Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Jul 24, 2000


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The author reserves all rights. Copyright 2000. This is a true story. The names of some individuals and some places have been changed for reasons of privacy.

The Author is Terrence 'TJ' Julian with additional input from Andrew van Ryan.

Thanks to all who have e-mailed us. Andy and I enjoy hearing from you! We hope continue reading our story.

Love to all, TJ and Andrew

Anything to Turn You On....

Part XII

By Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved.

We spent the rest of the afternoon contemplating what items we wanted for the house. Topping the list were a television and stereo since there were none anywhere in the house. Andy suggested buying one of each for the living room and the bedroom. I agreed to the stereo, but vetoed a television in the bedroom. "We can entertain ourselves in other ways" I said grinning.

Miss Polly showed us the basement offices and vault. All in all there were five 'offices' (really just large empty rooms) and the vault which was huge. It was a walk-in affair and had ample room to hold any artworks we might acquire. The thick steel doors and the combination lock mechanism looked as if they could stand up to any break in attempt. I directed Polly to pick an office for herself. Andy chose one and I another. "The two remaining we'll hold open for the bodyguard to use" I asserted.

"Can I get a drum set and start practicing in there?" Andy inquired. "Only if the office is sound proofed" I chuckled. "Do you play?" asked Polly. "Oh, yes!" Andy exclaimed "Since I was a little boy. I was in a band back in California". "I want to hear you!" Polly said "Anita told me you play the piano brilliantly". "She was being kind!" he replied blushing. "Look!" she exclaimed "He's blushing! I didn't know Andy got embarrassed!" she teased. "Of course I do!" he protested "After all, I am human!"

I had Polly make a note we needed furniture for all the offices. "Keep the list as we add to it. On Monday you can give it to Anita" I told her. When Andy walked out of hearing range Polly whispered "What are you getting Andy for his birthday?" "I'm not sure what his Highness wants" I replied. Polly started laughing and said "His HIGHNESS?" "Andy is the Prince of Main Street you know" I scolded her. "The what?" she questioned. "The Prince of Main Street" I replied "That's what they call him back in California" I stated smugly. "Oh, well then. I'll make a note to have Anita buy him a title!" Polly giggled. "That would be a fitting present!" I said snickering along with her.

"What's going on in there?" Andy called to us "TJ! Are you chatting up Miss Polly?!" he asked, entering the room. Polly and I looked at him poker faced. "Hmmmm..." he muttered "I smell a conspiracy brewing! It had better involve my birthday!"

"I'll never tell!" Polly said straight faced. "Hmmmm" he muttered while eyeing me up. "We'll see" he noted and giggled. Leaning over he gave me a quick peck on the lips. "All I need for my birthday is you!" he smiled. "Polly. Make a note. Have me gift wrapped!" I stated. "Yes, TJ!" she giggled. I noticed her eyeing us and thought perhaps we'd made her uncomfortable. "Sorry if we're making you feel awkward" I apologized. "Oh, No!" she exclaimed "I was thinking how dear you are to each other". "Why thank you, Polly!" Andrew said "If our behavior every bothers you, please say so". "Oh, I will" she replied. Andy gazed at her thoughtfully and remarked "Yes, I believe you would!"

As we were making our way up the stairs from the basement we heard Pollys Father calling for her. "Here Daddy!" she shouted. Alex, Polly's Dad, rounded the top of the stairs and said "Oh, good! There you are! I was hoping you two were with Polly". As we reached the top step he spoke to me. "Mister Julian, sir? As I was returning with the Jaguar I drove past the front of the main house. There's a man sitting in a car across the street and it appears he's watching the house". "Oh, no....." I murmured "Did you notice if he had a camera?" "Sorry, sir. I didn't" he replied. "Please call me TJ. I would prefer it" I told him. "Certainly, TJ!" he smiled.

Andy turned to Polly and asked "Have you got a camera?" She gave him an odd look and replied "Yes, why?" "Could I borrow it? Just for a few minutes?" he asked. Polly formed a broad smile on her face and exclaimed "I'll get it. Meet you in the Delivery Entrance?" "Right!" Andy smiled. He announced to Alex and myself "Time for a little fun! Watch from the living room window. Just stay back far enough where he can't see you". Andy ran towards the lift as Alex and I headed for the living room.

