Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Jul 30, 2000


Welcome - As is usual, all legal disclaimers apply. If the laws where you live prohibit the viewing of material of this nature, or if you are below the legal age to view this material, PLEASE leave now! If the subject of a homosexual relationship between two individuals in love offends you, please read no further. You won't like what you read.

The author reserves all rights. Copyright 2000. This is a true story. The names of some individuals and some places have been changed for reasons of privacy.

The Author is Terrence 'TJ' Julian with additional input from Andrew van Ryan.

There is a short notice at the end of this story for all those who have been reading "Anything to Turn You On...." on a regular basis.

Thanks to all who have e-mailed us. Andy and I enjoy hearing from you! We hope continue reading our story.

Love to all, TJ and Andrew

Anything to Turn You On....

Part XV

by Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved

Before getting ready to go out with Polly, I called Mother. She listened as I revealed our plan. We went over every detail Andy and I had thought of. I finished it up by saying "I don't want to embarrass you, Mom. That's why I called. Do you think we should do it?" There was a momentary pause then I heard her sigh.

"Terry" she began "It doesn't matter what I think. I encouraged you to think for yourself starting when you were still a little child. Now you are an adult with a mind of your own. You must decide if this is right. No matter what becomes of this plan, you must always know I love you and I am proud of you. I will never be ashamed or embarrassed by the relationship you have with dear Andrew. If you love him and he loves you, then to me Andrew is also my son".

I sat listening as she continued. Although she didn't commit one way or the other, I knew this was one of her encouraging 'pep' talks. Mom had given me lectures of encouragement as far back as I could remember. By the tone of her words I believed she was advising me to go ahead as planned, so I announced "Mother, I believe it's the right thing for our situation. I'm going to do it".

"Good, Terrence. I agree you are doing the right thing. Otherwise Son, the press will follow your every move and drive you to madness. I wanted to say how your Andrew is a very wise young man, Terry. You've made a good choice for a mate. Tell him I said so, will you?" "Sure Mom" I replied smiling "He read the note you sent to him. Andy's thrilled with your acceptance of him. He really is the love of my life, Mother!" "I know Terry, I know" she said "I must go now Son, but please tell Andrew I love him. I love you so much Terry."

She then emphasized "Remember this always. Never be ashamed or embarrassed for loving another person. Always hold your head up proudly Terrence, for you are the Son of Allessandro and Eva Julian" she proclaimed "Your Father would be proud of how brave you are. I know I am!"

Talking with her gave me a new sense of pride. This was my decision to make and Mother had encouraged me do so completely on my own. I was now standing up for my own beliefs and being true to the love I shared with Andrew. During that brief conversation with her I became Terrence Allessandro Julian. A young man dedicated to his beliefs, fiercely loyal to the love of his life and ready to tell the world about it. I informed Andrew of my decision and he nodded.

"I have no fear about doing this TJ" he commented "We are who we are. As for my part, I'll never again have to hide the truth, nor behave as someone I'm not. I am Andrew Simon van Ryan, the boyfriend of Terrence Allesandro Julian and I am proud of it!"

We discussed the decision a short time then I reminded Andy he needed to call his Mother. Once the connection went through Mrs. van Ryan answered it on the first ring. "Hello, Mother! It's your wayward son calling from London, England" he greeted her.

"Andrew Simon van Ryan!" her voice shouted at him through the ear piece. I heard it clearly and I was seated all the way across the room! "Why haven't you called me?!" she demanded. "I am calling you" he softly replied. "Yes and it's Sunday, Andrew. I have been sitting by this phone since Friday morning! Why haven't you called me sooner?" Andy sighed and answered "Because I've been busy going places and doing things, Mother. The reason I came to England was to see all the sights firsthand!"

There was a long pause before she started again. Only this time she wasn't as loud or as angered. "All right then Andrew. At least my Mother is pleased you're in England. Grandma Eaton wants you to visit your cousin William in Surrey. His address is in the envelope I gave you. You haven't lost that have you?" she questioned. "It's in my case. I haven't even opened it yet!" he explained in his defense. "Now Andy" she began again "I've got some questions for you and I hope you'll give me straight answers. Friday I read an article in the..." Andy cut in and finished her sentence "....Newspaper that referred to 'Boy Billionaire Terrence Julian'. Yes Mother, that's TJ and he is a Billionaire".

