Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Jul 15, 2000


As is usual, all legal disclaimers apply. If you shouldn't be reading this due to the laws where you live, PLEASE leave now!

This story is true, however some individuals names and some places have been changed for reasons of privacy.

Written by Terrence 'TJ' Julian with Additional input from Andrew van Ryan. Author reserves all rights. Copyright 2000. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------

Part seven: Escape to England..........

Anything to Turn You On....

Part VII

By Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved

We ran about the house grabbing and snatching at things we wanted to bring along. Most of these were given a second thought and left behind. Andy parked his beloved Triumph TR-3 in the garage. Before locking it inside he walked to the front of the car and kissed the hood! "I'm going to miss you, dear. I promise I won't run off with some Maserratti or Jaguar". He sighed and closed the garage door. "You're really in love with that car aren't you?" I asked him. "Yes. Wire Wheels are so attractive, especially with knock off hubs" he said longingly. "Come on, Get dressed!" I told him "They're going to be here soon!"

We dressed alike in the black Italian suits. Andy looked gorgeous in his. "Here. These will top it off" I said and handed him a small eyeglass case. Opening it he found a pair of Ray-Bans. "Oh, so we can look incognito!" he declared. I was gazing at the driveway security monitor when our car pulled up.

"We're not going to be incognito anywhere riding in that!" I exclaimed. Pulling into the driveway was one of the Italian Embassies stretched Lincoln limousines with two police motorcycle escorts. It was easy to tell the car was from the Embassy by the little flags waving atop each fender and the embassies seal emblazoned on the rear doors. "Well, I was hoping we wouldn't draw attention. Guess that's not going to be the case today... Have you got your passport?" I asked.

"Right here!" Andy waved it before putting it away inside his suit coat. "OK, then. Kiss me!" I said and he turned to meet my embrace. "How about one more for the road?" he smiled. Giving him another quick kiss I heard the doorbell. "That's our ride!" I said. I opened the door and stepped out. Andy followed right at my heels. The baggage handler spoke to me in Italian and I instructed him to get the suit cases and the carry on bag. Walking briskly towards the Limo I heard another car begin to pull into the driveway. Looking up I didn't recognize it. I glanced at Andy. It was obvious he recognized it.

"Linda's Dad?" I asked. He nodded from behind his dark glasses. The two motorcycle cops heard the car as well. Both turned mechanically to watch over their shoulders at the intrusion. Our driver opened the door for us and I stepped aside letting Andy go first. I gazed at Linda's Father who was now backing out of the driveway. His face was twisted with an angry puzzled expression. He slowly drove off, staring back at me the whole time. I got into the car and the driver shut the door. Andy asked "Did he see me?". "Oh, yeah and me too! He stared at me the whole way out" I said "I think he intended on beating the shit out of us".

I hadn't realized it but the baggage handler was standing outside the open door on Andy's side and he overheard us. He suddenly shouted in Italian and snapped his fingers at the two cops. Waving towards the end of the driveway he repeated the words. The motorcycles suddenly gunned their idling engines and roared out of the driveway. As they reached the road their sirens tore through the morning calm. "Oh, no! What if they catch him?" Andy giggled. "Ah, he'll get grilled down at the station and warned to stay FAR, FAR away from us" I said smiling.

The trunk slammed shut as did the doors. The Driver and handler got in and we began backing out. As we reached the street a another motorcycle cop pulled into the middle of the road. He jumped off the bike blowing a whistle. Rasing both arms he stopped three cars coming up the hill. As we turned into the street I saw the other two motorcycles coming back uphill towards us.

In all there were four police escorts. Two positioned themselves at the front fenders and two at the rear. The Limo lurched forward and began speeding down the hill. All four were wailing their sirens as we passed Linda's Dads house. I caught a glimpse of him standing in the garage watching as our escorted limo made its flag waving getaway. Andy saw him too. "I'd guess the Princes legend just got a whole lot larger in this town!" he smiled. "Yes, I do believe you're right, Mr. van Ryan!" I replied.

