Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Jul 19, 2000


As Always, All relevant Legal disclaimers apply! If for some reason the laws where you live prohibit the viewing of this material, or you are not of the legal age requiered to read material of this nature, Please leave now.

The subject matter contained within deals with the relationship between two young homosexuals, who are in LOVE! If that is a problem for you, ask your self 'why?' before deciding to read further. You may be offended and If you feel you might, Please read no further.

This is a true story. The Names of some Individuals and some places have be changed for reasons of privacy. The author reserves all rights. Copyright 2000.

Written by Terrence 'TJ' Julian with additional input by Andrew Simon van Ryan.

Thank you all for reading!

Love, TJ and Andrew

Anything to Turn You On....

Part IX

By Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved

The greatest mystery of Human Biology is how Andrew van Ryan could drink himself into a near coma, wake up four and one half hours later looking refreshed and not have a hangover. I believe Laboratory Research is still being conducted on this subject.

Most of the remainder of the flight I spent with Andrews head in my lap. It was getting close to the time I had asked the stewardess to wake us.

I began to consider how I was going to get Andy back into his clothes. The only choice was to try and wake him, an effort I thought useless. However, no alternative existed so I shook my boyfriend gently and said "Andy? Andy wake up". His eyes immediately opened and he yawned. Sitting up and stretching he regarded the empty plane and finally his eyes settled on me. "TJ, you look terrible! Couldn't you sleep?" he asked. "No" I replied. Suddenly looking down at his naked body Andrew cried "Where are my clothes!". "You're sitting on them" I informed him. "Did you take them off?" he asked. "Don't you remember the vodka?" I questioned as he was pulling at his blanket and wrapping it around himself. The vodka bottle had become lodged between two seats during the night and now his blanket sprung it loose. Suddenly, it launched into the air, smacked the seat in front of him and landed in his lap.

"This vodka?" he asked meekly. I nodded my head. "I don't remember it. Maybe you should tell me later". I nodded again saying "That's a good idea, Andrew. Right now you need to get dressed before the stewardess comes to wake us". He agreed and began picking up his scattered things. Shuffling off to one of the rest rooms I watched him walking away and shook my head.

I strode up to the first class cabin and used the lavatory. Looking into the mirror I realized how terrible I looked. I decided it could wait until after we ate. I returned to the seat in first class and Andy soon joined me. His suit was completely rumpled and he looked comical in it. "Now you see why it's good to have two suits to travel in, don't you?!" I laughed at him. "If I tried to enter England wearing this they'd send me back!" he observed.

Sitting down next to me he quietly asked "TJ, Did we......." I stopped him in mid sentence. "No" I snapped. "Oh!...." he muttered with surprise. I started giggling and he asked "What's so funny?"

Just then the cockpit door opened and the ragged looking pilot stepped out. "Tell you later" I stated under my breath as we watched him walk towards the lav. Then the stewardess stumbled out adjusting her undergarments. Seeing us already awake she turned five shades of red!

Our gracious stewardess then made her way over and asked "Would you care for breakfast?". Looking at her my shoulders began to jerk in rhythm. I tried to stifle my laughter and had no success.

"I'm sorry" I apologized. She grinned at me and said "I'm not! I'll go fetch breakfast now!" Andy and I howled! "At least someone got to have wild sex at 40,000 feet!" I laughed, getting over my disappointment.

After we ate, Andy and I changed into our fresh clothes. I worked at making myself look presentable, since I wanted to impress Anita. She had made a point of telling me it had been three years since she'd seen me last and I wanted her to see me looking my best. When I exited the lav Andrew was back in his seat, dressed in his fresh suit and looking like he had spent two hours in front of the mirror! "How do you do that?!" I asked. Looking up from a magazine he replied "Do What?" "Look so damn good!" I blurted. He just smiled and said "I'll never tell!"

The tattered pilot came on the speaker system and in a somewhat hoarse voice announced "Gentlemen. We are now on approach to Heathrow. Please lock your seats upright and make ready for landing". Andy was nervously awaiting his first glimpse of England and I was nervously awaiting Anitas first glimpse of Andy. When the big jet touched down Andy craned to see outside. "Don't bother" I said "All you can see from here are more planes". "Yes, but they're planes in England" he said turning to me "That alone makes it worth a peek!"

Our plane finally reached the arrivals area. Walking through the Diplomatic Passport Entrance I showed the official my Italian passport. Andy showed his American non diplomatic passport and the official spoke "Why are you entering through here young man?"