There was another long pause before she asked him "Why didn't you tell me, Andy?" Taking a deep breath he replied "Because TJ never told anyone in California he was wealthy". "Wealthy?!" his Mother exclaimed "Son, your friends father was Allesandro Julian!" she exclaimed. "Yes, I know he was, Mother" Andy responded "TJ has told me all about him". "Andy, your Father claims TJ's Dad was as wealthy as Aristotle Onassis!" she exclaimed. Andy turned to me and asked "Who's Aristotle Onassis?" I replied "Ari was a friend of my Dad's. Why?" Andy returned to his Mother and said "Tj says his Dad and that guy were friends".

There was a very long pause before she spoke again. "Well all right Andrew. At least I know your not going to be starving while you're there" she uttered very calmly "I've got a message for you from Linda. She says she's very sorry for breaking up and she wants to see you as soon as you get home". Andy frowned and muttered "Hmm....That may be a problem. I've decided to stay here with TJ and make England my home".

Silence. It seemed as if the air in the room stopped moving. Perhaps it was due to some sort of energy emitted long distance through the telephone? Maybe the electricity at the other end of the connection was magnetizing the air and pulling it back through the telephone line. What ever the reason, it was VERY silent.

Breaking the silence she asked "Are you really happy living with TJ, Andrew?" "I'm the happiest I've ever been in my entire life, Mother! That's why I'm staying" he replied excitedly. She grudgingly conceded defeat by saying "Well, if you're really happy, I can't argue with that. I'll have to think up something to tell your Father. He's going to be very disappointed you're not coming home". "To marry Linda...." Andy added with disdain.

"Oh now Andy, you know your Father was hoping you and Linda would get married" she reiterated. "Please tell him It's never going to happen, Mother. I don't want him holding out his hope. I'm never going to marry her" Andy emphasized.

Mrs. van Ryan sighed deeply and said "I know, Andy. I know... Do me one favor, please? Remember to call me EVERY Sunday from now on. OK?"

"Yeah Mom. I promise. Please don't worry about me, OK?" he begged "TJ and I will be fine here. He has a lovely three story house. We have a maid, cook and valet, too" he began explaining.

"That's fine and good, Andrew" she said cutting him off "Write a letter telling me about it. I have to go now. Your Father's just come home". Andy sighed quietly "OK, Mom. I love you" he stated. "I love you too" she murmured wearily. "Tell TJ to be good to you or he'll have to answer to me! Good bye, Andy and remember to call me!"

He replaced the phone in its cradle and stared at it. "She almost asked me if I'm gay" he announced. "Instead, she simply surrendered to what she already knew in her heart".

He turned to face me and said "She's finally acknowledged her son is a homosexual. He's happy being homosexual and he's never, ever going to be heterosexual. Yet she couldn't bring herself to say it out loud. Instead she asked if I'm really happy living with you. I answered 'yes' and you know what she said?" he quizzed. I shook my head and he revealed "I have to think of something to tell your Father. He's going to be very disappointed your not marrying Linda!"

"Huh!" I cried "They should be thankful you're not marrying her. She's bad for you and to you. I doubt you'd survive two years being married to her!" I snapped "She'd drive you right into your grave!"

Andy watched me from over his shoulder. He replied "You don't know how right you are, TJ. All those times I've claimed you saved my life by coming back for me?" he remarked "I really meant it! I was actually feeling my health deteriorate during the time I stayed with Linda. My mental state slid deeper and deeper into this black whirlpool of depression every minute I spent with her" he recalled "You saw what I looked like! That's what comes of being untrue to your sexual nature!"

"Having you love me opened a new understanding to a great many things" he continued "Any given person can't be coerced into 'acting' this way or 'being' that way nor can they alter their basic nature to become what someone else thinks they should be! Each person simply IS. We exist as we are. To try and explain why one person is one way and why another person is a different way is vain! It's like trying to explain why life itself exists. There IS no reason. It Exists simply because It does! I became a Homosexual because I am a Homosexual! There isn't a reason why, it is merely the truth!"

