Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Aug 11, 2000


Welcome! As is usual, all legal disclaimers apply. If the laws where you live prohibit the viewing or reading of this type of material you or you are not yet of the minimum required age to do so, PLEASE leave now! If the subject of homosexual relationships is offensive to you, please read no further. This is not the story for you!

The story is true, however some names and some places have been changed for reasons of privacy. Additionally, some individuals identities have been obscured beyond recognition. Therefore, if you think you recognize yourself in this story, you don't!

The Author reserves all rights. Copyright 2000. Archival rights granted to Nifty.

The Author is Terrence 'TJ' Julian with additional input by Andrew Simon van Ryan.

Andys' Homepage is at:

Anything to Turn You On....

Part XIX

by Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved

Lying in bed together Andy thanked me for his birthday party. "This has been the best birthday I've ever had" he said "Thank you, TJ". "You should thank Anita and Polly as well" I replied "They made all the arrangements". "Yes, but I want to thank you in a special way" he giggled.

Andy reached under the covers and gripped my cock with his hand. I felt stirrings within my body as he began stroking me. I rolled closer and slid my hand to where I could take hold of his stiffening flesh. Andy shuddered as I kissed his lips. He moaned gently as I began to stroke him in the rhythm he had established. His hand brought my pole to full attention in no time. Soon we found ourselves locked up in a 69 position, sucking and licking each others firm meat.

I felt him tensing so I began to work harder on his tool. Andy wanted my come and began sucking harder as he pushed and pulled my rod with his lips. I felt a deep shaking begin in my legs as my orgasm approached. Just as I felt my load begin to flow Andy fired into my mouth. His sweet cum filled my mouth as stream upon stream flowed from him.

I filled his mouth with the last birthday present I had to give. He swallowed all of my cum, but I saved a bit of his in my mouth. I turned around and kissed him, letting the last of it enter his mouth. "Ummm" Andy moaned as he tasted his cum. When he broke the kiss he said "That was a sweet surprise! Do I always taste that nice?" I smiled at him and replied "Your cum always tastes like love". We curled up together and were soon fast asleep.

Let me take a moment away from telling you our story. I wish to express a personal thought right here. I wanted to tell you that having my boyfriend hold me as I sleep is what I love most of all. I love being held by him thought long cold nights or nights when the heat has made our bodies wet with sweat. During nights when I was worried or times when I was drunk with joy. He has held me when he was too sick with the flu to even sit up. He held me when I was hospitalized after falling down a flight of stairs and held me when my Mother died not too long ago. Andy has been there holding me night after night, year after year. I hope he's holding me in his arms when I die many years from now.

Now back to our story.

The morning light was filtering through the curtains. I was awake and starring at him as he slept. He moved a bit and instinctively reached out for me. His arm found its way around my waist and he pulled me close with a sigh. I couldn't help smiling as I watched his unconscious quest to find me. I saw that his expression changed from one of a slight frown to a secure smile as he felt my body next to his. I lay there for over half an hour watching his face before I decided to wake him.

Knowing how he would react I began to squirm within his grasp. With very little movement from me, his eyes fluttered open. He set his gaze upon the smile my face held and he grinned.

"Hello, my handsome young man!" he greeted me. "Good morning, your Excellency!" I replied. "Oh, That's right!" he replied as he stretched "I'm a Baron! I can't wait to tell my mother!" He held me close in his arms. "Terry, I love you. I can't imagine my life without you" he said before kissing me soft and gently. As our lips parted I gazed deeply into his eyes and remarked "Were there ever any two people more in love than we are?" He smiled and said "Only in the imagination of Poets who never knew of us".

The following days were busy days. Andy wrote songs with Steven while Polly and I worked out the details of our upcoming photo shoot. I spoke with the Editor of UK Today and outlined the basis for an agreement regarding the interview. Once we had that finished I set up the interview to happen in our home on the following Monday. UK Today would send their top reporter as well as sending Ben along. I decided it would 'feel' best if we held the interview in the evening hours so, I invited them to dinner as well. "Lets make it for 7:00 PM, shall we?" I recall saying.

Winstons Equipment arrived on Thursday and his assistant labored well into the evening to get it all set up. Andy and I slept in the other bedroom that night, so as not to disturb any of the equipment. Friday morning rolled around and after breakfast Winstons makeup and hair person showed. She spent several hours washing, trimming and touching each of us up. At three O'clock Charles showed up with Ben. Andy whispered "I told you Ben wanted to see us naked!".

We removed our robes and got into bed. Winston spent hours getting us in the poses he wanted and snapping off roll after roll. Several times Andy and I noticed Ben or Charles getting hard while starring at our teen aged bodies. Several times Andy and I began getting hard while lying against one another!

At one point while Winston was resetting his equipment I fell asleep with my head resting on Andys shoulder. The camera was above the bed and when Winston got up on the scaffold, Andy had placed his finger over his lips in a silent 'shhh'. Charles snapped the photo and remarked "That's your cover shot!".