"To get to London. Now if you'll excuse me, I wish to rejoin my companion" Andrew asserted in that wonderful 'Prince' voice of his. The stunned official looked at me. I raised one eyebrow and frowned. "Yes, sir" the man calmly mumbled and handed back the passport. We entered the baggage area and a man was waiting to hand over our two cases. Andy followed me as I walked through the Diplomatic entry beyond the baggage inspection area. As we walked past the customs officer I waved my passport at him and he nodded. Exiting though the double doors into the waiting area I spotted Anita. She was standing very near to the doorway and was waving excitedly. Andy was looking back at the closing doors with an expression of concern on his face. He almost bumped into me as I set down my case. I straightened up and said "Hello, Anita! It's so good to finally see you again!". "Oh, TJ!" she cried with that bright voice of hers "You look so handsome! It's so nice to see you, dear". She turned to Andy, who was still looking the other way and adjusting his Ray-Bans. "And who is this handsome young gentleman?" Anita asked. Before I could say a word Andy turned and said "van Ryan...... Andrew... van Ryan".

He took hold of Anitas hand as he said this and bowed his head ever so slightly to the side. "Oh, Spoken like James Bond!" Anita smiled. Andy bowed slightly deeper and said "Thank you, Miss Moneypenny". She giggled at him and he gave her one of his infectious half smiles. "TJ! I like your friend!" she said cheerfully "It's very good to meet you Mr. van Ryan". He finished her off with his charm by saying "Oh, Please do call me Andy! It would make me very happy if you would!".

She stared him up and down before saying "Well, lets get going!". Anita turned and held her hand up in the air. Two men came over and took our bags. They headed down the hallway just in front of us. I watched to see if Andy realized they were bodyguards. We reached the exit to the car park and were met by a long stately Rolls Royce Silver Cloud Limo. The bodyguards stepped to each side as the Driver opened the door for us. All three of us piled in the back, Anita sitting between us. The Driver bowed his head slightly and closed us in. Andy was watching people as they were watching us. He watched as the two men with our cases got into a black Rover parked behind the Rollie. "Hmmm" he muttered. "Is there something you wanted to say, Andrew?" Anita queried.

"Yes" he turned and looked at her. "Could you tell me who the hottest band in town is?" Anita was only thirty three years old and had quite the social connections. Definately a woman of looks and means with a jet set mentality. She gave a quick raise of the brows and said "That would be David Bowie doing his Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars". "I'd like to see them" Andrew said thoughtfully then added "If we go to concerts will those two bodyguards have to go with us?" I was pleased with Andy for spotting them. If both he and I knew what to look for we'd be able to dodge the 'tails' Anita might send to 'look after' us. Having bodyguards makes me feel like a kid with a babysitter following him everywhere. Plus they're usually inept when it comes to social situations.

Anita looked at Andrew and said "Well, Andy the first and foremost priority of my job is the safety and well being of Terrence". Andy interrupted her and said "Oh, yes! By the way. I owe you a great deal of thanks for getting us out of Fullerton safely. The phone threats were directed at me, not TJ. I feel badly if I caused you any reason for concern" he apologized.

Anitas eyes lit up and she said "Why, Your welcome, Andy! Don't feel badly, your safety is my concern too". She then dropped the big one on us. "So, how long have you two been boyfriends?" she asked. Andy leaned out to look at me without registering any expression and asked "Do you want to answer this one, TJ?" I slumped down in the car seat expecting the worst. Anita began laughing and said "Oh, dear! It's all right, boys! I know all about it. Your Mother called me last week to tell me you were in love, TJ! She's thrilled you have a boyfriend who really loves you. I've known about your preferences for years now. Your Mother and I are very close Terrence. She tells me everything, so don't feel you need to hide things from me. Besides, I'm quite taken with young Andrew. He's quite special, isn't he?".

I was completely embarrassed and in shock. I hadn't a clue Anita was aware of our relationship nor that she and Mother exchanged thoughts about it. I was speechless.

Andy on the other hand saw this as an opportunity and began happily chattering away. "So, she's thrilled? I'm happy she feels that way!" he began "TJ and I have been very unhappy about hiding our feelings, you know. The whole thing started to come to a head when my girlfriend broke it off with me. She wanted to get married, but that was just impossible of course! She left and I was thrilled to have her gone. However, her Father wasn't thrilled and when she told him about us, well you heard about the calls" he rambled. Anita sat watching completely in awe of his unusual personality, which could change at any moment!

"So, Anita....." he suddenly asked "What's the Queen like?". She was so dumb struck at his sudden question she could hardly speak. "Ah...ah...well.. I.." she was stammering when Andy interrupted "Oh, well we can talk about her later" he said "Where are we going now?". Anita calmly said "Home...". "Yours?" he asked.