The police escorts kept the sirens going as we entered the freeway. The driver gunned the Lincoln and we flew into the fast lane at a speed far exceeding the legal limit. "This must be what it's like riding in the presidents limo" Andy speculated. "Nah, he's got tons more escorts and two cars full of secret service guys behind him" I stated. "Are you saying that you've ridden in the presidents car?" Andy questioned. "Not this President" I shrugged "I was only ten at the time". Glancing over I realized he was staring with his mouth open. "Hey, My Mother is a diplomat!" I reminded him. Then the baggage handler spoke to us.

"Mr. Julian, sir? Your Mother sends her love to you. Miss Harrington has you booked on British Airways flight 107 to New York. There you will change planes, boarding private charter to London, flight 007".

Andy looked at me and said "007? How James Bond! I love it!" He was giggling when he added "Maybe Sean Connery will be on the plane!"

I was less than thrilled with the chartered flight, but I didn't say anything. I was too excited over the fact Andy and I were off to Europe! At the speed the limo traveled we arrived at LAX in what seemed only minutes.

I still carried a Diplomatic Passport because of Mother. Being in an Embassy car we drove right out to the plane. A security official was waiting for us at the stairway leading up into the boarding tunnel. Our Driver stopped, jumped out and opened our door. I stepped out and walked straight to the official. "Good morning, Mr. Julian. May I see your ID?" he said. I handed him my passport. He glanced at it, then turned to Andy. Andy pulled his passport out and handed it to him. He studied it for a moment then returned both to me. "Have a nice flight, sir" he droned. The baggage handler took our suitcases right to the men loading the cargo hold. He returned with the carry on bag and our claim tags. He reached into his jacket and handed Andy an envelope. "This is from the Ambassador, for you" he said. I took the carry on from him and said "Gratizi...". Giving a quick bow he excused himself. Up the spiral stairs and into the passenger tunnel we went. Boarding first I showed the stewardess my passport and she replied "Oh, Mr. Julian! Welcome aboard. I'll show you to your seats".

As she walked ahead of me she spoke saying "We learned you would be flying with us about ten minutes ago. I hope these seats will be satisfactory". We were escorted to two huge recliner seats dead center of the first class cabin. "These will be fine as long as there aren't a great many other First Class passengers today" I said automatically repeating the line Mother had taught me years before. "Oh, there are only about a dozen today. We kept the seats to either side empty" she stated. "Very good, Thank you" I said and sat down.

Andy sat beside me and whispered "Why the big deal about the seats next to us? They're across the isle anyway". I explained that we could have better privacy for our conversations that way. "It's something the Diplomatic corps likes" I stated. "How come we don't have tickets?" he asked. "We have them. They were delivered to the plane from the check in counter out in the lobby. They knew we'd be arriving in the Embassy car, so they sent them up here. The stewardess had them" I explained "That's how she knew who we were".

Andy was quite well informed about many things in life. Traveling with the well-heeled was not one of those things. Yet.

"What's in that envelope?" I asked. "Lets find out!" he replied taking it from his pocket. Tearing it open he withdrew a folded card. Opening it I recognized my Mothers handwriting.

It read "Dearest Andrew. Terrence has told me of your relationship together. I wanted to express to you my joy that Terry finally has someone who loves him. In addition, I wanted to say to you 'Welcome to our Family' With love, Eva.......".

"OH, Yeah!" I shouted. The other passengers gave us a quick disapproving glance. So I whispered "This is great! She's accepted you!". "Who?" Andrew blinked. "This is a note from my Mother, Andy! She's saying she approves!" I whispered in his ear. He snapped his head around to face me. A shocked expression swept over his face. "When did you tell her?" he asked. "Last Friday, while you were still sleeping. I call her every Friday and last week I told her" I said excitedly. "You mean we don't have to hide it from her?" he said beginning to get excited himself. "That's right!" I smiled.

