Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Aug 9, 2000


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This story is true. The Names of some individuals and some Places have been changed due to reasons of privacy.

All rights reserved, copyright 2000.

The Author is Terrence 'TJ' Julian with additional input from Andrew Simon van Ryan.

Andy and I thank you for reading our story.

Anything to Turn You On....


By Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Copyright 2000. All Rights reserved

The guests began to arrive about half-six that evening. Anita and Tony were the first to arrive, soon followed by Paul and his friend Jo, whom we'd met at the Flask. Pollys girlfriends, Sandy and Tina arrived with two more friends, Angie and Tracy. Steven Ward arrived and brought Andy some exciting news. "Andrew, you're going to be rich and famous!" he exclaimed as he entered the formal dining room. "My meeting with the record company went great! They want both songs for the next 'Sweet Things' single! I've got a publishing deal worked out where you'll get an advance of 150,000 pounds for the two songs and an additional advance of 150,000 pounds towards future compositions as my new writing partner!" he rattled on excitedly "Of course you'll need to consult an Entertainment Lawyer or a Solicitor to look over the contract".

Andy looked at Anita and asked "Can you find me one?" Anita nodded her head and replied "We'll get Alan Reid. He's the best". Steven nodded his approval and said "He IS the best!"

"Andrew, That's quite a considerably amount of money. If you'd like, I can invest some of it for you through Allessandro International". Andy stared wide eyed at her and replied "Of course I'd like you to! I don't even know how to balance a checkbook!" he said. The entire roomful of guests began to laugh at Andy's' revelation. "Well I can't!" he defended. Anita laughed and said "Don't worry Andrew! I'll make sure Polly keeps it balanced for you!"

By now Andrew was walking on air. He came sneaking over to where I sat talking with Paul and said "TJ! TJ! I'm getting 300,000 pounds! Does that mean I'm rich?" I gazed at him grinning and replied "You're already rich, Andy. You've got some money now as well". He smiled and whispered "Go ahead! Flatter me and see what it gets you!" Paul laughed at hearing this and remarked "No rest for you tonight, TJ!" Since It had not been discussed between us I decided to ask Paul if he was gay.

"Paul, If this is none of my business just say so, but Andy and I were wondering if you're gay" I said. Paul looked at me with this funny grin on his face and replied "I thought you knew already!" I simply shook my head, so Paul continued. "Yeah, I am. I must be keeping it well undercover, If you didn't notice" he said becoming a bit embarrassed. "Oh, maybe it's because Andy and I are so involved we don't really notice others" I remarked. "Anyone can see that!" Paul replied "If any two people belong together it's you and Andy". "Thank you!" I said "We think we're meant for each other".

Just then Charles Winston and his boyfriend Ben Leith arrived. Charles introduced Ben to me saying "This is Ben Leith. Ben saw your Downstairs room and wanted to ask you some questions if you don't mind". I looked at Ben and said to Charles "Sure. Off the record and not for publication, of course!"

Ben smiled and said "I see you've dealt with the press before". I grinned and replied "No. However I've watched my Mother and she knows how to dominate the Media". He gave me a curious look and asked "Why does your Mother deal with the Media?" I shocked the crap out of him when I answered "It's part of her job as Ambassador to the United States!"

His eyes bugged out and he stuttered "Yo.. y.. you... your.. Mothers an aa...Ambassador?" I nodded and Winston asked "From which country?" I took a lesson from Andy and delivered my reply in a off hand manner. "Italy" I yawned. "TJ, Does she know about you wanting to do the cover story and the pictures?" Ben asked. I looked at him as if he'd asked what color my hair was. "Of course she does" I answered with no emotion. "TJ, I really want to have you and Andy do this story!" he began saying. Or should I say begging? "We'll talk" I replied.

"Have you met Andrew yet?" I quizzed him. "No" he said "Where is this Andrew van Ryan I've heard so much about" he said surveying the room. I gazed about and realized he was missing. I looked at Anita and asked "Where is Andy?" She pointed to the door and said "I believe you can still catch his performance if you hurry. I haven't heard the Steinway yet".

"C'mon!" I said springing to my feet. "Andrew's going to play!" I bounded out the door and everyone followed. I dashed down the stairs and found him seated at the piano with Polly, Tina, Sandy, Angie and Tracy all leaning on the lid. Steven was seated in one of the overstuffed Louis the XIV chairs he'd pulled over next to the piano bench. Just as I stepped off the last stair Andy suddenly began to hammer out a solid rock and roll rhythm. He flung his long blonde locks back and started to sing.