"No, Andy. We're going to the house in Hampstead Heath were you'll be staying" she said sounding somewhat detached. I was beginning to find the humor in the way Andy was sweeping Anita up into his world. "Hampstead Heath...?" Andy said reflectively "I should very much like to see that".

Andy now slowed the pace of his words by half. "Anita, do you think the relationship between TJ and myself will be more accepted over here?" She answered "Yes, Andy. Gays are more tolerated by most of the public, however the laws are still quite harsh. I should warn you that public displays should be avoided" He looked at her and droned "I don't like seeing public displays by anyone. That sort of thing should be kept at home, don't you agree?" Anita smiled and said "Andy, you are a very fascinating young man. How did you get this way?" she asked.

I broke my silence and said "Andy's the Prince of Main Street". Anitas head swiveled around to face me. "What did you say?". "He's the Prince of Main Street" I repeated "That's what everyone in his town calls him. He has a special presence about him, too. I've seen him silence an entire roomful of people with a simple raising of one eyebrow. He's a very complex and different person Anita. That's why I love him". She turned back to look at Andy who was now staring intently out the window at the scenery going past.

She watched as he stared, seemingly oblivious to our presence. Unexpectedly he announced "I'm really happy to be here. I think we'll do well in England TJ" he said still gazing out the window. Then he turned slowly to gaze at Anita and spoke very quietly and very slowly "I love Terrence with all my heart, Anita. I'll be beside him forever. I promised him I would". Anitas eyes suddenly welled with tears "Oh, Andrew! That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard anyone say!" He slipped an arm around her and said "Thank you" and hugged her.

Anita was now completely in love with Andy being in love with me! I don't know how he did it and I don't think he did it purposefully or that he had planned any of it. Andy is just that way!

The ride from Heathrow to Hampstead Heath was made interesting by Anitas first encounter with Andrew. I felt great satisfaction knowing she was so taken with Andy. I think Andy was taken with her as well.

Arriving in the neighborhood where the house was located, Anita began pointing out interesting landmarks and sites. She showed us the Headquarters of the Freemasons, Sigmund Freud's former house and the 'natural' park they call the Heath. When she pointed out Freuds home Andy stated very seriously "Hmmm. A very odd man, that Freud. Loved his Mother, you know?!" Anita was amused by this and had a good laugh. "A very odd man indeed, Andrew!" she agreed.

Finally the Rolls Royce pulled slowly to a stop. Andrew asked "Which one?" as he looked from side to side on the street. "There!" she pointed. It was a large cut stone three story house with a very small front garden. The rose bushes the garden contained were growing a bit wild, in keeping with the 'Heaths' natural feel. Andrew saw these and blurted out "Roses!". Anita looked at him curiously "Yes, that's right. Do you like roses Andrew?" He smiled and said "I grew the rose garden at my Mothers house. She loved them, but I know how to care for them. Kind of a hobby for me when I was younger" he related. We went up the steps entering the front gate. Anita stepped ahead of us and unlocked the door. It swung open and I was in awe! The outside of the house didn't give a clue as to the inside. The front door opened to reveal a large grand room with a ceiling height of two stories. There were paintings, small statues, ornate lamps and in the center a concert size grand piano. We all stepped in and I stood looking at this greatly ornate room that, simply put, was beautiful.

I was so taken with the decoration of the room that I didn't notice Andy approaching the Steinway. He looked at the keys, sat down and set his hands to it. Anita watched as he paused then played the opening to Franz Listz's Hungarian Rhapsody #2. I was snapped to attention by the pianos sudden sound. Anita and I stared as Andy played from memory. He continued on for about three minutes. The pianos sound filled the room as he played with perfect technical proficiency. "So he plays the piano, too?!" Anita whispered. "I never knew he could!" I whispered back.

Andy suddenly stopped and said "Yeeckk!! Am I ever rusty! Let's see. How about something fun..." He suddenly banged out the piano intro to Jerry Lee Lewis' Great Balls of Fire and began to sing it as well. I said to Anita "I didn't know he could do that, either!" She was smiling and said with a bounce in her voice "Your young man is just full of surprises!" Andy played a full verse and chorus before he stopped. Anita and I both applauded. "Oh, don't!" he said blushing "I'm really out of practice". "Sounded great to me!" Anita said. "Well, OK" my embarrassed boyfriend said "Can we see the rest of the house?".

