Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Aug 13, 2000


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This story is true, however some individuals names and some places have been changed for reasons of privacy.

Written by Terrence 'TJ' Julian with Additional input from Andrew van Ryan. Author reserves all rights. Copyright 2000.

Andys' Homepage is at:

Anything to Turn You On....

Part XX

by Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved

The following morning after breakfast, Anita called the ship to shore line and told the captain to prepare for our arrival. By the time we got to the harbor the launch was waiting. We got aboard and the pilot headed out to the ship. It was anchored quite a ways offshore judging by how long it took us to reach it. The Roman Holiday, I discovered, was huge! We pulled along side and I climbed the stairs to the main deck. I heard someone above me shouting a command. I didn't hear exactly what they said, but judging by the reception from the crew it was 'Owner coming aboard!'

The entire crew were standing at attention and they saluted me! I figured it expected of me so I returned their salute. The captain stepped forward and shook my hand, saying how honored he was to have me aboard. I wondered if he would still feel honored when he figured out Andy and I were gay!

I didn't have to wait for him to find out, either. As Andrew reached the deck he staggered straight for me. "TJ, I'm seasick! Take me to our bedroom, please?" he gasped and wrapped his arms around me. The captain gave us a quizzical look and I said "Show us to our cabin, please. My boyfriend is sick!"

He bowed slightly and barked a command at one of the crew. The crewman motioned for us to follow him. He lead us through the rear salon to a staircase. Up two decks we climbed and down a long corridor. We reached the Master Stateroom and he opened the cabin door for us.

I was stunned! If the houses had been impressive, this was over the top! The suite consisted of five rooms. A lounge, study, sitting room and a huge bathroom all surrounding the Master bedroom. I heard Andrew moan so I hurried him to the bed. Andy lay down as the crewman said he would get something to make him feel better.

As he lay on the bed Andy groaned like he was in the last stages of dying! "Are you all right?" I asked him to which he replied "Do I look like I'm all right?" I sat next to him and stroked his hair. "You'll be OK. It just takes a while to get used to it" I said "The crewman went to get you something for motion sickness". Andy continued to roll his eyes and moan while holding his stomach.

"I thought you went to Costa Rica on your Uncles' boat?" I asked. "Yes, but I didn't say I liked it!" he replied weakly. "How long did it take you to get over being sick on his boat?" I asked. "Overnight" he whispered and stared at the ceiling.

"Just shoot me instead!" he blurted suddenly and sat up. I could tell he was looking for somewhere to get sick. "Here!" I shouted and grabbed the wastepaper basket. Andy immediately decorated it with his breakfast. He spray-painted the inside of the basket three or four times before collapsing back on the bed. "TJ, I'm dying!" he moaned.

"Don't you dare!" I barked at him "If you die and leave me I'll throw your body overboard!"

Andrew considered my threat and announced "I can't swim, so I promise I'll live if you take care of me". There was a knock at the door and I assumed it was the crewman. I shouted for him to come in and the door opened. Polly and Anita peeked into the room like two little kids sneaking into a movie theater. "Is Andrew all right?" Polly whispered. "NO!" he moaned loudly.

"You'd better come in" I said "He already threw up and now he thinks he's dying!"

Anita said "Oh, Andrew! You're not going to die from being sea sick!" Polly of course decided Andrew needed fussing over. She soon had him feeling comfortable, if not better.

The crewman returned with pills for motion sickness and a bottle of 'sleeping pills'. He instructed that I should give Andrew one of each. Then tomorrow morning I should give him just the one for motion sickness. I thanked him and shut the door. I handed Andrew one of each and Polly got him a drink of soda from the wet bar. He managed to get them down and keep them there. In less than fifteen minutes Andy was out cold. "What kind of sleeping pills are those?" Anita asked. I shrugged my shoulders and replied "I don't know".

Picking up the bottle Polly read the label then exclaimed "Well, we might as well leave him to sleep. These are Phenobarbital and he'll be out 'till morning".

"I don't want to leave him alone" I said sounding worried "What if he gets sick in his sleep?" Anita agreed with me but she also said the Ships' Captain was waiting to give me a tour. "Tell you what, TJ" Polly said "I'll stay and watch him until you get back. Then I'll get a tour of the ship from Steven" I smiled at Miss Polly and replied "Deal!"

