Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Aug 8, 2000


Welcome and hello Again - As is usual, all legal disclaimers apply. If the laws where you live forbid you to view material of this nature, or you are below the legal age to view it, PLEASE leave now. This story involves the relationship between two young homosexuals. If this subject offends you then please read no further. The Author reserves all rights. Copyright 2000.

This Story is true. The names of some individuals and some places have been changed for reasons of privacy. The author is Terrence 'TJ' Julian with additional input from Andrew van Ryan.

Love to all, TJ and Andy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------

Andys homepage is at :

Anything to Turn You On....


by Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved

Andrew felt weak and depressed so we ate dinner in bed. Polly seemed like a mother hen when I told her Andy was feeling down. She hovered around him tending to his slightest need.

"You can stay in bed for now Andrew, but I won't have you lying in tomorrow. It's not good for depression!" she told him before taking away the dinner tray. "I'm not staying in bed tomorrow" he promised "I have to get up and find out what it is I signed this morning!"

"Curious as a Cat!" I giggled at him. He responded by saying "I don't see why I can't have at least one hint". "NO!" Polly and I shouted. "You know I'm not going to sleep well tonight. I'll be wondering what it could be!" he protested. "NO!" we shouted again. "Alright! When I'm tired with bags under my eyes tomorrow you'll know who's responsible!" he huffed crossing his arms. Polly patted him on the head and remarked "You're sounding like your usual self all ready!" As she headed for the door with the dinner tray Andrew shouted "What's that supposed to mean?" Polly simply waved and opened the door to exit. "I Want Dessert!" he shouted as the door started to close. Polly called out "Yes, dear!" just as the door shut.

Turning to me Andy asked "What did she mean by that?" I snuggled down in the bed and replied "You're grumpy right now. I'll tell you after dessert". "Oh!" he huffed "You're in this conspiracy too!" I held my laughter but the jerking of my shoulders shook the whole bed. "It's not funny! You two are having great fun driving me crazy! I can't help it if I'm curious!" Andrew cried in protest. "HA!" I shouted as my laughter got away from me. I rolled away holding my sides. He shouted "You Dick!" and pounced on me. I squirmed away and fell right off the bed. Andy landed on top of me and started tickling my sides. I screamed with laughter as he shouted "I'll get you!"

Suddenly the door swung open and Polly stared at us from the doorway. "Oh, dear!" she remarked. I howled as Andrew tried to explain "I was just tickling him! Really!" Polly stared unbelieving. "It's all right Polly!" I managed to wheeze. "He really was just tickling me!"

"OK, I'll turn around while you get back into bed" she replied. The naked Andrew scurried back under the covers as I adjusted my robe. Jumping into the bed I called "Ready!" Polly turned around with a slightly red face and approached us. "I'm really sorry, Miss Polly" he apologized.

"That's quite all right, Andrew" she said calmly and then teasingly added "I see what TJ finds so attractive. Or should I say 'saw'!" Andrews jaw swung open as I grasped my sides again. "HA!" I choked out. Not a sound came from Andy as his face turned a deep red. Polly calmly set the dessert tray over his lap then looked at him. With a slight smile she asked "Cat got your tongue?" Andrew gasped "Miss Polly!" as she walked to my side of the bed. "What is it Andrew?" she replied as she set my dessert in front of me. "I..I. Well.." he stammered "I.. I'm shocked!" . "So was I Andrew, so was I" she said. I got the giggles as she headed for the door. "I'll be in the kitchen. Ring me when you've finished" she said glancing over her shoulder with a big grin.

Andy sat open mouthed as Polly said "Goodnight, Andrew!" He turned to me and said "She saw me naked! She saw everything!" I calmly replied "Oh, I'm sure she's seen them before" "Not mine, she hasn't!" he huffed. "Oh, eat your dessert!" I said as I started on mine. Andrew stared as I ate my chocolate mouse. He slowly lowered his eyes to the tray while shaking his head. "English girls....." he muttered as he dug into his.

I was sound asleep when a scream lifted me straight into the air. I heard thrashing and crying next to me in the bed "Andy!" I shouted. There was only more thrashing and sobbing. I reached and snapped on the light. Andrew was under the covers which were twisting around madly. I pulled them up and shouted "Andrew!" He was flailing about with his arms yet his eyes were still closed. I shouted his name again and this time they popped open. He lay there panting and looking wildly around. "Are you all right?!" I cried. I could see panic and confusion in his widened eyes. "You were dreaming" I said. He began to calm down and crawled towards me. "Oh, TJ!" he cried as his arms encircled me "I had a nightmare!" "You want to tell me about it?" I asked. His head shook and he whispered "No. Just hold me".

