Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Aug 5, 2000


Welcome! As is usual, all legal disclaimers apply. If the laws where you live prohibit the viewing or reading of this type of material you or you are not yet of the minimum required age to do so, PLEASE leave now! If the subject of homosexual relationships is offensive to you, please read no further. This is not the story for you!

The story is true, however some names and some places have been changed for reasons of privacy. Additionally, some individuals identities have been obscured beyond recognition. Therefore, if you think you recognize yourself in this story, you don't!

The Author reserves all rights. Copyright 2000. Archival rights granted to Nifty.

The Author is Terrence 'TJ' Julian with additional input by Andrew Simon van Ryan.

Andys' Homepage is at:

The following chapter is dedicated to the memory of Jesse Dahlinger.

Born September 31, 1953. Reported Missing June 1st, 1971.

"You shall remain in our hearts and our heads, Seventeen forever"

Anything to Turn You On....

Part XVI

by Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved.

Something was tickling my nose. I wiped my hand across my face without opening my eyes. I was almost fully asleep again when the tickle returned. I wiped at it again, but it returned within seconds. Wiping again I opened my eyes. Andrews' smiling face was hovering over me. In his hand was a big white goose down feather. "Good morning, sweetheart!" he said cheerfully "Did you sleep well?"

Stretching, I yawned and replied "Considering we fucked ourselves unconscious last night? Yes I slept well". He giggled and kissed me. "I love you, Terrence" he whispered. "And I love you, Andrew!" I returned "You wore me out last night! I don't even remember falling asleep".

"Neither do I" he replied "I woke up sore all over. Every single muscle aches. You gave me quite a pounding last night!" "You didn't complain!" I stated "In fact I seem to recall you enjoyed it!" He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and hugged me. Planting a big wet kiss on my cheek, he laughed and replied "I certainly did!" Andy propped himself up on one elbow and gazed at me. "Shall I ring for breakfast?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm starving!" I answered while noticing the hollow feeling in my stomach.

"All play and no work makes Julian a hungry boy?" Andy quipped as he reached for the red phone. The phones dual ring clacked loudly from the ear piece. Polly picked up the line and remarked "You two are up late this morning! I was beginning to worry!" Andy asked her "What time is it, Miss Polly?" His face registered astonishment when she replied "Almost eleven!" she continued on saying "Anita called at Nine. Lucky for me she's on her way over. I had an appointment with her for half ten, if you remember!"

"I had no idea it was so late! Ask Anne if we can get a nice big breakfast. We'll get up and come eat at the kitchen table, OK?" Andrew said. "OK, Andy! I'll make tea and join you" Polly replied "I need to know what appointments you've made and what activities you've planned for the week. I'm arranging your calendar. As I said, Anita is on her way over. She's bringing something she needs you to sign, but I'll let her tell you about it. Breakfast will be ready in fifteen minutes. Oh, you should dress warmly if you're planning on going out today. It's cold and raining."

"OK, Miss Polly! See you at the table!" Andy said and hung up. He turned to me and said "It's nearly eleven and Anita's on her way over! We'd better get up!"

I raced him into the shower for a quick rinse off. After the shower we dressed alike in Levis and sweatshirts. His shirt read 'Oxford University' across it while mine stated 'Cambridge'. We tripped down the stairs and entered the kitchen. Miss Polly was waiting for us at the table. She sat there quizzing Andy and filling in little spaces on a daily reminder notebook while we ate.

"Andy you have Steven coming over to write songs at half one today and you're supposed to drop by Charles' Gallery at two! Now how do you plan on making both appointments?" she asked.

"Umm. Ift mruch pthht..." he mumbled through his breakfast sausage. "I'll go to the gallery at two if you'll accompany me Polly" I offered "That way Steven and Andrew can work in private". She agreed as did Andrew. It would give Polly and I time to discuss plans for Andrews birthday as well. Anita soon arrived and asked us to join her in the library once we finished with breakfast. Polly went ahead of us and we hurried to join them.

