Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Jul 12, 2000


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This story is true. The Names of some individuals and some Places have been changed due to reasons of privacy.

The Author reserves all rights, copyright 2000.

This is where Andy and Mines' lives start to really change and quickly! Hang on now as I recall the events and situations of that incredible time and place in our life together!!!

Thanks for the e-mails, all!

Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Anything to Turn You On....

By Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Part VI

copyright 2000 all rights reserved

"Kiss me" he demanded. We locked our lips together still giggling and fell off onto the floor. He was laughing as I climbed on top of him. "Now tell me how much you love me!" I shouted. "More than all the writers in the world could declare if they wrote for a thousand years!" he cried. "Kiss me!" I sighed and we embraced. Breaking away he looked and said "Oh, TJ! I'm so happy! We're together and I don't have to date Linda anymore! God I'm so relieved!". "Just think" I remarked "By this time next week we'll be in England!"

He stared into my eyes and whispered "Saint Terrence!" His lips met mine and I felt him wrap his arms about my waist. I slipped one hand behind his back and felt how luxuriously thin he was. At 6'1" and 150 pounds Andrew was thin, but not too thin. His body had a wiry muscle tone that I found very exciting. His hard rod stood just a fraction less than eight inches and had a smooth silkiness to it. In fact all of Andrews body had that silky feeling with a taunt firmness underneath. The feel of his long baby fine blonde locks completed the attraction.

He sighed as I took my free hand and began tracing lines across his abdomen with my fingertip. I felt him shudder at my touch. "Oh, TJ!" he whispered as I began to kiss his neck. I was hungry with my desire for him. I slid my tongue slowly down to where I had been drawing on him with my finger. Finding his navel I started tracing slowly down the fine blonde hairs leading to his small pubic patch. As I did so he quivered and sighed. His hands found the sides of my head and he slid his fingertips into my long white blonde hair.

As I found the base of his cock I began licking and kissing it while caressing his smooth balls with one hand. I could feel them contract slightly as I began to run my tongue up his silky boyhood towards the tip. Reaching the edge of the head I ran my tongue around till it was wet. His hips were moving about causing him to squirm beneath me. I rose to my knees and positioned his wet hard cock against my boy hole. He looked at me and asked "Are you sure?" As I nodded my head I pushed down and felt myself impaled on his flesh fang. The sudden pain shot through me and my mouth swung open in a silent shout. I stayed perfectly still for a few minutes and let the pain subside. Once I captured my breath again I began to slowly slide his member into my tunnel. It seemed to be taking forever as I gradually crept down the length of it. Then I felt my ass cheeks bottom out on his pelvis.

"Oh...." he sighed as I began to slowly slide up his pole and down again. I took my right hand and began masturbating while pumping him with my tight butt. "Fuck me TJ!" he demanded and I increased my speed. Riding all the way to the tip then thrusting downward to fill my hole with the full length of it, I began feeling the pleasure of having him in me. I was jerking furiously at my seven inches and could feel the pressure building inside me each time I plunged down over his hard tool. "Oh, Yeah!" he said loudly "That's it, baby! That's it!" I was hammering my ass cheeks against him and the sound echoed across the room. "Oh TJ! YES!" Andy shouted.

I felt the beginnings of my orgasm approaching when Andy suddenly ached his back and began jerking in a steady spasm. He grabbed me at the waist and plunged deep into me. I could feel the warmth of his seed as it shot forth from him. This fired my pistol and I began shooting thick streams of my cum across his flat belly. "YEAH, FUCK!" I cried as jet upon jet spit forth. He grimaced as his final shot soared into me.

The last stream from my cock loosed from within my balls. I groaned then collapsed on top of him smearing the white streaks of my issue between our bodies. I slid back and forth over his chest as he moaned "TJ, I love you!" Slipping across him I could feel his heart beating against mine. My lips met his and we locked in a kiss that lasted several minutes.

"I'm so glad you came back for me" Andy smiled and kissed me again. "I'm glad you were still here" I sighed "I need you in my life Andrew". I kissed his tender lips gently. Looking into his smiling face I reminded him we had shopping to do. "Come on. Lets take a shower" I said "Then its off to the shops!"