"Oh, what a relief!" he exhaled "I've been worried about that, TJ. This makes life so much easier. Perhaps it's a sign of more good things to come!" he speculated.

Settling into my seat I remarked "It's a miracle she feels this way at all. I really didn't expect her to". "How long has she known that you're........" Andy whispered. "Since I was Fourteen" I whispered back. "Well, then she's had time to soften the shock" he theorized. "Whatever the case, I'm glad she feels this way!" I smiled at him. "Me too!" he answered.

There was a slight thump and I felt the plane move slightly. Looking through a window I saw we were backing away from the terminal. "Looks like we're on our way, Andy" I said. Turning around I saw he was poker faced. "Andy?" I quizzed. He moved only his eyes toward me then back to the window. "What's wrong?" I asked. "First time flying" he softly said. "I thought you went to Costa Rica with your Uncle!" I exclaimed under my breath. "Yeah! On his boat!" he replied. "Oh........... Well it's no big deal. In fact after you fly a few times it becomes about as exciting as riding a bus" I reassured him. "Actually, riding a bus might be better. You can always pull the bell cord and get off a bus when it gets boring" I thought out loud. I smiled at him and said "You'll like it".

Andy didn't. At least not for the first two hours. Slowly he began to relax his grip on the armrests. Soon after he even relaxed enough to start a conversation. "How long does it take to get to New York?" he asked finally breaking his silence. "Hmmm. We got about three more hours" I estimated.

"Then how long to London?" he requested. "Five or six more hours" I roughed out in my head. "Oh...... I should have brought a book" he remarked. I clicked the call button on the armrest. A stewardess appeared almost instantly. "Yes, Mr. Julian?" she beamed. " Mr. van Ryan would like something to read" I said without looking up and waving towards Andy.

"What subject?" she asked him. "I like music" Andy replied nervously. "I'll see if I can find anything!" she chirped and disappeared. A few moments later she returned with copies of Billboard Magazine and Melody Maker. "Here you are sir, I hope these will do!" Andy took them and thanked her. Leaning over at him I whispered "I wonder which sleeping passenger she stole those from!" "What do you mean?" Andy asked. "They don't have those Magazines on board. She got them from somebody cause she knows I'm the Ambassadors Son" I told him.

"Wait a minute! Ambassadors Son?....." Andy quizzed me. "Oh, Mom is the new Ambassador, temporarily. The man who was Ambassador died last week. Automobile accident. I forgot to tell you" I explained. "Is there anything else you forgot to tell me?" he inquired. "Ah, Yeah..... Miss Harrington called the FBI to have them question the man who made the threatening phone call this morning" I stated.

Andy didn't know what I meant for a moment. Then it struck him. "Linda's DAD?!" he said trying to keep quiet. "Uh, huh!" I smiled. "Oh, fuck!" he whispered excitedly "Is he ever going to be pissed!" I glanced at him and said "Yeah, well he's going to get a lecture about 'annoying the wealthy'. So my secret's going to be out back in Fullerton" I explained "It's no big deal. I've got to get used to it anyway I suppose. Anita has always warned someday I would become well known no matter how hard I tried to remain anonymous. Money attracts the tabloids and the camera" I muttered. "We'd better assume we're going to get noticed, Andy". He looked at me quizzically and asked "How so?"

"Well, having watched how the press reported on the Getty heirs, I'd say we're going to be photographed and written about once the word gets out concerning who's son I am" I explained. "You've never told me the whole story about your Father, TJ. Who was he?" Andy asked. "Allesandro Julian. Industrialist, Banker, International shipping tycoon and a great Dad" I informed him. "I didn't know him well. He died when I was only four and a half. The memories I do have of him are very good ones" I said wistfully. Returning to the here and now I remarked "The press hasn't been very kind to the Gettys, so don't expect them to be kind to us".