We seated ourselves in front of the huge desk and Anita said "Andrew. How well do you trust TJ's opinion?" Andy blinked and replied "Completely. Why?" "I have some documents that need your signature" she said "However, they concern one of your birthday presents. If you were to read them it would spoil the surprise, so I want TJ to read them. If he approves and tells you so, would you sign them?"

Andy frowned and slowly turned to face at me. He rotated slowly back to eye Anita. "Yes..." he answered with just the hint of a smile then asked "Why all the Mystery?"

I explained by saying "If you knew that you'd know what the present is". "OK, I hate spoiling a surprise even though it will drive me crazy for the rest of the day" he consented.

Anita handed me a thick folder which upon opening I found to contain the Official documents from Portugal bestowing the title of 'Baron' upon Andy. I read the cover letter and glanced through the 'Declaration Conceder Ttulo de Baro' (Declaration Bestowing Title of Baron). There were six different places where Andrew was to sign. Each was marked with a large red X and followed by the words 'Em aceitao de Ttulo e Cargos' (Accepting the Title and Duties as Charged). According to the 'duties' Andrew would be required to swear an 'Cauo de Aderncia' (Allegiance to Portugal) in the event it was ever invaded by a 'foreign army'. 'Fat chance of that ever happening!' I thought to myself.

"This is fine" I announced "I approve of Andy signing it". Anita took the documents and folded them to where each signature was required. Then placing a plain paper over the front she had Andy sign his name all six times in full. When he finished the last signature he said "That transferred ownership of the United States to me, right?" "No!" we all cried out laughing. "Oh, well. I'll know soon enough I guess" he pouted "How about a little hint?" "NO!" we shouted. "OK, OK! I'll wait!" he giggled.

After Anita packed away the signed document she spoke with Polly concerning her job duties. After finishing with that Anita excused herself for the day saying "I've got to hurry back to the office". Andrew and I returned upstairs. He had remembered the envelope his mother had given him and wanted to open it. I sat next to him on the bed while he tore at it. Inside was $500 dollars in cash and a note. He opened and read it aloud.

"Dear Andrew, Your Father and I hope you have a wonderful time in England. Grandma Eaton wants you to visit your cousin, William Eaton. He lives in Twickenham. His telephone number is listed and she has told him you're coming. William just turned eighteen and he is also a musician. If you have any trouble, call home immediately! We love you, Mother.

PS. Maybe Linda will change her mind! Think positive!"

"Euuuuwwww!" Andrew cried as he read the post script "Let's think negative TJ!" he shouted. I replied, saying "Let's hope she finds another victim and forgets all about you!" Andy laughed and said "I Agree, TJ!"

Pausing he looked at the money. "This was really sweet of Mother, to send money along" he remarked "I know they can't really afford it". "Send it home to her" I suggested. "I can't do that" he replied "She'd take it as an insult. I'll just put it away and buy her a nice present later on". "Yeah, get her something she's always wanted" I replied.

"Should we call my cousin?" he asked. "Of course! The note said your Grandmother all ready told him you're coming. He must be expecting your call" I answered. "OK, Let's give him a call" Andy decided and reached for the phone. Once given the number he dialed and listened. On the third ring a young female voice answered "Hello?"

Andrew spoke up saying "Yes, is William Eaton there?" The voice at the other end asked "Who's askin'?" Andrew frowned and stated "Mary, Queen of Scots". There was a pause and a giggle "Well, your Royal Highness, Wills is still sleeping" the voice replied. "All right then. Tell him it's his cousin from California" Andy said.

"Oh, he's been expecting your call! Let me wake him!" the voice replied excitedly. The phone was dropped and it banged against the wall. In the background Andy could hear the voice shouting "Willy! Get your ass out of bed! Your cousins on the phone!" followed by thumping and banging sounds. The phone rustled about and a scratchy hoarse voice answered "Hello, Andy?"

