Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Sep 2, 2000


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All Legal disclaimers apply and are in effect. If for any reason it is illegal where you live to view material of an 'Adult' nature of if you are under the legal age limit, please leave this site now. The Author reserves all rights. Copyright 2000. The Author is Terrence Allessandro Julian with added input by Andrew Simon van Ryan.

Hello to all. When I finished 'Anything to Turn You On.', I stated that if you were interested in having the story continue to e-mail me. I have been overwhelmed with and by your messages. I had no idea! Now we about to move (again)! There will be a short break until part 30. Until then I invite you to join Andrew and I in the continuation of 'Anything to Turn You On....'

Anything to Turn You On...


by Terrence 'TJ' Julian

copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved

About three weeks before little Andy's' first birthday, Andrew and myself were out on the Heath with him. Skippy was standing with help and would soon walk. As we lay on the grass together, I looked out over the London skyline. I was reminded of the time when Andrew and I stood looking down at Fullerton through the hazy California sky. A thought came to mind and I asked "Andy, wouldn't your Parents like to meet Skippy?"

"I'm sure they would" he replied as he played with his son. "Well, why don't we go visit them" I said "I still have the houses there, you know".

Andrew looked up as if I'd suggested he cut off his member. "What?!" he gasped. "Why don't we go visit them?" I repeated "I'm sure they want to see Skippy". He started shaking his head and muttered "I don't think I could...." I studied his face and knew he was in turmoil, just by thinking of it.

"Why not?" I asked. He looked out across the Heath and said "Because I've been such a disappointment to them". I sat up from where I'd been lying. "What?" I said "How can you think that? You've been a success, making yourself fairly well off and have brought them a grandson. You think because we're gay they're going to overlook everything else?" He stared toward the city beyond and sighed. Turning to face me, his shoulders sagged and he said "Yes".

"No way" I replied "I think we should go visit them. We should go this fall. I think you owe it to them. Not calling for over ten months last year and not telling them about Skippy until he was three months old? You definitely owe them a visit".

He stared at me and asked "Really?" "Yes, really!" I replied curtly. Andy stared at Skippy, who reached down and picked up a toy. "Do you think we should?" he asked. Skippy looked at his Dad, smiled and threw the toy at him. "I take it that's a yes?" Andy asked his boy. Skippy let out a happy little laugh and a squeak. Andrew turned to me and said "OK, but not until late November". I grinned and turned to view the skyline again.

I considered what he just said and the smile on my face slowly melted. I turned to him and asked "Why late November?" He gave me a look of disbelief and replied "You and I have been together since late November of '71. Unless you've forgotten, of course". I felt embarrassed for overlooking the obvious. "Oh, I'm sorry!" I replied "I thought there was some other reason"' He huffed "There is, in a way. I was thinking we could celebrate your birthday there". I smiled and said "Why Andy, I'd love to! You're a sentimental fool, aren't you?" He gave me a frown and scoffed "You just figured that out?" We laughed and I said "OK. California in late November. We'll stay through Christmas and New Years, too. Deal?" He smiled and replied "Deal!"

Now just because Andy said he would go to California doesn't mean he wanted to! From the minute we got home from the Heath that day he tried everything he could to get out of going. It went like this........

"TJ" he said as I carried Skippy upstairs "What if Skip has allergies? It might be bad for him in California". I didn't look back, I just continued up the stairs and replied "Stop! You said Deal and we're going. Besides, it's not 'till November"

That night he even tried begging! We were lying in our bed and he asked if there was any way I would let him out of the deal. "Please!" he asked. "No!" I replied "we're going!". "Oh, come on TJ!" he whined "I'll do anything you want me to do!" I gave him a frown and said "You already do everything I want". He looked up into the air and his face grew thoughtful "Oh" he remarked "I guess I do. Well, think of something you want for a present!"

"Andy!" I exhaled and asked "What is the REAL reason you don't want to go?" He stared at his lap and then raised his head to where he could see my eyes. "I'm afraid of Linda and her Dad" he said softly. "WHAT?!" I cried and began laughing "Linda and her Dad?! Oh, Andy! She's probably married with three or four kids by now. Her Dad's not going to know we're there and neither will she!"

"Well........" he whined some more "Do you blame me for not wanting to see her?" I chuckled and replied "I guess not". Then an idea struck me. I knew exactly how to get Andy to California and have him happy about it.

"Andy?...." I said seductively "I'm going to do something really special for you". He looked at me and raised his eyebrows. I slid up next to him in the bed and declared "I'm going to have your Triumph restored!"