"Come along my baby, whole lotta shakin' goin' on!" he shouted doing his Jerry Lee Lewis imitation to the hilt. I stepped up behind him and watched as he made playing the piano look like child's play. I glanced up and noticed the girls were looking past me towards the stairs. I turned around to find everyone staring at him as he sang and played at Maximum Andy! I grinned and turned back to watch him myself. He finished Whole Lotta Shakin' and went straight into an instrumental.

I recognized the melody. It was from Tchaikovskys' 'The Nutcracker', but I'd never heard it played this way before! Andy pounded out a boogie woogie bass line while playing the melody from "March of the Wooden Soldiers" over the top. Everyone was watching him and being blown away by his impromptu performance when he suddenly took an odd change in the music, grabbing everyone's attention (Like he didn't have it already!)

The boogie bass line continued but now the Melody on top was from "In the Hall of the Mountain King". He toyed with this for a while, then the music began slowing and slowing and slowing until he came to a near stop. Picking up mid way through it, Andy began to play Listz' Hungarian Rhapsody #2. He chose to begin right at the part you ALWAYS hear used in old Warner Brothers Cartoons. To top it off, Andy began singing the lyrics Daffy Duck had performed in one of those cartoons!

"Crazy! They make me Crazy!" he sang with an extreme lisp while playing the piano at breakneck speed! The girls all laughed as he sang and played.

When finished he played the last chord and held the sustain pedal down. Andrew pushed back on the bench and bowed. Our guests all cheered and clapped!

He was unaware everyone was standing behind him, 'cause he turned around red in the face! He acted a bit embarrassed and thanked everyone for the applause. "I was just fooling around!" he remarked. Steven replied "I wish I could fool around on a piano like that!"

"Play one more!" Paul shouted from the staircase. Andy looked over his shoulder and said "OK. One more". Looking at the keys he said "Oh, This came out last year. I think everyone can sing along". Setting his fingers to work on the ivories he played in a wonderful flowing honky tonk style. I recognized the song he'd chosen as "Let it Bleed" by the Rolling Stones.

"Well we all need... Someone... we can lean on. And if ya want to.... Well you can lean on me!" he began and one by one the guests began singing along. By the songs end Andrew had everyone singing at the tops of their lungs. With a flourish he pounded out the end of the song and once again the guests all cheered him. He stood and shouted "Thank you, Los Angeles!" which brought laughs. "All right! To the dining room everyone!" he cried out "I want my cake and presents!" He leaned over to me and whispered "Do I get a hint now?" I stared at him and cried "NO! You're going to get it in a few minutes! You can wait!"

"Had to try" he huffed. Hooking arm and arm with me we headed for the stairs when a loud knock came at the front door. Anita and Steven were closest so Steven reached over and opened it. I looked at the figure and stopped dead bringing Andy to a halt as well. I narrowed my eyes and blinked. Standing in the doorway was a boy dressed in the latest 'glitter rock' style. He had his hair dyed a bright orange and it stood out on top like a pineapple. That wasn't why I was staring. The boys face looked familiar. I squinted at him then suddenly turned to look at Andrew. He looked at me as if to say 'What's wrong?', but my head swiveled again to stare at the strange boy.

"Jesus!" I gasped "That boy looks just like you, Andy!" Then it struck me. It was Wills, Andrews' cousin. Andy figured it out at the same time and shouted "Wills! Come on in!" The boy looked at us standing on the third step and shouted "Oh, Hey Andrew! I fuckin' got lost comin' here!" He rushed over to meet us and I noticed he wasn't quite as identical as I first thought. However, the two of them would easily pass as brothers anywhere at any time.

Wills grabbed Andys hand and began pumping it up and down in the most eager handshake I've ever seen. "Good to meet you Andy!" Wills said with excitement. Andy replied that he was pleased meeting Wills then turned to me. "Wills this Is TJ, my boyfriend".

I had never before and have never since seen anyone react like Wills did. Wills reaction was NO reaction! He simply turned and grabbed my hand and said "Hello, TJ! Pleased to meet you!" I was used to people giving some kind of reaction even if it was very slight. Getting no reaction to Andy's announcement struck me as odd.

"We're just on our way upstairs for cake. C'mon follow us" Andy instructed. Hooking arm in arm with me we climbed to the second floor and into the dining room. Andy began talking with Wills so I went to continue speaking with Ben Leith.