"Hello, William! Yes it's Andy. How are you?" he asked. "Oh, I'm right fuckin' hung over. Had a gig last night. Went real late. I'm still knackered" Wills replied "Where you at, Andy?" "At home in Hampstead Heath, William" Andy explained "My friend TJ owns a house here in Hampstead. We've decided to stay permanently. Would you like to come by and visit? It's my birthday tomorrow!" Andy announced. "Of course I would! Grandma Eaton called and said you were coming to London. I really want to meet you, Andy. I've been reading about you in her letters ever since I was little. I feel like I almost know you" Wills remarked. "I can't imagine" Andrew replied in his slow 'Princely' drone.

"So how about coming to my party tomorrow?" Andrew asked "There won't be many people. Just a few friends we've made". "Sure, cous. Love to!" Wills replied. Andrew gave him the address and our phone number in case he got lost. "Starts around seven" Andrew said. "Right!" Wills replied "See you then, Andy. Tah!"

After he'd hung up, Andrew remarked to me "It sounded like I was talking to myself! Wills' voice sounds very much like mine own".

"Yes, but there's only one of you" I said staring dreamily at him. "TJ! You're love struck!" he smiled. "Umm, hummm.." I answered in a daze. "You're getting horny aren't you?" Andy giggled. "Who, me?" I asked.

We both jumped with a start as the red phone rang. Andy whirled around to pick it up. "Hello?" he answered.

"Andrew, Steven called and he's on his way over" Polly announced "He'll be here in about ten minutes". "Thank you Miss Polly!" Andy replied and hung up. "Steven's on his way. Making love will have to wait for now" he announced. I whimpered and said "But I'm not sore enough yet!" Andrew huffed at me and declared "Masochist!"

When Steven arrived Polly met him at the front door. His reaction to the grand room was very much like Winstons' had been the night before. Once he recovered she showed him up to the living room where Andy and I waited.

"Hello, Steven. How are you?" Andy greeted him. "Blown away, I am! Who owns this house?" Steven inquired. "I do" I answered calmly. "That's what I thought" he replied "How are you doing, TJ?" and shook my hand "Quite the home you've got!" he added.

"Thank you, Steven. I hope the piano's to your liking" I said with a grin. "Shit!" he laughed "Would suit Beethoven , I'd imagine!"

We made a bit more small talk then Andrew said "Well, lets go give it a go, shall we?" The two of them left me in the living room and they headed downstairs. I went to look for Polly and found her writing at the kitchen table. "Andy and Steven have gone to work on songs. How soon do we meet Winston? I asked. "We should leave now" she replied glancing at the clock.

"Mom! If Andrew comes looking for us, tell him we'll be back in an hour!" she called out. "Yes, Dear! Have a good time!" Anne shouted from within the depths of the kitchen.

"Here. Put a coat on TJ" she said and handed me one off the rack by the lift "It's still a bit wet out". We made the short walk to Winstons Gallery and stepped inside. Just as Andrew had predicted Charles announced his 'friend' Ben Leith wanted to meet us. "He's excited about doing a cover story, if you're still interested of course" he informed me "I explained to Ben what Andrew said last night" he said, then looked over my shoulder towards the door. "Where is Andrew, anyway?" he asked.

"Writing songs with Steven Ward" Polly announced. Winstons eyes popped open. "Andy works with Steven Ward?" he asked unbelieving. "Yeah, they're at home banging out on something on the Steinway right now" I replied causally. Charles glanced at Polly then back to me and said "Yeah, that sounds about right for Andrew. He's a rather unusual person, isn't he TJ?" Winston remarked. "That's why I love him, Charles" I replied. "I imagine it is, TJ" he nodded.

"We're having a birthday party for him tomorrow evening at seven. Why don't you and your friend join us?" I invited. "Yes, please come Charles!" Polly repeated the invitation. "A Party for Andrew? Wouldn't miss it for the world!" he smiled "I'll bring Ben along. I want him to see Andrew in action. If you don't mind me saying so, TJ".

