Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Jul 17, 2000


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Story by Terrence 'TJ' Julian with additional input by Andrew van Ryan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------

This story is true. The names of some individuals and some places have been changed for reasons of privacy. We hope you enjoy reading it.

Love to all,

TJ and Andrew

Anything to Turn You On....


By Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Copyright 2000 All Rights Reserved

We kissed and gazed lovingly into each others eyes. "Andrew, I'm so glad were together. I've dreamt of this for so long" I said, then asked "How long ago did you know you loved me?" He hung his head a little and glanced up. "At least two years ago. I was in love with you while I was with Jesse. I had promised Jesse the same promise I've made to you now. I take a promise very seriously, TJ. I remained loyal to that promise and to Jesse" he sighed "I don't know for a fact Jesse is dead, but I think that's what happened. I believe he is and that his Father killed him".

He looked over and began crying. "TJ, am I the reason Jesse died?" he suddenly sobbed. I put my arms around him as a comfort and hugged him tightly. "No, Andrew. Ignorance and hate killed him. You loved Jesse" I continued softly "Why would you ever think such a thing?" He sniffled and replied "Linda said I caused it".

I nearly exploded with anger! I looked at him and my mouth dropped open. "She said what?!" I cried "That's the most evil minded thing I've ever heard! She has no right to accuse you of something that vile! How could you stand hearing her say it?"

He sniffled and said "Well, the thought had crossed my mind. If he and I had never..........". I stopped him right there. "If you and Jess had never he would have with someone. Jesse was born gay. Things wouldn't be any different than they are right now. Linda said that hoping to give you deep guilt feelings about yourself. Looks like she nearly succeeded, too" I lectured. "Yes, I've needed to get away from her TJ. She was screwing with my mind. She kept telling me that and other terrible things so I'd marry her" he whispered "She was turning my life into a nightmare until you rescued me, TJ" he quietly confessed while hugging me. "You can rest assured I'll never let her near you again, Andy" I avowed "Oh, I can't believe she would say such hideous, hurtful things!" I stopped myself from continuing. Andy needed calming, so I stroked his long beautiful hair and rocked him. He began to relax again.

He cuddled against me and recalled "I knew back then if Jesse and I weren't already together I would've been with you. Even Jesse thought you and I were good for each other. That's why he brought you home the first time. I was sick and he had you come visit". "I remember that very well" I recalled "He caught me walking across campus and I thought he was going to yell and curse at me for talking to you" I giggled. I sat thinking silently about Jesse for awhile. Then wondering aloud I said "Perhaps Jesse had a premonition. Maybe that's why he brought us together, Andy". "It could have been" Andy responded "He was a very intuitive person". Then he sighed and said "I like to believe he's somewhere up there looking out for us".

"You're such a sweet heart Andy" I declared to him. "Hey, lets get some food and then some sleep, OK?" I asked. He nodded so I pushed the call button. The stewardess soon appeared and brought us our meal which wasn't very good. I complained and as an apology, she offered us any liquor we wanted from the planes store of duty frees. "Bring a bottle of Vodka and some cans of orange juice" I said accepting the offer. "Some blankets and pillows, too. We're going to go back and lay down across the center seats to sleep the rest of the flight. Tell the pilot to dim the cabin lights. Wake us a half-hour before landing" I instructed her "We don't want to be bothered until then, thank you".

"Very well, sir!" she answered. We soon had drinks, pillows and blankets. She excused herself and returned to the cabin.

"She's probably screwing the pilot" I remarked. Andy looked at me and said "Of course she is. Didn't you notice her bra is missing?" We both had a good laugh. I remarked "Thank God for auto-pilot!. Otherwise we'd be flying everywhere but London! Come on, now. Lets go lie down"

Entering the coach cabin we each pushed up arm rests between center row seats. Andy laid down the row in front of me. I laid in across the seats and stared at the ceiling for a few minutes. Occasionally sipping at my drink I began to think about what Linda had said. The longer I thought about it the more It made me sad. She should never have hurt him like that.

