Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Aug 15, 2000


Welcome Again! As is usual, all legal disclaimers apply. If the laws where you live prohibit the viewing or reading of this type of material you or you are not yet of the minimum required age to do so, PLEASE leave now! If the subject of homosexual relationships is offensive to you, please read no further. This is not the story for you!

The story is true, however some names and some places have been changed for reasons of privacy. Additionally, some individuals identities have been obscured beyond recognition. Therefore, if you think you recognize yourself in this story, you don't!

The Author reserves all rights. Copyright 2000. Archival rights granted to Nifty. The Author is Terrence 'TJ' Julian with additional input by Andrew Simon van Ryan.

Andys' Homepage is at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------

Special Notice!

The next four parts of our story(XXI, XXII, XXIII and XXIV) should be read in one sitting. It's just easier to keep the events in perspective that way. The other thing I have to tell you is that the NEXT part to come (XXV) is when you find why this story is entitled "Anything to Turn You On...".

We have received a great many e-mails asking about the title, so next posting is when you finally find out WHY!

Thank you all for reading this and sending us e-mails!

Love, TJ and Andy

Anything to Turn You On....

Part XXI

by Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved

Then next morning after breakfast we decided to have the Captain take us for a short scenic cruise. Not far, just along the Cote d'Azur past Nice and to the Principality of Monaco. Steven found the idea of gambling in the Casino de Monte-Carlo exciting. I thought the idea of gambling rather a waste. Why would anyone want to play card games for money? I told Andrew how I felt about it when we returned to our stateroom.

"Gambling doesn't seem to make any sense to me" I said. Andy didn't seem the slightest bit interested in talking about gambling. He was too busy trying to see his naked ass in the mirror! As he twisted his head this way and that trying to look over his shoulder he asked me "Is my butt too burnt to go in the sun today?" I gave his cute little bubble a good looking over and replied "You'll be OK. Just don't stay in the sun too long. If you do you won't be able to sit down. Or have me give you a pounding". He turned and smiled at me. "We'll have to make sure I don't get too much sun, won't we?!" he quipped "Let's go. We can lay out and watch the coastline go by".

As we left our suite we turned to the right and walked down the hallway hand in hand. Neither one of us saw Alonzo staring from the stairwell to the left of our doorway. He was fuming with anger watching Andy and I walking away. After we disappeared from his view he climbed the stairs to the first deck. He quickly walked forward down its hallway and climbed the stairs behind the bridge to the top deck. His route brought him to the very front of the top deck. Looking towards the stern he could see the crowns of our two heads as we stood at the far back edge behind the two jeeps.

The Captain called down to the engine room and Jon answered the intercom. He listened as Spelling gave the instructions to power up the huge diesel engines. We'd be under way momentarily. When Spelling finished his instructions the intercoms hiss went silent. Jon remarked loudly "Where the Hell are you, Alonzo, you stupid bastard!"

The three photographers jumped to work when Ian spotted us emerging on the top deck. "Start shooting!" he cried and all three snatched up their cameras. "Look, Look!" Perry shouted "They're getting ready to take their bathing suits off!" "How do you know that?" Ian snapped back at him "They're just standing there! Are you a psychic?" Peter announced "We'd better get the auxiliary motor started. They're leaving" Ian turned and snapped at him, saying "Oh, right! Now you're a bloody psychic too?" Peter looked hurt and replied "No. I just noticed the engines have started is all. Look".

Ian whirled around and saw the wash from the props. The Roman Holiday had indeed started to move forward. He also noticed that I had removed my bathing suit and was standing next to Andrew. "SHIT!" he cried out "Peter! Start the motor! Perry! Keep your camera on them! I want that shot of them Naked and Kissing, Damn IT!" Ian took up his position at the wheel house as Peter started the sailboats auxiliary motor. Ian pushed up the throttle and the boat began moving towards the Roman Holiday.

As Andrew bent down and slipped off his speedos, I felt a slight movement beneath my feet. "Oh, look Andrew!" I shouted "We're under way!" He stood up and kicked the speedos from around his ankles. We looked at the coastline of Cannes as the Roman Holiday began to barely move. Neither one of us noticed as Alonzo came around the back end of the jeep. Andy put his arm around me and said "Isn't this beautiful?" I looked at him and said "Not as beautiful as you are. Kiss me!"

Ian screamed "He's going to kiss him! USE THE AUTO WINDER!" Perrys finger touched the auto winders button and with a whir the camera began to fire in rapid succession.

As Andrews lips touched mine I heard the footsteps running towards us. I turned just in time to see Alonzo reach out and push us over the side.

