- YOU don't have anything to worry about. You've done NOTHING wrong. We just have to figure out how we're going to make this work. And I have to figure out whether or not "making this work" will include more of what just happened."

He snuggled his face into the hollow of my shoulder and whispered "I'll do whatever you say Daddy. If you say "no sex" then there will be no sex- but I hope you decide that sex is okay because I REALLY enjoyed what we just did- and I want to do it again."

I looked at the clock next to the bed -- it was nearly six-thirty! Dammit!

I sat up and said, "Son, we'll have to talk about that later. Right now, I need to get up and get back to work on that fence line. YOU need to get out to the barn and do all those chores that didn't get done yesterday. The buyer said he'd be here just after lunch time. If we hurry, we should be able to get everything done and have time for a quick bite before he gets here.

Do you remember what you're supposed to do in the barn?" I asked.

"Yes Daddy" he said, "Make sure the trough is filled, put hay in the rack, clean out the dirty stalls and straighten the tack room."

"Good!" I said. "Now let's get moving!"

He rolled off me and stood by the side of the bed as I sat up. He suddenly bent down and waved his naked backside right in front of my face. He looked me from between his knees and grinned. "Maybe you should give me one final smack, to be sure I don't forget anything!" he laughed.

In mock anger, I lifted my hand and gave him a gentle swat. I leaned in and kissed his ass cheek. "ENOUGH dammit!" I growled "Get up and put your clothes on!"

I pulled on my underwear and Josh grabbed his and sprinted to his room to get dressed. I quickly pulled on a clean tee shirt and the same jeans I wore yesterday. I got my socks on and headed for the kitchen. I was pulling on my boots when Josh came out of his room.

"I'm gone!" I told him as I grabbed a couple of bagels and headed for the door.

As I got into my truck, I wondered- Had I done the right thing? What did I know about dealing with a guy nearly twenty years younger than me? Especially one who had such a horrible history as Josh did? And what about the SEX? I'd never thought in a million years something like that would happen. How wrong was it? Was I hurting him more by allowing him to continue in the behavior he'd obviously developed in response to his father's abuse? I shook my head in bewilderment and drove as quickly as I could to yesterday's work site.

Thankfully, the auger decided to cooperate and I finished the last ten to twelve post holes in no time. Then to set and tamp the fence posts went well also and seemed to take almost no time. Anyone who has ever built fence can tell you -- the WORST part of fencing is digging the holes and setting the posts -- once that's done, the rest is a breeze.

And I breezed right through it. By eleven-thirty, I was driving the last fence staple and as soon as I finished that I jumped into my truck and hurried back to the house- half afraid of what I'd find when I pulled into the yard, I was relieved to see that everything looked ship shape.

The colts had water and hay, when I checked inside the stable I saw that the stalls had been cleaned and the tack room was neater than I'd ever seen it.

I rushed to the house to jump into the shower again and (hopefully) grab a bite to eat before the buyer arrived. When I opened the door, the smell of food hit me like a hammer and Josh was just closing the oven door.

"Hi Dad!" he said as he grabbed me in a quick hug. "I figured you'd be hungry, so I made lunch. It's not much, just frozen pizza, but I figured you'd like to have something on your stomach before you have to deal with the buyer. It should be ready in about 10 minutes. Go take a shower while we wait- you smell like sweat and cum!" he said with a laugh.

"Part of that cum was yours you little miscreant!" I shot back while giving him a quick squeeze.

I quickly went to my bedroom and stripped down before jumping into the shower. A quick rinse of my hair and a quick scrub of my pits and privates and I was just pulling on my boots when Josh called from the kitchen.

"Come and get it! Before I throw it to the dogs!"

When I entered the kitchen, Josh had already placed several slices of pizza on each plate and had set out a big glass of iced tea for each of us. As I ate, I looked around the kitchen and I could see that Josh had put a decent amount of effort into cleaning up the room. I'm naturally a neat person, but when you're running a ranch singlehandedly, sometimes things can get away from you.

"The kitchen looks great Josh! I also looked around the barn before I came inside- you've really done a good job this morning. Keep it up and you'll be a top hand before you know it."

The boy nearly glowed at the praise. I figured his father must have really treated him like crap for such a small compliment to give him so much pleasure. I was still ambivalent about the spankings (AND the sex), but I was extremely happy that I'd taken time to listen to the boy this morning so we could begin to work things out.