"When I hear people say 'What makes someone turn gay' I always think to myself 'Nothing!' We don't make a choice to be gay. We just ARE! There isn't a reason behind it. You are that which you are. Some will suppress the truth. Some will deny the truth and some will despise the truth. All those that do so will lead miserable lives because they don't accept the truth" Summing it all up Andy stated "The truth about me is I'm a homosexual and I'm happy a homosexual!"

"I'm happy you're a happy homosexual!" Pollys voice called to us from the doorway. "However, I'm not happy that you're not ready" she scolded. "Come on! Get changed and let's go!" Forgetting about our discussion Andy and I began racing to get ready. Within minutes we were down the stairs and through the pantry. We emerged from the delivery entrance and walked briskly up Flask Way towards Hampstead High Street. Polly started up a conversation about the photograph session.

"So I gather you've decided to do this photo shoot?" she asked. "Yes" I replied "we've decided it's the best way to handle the situation". Polly raised her eyebrows and said "Well, I think I know just the right person to take the pictures!"

Andy furrowed his brow and replied "Oh, really? Who might that be?" "My friend, Charles. Charles Winston" she said "He has a little gallery right here in Hampstead and he does wonderful Black and Whites. Care to see his work?" she asked. "Sure!" I replied. "Stop and turn to your right" Polly ordered. We followed her command and found ourselves staring through the window of a small gallery. Black and white portraits of various sizes adorned every wall.

This photographers' work was stunning to look at. His usage of lighting for shadow effects immediately jumped out at me. Andy spotted a large photo in which the female subject was nude. A plain white bed sheet lay draped on and around her. "That's the look right there!" he shouted. "What?! You want him to photograph the two of us nude?" I cried. "Of course! Done very artistic in black and white?! That would be the perfect touch! It should give people a mild shock as well!" he maintained. "Well, I'm shocked!" I commented while thinking it over.

Polly remarked how we never seemed to mind her entering our room while we were in bed together. "I should think you'd be comfortable with it". "Yeah, Why not?" I decided "If it doesn't look right, I'm sure he'll have other ideas. When can we meet him?" I asked. "In about thirty seconds" Polly replied "He's waiting in the Pub with my girlfriends right now". She gestured past the Underground station and around the corner towards Heath Street.

The next block up was the Horse and Groom, a very traditional locals' pub. The three of us entered and found the pub quite crowded for a late Sunday afternoon. Polly informed us this was due to the first warming of Spring. We discovered her friends seated in the far back corner where the small tables are. Her two girlfriends from school days started whispering and giggling as soon as they spotted us. I noticed right away they were staring at my boyfriend. Oh, now don't you start thinking 'Ah, ha! TJ was jealous'. I wasn't! The way the two were acting told me they had heard about Andy scaring the news photographer away, that's all!

Sitting with them was a young man of twenty-seven. The moment I laid eyes on Charles Winston I knew he was gay! Never was there any doubt in my mind. Winston was a good looking individual, perfectly formed and possessing an appearance very much like Ian Fleming's description of 'James Bond'. Tall, dark, ruggedly handsome and exceptionally well groomed, one would think him a 'Ladies Man', unless of course they could sense things like I could. Giving only one look, I new better!

He watched us approaching a little too carefully. I noticed he stared at my crotch. Turning his attention towards Andy, Winston again gazed down directly to Andrew's groin. Extending his hand, Andrew spoke in his slow 'Princely' manner. "Good evening Ladies, Mr. Winston" he intoned "It's a pleasure to meet each of you. May I buy anyone a drink?"

While the girls giggled, Charles replied "Sure. I'm drinking Tennets" Winston then asked "What did you say you're name was?" Andy cocked his head slightly and gazed intently at Charles. Performing one of his sudden personality changes, Andy cried out "I didn't say, did I?" As he spoke his voice took on a slightly demented 'Variety Show' host inflection.