We spent the next day doing more photos until about five in the evening. Charles finally stated "We have all the shots we need here" All in all he had taken over three hundred different pictures. Incredibly, the photo he took of me napping on Andys shoulder was the one we chose for the cover. It showed us from just above the pubic region and Andrew was starring directly into the lens. This gave the effect of him starring at the person viewing the cover and saying 'Shhh" to them!

We held the interview on Monday. The Monday following we were given the print copy to approve. With a few minor changes and a couple corrections Andy and I signed the approval release and the story was finished. All in all there were seven pictures of us together in bed. One I loved had the two of us cheek to cheek and looking slightly downward with blank expressions. Charles used a soft filter and to me this gave us an 'Angelic Waif' look. I later purchased this photo in a huge blowup. I still have the picture hanging in the home in Cannes.

The issue of UK Today was set for release in the second week of May. Our picture on the cover was framed with the title 'The Baron and the Billionaire". The subtitle of the article was 'Young, Rich and Homosexual: the new morality'. As it happened, the issue of UK Today hit the stands two days before we attended the concert at London Central Polytechnic. It sold more copies in the first two days than any previous issue had ever sold!

When we arrived for the concert it was obvious the cover had created quite a stir! People starred and pointed as Andy and I entered the hall. Our seats were in the second row and thankfully, Anita HAD sent two bodyguards. We were drawing a great deal of attention and I realized we had become celebrities. Then the lights dimmed and Stravinsky's 'The Firebird Suite' blared from the sound system. We could see motion on the darkened stage and when the Firebird suite reached its finale, the Spiders from Mars ripped into "Hang on to Yourself".

The stage lights flared on and center stage stood 'Ziggy', Bowies androgynous creation. This proved to be one of the best concerts I've ever seen.

If there was ever a perfect time to appear nude with your boyfriend on the cover of a national publication, this was it! Bowie was shocking the music world and we happened to fall right into the whole scene! After the concert we got invited backstage. Bowie had left but we spent over an hour with Mick Ronson, the guitarist for the band. Andy and I were suddenly treated as part of the 'in crowd' and soon found ourselves getting invited to all kinds of parties and events. We had thought the cover would keep the press away, but it didn't. They would photograph us where ever we went for months afterward. I didn't matter though, for our interview had the desired effect of showing us as a loving couple. We allowed ourselves to be seen entering clubs hand in hand and several times the press printed photos of us kissing in public. There were two newspapers that took a 'shame, shame' attitude towards us, but on the whole we were treated as celebrities.

It was early August when Anita received a tip from a 'friend' that the police were considering arresting Andrew and myself on a 'morals' charge. Anita decided to use Alessandro Internationals influence with the government to halt the planned 'raid' and get them to back off. In the mean time she insisted we take a 'vacation'. Just to be certain we wouldn't be subject to arrest.

Andy and I decided the best course of action would be to go aboard the 'Roman Holiday' and spend some time in the Mediterranean. The ship was being used by Alessandro International for meetings and was anchored in Monaco. Since I had a home in Cannes, we decided to have the ship moved there. Within 24 hours of receiving the tip, Andy, Polly, Steven, Anita and myself were walking across the tarmac into Nice International Airport. The single story building sits facing the water and during August the Mediterranean is filled with vacationers from all over Europe. We could see sailboats and ships of all sizes as we entered the terminal. Anita pointed to a huge oil tanker off in the distance and said "That's one of ours, TJ".

We were met by our driver, Jean - Paul and taken to our home in Cannes. This turned out to be the top two floors of a building situated behind and across from the stately Carlton Hotel on Rue de Antibes. Andy and Steven were relieved to find a Bluthner grand piano in the salon on the first floor. There were two 'living' rooms, a dining room, kitchen, library and study. Connected to the kitchen was an apartment where Anne and Alex would be staying when they arrived in a few days time. Upstairs were six bedrooms. Two were Master bedrooms and the others were of various sizes. As we entered the last bedroom I stopped dead in my tracks. It was a nursery. There were toys and teddy bears and it was painted with colorful animal characters on the walls. I had no memories of ever being in this house until I stepped into that room.

It hit me like a hammer as I viewed the stuffed animals. Here were things that I knew from my earliest memories. As I looked I noticed a framed photograph sitting atop the dresser. The photo was of an elderly Alessandro Julian holding his beloved two year old Terrence on his lap. His smile was broad as he starred at me from the photo. It was as if he was saying "I'm proud of you, my son".