I held him silently for a good twenty minutes before he drifted back to sleep. The light was still on when I woke the next morning. Andrew was huddled tightly against me and when I moved he jerked suddenly. Opening his eyes he stared directly at me and announced "I had a horrible time trying to sleep last night, TJ". I leaned against him and said "I know. You scared the crap out of me when you screamed" He hugged me tighter and said "I'm sorry. It seemed so real at the time". I locked up his eyes in mine and asked "Wanna talk about it?" Andrew looked away for a second then gazed at me. "It was Jesse, again" he sighed "I was dreaming about the last time I saw him, when his Father picked him up. I was reliving the whole damn thing over, watching the car pull away, him waving and crying as he looked out the cars' back window. I felt the same sudden jolt of fear when the car pulled out of sight just like I had then. Only this time I knew why I was afraid. I knew it was the last time I'd ever see him and I knew he was going to his death".

He stopped and gazed at me. "I hope you understand, TJ" he apologized "I guess a part of me can't let go of the past".

"I understand completely, Andy" I replied and hugged him "After my Father died I had nightmares for years. I kept seeing the ambulance attendants loading him in. He struggled to raise his hand and wave at me. I'm sure he knew he was dying. His last effort was to wave good bye to me and I can still see it in my head, even now" I told him "I've never gotten over losing him and I never will" I turned and stared into Andrews eyes. "You'll never get over losing Jesse, Andrew" I stated "The hurt will always linger. The sorrow you feel will stay as well. It does lessen with time or perhaps you simply learn to live with it. Either way it dims to where you can manage the pain".

He looked at me and sighed. "TJ, I'm glad you understand" he said "I wouldn't want you feel uneasy about all this. You know I'm yours completely. I just wish there was a way I could declare it to you". I smiled at him and replied "You just did, Andrew". I leaned over and kissed him gently. Andy slowly laid back and I followed. Keeping our lips pressed together I moved to where I was atop him. We began to gently caress one another while kissing passionately. I wanted to make gentle love to him and that's exactly what I did.

I kissed his face and his neck. I licked at his ear and ran my tongue down his shoulder to his collarbone. Down the collarbone to his heaving chest my tongue slid. I followed up the other side, back to his opposite shoulder and onward, eventually finding his lips and kissing him again. Andy ran his hands down my sides to the small of my back. He paused for a moment then ran down to my firm bubble butt. He grabbed tightly and pulled me against him. He ground his steely pole against the hardness of my own rod. I sighed as I felt his one hand reach out and grasp my cock. Andy lifted his legs and rolled up to expose his tight little hole for me. "I want you" he whispered. I pushed my rigid flesh in, going slow and easy as to not hurt him. He moaned as it slid into him little by little. When I felt myself fully inside I sighed "Oh, Andrew! You are my life now. I love you more than I can ever say".

He pulled me tight against him and whispered "Make love to me TJ. I'm yours completely". He kissed me softly as he wrapped both arms around my waist. I began to slowly fuck him. "Yes, TJ" he moaned "That feels so good!" The length of my shaft slid in and out of him in steady motion. My lips pressed against his. He opened his mouth and let my tongue enter. I swirled my tongue against his and he made slight moans in rhythm.

The pace increased as he began to pull my ass forward with each stroke. He controlled the rhythm, speed and intensity of our lovemaking. As I felt the pressure mounting within my young body Andrew suddenly began driving me into him as he quickly increased the tempo. I felt his ass tighten the grip on my tool and I knew his orgasm was near. I took the lead and hammered it into him. Andy shouted "Uh! Uh! Uh!" loudly as I felt the first spray of boy juice discharge into his velvet tunnel. Andrew felt it too and pulled my body against his causing me to trust deeply inside. "Fuck!" he shouted as his orgasm jolted his senses. A thick rope of white boy cum sprayed across my stomach and chest as he blew his first load. We held each other and groaned in ecstasy as our cocks fired repeatedly. I felt the last of my cum erupt from within me as Andrew gasped. He released his grip on my firm ass and I collapsed atop him. I kissed him feverishly and he responded in kind. When we finally broke our embrace Andrew said to me "We were meant to be together forever, TJ".

Looking into his twinkling green eyes I replied "I've felt that ever since we met, Andy". He grinned and said "I guess I felt it too. Somehow I always knew we'd be together, from that first day you tugged at my shirt tail there was always a little voice in my head saying 'someday, someday'. Now we're together, forever" he said softly and hugged my neck. "Terry loves Andy, forever and ever" I replied and kissed the love of my life gently on his smiling lips.

