Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Jul 26, 2000


To all Readers. All Legal Disclaimers apply here. If it is illegal where you live to read such material or if you are not yet of the minimum legal age requiered to read this Please leave now! This story deals with the relationship between two homosexual teens. If you are offended by two people in love, you should ask yourself why. Should you feel this subject still offends you, simply DON'T read it! The decision is yours to make and we trust you will do what is right for you.

The Author Reserves All Rights. Copyright 2000. Do not copy this story without the Authors Express written permission.

This is a true story, most of it taking place during 1972. Some individuals names have been changed and the Names of Some Places have been changed for reasons of Privacy.

The Author is Terrence 'TJ' Julian with additional input from Andrew van Ryan.

Thanking all of you who have e-mailed us! We enjoy your comments.

Wishing love for you all,

TJ and Andy

Anything to Turn You On....


By Terrence "TJ" Julian

Copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved

Later on we showered together and chatted about the recent changes in our life. Andy commented how it seemed unfair homosexual couples couldn't be married.

He summed it up as he sighed and remarked "If there was a way, I'd commit my life to you in a second". "Oh, Andy. I wish it was possible, too. You already know I want to spend my life with you. A ceremony to tell the world of our love would make it all complete" I dreamily spoke. "Perhaps someday things will be different" he sighed.

"TJ, where are we going tonight?" he asked while scrubbing my back "I'm not sure, Andy. To dinner then to a couple of private clubs, I guess" I answered. "I'm not sure we're going to fit in" Andy remarked "I can't imagine what these clubs will be like, either". I giggled a bit and replied "Anita thinks it's really important for us to go. Maybe it will be fun. Who knows!".

I washed Andy's hair for him as he held his hands over his eyes. "Oh, I love your hair!" I giggled as I ran my fingers through the wet soapy mane. "Well of course you do" he droned in that wonderful Princely voice of his. I rinsed the shampoo out and he shook the water from his hair. Andy looked me over while he wiped the long wet locks from his face. I noticed he was eyeing my tight bubble butt. "See something you like?" I asked. "Yeah, turn around!" he instructed. I turned to face the shower wall and bent slightly forward. "Wanna lick it?" I teased. "Yeah, I think I do!" he responded "Maybe even fuck it!" "Oh, yeah!" I sighed "I'd like that!"

Andy quickly knelt behind me and grabbed my hips. I gasped as he suddenly thrust his tongue into my boy hole. "Oh, fuck Andy! I love it when you do such naughty things to me!" He responded using his tongue to fuck my asshole. "Oh, yes! I love the way that feels" I sighed. My hand found its way to my rising love rocket. I began stroking my cock while feeling the pleasure Andy was providing. He suddenly stopped and stood up. Quickly he positioned himself behind me. Aiming for my wet pink ring he drove his shaft into me with one slow smooth motion.

"Oh, yeah!!" I gasped as he impaled me with his rigid boy flesh. "Am I hurting you?" he asked softly. "No, keep going" I answered. He began thrusting into me then pulling out to where only the very tip remained held inside. He thrust a bit harder each time and it felt wonderful. My tight outlet felt like a sheath being filled by Andys sword. I bent over slightly more allowing him to plunge his entire length into me and he began thrusting it in all the way up to the hilt. He began to quickly pick up speed as I cried "Fuck me Andrew. Fuck my hole as hard as you can! Let me feel you fill it with your cum".

"Oh, Yeah!" he suddenly gasped and began hammering my ass. His hips smacked against me and made a loud slapping sound. My hand gripped my joy handle and I flogged it as hard as I could. "I'm gonna cum soon! I want you to watch me as I cum!" I shuddered as I said it. No more that ten second later my orgasm gripped the backs of my young legs and vaulted upward 'Watch me cum! I'm cumming now!" I cried out. Andy rammed his throbbing cock deep into me. I felt his hot wad splash the walls of my inner cavity. The suddenly thrust from him fired my cum shot with more force than ever before. The first stream splattered the wall as I groaned. Andrews hand reached from behind and caught the second, third and the fourth stream as I felt him fire into me. Holding his hand to my mouth I lapped at it with my tongue "Oh, I love it!" he whispered in my ear. "How do you taste?" he asked me. "Like sweet love" I replied. He lifted his hand to his lips and licked at the remaining cum. Giving one final deep thrust into me he spent his load.

Andy wrapped both of his arms around and held me tightly against him. As the water sprayed over us he kissed my neck and said "I'm in heaven, TJ!". He slid out of me and I turned to face him. He was expecting me to speak, but I said nothing. Instead I pulled him to me and held him in an embrace that lasted for minutes. When our lips finally parted, I whispered to him "Seventh Heaven".

