Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Jul 10, 2000


Here is Part V of our story. It is true, however Names of some individuals and names of some places have been changed for reasons of Privacy. All the Usual Legal disclaimers apply. If it is illegal for you to be reading this due to laws where you live or due to age laws, Please leave now!

Thanks to those of you sending e-mails. Andy and I enjoy reading them. - Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Anything to Turn You On....

By Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Part V

copyright 2000 all rights reserved

"Saturday!" Andrew shouted. "Yep, Saturday!" I replied "Lets see. We're going to need suitcases, new shoes, suits, ties and shirts. All our casual clothes we can buy there. I'm sure our clothes would be way out of fashion over there". "You mean that's it?!" Andrew asked "One phone call and we're out of here on Saturday?!" His eyes were twinkling with excitement. "One phone call" I remarked as I turned towards the living room. "Ha! Yaaaaahhhooooo!" he yelled.

I was almost to the sofa when he caught me from behind. We both fell onto it with Andrew landing on top of me. "I Love You!" he yelled and began pulling my robe off. "Andy! You're a wild man!" I shouted and laughed. "Yes! And you love it!" he cried before silencing me with his lips.

He had succeeded in pulling my robe off me and had just dropped his sweat pants when the phone rang. "FUCK!" he cried. I ran naked and laughing across to the phone in the kitchen. "Hello?" I answered. Lindas voice said "Hello TJ. Is Andrew there?" "Just a minute" I said "Andy. It's Linda".

His expression of wild excitement changed to a blank stare. He walked to the phone and leaned naked against the counter. "Hello Linda, how are you?" he asked. "Fine Andrew. Listen I'm down here in Fullerton today. I'm at my Dad's. Can I see you?" she asked. "Sure. What time?" he replied. "How about I come over there in about half an hour?" she said. "OK, I'll see you then" Andy replied and hung up. "Shit" he said looking at me "Linda is at her Dads. She coming over in a half an hour". "Andy! You haven't slept in your bed for two weeks!" I cried. "So?" he asked looking puzzled. "All your laundry is on the floor in my room! The bed in your room is made up. She'll know we've been sleeping together!" I shouted. "Oh, Crap! Let's hurry!" he yelled and down the hall we ran, two laughing naked boys.

"Oh, damn! Why'd she have to call just then?" I asked. "Don't worry. It's probably a good thing. I have to tell her I'm going to Europe, anyway" Andy said. "Tell me something Andy" I asked "Do you and Linda have sex?"

He turned and looked at me with an odd expression on his face "Good lord NO!" he cried "I tried it once and I'll NEVER do that again!" I couldn't help laughing! "Well it's TRUE!" he protested. "So how come you date her?" I asked. He sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Aside from Jesse, Linda was my best friend. That is until you and I met, TJ" he explained. "Unfortunately for her, she's in love with me. I feel really indebted to her for taking care of me after Jesse disappeared, but I don't love her. I can't. I love you, TJ. I would break it off with her but she makes me feel guilty every time I try to. So maybe this trip will help. I hope she doesn't throw a fit about me leaving". "Well we better jump to it 'cause she's going to be here soon" I warned. "Oh, shit! Lets hurry up. We gotta get dressed, too!" he cried out.

As we picked up the floor of my room we chucked the clothes across the hall into the spare bedroom. Andy continued talking "See, the thing is Linda wants to marry me someday. She says she decided that the first time she saw me, when I was just a freshman. Linda was already a Sophomore. Jesse's Mother thought he and I should have girlfriends so no one would be suspicious about the two of us living together so when Linda fell for me I accepted her as my girlfriend"

"Sounds complicated" I replied "Too bad we can't tell her we're together. Things would be so much simpler if we didn't have to hide the fact we're gay". He looked at me and smiled "THAT my dear boy, would be a dream come true!" Just then the doorbell rang. "Oh, shit! She's here! Quick! Put some clothes on!" Andy jumped for a pair of sweats lying on the floor.

I grabbed a pair of my boxers from an open drawer quickly pulled them on and ran to the living room. I picked up my robe putting it on just as Andy walked into the living room. He was almost to the front door when I noticed his discarded sweats still lying on the sofa. 'Fuck!" I cried and grabbed them. I ran to the kitchen and stuffed them into the trash just as the doorbell rang a second time. He gave me a quick glance and I nodded 'OK'. Andy opened the door and there stood Linda.

Linda had been one of the prettiest girls at our high school. She was now attending USC in Los Angeles. Her long straight blonde hair and her thin figure made her the dream of most guys we knew. 'Why'd she have to pick on Andrew?' I asked myself. "Hello, Linda. Good to see you. How are you today?" Andy asked. "Hello, Andrew! Hi, TJ!" she called to me. I stood leaning against the kitchen counter with a nervous grin plastered across my face. "Hello" I squeaked out. Linda smiled but she also looked at me with a slight suspicion. At least I thought so.

"Please come in Linda" Andrew said and she entered the living room. She took a seat right on the spot were Andy and I had laid naked and laughing before her phone call had interrupted us. "TJ, could you excuse use for a few minutes. I need to talk with Andy alone" Linda asked. Looking even more nervous than ever I replied "Uh.... Sure, OK".

I went to my bedroom and closed the door. Sitting down on the edge of the bed I thought to myself how much simpler life would be if others could just learn to accept the fact that some boys turn out gay. We don't choose it we're just born that way. Then I heard the front door slam. Poking my head out of the doorway I called "Andy?". No answer. I walked swiftly down the hallway and stopped. He was sitting looking over the back of the sofa towards the front door and his shoulders were jerking in a rhythmic spasm.

I figured it had gone very bad and ran to comfort his crying. Slipping onto the sofa beside him I said "It's OK Andy..." He suddenly turned to face me and I realized he was laughing! "Damn right it's OK! It couldn't be more OK!" he shouted and stood on the sofa. "She broke up with me! HA!" he shouted "She's going out with a fucking medical student and I'm FREE!"

He grabbed the waistband of his sweats and let them drop to his ankles. "Now, where were we?" he smiled and dove on me!

We rolled about laughing and giggling as he pulled off my robe. He was starting to tug at my boxers when the phone rang again. "CRAP!" I shouted. "Just a minute" I ran to the phone leaving Andy lying on the sofa with his hard on waving in the air. "Hello?" I answered.

"Hello TJ!" Anitas voice called through the ear piece. "Your Driver will be there at 9:00 AM Saturday morning to pick you up. I booked you on a regular scheduled PAN AM flight rather than chartering. First class of course. Is that to your liking?" "That's perfect, Anita. No charters for this entire trip. I don't want to raise anyones attention" I replied. "Good!" she said "I'm going home now. If you need anything else I'll be in the office tomorrow. If not, I'll see you at Heathrow! Tah, TJ!" and she hung up.

Putting the phone down I ran and jumped onto the sofa landing half on Andrew. "Yes! We're leaving at 9:00 AM Saturday! Now take off my boxers!" I stated and Andy complied, tossing them into the air where they became stuck on the light hanging over the dining table. "HA!" he cried "You're mine now!" "No!" I shouted "You're MINE! ALL MINE!"...........


Next: Chapter 6

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