Andy thought about my comments and said "They're going to find out and tell the world about us. Am I right?" I nodded watching for his reaction. His eyes narrowed. Leaning over he softly said "Let 'em. It's not going to change my mind. I don't care if everyone back home knows, even my parents!. I'd be glad if they did. I wouldn't have to hide it anymore" he stated defiantly.

"I was hoping you'd feel that way. I don't care who knows so long as I have you by my side" I softly said. "Hey, didn't I promise to stay 'till I die?" he asked. "Yes, you certainly did" I recalled. "Well, I don't make that promise unless I mean to keep it!" he asserted "Let the world know and it won't sway me one bit!"

By the time we arrived in New York Andy was becoming bored. We exited the plane to discover a uniformed man standing there with a small sign reading "Mr. Julian & Mr. van Ryan". I identified myself to him. He said "Right this way". Leading us down a side ramp to a waiting car he drove us to our next plane. The British Airways jet sat at the far end of the terminal away from the others. Stopping right at the stairs leading up to the door he said "Here we are gentlemen. Your luggage is on its way over. Good evening and have a good flight".

We climbed the stairs and were met by a young stewardess who greeted us "Welcome aboard Mr. Julian and Mr. van Ryan. As soon as your bags arrive we'll be departing for London. You may sit where you like. Can I get you anything?". "Not just now, thank you. I'll ring for you when we do" I instructed her. Walking forward I took a seat in the First Class cabin. Andy followed in and sat down quickly.

"TJ! There's nobody on this plane!" he said nervously. "I know" I replied. "Where is everybody?" he asked. "We ARE everybody, Andy dear!" I continued explaining "Anita chartered this plane for us". "So. we're the only passengers?" he asked sounding surprised. "The only ones" I replied. "Oh, shit TJ! You are definitely wealthy!" he said gazing about the plane.

The cockpit door opened and the pilot stepped out. Walking to us he said "Good evening, Mr. Julian and Mr. van Ryan. Your cases have arrived and we'll be departing now. I hope you enjoy the flight. If at any time you need my assistance please have the stewardess alert me. Have a good night" he said and returned to the cabin.

We were soon in the air and the seat belt lights went out. The pilot came over the speakers and announced "All right gentlemen. The plane is yours to move about. Enjoy the flight". Andy laughed and asked "We can go anywhere on the plane?!". "Of course! We paid for it!" I stated. He looked at me and smiled "No, TJ. YOU paid for it. Don't ever think that I'm not aware of that or feel I expect you to pay for things. Besides, your money doesn't matter".

"Well it may not matter but it sure makes things easier!" I replied and we both laughed "Yeah, like our easy escape from Mr. Hamilton and the beating he was going to give us!" Andy giggled "I'm sure she told him". "Oh, yeah! He was giving me major stink eye as he backed out of the driveway!" I snickered "I could tell he was really pissed off. Wonder what was going through his mind when he saw the cops and the limo". "He was thinking 'What's the excuse for this?' I bet" Andy informed me. "He tells Linda 'Andy always has an excuse for everything. He's full of excuses'!"

I giggled and said "Here's your new excuse! 'Sorry Linda. My boyfriend and I are too busy having fun in Europe for me to marry you!" He was laughing as I leaned over and kissed him. "TJ!" he startled, looking around the empty plane. "What? We're the only two people here!" I cried. "Where's the stewardess?" he asked. "In the cockpit with the pilot. Didn't you notice her go in?" I asked. "Oh. So we're alone?" he quizzed. I nodded. Using his very best voice Andy asked "So where were we?". I kissed him. Breaking away, he sighed "My boyfriend. I do love saying that!" and returned to our kiss...........

...................... to be continued.

Andy and I hope you are enjoying our story. There is much more to be told and we hope you will continue reading! Thanks to those who have sent e-mail's. We enjoy reading your comments. Love to all.....

Tj & Andrew

Next: Chapter 8

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