Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Aug 15, 2000


Welcome Again! As is usual, all legal disclaimers apply. If the laws where you live prohibit the viewing or reading of this type of material you or you are not yet of the minimum required age to do so, PLEASE leave now! If the subject of homosexual relationships is offensive to you, please read no further. This is not the story for you!

The story is true, however some names and some places have been changed for reasons of privacy. Additionally, some individuals identities have been obscured beyond recognition. Therefore, if you think you recognize yourself in this story, you don't!

The Author reserves all rights. Copyright 2000. Archival rights granted to Nifty. The Author is Terrence 'TJ' Julian with additional input by Andrew Simon van Ryan.

Andys' Homepage is at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------

Special Notice!

The next four parts of our story(XXI, XXII, XXIII and XXIV) should be read in one sitting. It's just easier to keep the events in perspective that way. The other thing I have to tell you is that the NEXT part to come (XXV) is when you find why this story is entitled "Anything to Turn You On...".

We have received a great many e-mails asking about the title, so next posting is when you finally find out WHY!

Thank you all for reading this and sending us e-mails!

Love, TJ and Andy

Anything to Turn You On....


by Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved

The Jumbo jet touched down at Heathrow and Linda stared out the window. Andrews Mother had reluctantly given her the address in Hampstead Heath, perhaps thinking it a last ditch effort to 'save' her son from his lifestyle.

She slowly made her way through the long lines at immigration and customs. Finally reaching the exit to street level Linda hailed a cab. "Where to, Missy?" the hackney driver asked. "The Savoy" she replied. After all, Daddy had promised she could stay in a 'good' hotel.

Antoine was talking to Anita when he heard a commotion from the galley. Springing to his feet he swung the door open and spotted several crew members battling with Alonzo. Fighting them with all his strength Alonzo seemed to be winning. Antoine rushed forward towards Alonzo, grabbing a cast iron frying pan as he passed the stove. Coming up behind Alonzo he swung the pan and clocked him squarely on the head. Knocked unconscious, Alonzo crumpled to the floor in a heap. "That was from Allessando Julian!" Antoine said sneering at the figure sprawled before him "Now get the bastard out of my kitchen!"

The Doctor did his best to judge the severity of the break in my arm. After feeling and touching where it turned unnaturally, he decided I had suffered a clean break. "Hold him down!" he instructed the three nurses. Placing the heel of his foot in my armpit, he took hold of my forearm. With one quick pull my arm snapped back into place. The nurses winced as my eyes opened wide and I screamed. I tried to sit up but they held me down and I immediately passed out again.

Andy jumped to his feet and shouted "TJ!" Peter grabbed him and said "It's OK. They just set the break. The worst is over now, OK? C'mon mate, relax" Andrew looked at Peter and asked "How do know so much about broken arms?" Peter smiled and said "I was a medic in the Royal Air Force. He's going to be fine..ah, what's your name anyway?" Andy sniffled and replied "Andrew". "Oh, yeah. That's right. Andrew van Ryan".

Andy looked puzzled at Peter. "How did you know my name?" Peter thought about making up some story, but decided Andy needed to hear the truth. "I'm a photographer, Andy" he said "My boss sent us over here to get pictures of you and Terry on vacation". Andy looked at Peter and fire ignited behind his green eyes. Peter was about to begin defending himself when the fire dimmed and Andrew said "This will probably be the only time I say this, but I'm glad you were there. Thank you for saving our lives".

The crew chained Alonzo hand and foot inside a maintenance storeroom. They locked the door and posted two guards outside. Captain Spelling gave the command and the Roman Holiday came about. Finally the ship headed back toward Cannes. Polly told Spelling she had noticed a small sailboat anchored close by the evening before. "Thank God they were there" she said "Did they say which one has the broken arm?" Spelling shook his head and replied "No". She looked at Anita and said "It was TJ. I just know it".