As we toured the other parts of the house I became more aware of how incredibly wealthy my Father had been. Many of the paintings were original oils by recognizable 'Old Masters'. The other thing I noticed was how much larger the house was than it appeared from the front. We climbed to the second floor and viewed the kitchen, formal dining room, library and the living room. On the third floor were two separate bedroom suites each with it's own water closet and bath. To our surprise, there was a small fourth floor as well. Climbing the narrow staircase we entered the top floor room. With its odd angled walls and arched ceiling produced by the roof line it had been left basically empty, save for a few boxes. The windows were a combination of small square panes and long narrow skylights. "What's this room used for?" Andy asked. "Nothing, really" Anita said. "Lets make this our bedroom, TJ!" he said "Why?!" I asked. "Cause I know just what to do with it!" he smiled. Looking at his twinkling eyes I could almost see what he was seeing. "OK, but until it's finished we'll use the larger of the two suites" I said.

Anita and I started for the stairs. I looked back at him and asked "Coming along?" He stared at the walls and replied "In a minute". We left him standing there and returned to the second floor living room. I fell into the sofa and Anita sat on the one opposite me. "TJ, I have to tell you, Andy is just so wonderful!" she remarked. "Yes, isn't he?" I smiled. "I'm really happy for you. Whatever else you do, never feel you have to hide your relationship from me" she told me "In the next few weeks I'll take the two of you out on the town and introduce you around. I know a great many interesting people that you'll like meeting. London is a very exciting city. So much of the popular music heard worldwide comes from the studios and musicians living right here. Did you know that the drummer for the Faces lives the next lane away? And so does the singer for the Moody Blues. I'm good friends with a lot of the club owners in London and I've gone to parties at many musicians homes around town. Next time I'm invited to one I'll take you and Andy along. I think you'll really like London. Tell me, something TJ. Are you and Andrew thinking about making a permanent home in Europe?" "I'm not sure yet" I replied "A great deal of that rests with Andy. So far, I think that might be what he has in mind" She smiled and again said "He really is fascinating. I can't put my finger on it but he's got some sort of 'something' about him".

"I know just what you mean!" I replied "Back in his town rumors started saying he had 'supernatural powers' because of that quality he possesses. The first time I ever saw him everyone there was immediately silenced simply because he walked into the room. Yet he doesn't use that against anyone. He truly has a loving heart, Anita".

"Yes and I can see that the two of you really love each other, TJ! Congratulations!" she smiled Then looking towards the stairs she asked "Where is he, anyway?" I thought it odd he hadn't joined us. "Lets go look for him" I said. We climbed the stairs back to the little top floor room, but he wasn't there. Thinking for a moment I had an idea. "Follow me" I said and descended to the bedroom suites below. Quietly opening the door into the larger suite we entered and tip toed to where we could view the bed. There he was curled up amongst the pillows with only his socks and boxers on. Andy has this funny habit of holding one finger to his lips as if to say 'Shhh' when he sleeps alone. Anita found this endearing "Oh, look at him TJ! He's like an innocent little child lying there!" she whispered. We tiptoed out of the room and returned to the living room "He's adorable TJ! If he wasn't yours all ready I might chase him!" she said. I simply smiled. "Listen, I know you're jet lagged and I've got to get back to the office. I'll come 'round tomorrow noon and we'll do a bit of shopping and such, all right?" "I'd like that Anita" I replied. She said her good byes, kissed my cheek and started for the stairs.

"Oh, you can call the servants on this phone" she said pointing to a red phone on a small desk "Any red phone in the house calls them. You just pick it up and it rings though automatically". "Servants?" I asked "Yes. Maid, Cook, and Valet" she smiled. "Where do they live?" I asked "In the house behind" she answered "And the gardener comes twice a week" she added. "Thank you, Anita!" I called. As she entered the stairwell she called back "Tah, TJ! Tell darling Andy bye for me!"

I remained in the living room for a few minutes just looking at the paintings, statues and furnishings. I thought to myself how wealthy I was and I couldn't really comprehend it. It didn't seem real and wouldn't register in my head.

After sitting these few minutes I realized how dead tired I actually was. I slowly climbed the stairs to the bedroom suites. Entering the larger one I stepped lightly to the bedside. I studied my dear Andy as I removed all my clothing. Sliding my naked body into the bed caused him to moan a little. I gazed at his beautiful face and sighed. I thought to myself how tired I was and how rudely I would awaken him when I was refreshed in the morning!...........................

........................Continued! -------------------------------------------------------------------------

As you can tell by now, my Andy is quite a character! However, wait until you read about our nights out in London! I'm sure you'll enjoy reading about those!

Thanks again to all who have e mailed us..........


Next: Chapter 10

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