Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Jul 8, 2000


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This is a true story. Names and some places have been changed for reasons of privacy. The Author reserves all rights. Copyright 2000.

  • Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Story written by 'TJ' Julian with additional input from Andy van Ryan

Anything to Turn You On....

By Terrance Julian


copyright 2000 all rights reserved

As we lay together with the moonlight falling on us through the window Andrew kissed me. He placed one hand at the nape of my neck the other slipped to the small of my back. He pulled me close against him and I could feel the beat of his heart. I wrapped my arms around him and returned the passion of his kiss.

Andy pulled back only for a moment to look at my face then he rolled over on top of me. I could feel his hardening member through the sweat pants he wore and my stiff rod pressed against him through my boxers. I felt his hand move for my waistband as we continued to kiss. Arching my back for him he gave my boxers a quick tug slipping them down. I lifted my legs and he slid them off then tossed them across the room. I reached with both hands to grasp his sweats. I quickly pulled at them removing the last barrier between our bodies.

Our smooth skin touched and I could feel the heat rising between us. Andrews lips moved to kiss my neck as I sighed. He ran his tongue up to my ear and down to my shoulder. "Oh, Andy!" I spoke softly.

His tongue moved down my collarbone to the center of my chest and he began kissing my skin while moving ever so slowly downward. Then with his tongue he slid across my chest to my left nipple and began circling it. I was breathing deeply now and my hands reached up. I began running my fingers through his long blonde hair. Then he continued down kissing the flat of my stomach until he reached my navel. Taking his tongue he lightly licked just below where the indentation began. I shuddered at the touch.

My desire was at a fever pitch and I wanted him now. I moved quickly shifting position to where I could reach his erect member. Grasping it firmly I felt Andy quiver. He reached out and took my cock in his one hand. At virtually the same moment our mouths opened and took the other inside. I could taste his pre-cum as I began sucking him in and out. He was working my throbbing boyhood in and out while swirling his tongue around the head of it. I could feel the tension mounting in the depths of my body. The pace quickened between us. Andy was making slight moans as I felt him begin to shiver. I was close to triggering his orgasm when my own began from the heels of my feet. Up the backs of my legs causing the cheeks of my ass to tighten. I'm sure he could feel this and it drove him over the edge. His body began to shake in rhythmic spasms and the first stream of his cum flooded my mouth.

My own orgasm hit me like a sledgehammer and I fired the first of my issue into his throat. Andy shot stream after stream as I swallowed trying to keep it from spilling out. He kept sucking and swallowing as I launched four or five thick jets of my boy-cum followed by several lesser ones. I felt his body begin to relax and then with a deep thrust he delivered the last of his load. I had barely managed to swallow all he discharged, but none escaped.

Andy was still sucking the last bit of my issue from me as I collapsed onto my back. He let out a gasp for air as he finished. Using what little strength I had available I turned back around and faced him. His green eyes locked up with mine and I saw in them the love he had for me. "Andy..." I started to say, but he put his finger over my lips. "Shhhhh.......... Let me say it first. I love you TJ" he whispered and I exploded with tears of joy. "I love you, too!" I cried as he took me in his arms. I curled up and placed my head against his chest. It was still resting there when I awoke the next morning.

I opened my sleepy eyes and gazed at him. Andy was still sleeping with eyes closed and a smile crossing his face. I moved ever so slightly in his arms. Nothing. So I moved again. This time one of his eyes popped open. Then he stretched and yawned. Setting his gaze on me he said "Oh, TJ! It wasn't a dream! You ARE here!" and he kissed me!

Later over breakfast he asked me "Were you serious about going to visit all those homes you have?". I answered him "Of course. I'd like to see just what it is I own. That and just where they all are". He looked out the window and said "So, how does it work? I mean how do you go about visiting these places?" "Aside from flying there on a plane?" I kidded him. He smiled and said "Obviously". "It's simple, really. I call the offices of the Allessandro Trust in London and they make all the arrangements. Everything from booking the flight to readying the property for my use. Some of these homes are so large they have full time caretakers. Some even have a full time staff, like the villa in Milan. I've been there. It's where I was born. I've lived at the Chateau in Montreux as well. Mother uses the other properties about once a year, although since I've turned eighteen, she has to get my permission to use them". Andy was alternately looking at me and staring out the huge floor to ceiling windows at the back side of the house. I finished telling him and he sat there looking down at the city below through the hazy southern California air. He turned to me and asked "Could we? I mean, I think it would do me well to get away for a while. I also think it would be good for us to be somewhere away from the past. At least for the time being".

I stood up asking "Do you have a passport?" He blinked at me and said "Yes, I got one two years ago when my Uncle took me to his retirement home in Costa Rica". I walked to the phone and picked it up. I dialed the international operator and asked "Could you connect me to Allessando International in London, England please? Tell them It's Terrence Julian calling". When the connection went through, Miss Harrington, the woman who I always spoke with at the Trust came on the line.

"Hello, Mr. Julian!" she said in a very excited British accent. "Since when do you call me 'Mr. Julian' Anita?" I asked. "Well, you're eighteen now and I thought it would be appropriate, Sir" she answered back and I replied "Well, you can stop that Sir and Mister nonsense!" She laughed and said "Alright, TJ. Now what can I do for you today?"

I smiled at Andy and said "I'm coming to visit Europe, Anita. Can you arrange it for me? I'll have one Andrew van Ryan in my company. Just the two of us". "So, you're finally coming to visit! Good, TJ! Where are you planning on visiting first?" I wrinkled my brow and answered "I really hadn't decided that yet. Where do you think I should start, Anita?"

"Here in London, of course! I haven't seen you for over three years now and would love to! Does that sound good?" "Sure! What's the place I have there like?" I asked. "Well, you have two homes in London, TJ. There's the flat in the financial district, which is really for business, and then you have a house in Hampstead Heath, which is very nice and quite near the Heath itself. If this is more of a pleasure trip, I'd suggest the house, TJ" Anita explained. "Great! Have the House readied" I said. "When shall I book your flight for?" she asked. "Today's Monday, so how about this Saturday?" I answered. "Sounds wonderful, Terrence! Oh, I do look forward to seeing you! Is there anything else right now?" "No, I think that's it for now" I replied. "All right then. I'll call you with departure time and I'll have a driver pick you up on Saturday to take you to the airport. I'll meet you at Heathrow when you arrive. Tah!" she said and rang off.

I looked at Andy and said "We're leaving on Saturday! Come on! We've got shopping to do!"..............


Next: Chapter 5

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