I lost all control as the flood of memories hit me. Andrew caught me as I fell, crying. "TJ, what's wrong?" he cried as I turned and threw my arms around his neck. I couldn't answer him. Andrew quickly surveyed the room and spotted the photograph. He asked "That's him, your Father?". I nodded as I wept. Holding me tight Andrew said "He's smiling at you, TJ. He still loves you". I nodded as my tears flowed freely. I found myself suddenly recalling my Father holding me as a child and I could hear his voice in my head, saying "You are the joy of my life, mio bellissimo figlio". I broke down into deep sobs.

Andy helped me to one of the downstairs living rooms and Polly made me some tea. Anita sat on one side, Andy on the other. Steven excused himself, being the gentleman that he is. Once I had recovered, I explained to them what had occurred.

"I didn't recall being in this house until I opened that door. Then I suddenly remembered my Father holding me and playing with me in that room. I remembered the stuffed animals, the toys and the painted walls. Most of all I remembered his voice. I haven't been able to remember what he sounded like until just now" I said as my voice began to choke up again. I stifled the tears and continued "When I saw the picture of Father it seemed as if he was starring directly at me and saying 'I love you Terrence and I'm proud of you'. I could see it in his eyes".

Andrew patted my shoulder and said "He was saying that, TJ. I know because I felt it too". We continued talking for a while and I related all the memories to Andy. Anita offered to have the toys and things packed away, but I told her no. This was the closest I had felt to my Father in years and I wanted to be able to visit him in that room from time to time.

We had been in the apartment for no more than three hours when the phone rang. The captain of the Roman Holiday was calling ship to shore and he announced to Anita they had arrived off Cannes. He would hoist a small power boat over the side and we could come aboard anytime. She informed him that we wouldn't be boarding until tomorrow at the earliest.

I had recovered from crying and we all agreed it was time to eat some lunch. We headed over to the Carlton Hotel for lunch. Their restaurant was filled with guests, so we decided to have lunch brought to us in the huge marble floored foyer. The foyer of the Carlton has large marble columns with gold leafed crowns holding up the ceiling, immense windows and red velvet covered chairs setting alongside small rococo tables. In short, it was spectacular to see. Steven remarked that he came here every year for a music publishing convention. "You'll need to attend this coming year Andrew". I remarked "At least we have a place to stay!"

After our lunch Steven suggested a walk along the boardwalk. Polly and Anita begged off to return to the apartment. Andrew, Steven and Myself crossed La Croisette and walked to the edge where we could view the beach below. We reached the railing and leaned over. Andrew began stuttering "T, TTT .. TT.. T". Steven and I looked at him as his face turned red.

"Andy?" I shouted "Are you choking?" He shook his head and pointed at the beach. Steven and I looked for something out of place and then it hit me. Andrew was raised in America and had never seen a topless beach before! "Are you pointing at the girls?" I asked and he nodded. Steven and I howled with laughter!

Andrew finally managed to spit out the word "Tits" which served to knock Steven and I off our feet! Rolling around on the sidewalk and holding our sides must have made Steven and I look demented!

Once recovered enough to sit up and speak, Steven remarked "And you're the geezer that thought nothing of appearing nude on the cover of a magazine!" "Yes, but not with tits!" Andrew replied sending Steven and I to our knees again. Andrew stared at the beach. Topless women were everywhere and he was shocked by the sight. Steven suggested we sit at one of the beach cafes and have a drink. I agreed and the still speechless Andrew followed behind. We took up seats at a table under a large umbrella that was emblazoned with the Campari logo. Steven gazed out beyond the Isle of Sainte-Marguerite and pointed to a rather large yacht. "Is that the Roman Holiday?" he asked. I squinted my eyes to see the ship. "I don't know" I replied "I don't recall ever being on it".

I turned to face Andrew and found he was still staring at topless women. "Andrew!" I cried "What are you doing?" He looked at me and remarked "TJ, most of these women should keep their tops ON!" Steven and I rolled again! For the rest of the day Steven referred to Andy as 'Andrew the Observant'. Once Andy became used to the idea of topless women he began to join in the conversation. We pointed out the ship to him and he was stunned by its size.

Turning his attention to the small island he asked about it. "It was a fortress and a prison at one time" Steven reported "You recall the story of the 'Man in the Iron Mask?'. We both nodded our heads and he said "That's where he was kept from 1687 to 1698". Andrew looked sad and remarked how awful it must have been for the prisoner. "We'll go out there one day and you can see where he was held" Steven said "It really gives you the creeps seeing his cell".

The sun was getting hot so we returned to the apartment. Andrew and I decided it was nap time. We were both a bit tired from the trip so we took the largest of the two Master suites and settled in. The bed was even larger than the one in Hampstead. I decided to break it in by giving Andy a blow job. This relaxed the poor boy. He had become nearly frantic when Anita had told us about our pending arrest in London. Andy hadn't slept but three hours in the last twenty four. When he came I sucked every last drop from him and then laid my head on his shoulder. He was asleep in seconds. I soon drifted off and we didn't wake up until it was late in the evening.....

........ Continued

Next: Chapter 20

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