Perry screamed "He pushed them!" His years at photojournalism made him keep the camera trained on what was happening. He instinctively followed as we plunged off the top deck, his finger still holding the auto winder down.

As we began tumbling off the ship I had automatically reached out trying to grasp for something, anything! As I turned over in mid air the back of my wrist hit the railing on the second deck. I heard the crack as my arm shattered. Even worse was the pain. Andrew hit the water a millisecond before I did. My mouth was opening to scream as I heard his splash so I clamped my mouth shut to keep the water from filling it and entering my lungs.

Perry saw us hit the water through the view finder and immediately raised the camera back to the top deck. He caught Alonzo peering over the side as the Roman Holiday began pulling away. Just as quickly, he returned the camera to the water as Andrew and I popped to the surface.

"TJ!" Andrew screamed "I can't swim!" He had a look of terror on his face that grew to sheer horror as he saw me. My hand dangled loose and my arm turned downward about midway between the wrist and elbow. "TERRY!" he screamed. Andrew suddenly forgot he couldn't swim. He dove through the water and surfaced right next to me. "Jesus, TJ!" he cried "What happened?" I was already going into shock, but I managed to reply "Someone pushed us!" through my gritted teeth.

Andrew looked up as the ship was pulling away. "Hey! Help us!" he shouted. I knew there was no way anyone on board could hear him unless they were standing at the rear. Andy must have thought so too, because he began to look in every direction for something, anything to swim for. He spotted the sailboat making its way towards us. "Hey!" he shouted and waved frantically with one arm while slipping his other around to hold me.

Ian had watched as Andy and I plummeted into the water. He realized my wrist shattered when it hit the railing and he realized Alonzo had pushed us on purpose. "Good Lord!" he shouted "That man's trying to kill them!"

Peter had returned from below and he began firing off photos with his camera just as Perrys film ran out. Perry reached down, picked up another camera and began shooting single photos. "Go get them!" he cried at Ian "This will make us famous! We're saving their lives and we've got the crime on film!" Ian suddenly realized Perry was right and he gunned the motor to full.

Andy saw the sailboat was heading straight for us. "OK, TJ" he said calmly "They're coming to save us. Just hold on to me as best you can". I grimaced and muttered "You have to hold me". I was holding my broken arm so that it would move as little as possible. Andrew looked at my arm and said "OK, OK. I can hold you. Just hang on TJ, they'll be here really soon".

For someone who really can't swim Andrew did an amazing job. To this day he can't recall how he managed and still to this day he can't swim. As the sailboat approached, Peter dropped his camera and ran out onto the bow. Ian pulled the motor back to idle and ran out to help. Perry followed with two cameras and began snapping photos as Peter and Ian reached down to take hold of us.

"Careful!" Andy screamed "His arm is broken!" Ian shouted back saying "I know. We saw the whole thing!" Peter got a hold of Andy and held him while Ian grasped me under the shoulders. As he lifted me out of the water, the weight of my shattered arm pulled down against gravity and I screamed out in pain. The sky spun around and the world fell in on me. Then it all went black.

The ship had been under way for about fifteen minutes. Polly and Steven were lying on Pollys bed talking when Anita knocked on the door. Opening it she poked her head in and asked "Have you two seen Andrew or TJ?" Polly frowned and said "No. Did you check their stateroom?" Anita frowned and said "I just came from there".

Something in the pit of Pollys stomach turned, knotting up and she jumped to her feet. "Something's wrong!" she stated "Come on! We have to find them". Steven sprang to his feet and followed as Anita and Polly began running towards the ship's bridge. Polly was the first one through the door and she shouted "Get on the PA system and call for Terry and Andrew. They're missing!"

Captain Spelling looked in disbelief as Anita and Steven came rushing through the doorway behind her. "Missing?" he asked "Are you sure?" All three of them shouted "YES!"

He reached over and flipped several switches. Picking up the microphone he said "Mr. Julian or Mr. van Ryan. Please come to the bridge immediately". He let go of the mic button and turned to his first mate. "Call down to the engine room. Full Stop!" he barked.

Jon answered the intercom. He heard the alarmed note in the first mate's voice. Lunging to the controls he brought the engines to full stop, then raised his eyes. Gazing upward he spoke out loud "Alonzo you stupid fucking bastard! What have you done?"

Spelling directed the crew to begin searching the ship for us as he and our three companions ran for the top deck with binoculars. He scanned the waters behind the ship but saw nothing. "How long has it been since anyone has seen them?" he asked. "Just before we put underway" Anita replied. "I heard them talking as they passed my cabin. I looked up and saw Andrews head pass the porthole. They were heading for the top deck. When I went to join them a few minutes later they weren't there, but their towels and swimsuits were lying on the deck". Spelling asked "Did you see anyone else?" Anita replied that as she was leaving her cabin a crewman had come down the stairs in a hurry. "What did he look like?" the Captain asked. "He was very dark looking. And he was dirty and greasy" she recalled.