"Sorry, I am Andrew van Ryan. This... is my very good friend Terrence! Of course Terrence prefers to be called 'TJ' and.... I'm assuming that you all know the fabulous Miss Polly!" I half expected to hear applause when he finished.

"Now!" he cried suddenly dropping into a seat "I believe I know which one of you is Charles! That leaves me to guess which one of you two is Tina and which one's Sandy". Suddenly trusting one hand into the air Andy cried "Wait!"

We stared at him. Andrew remained motionless as we waited in anticipation. Snapping out of his frozen stance he spoke in a very mild, calm manner, asking "Yes, yes... Now where was I?" The trio stared stunned and openmouthed as Andrew then remarked "Oh, right! Charles?... Would you take nude photos of TJ and myself?"

I watched Charles as he searched for words to answer with. Before he could, Andy went off again "I saw some works of yours just a few minutes ago. Very fascinating! The way you use lighting for a shadow effect? It's far beyond techniques I've seen used before. Your results are exceptional! Photographic works of art and yet, I imagined them visual storybooks, each possessing its own unique tale... Oh! Can I get you that drink now?"

Everyone was silent. Andy glanced around the table quickly and asked "Was I dominating the conversation again?! Oh, dear! All the more reason to drink! Ladies,..... you're having what?" he asked getting up from the table.

"A pint of special, please...." Tina answered from her trance. "Lager..." Sandy offered in a daze. "Miss Polly?" he inquired while smiling "Oh, let's see" she wondered aloud. "I don't know Andrew. You choose for me!" she said "OK" he grinned "I know what you want, TJ! Oh, and Charles is having a Tennet's. Be back soon!" he chirped and was gone.

Sandy leaned towards Polly and whispered "He's cracked!" She suddenly recalled I was still there and looked at me. "Oh. Sorry!" she apologized. I laughed and replied "Nothing to be sorry about! Andy seems a little strange when you first meet him" I said in a reassuring tone.

The three nodded their heads in a 'knowing' manner. "After that he gets worse!" All three mouths swung open. I sat nodding my head and smugly announced "Oh, yes!"

The jukebox suddenly blared to life and every customer in the pub jumped with a start. Tom Jones wailed "WWWWhat's New Pussycat!" as I raised one eyebrow, gazed at the startled trio and casually remarked "See what I mean?"

'The music is getting louder' I thought to myself. Listening carefully I realized it wasn't the music. It was the singing that was getting louder! One by one the pubs' patrons were all beginning to sing along. I knew Andy must somehow have something to do with it and I thought to myself 'What is my boyfriend up to now?'

By the time the song reached its second chorus EVERY customer was singing along. Anyone who could see to the bar up front was laughing as well. I had to look! "Come on!" I cried. Polly and I rose to our feet and stepped forward. We spotted him instantly.

Andrew stood on the bar rail. This held him perhaps 9 or 10 inches above everyone else. He swayed from side to side, singing at the top of his lungs! In one hand he was holding a pint glass and every time Tom Jones sang 'What's new pussycat?' he would crouch down then thrust upward with the pint glass held high aloft.

Overemphasizing the lyrics he slurred "WWWWWhat's New Pussycat?!" The entire crowd would join with him as each line of the chorus repeated. Waving his arm, he would encourage the crowd to sing along. He'd point at one little group then another and each tried to sing louder than the next.

I was laughing in hysterics! Polly bounced up and down while clapping her hands together. Glancing over my shoulder I saw Pollys girlfriends laughing and whispering. They kept peeking around to glimpse the spectacle Andrew was making. I didn't see Charles. I worried Andys' behavior had put him off. Until I turned around, that is! Charles had quietly slipped past me and was standing almost into the main room laughing at Andrews comical performance.

At the top of his lungs Andrew sang "Pussycat, Pussycat! I love you! Yes, I do! You and your Pussycat Lips!" At the finale the entire pub sang "You... and your... Pussycat........... ...Nose!..."

The pub exploded with cheers, laughter and applause. Andy took several bows, blowing kisses and shouting "Thank you! Thank you!" It appeared Andrew was directing this mostly towards two middle aged women seated beside him. As the laughter and clapping began dying out, Andy leaned down and spoke to the pair. Then gathering up our pints, he headed our way.