While we were in the shower I decided to ask Andy about the 'supernatural powers' rumor. "How come everyone at school thought you had strange powers?" I asked. He laughed and said "It's just stories people started telling because my voice changed overnight. See, one day during freshman year a group of seniors were giving me a hard time. They had me surrounded and I couldn't get away. I got really scared and started to panic. Suddenly the 'Prince' voice and attitude just came out of me. Using the Prince's disposition I commanded them all to stop. Funny thing was, they obeyed! Two of my friends watched it happen. They convinced me I should act like the Prince of Main Street all the time. I tried it the next day and it worked! I became popular at school and was treated with respect, even by the teachers. With a laugh he added "I don't even remember how to speak like I used to".

"So you don't have supernatural powers?" I probed. He grinned and said "The only thing supernatural here is the way you make love to me, TJ!"

While shopping I explained we would be flying First Class. Therefore it would be best to have two suits each. One to wear on the plane and one to change into just before landing. "We don't want the other passengers looking down their noses at us" I explained "Nor do we want to make a bad impression on Miss Harrington". "No complaints from me!" Andy replied "Two suits sounds wonderful!" I bought four very nice Italian (of course!) designer suits and had them sent off for tailoring. The man taking the measurements remarked Andy was so tall and thin he could wear anything and make it look fashionable.

"What about our hair?" he asked "Shouldn't we get haircuts?" "No!" I responded "We'll get what's in style when we get there. Besides, I like your hair long!" He gave me a slightly unbelieving glare and said "I didn't mean cut the length! TJ, I love your hair! Although the Brian Jones cut is probably a bit out of fashion". "It may be out of fashion but I look good with my hair this way!" I maintained. He simply smiled and said "I think so too! Had to see if you still liked it!"

"Now then, where's your passport?" I asked. His head swiveled around and he gave me a startled look. "At my parents house........." Andy spoke in a faraway tone. "Is that a problem?" I asked. "No. I just thought of something. They're going to be very disappointed Linda and I broke up" he sighed. "All the more reason for you to be going to Europe!" I smiled. "Hmmmm.... True! I hadn't thought of it like that!" he answered "Ha! The jilted boyfriend goes to Europe so he can 'find' himself!"

Andy called his parents from the restaurant we ate lunch at. He informed them Linda had 'dumped' him and that I was taking him to Europe.. He explained it would help him 'get over it'. His Mother asked "Are you sure TJ's family can afford to take you?" Andy responded "Mom! His Mother works for the Embassy! It's not going to cost her a bit!" When he recounted his story to me I giggled and remarked "My Mother's supporting us again?!" I think he did the right thing by not telling his parents. I imagine they would've loved telling people "Our sons best friend is a billionaire!" There would've been no way of putting that cat back in the bag once it was out!

We drove to where Andy had grown up. I was surprised at his families home. A simple single story 'Ranch' style house it was nonetheless huge compared to most homes. "Our family has lived here on the same land since 1874. My Great Grandfather, Grandfather, Father, my brother and I were all born here. We're one of the oldest families in town" he explained. With a wink he said "My Father was hoping Linda and I would get married and a fifth generation would be born here, too".

His Mother greeted us at the door. "You must be Terrence!" she smiled "Please come in! Andy has told us all about you. I've wanting us to meet so I could thank you for helping Andy. He was so depressed before you came back. Andrew was terribly hurt when his friend Jesse went away". I smiled and told her helping him was the least I could do, seeing how Andy was the first and about the only friend I made since I moved here.

"Why did you have trouble making friends, Terrence?" she inquired. "I think it's because I'm from Europe" I improvised. "Most of the students were uncomfortable with the way I spoke at first. I attended private boarding schools before moving here and it took me sometime to adjust. Andy didn't seem to mind me sounding different".

"I don't know if Andy has told you, but he sounded quite different as a child himself. He had a speech impediment and was teased by the other children at school. That's probably why he befriended you. Andy's always been very nice to people who are different". Arching one eyebrow Andy excused himself to find his passport. I was left to chat with his Mother.

"So, TJ" she continued "I think it's very nice of you to invite him along on this trip. Are you sure your Mother doesn't mind the added expense?" "Oh, it's not costing her a cent!" I grinned "Working for the Embassy has it's benefits!" "Well, we're giving Andy some money to take along so he won't be mooching off you the whole time. Will you do me one favor TJ? I can call you TJ, right?" she asked. I nodded my head and she said "Will you make sure he calls me? I worry about him so much". I promised her just as Andy returned.