Birthdays are special, no doubt about it. Andrews birthday was going to be special. When we had our breakfast brought up Polly started things off right. Opening our door Polly, Anne and Alex all stepped in and sang "Happy Birthday" quite loudly to a very embarrassed Andy,. He turned five shades of red before they were through. They all clapped at the finish, then Anne and Alex excused themselves as Polly delivered the trays. "Happy Birthday Andrew!" Polly exclaimed and kissed him on the cheek. "Oh, thank you Miss Polly!" he said turning red again. "I got you something" she said and lifted a small package. "Oh, Miss Polly! What is it?" Andy cried as she handed it to him "Open it and see!" she said. Andy ripped the brightly colored paper from the box and peeked inside. It was a small gold ID bracelet. Andrew took it out and looked at it. "Read the inscription" she urged. Andrew held it up and read "Andrew, property of Terrence. Please return if found". He laughed.

"There! Now if you get drunk at the pub we don't have to worry about you finding your way home!" she giggled. "Oh, Thank you Miss Polly! I shall wear it at all times!" he said and put it on.

"Now, as soon as your through with breakfast I have another surprise for you!" Polly announced "It's not really a birthday present Andrew, but I know you'll be happy to have them". Andy gazed at me and said "What are we waiting for? EAT!"

We finished up our breakfast then quickly showered. Once dressed we made our way down to the living room where we both stopped in our tracks. "Yeah!" I shouted. Still in boxes were the Television and the two Stereos we had ordered.

We went to work on the stereos immediately. I'm sure some of you must be thinking that Andrew seems a bit of an air head, but the truth is he's a wizard when It comes to anything connected with wires. Good thing too, 'cause I'm not! Andy had the living room unit and the one for the bedroom unpacked in their cabinets and interconnected in very short time. I had wanted the best model available and the unforeseen result of this was high volume with crystal clarity! Andy of course turned the radios volume to full just as the DJ started the next song.

An unearthly shrieking scream blasted forth from the speakers. Jumping with fright the three of us screamed in reply! Then James Brown sang "I Feel Good!...." and the Famous Flames ripped into the song 'I Got You'.

Pollys eyes bugged out as I nearly flipped backward out of my chair! Andrew began laughing and shouted "That scared the hell out me!" "Turn it down!" I shouted "The neighbors will kill us!" Andy rotated the knob to where we could easily talk over the music. "God that was loud!" he giggled just as Alex stuck his head through the door way.

"Is every thing all right up here? Anne said she heard screaming!" he asked worriedly.

The three of us looked at each other and fell into hysterics! Alex surveyed the room as we rolled about on the floor "Have you all gone mad?" he scoffed and walked away.

"Things like that only happen to you, Andy!" I laughed. "It's a curse!" he replied "Weird seems to follow me where ever I go".

"You sure you don't bring it with you?" Polly asked laughingly. "Me?!" he asked sounding surprised "Why would I be the bearer of weird?" Polly looked at me and we burst out in hysterics again! "Well" Andrew sniffed "At least I make your lives' interesting!" I had to agree with his comment. Andy kept me amused and in awe ever since I first saw him. Since we'd become a pair my life was filled by him. I was enjoying every second of it, too!

Before I had met Andy I was always a lonely boy. A shy foreign born kid who lived in private boarding schools until his Mother decided he should experience a more 'normal' life in California. Look what her attempt at providing 'a more normal life' had resulted in!

Living with Andrew was like winding a 'Jack in the Box'. One never knew what was going to pop up or when! Yet even with the unusual things that occurred, life with Andy was very much what every person wants.

Having someone to love and be loved by them. To feel secure and provide security. To have someone who you can talk to and who will listen to you. These are the intrinsic natures of love. The giving and receiving between two lovers, the security of knowing you'll never be without them or their friendship and the satisfaction by experience love brings to the relationship. The joy of having a partner in your life who wants you and only you.

His remark about making our lives' interesting really hit home with me. That very moment I knew I really would be with him the rest of my life. I was so overwhelmed by the flood of joy washing over me that I jumped up, ran over and kissed him. Taking a step back I smiled at my boyfriend and said "You've made my life more than interesting Andrew! You've made it complete!"

Andy blushed as Polly remarked "I hope I'm as lucky as you two are!" "What do you mean, Miss Polly?" Andy quizzed. "I hope I find someone who's the perfect match for me" she replied "Like the way you and TJ are perfectly matched". I asked "So you really think we're a perfect match?" Polly rolled her eyes and said "That needs no answer, TJ! The two of you couldn't possibly do better!" Andrew smiled as I gazed at him. Turning to Polly he announced "I'm the happiest man in the entire world!"

The rest of the day was spent preparing for Andrews' party.

Next: Chapter 18

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