I stepped to the edge of the bed and kissed dear Andy on the forehead. Anita and I left Polly and His Unconsciousness and returned to the fan tail where the Captain was waiting. He greeted me asking "How is your young gentlemen?" "I think he'll live, but he's not going to join us for dinner tonight". I figured Anita had filled him in on my relationship with Andy. The Captain smiled and said "Let me introduce you to the Roman Holiday, Mr. Julian. First, I am Captain Spelling. Christopher Spelling is my full name". Captain Spelling was a tall white haired man who spoke with a slight Scandinavian accent. His surname however seemed to be English. I mentioned this to him and he explained "My Father was an English sea captain. He worked piloting ships in the Baltic. My Mother was a Dane and I grew up in Alborg. That's the explanation". I nodded and he motioned for us to follow him. "This is the salon. A great place to relax in the afternoon and entertain in the evening". Steven made note of the Steinway baby grand. "Even your boat has a grand piano, TJ!"

"Ship..." Captain Spelling remarked "That is a boat" he said pointing at a small launch about fifty yards away. "This is a Ship". "Oh" Steven replied "I didn't know!" I was curious so I asked Spelling "Just how big IS this Ship?" He turned to face me and said "One hundred and Seventy-three feet, sir". I stopped and remarked "It's like a floating apartment building!"

He laughed and said "Yes, about that big. We have staterooms and cabins to house about twenty five". He lead us forward to the galley where the Chef and his staff were all ready getting lunch underway. Forward from it was the Dinning room. This had been magnificently decorated and it brought to mind once again how wealthy my Father had been.

Our tour continued and eventually we found ourselves on the upper most deck. There were four small motorcycles and two Jeeps as well as the two large launches that could be hoisted over the side. The Jeeps and motorcycles were to be used when the ship was in port. Descending the stairs towards the front we arrived at the bridge. The Ship was outfitted with the latest in electronic gadgetry and Captain Spelling described each unit in detail. When he had finished showing us the bridge he stated "Now It's time for lunch. If you will follow me...."

He lead us back down to the dinning room where lunch was ready. I was given the seat at the head of the table. As the main course arrived, the chef came from the kitchen and spoke to me. He was fairly elderly but as soon as he spoke I recognized him. I stared at the man as he said "Mr. Terrence? I don't know if you......"

I cut him off in mid word and shouted "Antoine!" I reached out and took his hand. "I haven't seen you in years! How are you!" I cried as he blushed "Oh, Mister Terrence!" he smiled "I am so very glad you remembered me!" "Of course I do!" I replied and turned to Anita "This is Antoine. He was our chef when I was a little boy in Switzerland". Steven asked me how long it had been since I'd been there. I thought for a moment then asked Antoine. "How long has it been?"

"Eight years have passed Mister Terrence" he replied "You are all grown up now!". "Oh, Antoine!" I laughed "Just call me Terry like you used to, OK?" He grinned a big toothy grin and answered "Yes, Terry. I would like that. Now, Lunch is ready and we can talk later. Enjoy your meal" he said and excused himself.

We chatted over lunch and made a few plans. Anita would return to London early next week and meet with representatives from the Prime Ministers office. "I'll simply threaten them" she explained "If the local police want to bring charges against either of you, Allessandro International will stop shipping oil for British Petroleum. They rely on us to move Billions of barrels from the middle east. If we dump them, it would throw England into financial chaos. I'm sure we can get everything settled with one meeting".

"Is he going to stand for being threatened like that?" I asked. "He doesn't have a choice, TJ" Anita explained "The only other shipping firm with this size super tankers belongs to Ari Onassis. The Prime minister would rather call off the police than have to be in the same room with Ari. He can't stand the man!" I giggled and said "OK, if you think that's what we should do, we'll do it!"

Steven asked "How long do you think TJ and Andrew will have to stay away?" and Anita replied "Not long at all. However, it would be a good idea to stay for at least two months. Just so the British Press have time to find out and report on your whereabouts. They should be kept confused for awhile, seeing how Wills is staying at the house in Hampstead. Wills and Andrew look even more alike now that Wills dyed his hair blonde. I doubt the press will realize he isn't Andrew for some time. Now, once I have been assured the police won't be bringing charges against you two, I'll come back for a two week vacation myself!" she smiled. I said "I hope the police don't raid the house and arrest Wills thinking he's Andy!"

