Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Oct 24, 2000


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The Author is Terrence 'TJ' Julian with input from Andrew Simon van Ryan. =============================================================

You may wish to read my other story, 'Boys Dare not Dance!", which is a collection of short stories about Andrew and myself, mostly from our teenage and early twenties years. On behalf of Andrew and myself, I hope you have enjoy our story!

Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Anything to Turn You On...


by Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved

The rest of the day and part of the evening went by with no further surprises. Still, I could hardly wait to tell Andrew of his Father's statement to me. When it was finally time to leave, Ronnie pulled the limo in front of the van Ryan's home. We piled ourselves into the back and while Andrew and Skippy said good bye to his parents, I whispered to Polly

"Wait 'till you hear what Andy's Father said to me!"

"What?" she whispered back. Her curiosity showed in her eyes. I simply put a finger over my lips in a silent 'Shhhh.'

Finally, Andrew handed a nearly asleep Skippy through the door to me. He said one last good bye before seating himself. Ronnie closed the rear door and entered the drivers side. Once we were away from the curb, Polly couldn't wait any longer.

"Well, what did he say, TJ?" she asked.

"What did who say?" Andrew questioned.

"Your Father." I said. "When you and Polly went with your Mother, your Father told me something very interesting."

"And that was...?" Andy asked.

"He asked me to inform you that your Mother doesn't know about our relationship and that it would be best if you didn't tell her." I stated.

Polly gasped slightly as Andrew slowly frowned. I sat nodding my head as if to say 'Oh, yes he did!' Andrew swallowed hard. Gazing at me he spoke.

"You mean to tell me he knows I'm gay and that we're a couple?" Andy asked.

"Yes." I replied.

Polly was holding her hand to her mouth, frozen in shock. Andrew turned to stare out the window. I sat quietly waiting. After a moment, Andrew turned to me again.

"It figures!" He stated. "I've been so concerned about their reaction and the whole time they've both known. The real reason each one doesn't want me to tell the other is they don't want to discuss between themselves!"

I considered what Andy had said and something clicked in my head.

"Andrew, you're right. If they had to admit to each other their son was gay, it would be devastating." I remarked. "They can individually accept the fact that you're a homosexual, but they can't discuss it together because each of them feels it's the other one's fault. Neither one can accept you're sexuality without placing blame for it on someone. So, each has silently blamed the other, thereby rejecting their own feelings of guilt over your homosexuality."

"I believe you're right, TJ." Andy replied. "If they had to talk to each other about me, they'd start accusing each other of causing it."

We rode home in silence, only speaking to point out a changed part of the landscape here and there. Most of the area was unrecognizable as the place where Andy and I had spent our High School years. Pulling into the driveway, Andy asked "TJ, Would you like to go see the old school?"

"Right now?" I asked.

"Sure, why not?" He responded.

"OK, if Polly doesn't mind watching Skippy" I said.

Polly gave me a look and uttered "PPsshhhhtt!" at me.

She climbed out of the car and took the sleeping boy with her.

Andy gave Ronnie the directions and he drove us down off the hill to the school where Andy and I had met years before. As we pulled into the parking lot, I looked at the little retaining wall where I used to hide and watch Andrew as he walked to his friends car after school. The memory made me smile, thinking of how I adored him back then and knowing how I still do. Ronnie stopped the limousine and let us out. We walked out onto the deserted campus and both of us remarked how little it had changed. We wandered down the sloping walkway past the administration building and out to the center plaza.

"It looks the same. " I repeated. "Hasn't changed at all."

"Yes, I agree." Andy sighed. "TJ. Tell me something. Am I the same person I was when you first met me?"

I paused and studied Andrews face. He was busy studying the buildings, as if he was expecting something.

"No, Andy." I said. "You've changed. Time changes everyone, but gladly, we've both changed and changed together."

He stopped gazing at the buildings and looked at me. Our eyes locked up in one another and we smiled.

"My dearest Terrence." He said. "I love you so much. What would my life have been without you?"

"Fortunately, we'll never know the answer to that question, will we?" I said and leaned over against him.

"No, we certainly won't!" He said as he put his arm around my shoulder. "I love you forever and always, TJ!"

"I love you too, Andrew." I sighed. "I promise 'till I die........"

The End


Andy and I will be celebrating our Twenty Ninth year together next month (November, 2000). For those who have read our story and those who will, we wish all of you Happiness and a Lifetime of Love.

Love to all,

Terrence Julian and Andrew van Ryan

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