Anything You Want

By Hairy Jacques

Published on Aug 20, 2015


This is a true story, modified to protect the anonymity of those involved and simplified to enhance the narrative's flow.

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"Anything you want," Part 5

Once inside his room, we quickly lost the rest of our clothes. We faced each other, naked and throbbing.

"Anything you want," he repeated. I smiled and pushed him back onto his bed. I started kissing him again. Our cocks rubbed together, leaking precum. His body felt so warm and hard beneath me. His arms surrounded me. We were really only making out, but already I felt like I was on the verge of cumming. I lowered my face into the damp pit of his arm. The soft hair there tickled my nose as I inhaled deeply. I loved his scent. I pressed his arm back against the pillow and started to lick him. He started to giggle. "Sorry," I apologized. "Don't be," he whispered, "I was just startled. It feels good. It turns me on." So I continued, then moved over to his face for more kissing. Then my tongue paid some attention to his other armpit.

What made this all so hot was not just his willingness. It was also his eagerness. I'd hesitate, worried that I was going to go beyond his boundaries or cross a line. His actions made clear that, at least for the night, there were no lines or boundaries. He not only received but he also gave. He rolled over on top of me. He smiled down at me and then started planting little kisses on my forehead, my nose, my cheeks, and my lips. He sucked and nibbled my neck--always an erogenous zone--and then my ear.

He lifted up a little and started to move down my torso. He nuzzled my pits and dragged his tongue across my chest. He sucked my nipples. He licked my abs and circled my belly button with his tongue. The sensations were electric. He had me sighing and smiling and whispering curse words while I held his head and laced my fingers through his hair.

He went lower. I felt his breath over my cock. Starting at the base, he gently traced its length with just the tip of his tongue, then drew circles around that extra-sensitive spot at the base of my corona. He repeated this action several times. I was throbbing and twitching. I thought he was getting ready to go for it but instead he went down to my balls, licking the skin and the short hairs that grew from my sac. He took one nut into the heat of his mouth and started sucking while he gently stroked it with his tongue. He moved on to the other and gave it the same treatment. Then he swallowed both of them. I looked down past my pubes and my cock and we made eye contact. He looked so sexy down there. I smiled and so did he, releasing my balls and then, eyes still meeting mine, he quickly licked up my shaft, opened his mouth, and engulfed the head of my cock. He started circling his tongue. He started bobbing his head, sucking me, slowly inching his way all the way down to the root. We broke eye contact as he changed the angle of his face and pressed his nose into my pubes. He inhaled deeply and then swallowed hard. I gasped as his throat embraced my cock.

He moved into a steady sucking rhythm. One of his hands kept beat by gently pulling on my balls. The other worked its way up to my nipple. It all felt so amazing, so overwhelming. It was like I was about to levitate off the bed. Soon I was right on the edge of orgasm. "I'm almost there," I warned him, not wanting him to be surprised with a mouthful of cum. He had other concerns. "You can cum a second time later?" It was half question, half statement.

"I think so," I said.

"I'll make sure of it," he smiled, and then went back to work on my cock.

His lips tightened and his mouth moved faster. He was swallowing in a steady rhythm, squeezing my shaft with his throat. Up and down, up and down, on every upstroke tonguing the tip of my head. It felt so good it was almost agonizing. He extended the middle finger of the hand massaging my balls. He just sort of hooked it at the opening of my ass, not penetrating but pressing down and pulling forward. It was as if he'd squeezed my trigger. I grunted as I fired into his mouth. I came so hard, harder than I'd ever cum before. I felt him swallowing some of it. What remained he held in his mouth. He raised himself off of my crotch and did the gayest, sexiest, most intimate thing imaginable. He kissed me, parted my lips with his tongue, and shared my load.

"That was incredible," I panted.

"I learned from the best," he said.

It took me a minute to regain my composure. It was nice to just cuddle with him, pecking at his lips. Then I felt his stiff cock nudge my leg. He'd just done me a favor I was more than happy to repay.

"Your turn," I said, scooting down between his legs. Damn, I loved his cock. It was just perfect. Perfectly shaped and perfectly sized. A perfect fit for my mouth and throat. I went down on him--all the way, all at once. I pressed my nose into his pubes, caressing his helmet with my throat muscles, working his shaft with my tongue, encircling his root with my lips.