Steven remarked that he wouldn't mind working with Andy here the whole time as long as it wasn't interfering with Andy and me. "Steven, you don't interfere between us!" I said "Andy loves writing songs. With the three hits you've had this summer I think it's important the two you continue working day to day".

Then I smiled at him and said "Besides, I think Miss Polly is enjoying your company as well". Steven's face flushed as he replied "Oh. You've noticed that, huh?" I grinned and said "It's getting pretty obvious".

"Well, don't let it interfere with Polly's job Steven! After all, she does do a lot for both Andrew and Terrence". Steven replied "Polly does a lot for me as well, business wise. She schedules all of the appointments and meetings for Andrew and I. It would be stupid of me to interfere with that!"

I smiled and said "Business first all the time, eh Steven?" He smiled and said "That's why we're the hot song writing duo! We have six more songs placed for fall release. If we keep this up, I'll be able to retire in five years!"

"Sooner if the investments keep growing at the current rate" Anita replied. Turning to me she asked "Do you think Andrew will be upset when he finds out Polly is seeing Steven?" I laughed and said "I have a surprise for you. He's the one who noticed it first!" Steven looked stunned and asked "How long ago did he say that?" I replied casually "Two weeks ago".

Steven blinked and said "Damn! How does he do that?" I replied in a distant tone "He's the Prince of Main Street".

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Earth, Mr. Hamliton received a late night call from his crying daughter, Linda. "I don't care where he is Daddy! I love Andrew and I want to see him!" she wailed into the phone.

Polly looked up as Andrew moaned "No, no! Stay away from me!" in his sleep.....

When Andy woke up it was nearly dawn. For a moment he didn't remember where he was. The only thing reassuring was me being asleep next to him. He viewed the room and then remembered boarding the ship. He leaned over and whispered "TJ? TJ, are you awake?"

"I wasn't, but I am now" I groaned "What is it Andy?" He slid up tight against me and said "I had a really bad dream. I dreamt about Linda". "Eeuuuwww!" I said sitting up "That is a bad dream! What was she doing to you?" He shook his head and replied "She was following me everywhere. In the dream she showed up in London". I hesitated then said "It's a good thing we're here. Your dream sounds more like a premonition to me".

Andy looked at me with a twisted grimace and said "Lets put out to sea!" I laughed and said "Don't worry. If she tries to board the ship we'll have the captain sink her!" I reached over and got the little box of motion sickness pills and gave Andy one. He took it and lay back on the bed. "How long have I been asleep?" he asked. "About 18 hours. The sleeping pill was kind of strong" I replied. We both dozed off again finally rising about seven o'clock.

While Andy and I were getting the last two hours of sleep, Alonzo and Jon, the ships mechanics, were in the engine room.

"I don't like having faggots on board!" Alonzo cried "They don't deserve to have a ship like this!" Jon replied "Well you better get used to the idea. HE owns the ship and HE'S your employer". Alonzo shot a menacing look at Jon and said "I don't have to get used to anything! They should both be thrown overboard!" Jon shook his head and said "You better keep ideas like that to yourself. The captain said we must accept them as they are!" Alonzo sneered at Jon and said "Fuck the Captain and Fuck those little queers! I'll say what I want! If you don't like what I say, FUCK YOU!" Jon realized talking with him was useless. The man had been raised a bigot and would remain so.

We made our way to the dinning room at eight for breakfast. I took Andy on a detour through the kitchen to introduce him to Antoine. Andy and Antoine hit it off well. I was pleased by the way things were going. I hoped the 'tell all' press hadn't yet discovered we'd left London. Even if they had, I figured it would take them a long time to find out where we were. At that moment however, three men were standing on the Cannes boardwalk. One of them was pointing towards the Roman Holiday.

"So, we'll hire a small sailboat and get close enough to shoot with a long range lens. Telephoto won't work here. The water makes it too difficult to hold a telephoto in frame. So we'll just anchor in close and wait. I'll bet they'll be sunbathing nude" The tallest of the three said "If they are nude, we'll be able to sell the photos for five times what we got for the photos of them kissing".

