Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Aug 15, 2000


Welcome Again! As is usual, all legal disclaimers apply. If the laws where you live prohibit the viewing or reading of this type of material you or you are not yet of the minimum required age to do so, PLEASE leave now! If the subject of homosexual relationships is offensive to you, please read no further. This is not the story for you!

The story is true, however some names and some places have been changed for reasons of privacy. Additionally, some individuals identities have been obscured beyond recognition. Therefore, if you think you recognize yourself in this story, you don't!

The Author reserves all rights. Copyright 2000. Archival rights granted to Nifty. The Author is Terrence 'TJ' Julian with additional input by Andrew Simon van Ryan.

Andys' Homepage is at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------

Special Notice!

The next four parts of our story(XXI, XXII, XXIII and XXIV) should be read in one sitting. It's just easier to keep the events in perspective that way. The other thing I have to tell you is that the NEXT part to come (XXV) is when you find why this story is entitled "Anything to Turn You On...".

We have received a great many e-mails asking about the title, so next posting is when you finally find out WHY!

Thank you all for reading this and sending us e-mails!

Love, TJ and Andy

Anything to Turn You On....


by Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved

Two days later, Linda was sitting in the waiting area at Heathrow. She glanced at her watch. There was still twenty minutes left to wait. She noticed one of the little news and candy kiosks close by. Walking over she grabbed a candy bar and two English newspapers, the Standard and the Sun. She paid the man and returned to her seat. Unwrapping the Cadbury bar she bit into it.

Linda unfolded the newspapers and looked at the Sun. She suddenly spit the chocolate out everywhere in front of her. The entire front page was a full color photograph of Andy and I standing on the deck of the Roman Holiday, naked and kissing. The caption above it read "We See You!" in bold letters.

"EEHHHRRRUUWWWW!!!" Linda screamed and stamped her feet "I HATE YOU!" Bjorn, her new Swedish boyfriend asked "What is wrong, Linda?". "Nothing!" she said as she wadded up the newspaper. She sprang to her feet and threw it into a nearby waste bin. Sitting next to Bjorn, she stared at him warily and asked. "You've never kissed a boy have you?"

Andy and I were laying out on the top deck . Peter was seated in a deck chair a little ways over from us. My arm wasn't aching as much today.

"I slept better last night" I told Andrew. "Me too" he said "I stopped having those nightmares about Linda following me". "Good!" I huffed and he smiled. "So, when do you think you might wanna try doing it?" he half-whispered "I thought you were waiting for something!" I replied "I've been ready since when we got back aboard!" Andy smiled at me and said "I know how I'm going to rinse off your suntan lotion!"

"Ahheemmm!" Polly uttered from behind us. "You do remember we're going shopping for rings this afternoon?" We nodded our shaggy blonde heads in tandem. "Good" she said "No fooling around until we get back". "Miss Polly!" Andrew began. "That's an Order!" she snapped and we both replied "Yes, Ma'am!"

Peter giggled, so I asked him "What's so funny?" "Nothing! Nothing!" he smiled. Andrew looked back at Peter and said "So, is this the kind of job you wanted? Protecting two young faggots?" He laughed and said "You know something Andrew? I've never felt so comfortable about myself before. I love this job. Thanks again, mate!"

Anita rolled over and said "Lunch will be ready soon. Steven, could you hand me TJ's pain pills?" Steven reached across Polly and handed the bottle to Anita. She took them and Steven let his fingers slide across Pollys naked backside. "WE SEE YOU!" Andy and I cried. "Not 'till after shopping!" Andy remarked, causing everyone to laugh. The bell announcing lunch began to ring and Anita said "Here TJ. Take your pill".

I got up and walked over to where Anita was gathering up the invitations she'd finished writing out. "How many people have we invited?" Handing me the pill she said "About twenty. If half show up that will be good" I giggled and said "If I were you I'd bet on most of them coming!". Handing me some orange juice she said "Well, It IS going to be a bit unusual, isn't it?".

I looked over my shoulder at Andrew. He was bent over trying to put his speedos back on. I was just about to reply to Anita when he snagged his toe in the suit and sent himself head first onto the deck. "Ouch!" he cried and rolled over. He sat up holding his forehead and whimpered at me "Help! I lost my balance". I laughed and started over to help him up, saying "Every day with Andy is unusual!"

Right after lunch we got ready and took the launch into Cannes. Rue de Antibes has some world famous stores along it. We eventually found ourselves in front of Tiffany's and entered. I asked to see the selection of wedding bands for men. Andy was immediately taken with one that had a three and a half carat square cut blue diamond in the center. I liked the style too, but the jeweler kept pulling out others. I watched Andrew and he kept turning his attention back to the square-cut stone.