We both bolted our food and I helped Josh clear the table and get the dishes washed. We had just put away the last plate when the buyer drove into the yard.

Jim Hardy was a guy I'd sold horses to several times in the past. He was a good guy- a hard bargainer, but not the type who would cheat someone (who wasn't trying to cheat him first). We shook hands and I introduced Josh to him as my son.

"I didn't know you had a son Dave." he said.

"To be honest, I didn't know either until just recently." I replied.

"Well, things happen. Nice to meet you Josh. Your dad raises fine horses and if you learn from him, you'll do the same some day.

Now- where are those colts?"

We all wandered over to the corral where the yearlings were watching us. I had Josh sit on the top rail and watch. He hadn't been around long enough for the colts to get to know him and I didn't want them to get spooked anymore than necessary.

The next two hours were spent showing off the horses. Leading, handling them, picking up (and picking out) feet, tying them to posts and "grooming" them to show how gentle they were.

I work with my horses from the day they're born. Touching and handling them all over. By the time they're a week old, they're halter broke. By the time they're weaned, they're used to being led, tied, groomed, having their hooves cleaned, loading on a trailer and wearing a blanket. Once they're weaned, they're turned into the "home pasture" where I can keep a close eye on them. The pasture has some really rough areas in it (all of my pastures do), but I like it that way. If a horse can't handle itself in rough going without getting hurt, there's no way it's going to handle rough country without getting itself AND its rider hurt. My horses are quick moving and sure footed. I know for a fact that's one of the reasons they bring such good prices.

By the time we were finished, Jim bought not three, not four but SEVEN of the colts! That stack of bills just became non-existent and there was even a NEW stack for cash on hand! I helped Jim load the horses into the stock trailer hitched to the back of his truck and Josh and I waved as he drove out of our lane.

As soon as he was out of sight, I grabbed Josh in a bear hug and said, "Boy, put on some decent clothes- we're going to town!"

"I- I can't Dad. These are all I have." He hung his head in shame.

I looked at him and realized that in the three weeks he'd been at the ranch, I'd never seen him wearing anything but a couple of baggy, threadbare tee shirts, holey jeans and ratty looking sneakers. I pulled him into another hug and said, "That's okay Son. We'll take care of that first thing when we get to town."

We quickly hurried through the afternoon chores and jumped into the little four cylinder Toyota I kept for quick trips into town. Town was forty miles away and my farm truck was a Ford F250 that used a LOT of fuel. It was a necessity on the ranch, but I avoided making long trips with it whenever I could. The Toyota paid for itself in gas savings when I needed to get just a part for the tractor or for grocery shopping.

On the trip into town, I asked Josh more about his past. He was still uncomfortable, but he did open up some.

"My mom left when I was twelve. I can remember her and my dad arguing a lot. I can also remember her with bruises on her arms and face. After she left, my dad told me that it would be up to me to take her place with the cooking and cleaning. My mom had taught me how to cook some simple things and I learned more as I went along. If I burned something or wasted food because it didn't turn out right, I got a beating. On days when the food wasn't good, he'd go to a restaurant for his own meal and my brother and I would have to eat my mistakes. On those days, he made sure that was the only thing we got to eat until it was all gone."

My brother James is only twelve now, I threatened to run away once a few years ago and my dad said `Go ahead faggot. I got a spare and I can train him just as good as I can train you!'. That's the only reason I stayed through graduation- I was always afraid that if he didn't have me to abuse, that he'd start on James." His voice choked off and a tear rolled down his cheek as he turned to look out the car window. My own heart felt like it was in a vice just imagining what this sweet kid must have gone through at the hands of his so-called "father".

I put my hand on his shoulder and he covered it with his own, smaller hand.

In town we went to the city's largest and finest clothing emporium- "Wally World". Josh didn't know his sizes, so I grabbed four or five different sizes of jeans off the shelves and told him to put on each one and come out so I could see how they fit. The first couple of pairs were way too large and he had to hold them up with his hands. By the time we got to the thirty inch waists though, they were fitting just fine- not too loose, but not so snug that they'd be too tight after being washed. We did the same thing with tee shirts, socks and underwear. I also had him pick out a pair of ankle high work boots for working around the ranch. When we left Wally World, he was carrying a several bags containing four pairs of jeans, two- "six packs" of tee shirts and the same for underwear and socks. I'd also insisted he get two button down shirts and a couple of polo shirts. We didn't get to go out "on the town" much, but I wanted him to feel like he could dress well anytime he felt like it.