After we got dressed, Andy called Polly on the red phone. "Can you meet us in the living room?" He asked "How soon?" Polly replied. "As soon as possible" he stated. We made our way downstairs to find Polly coming up them. "Oh Polly, I forgot to ask you to take the film in the camera to be developed. I'll pay for it, so don't worry about the cost" Andy told her. The three of us sat in the living room talking and chatting on again about the Man in the Mini. "I'm dying to see the pictures" I restated. "I'll take them in first thing Monday morning" Polly promised.

Anita came 'round to collect us right at eight. We left via the tunnel and met Alex who showed us to the new Jaguar Vanden Plas. "Oh, Andy you're right!" I exclaimed "It IS a beautiful car!" "Yes, and it won't draw too much attention, either" Anita agreed. Alex said it would make things easier for him. The Jaguar had no dividing window as did the Rollie. "I don't have to pick up the intercom link in this car" he said "If you have a change of plans you can just say so". The three of us sat in back with Anita in-between again. This we soon discovered was her favorite way of traveling with us. It allowed Anita to talk to the two of us or to fuss over one or the other.

Alex drove down into Central London and past Hyde Park. We motored past Harrods's, the massive department store and soon after arrived at the restaurant. It was a very comfortable place that catered to the well to do. Anita gave the name "Mr. Julian" when we entered and I could swear everyone in the place spun around to stare. "Anita, why is everyone looking at us?" I whispered. "This was your Fathers favorite place to dine, TJ. Your name has great sway here". "I see" I replied as we were being shown to our table.

"This was your Fathers table, Mr. Julian" the Manager said. "It will now be yours". I thanked him as he handed us menus. Anita ordered drinks for us all. I noticed Andy puzzling over the menu. "Something wrong?" I asked. "I did miserably in French class" he said. "Probably not as bad as you think" I replied "Your trying to read Italian!"

"In that case, I don't feel so bad" he grinned "Just order me what you have TJ". I ordered for all of us when the waiter came. Anita had suggested a wine to have with dinner so I had the steward bring that as well.

The meal was very enjoyable and we chatted to Anita regarding how Andy and I felt being in England. She asked if we'd given any more thought to making our permanent home here. Andy thought there was no reason to live anywhere else unless one of the other homes was more to our liking "I can't imagine they would be" he suggested "Everyone at the house seems to like us and we like them. Except we've yet to meet the maid" he noted. "Oh, Anne is your maid and the cook as well" Anita informed us. "She is?! Oh, that makes it easier" I replied. "I thought there was another person yet to meet. We like Anne".

Andy said "I think we'll say yes to making our home here, Anita. Do you agree TJ?" "Yes, I'm happy here" I replied "So, for the time being Hampstead Heath will be Home".

After finishing our meal, the wine and dessert, Anita requested our car be brought around to the street out front. When informed our car was waiting at the curb we exited. "Don't we have to pay?" Andy whispered. "You have a monthly tab here" Anita explained. Alex stood holding the car door for us and I headed straight towards him. I was almost to the car when I heard a voice shout "Excuse me!" A flash stunned my eyes as I turned to look.

"Damn it!" Anita cried as the photographer ran away. "Well, it was bound to happen" she snapped "Come on, let's be going". "I guess we'll be in the papers now" Andy sighed. "Won't be too much longer and they'll begin to wonder who you are" I remarked. "Yes! Then the chase will really begin" Anita commented "They'll all want to be the first newspaper to publish a picture of you two in a compromising pose".

Andy sat deliberating as we pulled away from the curb. "Unless we decide who we want publishing the first picture of us together" he remarked. "What do you mean, Andrew?" Anita asked. "Simply put, the press will eventually find out about our relationship. When they do, they're going to put photographers on our tail until they get a photo of us in a suggestive or compromising pose. Now to avoid all that, we hire a professional photographer and have him take posed photos of us together. Then we release them to whom ever we decide. Perhaps with an interview to go with the pictures as well". Anita returned "That might be worth looking into, Andrew. What do you think TJ?" I thought it over for a minute or two and then replied "Andy has a point. We won't have every tell-all rag hunting us down If we announce we're a couple and release photos to a well-respected publication. Only I don't want to do anything until I OK it with Mother. I wouldn't want it to embarrass her".

"Point well taken, TJ" Andy noted. Anita agreed saying "If your Mother gives you her blessing, I'll approach the better magazines. We'll do our best to keep out of the newspapers until then, OK? That means you boys must be very careful when in public". We agreed to resist inferring any relationship between us while out on the town.