His eyes got big and he cried "My car?! Restored?!" I had hit the right nerve. He was going to California and he was happy about it!

The last thing I heard him mumble as he drifted of to sleep that night was "Wire wheels and knockoff hubs........"

The thought of driving his car must have had some odd effect overnight. Sports cars and having wild sex seem to go hand in hand for Andy! When we woke the next morning, I couldn't have pried him off my body for at least two and a half hours! He wore me out by breakfast and kept wanting to do it over and over again! I finally had to beg him to stop, as I was totally spent.

Once we did make it downstairs to breakfast, Polly noticed I was moving slow. "TJ" she asked "Are you all right? You're walking like you have a cramp or something". "Andy's' the 'or something'" I groaned. "Oh dear!" Polly giggled. About this time Scruffy, Anne's' pet cat came running across the floor toward the doorway. Skippy watched from his high chair and when the cat had almost reached the door, he looked up at his Father and I. "Cat" he said. I sat stunned and asked "Andy, did you hear that?" "What?" he replied while reading the paper and putting his teacup to his mouth. "Skippy talked!" I cried "He said cat!"

Andrew spit his tea all across his newspaper. With his eyes gone wide he dropped the now soaked Daily Times and jumped to his feet. Leaning to his son he said "Did you say cat?" Skip smiled and giggled. "Cat?" Andy encouraged as Michael and Polly joined us at the table. They all began attempts to get Skip to repeat the word cat, but he didn't respond. I quietly got up and went to fetch Anne's' cat. When I returned they were still having no success. "Here. Out of the way!" I instructed. Sitting next to Skip I held up Scruffy and asked "What's this?" "Cat" Skip answered. Andy gazed at me and demanded "TJ. How do you know so much about babies?"

I gave him my best impersonation of himself and said "I was one, you know!" Polly and Michael were still laughing when the breakfast plates were being cleared away.

Summer ended early that year and by the first of November it was COLD! Winds from across the North Sea caused ice storms to hit Northern Europe. Aircraft were being diverted from Heathrow most days we learned. It was soon apparent the only way we could make it to the States when we'd planned was to take the ferryboat to Calais in France and then go by train to Paris. From there we could fly out, or if Paris was iced up, take the train to a more Southern city and fly from there. I suggested we leave London that week and spend two weeks in Cannes. Then we would fly out of Nice. Andy was only too happy to get away from the freezing weather. Two days later with Polly, Michael and Skippy, we headed for Victoria Station.

The train from London to Dover was uneventful, however the ferryboat ride across the English Channel was unlike any trip I've ever spent on the ocean. Ours was the last Ferry allowed out that day and gale force winds were sending waves crashing against it. Every passenger was seasick. Even the crew members, who are know for their immunity, were somewhat sick . Andy had spent forty minutes throwing up in the toilets. When he rejoined me in our seats he said "I think I'll be OK, if I can just go to sleep". He leaned his head on my shoulder and after maybe twenty minutes did manage to fall asleep.

An extremely large and obviously sick woman came lurching down the isle towards us on her way to the restroom. Just as she reached us, the boat took a huge sway and tipped. Losing her balance she grabbed for the seat back, missed and got Andy by the hair! As the ship tipped up at a high angle, luggage began falling from the overheads and passengers shouted. However, the loudest thing heard over and above all else was Andy screaming "AAHHHHGGG!!! Let go of me, you COW!"

The woman's weight combined with the tipping of the Ferry served to pull Andy right out of the seat and toss him across the isle onto an elderly couple from Leeds. Landing across both of their laps, Andy laid there trying to figure out how he'd arrived in this position. His scalp hurt and he'd seen a huge woman flinging him into the air. Now he was in the laps of two very astonished people who were staring at him.

"Lovely day, isn't it?" he remarked and climbed out of his predicament. As he climbed to his feet the boat tipped wildly back the opposite direction, throwing him off balance and plunging him headlong into my lap. "Andy!" I shouted with surprise. Michael looked over at us and asked "What the hell are you two doing?" Polly's' head turned and she scolded me "TJ! Tell Andrew to stop clowning around! This is NOT the place for it!" Andy wriggled free from my lap and kneeled in the center isle. A crew man came rushing past and shouted "Back in your seat! NO blocking the isles!". As the ship pitched back over again Andrew looked up just in time to be hit squarely in the left eye with a ladies overnight case. It fell from the overhead rack with just enough force to give him what would be one hell of a black eye.