"Here it is!" he smiled. "Here's something else Andy" his Mother stated. "Your Father and I are giving you some spending money to take. Your Father is very disappointed Linda broke it off. Did she say why?" "She met a medical student. That's all she told me" he said with a sad note in his voice. "Well, cheer up! She may change her mind" his Mother remarked optimistically. "She may" he smiled as she handed him an envelope. "You have a good time, boys! Thank you again, TJ. I think Andy has a good friend". "Thank you, Mrs. van Ryan. I feel fortunate to have Andy as my friend!" I replied.

Andy started the Triumph and backed out of the driveway. "Your parents don't have a clue, do they?" I asked. "About what?" he replied grinning. "That you're gay" I stated. "Who? Me?" he laughed "I think Mother has it figured out. She probably spends a great deal of time convincing herself I'm not. I think that's why she's so upset Linda dumped me". Once back on the road Andy began laughing "Oh, Maybe Linda will change her mind!" he said imitating his Mothers voice "YIKES! Lets hope not!" he resumed using his own.

"The thought of her changing her mind gives me the shivers" I said. "Why, TJ?" he asked. "She might want you back" I answered solemnly. "Well, she can't have me! I belong to you!" he shouted and gunned the little Triumph. We sped off down the road with him shouting "Andrew van Ryan loves Terrence Julian forever!"

Back home we began putting things away in preparation for our absence. "What am I going to do with my car?" he asked. "Put it on blocks in the garage, I guess" I replied. He didn't seem to hear me. "I can't have it sit without being started at least once a week. It's bad for the engine......." he muttered, obviously thinking out loud. "Well, a caretaker will be here while we're gone. I'll make it part of his job. Start the Triumph once a week and let it idle for ten minutes or so" I suggested.

"A caretaker? Where's he going to live?" Andy quizzed. "In the main house, I guess!" I snickered. "I have got to see the look on the mans face when you tell him to live in the big house and keep an eye on the little house!" Andy cried.

"Speaking of looks on faces, you've been smiling all day!" I informed him. Andy eyed me up declaring softly "I always smile when I'm in love! Come here you!"

Later in the evening Linda did call, but not to tell Andy she had changed her mind. She called to chronicle her reasons for breaking it off.

"First of all Andrew, it's time you settled down. If we were going to get married we should have been engaged already. Ever since TJ returned you've been spending all your time with him! We only went out three times after you moved into his house. That was months ago! Before it was Jesse, now it's TJ. I think you like being with your pals better than being with your girlfriend, Andrew!" Linda snapped at him through the phone line. Andy sat rolling his eyes while her verbal assault battered his eardrum. Hearing the opportunity she had left the temptation became too great.

"Come to think of it you're right, Linda!" Andy declared lightheartedly "I never realized it before! I DO like being with my pals better than being with my girlfriend! Thank you for pointing it out! It's been fun dating you, however my pals never bitch at me nor do they want to get married to appease their Fathers! I really have to go now, Linda. My Pal is waiting". With that said Andy hung up.

"I just burnt that bridge to ashes" he sighed then grinned ear to ear "Yet I feel so much better! Come on, TJ! Lets go out!" I grabbed my coat knowing the top was down on the Triumph. "Where are we going?" I asked as I hurried to the car. "Just driving around. I feel like a nice long drive tonight" he announced sounding very 'Prince' like. The TR-3 fired to life and he swung it around in the huge driveway. "We're OFF!" he shouted. The car flew out onto the street and down the hill. Wouldn't you know it! As we passed Linda's house she was backing her Shelby GT out of the driveway. "Oh, oh!" I exclaimed "Do you think she saw us?" I asked.

"YEP!" he cried "Here she comes! Must be nice to have Daddy buy you a hot car" Andy sniped. "Shit! She's really moving in that thing. She won't run us over will she?" I blurted. "What?! And ruin her nice new car? Nah!" he laughed "Besides there's a stop sign". He slowed the Triumph gradually to a complete stop and Linda rumbled up in the Shelby. She decided to pull up next to us. My side of course!