Alex drove on through London to the West End. The club was located mid-block between two of the largest theaters in the area. When Anita gave the doorman my name he jumped to attention "Yes, Mr. Julian! Right this way". We were escorted into a large discotheque bathed in swirling colored lights. The dance floor was surrounded by huge leather booths on three sides. A solid walnut bar took up the remaining edge. We were shown to a plush booth in the farthest corner. From there we could view the entire club and dance floor. The Music was played at such high volume it impacted against my body. Andy loved it!

We had no more than sat down when I heard a voice calling out "Anita darling! How are you?!" A young man in his early twenties stepped up to our booth and Anita shouted back. "Steven, dear! Good to see you! TJ, Andrew. This is Steven Ward. He's one of Londons most successful young songwriters. Steven, this is Terrence Julian and his friend Andrew van Ryan". Steven thrust out his hand to me and as I shook it he said "Cheers, mate! Anita tells me you're thinking about living here in London". "Yes, I believe we are going to do just that" I answered. Steven then turned to shake hands with Andy and said "I'm sure you'll love it here" Andrew shouted to him "Care to join us?" Steven eyed Anita who nodded her head. "Thanks! Don't mind if I do!" he said and sat next to Anita. "So, what are the two of you doing in London?" he asked. "We're here viewing properties owned by the company Anita works for" I answered. "Oh, into real estate?" he inquired. "In a way" I replied.

"Tell me Steven, how does one become a songwriter?" Andy queried. "It's simple really. I started by writing songs with a partner and he had the contacts to sell them. I now have a publishing company of my own" Steven related "I've been writing by myself ever since my partner went to the States. I really miss having someone to work with". Andys eyebrows went up and he inquired "What did your partner do?"

"He wrote the music while I wrote the lyrics" Steven answered. "Well, come by the house" Andy announced "I write music but no lyrics!" "Really?" Steven asked "Do you have a piano?" "TJ does" Andy answered. Turning to face me he asked "Would it be all right?" "Sure! I love hearing you play!" I smiled. "Great! How about I come round on Monday afternoon?" Steven posed. "Fine with me" I declared. "Then it's a date" Andy affirmed. Steven sat chatting about music and such with us for over an hour before excusing himself. "I've got to get going home now. I'll see you on Monday right?" "About half one?" Andy suggested. "Right! See you then!" Steven answered. Steven had no more than left when I heard a heavily accented voice shouting "Anita! Darling how are you!". I looked up just in time to behold an immense woman stumbling towards our booth. She stepped closer and I thought to myself "Oh, God NO!" The woman was a bejeweled Zsa Zsa Gabor look alike and she was stumbling drunk. Following along behind were what appeared to be two young bodyguards. Totally uninvited, she hoisted herself into our booth right alongside Andrew. Her bodyguards sat in the empty booth behind ours and sternly surveyed the crowded dance floor.

"Anita! You've been holding out on me! Who are these beautiful young men?" the middle aged woman exclaimed loudly in what I ascertained to be a Germanic accent. "Boys, this is the Duchess of Orramand. Duchess, this is Terrence, Allessandro Julian's son. This is his friend Andrew van Ryan" Her eyes widened as she gazed towards my boyfriend. I thought to myself 'Oh, NO! She's going to make a pass at him!'

The Duchess turned back towards Anita, exclaiming "What handsome young gentlemen! Are they attached?" Before Anita could answer, Andrew blurted out "Why yes! As a matter of fact, we're engaged!" The Duchess appeared disappointed and she remarked "Ja? That is too bad. I was thinking perhaps of inviting you home with me". Andrew smiled that half smile of his and responded "Well, if the two of us weren't engaged I'm sure we'd have taken you up on that offer". I glanced over at Anita, who was obviously biting the inside of her lip and trying not to laugh.

"Could we buy you a drink, perhaps?" Andy asked. "Oh well, I've really had too much all ready" she responded in her thick teutonic accent. "I really must be going now. Perhaps I can get that drink from you in the future?" she quizzed. "Consider it a standing offer" Andrew declared using his very best voice. Excusing herself the Duchess stumbled away in search of other unattached young men in the club. With the bodyguards to either side she appeared like a huge barge guided by tugboats as she weaved her way across the dance floor.

Anita finally let out her laughter. "Oh, Andrew!" she exclaimed "You handled that quite well! The Duchess is well known for her sexual encounters with young men and she seemed to have her eyes set on you!" "I noticed it too and it scared the hell out of me" he replied flatly "Hope she forgets about that drink I offered". "Don't worry! She won't be back!" Anita asserted "She's as pissed as a rat" "Pissed as a rat?!" I blurted "What does that mean?!"

