Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Aug 17, 2000


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The Author reserves all rights. Copyright 2000.

The Author is Terrence Allessandro Julian with added input by Andrew Simon van Ryan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------

OK, Now! Here is where 'Anything to Turn You On' ends. You get to find out why it's titled as such, too!

I have considered extending our story. Andrew has done so many odd things and its provided me with great story material! I've got tons I could tell about him! So I'm asking you, the reader to let me know if you want me to continue. E-mail me at (That's Andy and mine's' address) and tell us what you think!

I hope you have all enjoyed it! I have enjoyed telling it!

With love and Kisses to all,

Terrence and Andrew

PS. Andy has started posting 'Our first time together' at nifty. It deals with Him and Jesse. He's included details about our early days (before we were a couple). Give it a read!

Anything to Turn You On....

Part XXV

by Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved

By the night before the wedding all the guests had arrived. Anita returned from her meeting with the Prime Ministers representatives in London. She reported that the London police were on notice to back off. However, the PM asked if we would be kind enough to stay on vacation for at least two months so things would 'cool down' before our return. Andy suggested we spend those two months aboard ship as an extended 'honeymoon' of sorts. Steven and Polly decided to stay aboard with us.

Alex and Anne had arrived in Cannes. They were taking care of the apartment and it seemed had practically adopted Wills. "He's really quite talented with the mechanics of automobiles" Alex explained "Now if he'd just quit stealing them when he gets drunk!"

All of our gay and bisexual friends had made the trip over, so the ship was filled with guests. The 'bachelor' party given for Andy and I lasted late into the night. It was after 3:00 AM when Andy and I finally excused ourselves. Entering our stateroom, Andrew ran and jumped into the middle of the bed as I locked the door. I turned and looked at him. "Come here and rip my clothes off!" he giggled. "OK!" I answered "I will!" I charged forward and lunged at him. Landing sort of on my side, so as not to bang my still encased arm, I began to grab at his clothes.

It was a hot summer night and Andrew was wearing only a white cotton shirt and tennis shorts. Still I took him at his word and ripped the shirt from his body. He laughed as I grasped the waistband of his shorts and jerked at them. The button flew off and the zipper broke open. With one more tug I had him completely naked. His stiff eight inch cock waved in the air as if to tease me. I began struggling to get my clothes off and Andrew joined in. Soon we were both naked and intertwined. "I love you so much" I whispered as we writhed about. "Oh, TJ! What ever would have become of me without you?" he said. His mood swiftly changed to one of pure lust and he teased "I want to fuck your brains out!"

He rolled me onto my back and pushed my legs into the air. Andrews wet tongue dove at my pink ring and pierced my hole. He began to dive in and out of me using his tongue to drive me onward. "Oh, god Andy! I love it when you do that!" I held my legs up for him and with his one hand he cupped my fluid filled balls. His other hand found its way to my rigid pink hose and began stroking. "Oh, yes!" I cried as he worked me over. He took his tongue and began lapping at my jewel pouch, working first one and then both pulsing orbs into his mouth. "Ummm!" I moaned.

Suddenly he released them from his mouth and he positioned himself between my legs. "Do it, Andrew! Shove it into me!" I begged as he held his fleshy weapon against my opening. He pushed slightly and my hole began to yield to him. He thrust forward and speared me with his wooden male stake. Andy pounded it in and drove it home. "Oh, FUCK!" I cried as he began to hammer my ass with his hips. "Fuck me Andy, Fuck me!" I shouted. "Shove it deeper!" He began trusting into my tunnel as far as he could drive and withdrawing until he was nearly slipping out. Again and again he drove forward and pulled backward, picking up speed until he was shaking me with the fury of his sex.

"Oh, Fuck Andy I'M CUMMING!" I cried as a thick geyser of white boy juice sprayed onto his chest and stomach.

"AAHHH!!!!!" he screamed as his torpedo drove deep inside me and exploded. I could feel it each time as he pumped four, five, six loads of his sticky white love into me. My cum splattered across both of us and I smeared it all over his chest with my hand. "Feed it to me, TJ!" he begged and I put my cum soaked fingers to his lips. Andrew licked the hot spunk from my fingers while he slowly pumped my ass. "Oh, Andrew!" I sighed as he sucked each finger clean. The last ripple of his orgasm made us both shudder and shake before he collapsed atop me, breathless.