Pointing to the ring I said "We want this" to the jeweler. He looked at me. "That ring is 45,000 in American Dollars" he said with an air of incivility. "Fine. We'll take two" I said and pulled out my credit card. He looked at it and said "We don't take credit cards". I turned around to speak to Anita and as I did I noticed there was a Banque du Zurich across the street.

"Anita" I said "Don't I own the Banque du Zurich?". She nodded her head and said "Yes TJ. You own the Montreux Bank and Bank de Milan as well". I turned back to the Jeweler and said "Do you HAVE two of these rings?" His eyes were growing wide now and he nodded quickly. "Measure our fingers and size the rings" I said "I'll pick them up in two hours. Do you want cash?".

He swallowed hard and said "Let me see your credit card". I looked at him and said "I thought you didn't take cards?" He glanced down and said "For some customers we do". I handed him my Banque du Zurich card and he read the name. Looking up he smiled and said "Oh, Mr. Julian! Yes, I heard you were in Cannes. I'm sorry but I didn't expect you to be" "Young?" Andrew interjected. The jeweler smiled nervously and replied "Yes".

He measured our fingers then stepped into the back. "Anita" Andrew said "Make sure that TJ's ring gets paid for out of my account, will you?" She smiled at him and said "I will". I was going to tell Andy he didn't have to pay for mine, but then I realized he wanted to. I leaned against him and whispered "Thank you!"

I could hear the jeweler on the phone in the back. He rattled off a few quick sentences and then I heard him read the numbers off. There was a moment of silence then I heard him utter a few swear words in French.

Returning to the counter he handed my card back and said "Your rings will be ready in two hours, Mr. Julian... Sir".

We had two hours to wait. Anita wanted to do more shopping. Polly and Steven decided to go for a drink. I looked at Andrew and said "Let's go to the apartment. I've got something I want to do there". Peter raised an eyebrow at me. "NO!" I scolded him. I knew what he was thinking, but I wanted to do something else. We walked the few short blocks to the apartment and entered. "You two can watch TV or listen to the stereo or whatever" I remarked "I'll be upstairs if you need me, Andy". He gave me an odd look, then realization washed over his face and he nodded.

I entered the nursery at the far end of the hallway and closed the door. Sitting down in the old rocking chair I gazed around the room. I looked at the toys and the stuffed bears. At the crib that stood against the far wall. I stared at the circus animals painted in bright colors. I stood up and walked to the dresser. Picking up the framed photograph I returned to the rocker.

I sat staring into his eyes and remembered. "I love you, Father" I said and began to cry. In my mind I heard his voice saying 'Mio bellissimo figlio, Terrence!'.

I must have sat there for an hour, just thinking and remembering. My mind began to drift and I thought of all the years I spent without the love closeness of my Father. My Mother had always been absorbed with her work, so I had spent most of my childhood in boarding schools or in the company of people hired to care for me.

I thought of how very lonely I'd been until the second day of high school when the Prince of Main Street had entered the room and entered my life. I thought about a disheveled and trembling boy named Andy that I had returned from New York to save. It struck me how much our lives had changed in the nine months we'd been together. I looked down at the photograph and said "Thank you, Father. Thank you for everything. I have to go to Andrew now. He loves me and I'm not lonely anymore".

I got up and set the picture frame back on the dresser. I opened the door and stepped out into the hall. As I was pulling the door shut I glanced once more at the photograph. The afternoon sun caught the edge of the picture frame and just for a second it twinkled at me. I smiled to myself and nodded. Closing the door I made my way down to the living room.

Andrew was reading a book and Peter was watching TV. "OK" I said "I'm back!". Andrew looked up at me and said "Is it just me, or are you always that cute?"

Somewhere in the province north of Cannes, Alonzo was being transferred to a maximum security prison to await his trial for attempted murder. The guards escorted him to a cell far in the back of the block and opened it. They shoved him inside and the barred door swung shut with a clang. He watched until they disappeared from his sight.

Alonzo heard a rusting behind him and turned around. Juergen, his baldheaded, six foot seven, three hundred and twenty-five pounds of pure muscle German cellmate got up from his bunk and rubbed his eyes. Examining Alonzo, Juergen asked with a thick bavarian accent "Which one do you want to be. The Husband or the Wife?"

The guards laughed amongst themselves as they heard Alonzos screams echoing in the distance........


Next: Chapter 25

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