"That's so hot," he said. "No one's ever made me feel as good as you do."

His comment thrilled me. Usually when I sucked him he remained silent except for involuntary grunts or moans. Now he was acknowledging me. Actually, he was acknowledging that I wasn't just doing something to him. He was acknowledging that we were doing something together. As I started to bob up and down on his shaft my own cock stirred back to life. He flipped around so that we could 69. I almost couldn't believe he was sucking me again. I took his balls into my mouth, sucking them while I breathed in the light musk of his ass.

He stopped me for a second and pulled his balls from my mouth. He reached to the top of his bed, grabbed a pillow, folded it in half, and asked me to rest my head on it. I spun around and then so did he. On hands and knees above me, he resumed sucking my dick. Right before my eyes was his ass in all its glory. I'd never had this view before. His cheeks were firm, full, and muscular; light glinted off the fine blond hairs. I started to kiss his skin. He pressed his ass against my face. I used my hands to spread his cheeks and started tonguing his hair-fringed hole. He was moaning with my cock in his mouth, adding vibration to the sensations of warmth and wetness. When he lifted his head from my crotch he was practically panting. "Jeez," he sighed, "when you do that it rocks my world." Spurred on by his encouragement, I went the extra mile. I rolled my tongue into a tube and pushed against his hole. Gradually, he blossomed open just enough for me to insert my tongue maybe half an inch. I swirled it around and moved it in and out. I could feel his dick throbbing and leaking on my chest. He was still sucking me, but his moans had turned into muffled whimpers.

Suddenly he spun around, faced me, and leaned down to press his lips against mine. Our tongues did battle, first in my mouth and then in his. He pulled back just a bit. The look in his eyes was pure lust. "I bought us something," he whispered. He leaned over me to reach into the drawer of his nightstand. His left armpit was right above my face so I raised my head to steal a sniff. Our hard dicks pressed together as he sat up above me and presented me with a blue and white box.

"K-Y Jelly!" I blushed.

He smiled. "Open it," he whispered, so I did, removing the tube and handing it to him. I liked where this was going. I'd been hoping he'd fuck me. He squeezed a bit across his fingers and reached toward our dicks. He lifted up and pulled back a little. What happened next confused me for a second. His hand spread the lube all over my cock. His intentions became unmistakable when he squeezed more of the stuff onto his middle finger and reached back behind himself. His eyes glazed over a bit.

"Are you sure?" I whispered.

"Everything you want," he said, lowering his lips to mine. When the kiss ended he withdrew his finger from his ass.

"No condom?" I asked.

He smiled. "We're not going to get pregnant, and If either one of us had anything the other would already have it." What followed next was more serious. We locked eyes as he whispered, "Mostly, though, I don't want any barriers. Nothing's coming between us tonight." Again he kissed me.

It hit me that I really didn't know what I was doing. I'd never fucked anyone in the ass. I'd come close with my ex-girlfriend, but it had never happened. And he, I was certain, had never been fucked. We were both virgins, the blind leading the blind.

"How do you want it?" he asked. I wasn't sure what to say. "You can get packback if you want," he said. So he did remember that night. "I know I was an asshole, and I acted as if you were nothing but a hole to fuck. Somehow it made it less...."

I interrupted him. "Stop," I said. "I'm glad we did it. Yes, it was rough, and no, a lubricated condom isn't enough. But I got used to it. By the time you came I was starting to like it."

"Good," he said. "I'm pretty sure I'll like it, too. How do you want us to start? Doggie? Me sitting on you? On my back?"

I asked him to get on his back. I wanted to be in control and I wanted to see his face when I entered him. I shifted aside as he reclined on the bed. I kissed him tenderly, then my lips descended his body, giving his chest, nipples, abs, and treasure trail quick little licks before arriving at his cock. I started sucking and pushed back his legs. He hooked his hands under his knees while I grabbed the tube of K-Y and added some lube to my middle finger. Still sucking him, I slowly worked my finger into his ass. It was definitely the right decision to add to the lube he'd already inserted. Damn he was tight. I worked my finger in and out and then started to circle around inside him. I looked up toward his face as his cock throbbed on my tongue. His face was tilted back and his mouth was wide open. I released his dick from my mouth. "Are you ready?"

