Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Sep 19, 2000


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All Legal disclaimers apply and are in effect. If for any reason it is illegal where you live to view material of an 'Adult' nature of if you are under the legal age limit, please leave this site now. The Author reserves all rights. Copyright 2000. The Author is Terrence Allessandro Julian with added input by Andrew Simon van Ryan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------

Hello to all. When I finished 'Anything to Turn You On,' I stated that if you were interested in having the story continue to e-mail me. I have been overwhelmed with and by your messages. I had no idea! Now we about to move (again)! There will be a short break until part 31. We've finished packing and will be on our way to our new home shortly. Until then I invite you to join Andrew and I in the continuation of 'Anything to Turn You On....'

Anything to Turn You On...

Part XXX

by Terrnece 'TJ' Julian

Copyright 2000 . All Rights Reserved.

The two weeks in Cannes passed quickly. The black eye Andy had received was nearly gone. Skippy learned to walk without holding on to the edge of everything and was happily toddling from person to person. The day finally came and it was time to make the journey to Southern California.

Andy was still unsettled about going, even though I'd had it checked out and discovered Linda's Father didn't live there anymore. I also found out the caretaker for the houses there hadn't done his job, so we were going to be faced with having both homes being renovated.

The work had already begun on the smaller house, which Andy and I thought of as our home in California. The larger house was in terrible shape and needed major work, however we'd be staying in it for several days until the small house was finished. Andy's' beloved Triumph sports car was in the shop and had been there for two months already. It was being completely restored and would be finished by Christmas time.

The time for us to depart rolled around and I understood why Andy had seemed so blue the last few weeks. He really wasn't looking forward to the trip at all. Once on our way, he became quiet and almost sullen. I finally got the truth out of him.

"Andrew, what is the matter, really?" I asked. "I just remember California as being many hurtful memories. So much bad happened there that I don't like thinking of the place." I reminded him of the fact that we had met and become a couple there, too. He replied "I'm counting on the memory to get me through." I smiled and said "I'll get you through it."

We slept a good portion of the second half of the flight and woke to the Pilot saying "Ladies and Gentlemen, please place your seats in an upright position and fasten your seatbelts. We are now on final approach to Los Angeles International Airport. Thank you for flying Air France." We'd passed customs in Miami, as this was a connecting flight, so we departed and headed straight for the exit. "Hmmm. Air Chance!" Andy remarked. They'd held us up in Nice, then in Miami. "It's pure chance if the plane is on time!" He groused.

Walking down the tunnel to the baggage carousel Andy remarked "Has this ever changed!" It was true, LAX had undergone a facelift. However, the real surprise still awaited us. Ronnie, our new chauffeur met us at the end of the tunnel and he and Michael got the luggage. On our way to Fullerton, Andy and I were amazed how much had changed. Southern California was practically unrecognizable to us. Polly and Michael were surprised by the sprawl of the Greater Los Angeles area. When we pulled off the freeway at Yorba Linda Blvd. and headed for Skyline Drive neither Andy or myself recognized where we were. Only once we'd started up the hill did we recall. Both stared as we passed the house where Linda and her Father had once lived. It had been heavily remodeled and looked completely different now. As we slowed to turn into the driveway, I instructed the driver to use the first driveway and bring us to a stop in front of the little house.

It was in this little house where Andy and I had become a couple and it was the first place I wanted to go. The limo halted and we climbed out. Taking Andrew by the hand, I walked to the door and opened it. Across the room I led him, out onto the deck overlooking the late evening lights of the city skyline. Standing with him where we'd shared our first kiss so many years before, I said "Welcome back, Andrew van Ryan."

"I love you, Terrence Julian" he replied. Taking me in his arms he kissed me and I felt the same then as I did the first time. Andy has been and will always be the love of my life.

We stood there for a very long time holding each other and kissing. "Excuse me, you two lovebirds" Michael interrupted "We're staying in the other house. If you didn't notice there's no carpet or furniture in here and the walls haven't been painted yet."

"Spoil sport!" Andy cried out. "Come on" I said "We'd better call our bedroom before we get left with the broom closet!" Following Michael we walked toward the Main house. I noticed the pool was empty and a large crack was visible in the plaster. "I'm afraid of what the house is going to look like" I said out loud. "It's not bad" Michael stated "If you don't mind that it needs new carpets and paint, not that it has many walls to paint." When he said this I recalled the main house was entirely glass on the back side, very much like the living room, dining and kitchen walls of the small house. It had been designed during a time when 'Glass Houses' were in vogue. Entering through the side door I realized exactly what Michael meant. The carpets were thread bare and the paint was smudged here and there with dirty palm prints. "Oh, well" I sighed "It's no big deal. The smaller house will be ready in a few days and we'll move over there. I'll have them set up my old study as another bedroom and that way we'll have room enough".

The master bedroom was not too bad, since the caretaker had lived on the bottom floor mostly. The new mattresses had been delivered, but needed to be set up, so Andy and I set to work right away. After finishing up with that we helped Polly get her room together. The bedroom between hers and ours was to serve as Skippy's nursery. Michael's room was the bedroom downstairs and next to the stairwell. He insisted on this arrangement for our security after being told of our 'escape' from Linda's Dad by Anita.