"Alonzo" the Captain uttered "He's the ship's mechanic". Spelling quickly returned to the bridge and snapped on the intercom. Jon answered it and the Captain barked "Where's Alonzo?" "I don't know, sir" Jon said nervously "He hasn't been down here since breakfast". "Damn it!" Spelling cried "Find the bastard!"

Peter saw Andy and I were naked so he went below and grabbed a blanket and a pair of his pants. Returning to the deck he threw Andy the pants and began to gently wrap me in the blanket. "His arm needs medical attention now!" he cried "C'mon, lets head for the harbor".

He jumped to the wheel house and turned back towards Cannes. Ian sprang to the radio and switched to the emergency channel. Andrew crouched on his knees stroking my hair and softly crying "It'll be OK, Terry. I'll be OK. Please let him be OK. Oh, please". For the first time since he was fourteen, Andrews lisp returned. I never heard it though. I was unconscious.

Ian called on the radio and alerted the harbor master, explaining he had an injured person needing medical attention on board. By the time the sailboat made it into the harbor an ambulance was waiting. I was carried to it with Andrew never leaving my side. They took me to a small clinic not far from the apartment. The Doctor inspected my arm and asked Andrew how it had happened. Andy explained we'd been pushed overboard and that I had hit the railing with my arm as I fell.

"What boat were you on?" he asked. "The Roman Holiday" Andy replied. The Doctor looked at him and in his heavily accented English asked "The big ship that was outside the harbor?" Andy nodded and the Doctor asked "What were you doing on board?" Andrew replied "He's the owner!" and motioned towards me.

The Doctors eyebrows went up and he asked "Is he Julian?" Andrew nodded furiously and the Doctor began to swear in French. He shouted to several nurses and they all sprang to action. "OK, He's going to be fine. You need to wait outside so we can help him. I'll come get you when we're finished". Andrew didn't want to leave me and began crying.

Peter, who had followed us to the clinic was just outside the room and poked his head in. "C'mon mate" he said "I'll wait with you". Putting his arm around Andys shoulder he guided him out to the small waiting room. Andrew continued crying softly as they walked away. Peter hugged his shoulder and said "You really do love him, don't you?" Andrew nodded his head and began to sob.

The search aboard the Roman Holiday had turned up no trace of Andrew or myself. Just as the Captain was about to issue the order to find Alonzo the ship to shore radiophone squawked to life. He grabbed it and the operator put the Cannes Harbormaster through. "Captain, two boys have been brought into port on a sailboat. They claim to have been pushed overboard from your ship" the Harbormaster said.

"Yes" Spelling replied "We've just been made aware they were missing. Are they all right?" The Harbormaster paused "I'm afraid one has a very badly broken arm. The other seems to be fine, except he's in shock. They've been taken to the Clinic on Rue d'Azur. You are returning to port then?" Spelling turned to look at our companions and replied "We're turning about now, sir. Thank you for the call" he hung up and announced "They have them. A sailboat brought them in and they've been taken to a clinic. One of them suffered a badly broken arm when they were pushed overboard".

"Pushed!" Polly and Anita both cried. "What bastard would do that?" Steven said angrily. Spelling replied "A very stupid bastard". He picked up the PA mic and switched it on. "Alonzo Guenarri" he barked "Report to the bridge, NOW!" Turning to us he said "Could I ask you to please wait in the dinning room? We're going to be a bit busy up here". Anita, Polly and Steven made their way into the dinning room.

"I can't believe someone would try to hurt my two angels" Anita sobbed. "I should have been with them" Polly said as she cried. "I shouldn't have put off writing with Andy" Steven said angrily "They would never have been up on that deck if I hadn't put him off 'till later".

The door leading into the kitchen opened and Antoine came in. "I heard what happened" he said "The man Alonzo is a troublemaker. He should never have been hired on". Noticing the state the three were in he said "Please let me bring you something to drink. It will make you feel better" He entered the galley and soon returned with a tray of Perrier and Orange juice. Handing each a glass he said "The young men will be fine, don't worry. Alonzo will be tried for attempted murder". "Murder!" Polly cried "Oh, my god!" She shook her head as the reality of what had happened sank in. "Yes!" Antoine replied "If someone didn't spot Terry and Andrew they would have drown!"

Peter held Andrew by the shoulder as they sat in the little waiting room. Giving Andrew a hug he said "C'mon mate! He's going to be all right. If you keep crying like that you'll drown us all in tears"......


Next: Chapter 22

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