"If we get a picture of them kissing in the nude we can get ten times that!" the shortest one replied.

Andy and I had just seated ourselves at the table when Polly and Steven entered the dinning room. Andy and I were looking at them when she looked up and noticed we were staring. "Oh!" she said "Good morning!" Andy raised one eyebrow and remarked "Yes, I would appear that way". Polly turned bright red as Andrew, Steven and I all giggled. Giving Steven a jab in the ribs she remarked "What are you laughing about?". "Nothing dear!" he replied automatically. Andy and I looked at each other and nodded. "What are you two going on about?!" she snapped. We immediately went poker faced and in stereo replied "Nothing!".

"That's better" she said with a sudden calmness to her voice. Steven shot a glance at us and I could tell he was biting the inside of his lip. Andy sat with his eyes held wide open like a schoolboy caught smoking. I searched for somewhere else to focus my attention.

Anita joined us just as breakfast was served. "Blueberry crepes!" I shouted "Antoine remembered after all these years!" Blueberry crepes had been my favorite as a boy and Antoine's were the best in the world. Well, I might be biased in my opinion, but to me his were the best.

"Yes, I remember!" I heard him say from behind me. I turned around and said "Antoine, you're the best! Thank you so much!" He smiled at me and said "It's my pleasure, Terry. I still can't get over how grown up you are!" I smiled at him and said "After breakfast is finished I'd like to talk with you". "Certainly Terry. Is nine thirty a good time?" "Sure" I replied "I just wanted to ask you some questions about my Father". Antoine nodded in a knowing way and replied "Yes, I understand. I'll meet you in the salon at half nine" He excused himself and I dug into my crepes. They were as good as I had remembered.

Andy went with Anita and Polly to the study in our suite as I headed for the salon. Precisely at nine thirty Antoine entered. "Hello, Terry" he said smiling "So you wanted to ask me about your Father?" Standing and shaking his hand I said "Yes, Antoine. What was he like?" I motioned for him to sit down on the sofa. He said "Well, Terry your Father was very much like you. Of course he was in his late fifties when I started working for him and he was sixty three when you were born. He was a thoughtful man and a quiet man. He died at sixty eight, which was far too young. It was the pace of his life that took him, you know. Too much work and not enough relaxing. He told me several times he wanted to be sure you never had to work so you could live a long and happy life" he smiled "I see he succeeded".

"Yes" I replied "He more than succeeded" I paused then I asked "Why did he wait until he was so old to marry and have a child?" Antoine looked at me directly and explained "As I said Terry, he was very much like you. Let me ask, do you remember your Fathers friend Nicholas Albrect?" Nicholas had been my Fathers constant companion I recalled. Soon after my Fathers funeral he had committed suicide by drowning himself in Lake Geneva.

"Yes" I replied "I remember him". Antoine stared directly into my eyes and said "He was to your Father as young Andrew is to you". I sat blinking. I wasn't quite sure if I was understanding him correctly. Was Antoine telling me my Father had a homosexual relationship? It seemed he was, so I asked "You mean Nicholas was his lover?". Antoine nodded his head and replied "Yes, Terry. That's right".

This was something I had never considered! A thousand questions flooded my mind but one found it's way to my lips. "Why did he decide to marry my Mother?" I asked. "Well, I think he felt an emptiness. After becoming so wealthy and having everything one could want in life, he felt he was missing one thing. A Son. This I know. He told me right after you were born that his life was finally complete".

"So, he didn't love my Mother?" I asked. "Oh no, no Terry!" he cried "He loved her very much. He had met her when she was still a teenager. Her Father was a friend of Alles'. She and your Father had been friends for nearly ten years when he asked her to marry him. She understood he loved Nicky and would never leave him. So she knew about it. He told her everything about Nicholas and she knew why the relationship he shared with Nicholas must be kept secret. It was very different in those days, not like now. He did love Eva, but Nicky was the love of his life. She is a very understanding woman, your Mother".

I had to agree with him. The only time she had seemed upset about me being gay was when I first told her. Her reaction to the UK Today article was to say how wonderful Andrew and I looked in the photographs. As Antoine sat there telling me about my Father a great many things suddenly began falling into place for me. Now I was certain my Father would be proud of his Son.