"So, Ben. You wanted to ask me some questions?" I said as I approached him and Charles. "Yes, TJ. I was wondering about some of the paintings in the Grand room downstairs" he said "Are they the originals or are they good copies?" I smiled at his question and replied "My Father collected these paintings and I recently inherited his estate. To answer your question directly, the house inventory indicates they are all works by the original old masters. My Father especially loved Rembrant van Rijn and the inventory indicates there are three Rembrants".

Ben rolled his eyes skyward and remarked "Dear Lord!" returning his view to me he asked "Do you collect art as well?" "Yes, Ben" I replied "I have several paintings back in the States. Four Andy Warhols, two Peter Max, a Roy Liechtenstein and my favorite, a Jackson Pollack. I like Modern and Pop art, you see". Ben raised his eyebrows and remarked "I'm amazed! This house is like a museum!"

We talked for a short while about art then Ben turned the conversation to the photos and interview. "I really want you and Andy for this cover story" he said. "Well, Ben. It depends on what magazine you work for and why you want the story" I told him "We're interested in doing it, but we want full rights of approval before the photos or interview go to print"

Ben nodded his head frantically saying "Oh, we can do that! The magazine would let you have full approval. It's 'UK Today' magazine and we want to do a story about the 'Sexual Revolution'. We wish to address the subject by giving it a name and a face. In this case, it would have two names and faces".

All Ben told me sounded good, so later during the party I took Anita aside and asked her about UK Today. She said it was a very popular magazine and had a good reputation as well. It looked like we would have our cover story.

It came time to open presents and Andrew called for me to come sit next to him. All the invited guests had brought him a gift and he opened and commented on each. He received a number of records for the new stereo, a small leather bound diary book from Wills and Charles Winston gave him the framed photograph of the woman that Andy had been intrigued with.

When it came time for my gift, I had him follow me to the basement. In his 'office' was the brand new Ludwig drum set I had Anita order. He threw his arms around me and said "It's just what I wanted!" He kissed me in front of everyone and they all let out a group "Ohhhh!"

I turned red-faced as Andy remarked "You're all just jealous!" to which everyone replied with a laugh. We returned upstairs and Anita gave Andy his last two presents. "Here Andrew, as you requested" she said and handed him an envelope. Inside were two tickets. They read 'David Bowie as Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars, appearing May 12, London, Central Polytechnic'. Andrew remarked how Anita had remembered his first request on the way from Heathrow.

"Since there's only two tickets I guess you're not sending the bodyguards along" he said. "Don't be too sure about that, Andrew" Anita replied with a smile. Then came the last present. "All right everyone. Attention please!" Anita called out. "TJ, Would you do the honor of reading this to Andrew?" she asked handing me a rolled scroll and a large, thick file envelope.

I stood in front of him and opened the scroll. "I hereby bestow upon Andrew Simon van Ryan, the Title and Duties of Baron. Henceforth, he shall be known as Baron Andrew Simon van Ryan of Portugal". I handed the scroll to Andy and he surveyed the document with his mouth hanging wide open. I gave him the large envelope that contained the legal documents and said "These are yours, your excellency".

Andrew looked around the room, and for once he was speechless! Everyone cheered and clapped their hands together. Miss Polly came over and kissed his cheek. Anita did likewise then I reached out my hand. He took it and I pulled him to his feet. Turning to face the guests I shouted "All hail Baron van Ryan!" They cheered him again as I kissed him fully on the lips. I released him and found he was red with embarrassment.

Finally finding his voice Andrew spoke. "I don't know what to say. I'm in shock!" I nudged him and said "How about you give us a directive?" He frowned a moment and then shouted "Everyone! Eat Cake!" The assembled guests laughed and headed for the table.

"Spoken like Marie Antoinette!" Anita remarked as she passed us. Ben came over and said "This is getting better by the second! A cover story with a Billionaire and a Baron!" I smiled as Andrew questioned him saying "Are you eating cake yet?"

I introduced Ben and Andy. They chatted a few minutes before Wills came over and Andy turned his attention to his cousin. The rest of the night was spent playing music on the new stereo in the living room, talking and drinking. It was about three in the morning when the last two guests, Wills and Steven finally left. They had been talking about music and Steven realized Wills band was being considered for a recording contract.

Steven took the opportunity to get a foot in the door in case they needed songs! "Come on, Wills I'll drive you home!" Steven said as they headed for the door. I closed it behind them and leaned my back against it. Andy looked at me and said "This is the best birthday I've ever had! Thank you, TJ!" Then he held me in a kiss that seemed to last for ever. He eventually broke away and looked into my eyes, saying "I'm yours, TJ. Lets go to bed......"


Next: Chapter 19

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