We left Charles' Gallery and made our way back to the house. It was a little after 3:30 when we arrived. I made my way downstairs to see how Andy and Steven were doing. I could hear them laughing and talking as I descended the stairs. Andrew was seated at the piano and Steven was leaning over the lid holding a small tape recorder in one hand. "Hello! How's it going?" I called from the staircase. "TJ!" Andy shouted "Come hear the two songs we've written!". "Hey, TJ" Steven called out "Andys' a regular hit maker!"

I joined them and sat beside Andy. Steven played the tape of the two songs for me. On the tape Andrew played piano and sang a few harmonies to Steven's' vocals. I was shocked at how good the songs actually were! After the songs finished I looked at them and remarked "I'm not in the music business and I only play the violin, but I know when I like a song. I like both of them!"

"Well, I've been writing hit songs for several years now and these are top ten hits, maybe even number ones!" Steven said excitedly "I'm going to play them for some record company people tonight". "Great!" I replied then asked "Steven, did Andy invite you to his birthday party tomorrow evening?" "Yeah" he replied "You can bet I'll be here! I've got to run just now. I'll see you two tomorrow. Andy we're on for Thursday, same time?"

"Right! See you then!" Andy replied. I showed Steven to the door and watched as he hurried to his Land Rover.

"How was the meeting with Winston?" Andy called from the piano. "Just like you said" I informed him. I walked over and joined him at the piano "His boyfriend wants to meet with us. He wants to do the cover story. I invited them to the party tomorrow, hope you don't mind"

Andy smiled and said "If they bring presents I won't". Sliding up next to him I asked "What's on your schedule for the next hour or so?" "I'm incommunicado, locked away in our bedroom" he grinned "Lets go!"

Scampering up the stairs towards our room I chased him. Once inside he ran to the bed and began stripping his clothes off. I locked the door and stripped were I stood. Standing up on the bed Andy began to stroke his rising meat. "Let me warm it up for you!" he teased. I began to do like wise saying "Here's your dinner! Wanna eat it?"

"Come here, you naughty little boy!" Andy giggled. "Why? What are you going to give me?" I asked. "If you don't come here right now I'll have to give you a licking" he teased. "Ohh!... I think I want that!" I said and ran to the bed. With one jump I landed on my knees right in front of him. The bed shook and he fell on top of me. We laughed until his mouth met mine and we sank down into the bed. Pulling him over on top of me we soon became a tangled heap of arms and legs. I twisted and he turned until his erect flesh pointed towards my face. I reached for it as I felt Andy take my cock into his mouth. "Mmmm....." I moaned and surrounded his cock with my lips.

I began to work his tool with one hand while sucking the tip. He was jerking my cock and whirling his tongue over its swollen head. Releasing me for a moment he whispered "I want you to shoot your cum on me TJ!" I answered by pumping faster on his cum fountain. He began sucking my cock in and out while massaging my smooth ball sack.

Andrew was making rhythmic moans as he sucked on my love wand. I felt the tension within my sack as my boy juice began its journey towards my waiting lovers mouth. Andrew started to make loud noises. I knew he was about to deliver his sweet boy cum into my eager mouth at any second.

His first powerful stream splashed the back of my throat and almost gagged me with it's force. As I swallowed my own orgasm rocked me. My ass cheeks tensed as I began shooting my wet love. Andy took my pistol from his mouth and let the bullets of cum splatter his face and chest. "Cum on me, TJ!" he demanded and jerked me furiously. He continued to shoot jet upon jet of hot white love into my mouth and I swallowed every drop. Andrews' cum was my favorite drink and it tasted like love.

"Oh, you fucking Nasty Little Boy!" he cried while smearing my love cream all over his beautiful young face. I turned around to face him and started licking my sticky juice from his cheek. "Oh, yeah, TJ!" he moaned. Wrapping his arms around my body he pulled me against him and began smearing my slippery sperm over both our bodies. "Oh, Andy! Yeah!" I moaned "I love the way this feels!"

I giggled as he rubbed our bodies together. "TJ....." he said "We're all sticky! Lets go get in the shower". "No!" I replied with a laugh "Lets get in the bathtub!" We jumped out of bed a ran to the tub. I ran the water as Andrew settled into the large oval basin. I got in and leaned back so I was facing him. The warm water soon cover us to our shoulders so I shut off the tap.