Alex and I positioned ourselves so we could watch the Austin Mini parked across the street. "I wish we had a better view of the individual" Alex remarked. A few moments passed. "What's Andy got in mind?" he quizzed. "I haven't a clue!" I replied "Is there a way to open the window? I'd like to hear what Andy says to him". "Here. Permit me" Alex said and quickly stepped forward. He gave it a quick tug and it opened with a loud thump. Alex stepped back as the Man in the Mini peered up to see where the sound had come from. "Oh, yes! He is watching the house! No doubt about it." I remarked. "Look! There they are!" Alex uttered excitedly.

Up crossing the far side of the street came Andrew and Polly. Walking arm in arm they appeared an average young couple returning from the Heath. "What's your young man up to?" Alex inquired while craning his neck to get a better view. I was about to answer when Andy and Polly stepped along side the Mini.

Suddenly Polly shouted "That's Him! That's the one grabbing the children!" Andy spun 'round with the camera and began snapping pictures. The Mystery Man in the Mini looked up in sheer horror! "What?!" he blurted. "He's the one in the newspapers!" Polly shrieked pointing at him. "Filthy Bugger!" Andy yelled as he continued snapping photos. The Man was nearly turning himself inside out as he attempted desperately to start the Mini. "It's the Creeper!" Polly screamed as one of our neighbors rushed outside to see what the commotion was about. He observed Polly screaming as Andrew yelled still snapping photos continuously.

Springing to action, our neighbor sprinted towards the car bellowing "Filthy Bastard!" The Mini roared to life and the man squealed away from the curb. Alex and I exploded in hysterical laughter. Our neighbor stood in the middle of the street shaking his fist and roaring at the departing Mini "We'll catch you, bastard! You'll get yours!" Andy and Polly walked over and spoke with the neighbor. I couldn't hear what they were saying but it didn't matter. Alex and I were laughing too strenuously to listen anyway. I gazed at him and saw he was crying from laughing so hard. I looked out again, but Polly and Andrew had disappeared. The neighbor was back on his front step talking with his wife. She stood in their doorway staring up the street with a worried look on her face. He was pointing wildly to where the Mini had disappeared up the road. "Lets go to the kitchen and meet them" I shouted.

Alex and I hurried back to the pantry. Andy and Polly were coming up the lift and we could hear them howling with laughter. As they entered the kitchen we all exploded in shouts and laughter.

"Did you see?!" Polly cried. "Yes! What did his face look like?" I asked. "Like a cartoon!" Andy remarked "His eyes bugged right out of his head!" Polly agreed then added "He tried to start the car, but got tangled up in the camera hanging around his neck. The wanker almost choked himself!" "Our neighbor coming out was the perfect added touch! We couldn't have hoped for better!" Andy howled. Alex remarked "I thought I was going to die laughing! You two are certainly different from anyone I've worked for in the past!"

"What did you say to the neighbor?" I asked puffing to catch my breath. "I thanked him and promised to distribute copies of the man's photo to everyone in the area. I will, too!" he replied. "Well, that photographer won't be back!" I said wiping the tears of laughter from my eyes.

"What Photographer?" A voice asked. We all spun around to see Anita in the doorway with a puzzled look on her face. There was a brief second of silence then the four of us exploded into howling fits. "What is going on here? Have you all gone mad?" Anita demanded. This only added to the comedy of the moment. "When someone is composed enough to tell me what's going on I'll be in the Library" Anita stated while shaking her head.

Polly eventually regained enough of herself to go tell Anita. We were still in the kitchen talking to Alex when Anitas laughter suddenly echoed though the house. We eyed one another and started to laugh all over again.

"Oh, I can't wait to see the pictures!" I howled. "I'm sure they'll be hilarious!" Andy added. "It certainly was hilarious watching you take them!" Alex chuckled.

Anita swung open the kitchen door and wheezed between her gasps for breath "Andrew, can I see you a moment?" He nodded and followed her out. "Oh, I hope she's not mad at him" I said still giggling. "Nah, TJ" Alex responded "She probably wishes the Queen would Knight him for that one!" A few minutes later Andy returned grinning from ear to ear. "What did she say?" I questioned. "She congratulated and thanked me" he replied "Anita contends I accomplished in fifteen seconds what security experts have never been able achieve". "What's that?" I asked "Startling the press from the neighborhood" he smiled "She feels our neighbors will drive away anyone spotted sitting in a car or hanging around for many weeks to come!" "She's probably right!" I said. Andy pulled up as tall as he could and asserted "Anita says I'm a genius!" "Perhaps she has something there" I mumbled