Charles returned to the table as I sat down. "What drug is he on?!" Winston asked still wheezing from laughter. "Are you kidding?" I scoffed "Andy IS a drug!" He sat down just as Andy arrived carrying the pints. Handing each to its waiting recipient, Andy seemed oblivious to us staring at him.

"Andy?" I gently asked "What was that all about?" He gazed at me with no expression. Then it registered on his face. "Oh! The song!" he replied "Some lady up at the bar asked if I was a musician. I replied 'yes' and her friend said 'Your not as good as Tom Jones, I'll wager!'. So I took her up on the wager. I bet her I could get everyone in the pub to sing What's New Pussycat"

"What did you wager for?" Polly asked. "If I won, she had to buy all our pints" Andy replied. Tina and Sandy screamed with laughter. "You're joking!" Tina shouted. "No" Andy calmly replied shaking his head. "See! I told you he's brilliant!" Polly exclaimed. Winston laughed and shook his head.

"So you'd like me to do a photo shoot would you?" Winston asked him. "Nude" Andrew replied bluntly. "Right! Nude" Winston snickered "OK, Andrew. I'll do the shoot for you".

The rest of the evening Tina and Sandy were entertained by Andrew as I chatted with Winston. Eventually our conversation turned towards the photos. "Polly says these photos are for publication. May I ask the name of the Magazine?" he questioned. "I don't know that just yet" I replied "Perhaps you could recommend one to suit our purposes". "What might those be?" he quizzed.

I realized the Horse and Groom was not the best place to discuss our ideas, so I asked "Would you like to pop over to the house and discuss it? It's less than two minutes walk away" I suggested. "Sure, why not!" Charles agreed.

We finished our pints and excused ourselves. "Oh, Andy! Do you really have to leave?" Sandy pouted, sharply contrasting the way she had questioned his mental state earlier. "Sorry, girls! I've got matters that require my presence elsewhere!" he announced "We'll pick this up at a later date!" The two girls dreamily intoned "Bye, Andy!" perfectly in sync with one another. Polly decided to remain behind with her girlfriends. Tina and Sandy had become entranced with Andrew and I think she wanted to gossip about him! She stood and kissed Andy on both cheeks "I'll see you at breakfast!" she said. "Thank you, Miss Polly" he replied holding her two hands in his. "I'll see you then. Good night, dear".

Charles made small talk with us during the short walk home, but I sensed he wanted to ask something. We entered using the front door instead of entering through the tunnel and lift. The fewer who knew of our tunnel, the better I felt. I swung the front door open into the fully lit grand room and Winston gasped loudly. "Oh, my God!" he exhaled. "What?" I asked. "What's wrong?" Andy exclaimed, examining the room. "What is it?" I said asking again. I turned back around to find Winston standing frozen in the doorway. His mouth hung open. "It's beautiful......." he declared softly. "Oh, I thought you meant something was wrong!" I said slumping my shoulders. "You had us scared for a moment there, Winston" Andy sighed "I imagined a break in or something!" Andy continued walking toward the staircase. He stopped on the first step and called over his shoulder "Are you coming up then?"

Winston snapped back to reality. He stuttered "Uh.hh.hhh.. Yeah.. Yes. Yes I am". Ascending to the second floor we made our way into the elegantly furnished living room. Andy and I fell into the big puffy Italian sofa. Charles sat across from us on the matching creme coloured love seat.

"So... Why do you want me to shoot the two of you nude?" he asked. 'Straight to the point' I thought. "I'll let Andy do the talking" I answered and nodded at him. "I'll tell it to you straight out, Charles" Andy began "TJ is incredibly wealthy, yet he has remained unknown and unseen to the world at large up until now. Unfortunately, he has attracted the attention of the media and now the press have begun ambushing us to get photographs of him"

Andy leaned forward. Gazing intently he announced "TJ and I are a homosexual couple, Winston. Once the press find out they will dog every move we make hoping for a suggestive or compromising picture. Therefore, we came up with a plan. We want a real professional to photograph us together. Then we'll release the ones we approve of to a quality magazine and grant them an exclusive interview as well".

