Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Jul 28, 2000


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The author reserves all rights. Copyright 2000. This is a true story. The names of some individuals and some places have been changed for reasons of privacy.

The Author is Terrence 'TJ' Julian with additional input from Andrew van Ryan.

Thanks to all who have e-mailed us. Andy and I enjoy hearing from you! We hope continue reading our story.

Love to all,

TJ and Andrew

Anything to Turn You On....

Part XIV

by Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved.

We talked and drank with Paul and Tony until it was very late. I finally suggested to Anita we should call it a night. Turning to Paul I said "If you ever feel like dropping by for a visit, please do. That goes for you as well, Tony". His eyes showed he was very keen on this idea. "Sure, if you don't mind" he remarked. "Not at all" I replied "Just have Polly show you in, OK?" I stated.

We said our good byes and headed for the exit. Anita requested the clubs doorman check the sidewalk for anyone with a camera while Alex brought the car around. Once safely inside the car I expressed my thoughts to Anita.

"Andy's idea about having photos taken and doing an interview may be the right thing to do. I'm going to call Mother tomorrow evening and asked her". I turned to speak with Andy "By the way, your Mother had me promise I'd make sure you called. Why don't you ring her tomorrow as well?" He agreed, adding "I want to know if she read that newspaper story and figured out who you are, TJ".

"Did you know Paul and Tony are sexually involved, Anita?" Andy asked. She looked over and replied "It would seem they are, but what makes you so sure, Andrew?" Raising his eyebrows he informed her "Tony was rubbing Pauls crotch under the table as we were talking".

"Very observant of you, Andrew" I remarked. "Not really" he said "I think Tony wanted me to notice".

"He dated both girls and boys while he was working for me" Anita recalled "So it doesn't suprise me. He's a very hard working individual and he's quite well off nowadays". "Do record producers make a lot of money?" I asked. "Yes, they certainly can!" Anita replied "Tony informed me several months ago he's now worth over four million pounds. He might make a good friend for you and Andrew, TJ. He has his own wealth so he wouldn't be sucking up to the two of you for handouts".

After returning us to the house, Alex drove Anita home. Laughing and talking loudly we made our boisterous way upstairs. Once inside our bedroom Andy became very serious. "I'm going to really work at writing songs with Steven" he announced "That way I can contribute something financially to our relationship". I smiled and said "Andy, you really don't have to. It's not necessary, but go ahead if it makes you feel better. If nothing else, it will be fun!"

Lying in bed we discussed the people we had met so far. We hadn't been talking very long when I noticed I was the only one doing any! I failed to notice when Andy closed his eyes and drifted away.

I wearily curled up, placing my head against his chest. Andy let out a soft little sigh in his sleep and I whispered to him in the moonlight "Good night, sweet love."

The following morning was Sunday. Andy and I were awakened by the sounds of church bells ringing. Stirred by the beautiful sounds they made echoing through the streets Andy shouted "Oh, they're ringing for Saint Terrence!"

"Kiss me, you sweet boy!" I begged. Andrew responded by kissing every inch of my body. Starting at my forehead he worked his way down to the bottoms of my feet. Proceeding upwards again he reached my pulsing tower. Lifting his lips to the very tip he kissed then lapped at it with his tongue. Having him touch me like that sent shivers up and down my spine.

Without warning he opened his mouth. Andy took in the length of my hard cock and his lips closed around it. "Oh!....." I shuddered in surprise. He slowly lifted his head to where just the tip of my penis was still held between his warm lips. As he slowly slid down the length of it I groaned.

"Oh, yeah Andy!" I sighed "that feels so good!" He picked up the pace slightly and I felt his hand slide between my legs. The tip of one finger touched my tight little hole and I trembled.

"Oh, yeah!" I softly cried as his finger began pushing against my opening. He stopped for a moment, wetting his finger with his tongue. Picking up where he left off, his finger pushed its way into me. I gasped slightly. He paused, so I offered "Go on". He pushed slowly until the finger was fully inside. He reached and touched something inside that sent a jolt through my tensed body.

Now Andy began sucking me hard and fast. I was pulled into his mouth by the vacuum his mouth created, then pulled out as far as possible without him releasing me. He kept picking up speed. Each time he drove his lips down my shaft his finger lightly brushed my insides. I immediately felt the rising pressure of an orgasm beginning deep within. Andy was working on me hard and fast now.

"Oh, Andy! You're making me cum!" I cried. The heels of my feet were stinging with needles and pins as the approaching cum shot gripped me. Up the archilles tendons the impulses raced as my young body arched, shoving my swollen cock deep into Andys throat. Andy stroked the spot within my boy hole and my balls contracted. It felt like they were squeezing out every last drop of their milky juice.