"Did I hear something about a Jaguar?" Andy asked turning to Alex. "Yes, Andrew. Picked it up this morning. Would you care to see it?" Andy nodded enthusiastically. "Right this way!" he said and the two of them exited through the pantry. Once they were gone I hurried to join Anita and Polly in the Library. "Oh, TJ! Just in time!" Anita greeted me "Where's Andrew?" "He went to drool over the new Jaguar" I replied. "Ah, good! Polly told me of your conversation this morning regarding Andrew's birthday present" Anita explained "She informed me the two of you had thought of giving Andy a title". I looked puzzled and replied "We were joking". "Yes, but it IS possible you know" she informed me "A title such as 'Baron' can be purchased in some countries, like Portugal" "Really?!" I grinned "Oh, Lets do it! It would fit him perfectly! 'Baron Andrew van Ryan!' Yes it's ideal!" Anita grinned as Polly giggled. I concluded Andy had an old style 'Baron' name so why not the title to go with it!

Anita promised to use the leverage Allesandro International had within governments on the Continent to acquire Andrew his title. As for other gifts, I explained how Andy loved music and anything that had to do with music. "Ah, I know! I'll get tickets for a concert" Anita thought "Almost the first thing he said to me was he wanted to go to a concert" she recalled. "Well, I'll get him some records to play on the new stereo" Polly said.

"I know what I'll get him" I smiled "He wants a drum set". Polly clapped her hands together "Oh, yes! He'll love that!" Antia inquired "Does he play drums too?" "Oh, yes! First time I ever saw him was in Orchestra at school" I told them "He was in the percussion section. It was very strange I recall. He walked into the room and the whole class went dead silent. I looked up expecting to see the conductor and there was Andy. I asked the girl next to me who he was and she identified him saying 'That's the Prince of Main Street'. I couldn't stop staring at him. I'd glance at him every chance I got throughout the whole rehearsal" I sighed "I knew right then I was in love with him". I glanced at Anita and Polly. They were dreamily staring at me as if I was reciting from a romance novel. "What?" I asked bluntly. Snapping back into reality Anita stammered "Oh. Ahh, Ah..." while Polly wistfully remarked "How touching! You knew right then?" "Yep! Right then" I replied "How sweet........" she muttered. Anita cleared her throat, waking Polly from her daydream.

"How old is Andrew going to be?" Polly suddenly inquired. "Nineteen" I replied. "Nineteen!" she exclaimed "I would have guessed seventeen at the most! He looks so young!" "Yeah, I was surprised they let him in the pub" I remarked. "You should talk, TJ!" she retorted "How old are you?" "Eighteen" I stated matter of fact. Polly stared and said "You look about sixteen or seventeen yourself!" "Oh, You're just saying that" I replied "No, I mean it TJ" she responded "I thought you and Andy were about sixteen or seventeen. I'm nineteen and I don't look as young!" A voice from the doorway said "I think you look young, Miss Polly!"

Andrew entered the Library and continued "Don't let anyone tell you different!" Turning his attention to me he said "TJ! You have to see the Jaguar! It's Dark Forest Green metallic with wire wheels and knock off hubs!" Gazing towards the ceiling Andy uttered "Oh, my poor Triumph is going to be so unhappy with me!"

I turned towards Anita who had a confused expression on her face. "He's in love with his sports car. He promised it he wouldn't run off with a Jaguar or Maseratti" I explained. "Oh..." Anita remarked.

"Since I'm not driving, I'm not really running off with it, am I?" he proposed. "No, Andrew. I think your Triumph will still love you" I said reassuring him.

Anita switched subjects saying "You two remember to be ready by eight. We're going to dinner then to a few clubs. I've got errands to run now so I'll see you then! Polly, will you accompany me?" Polly agreed and gave Andrew a quick peck on the cheek, saying "I'll be back soon, if you need me".

After she and Polly left, Andy and I sat in the Library talking. In time Andy inquired softly "You want to go up to our room?" "Sure" I grinned. "Lets go then!" Andy replied and reached out to me. Taking my hand he lead me down the hall and up the stairs to the bedroom above. As we walked he never once let go of my hand. Once inside our room I padded over to my side of the bed. I laid on my back and watched as Andy locked the door before joining me.

"That was nice" I said softly. "What was?" he quizzed. "You holding my hand" I responded while studying his face. He gazed at me and remarked "Interesting, isn't it? I would never have done that back in California, even in our home". "Andy?" I said "Lets make this our home. I'm happy, you're happy and everyone here likes us. Lets make it our main residence, at least for a while". "I think that's a wonderful idea, Terrence" he whispered gently "I've got another idea, too" I whispered "Lets make love".