Catching his breath, Andy said "TJ, I haven't any words to express what I feel for you. You do so much for me. I can only hope I do for you what you have done for me". He began gently kissing me again. When our lips parted, I replied to him "I can't find the right words to express how I feel about you, either. Maybe someday I'll hear them in a song or read them in a book, but for now let me just say I love you, Andrew van Ryan!"

Anita woke us early the in the morning. "Come on you two! Time to get up!" she shouted as she knocked loudly on our cabin door. Andy stumbled from the bed and unlocked the door. He turned around and started back to the bed as Anita stepped in.

"Oh!" she startled "I didn't know you were naked!" Andrew stopped and turned to face her. "Anita!" he scolded "You've seen me naked every day for over two weeks!" She got this funny little grin and replied "Yes I have, haven't I? Hmm!"

Andy got back into bed and she said "Now come on you two! You've got a big day today and we've got to get an early start" I rolled over and put a pillow over my head.

"TJ" Anita announced "Your Mother called the ship from the apartment. She's here in Cannes". I sat straight up with my eyes wide open "When is she coming aboard?!" I cried. "Not until this afternoon. She's holding meetings this morning" Anita replied. "Oh, Good!" I sighed and flopped back down. "However, the Doctor is coming out to remove the cast. He's bringing a brace that you must wear until the ceremony's over. After the reception he's put a new cast on". "Can't I just....." I began and Anita snapped "NO!"

"Now get up you two! Antoine has to start work in the kitchen as soon as breakfast is over, which will be in about twenty minutes. If you don't eat by then, you're out of luck until the reception this evening. NO EXCEPTIONS!"

"What did he make for breakfast?" I asked thinking I might just stay in bed. "Blueberry Crepes" she said. "C'mon!" I shouted grabbing Andys arm "We don't wanna be late".

Andy and I threw on T-shirts and shorts (I had to quickly find him a new pair. The ones from last night were destroyed!). Entering the dinning room we were greeted by at least twelve of the guests eating breakfast.

"Hey! They're here!" Steven shouted. The assembled group began to clap and shout greetings at us. Andrew froze and held his hand up. Everyone quieted down. He held that pose until I was just about to ask what he was doing. He suddenly looked up and loudly announced "And for my next magic trick, Watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat! Nuthin' up my sleeve!" he reached and pulled me around from behind him, then gestured to our guests. "TA-DA!" he cried.

The guests laughed at his silliness as we sat down. Antoine came out of the kitchen and served us himself. "Terry!" he scolded "If you were another three minutes breakfast would have been over! All grown up and you're still late for breakfast?!" He was referring to habits of my childhood, so I said "Some things never change, Antoine!" He cupped my face with his hand and smiled at me "Yes, and don't you ever change Terry!"

After breakfast the Doctor removed my cast, revealing a hideously wrinkled and pale arm. "Can I at least shower and wash it before we put the brace on?" He nodded and I headed for the bath. I heard Anita give the order "ALONE!" Glancing over my shoulder I saw Andy go into a pout and sit on the bed.

I gingerly washed up my healing forearm while I inspected it closely. There were still signs of bruising, but it appeared it was going to heal and look normal. I dried myself, dressed and reentered the room.

"Where's Andy?" I asked. "I don't know" Anita replied. "He just suddenly got up and left without saying a word". I really didn't think it unusual, so I sat down and let the Doctor put the brace on. While he was doing this, I felt an uneasiness come over me about Andy disappearing. When he finished I announced "I'm going to look for Andrew".

I walked up and down the length of the ship asking those I passed if they had seen him. Everyone shook their heads and I continued on searching. I climbed up to the top deck and walked towards the front edge. As I passed the large exhaust stack I glanced over my shoulder. There he was, sitting with his arms and legs crossed in front of him. He was leaning his chin on his forearms and staring out to sea. I stopped and softly asked "Andrew? What's wrong?"

He looked up at me and I could tell he'd been crying. "I didn't invite any of my family" he sniffled "They wouldn't have come anyway. They hate me!" I sat down next to him, not saying anything. I thought carefully about what he'd just said before I replied. "Andy, it's not that they hate you. They don't understand you. They don't understand and so it scares them".

