Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Jul 6, 2000


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This is a true story. Some Names and some Places have been changed due to reasons of privacy. The Author is Terrence 'TJ' Julian with additional input from Andrew van Ryan (I love you Andy!) - TJ Julian

Anything to Turn You On.....

By Terrence Julian

Part III

After breakfast I noticed Andy was still pouring over the newspaper. I asked "What's so interesting in today's paper? You've been reading it all through breakfast." He replied casually "I'm looking at jobs. I figure your Mother must be getting tired of supporting us by now". "My Mother?!" I said "She isn't supporting us!" He looked up from the paper with a wrinkled brow and said "So where are you getting all this money? Did you rob a bank or something?" "Why would I need to rob a bank? I own three" I stated flatly.

He stared at me while I removed the plates from the table. He watched me all the way to the kitchen sink and back. I sat back down in my chair and returned his stare. "Seriously, TJ. If your Mother isn't supporting us, how can you afford to?" he asked. "Andy, There's something I haven't ever told you" I began nervously. "Yes?" he asked cautiously.

"When I turned eighteen I inherited my Fathers Estate" I started explaining "He was one of the wealthiest men in Europe at the time of his death. Last November I came into more money than I could ever spend in my lifetime. The first thing I did was come to you. The second thing I did was to buy these two houses from Mother. Not that I need more houses really" Andrew sat staring without speaking so I continued "Andy, I'm probably the wealthiest teen ager in the United States. At my school in Switzerland I knew two other boys that are richer than I am. They're Arabian Princes. The point is you don't need to get a job. We'll be fine" He was still just staring at me with a blank expression. "Andy? Are you all right?" I asked. "fuck............" he said softly and turned to gaze out the window. He stared for a few minutes while I watched him. Finally he turned and looked at me.

"Yes Andy?" I asked quietly. "Fuck........." was all he said. I watched as he got up from the table picking up the newspaper he'd been reading. He padded his way across to the kitchen. He turned to look back at me and asked "So, you're sure you don't want me to get a job?" I nodded at him and with one quick movement he turned and stuffed the newspaper into the trash. "Thank you, TJ. I'm afraid I would have made a horrible employee for someone, even if it only was for two years". He walked back to the table and I asked him "Why only two years?"

He sighed and began "Jesse's Mother had a feeling his Father might try to contest her will. So, she stipulated that if for any reason whatsoever Jesse was not able to inherit her trust, I became her sole beneficiary. She had all but adopted me and expected Jesse and I to stay together forever. It's my belief his Father disappeared with him to punish Jesse and I for being gay and to keep him from ever getting his inheritance. The mans cruel mind figured at age twenty one I would get the money, but I wouldn't have Jesse". Looking into his eyes I knew he was right. "Oh, Andy! I'm so sorry! I didn't know". I reached out just in time to catch him as he crumpled.

"Don't worry Andrew, I love you forever. I promise 'till I die" I said, echoing his words from several nights before. He looked up through his tears and examined my face. "Promise?" he asked. I gazed back at him and declared "Promise".

Later that afternoon as he drove us down to do the weekly shopping for the house he asked "TJ, what are we going to do with ourselves?" Puzzled, I asked "What do you mean?" "Well, we just can't sit at home for the rest of our lives. There must be something we do to occupy our time. Now that I've begun to feel better I know I'll want to get out and start exploring the world again" Andrew explained. "Exploring the world...... Hey! Andy! That's it!" I shouted causing him to jump. "What's it?!" he asked sounding confused.

"Exploring!" I cried "I have homes all over Europe that I've never even been to! I inherited a villa in Milan, an apartment in Cannes, a flat in London, the chateau in Montreux and the apartment in New York! Not to mention I have my Fathers yacht, the Roman Holiday in the Mediterranean!" "You OWN all that?!" Andy gasped "TJ, how wealthy are you?" "The statement I received from my Accountants says I'm worth 764 million pounds" I explained "I'm not sure what the exchange rate is but I think I'm worth just under a billion dollars".

"WHAT?!" Andy shouted as he slammed on the brakes. It was a good thing we were in the markets parking lot and moving slowly. The little Triumph sports car stopped with a quick squeal of it's tires. He sat staring at me with his mouth open. "What? Did I make you mad?" I asked worriedly recalling the rumors I'd heard in the past.

"TJ, are you telling me what you're a billionaire?!" he cried. "Almost! Really! I'm not lying!" I defended "Don't be mad!". "Mad?! What in the world are you talking about?" he asked, now quite puzzled and still in shock. "Everyone in school used to say 'don't make Andy mad. Something strange will happen'. I don't want to make you mad!" I exclaimed. He relaxed his expression and quietly said "Oh, that again... Well, I'm not mad. I'm simply in shock is all. C'mon. Lets get the shopping done and I'll explain".

Inside the store he told me how that story began. "When I first was going out with Linda, she made me upset one night at the beach. I turned around and gave her and her girlfriend a very mean look and just then the power transformer down the block exploded. It knocked out all the lights for the entire area. The girls screamed and I said 'See what happens if you make me mad?!'. That's how the rumor got started. It was pure coincidence" Andy explained "Now it's your turn TJ. I don't need to know everything, but could you fill me in a bit?" he asked.

"OK" I said "I'm very wealthy. The assets of my Fathers Trust became mine when I turned eighteen. It's all looked after by accountants, lawyers and business managers who's job it is to see that the holdings all make money. If they don't perform to expectations and the holdings don't continue to earn at the rates required by the Trust, they lose their jobs! I receive all the income and interest generated by the Trust for the rest of my life, plus I have numerous properties. All those I told you about and a lot more I can't even remember right now" I informed him. "How come you never told me before, TJ?" he asked. "Simple. The idea is to be wealthy, not act wealthy. Do you know how I would have to live if everybody knew I was rich? 24 hour a day bodyguards, bulletproof limousines and no chance to have a normal life" I explained. "Yes, I see.... You're right" Andy remarked "Here. Lets make hamburgers tonight" he said and then looked at me oddly. "Hamburgers!". We both shouted and then howled with laughter!

Later on after eating our burgers and watching some TV we turned in for the night. He was holding me curled up against him when he asked "Why did you come back for me?" I looked up at his face and said "Because I love you Andy. I've always loved you". By the moonlight shining through the window I could see he was staring deeply into my eyes. I couldn't look away. He moved, then hesitated. I gasped for air and he slowly kissed me. Andy at last was ready................


Next: Chapter 4

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