I stared into his twinkling green eyes and sighed "Oh, Andy! I wish I could marry you" As I wrapped my arms around him he answered "I wish it too, TJ. I wish it too!" His lips met mine and we embraced firmly. He began unbuttoning my shirt as I tugged the pullover he was wearing loose from his waist. Removing it from him I tossed it to the floor. He finished with my buttons and stripped the shirt from me. I kicked my shoes off as he began struggling with my belt. He'd slipped his shoes off as I pulled the button fly on his jeans. I could see he was already hard. The new pants he'd purchased were so tight fitting I could note the shape of his stiff poker beneath the strained cloth. He unfastened my trousers and slipped a hand inside to touch my young cock. I sighed and pulled at his jeans, slipping them down to liberate his imprisoned serpent. Andy lifted his body and I eased his jeans off. Flinging them across the room the pants landed spread eagle on the polished wood floor. Reaching down as I arched my back, Andy removed the last barrier isolating our young bodies from one another. He tugged one, then the other of my socks away, tossing them above and beyond his exposed backside as he kissed me. Pulling the sock from each of his ankles he tossed them over his shoulder as well.

Abandoning our kiss for a moment he sighed "I love it when we're completely and totally nude". Our lips met again and began grinding together while our love heated the room. I played with his silky steel post as he stroked my rigid weapon. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and we twirled our tongues together in a slippery dance of passion. I reached around and gripped his tight little bubble butt with my fingers. He giggled and started sliding his body downward against mine. His tongue began to track the mid line from my chest to my navel. He paused there for a few moments then began his journey onward. His tongue parted the small patch of light blonde hair above my staff. Reaching the base of it he followed around to where my smooth sack hung. Down along side of it his tongue continued. Andy suddenly reached down, grabbed each of my ankles and lifted me onto my back. As he held my legs aloft his tongue returned to its work. It slid down from my balls and I felt it touch my tight boy hole. I quivered all over as he began licking me. "Oh, fuck! That feels unreal!" I sighed as his tongue circled my opening. He licked and lapped at it, then suddenly pushed into it. I shivered as he pierced me. "Oh, yeah! Andy!" I whispered. He began pushing in and pulling out leaving me wetter and wetter. "Oh, I fucking love it!" I was whispering to him as I felt quivers run through me.

"Andy I want you to fuck me!" I suddenly begged "Fuck my hot ass hole!" I demanded. He rose above me still holding my ankles. Positioning his spike over my opening he pushed. My tight ring resisted and he pushed harder. The head of his beautiful cock made its way into me and he paused. Then with one quick shove he slid all the way into my waiting hole. I gasped. He stopped and held perfectly still. I waited a few moments then looked into his eyes. "Fuck me!" I commanded him. Andy began riding his full length in and out of me. I gripped both of his butt cheeks and squeezed hard. "Yes!" I cried "Fuck me! I love you!" He began pumping into me faster now. I took one hand and gripped my swollen member and began jerking it furiously. "Fuck my tight ass hole, Andy! Fuck me!" I kept crying out. "I love you, TJ!" he gasped "I love fucking you! Tell me you love it!" "I love it, Andy! I want you to fill me with it! I want your cum in me!" I shouted. His hips were smacking me and I could feel his ball sack slapping against my ass. I was masturbating in a frenzy as I felt my orgasm approaching.

Just as It began to rise from deep within me Andy shouted "I'm cumming! I'm Fucking Cumming, TJ! Feel me cum!" He slammed his hips against me burying his spike deep in my ass. I felt his body spasm in deep rhythms. A warm sensation filled me inside as his seed dispersed into my cavity. "I'm cumming Andy!" I shouted as the first of my issue fired from the barrel of my throbbing gun. It shot with such pressure it splattered Andys chest. The second bullet of boycum struck his belly before it fell onto my stomach. I wiped it with my hand and smeared the sticky fluid against his shaking body. "Oh, yeah!" he cried "Smear your cum all over me!" I could feel each stream he fired as it launched into me. "Fill me with it! Fill my ass with it!" I said grabbing his ass cheeks again. I held him firmly against me until he finished firing his white missiles into my soft interior. As he launched his last he let out a moan.

I relaxed my grip and he fell against me. Our lips met and he held me firmly as his mouth opened allowing my tongue to enter. We swirled our tongues together as the sensations continued short circuiting our bodies. With one slow pull Andy retreated from his access into my body. "Oh, Andrew!" I whispered "I love what you do to me!" I threw both arms around his neck and held him.

"I love you more than words allow me to tell" he said to me sweetly. The vibration of his voice resonated though out his chest and into mine. "I long to lie here feeling your heartbeat against mine forever" he whispered gently. Andy gazed deep into my eyes and then he kissed me.........


Next: Chapter 13

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