"What's so hard to understand?!" he cried "I'm in love and I'm happy! How can that make them scared?" He began crying softly, so I put my arm around him. "Well, you said it yourself" I reflected "What can you expect from country founded by a religious cult?' His head whipped around and he stared at me. He began to giggle a bit and slowly it evolved into a full laugh. "Yeah, I did say that, didn't I?" he admitted. We sat there a long time while I explained he hadn't done a bad thing by not inviting them.

"It may take your family a long time to accept the fact that we love each other. Then again, they may NEVER get used to us being together. The important thing is to leave the door open in case they DO want to accept us, OK?" He nodded his head and looked into my eyes "Thank you for understanding, TJ". "No problem" I smiled. As an after thought I said "Besides, you have family attending. Wills is here!"

Andy rolled his eyes and said "Oh, well that makes me feel a whole lot better! We'd better go and start drinking right now before he finishes off the entire bar!" I laughed and said "I thought you liked Wills!"

Andy grinned and said "I do. I'm just being a little shit today". I stood up and offered him my hand. He took it and as I pulled him to his feet he said "Too bad Wills never met Linda. I bet they would have hit it off real well" I gave Andy a doubting look and said "Please!" He replied "No, really! I bet she would love Wills".

"C'mon!" I said "Let's go see what everyone's up to" As I pulled him along by the hand he continued "No, really! I mean it! Couldn't you see Wills and Linda together?" I never answered him.

In the salon the preparations were in full swing. "We can't sit in here" he said. We went to the dinning room and the buzz of activity there drove us out. "I know" he said "Let's go to Pollys cabin" Reaching her door we knocked. Polly opened it peeking out from behind "I'm just getting in the shower" she said "Come back in half an hour". Andy looked at me and asked "Were should we go?". I thought for a second and said "Come on!" Climbing back up to the top deck I lead him over to one of the jeeps. Stepping into it I said "Here! These seats are comfortable and the view is great!"

Andy and I spent about two hours sitting and talking about everything that had happened since we'd gotten together. We were still chattering away at one another when Peter found us. "Andy! TJ! I've been looking everywhere for you two! Come on now, the ceremony is supposed to start in an hour!"

"Oh, shit!" Andy cried "We're in trouble!" "Anita's going to kill us!" I remarked as we hurried to follow Peter. "You have to get showered, dry your hair, shave and get dressed!" he shouted over his shoulder.

"Where are the rings?" he asked as we reached our cabin "In the Captains safe" I answered. "OK, I'll get those. YOU TWO get in the shower!" he commanded. As he turned to head for the Captains Quarters he said "I'll be back and you both better be showered!"

Closing the door behind us Andrew said "Shit! He must be taking lessons from Polly!"

We hurried ourselves along and the hour passed quickly. Andrew looked stunning with very little effort. I took the full hour, fussing over every little flaw.

Anita stuck her head in and announced "Eva's here, TJ!" Andrew said "I'm looking forward to meeting your Mom. Do I look OK, TJ? I want to make a good impression on her".

I shot a disgusted look at him and said "You look fine. I'M the one looking like shit!" Andy just smiled and made a motion with his hand as if saying 'Go on!'.

I finally stopped fussing over everything and said "Oh let's just go do this!". Polly, Anita and Steven walked ahead of us and Peter walked along behind. "OK, Wait here until you hear the music" Anita said "What music are they going to play?" I asked. "Surely not "Here comes the Bride?".

"No!" Anita scoffed "I had them get a recording of the Vienna Boys Choir singing the hymn Evergreen". She peeked into to the salon and then continued. "Right after the ceremony they'll play the 'Ode to Joy' from Beethovens Ninth Symphony. Take your time walking down the isle. Then afterwards meet me right back here!"

Turning to Steven and Polly she said "Lets take our seats" Polly beamed at Andrew and said "You look absolutely handsome Andy!" Taking hold of both his hands she kissed him on the cheek. "Come on, Steven" she said "Lets go sit before I cry!"

Andrew and I were alone after Peter shook our hands for luck and disappeared inside.

"Well Andrew. This is it!" I said nervously. "I'm ready if you're ready" he answered. Captain Spelling stepped up on the small riser at the front of the salon. All at once, the voices of the Vienna Boys Choir filled the room. Andrew said "Go ahead, you first!" "Oh, great time to turn shy!" I whispered back "C'mon. Lets just go together!" Taking his hand in mine, we stepped into the salon and the guests rose from their seats. We slowly approached the Captain. Stepping up on the riser the Music faded and the Captain said 'You may be seated". Andrew and I turned to face each other as the ceremony. began.