"Ahhh....." he sighed "This feels wonderful on my sore muscles!" I agreed by saying "I always took baths when I was a child. They seem to draw every ache and pain out of your body. I don't think I taken one in years, actually. When did you last take one, Andy?" I asked. He sat smiling as he contemplated my question. Then suddenly a grim expression seized him. "Oh, no...." he muttered "Quick TJ, lets change the subject. Talk about some thing happy! Anything!" It was too late.

Andy put his face in his hands and began to cry. "Andy?! What is it? What's wrong?" I asked moving to be next to him. Between his sobs he whimpered "Jesse...". I reached my arms around him and he crumpled against me. His tears ran in rivulets as the wound tore open. I rocked him gently as he cried.

"Go on" I said softly "Let it all out. Don't hold it in". His reaction was to wail with the most mournful animal-like sound I've ever heard come from any human being. He repeated this several times before curling up in my arms a shaking and whimpering mess.

By the time Andrew regained control of his emotional state the bath water was lukewarm. I helped him out, dried him off and put him into our bed. I dried myself and slipped on a robe joined him. As I lay atop the covers Andrew wriggled down to where just his face from the nose up was visible. "Feeling better now?" I asked. He nodded then stretched to allow his mouth to show. "I'm sorry, TJ" he began.

"No, Andy! It's perfectly all right to mourn the loss of someone so close" I said consoling him. "You're not mad then?" he asked "Why would I be? I know how close the two of you were" I replied "If anything ever happened to me I would hope you'd mourn for me as well"

"Oh, TJ!" he cried "Don't even say that! If anything ever happened to you I'd die!" Suddenly he thrust his arms around me and began weeping again. "There, there now!" I soothed him "I didn't mean something was going to happen! I'm staying right here. No one's going to take me away from you!" He looked up at me from where his head was resting against my mid section. He gazed at me with tear soaked eyes and asked "Promise?"

I smiled at him and cupped his chin with my hand. "Promise 'till I die" I said softly. He hugged tightly as his shoulders shook in a rhythmic bounce. Through his tears I heard him softly say "I love you TJ".

After Andy recovered I talked with him about Jesse. "I didn't mean to cry, TJ" Andy explained "When you asked about the last time I took a bath I remembered it was at his house. That memory jogged my mind and I realized tomorrow will be the first birthday I've spent without him since I was fourteen. Then day after tomorrow will be a year since his Mother died. She was like a second Mother to me, TJ. Only she understood about us.

Mary was a Doctor of Psychiatric Medicine and wrote a study of homosexual behavior. Jesse and I were the subjects of her research. Her theory showed that given the same conditions heterosexual teens enjoy, homosexual teens would develop into 'normal' adults. The only difference was their sexual pairing.

Then she developed cancer. The last few weeks of her life were filled with terrible pain, TJ. We watched her deteriorate right before our eyes. After she died, Jesse and I were forcibly separated. He was still seventeen and his Father gained custody of him. His Dad is a violent man who hates homosexuals, TJ. I was afraid for him to leave and he was afraid to go". Andy paused a moment before continuing. Letting out a long sigh he continued.

"Jesse promised to call me when he arrived in Connecticut. The call never came. After six weeks the attorney for his Mothers' estate filed a missing persons report. When the Police went to check up on him, the house was empty. His Father had left in a hurry, leaving too many important things behind. The police began an open investigation which soon turned into a homicide investigation. The case is still open, so they won't tell me what else they know. Only that his Father is the prime suspect. He's vanished and has never been found".

I hugged Andrew tightly and whispered "I'm here for you Andrew. I know how much you loved him and how much he loved you. Lets keep hoping they find his Father". "I love you, TJ" Andy whispered with a shake in his voice "I will stay with you forever. You know that don't you?"

I took his face in my hand and lifted it. Gazing deeply into his eyes I replied "I know Andy. I love you and I'll never, ever leave you"......

........ Continued

Next: Chapter 17

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