The Doctor came down the hallway and found Andrew sitting with Peter. "We've set the break and wrapped it in a cast. I gave him several shots of pain medication, so he is still unconscious. However, you can go see him now" Andrew got up and walked towards the room. He stopped and looked back at Peter. "Well? Aren't you coming?" he asked. Peter replied "I figured you'd want to be alone with him". Andrew replied "You saved us, now come on!"

Peter hurried to join Andrew and together they entered the small room where I was. Andy stepped to the side of my bed and gazed at me. Looking me over closely he said "He looks really pale. Is that normal?" Peter nodded and replied "It's from the shock. Don't worry. He's going to be fine now" The Doctor stepped in behind us and said "As soon as he wakes up a little, you can take him home". Andrew turned to the Doctor and asked "Is it safe to do that?" The Doctor gave him a odd look and said "He broke his arm. It is not like brain surgery, you know" Andy turned to Peter and said "You were a medic, right?"

Peter nodded. "OK, I'll pay you to come stay at the house for two or three days. Just in case" Andy stated. "Well, I'm working for the..." Peter managed to say before Andy cut him off. "I'll pay you three times what they're paying you" Andy said bluntly. Peters' eyes bugged out and he said "Sure! It's a deal!"

Linda was jet lagged but her desire to see Andrew drove her on. After checking in and changing her clothes, she went downstairs. Exiting the hotel she hailed another black Austin cab and gave the driver a slip of paper with the address in Hampstead Heath. "Right. Get in" the driver said. He wheeled around and headed north. Twisting this way and that through inner London he cut over to St. Johns Wood and turned up the Abbey Road. When Abbey Road became West End Lane he slowed. Passing Messina Ave and Sherriff Road then passing the railway and the Tube station.

Where West End Lane becomes Fortune Green Road he turned up and crossed Finchley Road. Turning up Arkwright Road he intersected Heath Street and followed it up to New End Road. Turning down to the right he finally reached Flask Way. Slowing as he reached the bottom he made the left turn and stopped in front of the house. "Wait here. I don't know if he's home" Linda instructed the driver.

Ian and Perry waited patiently for the photos to be developed. The lab technician came out from the back room and said "Voila' messieurs". Ian quickly opened the large envelope. "Yes!" he cried out looking at the proof sheet. The thirty two pictures documented the entire incident perfectly. In the second frame was the picture he'd been after from the start. Andrew and I stood on the top deck naked and kissing. The next photo showed Andrew going over and me with Alonzo's hands still against my side. One foot was already over and it was clear that Alonzo was pushing me. The camera caught us falling through midair. In the eighth frame my outstretched arm was against the railing and obviously bent at a steep angle where no arm should bend.

"Owww!" Ian cried, viewing my injury "That's nasty looking!" Then there were the shots as we hit the water and the shots of Alonzo peering down at us with hate written all over his face. "These should get us top dollar AND send that rotten bastard to prison for a very long time!" Ian smiled at Perry. "Attacking two boys! I hope he gets the maximum!" Perry said with disgust.

Wills had been entertaining himself on Andrews drum set. He'd been bashing away at them awhile now and his sweat was making the eyeliner he wore smear beneath his eyes. Deciding he needed to get himself another drink, Wills went up to the kitchen. The motorcycle chain belt he wore jangled with each step. After filling his glass with Vodka and Orange juice for the fourth time this hour, he ambled down to the Grand Room with the thought of toying about on the Steinway.

He had just sat down and taken a quick gulp from his drink when someone knocked on the door behind him. "Shit!" Wills said out loud. Getting up he walked to the door and swung it open. "Yeah?" he barked rudely at the thin blonde girl standing on the step.

Linda looked wide eyed at Andy (so she thought!) and cried out "Oh my god! You look awful!"

Wills wrinkled his nose and said "Oh Yeah? Well you look like shit, you stupid fat cow! Now Fuck Off!" and slammed the door. Walking across the grand room he picked up his drink and continued on towards the stairs. Hearing the knock at the door again he shouted "FUCK OFF!"

He started climbing the stairs towards the living room as Alex appeared on the staircase above him and asked "Who was that?". "Damn Jehovah's Witnesses" Wills replied as he passed Alex. "Oh, my!" Alex remarked "Religious cults in the neighborhood?!"