We were both so nervous! I really can't remember what was said and what we repeated and which one went first or second. I do recall when the Captain asked "May I have the rings?" Peter seemed to appear beside me out of nowhere. Spelling took the rings and Peter vanished. I could hear my heartbeat loudly in my ears. I remember placing Andy's' ring on his finger and him placing the one on mine.

We'd gone over the vows with Spelling and fine tuned them for the uniting of two males, instead of 'Man and Wife'. We knew it he was nearly finished. Andrew trembled as we held hands. So did I for that matter. When Spelling came to the end of the ceremony he said "I hereby declare you are united in Marriage. You may kiss one another".

As Andrew and I nervously kissed, our assembled friends and family began cheering. Ludwig von Beethoven's 'Ode to Joy' began and we turned to face everyone. Locking arms we proceeded down the isle towards the fan deck. Everyone threw confetti and streamers while cheering. Andrew leaned over and whispered in my ear "This is the greatest moment of my life, TJ" I turned and whispered back to him "Of OUR life, Andy!"

We received the guests and Andrew met my Mother. She remarked to me how handsome he was and said "Your Father would approve of him Terry" I smiled and replied from deep in my heart "I know he would, Mother. I know he would".

The guests were directed into the dining room for the reception and cake. Later on, after Andrew and I smeared each other with the cake, everyone returned to the salon. The chairs had been cleared and the bar was opened. Music blared long into the night while people danced, drank and had a damn good time! Andrew and I started thinking of excusing ourselves for a bit of privacy when Miss Polly and Steven stepped up.

"Oh, TJ!" she said "The two of you look so happy!" I smiled and said "We are!" Steven shook my hand and said "I think you got yourself a fine young man there, TJ". I thanked him as Andrew stepped close to my side. Taking hold of my hand, Andy announced "I finally feel I belong to someone". Steven said "Congratulations, Andrew!" Polly leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"Congratulations TJ" she said. Turning to Andrew she kissed his cheek and started to say "Congradu.........".

Her face twisted up strangely and she gasped "OH, MY GOD!" Then her mouth hung wide open. Andrew and I whipped around to see what she was staring at.

Far across the salon in the very corner next to the bar stood Peter and Wills, locked together in a passionate lip and hip grinding embrace. We whirled back around to face one another and froze for a moment.

The rest of the guests looked on in puzzled amazement as Andrew and I screamed "AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" inches away from one anothers' face!


Andy and I have been together since November of 1971. We are still as much in love today as we were then. In this day and age of 'temporary conditions' and fleeting romances, we stand together as a constant. Love for the sake of love itself is the dearest thing any man can experience in his lifetime. It is our wish too, that you may find this true... I promise 'till I die...........

The night I finished writing part one of our story, I realized I didn't have a name for it. I thought and thought with no good ideas coming to me. As I struggled with the title, Andrew started the fireplace and put on his favorite CD, 'Avalon' by Roxy Music.

I continued trying to think of a single sentence or phrase that would accurately describe how I feel about him and our relationship. Nothing sounded right. I tried and tried but nothing came. I was tired and thought perhaps I should try to finish up tomorrow. Weary from the effort I turned and looked at my boyfriend.

He was asleep on the sofa. Andy had dozed off waiting for me to finish. I was thinking to myself just how much I love him when suddenly my attention was drawn to the CD. Brian Ferry was singing to me from the speakers and I smiled knowingly.............

"Is it raining in New York down Fifth Avenue?

And Off Broadway after dark, love the lights,

don't you?

I could walk you through the park

If you're feeling blue, or whatever

Spring, Summer


Winter or Fall

I'd do Anything to Turn You On.................."

'Anything to Turn You On' written by Terrence 'TJ' Julian with additional input from Andrew Simon van Ryan. Copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved. If you wish for another installment of "Anything to Turn You On", E-mail me at [Terrence Julian c/o Andrew van Ryan]

To Turn You On

Written by Brian Ferry and Phil Manzanera

From the Roxy Music Album 'Avalon'

On Atlantic Records Copyright 1982.

Next: Chapter 26

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