His answer really surprised me: "Yes. Please. I've been waiting my whole life."

I couldn't resist giving him another kiss. I scooted up alongside him, took his head in my hands, and made love to his mouth with my tongue. "This," I said, "is going to be amazing."

I leaned over him. Resting his ankles on my shoulders, I pressed the head of my dick against his pucker. I looked down and took him in for a second. Blond hair, broad shoulders, big pecs, a slim waist, a hard cock, and a gorgeous ass that was mine for the taking. I couldn't have dreamed of a better graduation gift.

I pressed forward. His ass resisted at first. I pressed a little harder. Suddenly, I squeezed in. We both gasped, although my gasp resulted from pleasure and his, no doubt, reflected some pain. I looked down into his clenched eyes. "You okay?"

"I'll be fine," he whispered. "You feel so big. Please, go slow."

I did. I wanted him to enjoy this. I wanted him to have plenty of time to adjust. I held still for a minute, and then rotated my hips to swirl my cockhead in a little circle. I pressed forward again and sank another inch. His mouth was wide open and I could see droplets of perspiration on his forehead. Again, slowly, I rotated my hips. I pressed again and gained more ground. "Fuck!" he yelled.

I reached for his cock and stroked it a few times while I swirled my cock inside him. "Push out," I whispered, "like you're taking a dump." I'd read about this somewhere. It had actually helped me a lot the time he fucked me. It seemed to work for him, too. Suddenly there was less resistance. My cock pressed forward and I sank into his ass.

I was in--all the way in. It's difficult to describe the feeling. His ass was like a velvet vice, so hot and so tight yet so slick and so supple, gripping me, engulfing me, sending a soft and steady current of electricity through my dick to my brain. I held steady inside him, savoring the sensation and giving him time to accommodate me. I kissed him and he grabbed my head, thrusting his tongue into my mouth. We made out like that, feverish and craven with my cock throbbing and his hole clenching.

I slowly pulled back an inch and then slid forward. He moaned softly. I pulled back again, a little farther this time, then slowly eased back in. He looked so hot beneath me: his cock twitching and leaking, his muscular legs extending toward the sides of the bed, his face contorting in the mixture of pleasure and pain. His arms reached up to encircle my neck. My strokes lengthened and pleasure began to overwhelm his pain. He started to buck against me, keeping rhythm with my strokes. "Incredible," he whispered.

"You're incredible," I responded.

His arms pulled my head toward his chest. I licked his pecs, now salty with sweat. My lips encircled his left nipple. His ass clenched as I gently bit down. I moved to the right one. I sucked on it and circled my tongue around the erect nub at the center. Gradually, my thrusts became faster and more insistent. I licked his neck. I loved the feel of his stubble bristling against my tongue. He raised his arms, exposing his armpits. God, he looked so sexy. I pressed my face into his left pit, inhaling his scent and licking away the sweat. I moved to his right pit. I couldn't get enough of him.

I could feel my orgasm approaching. I could have given into it, flooding him right then and there, but I wanted to prolong the action. He whimpered a bit when I pulled out, less because of pain and more because of the temporary cessation of pleasure. "I want to take you from behind," I said. He smiled and repositioned himself.

For a minute I just let my cock rest between his cheeks. My hands gripped his shoulders, slowly kneading them. "Damn that feels good," he sighed.

"I love touching you," I admitted. I moved down his back, massaging his muscles and admiring his "V" shape. His shoulders were so much broader than his waist. And then there was his ass, which by now was probably ready for more attention.

I figured it might be good to reapply the lube. I grabbed the K-Y, put some on my finger, and worked it into his hole. As my finger pressed forward and down I hit a little nub inside him. "Whoa," he said. I circled the nub with my finger. "Wow, right there." I took note of the location of his sweet spot. I withdrew my hand to apply more lube to my cock. Then I had an idea. It was my little secret since he was facing away from me. I put a big dollop of lube on my middle finger, reached between my legs, and pressed up into my ass. I shuddered a little. Then I lined up my dick and sank into him.