From Wally World, we went up the block to a boot store. I told Josh he could pick out any pair of boots he wanted, as long as they were less than $200. That dwindled down the choice considerably, good boots are EXPENSIVE! Eventually, however, he settled on a pair of solid black boots with a walking heel. There was fancy stitching on the uppers, but the boots would do fine for riding as well as any "formal" occasion we might have here in this area.

I asked the store owner if Josh could use his back room to change and when the kid came out, the female sales person gave a wolf whistle. "YOU are a VERY good looking young man! If I catch my husband cheating on me, you'll be the first guy I call!" she joked. Josh blushed a deep red, but laughed and thanked her for the compliment it was meant to be.

While Josh was changing his clothes, I paid for a Stetson that he'd tried on for fun. I quickly went out and hid it in the car. When we got back to the vehicle, I asked Josh if there was anything else that he might want- I was expecting him to say something about the cowboy hat (that he didn't know I'd bought), but instead, he screwed up his face in thought and said- "A cookbook?"

"What?" I laughed.

"A cookbook." He replied. You obviously need to be out working the ranch all day. Certainly, I need to help out with the chores as well, but if I take over the cooking and the housekeeping, then it'll be one less thing you have to worry about and it'll be something I can do while I'm working around the house."

So, back to Wally World we went to search through their collection of cookbooks. Some were ridiculously fancy, some were way too complicated and some just didn't seem to have anything appetizing... we finally settled on two that seemed to have a good number of common sense recipes that sounded tasty. They also had easy variations of many dishes that could be used to keep things from becoming the "same old, same old".

When we got back to the car, I pulled the Stetson out of the back and gave it to my Son. Once again, his face lit up and he looked like he was going to tear up again. He looked around quickly to be sure no one was looking and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thanks Daddy! This is the best gift I've ever been given!"

We pulled out of the parking lot and went to look for a restaurant. There wasn't a lot to choose from in such a small town- the "low end" included the likes of the "Golden Arches" and the "high end" was the "Italian Garden" and the "Cowman's Roadhouse". I gave Josh the choice and he chose the Roadhouse. We enjoyed a delicious meal that neither of us had to cook. Josh drank soda and I had a beer. ONE beer- I seldom drink and when I do I'm a true light weight. Drinking the beer at the beginning of the meal and eating slowly ensured that there was little to no alcohol in my system when we left.

We made a THIRD stop at Wally World to pick up some groceries before finally heading back to the ranch. Part way home, Josh leaned his head on my shoulder and went to sleep. I kissed his forehead and thanked God for sending him my way.

When we got home, I brought in and quickly put away the groceries while Josh carried his treasures inside to his room. When I finished, I went to his room to see how Josh was getting along. He was sitting on the bed with tears in his eyes, looking at his purchases. When I stood beside him, he stood up, turned and put his arms around my neck. "Thank you Daddy- no one has ever been this nice to me before." He kissed me on the cheek and then on my lips.

I tightened my arms around his shoulders without realizing it and I felt his crotch rub against mine. "What can I do to show you how grateful I am Daddy?" he asked.

"Nothing." I said. "I didn't buy you those things to get you to have sex with me. I got those things because you NEED them and you DESERVE them. NOT for what I can get from you."

"I'm sorry, Daddy. I didn't mean it that way. I'd want to make love to you even if you'd given me NOTHING today. You've been kind to me and you haven't hurt me since I've been here- you're exactly the kind of man I want to have sex with... Please Daddy?". He kissed me again and this time he pulled my crotch into his to leave no doubt as to his intent.

My resistance crumbled and I kissed him back, deep and long. The bed in his room was a twin, but mine was a queen size, so we stumbled across the hallway locked in each other's arms. Once inside the room, he pushed me back onto the bed and knelt between my legs to remove my boots and socks. He then stood up and pulled my tee shirt off over my head. He leaned over and kissed my lips again before pushing me back to lay across the bed. Quickly, he undid my belt and the button of my jeans. He pulled down my zipper and in one movement pulled my jeans and underwear completely down and off over my feet.

He leaned over and kissed the head of my cock and licked up the drop of pre-cum that gathered on my piss slit. He licked around the head and down the shaft to my balls. Kneeling by the side of the bed, he lifted my legs over his shoulders and bathed my taint with his tongue before moving back up to lick more pre-cum off the head.