We had everything put together and set up by around 9:00 PM. "You wanna' call and tell your Parents we've here?" I asked Andy. He grudgingly agreed and went off to our room to make the call. I sent Ronnie out to get us something to eat from a fast food drive-thru. We all gathered downstairs in the large living room and were gazing out at the evening lights. Being late November, there were some homes that had Christmas lights already. Polly was amazed at the view. "The lights go on forever" she remarked. "It's like a carpet of light". I was agreeing with her when Andrew appeared on the balcony above. "TJ" he said "I need to talk to you".

I could tell he wasn't too happy about something and I went upstairs immediately. "What's wrong?" I asked him as I reached the balcony. He motioned me inside the bedroom. Closing the door behind us, he said "Mother informed me that My Dad wants to know why it didn't work out between Skippys Mom and me. You're not going to believe why! She told him I was MARRIED to her! TJ, he still doesn't know we're GAY!" I starred with my mouth hanging open "WHAT!" I cried, evidently loud enough for Polly to overhear. "Is everything alright up there?" she called out.

Looking at Andy I asked "So what do we say to him?" Andy stared at his feet and said "She doesn't want him to know. She's afraid that at his age it would be too much for him". Polly called out again "Andy? Terry? Is everything OK?" "NO!" we both shouted. MIchael was at the door like a shot asking "What's wrong?!"

"It's not that kind of problem, Michael" Andy informed him. Turning to me he said "C'mon, TJ. Let's go and tell Polly so she doesn't worry". After telling Polly what Andy's' Mother had told him we had some serious decisions to make. Should we tell his Father the truth, should we tell him part of the truth or should we outright lie? In the end it was Michael who came up with the answer.

"Simple" he said "You don't tell him anything he doesn't ask you about. He believes what he wants to believe already, so just let him be comfortable with his own version of the truth. It's not going to change your lives, but telling him something he doesn't want to hear might change his and not for the better". This seemed to make the most sense, so we all agreed. Afterward Michael took Andy aside in the kitchen and said "Your Dad probably knows in his heart, Andy. Just let him have his fantasy". Andy nodded and said "I think you're right Michael. I think you're right."

That night Andy was restless and kept me awake with him. He worried until nearly four in the morning about seeing his parents. Finally dropping off to sleep we woke at 11:00 to begin getting ready to see the van Ryan's.

Ronnie drove Andy, Skippy, Polly and I over at 1:00 PM. Michael stayed behind to hurry work on the small house along. As the limo slowed to a stop Andy was stunned. The former Ranch where he grew up was gone. Now there were shops and a church where his grandfathers house had once stood.

Only the house his Parents lived in remained. Ronnie halted the car and as we stepped out Andrews Mother appeared on the front porch.

"ANDREW!" she cried and hurried down the walkway. "Hello, Mom!" He cried out and put his arms around her. He hugged her tight and then said "Mother. There's someone here I think you want to meet".

Reaching in and taking Skippy from Polly, Andrew held up his son and said "Mother, meet Andrew Simon van Ryan the third!" His Mother put out her arms and cried out "Oh, Andy! He's Beautiful!" Taking the boy in her arms she said "Hello! Guess what? I'm your Grandma!" I was watching the reunion and Skippy's' first meeting when suddenly a heavy hand fell on my shoulder. "Hello, TJ!" Andrews Father said from behind me.

"Hello, Mr. van Ryan" I said as I turned. Andys Father stood there smiling at me. I was shocked by how much he'd aged. I had only met him the one time previously and now I thought he didn't look well. Perhaps Michael was right, I thought to myself as I shook his hand. He seemed rather frail. "I think there's someone who wants to meet you, sir" I said to him and motioned towards Skippy. "Yes and I sure want to meet him!" the elderly man smiled. Walking over to stand by his Wife, he patted Andy on the back and said 'Welcome home, Andy. Who's this little guy?"

Andy turned to his Father and said "This is your grandson, Andrew the third. Hi Dad, How are you?" His Father put his arms around Andy and hugged him "Good Son. Glad you came to see us". I was to learn later that this was the first time since Andy had turned ten years old that his Father had ever hugged him! Andy stood there wide eyed as his Father turned his attention to Skippy.

"Oh Andrew! What a handsome little guy!" he remarked. Skippy giggled and the Elder Mr. van Ryan stated "Well let's all go inside!" The reunion for Andrew went well. His Parents were thrilled with Skip and he seemed thrilled with all the attention.

Since it had been some time since the van Ryans had seen their son most of the first two hours was spent talking over how things had changed and how Andy had done so well in the world of music.

When Andrew, Polly and his mother went to put Skippy down for a nap, Mr. van Ryan turned his attention toward me.

"TJ" He began. "Mrs. van Ryan doesn't know about you and Andy. I don't think she'd take it too well, so if you get a chance, tell Andrew. Just in case he was thinking of telling her, OK?"

I was stunned! After all the time Andy had spent worrying, his Father already knew!.

"I certainly will, Sir!" I replied. 'What's going to happen next?' I wondered to myself.........

........Continued soon

Next: Chapter 31

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