I loved the view as I fucked him. It was so hot to see my cock penetrating his ass. It turned me on to see it plunge in. It also turned me on watching it withdraw. The hairs around his asshole, slick with lube, dragged against my shaft. I gripped his shoulders as I pushed forward and pulled him back against me. The heat of his ass nearly seared my cock. The friction, the passion, the action spurred me on. We were both sweating. A drop of perspiration clung to my nipple, then splashed onto his back. His shoulders were slick and the muscles of his back glistened. I raised myself over him on all fours. This angled my cock downwards, maximizing the pressure on the nub inside him. My sweaty chest now glided over his sweaty back. He was panting and thrusting back against me as I kissed and tongued his shoulder blades. "I'm so close," he rasped. Both his hands were planted on the bed, so he wasn't even touching himself. Suddenly I was close to cumming, too.

I pulled out.

"Get on your back," I said. He quickly flipped over and pulled his knees up toward his chest. He wanted it so badly.

"No," I said, "put your legs down." He did. The expression on his face revealed both confusion and disappointment.

I had already squeezed some K-Y into my palm. His cock twitched as I covered it with lube. For a second I worried he was cumming.

His eyes were wide as I straddled him. The tip of his cock touched my hole. Part of me wanted to impale myself, but I wanted to make this last. I willed myself to make a slow descent. I didn't want him to cum right away, plus I wanted to savor every sensation. There wasn't any real pain this time, just a lot of pressure as his helmet cleared my sphincter. I lowered myself another inch. The feeling of fullness was overwhelming; it gave me goose bumps. I paused when he was halfway in.

"You feel huge," I admitted to him.

"You feel amazing," he whispered.

His muscular torso gleamed with sweat. His big hands gripped my thighs and his biceps flexed. His blond locks, dampened and darkened by perspiration, framed his forehead. His lips and nipples blushed a darker, almost crimson shade of pink. Staring down at him, there was something else that caught my eye. My dick, jutting out from its matted-down nest of hair, was hard, throbbing, and glistening with lube.

I gave into desire and sank down on him. I could feel his pubes scratching against the lips of my ass. I leaned forward, hooked my arms under his shoulders, and pulled him into a kiss. As our tongues mashed together I pulled him upward. He bent at the waist and sat up. My cock twitched against his abs while we made out, tasting each other and breathing together.

I began to lift up and then press down. His bucked his hips to meet me. I was fucking myself onto him. He was fucking himself into me. We established a rhythm. He felt so good inside me. I held his head against mine as we panted and moaned. I could feel the warmth of his breath blow past my ear. I landed on him harder and faster. He stiffened inside me.

He throbbed. Then he came, his cock pulsing. His arms clutched my back as he emptied himself inside me. I felt the heat and the slickness of his semen against the walls of my ass.

He collapsed back against the bed, pulling me down with him. My own dick was twitching with desire. My whole body was aching for release.

His cock, finally satisfied, slid from my ass as I quickly lifted off of him, spread his legs, and bent back his knees. My hard cock sank back into him. I wish I could say otherwise, but I came the moment I bottomed out.

We held each other breathlessly. I was still inside him. His bed was damp with sweat and cum.

He kissed me, tenderly. "Did you like your gift?" he asked.

"I loved it," I replied, kissing him back. I realized that his gift was more than just dinner. Maybe, even, it was more than just sex. His gift, on one level at least, was for both of us. He had given himself the freedom to give himself to me.

"Let's shower," he said. "We're a mess."

I followed him into the bathroom. He turned on the shower and we washed each other off. His soapy hands were all over my body. They felt so great scrubbing my back, my cock and balls, inside my ass crack, and under my arms. I washed him in all the same places. We were both more than half hard, but it was late and we were spent.

We toweled off and returned to the bed. We saw the mess we'd made of the sweat-soaked, lube-smeared, and cum-covered sheets. He started to laugh and said, "Holy crap! I have no problem sleeping on a wet spot, but we're not going to sleep in a swamp." We quickly remade the bed with fresh sheets and then collapsed together under the covers. We were both still naked. I turned away from him and he spooned me and pulled me in close.

It had been an amazing night. Even so, part of me was worried about tomorrow. There was no denying what we'd done. I loved everything about him and I loved everything about us. I was just a little bit worried that one night of real passion would undermine nearly four years of friendship.

Next: Chapter 6

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