"Andy! What are we going to say?!" I cried. I had my back towards him and was staring at Linda. Her eyes said she was fuming mad. I was about to say something when Andy suddenly spun me around and laid the biggest, wettest kiss on me! I heard Linda shout "You ASSHOLE!" The Shelby lit up, belching smoke and squealing thunder. Like a rocket she was gone.

"MMmrrhhrr!!!!" I attempted to speak though his lips and mine! He released me and I shrieked "ANDY! Have you lost your MIND!" He was laughing hysterically and howling "Did you see that?". "Of course I saw it! Her eyes were only two feet from mine!" I shouted "We're gonna be dead!" "Yeah, but it was worth it!" he gasped. "Maybe to YOU! I kinda LIKE living!" I yelled.

This seemed to sink into Andrews love intoxicated brain. "You may have a point there........ I suggest we go home". He spun the little sports car around and accelerated up the hill. I asked him "Why did you do that?" "Because, TJ. I wanted her to see I'm in love with you. She's known it for some time. I simply wanted her to see" he explained as we pulled into the driveway. "Park in the garage. We'll close the door in case she drives by later" I instructed.

"She won't drive by tonight. She was on her way up to USC. That phone call was her parting shot before running off to her pre med student" he said sourly. "Andy, I think you're jealous!" I cried. "Worse! I'm angry!" he snapped "Linda was once my friend. Look how much that means to her now. She only took care of me after Jesse disappeared because she thought I'd marry her" he remarked. Then he spoke softly as he recalled "She tried to get me to have sex with her every time I stayed over........" A visible shiver ran up his spine and he yelped "Eeuuwww! I feel sick!"

"Come on. Lets go inside" I softly suggested and took his hand. He looked at my face, smiled and put his arm around my shoulder. "Yeah!" he said "Lets".

I was sitting on the sofa watching TV when I remembered something Andy had said. "Hey Andy, what did you mean when you said 'Linda's known it for some time'?" I questioned. "I meant exactly that. She's known" he replied matter of fact. "Just WHAT has she known?" I quizzed him further. "That you and I are in love" he replied. "How?!" I asked sounding alarmed. "Linda's a bright girl. She figured it out" again barely addressing my curiosity. "OK! Tell me exactly what she knew and what she said!" I demanded.

He took a deep breath and said "Linda figured it out when I told her I was moving in with you. She said to me 'I hope this isn't going to be like what you had going with Jesse'. Then she stated that I had better start to think about getting married because her Father was getting impatient".

"She KNEW about you and Jesse?!" I cried out. "Ah well, yes. She caught us with our pants down. Literally" Andy answered "I was just a freshman at the time and she though Jesse and I were going through some sort of sexual experimentation 'phase'. She kept believing we'd get over it, telling us 'Lots of boys experiment with each other before they get girlfriends'. She couldn't believe that some boys are born this way!"

I looked at him and wondered aloud "Why didn't she dump you then?" He half smiled and said "It's the old 'I'll save you from yourself!' reflex. Thing is, none of us ever wants saving! We'd be happiest just being left alone". Shaking his head he muttered "I wish I could just be me all the time. The me that's homosexual and happy being such! Why all this persecution and hatred?" "Simple" I replied "Hating is very easy to do. It takes no talent, no education, no thought and no compassion. Any idiot can hate". He stared at me and softly remarked "You are a Saint. I knew it!"

I recognized what Andy had meant. Gays were treated terribly in the United States. Things had only just begun to change as 1972 was starting. Even so, the American Association of Psychiatric Medicine still considered homosexuality as a pathological form of mental illness! I was holding out hope that things would be better for us in Europe. I think Andy was hoping for that as well.

We spent the rest of the evening at home. The next morning we were awakened by the phone. On the first ring both of us opened our eyes. By the second ring we were trying to untangle ourselves from the sheets, our discarded clothing and each other. I finally picked it up on the fourth. "Hello?" I said groggily. "Well, if it isn't the little boyfriend" Linda's cold voice droned "Let me speak to Andrew". "Sorry, but this is my phone. If you ever talk to me that way again you will not get though at all. Good-bye" I said and hung up.