Linda stood on the doorstep stunned. Andrew had looked so terrible and he had behaved so rudely! She heard him shout at her as she knocked again, so she shouted "FUCK YOU, TOO!" back at him.

"He's not the Andrew I know anymore!" she said out loud and returned to the waiting Hackney. Climbing in she commanded the driver "Back to the Hotel!". Linda couldn't wait to call her Father. "At least he'll be happy I've decided to give up on the damn faggot!" she mumbled to herself as the cab drove away from the house. Looking back as the Austin climbed Flask Way she angrily muttered "He's probably hooked on drugs, too!"

The Roman Holiday came to a full stop and the Captain ordered the anchor dropped. The crew went to work unlashing one of the launches to swing over the side. "How long is this going to take?" Polly wondered out loud. "It's all right dear" Anita said and patted her on the shoulder "We'll be there soon".

I began to stir a little. Andy called for the Doctor. The Doctor checked me over and said "He's OK, but not fully awake. How far is his house?" Andrew replied "It's behind the Carlton Hotel. On Rue de Antibes". The Doctor remarked "Oh, that's two minutes away. I'll get a cab for you. I'm sure he'll feel better at home". Within minutes the cab arrived and they lifted me into a wheelchair. Andy pushed me out to the cab and Peter lifted me in. As they were entering the cab, The Doctor said "Remember to come by tomorrow and pay the bill".

Andrew said to Peter "Am I imagining things or did he seem to be rushing us out of there?" Peter laughed and said "He was probably afraid to have Terrence wake up and be angry with him. It must have really hurt when he set his arm". Andrew shook his head and asked "So what if he's mad? What's TJ going to do about it?" Peter looked at Andy and said "Your boyfriend is rich, Andy. Money has a way of making people act strange. The Doctor probably thought if TJ was mad he'd pay someone to break the Doctors arm!"

The cab stopped and Peter carried me upstairs while Andrew ran ahead of us. "Please let someone be here!" he begged out loud. Knocking loudly on the door Andy called out "Open up!" Within seconds Jean-Paul, our driver, answered. Seeing Peter carrying me, still naked and barely wrapped in a blanket, he began raving on in French. "Oh, look out!" Andrew cried and pushed our way past the chattering driver. Peter followed Andy to the Master bedroom and laid me in the bed. Andy pulled the covers up around me gently and petted my forehead. "Oh God, TJ!" Andrew sniffled "You could have been killed".

"Yeah, well we pulled you out pretty quick" Peter said "The bastard that pushed you is gonna go to jail for a long time. We got pictures of the whole thing". Andrew blinked. "What? You got pictures of the man pushing us?!" he gasped. Peter nodded. Andrew turned and hugged Peter. "Thank God for Press Photographers!" he cried.

Everyone sat in the launch except Polly. She stood at the bow and stared as they approached the dock. When the crewman jumped off to tie up, she jumped right behind him. Three uniformed Policemen were waiting with the Harbormaster and she ran straight to them. "Where are they?" she begged. "At the clinic on Rue d'Azur" the Harbormaster said with a thick French accent. Polly ran down the dock and out to the street. By the time Anita and Steven caught up to her she had already hailed a cab. The Harbormaster spoke with Captain Spelling as the three policemen stepped aboard the launch to return to the ship and arrest Alonzo.

"We haven't had this much trouble in my Harbor since the Rolling Stones were here last year" the Harbormaster said to Spelling. "I exchanged gunfire with their guitarist, you know" he stated as if he deserved an award for it. Then he looked directly at the Captain and said "I hope this was an isolated incident, yes?" Spelling assured him that Andrew and I were nothing like the Rolling Stones and that this was the last trouble the Harbormaster would hear from us or the Roman Holiday.

The cab abruptly pulled to the curb in front of the Clinic on Rue d'Azur. As Anita got out of the car she looked at the sign over the doorway and cried out "This can't be it! This is a Maternity Clinic!"........


Next: Chapter 23

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