"Was my Fathers death the reason Nicky committed suicide?" I asked him. "Yes" he replied with a sigh "Nicholas was a shattered man. They had been together since boyhood. They had survived through the war together. Nicky had been beside him all through the years when he worked so hard to succeed. After your Father died he didn't want to live. He said without Allessandro he had nothing to live for". I could see the memories were beginning to uncover deep emotions in Antoine so I turned the conversation. "So, do you like Andrew?" I asked him. "He seems a very interesting young man" he chuckled "Asked if I was a vegetarian!" I blinked and quizzed "Why did he ask that?" Antoine replied that he had no idea "He just asked that out of the clear blue sky!" "That sounds like Andy" I laughed.

After we had talked for nearly two hours Antoine excused himself to begin lunch. I returned to the suite and found Andy waiting for me. "Where is everyone?" I asked. "Sunbathing on the top deck" he replied. "Andy" I said "Promise me something. If I die before you do, please don't kill yourself". He blinked at me and said "Why, are you sick?"

I proceeded to tell him everything Antoine had told me. After I repeated the whole story, Andy remarked "I promise I won't kill myself If you die before I do. Just don't die until you're Ninety, OK?!" I grinned and said "OK, I'll try not to". We talked for a short time further then Andy said we should join the others. He and I changed into the bathing suits Polly had purchased for us in town. "Speedos?!" Andy cried as I held them up. "Yes" I returned "What's wrong with that?" He shook his head and replied "Must be a European thing. Alright, I'll wear them, but I won't like them".

"Andrew! Your American upbringing is showing!" I laughed. "Well, what do you expect from a country started by a religious cult?" he retorted "Their own country threw them out for being too weird!" I laughed again and replied "You may have something there, Andrew!"

It took a while to convince Andy to venture out of our suite after he put the speedos on, but we finally joined the others up top. As we reached the top deck I heard talking coming from behind one of the jeeps. Walking to where I could see the others I knew Andy was about to flip! Anita was wearing only her bathing suit bottoms. Steven and Polly were both nude! As I figured Andy let out a gasp and stopped dead in his tracks. "Oh, my GOD!" he cried. "What's wrong Andrew?" Steven asked. Andy stood frozen so I said "It's his Puritanical upbringing. He freaks out seeing people nude". Everyone began laughing.

"I've seen you nude" Polly remarked "You were pawing TJ at the time and it didn't freak me out". "I wasn't pawing him!" Andy protested. Anita turned to Polly and said "You never told me about seeing Andrew naked. What's he look like?" Andrew shouted "Anita!" and turned bright red. "Oh, lie down Andy!" I said "They're just teasing you!" Polly looked at him and said "Yeah, Andy. After all, we're only made of flesh. It's the clothes we wear that make us different".

Andrew looked sheepish and remarked "I guess". He laid down next to me. He rolled up on his side and huffed "Well, don't expect me to join you!" I reached down and pulled my Speedos off. "TJ!" he cried. "What are you doing?!" I glanced at him and replied "Getting a tan. You should too. England has turned you white as a lily". He grumbled at me as he lay over on his back.

Later after lunch we returned to the top deck and Andrew joined us by removing his speedos. I asked him why and he mumbled "When in Rome, do as the Romans!" which got a laugh from everyone. The sun was hot now and we had to get out of it soon. Andrew was the only one who got a sunburn and I had to rub ointment on his burnt buttocks later that afternoon!

None of us were on deck when the thirty five-foot sailboat approached the Roman Holiday. It anchored perhaps one hundred yards away and the people on board disappeared into it's cabin.

"Can you see anyone?" the tall one asked. "No. No one seems to be on any of the decks" the shortest replied as he peered through the binoculars. "OK. You keep the first watch while Peter and I get the cameras set up. Peter replied "How come he gets to watch while we do all the work, Ian?" "Because his hands are greasy and he'll get the lenses smeared! Now go get the equipment!" Ian replied.

Turning again to the shortest one Ian remarked "I hope you see something soon, Peregrine". The short one snapped "Don't call me Peregrine! It's Perry" Ian made a motion with his hand and snipped "Yes, your Majesty". The photographers had arrived and although none of us knew it, so had our deliverance!.........


Next: Chapter 21

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