"Ahh!! Fuck!" I shouted as the orgasm shook me from head to toe. My cock exploded like a cannon, firing the first volley of cum into his hungry mouth. He sucked for every drop of it as my body shook in deep rhythmic spasms. "Oh, Oh, Oh!!" I shouted. The powerful sensations jerked me about wildly. Andy touched me inside once again. I expected to see a flood from the cum shot that resulted.

He continued stroking inside me. I fired a seemingly endless stream of white hot love. My boy juice emptied out and I fired my last.

Falling from my arched position I gasped 'Oh, Shit! Stop, Stop!" I grasped Andys head with my hands and pulled up. He let my spent rod slide from his mouth and smiled. Arching over me he studied my face. My sweet Andrew whispered "Did that feel good?"

"I thought I was going to turn inside out!" I replied between gasps for air. "That's the idea!" he grinned. We lay in our bed a long time, kissing softly and declaring our love.

When it came time to eat, Andy requested breakfast be brought up to our room. Miss Polly soon delivered it. As we ate she sat in the chair and chatted with us. I was still feeling worn out. Our recent trip, combined with the day long shopping spree in Chelsea, the two nights out drinking and our late return last night, left me sluggish and drained.

"Andy?" I asked "Do we need to go anywhere or can we just stay in bed today?" Andrew questioned me. "That depends. Is there something we really need to get done, or is a day of rest needed more?" Pouting my lower lip I begged "Rest, Please!" He grinned said "It's settled. Polly are you going anywhere today?" She thought for a moment and replied "Only to the Pub this afternoon"

"Meeting Paul at the Flask?" I asked her. "No, today I'm seeing my girlfriends from school" she replied "We're meeting at the Horse and Groom instead of the Flask. You can come along if you'd like. Tina and Sandy would really love to meet the two of you!"

Andy stared waiting for my approval. I asked at what time she was going. Polly stated she was meeting her friends at 5:00 PM. "Can we go?" he begged. I nodded my approval.

"OK, we'll tag along! Until 5:00 PM you take the day off" Andy instructed "I'm sure you need it as much as we do".

"Actually I'm not tired at all" Polly huffed and grinned at him "Of course the two of you have been working much harder than I have".

Her remark went right over Andy's head or perhaps he didn't hear it at all. I laughed and replied "Oh yes, we've been working steadily ever since we arrived!" Andy wrinkled up his nose. "Working?" he blurted "We haven't been working".

I giggled and said "I would have to agree. It's not like work at all". Polly responded with a deep mischievous laugh. He glanced at her then over at me before it struck him. "TJ! Polly!" Andy scolded "You two stop being naughty!"

"WHO are the naughty ones?" Polly teased. "Oh, you're just jealous!" he whined. "Of course I am!" she replied "If I had sex as often as the two of you do, I'd be a happily satisfied woman!"

Andy and I howled at her comment. "Well, it's true!" Polly protested loudly "I'd never have anything to complain about!" Andy teased her saying "But Polly! You're not a homosexual! How can you be sure you wouldn't complain about it?" She narrowed her eyes and snorted at him "You KNOW what I mean, Andrew!"

After cleared away the breakfast trays Polly reminded us to be ready at 5:00 PM. "I'm going out to Hyde Park today" she stated "I love listening to the loonies at Speakers Corner". "What loonies where?" I quizzed. "Speakers Corner" she replied "By a Royal declaration anyone can speak to the public each Sunday in Hyde Park. They can speak on any subject including ones critical of the Monarchy or the government and not fear arrest. You can never tell what subject a loonie might lecture the public about. There was a man last week that claimed he was God! Said he could prove it too".

I looked towards Andy just as he turned to me. Our mouths dropped open and we stared blankly at one another. "Let's stay in bed!" we cried at the same time causing Polly to laugh. "Guess I'm going alone. Oh well, See you two at five!"

We spent the entire morning lying in bed. Andy drifted off to sleep a couple times as did I. However, we slept at opposite times of each other. During my catnaps Andy would read a book from the downstairs library. I read the Sunday newspaper while he napped. As I turned to page four I noticed a small article. The story heading announced "London now home to Boy Billionaire". "Oh, Crap!" I shouted. Andy stirred from his sleep and mumbled "Huh? What is it, TJ?"

"Look!" I snapped and thrust the paper towards him. He examined the short article and then laid his head over in my lap. "They're going to find out soon" he sighed "Have you given anymore thought to having our pictures taken?" he asked. "Yes, I have and I've decided it's a good idea" I replied "Having the photos taken allows us to control the situation rather than giving it away to chance. Or even worse, leaving it to the imagination of the British Press! If I see one more newspaper refer to me as the 'Boy Billionaire' I'll puke!"

"At least they're not calling you the Rich Fagboy from Italy" Andy observed. "Give 'em a week and they will" I muttered "I'm calling Mother this evening and telling her our plan. I hope she approves it"................


Next: Chapter 15

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