"I believe the term used in America is drunk as a skunk" a voice called from over my shoulder. Turning around I viewed a young man I recognized. "Paul!" Andrew exclaimed "Good to see you!". It was Pollys friend we'd met at the Flask. "What brings you here?" I asked. "I'm with my friend, Tony" he replied. I noticed a dark haired dark eyed young man of about twenty-two who was wandering towards us.

"Who's your friends, Paul?" the young man asked. "This is TJ and Andy" he replied "They're friends of Pollys" Turning towards Anita Paul said "I'm afraid we haven't met". "This is Anita" I replied "She's a very close friend of ours". "Hello, Paul" she said and then turned towards Tony

"Hello, Tony! How have you been?" she asked. "Great, Anita! I'm busy as can be these days! Lots of new bands I'm working with. How's things with you?" At this point Andrew interrupted saying "The two of you know each other, Am I right?".

"Oh, yes!" Anita replied "Tony worked for me until his music career took off, didn't you Tony?" Tony smiled and replied "Sure did!" I spoke up inviting Paul and Tony to join us. They cheerfully accepted my offer right away. Sliding into the booth along side Anita Tony continued speaking "I didn't catch your name. What was it again?" "TJ" I replied. A blank stare crossed Tony's face then his eyes went wide. "Terrence?" he uttered. "That's right, but everyone calls me TJ" I responded. Tony knew exactly who I was and said "Oh yes, I recall hearing about you when I worked for Anita".

"So Tony, what do you do in the music business?" Andy suddenly inquired. Tony looked to Andy and paused a moment. "I'm a record producer!" he exclaimed. He seemed unnerved by my presence. "Oh, really?" Andy replied "I take it you're a successful one?" Tony attempted to regain a bit of his composure and replied "Quite successful, actually. I've had three number one acts in a row now. Times are good for the 'Glitter Rock' scene". Paul sat glancing back and forth between Andy and myself. I watched him while his mind visibly raced with a thousand questions.

He caught me staring so he remarked "Something tells me that you're more than just friends of Pollys". I smiled and asked "How good are you at keeping secrets?" Tony chimed in "If you tell Paul, it won't go any further. I give my word on that!" I looked at Anita. She smiled and nodded.

"Andy and I employ Polly and her Family" I told him. "Oh...!" Paul nodded. "I know who you are and why all the hush-hush then. You need not worry about me!" he stated "What I do best is keep secrets. It's required by my job at the bank".

Anita had mentioned some of the people who lived in Hampstead. I figured Paul must deal with the accounts of some rather famous and wealthy individuals. "Good" I replied "In reality, we're still just the two guys you met at the pub last night. We really like being a part of the crowd". "That's the good thing about living in Hampstead" Paul replied "A great number of the people there are well to do or famous. Remember Richard at the pub?" Paul asked in reference to a man Polly introduced us to. "Yeah, sure" I replied. "He's an Actor. Has a series on BBC 1. You'll see him on the telly every week, no doubt. Still likes his two and a half pints every evening" Paul disclosed. "I can tell you about him. Some of the others you met I can't" he winked.

Andy turned to Tony and asked "I'm curious. What did you mean by Glitter Rock?" Tony grinned and said "Where have you been living?" "In the States" Andy replied. "Ah, well then, that explains that!" Tony remarked "Glitter is the current rage in the UK. Bands like T Rex, David Bowie and Slade are what's selling records these days" he explained "See, here in England the music scene is very 'trend' oriented. There are fashions that go along with the trends and so Music and Clothes go hand in hand. See those geezers at the bar?" Tony said pointing at three people standing against the far end of the bar "They're into the Glitter scene"

Andy and I turned to view the trio. They were decked out in satin pants, glittered stretch t-shirts and platform shoes. All three had haircuts that reminded me of the 'Haystack' cut sported by Faces singer Rod Stewart, except two of them had brightly colored dye jobs. "That's different!" Andy remarked. "Yeah and things are only getting wilder now that Bowie revealed to the press he's bi-sexual. That's the new thing, trend wise" he stated. "What is?" Andy asked. "Telling the world about your sexuality" Tony replied. "Really?" Andy quizzed. "And how is the public reacting to that?" Tony replied "Since it's the current trend, only the old and boring are sounding off about it. Everyone else thinks its cool!"

"So it's become a fashion to announce your sexual preferences to the public?" I quizzed while looking in Anita's direction. "I guess that's one more barrier Rock is going to knock down"............

...................... Continued

Next: Chapter 14

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