"TJ?" Andy softly called to me. "Yes?" I replied stirring from my thoughts. "I'm naked!" he giggled. "What?!" I shouted. He just laughed. I jumped up and looked over the seat backs. Sure enough Andy was lying stark naked with only a small bit of blanket covering his groin. He giggled and asked "Wanna join me?" I looked up as the lights in the plane went dim. "Yeah, why not?" I remarked and began pulling my shirt off. He was fully laughing now, that wicked laugh Andy gets when he knows he shouldn't be doing something! I removed my shirt and tie. I pulled my shoes and socks off letting them drop in between the rows. Stepping out and around to the row containing my giggling boyfriend I unfastened my belt. Then as he watched me I pulled at the fastener on my pants. It popped loose and I let them drop. Stepping out of them in just my boxers I moved closer. He continued giggling nervously and eyeing me up and down.

I could see the blanket was rising from where it lay over him. "Is that the way you always greet your friends?" I asked watching him. "No, just my boyfriend!" he replied. I pushed my thumbs into the waistband of my boxers and brought them down slowly. His reaction at seeing my rigid pole was to flip the blanket away and demand "Come here! I want you!"

I stepped into the row of seats and laid down on him. His body was warm and felt so silky to the touch. We both giggled a bit. I said "Now how many people can say they've done this?". "None!" he laughed. "Oh, there might be some out there who have but not very many" I replied in all seriousness. "I'm not interested in thinking about anyone else's naked body at 40,000 feet, TJ" he said flatly "It's your naked body I want to think about". "If you only wanted to think about it, you didn't need to invite me to join you" I huffed back at him. "Yes, I'm lying" he giggled again. I carefully studied his face. He seemed a bit odd. Then it struck me. 'Andy... First Plane Flight... Stress.... Grief.... Alcohol... DING!' The alarm bell rang in my head.

"Andy, how much of the vodka have you had?" I questioned slowly. "Here!" he said. Reaching under the seat he pulled the fifth out and held it up. It was two thirds empty! "Andrew van Ryan! Are you drunk already?!" I scolded. He simply giggled and put a finger to his lips. "Shhh.... I wanted to get drunk so you could take advantage of me" he whispered. "Is that so?" I demanded. He looked at me for a moment then said "Shut up and kiss me!" Pulling me down my mouth met with his. Our lips pushed against the others and he moaned slightly. Breaking away he said "I want to kiss you until my lips wear out".

As our lips met again I considered what he had just said. The remark was so silly I began to laugh. He didn't really mean what he just said I reasoned. It must be the vodka. The more I tried to reason out his comment the funnier it got. I had to break away from our kiss. I was laughing too loudly now.

Andy gave me a disapproving look and raised a finger to his lips again. "Shhhh!..." he quieted me "You'll wake up the pilot". Now I was howling. "Andy! You are drunk!" I said laughing at my boyfriends misadventure "You could hurt yourself by drinking too much too quick" I said reprimanding him. "I've been called that before" he said smuggly "Your just not as good at it as I am!" he remarked. "Oh, my God! What am I ever going to do with you?" I chuckled and shook my head. He looked at me oddly and said "You're supposed to be kissing me!"

Ten minutes later I was lying next to a passed out naked drunk who was drooling on my arm. Before he had passed out Andy made a few more comments and each one made less and less sense. Gesturing with one final slurred "See what I mean" he had passed out cold.

I got up and dressed again. Any chance I had at sleeping to avoid jet lag was out of the question now. It had become my job to check his vital signs and prepare in case he vomited. I sat next to poor Andrew and laid his head in my lap. I stroked his long silky hair and studied his beautiful young face. My concern for his wounded emotions returned and I found myself softly asking "Why did Linda say that to you?"..............


Next: Chapter 9

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