He stood up and removed his shirt slowly. He took off his boots and socks before unbuckling his pants and sliding them down over his hips, leaving nothing but his tight, white underwear. He leaned over again and took my dickhead into his mouth, licking and sucking. Already, his technique was improving, he was less frenetic and more focused on the things he thought would give me pleasure. I'm sure he was thinking of some of the things I did for him earlier in the day. He deep throated my cock, gagging when he got near the bottom. (I'm a normal sized guy, about five inches- but slightly thicker than most.) He backed off and attacked the head again, before working his way up my body to kiss my lips and face.

I kissed him back and pulled him down against my body. His smooth chest and stomach rubbed against my hairy body and brought a steady flow of pre-cum from the head of my cock. He rubbed his underwear encased dick against mine and the feeling was WONDERFUL. I slipped my hands inside his underwear to play with his soft ass and tickle his hole with my finger. He shivered when I pressed my fingertip against his ring and said, "That feels SOOO good Daddy! I've never been fucked before- can we try it tonight?"

"Probably not tonight" I answered. "I don't think you're ready for that yet. But don't worry, there are other things we can do until then.

First of all, though, I want you to give me another blow job like the one you gave me this morning. That was one of the best I've ever had..."

"Yes Daddy!" he said and began to slide back down my body to engulf my dickhead once again. Tonight, there was much less jacking and a lot more sucking. He used his tongue to stimulate behind the rim of my glans as well as the front at the frenulum. He held my dick with one hand, rubbing his palm over the head while he licked his way down the shaft and again washed my balls with his tongue. Again, he lifted my knees over his shoulders and worked over my taint, moving down to lick the bottom of my crack, but stopping short of actually trying to rim me.

But that was fine by me. The feel of his tongue on my balls and his hand massaging my dickhead was doing wonders for me. This morning was the first time in well over a year that I'd been touched by anyone other than myself and my body was reveling in the end of the dry spell.

He took my cockhead back into his mouth and used the flat of his tongue to rub the bottom of my cock, while, at the same time, gently scraping his teeth over my glans. I was surprised and began to shoot my load much more quickly than I normally would. He actively sucked the cum out of my slit and swallowed every drop. He held my cock in his mouth until I began to soften and then released it with a quiet "pop".

He crawled back up to lay on top of me again and I kissed him deeply, enjoying the taste of my cum on his lips. I reached down between our stomachs and gripped his cock, squeezing and kneading it like milking a cow. He moaned and lightly clamped his teeth into my shoulder.

I rolled over to put him beneath me and kissed my way down over his chest and stomach. When I reached his cock, I rubbed it with my beard, scrubbing the wiry whiskers back and forth to give him extra stimulation. I moved downward and licked his taint from top to bottom and side to side. I washed his balls with my tongue- first one, then the other. Licking the insides of his thighs. I lifted his legs high and placed a pillow under his ass, then I began to rim his hole. I spit on his ass and used my tongue to spread it around his hole, then up from his hole to his taint, back down to his hole and as far down his crack as I could manage. More spit, and I drew circles around his rosebud with the tip of my tongue. He was moaning and pulling at the sheets with pleasure.

I pushed my tongue into his tight ring and he arched his back so high I was afraid he'd injure himself. After a few seconds though, he relaxed back onto the bed. I continued to rim him until his hole was wet and sloppy before I slipped a finger inside. He groaned and arched upward again, though not nearly so high this time. With my finger inside his ass, I finally took his cock in my mouth. I didn't do anything fancy, simply licking it and holding it in my mouth- but at the same time, I used my finger to stimulate his prostate. He was already primed to shoot and when I touched his prostate he began to unload into my mouth. I know that it was only about an ounce of fluid, but it felt like a whole glassful due to the power with which it shot out. I held him in my mouth until the last drop oozed from his dick. I then slid up to lay alongside of him.

I spooned against his back and wrapped my arms around him. We talked for a few minutes- about what a crazy day it had been. What were we getting ourselves into? How wonderful it was to be naked together... Soon, though, Josh's breathing began to deepen and slow and a gentle snore escaped his lips.

I guess it had been quite a day for him, from employee, to about to be fired employee, to "son", to lover and now to "Son" and Lover. I imagined he felt pretty whipsawed by the world right now- but then again, so did I.


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