Now sitting in the isle and holding one hand over the injured eye he asked weakly "Am I in Hell?" Right then the Captain of the Ferry announced "Welcome to Calais, France, Ladies and Gentlemen. We'll be docking in just a few minutes".

Andy looked at me, his hand over the bruised and swelling eye and remarked "Remind me never to come here again".

Once through immigration, we boarded the high speed train for Paris. Andy was feeling awful and I helped him to our seats in a first class compartment. Andy, Polly, Michael, Skippy and myself were joined by a young Welsh couple. When the two of them first began speaking together in the native Welsh language, Andrew stared with his one good eye. If you've never heard anyone speaking Welsh before, it's very odd sounding. Andrew acted like his hearing was going bad and rubbed at his ears.

The young man turned round and spoke to us in English "Eh! We're Scott an' Kelly. I'm going to the bar car, would you like anything?" "Sure" Andy replied shaking his head slightly. "What should I bring then?" "What ever you're having" Andy replied half dazed. Scott left and soon returned carrying a tray containing fifteen bottles of '1661', a French brewed beer. "This is all they'd let me buy at one time" he said sounding apologetic. "Oh, no problem!" Andy replied "We'll get the next round". Being courteous to strangers can be dangerous when on a train. You may find yourself in a 'Match for Match' buying drinks and this is what happened to us. For every tray of beers Scott purchased, Andy purchased one. By the time we made Paris, everyone was in the trains bar car, shit faced and singing with members of the Manchester United Football team. Scott and Andrew were singing, arms around each other like long lost friends. Kelly and Polly were fussing over Skippy and Michael and I were telling jokes with the football team. "Paris!" the conductor began shouting "Gare Saint-Lazare".

All but Polly (who wisely declined to drink), were drunk and laughing as we exited the train. The driver from the Hotel looked aghast as he realized the group of laughing fools approaching were his pickup. We were herded into the limousine and sped to our destination for the night.

The hotel, Le Relais Carre D'Or is a very small luxury hotel and usually very quiet. I say usually because when we came plowing through the door, all laughing and talking loudly, the Concierge looked up in fright. After I used the best French I could (considering!) for the fourth time I got across who we were and that we had reservations. He appeared reluctant, but gave us our room keys. Andy and I found our room and I began to fuss over his blackened and swollen eye.

"Oh, my poor Andy!" I sympathetically cooed "It looks awful! Are you sure you don't want to see a Doctor?" He looked at me and said "No... I'm going to pass out now". That was our wonderful night in Paris!

The next morning we we're up early and arrived at Gare de Lyon to board our train south. It was freezing out and we were glad to get to our compartment and begin the journey. Skippy sat on my lap, playing and giggling while Andy nursed his hangover. Not to mention his black eye, which was almost swollen shut. Skippy would look at his Dad's eye from time to time and frown.

Once we arrived in Lyon, we were met by our new driver and caretaker from Cannes, Pablo. Finally arriving in Cannes and in the warmth of the Mediterranean, our small group was glad the trip had ended. Andrew and I made our way to our bedroom and I looked after the poor dear. His eye really looked terrible and he seemed terribly depressed. It wasn't until after dinner when he was playing with Skippy that Andrew started acting his usual self.

In bed that night I told Andy he looked like a bad guy from a wanted poster! He sighed and said he didn't feel like a bad guy. I thought perhaps I hurt his feelings, but he said no. He just was a little down. I snuggled up to him and kissed his cheek. "I think you look wonderful, even if you do have a black eye." He pulled me close and said "Really, TJ?" "Yes, really!" I replied and kissed my handsome guy. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my lips firmly. I pulled him over on top of me and held his body tight while his tongue met mine. He gasped "Oh, TJ" as I kissed his neck. He began to kiss down the curve from my neck to my shoulder, punctuating in between with little licks. I loved it! "Oh, Andrew! You're an angel!" I whispered. "Except when I'm a little devil!" He giggled and grabbed my stiff cock. "Oh!" I softly cried out "You ARE a little devil tonight, aren't you?" We were soon locked together as he made love to me. I thought he was never going to stop! After bringing me my third orgasm, he came with such deep shakes and spasms that I thought the bed would give. He collapsed atop me, still shaking and panting. "God how I love you, Andy!" I said softly as I held him. He replied by wrapping both arms around my neck, putting his face cheek to cheek with mine and whispering "You're my Saint Terrence" before crying himself to sleep.

All that night, I was the one doing the holding while he slept with his head against my chest.........

...............Continued, soon!


Andy and I are moving again, so there will be a three to four week break until the next installment. Until then, thanks and love to all.....

Terrence and Andrew

Next: Chapter 30

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