Charles Winston unashamedly shouted "Yes! I'll do it!" Excitedly spilling out his words, he continued on saying "I know the right magazine for it as well. Their Assistant Editor in Chief is my boy...". Winston halted in mid word as he realized what he was saying. "Your boyfriend, yes please go on" Andy nodded, never batting an eyelash.

"Yeah... Well anyway, his magazine has been looking to do a cover feature on a gay couple" Winston resumed "If they could get a young, extremely wealthy, good looking couple like you two, photographed by an established visual artist and interviewed by a respected, well known reporter? Now that's 'story of the year' material!"

"All right. Let me ask you something" Andy said "I saw one of your photographs as we passed the gallery today. It's of a woman wrapped in a plain bed sheet. You know the one I'm referring to?" Charles nodded so Andy continued "The look and 'feel' of that photo is what I envision us attempting. Is it possible for us to achieve something like that?"

Winston paused, considered it and then replied "Possibly. Lighting plays a heavy part, as does the physical structure of the subjects' body. What do the two of you look like naked?" he asked.

Without any warning, Andy stood and began removing his clothes. I was shocked and was about to say something when he frowned at me and commanded "Take your clothes off, TJ!" For reasons that I still don't fully understand, I soon found myself standing next to Andy wearing only my boxers. Andy cajoled "Well, come on! Get on with it!" Putting his thumbs into his waistband and giving one quick movement he dropped his to the floor. I mirrored his actions.

We began to intertwine ourselves on the huge sofa. Winston paced the room studying his two subjects from a myriad of angles. He would turn lights on and off and move the position of the lamps. He even turned them all out and opened the curtains to study the moonlights smooth reflection off our naked skin. After a good twenty minutes, Charles announced "I can do even better than the other photo Andy. Have you a location in mind?"

"Our bedroom, of course" Andy dryly replied. "Mind if I see it?" he asked. "Lets go up!" I suggested. Andrew took my hand and we walked ahead of Charles. Andy and I were softly exchanging some thoughts as we climbed the staircase, both naked, hand in hand and happy! Winston was watching us from behind and he suddenly called for us to stop. "I'll do a few shots where you are right now, walking up these stairs together" he suggested before we continued on.

On reaching our room, the two of us climbed into bed and began pulling at the covers 'till we extracted the top sheet. After we tried a few poses for Charles he announced "I've got some good ideas to work with now. Do you know when you want to do the shoot?"

Without hesitating Andy answered "Load in and set up on Thursday, Friday and Saturday do the shoot, Strike and load out Sunday". "This week?!" he startled. "This week" Andy clarified. "Oh, OK. Come by the gallery tomorrow. Two o'clock?" he asked. "Fine with me!" I answered. "Two it is" Andrew agreed.

We slipped on our robes and descended the stairs to show Winston out. As we crossed the Grand Room his head swiveled to take it all in. "This really is beautiful...." he mumbled and appeared lost in his thoughts. Bidding him goodnight we shut out the lights and started back to our bedroom.

"Andy, why did you strip in front of him so willingly?" I asked. "Don't you know?" he quizzed. "That Winston's a horny old thing" Andy explained "He was dying to see the two of us naked. Had a hard-on the entire time! He's running home right now to tell his boyfriend all about our little 'show'. Tomorrow he'll announce his boyfriend wants to meet with us. I'm betting the cover story is ours already, TJ". I giggled then admonished him "Why you little weasel".

He slapped me hard on across my butt and cried out "HA! My weasel's bigger than yours is!"

Andy ran down the hall to our bedroom. "Now you're going to get it!" I shouted running after him....


Dear Friends -

Andy and I shall be out of town for a few days. Upon our return next week "Anything to Turn You On...." will resume. I'll be telling you of Andrews' big success and the scare he gave me, both which occurred on his nineteenth Birthday. Oh, and you'll soon find out why it's titled "Anything to Turn You On...."

Until next week, Much love to all,

TJ and Andrew

Next: Chapter 16

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