"Who was that?" Andy inquired. "Linda" I replied then laid back down. "Linda!" he shouted "You said that to her? Oh, that's too funny!" he squealed and fell off the bed laughing. The phone rang again. I picked it up and said "Hello?". Linda spoke very slowly and I could tell she was burning a short fuse "Hello, TJ. May I speak to Andrew?". I yawned and said "Let me see if he's available". I turned around, put my hand over the mouthpiece and waited. After a few moments Andy sat up and asked "Who is it?".

"Linda" I replied. "What are you doing?" he whispered. "Seeing if you're available. Hmmm. Looks to me like you have a boyfriend. Guess that means you're not available!" I asserted and put the phone to my ear. "Sorry! Try back later!"

Hanging up the phone I watched as Andy rolled off the bed again, laughing all the way to the floor! He laid there clutching his sides and rolling back and forth in hysterics. "Oh, shit! I wish I could have seen her face!" he howled "I'll bet she's screaming out her window right about now". "Does she do that often?" I asked. Andy sat upright on the floor panting. "She does at the dorms. The other girls hate it when she screams in the room so she sticks her head out the window".

I thought about this for a moment then asked him "Did you ever consider Linda might be a bit mental?". "Oh, she's a head case all right. She had me so scared one night I waited until she was asleep then crept downstairs and hid all the kitchen knives!" Andy asserted. "Oh, No way!" I shouted "How did she scare you?"

"She wanted sex and I said no. She responded by saying 'If you're not going to use it, I might as well cut it off!' THAT'S how she scared me" he answered. "Did you sleep lying on your stomach all night?" I giggled. "Actually, I did!" Andy laughed. "Come on, TJ. Lets make breakfast".

We had just sat down to eat when the phone rang again. "If it's Linda do you want to talk to her?" I asked. Shaking his head he replied simply "No". I walked to the phone and answered. "Hello?" A mans voice that was completely unfamiliar to me asked "May I speak with Andrew?". "May I ask who's calling?" I requested. "Mr. Hamilton" the voice replied. "Just a moment" I said and covered the mouthpiece. "I think it's Linda's Dad, Andy. What should I tell him?"

Andy looked suddenly frightened and said "Tell him I'm showering. Ask for his number and say I'll call him back". I calmly carried out Andrews request, taking the number and being very polite to the voice. I hung up and Andy said "Let me see the number!" I handed him the note and he inspected it. "Oh, Shit! It IS her Dad! Now I AM dead!" he howled slipping down in his chair.

"No you're not" I remarked calmly "He has to find you to kill you. We can just leave early". "HOW early?" he asked desperately. "Today, if we want" I replied. "Oh, we want! we want!" Andy appealed. "Let me make a call" I said. Halfway to the phone I stopped and asked "Why are you afraid of her Dad?" "Cause he's known for being ruthless and for being overprotective of Linda. My brothers friend Eric? He kept calling her trying to get a date. She got pissed off and told her Dad. He had someone beat the crap out of Eric. They broke his nose and two fingers!" Andy detailed in a rapid fire of words.

I held up my hand to stop his explanation. "We're leaving today" I confirmed and reached for the phone. I soon had Anita on the line. "Hello, TJ! What's up?" she cheerfully asked. "I need to change plans, Anita. Could you get us on the next flight out?" I asked. "It might take a bit of talking but I'm sure I can. You sound upset, TJ. Is everything all right?" I hesitated then answered "Not really. I just had a threatening phone call".

"I can't have that!" Anita asserted "No one threatens My Terrence! Are you packed?" she asked. "Yes, mostly" I replied. "Finish up" she instructed "I'll have the car there in thirty minutes". "OK, then we'll see you soon?" I asked. "Yes, TJ. I'll be there to greet you. Andrew is still coming, I assume?" "Oh, Yes!" I replied giving away my excitement. "Well, This Mr. van Ryan must be quite special judging from your enthusiasm!" Anita remarked. "I look forward to meeting him. Now, get a move on! I'll have the FBI look into who's making these calls and pick the wanker up. After they get done with him I doubt he'll ever threaten anyone over the phone again!" "Great, Anita! See you soon!" I replied giggling happily.

Putting the phone down I said "Put the car in the garage. Grab anything else you want to take. We're leaving in twenty minutes" I reported.

"TWENTY MINUTES!" Andy shouted "YEAH!........." be continued.

Next: Chapter 7

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